Christian Associates


| We Follow Back! | Collective Thoughts, Ideas, Teachings, Advice & Prayers from Men & Women of God. Pass Them On & Be a Blessing to Others. IT'S A GOOD THING!

Tacoma, Washington
Iscritto a marzo 2009

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  1. For I am not ashamed of the of : for it is the power of unto salvation to everyone that believeth;...(Romans 1:16)

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  2. has purpose for your pain, a cause for your struggle and a compensation for your faithfulness. Don't give up!

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  3. We are called to share the love of with all the world.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  4. We become afraid of many things when we listen to the voice of the enemy - then the voice of .

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da


    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  6. History is full of people who took 's Word, prayed - and then ran with it. Be a part of History! It's your turn.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  7. The best way to conquer fear is with faith.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  8. hears our praise. It often moves His arm when nothing else can, and enable us to overcome.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  9. has so much more for all of us. No one is left out.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  10. There is only one !

  11. Your passion gets excited even when you think of the thing you were created to do. See your vision and move toward it.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  12. Religion is man made! is not a religion. We have a faith that is personal. It is a personal...

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  13. You are the way you are because of why you are. Discover your why and find your way.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  14. The way we water the seeds of the Holy Spirit in our lives is by the Word of .

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  15. Praying and waiting for can be spiritual fulfilling.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  16. I exist to glorify with other as a unified body of believers.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  17. Prayer should not be some religious exercise.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  18. In , we have diversities of opportunities because 's Harvest is truly plentiful!

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  19. There are areas in our lives that need changing. Let do the changing. Follow His Word.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  20. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit. Not by the personal thoughts of others.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

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