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Welcome to the website of the Whatcom County Democratic Party.  The Whatcom Democrats operate all year around, supporting Democrats at all levels, with an office at 215 W. Holly Street, in Downtown Bellingham, which is open Monday through Friday, 10 am to 2 pm.  Our phone number is 647-7661. 

We have Monthly Meetings at the Bellingham Public Library, generally on the third Thursday of every month, at 7:00 PM.

Democratic Caucuses will take place on March 26, 2016.  Locations will be posted in January.

Please check our Monthly Calendar to stay updated on all our events. Click on "Calendar" at the top left side to get an expanded monthly view.

Organize and Mobilize!

Submitted by John Flancher on Mon, 2015-11-23 11:08

by Catherine Chambers

The Caucuses are Coming!

Choose Presidential Candidate Delegates in March

It all begins at your Precinct Caucus, March 26, 2016

The road to the White House starts in your neighborhood, when you and your neighbors meet together in a Democratic Precinct Caucus to choose delegates to represent your Presidential candidate of choice.

Drop Boxes Popular

Submitted by John Flancher on Mon, 2015-11-23 11:03

by Debbie Adelstein, Whatcom County Auditor

I'm happy to report that the method of return was as follows: Ballot Drop Box (66.3%); mail (33.6%). We receive via email and fax (.1%). Voters chose to use the ballot drop boxes at a record high level and the extra cost to be incurred for extra postage won't be as high as it could have been. Good news!

Outreach News

Submitted by John Flancher on Mon, 2015-11-23 11:01

by Daydre Phillips

A Big Thanks

To all the people who braved the stormy weather to hand out palm cards!

Linda Schonborn, Bob Seaman, Cheryl hockett- prelle, Elaine Hornal, Hue Beattie, Dianne Foster, & Andi Douglass!! Very much appreciated!

Also, Thanks again to Bob Seaman for having a table at the Art Walk in October! A very important place to be on that First Friday! He registered 5 people and gave out lots of palm cards!! He has been there many First Fridays this election year.

Feeling Creative?

The Whatcom Democrats' 2015 Coordinated Campaign, by the Numbers

Submitted by John Flancher on Mon, 2015-11-23 10:56

by Abe Jacobson

Thanks for all the community support in this election!

Submitted by Abe Jacobson on Thu, 2015-11-05 13:11

This was a community effort. Volunteers showed up in force to knock on doors and make calls. People from all around Whatcom County sent in checks of all sizes. Citizens decided to spend their time and hard-earned money to invest in a positive future through an important local election.

We had 245 volunteers.
They put in a total of 480 shifts.
Together we knocked on 30-thousand doors.
And made 70-thousand calls to voters.

The Coordinated Campaign had 192 individual donations.

Resolutions Passed at Last General Meeting

Submitted by Gwen Groden on Mon, 2015-09-21 14:22

Two Resolutions were passed at the General Membership meeting on September 17th.

Resolution 1: In 2016, DNC needs a level playing field and 

Resolution 2: Censuring Votes Made in Favor of the Trade Promotion Authority and Opposed to Trade Agreements Not Negotiated in Accordance With the Democratic 2014 Platform Principles 

See attached for full text of Resolutions.

Buttons and Bumper Stickers Have Arrived

Submitted by Gwen Groden on Fri, 2015-09-11 13:30

Bernie and Hillary buttons and bumper stickers are now available in the office.  Come see us during the week, between 10 am and 2 pm, to get what you need to support your candidate.

"Five Fair and Equal Districts" Amendment Explained

Submitted by Gwen Groden on Thu, 2015-09-10 13:27

by Richard May

(Richard May represents Whatcom County on the State Democratic Committee.  He is also a member of the 2015 Charter Review Commission.)

Initiative Endorsements Made at General Meeting

Submitted by Gwen Groden on Fri, 2015-08-28 11:09

Carbon WA –Endorsed

Paid and Protected Sick leave – Endorsed

Initiative 1401 –Endangered Species – Endorsed

Initiative 1366 –Eyman initiative – Opposed

Charter Review Amendments 1-3 – Opposed

County Council Amendment 10 – Endorsed

Proposal by County Exec to build a new jail – No endorsement

Election Night Party at Bayou on the Bay

Submitted by Gwen Groden on Tue, 2015-08-04 11:28

Join us tonight at 8:00 for an election night get-together at Bayou on the Bay.  We will be outside on the patio, as we wait for primary results.