Mali civil society and peacebuilding

Targeted civil society contributions to national and local post-conflict policies to address the safety and security challenges for the population in Mali
The lack of peace and security in Mali is a major obstacle to economic, social and human development, and any development cooperation strategy for Mali must take into account the interconnections between peace, security and development. A genuine and sustainable peace requires the involvement of local populations and, by extension, the full participation of civil society.

This project aims to strengthen and tailor contributions of civil society actors participating in this project to enhance public awareness and to influence national and local decision-making of relevance for improving the safety and security of the population.
View over Mali landscape
Image: Niger River, central Mali,
by Jacob Zocherman.

The project started in January 2016 and is supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).   


Dr Elisabeth Sköns, Senior Researcher, Head of Project, biography

Dr Gaudence Nyirabikali, Senior Researcher, biography

Helen PalmgrenProgramme Coordinator

Fantu CheruAssociate Senior Fellow, biography


SIPRI's Mali Civil Society and Peacebuilding Project is implemented in partnership with the Coalition Nationale de la Société Civile pour la Paix et la Lutte contre la Prolifération des Armes Légères (National Coalition of Civil Society for Peace and the Fight Against the Proliferation of Light Weapons, Conascipal). 

Read more about Conascipal.