Monday, July 31, 2006

The drip drip drip of curious police leaks

Yesterday's News of the World carried the front-page splash revelation that the heavily-criticised June raid on a Forest Gate home, which resulted in a man being shot and wounded, has uncovered not hoards of Jihadi literature but a haul of kiddie porn A source told the paper that 'there is strong evidence to support charges'.
Maybe so. But some may remember how, in the months following the heavily-criticised fatal shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes, it was revealed that the dead Brazilian was a rape suspect. Menezes' family angrily denounced the Met for trying to smear their relative. Sure enough forensic tests later cleared Jean Charles de Menezes of any suspicion.
Some may also recall the case of the North London activist and Winston Silcott supporter, Delroy Lindo. In 2001 he sued The Met for harassment after being stopped 37 times and charged with 17 offences - not one of which resulted in a conviction - in less than a decade. In the same week that he received a police apology it was revealed that he'd previously been convicted of rape.,,427177,00.html
Go back a further two years, to 1999, the year of the groundbreaking McPherson report into Stephen Lawrence's murder, which criticised The Met for being 'institutionally racist'. Some months after the report's publication, it was revealed that Lawrence's friend, Duwayne Brooks, who was with him on the night of his murder and a trenchant critic of the police, had been charged with rape. Brooks was later cleared of all charges amid claims that the police had suppressed a crucial statement. He accused the police of harassment having been arrested six times between the murder in 1993 and 2000.,,183209,00.html
Those of us with even longer memories will remember the poisonous whispering campaign against The Guildford Four and Birmingham Six who were victims of the some of the most notorious miscarriages of justice in British legal history and also forthright critics of the police,2763,1409654,00.html
Cases of police malpractice with an ethnic-political angle have a curious habit of rebounding on the victims. But maybe that's just a cynical point of view.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ripples on the water's surface

We Dolphins have a finely-attuned sense of hearing. Whispers, filtering down the watery-depths, reach us. They tell of a noted trickster from Arabia, who traps the unweary and chronicles their misfortunes far and wide. And, in these uncertain times, other rumours abound, of people whose words may come back to haunt them.

First visitor to The Dolphinarium spotted!

Inside The Dolphinarium

Peer into the tranquil aquamarine waters and you'll see us lazily drifting along. Sometimes we show-off for spectators, making graceful arcs as we leap high into the air and plunge back down again. We're a friendly species and intelligent too. We communicate with each other by strange, sing-song means. We like mystery, secrecy, the hidden-side of life. If you play close attention you may pick up some of our signals. We strew clues hither and yon, leading men through a cryptic watery maze towards concealed treasures.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Too lubricated to comment

But welcome all, to the world of Dolphins and other marine life. Enjoy the swim.