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KBOO's Religion for Life
Love in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse

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Conversations with Andrew Harvey

Carolyn and Andrew Harvey on How To Respond To Catastrophic Climate Change.

Carolyn and Andrew discuss collapse.

Living Resiliently

Carolyn’s Latest Books

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Why The Wild Descent Of Oil Is Cause For Concern, By Andrew Nikiforuk

Oil Prices

There is, and it’s a rather grim energy fairy tale. This one shows how the world’s economy depends on the quality of energy burned, and not the amount of money spent. When economies spend cheap oil, GDP rises; when they switch to costly and unconventional stuff, growth comes to a screeching halt. In this unfolding story, cheap credit played a big role. It allowed an industry to carelessly borrow trillions to chase ultra-expensive and risky resources such as bitumen and shale oil. An energy industry laden with toxic debt is now earning less money than what it costs to shovel bitumen or frack shale. And this kind of debt is not going to end well for financial markets. Or for ordinary people. But the darkest character in this fairy tale is the monster called diminishing returns.

. . . → Read More: Why The Wild Descent Of Oil Is Cause For Concern, By Andrew Nikiforuk

Lessons From the Holocaust For Our Times, Part 1, By Dianne Monroe

Author as infant with grandparents-1

I tell this story, which is so much a part of me, because of what it has taught me about life and about where humanity stands today. I write to share what I learned, and also to invite you to share what you may learn. It feels risky and vulnerable to share such a personal story so publicly. If I did not feel it was so relevant to our world today, I might not share it in this way.

. . . → Read More: Lessons From the Holocaust For Our Times, Part 1, By Dianne Monroe

Grief And Carbon Reductionism, By Charles Eisenstein

Grief 2

Here is what I want everyone in the climate change movement to hear: People are not going to be frightened into caring. Scientific evidence-based predictions about what will happen 10, 20, or 50 years in the future are not going to make them care, not enough. What we need is the level of activism and energy that we are seeing now in Flint. That requires making it personal. And that requires facing the reality of loss. And that requires experiencing grief. There is no other way.

. . . → Read More: Grief And Carbon Reductionism, By Charles Eisenstein

American Apartheid: I Can’t Breathe–Black Lives Matter, By Carolyn Baker

Dark Gold Front Cover

Institutional racism is the elephant in the room that has never been sufficiently addressed by white America. While talking heads on cable news channels debate the use of body cameras by local police officers as the magic bullet (no pun intended) that will alleviate police brutality, and as white Americans attempt to convince themselves that yet again, technology is our savior, no one is seriously discussing institutional racism—the shadow of all make-nice appearances of racial harmony and healing since the glory days of the Civil Rights Movement.

. . . → Read More: American Apartheid: I Can’t Breathe–Black Lives Matter, By Carolyn Baker

The Third-Ever Super El Nino Is Underway: Here’s What North America Can Expect

El Nino

All of the impacts of El Niño are exacerbated by global warming.

. . . → Read More: The Third-Ever Super El Nino Is Underway: Here’s What North America Can Expect

A Light In Dark Times, A Special Winter Solstice Lifeboat Hour, December 22, 2015

Lifeboat Hour CB

In this episode, “A Light In Dark Times,” Carolyn offers an urgent Winter Solstice, inspirational “fireside chat.” Where are we going as an Earth community? What is the Earth asking of us right now?

. . . → Read More: A Light In Dark Times, A Special Winter Solstice Lifeboat Hour, December 22, 2015

What We Do To Nature, We Do To Ourselves, By Charles Eisenstein

There Are No Others

When we as a society learn to see the planet and everything on it as beings deserving of respect — in their own right and not just for their use to us — then we won’t need to appeal to climate change to do all the best things that the climate change warriors would have us do. And, we will stop doing the awful things that we do in the name of stopping climate change.

. . . → Read More: What We Do To Nature, We Do To Ourselves, By Charles Eisenstein

Mitchell Rabin & Carolyn Discuss The Global Crisis On Better World Radio


Can we adapt cooperatively and evolve collectively? Can we use this profoundly challenging situation as an opportunity to grow?

. . . → Read More: Mitchell Rabin & Carolyn Discuss The Global Crisis On Better World Radio

Carolyn Interviewed On Dreamvisions By Deborah Beauvais


Carolyn and Deborah Beauvais discuss Love In The Age of Ecological Apocalypse in depth

. . . → Read More: Carolyn Interviewed On Dreamvisions By Deborah Beauvais