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Fox Nation vs. Reality Volume II
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance

When Fox News debuted it was crafted from scratch to be a partisan outlet for right-wing propaganda and a platform for advancing a conservative agenda. Its Internet community web site, Fox Nation, serves as the online gathering place for Fox viewers to absorb and spread the aggregated disinformation and conspiracy theories hatched by Fox News.

Two years ago the first volume of Fox Nation vs. Reality was published revealing an Internet operation that was dedicated to fiercely partisan, right-wing distortions of the truth. Its mission was, and remains, to construct a safe haven for the broader Fox News community to reinforce their preferred fantasies and unfounded preconceptions. Since then Fox Nation has evolved into an even more sheltered environment that has taken on many characteristics of culthood.

Fox Nation vs. Reality Volume II: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance, provides an eye-opening look into the lengths that committed propagandists will go in order to fabricate an alternative political reality. And remember, Fox Nation is not some remote outpost on the Internet Superhighway. It is an integral part of Fox News whose executives are wholly responsible for the stain it produces on journalism.

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Donald Trump LOST To Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders In New Hampshire

The typhoon known as Donald Trump continues to be exaggerated by a media infatuated with a celebrity candidate whose psychotic fits are utterly unpredictable. He is covered obsessively by the press mainly because they are hoping to catch him in a juicy controversy or a slap-fight with an elderly widow. To a certain extent the […]

Donald Trump’s NH Victory Brought To You By The So-Called Liberal Media

The New Hampshire primary results are in and they tell us something far more significant than merely who won. There are some stark differences in the way the winners for each party managed to achieve their victories. The Republican race has been a seventeen ring circus for most of the past seven months. And the […]

So Racist, Misogynist, NRA-Theist Ted Nugent Is A Flaming Anti-Semite Too

Has-been schlock-rocker, NRA board member, and Donald Trump suck-up, Ted Nugent, long ago demonstrated how virulently hateful he is with relentless and profane screeds against African-Americans, women, Latinos, Muslims, and pretty much anyone that doesn’t follow his noxious brand of wingnut, nativist, psycho-patriotism. And don’t forget that he abhors President Obama so much that he […]

Rupert Murdoch’s Downright Delusional Twit-Tastic Debate Analysis

Rupert Murdoch is the corporate overlord of one of the biggest media conglomerates in the world. That empire provides him with a vast array of platforms from which to express his extreme rightist ideology. And yet the man who created Donald Trump (and is now his slave) cannot seem to stop himself from posting the […]

Not SNL: The Single Most Hilarious Moment In Any Debate Ever (Video)

At the opening of the Republican debate on ABC the candidates were introduced as they always are and they march out onto the stage to take their place behind their podiums. But last night that plan went haywire in manner that could not have been funnier if it was scripted by profession comedians (video below). […]

The Hive Mind Of Donald Trump And The GOP Was Cultivated By Fox News

The emergence of a villainous dystopian character like Donald Trump might seem like a grotesque aberration of the political process and, in fact, it is. But it is not wholly unexpected when put into context by the events that preceded his arrival and the purposeful efforts of a rogue media empire’s desire to manipulate and […]

Really? Fox News Thinks Rachel Maddow Is Too Biased To Moderate A Debate

Howard Kurtz, host of MediaBuzz on Fox News, wrote a column today that might have consumed the world’s supply of chutzpah. In the column Kurtz took MSNBC to task for having the audacity to let their biggest star, Rachel Maddow, co-moderate a Democratic debate. Of course, that’s something that Fox has done itself with their […]

WTF? Donald Trump Tells Businesses To Go F**k Themselves (Video)

In the seven months that Donald Trump has been a candidate for the Republican nomination for president, he has succeeded in promoting bigotry, insulting his GOP colleagues, inciting violence, lying incessantly, and demonstrating an abject ignorance of every subject on which he speaks. His campaign has been a textbook example of how to offend and […]

Bill O’Reilly Says American Journalism Is On The Verge Of Collapse, And He Should Know

Every now and then a crumb of truth falls from the lips of a Fox News propagandist, usually without him or her even knowing it. The latest example of that came last night when Bill O’Reilly sought to lay the blame for Ted Cruz’s dishonest campaigning at the feet of CNN. The backstory is that […]

Sore Loser: Crybaby Donald Trump Threatens To Sue After Losing The Iowa Caucus

In yet another display of acute ego-centrism, Donald Trump is threatening to sue over his loss in the primary caucus on Monday. This threat comes after he insisted that he was “honored” by having finished behind Ted Cruz and congratulating his opponents. It took less than forty-eight hours for Trump to revert to his native […]

Playing La Raza Card: RNC Chair Brags That 2 of Top 3 In Iowa Are Hispanic

Following the 2012 loss by Mitt Romney, the Republican National Committee conducted what they called an “autopsy” to establish what went so terribly wrong with a campaign that they thought they would win in a walk. After all, they were running against a president that they believed was a dismal failure on top of being […]

Donald Trump Orders His Followers To “Knock The Crap” Out Of Protesters

The hate-filled rhetoric of Donald Trump long ago crossed the line of decency. The record of his overt racism, rancid misogyny, and puerile insults is well documented. He regularly employs a form of vile demagoguery to incite his glassy-eyed disciples into fits of fury. And today he extended his campaign of bullying tactics to an […]

ObamaCare Liars On Fox News Get Bitchslapped – On Fox News

There has been an aura of the absurd permeating this election season for many months. And it isn’t all connected to Donald Trump (although that’s a huuuuge part of it). The circus atmosphere of the Republican contest has exceeded all bounds of reason. They are calling each other liars, flip-floppers, and worst of all, Republicans. […]

Crybaby Donald Trump’s Tele-Tantrum Failed vs. The GOP Debate On Fox News

THE NUMBERS ARE IN: The Republican debate on Thursday went off without a hitch despite the loss of its biggest tabloid star, Donald “The Situation” Trump. Despite Trump’s trash talking the match-up between the debate and his phony veterans charade, he not only failed to outperform the debate, he didn’t even draw a quarter of […]

With The Antichrist Coming To America, Glenn Beck Is Fleeing To Israel

Now that most of the leaders of the Bundy Klan who were occupying the wildlife refuge in Oregon are in jail, more sober analyses of the crackpot adventure can be made. And while it’s clear that the inspiration for these perverse patriots was firmly rooted in sovereign citizen lunacy, signs of another source of inspiration […]

The Twitter Feed Of Donald Trump Reeks Of Racism And Misogyny

Tonight Donald Trump is holding a cynical counter-event to the Fox News Republican primary debate where he is insulting America’s veterans by using them as political props. He even admitted that he doesn’t really care about veterans when he walked out onto the stage and the first thing he said was “I didn’t want to […]

Donald Trump Proves He’s Lying About The Fox News Debate Boycott

Ever since Donald Trump announced that he was too scared of Megyn Kelly to participate in the Fox News debate, he has been attempting to tweak his story to make himself look less like a weasel. That effort has been a hysterical series of blatant lies and distortions. In the process he provided the best […]

Here’s Your Chance To Vote Donald Trump Off Of The Fox News Debate [UPDATE: He’s Out]

[UPDATE: Trump and his campaign are now saying that he will definitely skip the debate. Of course, that may change, but for now he is out. Further updates included below] ORIGINAL POST: Donald Trump has been been whining about Thursday’s GOP debate on Fox News because he’s afraid to face Megyn Kelly. For the past […]

Legal Jiu-Jitsu: Grand Jury Probing Planned Parenthood Indicts Video Hucksters Instead

The Texas legal system delivered a sort of poetic justice yesterday when a grand jury handed down an indictment of David Daleiden, the founder of the anti-choice Center for Medical Progress (CMP), and his associate Sandra Merritt. The charges included “tampering with a governmental record” and “illegally offer[ing] to purchase human organs.” At the same […]

Donald Trump: If I Told My Followers To Drink Poisoned Kool-Aid They Would Do It

In the course of his seven month campaign for the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump has insulted all of his rivals, most of the media, and a fairly comprehensive assortment of religious and ethnic minorities. The only significant group that has escaped his bug-eyed rage has been his own constituents. Until now. This weekend, […]