
Time to change the Senate voting system, and here's how

Suggestions for reform of the Senate voting system will inevitably attract criticism as being variously self-serving, undemocratic, insufficient or unnecessary, depending on individual perspectives.

It is, however, undeniable that the vagaries of the current electoral system are poorly understood by the majority of Australian voters, and that of itself is sufficient justification for change. US Supreme Court Justice David Souter, in a 2009 speech to the Georgetown University Law Centre, commented that democracy "is lost when it is not understood".

It is necessary to acknowledge that the voting system for electing senators can and should be changed by the Parliament. But the answer to the Senate's electoral issues lies not in punishing or banishing minor parties like Sustainable Australia.

Minor parties play a critical role in Australia's democracy, giving voters a choice on important issues like population, animal rights, voluntary euthanasia and renewable energy. Together non-major party candidates reached a record Senate vote of around 32 per cent, or one in three voters, at the 2013 federal election.

The answer to our problems lies simply in handing the power over Senate preferences back to the voters. The people of Australia deserve a clear and straightforward method for directing their vote to their preferred candidate, including a minor party or independent, with an opportunity to easily determine where that vote flows if their first choice is knocked out. The current below-the-line compulsory preferential system which requires every box to be numbered is simply unnecessary and leads to higher informal voting and even resentment.

The Parliament can easily implement this reform to the current cumbersome below-the-line voting option. An obvious method is to have voters in all states fill out a minimum of the number of senators to be elected. This would entail six or 12 preferences, depending on whether or not it is a half or full Senate election, with voters in the ACT and Northern Territory only being required to fill out two preferences. Political tragics could still fill out the entire ballot paper, but for the rest the risk of an informal vote due to a numbering mistake is minimised.


Commentators as diverse as Antony Green and Malcolm Mackerras support this simple reform, albeit as a temporary solution prior to more holistic reform. Importantly, it also avoids major disruption to the Australian Electoral Commission's systems, and so could be easily implemented in an election year.

Regarding above-the-line voting for registered parties and their registered preference lists, the simplicity and familiarity of the current system is worth retaining until it can be demonstrated through a proper consultation process that a change to (say) nominating three (as suggested by Nick Xenophon) is fairer or more democratic. That should be a job for the next Parliament, but outsourced to a truly independent body that is free of any politician's self-serving agenda.

The one great advantage presented by the current above-the-line option is that votes are not exhausted. In a preferential system, that really is the point. We should be careful not to prize a system that is simple over one that is fair and democratic.

William Bourke is the founder and president of Sustainable Australia (formerly Sustainable Population Party).
