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Police & Prisons

Building Bridges Radio: NYPD Doctors Crime Stats

Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash | Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report, National Edition. Produced by Ken Nash and Mimi Rosenberg

Village Voice reporter on how NYPD distorted crime stats more...  0 Comments

Darkness in America: Lynne Stewart's Resentencing

Stephen Lendman | Lynne's shocking resentencing more...  11 Comments

Milk Not Jails: rural-urban partnerships oppose the prison industrial complex

bjhokanson | Most prisoners are from urban areas, creating the impression of an urban issue. But most prisons are located in poor rural areas. Between 1990 and 1999 alone, 245 prisons and many more local jails were built in rural America. That's a new prison every 15 days. There are more prisoners in America—2.4 million—than farmers. more...  1 Comments

Updating Lynne Stewart's "Love Struggle:" Part II

Stephen Lendman | Lynne's struggle for justice continues more...  4 Comments

Rally for Justice for the Central Park Five

by Amadi Ajamu | Without any physical evidence, the NYPD and the District Attorney's office, namely fiction crime writer Linda Fairstein, railroaded five young boys to further their own careers. They spent a total of forty years in prison. more...  2 Comments

Police Raid 13 Thames Art Space, arresting members of Anarchist Media Collective

I AM Collective | On April 13 in Brooklyn NY, the NYPD entered without a warrant 13 Thames Art Space, a Bushwick based art and performance space where members of the Independent Anarchist Media (I AM) Collective have been organizing the Fourth Annual NYC Anarchist Film Festival in honor of Brad Will. Read More || DC-IMC feature with pics

Film Fest Is on Police Radar, Anarchists Say || Streaming video via YouTube || Download mpeg4 video file, 3mb. more...  15 Comments

Updating Lynne Stewart's "Love Struggle"

Stephen Lendman | Lynne will be resentenced July 15 more...  3 Comments

Aafia Siddiqui: Victimized by American Depravity

Stephen Lendman | criminal depravity more...  4 Comments

Bloomberg’s Dilemma: What if the Numbers Don’t Work?

Billy Wharton | Whether it is policing or educational testing, political policy cannot be made by numbers alone. And statistics cannot be used to justify the level of violence that was unleashed on African-American and Latino communities in this city in the 1990s. The names of the victims remain with us – Baez, Diallo, Dorismond, Louima and many more – and so to do the policing strategies that produced them.
more...  16 Comments

Aafia Siddiqui: Victimized by American Injustice

Stephen Lendman | a human tragedy and gross injustice more...  2 Comments

The Right To A Fair Defense Cannot Be Controversial: The Case of Fahad Hashmi

Udai Malhotra | We must consider cases such as Fahad Hashmi's, which illustrates the overreaching powers that have come to characterize the Federal Government, the intelligence community, and the American justice system through the War on Terror. more...  0 Comments

Lynne Stewart: Heroic Human Rights Lawyer Jailed

Stephen Lendman | The US criminal justice system failed this heroic woman more...  17 Comments

NYC Students March in Solidarity with Occupations in CA, Get Beaten by NYPD

n.negate | At night on 19 Nov., approximately 75 (non)students from the New School, NYU, CUNY, and other university-factories in NYC marched from Washington to Union Squares and back in a gesture of solidarity with the wave of occupations that has swept the University of California system in response to the 32% tuition hike, budget cuts, and the reproduction of students as consumer-commodities ready to work for spectacle-subjects. more...  8 Comments

The Arrest and Torture of Syed Hashmi in New York City

Angola 3 News | Angola 3 News interviews Jeanne Theoharis, the author of an April, 2009 article in The Nation, entitled “Guantanamo At Home,” which focuses on the arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment of US citizen Syed Hashmi Metropolitan Correctional Center in a New York City. As Hashmi's December 1 trial date looms, supports have been holding weekly vigils. For more information on NYC activism, please visit and more...  0 Comments

Two Arrested at NYC Demonstration Marking 8th Anniversary of Afghan War

Alex Kane | The arrests came in the middle of an action attended by at least 60 people who were calling for an immediate end to the occupation and war in Afghanistan. The demonstrators held anti-war signs up and pictures of crying children and flag-draped coffins as they chanted, “Bring the troops home, now alive!” and “Hey Obama, end the wars now!” more...  6 Comments

Homeless Advocates Arrested

Alex Kane | Nine people were arrested this afternoon by the New York Police Department after occupying a vacant lot for over six hours to press their demand that the city use vacant property to house the homeless. more...  16 Comments

Beyond Attica: The Untold Story of Women's Resistance Behind Bars

Hans Bennett | "When I was 15, my friends started going to jail," says Victoria Law, a native New Yorker. "One by one," Law recalls, "they landed in Rikers Island, an entire island in New York City devoted to pretrial detainment for those who can not afford bail." Law shares this and other recollections in her new book, 'Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women' (PM Press). more...  2 Comments

Grand Jury Convened to Investigate Times Square Bike Bombing

anonymous | A Federal Grand Jury has convened in New York City, New York. It is believed this grand jury is part of a federal investigation into the bombing of the Times Square military recruitment center on March 6, 2008. more...  3 Comments

Outrage at NYPD homophobia-driven Violence in Crown Heights

Jessica Aguirre | As New York prepares for LGBTQ pride celebrations, a new case of homophobia-driven police brutality has sobered the city. more...  3 Comments

New School Benefit Incites Mini Riot; 15 arrested

exquiste | As usual the philosophical-politico Manhattanite university crowd turned out, as well as a handful of strictly Brooklyn party types. The half-anarchist half-hipster crowd couldn’t help but appear reminiscent of a certain catastrophic scenario in recent memory. Around 1:30 AM police showed up outside the 210 Cook street building and unplugged the sound system. more...  6 Comments

Second New School Occupation Ends with Arrests and Violent NYPD Tactics

NYC IMC | 60 students entered into a New School University building early in the morning April 10 and occupied it for over five hours before a violent NYPD raid broke the demonstration up, resulting in the arrests of 19 people. more...  1 Comments

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