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Feature Archive

WNU #1168: 40 Arrested in Occupation of Argentine Nuclear Plant

Weekly News Update | Asked how the protesters entered the complex, Greenpeace's Fernández answered: “Through the gate, which was open.”

Mar 19, 2013, 1:19PM | 0 Comments

WNU #1166: Mexican Government Sends a Message, Jails Union Boss

Weekly News Update | Teachers union dissidents called for a real educational reform that would be “be constructed with the participation of the principal actors: teachers, parents, pupils, researchers and society as a whole.”

Mar 5, 2013, 11:35AM | 0 Comments

NYC ABC and Occupy LIC Political Prisoner Letter Writing Dinner

abc | This week, NYC ABC is hitting the road, linking up with comrades from Occupy Astoria-LIC. In the six years that we’ve been hosting our every-other-week events, we’ve held them in four of the five boroughs. You’re next, Staten Island!

On the suggestion of Occupy Astoria-LIC, this week we’ll be sending cards to Occupy-related folks who are currently locked up. You can learn about the cases of the following Occupy movement-related prisoners and write letters to them....
Mar 5, 2013, 9:26AM | 0 Comments


Mitchel Cohen | Tune in to WBAI at 6 pm .... 99.5 FM or on the web at more...
Mar 4, 2013, 5:08PM | 0 Comments

Sat, March 16th, 2013: BA Speaks: Revolution - Nothing Less Film

Koyuki | This film can make a world of difference in a world that needs nothing more than to be radically different. Whether that happens depends on us. When BA Speaks, you learn about the scientific understanding and the strategy necessary to make this revolution- this real communist revolution- to bring in a whole new epoch where humanity can truly flourish, free from all forms of exploitation and oppression. more...
Mar 3, 2013, 11:51PM | 3 Comments

Building Bridges: Canadian Oil Workers Reject Keystone XL; Ramsay Clark Birthday

Ken Nash and Mimi Rosenberg | To Download or listen to this 27:51 minute radio program, go to

WBAI's Building Bridges Radio airing live over 99.5fm Mondays 7-8 PM and syndicated by over 40 broadcast and internet radio stationts in the US, Canada, and UK

Please email Building Bridges if you are broadcasting our National Edition. We'd like to have an accurate list of which stations are airing Building Bridges. So please let us know!
Feb 21, 2013, 12:28PM | 0 Comments

Defending Howard Zinn

Systemic Disorder | An attack on Howard Zinn in American Educator reveals only the fear of exposure of the violence and inequality built into the structures of the United States.
Feb 20, 2013, 5:16PM | 0 Comments

WNU #1164: Chilean Police Arrest 20 Mapuche Protesters

Weekly News Update | Millacheo says he is innocent, and Mapuche activists consider him a political prisoner. This is his second hunger strike since his imprisonment.
Feb 19, 2013, 9:48AM | 0 Comments

Pan Africanism Rising! Malcolm X Commemoration - Feb 21

Amadi Ajamu | February 21st marks the 48th commemoration of the assassination of Malcolm X. In the spirit of Malcolm's relentless struggle for Pan African unity, the December 12th Movement will hold an international forum “Resist the Rise of Imperialism in Africa and Wars of Recolonization.” more...
Feb 17, 2013, 12:44AM | 0 Comments

Buiding Bridges Radio: Central Park Five, Exonerated But Justice Still Denied!

Mimi Rosenberg | A long-delayed $250 million NYC civil suit finally goes to trial this year — putting the reputations of some of the city’s most powerful on the line. After 22 years the then teens, Kharey Wise, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam and Raymond Santana, are no longer convicted felons or registered sex offenders, but they’re still best known as the Central Park 5. Each served from 7 to 13 years in prison for a rape they didn’t commit, after Mayor Koch, the police, prosecutors and the media, along with mogul Donald Trump, who actively advocated for the death penalty for the youth, whipped the city into a racist lynch mob.

To Download or listen to this 28 minute radio program, go to

Building Bridges is broadcast live over WBAI, 99.5 FM in the NYC area on Mondays from 7-8 pm and syndicated to over 40 broadcast and internet radio stations in the U.S.
Canada and UK
Feb 12, 2013, 12:49PM | 0 Comments

WNU #1163: Honduran Rural Leader Charged With “Land Usurpation”

Weekly News Update | 3,081 campesinos have been arrested in connection with Aguán land disputes in the last two years, while the government of President Porfirio Lobo Sosa has failed to prosecute the region’s landowners and their security guards for violence against campesinos.
Feb 12, 2013, 11:46AM | 0 Comments

WNU #1162: At Least 37 Dead in Mexican Explosion

Weekly News Update | The Jan. 31 explosion is the latest in a long line of disasters for the oil company.
Feb 5, 2013, 11:50AM | 0 Comments

NYC ABC Banner

Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner

NYC ABC | This time last year, we were feeling the warmth of a coming global spring. This year, we see comrades from Egypt to Indonesia to Mexico attacking the state in capital. There’s a palpable tension between the authorities who keep cracking skulls and those rebels who continue to fight back. And for those rebels, still in the streets, or locked in a prison cell, we hold revolutionary love. With that love burning in our hearts, we host another of our every-other-week political prisoner letter-writing dinners.

Related: Freedom for Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3, After 40 Years in Solitary? | The Black Panther Party’s Living Legacy
Feb 5, 2013, 9:46AM | 2 Comments

Sign On: Statement of Support for Brooklyn College Students for Justice in Palestine

Michael Letwin | We the undersigned deplore the efforts of politicians and others to bully student activists and faculty and to smear supporters of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel as anti-Semites. more...
Feb 3, 2013, 12:58AM | 9 Comments

Adidas Sweatshop Workers Speak Out! Worker Tour visits NYC on Feb 4

Weekly News Update | Hear from garment workers who sew apparel in Honduran and Haitian factories owned and contracted by Gildan Activewear, a Montreal-based apparel company that recently became the largest supplier in the Western hemisphere to sportswear giant Adidas. more...
Feb 1, 2013, 8:49PM | 0 Comments

South Bronx and East Harlem Communities Call on Redistricting Commission to Fully Restore East Harlem, Reconfigure the Bronx and Re-Integrate Randall’s Island in District 8

El Barria | Leaders from the South Bronx and East Harlem will gather together on the steps of City Hall this Thursday to implore Speaker Christine Quinn to support the “Common Sense District 8 Plan”, which reflects scores of public testimony not only from District 8 leaders but also from District 16 and 17 in the Bronx. The unified plan reintegrates Randall’s Island, fully restores East Harlem (notably including Lexington and Carver Houses and Mount Sinai) and reasonably reconfigures the South Bronx (including providing Yankee Stadium and Concourse Village to District 16; Hostos Community College and Lincoln Hospital to District 17; and increasing District 8’s coverage of the South Bronx’s unified waterfront and “HUB” retail district). more...
Jan 31, 2013, 4:11PM | 2 Comments

Richard Greeman, talk re: Victor Serge, SATURDAY 1:30 pm

Mitchel Cohen | Announcing: Richard Greeman to give two exciting talks on revolutionary anarcho-Marxist Victor Serge. Saturday, Feb. 2 and Feb. 9, at the Brecht Forum more...
Jan 30, 2013, 3:29PM | 0 Comments

WNU #1161: EZLN Supporter Freed After Year in Jail

Weekly News Update | “We’re going to continue with the EZLN in the struggle,” Sántiz López said as he left the prison. “We’re going to win.”
Jan 29, 2013, 10:46PM | 0 Comments

Lakota Grandmothers Rise to Challenge US Genocide

Lakota Solidarity Project | The Lakota Solidarity Project (LSP) in association with the Strong Heart Warrior Society and traditional Lakota elders on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation have released the first trailer for the explosive new documentary film, “Red Cry”. The incendiary documentary chronicles the lives of Lakota elders and oyate (people) in the face of ongoing genocide against the Lakota by the United States Government and corporate interests. more...
Jan 24, 2013, 7:00AM | 0 Comments

Building Bridges Radio: NYC's Mayor Bloomberg Provokes School Bus Strike

Ken Nash and Mimi Rosenberg | NYC's Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181, representing school bus drivers, escorts, and mechanics was forced onto picketlines to save its very existence, due to Mayor Bloomberg's insistence on removing Employee Protection Provisions from contract language affecting the 9,000 workers.

Building Bridges Radio presentgs NYC's Mayor Bloomberg Provokes School Bus Strike
with Richard Gilberg, Attorney, ATU Local 1181 and Jimmy Hedge, Exec. Board Member, ATU Local 1181
Building Bridges is regularly broadcast live over WBAI, 99.5 FM in the N.Y.C Metropolitan area on Mondays from 7-8pm EST and is streamed, and archived at Our national edition is carried by more than 40 broadcast and internet radio stations in the US, Canada and UK. To download or listen to this 27:10 minute radio program, go to
Jan 22, 2013, 3:51PM | 0 Comments

Mike Roselle & James McGuinness shut down massey Energy on Cherry Pond mountain

First There Was a Mountain

Mike Roselle | This sort of deliberate disruption of a culture and depopulation of a region spanning six states can only be described as ethnic cleansing. It’s a war of the coal companies against the citizens of Appalachia, and after eight years of unsuccessful efforts by environmental groups to reform the law by reinserting the original definition of fill, the Clean Water Protection Act still languishes in Congress, with powerful coal state politicians vowing to never let it come to vote. more...
Jan 19, 2013, 5:55PM | 3 Comments

Open Letter to New York Times Editors

Stephen Lendman | I'm independent. I choose topics and address them freely. No one directs me. I do it because it matters. I care about other people.  

Those most disadvantaged, deprived, persecuted, harmed, and abused concern me most. A better world is possible. Everyone deserves equity, justice, rule of law protection, and real democracy. No other reasons drive me.

I agonize over why you back wrong over right. Replicating what I and others like me do could improve millions of lives globally. You could deal warmongers a heavy body blow. Perhaps a fatal one.

It's never to late to change. Supporting what's right is its own reward. Try it sometime and see. You may never look back.
Jan 19, 2013, 3:26AM | 2 Comments

Building Bridges Radio: Lincoln, Greenbacks & Today's Debt Debate

Ken Nash and Mimi Rosenberg | Building Bridges Radio presents: Lincoln Used Greenbacks To Fight Civil War, Can’t We To Eradicate Debt! With Timothy A. Canova, Prof. of Law & Public Finance

Broadcasting live over WBAI, 99.5 FM in the N.Y.C Metropolitan area on Mondays from 7-8pm EST and streaming at Syndicating to over 40 internet and broadcast radio stations. To Download or listen to this 26 minute radio program, go to
Jan 18, 2013, 2:29PM | 0 Comments

Juan Baten with his partner and daughter

We Remember Juan Baten - 2nd Anniversary Candlelight Vigil on Jan24

Focus on the Food Chain | January 24th will mark the second anniversary of the death of Juan Baten at a tortilla factory in Brooklyn. Federal safety investigators found that Tortilleria Chinantla recklessly failed to install a legally required machine guard which would have saved Juan's life. With the support of our allies over the last two years, we were able to raise awareness in the media and work with the State Attorney General's Office to achieve a measure of justice. Factory owner Erasmo Ponce was arrested and plead guilty to criminal charges. more...
Jan 18, 2013, 11:39AM | 0 Comments

Urgent! Come to support the Bolivarian Revolution this coming January 23 @ 11am

Bolivarian Circle Alberto Lovera NY | The opposition is calling for a demonstration against the Bolivarian Revolution this coming January 23.

The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of New York is calling all progressive and revolutionary forces in the city to defend the Bolivarian Revolution this coming January 23 in front of the Consulate of Venezuela in New York at 11 am
Jan 18, 2013, 11:04AM | 0 Comments

What Are 'Peacekeepers' Doing in a Haitian Industrial Park?

Weekly News Update | Haitian attorney Mario blunt when asked the purpose of the UN troops. “They do the job for the imperialist countries, like America, France, Canada,” he said during an interview last October at his office in the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI) in downtown Port-au-Prince.
Jan 17, 2013, 11:30PM | 0 Comments

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