Showing posts with label Deutsch Punk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deutsch Punk. Show all posts

30 January 2017


I'm open to information, here, and I'm guessing pretty much any fan of outsider anarcho punk would be eager to know more as well. Shrill (uhhh, that's an understatement) vocals and challenged UK influenced sounds from (I presume) late '80s West Germany. Sometimes bordering on inept, but sometimes that's what makes the shit work, ya dig? There are only three tracks here - maybe that's all you need.....? Or maybe you're going to spend the rest of your day (week_ trying to figure out what planet this demo came from.

10 August 2016


Leave it to the Germans to figure out how to make melodic punk sound dark and brooding, even while it's fast and energetic. This thing is executed flawlessly, and while those afeared of a solid hook will want to steer clear, the rest of us will be repeatedly rewarded with eight addictive anthems...time to brush up on your German, punks. "Zwölf" is the banger of choice - highlighting the possibilities held within simple construction, with gruff backing vocals accenting the forceful leads. Champion. 

30 January 2016


I genuinely love the fact that there are so many of these to unearth. Countless bands that have flown under the radar for ages, forgotten by advancing time and changing winds, perhaps never known by anyone outside of their geographic area, perhaps never known to anyone at all. Maybe MAFFICKS don't fall into any of these categories, maybe I just missed them, but popping this late '80s cassette into the deck last week was my first introduction. A mix of D-Punk and era-appropriate DC with more than compelling guitar work and earnest vocals, these are five tracks that will likely not change anyone's world, and that's OK....because it's all a part of the hunt.

09 October 2015


Lots of live shit, lots of bands you've never heard of. Raw and essential German punk blasts spanning 1982-1990 are going to fill the next ninety minutes of your life. Some of these sounds will thrill you. UMSTUM IM KINDERZIMMER, SANDOW, VAUSX, MULLSTATION, and SONNENHRILLE are my personal faves, but everything here was new to me aside from SCHLEIM KEIM, which made the whole thing a great listen. Some of the sound quality leaves a bit to be with it.

01 March 2015


Maybe some of you people can educate me here, because I had never heard of ROTZLÖFFEL before this tape compilation fell into my lap. Apparently, while it seemed like every German band I knew was cranking out thunderous metalcore, these punks were bashing out gloriously off the rails Deutsch Punk pogo your asses off, and someone tell me how I completely missed this band. 16 tracks from a self released LP from 1997 (that I now need), and seven more from the following year.

25 March 2014


Late '90s German punk that well deserves to be lumped in with infectious '80s DeutschPunk, this Bremen band popped onto my radar during the Oakland B.O.B.Fest in 1998 (the year I toured with MUCKSPREADER, and the fest at which I snagged this tape) and to be honest I never heard from them afterwards (the internet tells me there are a few vinyl releases I am missing). But ages later, I can't tell you how psyched I am to unearth this cassette - terminally catchy and shamelessly dark punk tunes, this is just awesome. I would file KORRUPT closer to EA80 than to SLIME, but both comparisons would be easily justified and both are more than, essentially,  I suggest you listen to KORRUPT and find all of their records.

10 August 2013


What is it with Germany? The rest of the world has rock, Germany has KrautRock. We have new wave, they have Neue Deutsch Welle. Bands from around the world play punk, yet still there is DeutschPunk. I don't know exactly how to differentiate DeutschPunk from punk, but there's something in the guitars, something in the tempo....and most importantly there is something in the vocals that puts this shit in a different league. PANZERBAND fit the bill perfectly - forceful punk concentrating on the upper register and intelligent intensity. When North Americans espouse the virtues of bands like DILLINGER 4 I just wish that shit sounded like this shit...these are my "poppy" punk bands, bands that have the hooks but still have an attack. PANZERBAND also have a song about how stupid skinheads are stupid, so I'm pretty much on their team.

09 December 2012


The opening tracks on EUTHANASIE's 1985 cassette release is a 5+ minute brooding goth/anarcho number with perfectly crafted (and understated) flanged guitar leads and the ominous "this is the end my friend // no way out" repeated for a full 60 seconds, pulling a shroud over what is to be an hour of music even before your journey is under way. But even though "Tag X" follows with a similar  melancholy off kilter UK styled punk vibe, they launch into into ferocious rudimentary pogo punk at the three minute mark proceed to tear through two more tunes before slowing down again with "Justified Rape," a brilliantly dreary female fronted number that owes more to dark mental recesses than to fiery punk. The tape continues on this path, teetering between UK anarcho, Deutsch Punk and primitive goth punk, tracks taken from rehearsals, studio sessions and live gigs (and presented with a degree in quality as varied as you would expect). EUTHANASIE had a very limited output during their run (much of which was put to wax by Looney Tunes a couple of years back), but I'm struck by how perfect their mix of sounds is for the current explosion of spiky UK worshipping punks diving into the world of goth and new wave sounds except this is delivered with determination and fire rather than calculation and flare.

02 November 2012


A 21 band solidarity compilation released to support the Autonome Kulturzentrum in Hanau, Germany (a squat near Frankfurt,  active since 1986). Melodic acts like PEACE OF MIND and KELLERBASSELN reek of the catchy but powerful political punk of the '90s, while Poland's HOMOMILITIA start the tape off with relentless dual vocal crust. Other highlights include SCUM OF TOYTOWN (comparisons to early CHUMBAWAMBA are not out of line), ROTZLÖFFEL and GEHRINSCHLAG (totally blown out noise drenched D-Punk), KÜPPERS ROTE ZONENKUGEL and PANZERKROIZA POLPOTKIN, whose dark minute dirges could easily inspire new legions of goth obsessed jungen. The tradition of gruff German street punk is well represented also (REICH & SCHÖN, KINDLE, MARKSMAN), and while there are surely a couple of clunkers (30 songs here, what do you expect?) this is top quality from a slew of lesser know late '80s/early '90s acts. 

17 February 2012


Terminal Escape turns 900 today. 900 cassettes lovingly converted into a soulless barrage of 00s and 01s just so you can enjoy the music on the tapes that fill the stairs, shelves, nooks and floors of my tiny flat and drive my wife batshit crazy. Seems appropriate to return to the UK punk that kicked my ass into starting this thing in the first place, and I happen to be sitting on a package mailed to me by a F.O.T.E. a while back containing two essential Mortarhate comps, 1983's We Don't Want Your Fucking War! and We Don't Want Your Fucking Law! released two years later. No introductions required, and yeah, I know the UPRIGHT CITIZENS song is missing...we can only work with the tools we are given, you know?

08 December 2011


Taking their name from the youth wing of a proto-Nazi political movement banned in 1982, Frankfurt's JUNGE FRONT (Young Front) managed only one vinyl release in their short lifespan. 1984's Politick is a quintessential Deutsch Punk slab, and this 1983 demo was a perfect warm up for that release. In classic D-Punk form, JUNGE FRONT flit between straightforward beats, rudimentary ska and jerky post punk, all tinged with gruff snarled vocals. The quality varies widely (both in terms of sound quality and technical proficiency) but even the no-fi ridiculousness of "Teddybär" is enticing, if only for the random appearance of group female backing vocals. The snare fights constantly through tape hiss, which serves only to add to the charm of these 12 songs. Borderline inept (and they often veer south of that border), JUNGE FRONT are nothing short of excellent to my ears - this is the kind of earnest determination that cannot be faked. My copy came on a tape with FUNERAL ORATION, END RESULT and DIE KREUZEN demos, but I nicked the cover from the brilliant Tape Attack blog, a must-visit source of '80s German punk, no wave and avant sounds.

25 June 2011


This sweet little banger was waiting in my mailbox when I came home from a long weekend of rock 'n roll, and it made me want to jump right back in the van and do it all again. Gruff and stripped down old school hardcore punk from Germany, combining what we love about early '80s magic with that undefinable quality that makes Deutsch-Punk stand as its own subgenre. The production is raw, giving the guitars exactly right ratio of crunch to clarity, and the drums are dominated by the hi-hat, like so many killer lo-fi recordings from the golden years. 13 1/2 minutes of pure punk, dig it.

Tour ends tonight in Oakland. Thanks to all who stopped by.

28 January 2011


A quick look at the cover and you should know that you need this in your life. An absolutely killer collection of '80s Deutsch Punk and German hardcore featuring bands you know from being a punk (UPRIGHT CITIZENS, NEUROTIC ARSEHOLES, SPERMBIRDS), bands you know from Terminal Escape (S.O.S. made an appearance in the very first Friday Mix Tape, in fact) and bands you need to know (ANTITOXIN, F.O.H., NIKOTEENS). Some of the tracks suffer from subpar live recordings (B.S.E. and ATOMSCHLAG most notably), but this is 90 minutes of quality German hardcore/punk with it's requisite catchy choruses and infectious guitar work, worth it for the INFERNO tracks alone, and someone was nice enough to throw in some live SUBHUMANS and Canada's brilliant DOWN SYNDROME to give things an international flare. Or maybe it was just an attempt to move a few dozen extra units.

12 November 2010


For the last two weeks I've posted compilation tapes that were really more like Best Of collections. Last week's Bad Entrails was a comprehensive trip through '80s US hardcore, while the Us Against Them  comp concentrated on some of the best the UK had to offer.  But this Friday's compilation is full of deep cuts, and doesn't really flirt with anything more well known than DEZERTER or NEON CHRIST. The tape centers mostly on European hardcore, with the aforementioned Southerners and Canada's F.O.A.D. and UNNATURAL SILENCE as the only off continent contributions, and is full of lesser known killers like BLOEDBAD (Holland), UNDERAGE (Italy), CERESIT '81 (West Germany) and UNDERDOGS (Belgium) as well as French TE alumnus RAPT and KROMOSOM 4. Most of this shit is fast and raw hardcore, and some of the recordings leave a bit to be desired in the sound quality department (in the bands' defense, the tape was distributed on a sub-par Salvy brand cassette, which might have affected the distortion levels in an adverse just depends how much you care about such things and, in turn, how punk you are), but when you hear crucial blasts from Finland's PROTESTI or classic shit from Germans INFERNO and SCAPEGOATS or SQUIRT from Switzerland, do you really care about a little tape hiss?

17 October 2010


EUTHANASIE's later recordings were recently given the vinyl treatment by Loony Tunes Records, which is what prompted me to pull this tape out - compiled recordings from 1985/6, the initial demo from West Germany's EUTHANASIE takes the best parts of Deustch Punk, UK anarcho and brooding goth punk and wraps it all into one great C60. The guitars seem lifted off of '80s BANSHEES records and then reworked to suit the mid tempo political punk. Ferocious and shitty sounding on tracks like "Weisser Schnee," melancholy anarcho tunes like "Justified Rape" create the dark vibe that permeates even the faster tunes that are the highlight of the tape. 14 songs over the course of a dreary and rainy morning.

26 June 2010


Equally excellent and infectious female fronted punk/new wave hybrid from Germany. The vocals take about a song for me to really get into, but now I can't get them out of my head. Moody and atmospheric delivery with fantastic song writing, COLD DEATH manage to pull off complete 80s worship without sounding recycled or trite.  Check them out here, and listen to this shit all day long...

26 May 2010


Brooding Deutsch punk from 1990, THE FACELESS PEOPLE plow through four songs that owe as much to late 80s self absorbed shoegazers as they do to German stalwarts EA80, but with a rather confusing and affected English accent. Midtempo, melancholy and and rudimentarily simple tunes, but I think you'll find that after a couple of listens you will find yourself singing along with "this is an empty tah-own // there's nobody he-ere" just like I was.

29 January 2010


Fridays are for compilations, here at TEHQ, and this one is a fukkn scorcher, if I do say so myself.  An entry over at KFTH was the only way I was able to identify half of this shit, and even with that limited guide, it's kinda tough picking out the CAPITLE (sic) tracks from the PSYCHO tunes, and MOTTEK and RAZZIA sound a bit alike as well on this release, so a fair bit of the editing here might be a little suspect (the few song titles I've included are pure guesses...I figure it's a safe bet that when the singer for the brilliantly named band PUNKS shouts "KKK" over and over throughout the song, the song is called "KKK," but you know what they say about assuming...).  Ripping shit throughout, the first half from the USA (PUNKS, killer live shit from Alabama's THE KNOCKABOUTS, CAPITLE, PSYCHO, NO IDENTITY, THE ART THIEVES, my favorite songs on the tape from JERK WARD and TOEJAM) and the other half from West Germany (R.A.F. GIER, RANOLA, RAZZIA, MOTTEK, EA80, BLUTTAT, and a band I cannot identify).  A few songs from each of these bands, and everything here is top notch, enjoy.

for folks in the greater Los Angeles area, please come say hello tonight: OPT OUT, 
NO STATIK, ANIMALITOS, LA VOZ, COBWEBBS at The Eastside Manor on Olympic in LA.  

16 October 2009


Fridays seem to come along much quicker since I started posting comps and mix tapes each week.  I think this phenomenon is primarily because these tapes are way more tedious to rip than a simple demo tape.  But there is something magic about a truly killer mix tape, and ones like this make all that typing completely worthwhile.  I doubt there are undiscovered gems on this tape that no one has heard before (the bands new to me were ANOTHER WARCRY, who are bad ass, and POTENTIAL THREAT, who I have just never heard for some strange reason), and I also doubt that there are previously unknown songs by bands you already love like SACRILEGE, PANX ROMANA, SLIME and OHLO SECO.  But when a mix tape works, it fucking works, and that's all there is to it.  Segueing from 4+ minutes of ALIEN KULTURE's post punk track right into a 10 second rager from ANTI DOGMATIKSS and then diving right into a bizarre and awkward spoken word bit from LITTLE BROTHER to wrap up the second side...that shit works like a charm. Tracks from ESKORBUTO and ROTAVATORS were chopped off sides A and B respectively, which is the only bit of poor planning exhibited by this unknown cassette assembler, except perhaps the unimaginative naming of the tape (every good mix tape needs a good name, and Various Stuff doesn't really cut it).  Dig in...just download and listen to this shit, and pretend there's a bunch of tape hiss instead of mp3 buzz (I know there really isn't any such thing as "mp3 buzz," I was just trying to make digital audio files sound, you know, cool).

28 August 2009


As I mentioned with the State Of Confusion comp a few weeks ago, the ease with which a punk (or even better, a "tape label") could put together a cassette release in the 80s is astounding. Most of these official releases were dubbed one by one, the covers photocopied to order so that they never had to be made until it was sure they were to be sold. No risk, no worry! Starting today, I'm going to post a compilation tape (or mix tape) every friday, and I figure I better start with a ripper, right? Here you go:
This Maxell UL60 is chock full of brilliant 80s DeutschPunk from a few bands I was familiar with, but Der Parasit no. 1 has heaps of bands that I had never heard at all. CERESIT is probably the best known band on the tape, and one of their tracks, "Snuff Squad" appears later on their classic Three Gallows LP. LIEBIS deliver 80s German punk in it's finest and most simplistic form, the riffs are melodic and bouncy but the attack is still pissed. R.A.F.G.I.E.R. were unknown to me before this, but these songs are stellar, I only wish that they were both studio tracks. The REST OF THE BOYS tracks are a little disappointing...not bad, but they fall a little flat for me. But S.O.S. is worth the whole comp for me...scorching furious German HC at it's finest, and they wrap the tape up with "Neonazischweinne," which is probably my favorite track in the whole hour. In all there are 26 songs by 11 German bands, a pretty sweet way to spend an hour, I'd say.