Showing posts with label Colorado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colorado. Show all posts

11 August 2015


If I say that Colorado's VEX bear more than a passing resemblance to NAKED AGGRESSION and (early) RANCID would you keep reading? Mayhaps these stylings aren't exactly en vogue, but you have to remember that this was 1992, and VEX were from Colorado...and that should be enough. This copy went unloved for years so I had to do a little surgery on the shell, replace the pad and splice the tape. I do these things for you.

17 February 2013


Here I go sounding like a broken record, but sometimes I miss the 1990s. No, bands didn't pay as much attention to the quality of their recordings, and yes there were a lot of bands cranking out music long before they had closed in on their style of attack or the musical vision of their outfit, but all of this happened because there weren't any rules. And the result was often primal bursts of emotion and aggression like Pueblo, Colorado's AMNESTY. Early '90s hardcore fronted by unhinged vocals and a guitar being mercilessly brutalized so badly that it hurts to listen. The pace is a mid tempo stomp throughout, and whatever AMNESTY lacks in technical proficiency they more than make up for in pure passion.

13 July 2011


These Denver punks make use of the same hooks that snag fishes like THE VICIOUS or MASSHYSTERI, and still manage to sound less polished and less derivative. Perfect ADOLESCENTS guitars get garaged up ever so slightly and do battle with bratty female vocals and a rock solid rhythm section...THE NERVOUS are just good fukkn punk, and though the demo is only four songs, I've had no problem playing the tape on repeat all morning. Enjoy.