17 December 2012


Raging Mötorpunk, fists waving and heads banging furiously. Lion City delivers the goods on this three song creamer, I only hope this is just a taste because these earholes need MORE of this shit.


Dk said...

THIS KICKS MY ASS!!!!!!!! Like Prison's dick nicknamed its dick 'Prison's dick' and illuminated itself with aluminum steel. I don't know what I just said, but damn this tape is goood.

zhollows said...

Hell yes! This is a scorcher!

Anonymous said...

Hey Robert!

Thank you for those kind words, glad you enjoy our music, appreciate it alot! We're currently recording some new tunes for an upcoming EP next year, some time in Jan-March (latest, i hope!) It wont be on tape though hahaha.

Thaib (Snäggletooth)


Very good motorpunk! Thanx a lot.

Blacktooth said...

No one can ever shit on Motorhead. I mean, "Capricorn" is actually my favorite tune by the band. But sometimes, maybe, I wish they would've played some stuff a bit faster. So with this post, there ya have it.


Abraham said...

hey bro...
Could you please upload it again?