EMO the ANGRY pet ROCK %$#@ no love

Emo doesn't like you.

He won't tell you this, but it's not really your fault.

Emo doesn't like much of anything. You name it and he probably hates it.

There's not too much anyone can do about that.

He's just a pet rock with a bad attitude about everything.



This site isn't being updated. I'm not sure when or if I will ever work on more Emo.



#$*&! Who — or what — is Emo?
#$*&! Read the Emo Strips
#$*&! Fun Stuff
#$*&! Contact the owner of this travesty.
#$*&! Link to Emo




### 3 July 2005
There are a couple of new desktop images in Fun Stuff: Garble Bubble & Skully Plaid.

### 26 June 2005
I've moved Dress-Up Emo and the desktop images onto their own page: Fun Stuff. I've also added some IM icons there, too.

### 24 January 2004
The most recent strips updates were messed up and the feedback form wasn't working, but I didn't notice until recently. And since the server update, I haven't had acces to log in. It's all fixed now!

### 06 December 2003
New strips posted today! And, a new background!

### 11 May 2003
NEW! Dress-Up Emo (Flash plug-in required.)

Last Updated:
Saturday, 02-Mar-2013 16:19:34 CST