Sharia Law 101 - the essential statistics
What would life be like under Sharia Law? Is any of it compatible with the West? We can answer that by examining the results Sharia Law has got and continues to get. The video provides you with many Facts about Sharia Law and has collected these from very reputable sources. Directed to Westerners, the video examines the results of Sharia Law by zoning in on different areas of life under Sharia Law
'Hannity' Investigation: Do Muslims Believe Sharia Law Supersedes the U.S. Constitution?
Do Muslims in the United States believe Sharia law supersedes the U.S. Constitution? Fox News contributor David Webb traveled to an Islamic cultural center in New York City and asked American Muslims that very question.
What Is Sharia Law?
Sharia law is practiced in many Muslim countries, but it's extremist groups like ISIS and the Taliban that enforce it the harshest. What is Sharia Law? Are there different forms of it in Islam?
Learn More:
Islam: Governing Under Sharia
“Sharia, or Islamic law, influences the legal code in most Muslim countries. A movement to allo
493. What Is Sharia Law?
Jay Smith defines Sharia Law.
Hillary Supporters Endorse SHARIA LAW in AMERICA!
Hillary Clinton supporters in California mindlessly agree with anything and everything Hillary supposedly says. In an experiment, media analyst Mark Dice tells Hillary fans that one of her primary campaign promises is to implement Sharia Law in America. Mark Dice's shocking Man on the Street Monday series continues. Subscribe for more!
Sharia Law In America‽
What is Sharia Law and its Principles? | Dr. Jasser Auda
Shariah Law is often misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. What is it? How do some use it to justify wrong actions? What is a principled approach to Shariah? Scholar of Shariah Dr. Jasser Auda helps us answer these questions.
Jasser Auda is a Professor teaching at the Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies in Doha, a founding member and a member of the executive board of the Inter
Shariah Law - Islamic Justice - Pure Evil.
Religious of peace . what a Bull Shit!!!
The Rumors Are True: Sharia Law is Here!
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs breaks down what he's learned so far during his investigation into the American Caliphate. From a shocking story told by a resident of Dearborn, MI. where radical U.S. muslims celebrated by shooting fireworks after the Paris attacks, to the secretive Muslim compounds in the mountains of upstate New York.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reach
How women are treated under Sharia law in Dubai Alicia Gali story Part 1 of 2
To all of you people that think Islam is a healthy thing that respects women rights, I like you to tell that to this woman. Islam is NOT a race, NOT an ethnic group, NOT a country, and most definitely NOT peace loving, so criticism of it is NOT racism. This phenomenon is a brutal, savage, and merciless religion that promotes the killing and oppression of anyone that isn't Islamist (as per the Qu'r
How Is Sharia Law Dangerous for Western Society?
Dr. John Ankerberg with guests, Dr. Emir Caner, Kamal Saleem, and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. "Jerry" Boykin explain what Sharia law is, and why it is a threat to free societies. http://bit.ly/19F3wcF
Sharia Law Zones Confirmed in America
Joe Biggs reports from Upstate New York after investigating Islamberg, a secretive community that is governed by Sharia Law.
Sharia Law - "She's buried chest high"
Originally by Nessrriinn:
http://www.youtube.com/user/Nessrriinn (Channel Closed due to excessive trolling)
See Nessriinn's farewell video:
Taken down for disturbing content - Damn right disturbing! Mirror of Nessrriinn's original. And these disturbing practices persist throughout the world today.
"On 15 A
Inside Sharia Law Exposed and Clarified
Nonie Darwish (Arabs for Israel) and Zainab Khan (Women's Rights Activist) join Sean Hannity in studio to clarify the horrible realities behind Sharia Law based upon their personal experiences.
The use of media materials is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purpose of commentary, criticism, and edu
Sharia Showdown
Dateline gets a rare glimpse into life under sharia law in Indonesia - on patrol with police in Aceh as they hand out harsh punishments to anyone breaking Islamic law.
For more on Patrick Abboud's story, go to the SBS Dateline website... http://bit.ly/1oN22n5
Enforcing Sharia in Raqqa: The Islamic State (Part 3)
Click here to watch Part 1 now: https://news.vice.com/video/the-islamic-state-part-1
The Islamic State now governs its caliphate from the north central Syrian city of Raqqa, which was once a relatively westernized agricultural hub. As the State's power base, Raqqa is where it imposes its version of Sharia law throughout large swaths of Iraq and Syria.
The “Hisbah” are the new Sharia police. In
Muslim Sharia Law In Australia
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake
See the true "Acceptance" of the Islam teachings and the reporcussions on OUR way of life
Breaking News May 2015 ISLAM Sharia Law Quran Muhammad cartoons
Breaking News May 2015 End Times News Prophecy Update ISLAM Sharia Law Wake Up people Freedom or Submission you choose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD6kFBH7n9g
End Times News Prophecy Update The Rise of ISLAM Sharia Law in USA Muslim IMAM Anjem Choudary states on Fox news Hannity guest Pamela Geller (receiving Fatwa ISLAMIC death threats) Under Sharia Law would be put to death for prophet Muha
UK "Sharia Patrols" enforcing Islamic law in East London, harass gays and women
In some London neighborhoods, pro-ISIS British jihadists go on "Sharia patrols" to discourage behavior they deem un-Islamic.
When fully implemented, like in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen or the Islamic state, being a kafir (disbeliever), being homosexual, walking without a veil as a women and blasphemy is punished by death. Theft is punished with amputation, adultery with stoning.
To keep the (now m
Sean Hannity interview with Anjem Choudary about ISIS and Sharia Law
Fox News Sean Hannity and Anjem Choudary face off in a heated debate about ISIS, James Foley, Muslim religion,“convert or die” philosophy, executions and Sharia Law. This is the full 11 minute interview, more information about Choudary continues below.
Anjem Choudary has expressed support for the terror group that calls itself the Islamic State (ISIS). A critic of the UK's involvement in the war
tarak fateh on pakistan, reality of pakistan, Pak media on India latest, Pakistani Media on India, Pakistan on India latest, india latest, pakistan on india latest, pakistan praising india, pakistan praising india 2015, pakistani media on india latest 2015, pakistan on modi, india vs pakistan, pakistani media on modi latest, pakistani news on india, pakistani news on modi us visit
Muslims Enforcing Sharia Law on the streets of London
Sharia Law 101 - the essential statistics
What would life be like under Sharia Law? Is any of it compatible with the West? We can answer that by examining the results Sharia Law has got and continues to...
What would life be like under Sharia Law? Is any of it compatible with the West? We can answer that by examining the results Sharia Law has got and continues to get. The video provides you with many Facts about Sharia Law and has collected these from very reputable sources. Directed to Westerners, the video examines the results of Sharia Law by zoning in on different areas of life under Sharia Law. These results are in very stark contrast to what we here in the West get. Our western ancestors have taken a different path so we can now enjoy a far higher level of equality and quality of life.
Quickly Skip to Chapters:
1:31 Essential terminology: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=1m31s
3:20 Origin of the Quran/Koran: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=3m20s
4:13 Freedom of thought conscious & religion: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=4m13s
8:10 Domestic violence in Sharia Law countries: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=8m10s
10:51 Incidence of domestic violence across 10 Sharia Law countries: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=10m51s
23:15 Laws & prosecution: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=23m15s
26:22 Personal status laws & child marriage: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=26m22s
28:15 Woman’s rights to property: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=28m15s
The Oscar Report is a free, not-for-profit service, aimed at rescuing humanity intellectually and morally.
wn.com/Sharia Law 101 The Essential Statistics
What would life be like under Sharia Law? Is any of it compatible with the West? We can answer that by examining the results Sharia Law has got and continues to get. The video provides you with many Facts about Sharia Law and has collected these from very reputable sources. Directed to Westerners, the video examines the results of Sharia Law by zoning in on different areas of life under Sharia Law. These results are in very stark contrast to what we here in the West get. Our western ancestors have taken a different path so we can now enjoy a far higher level of equality and quality of life.
Quickly Skip to Chapters:
1:31 Essential terminology: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=1m31s
3:20 Origin of the Quran/Koran: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=3m20s
4:13 Freedom of thought conscious & religion: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=4m13s
8:10 Domestic violence in Sharia Law countries: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=8m10s
10:51 Incidence of domestic violence across 10 Sharia Law countries: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=10m51s
23:15 Laws & prosecution: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=23m15s
26:22 Personal status laws & child marriage: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=26m22s
28:15 Woman’s rights to property: http://youtu.be/lYHGDBC19qo#t=28m15s
The Oscar Report is a free, not-for-profit service, aimed at rescuing humanity intellectually and morally.
- published: 20 Oct 2014
- views: 93827
'Hannity' Investigation: Do Muslims Believe Sharia Law Supersedes the U.S. Constitution?
Do Muslims in the United States believe Sharia law supersedes the U.S. Constitution? Fox News contributor David Webb traveled to an Islamic cultural center in N...
Do Muslims in the United States believe Sharia law supersedes the U.S. Constitution? Fox News contributor David Webb traveled to an Islamic cultural center in New York City and asked American Muslims that very question.
wn.com/'Hannity' Investigation Do Muslims Believe Sharia Law Supersedes The U.S. Constitution
Do Muslims in the United States believe Sharia law supersedes the U.S. Constitution? Fox News contributor David Webb traveled to an Islamic cultural center in New York City and asked American Muslims that very question.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 521230
What Is Sharia Law?
Sharia law is practiced in many Muslim countries, but it's extremist groups like ISIS and the Taliban that enforce it the harshest. What is Sharia Law? Are ther...
Sharia law is practiced in many Muslim countries, but it's extremist groups like ISIS and the Taliban that enforce it the harshest. What is Sharia Law? Are there different forms of it in Islam?
Learn More:
Islam: Governing Under Sharia
“Sharia, or Islamic law, influences the legal code in most Muslim countries. A movement to allow sharia to govern personal status law, a set of regulations that pertain to marriage, divorce, inheritance, and custody, is even expanding into the West.”
5 Myths the Media Needs to Stop Spreading About Sharia Law
“One of the defining characteristics of the post-9/11 world has been a ubiquitous fear, in Euro-American countries, of the creepy imperial prowess of Islamic law — a prowess that never seems to exist outside the imaginations of overzealous protesters.”
Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present
Watch More:
Who is Boko Haram?
What does “Jihad” really mean?
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wn.com/What Is Sharia Law
Sharia law is practiced in many Muslim countries, but it's extremist groups like ISIS and the Taliban that enforce it the harshest. What is Sharia Law? Are there different forms of it in Islam?
Learn More:
Islam: Governing Under Sharia
“Sharia, or Islamic law, influences the legal code in most Muslim countries. A movement to allow sharia to govern personal status law, a set of regulations that pertain to marriage, divorce, inheritance, and custody, is even expanding into the West.”
5 Myths the Media Needs to Stop Spreading About Sharia Law
“One of the defining characteristics of the post-9/11 world has been a ubiquitous fear, in Euro-American countries, of the creepy imperial prowess of Islamic law — a prowess that never seems to exist outside the imaginations of overzealous protesters.”
Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present
Watch More:
Who is Boko Haram?
What does “Jihad” really mean?
TestTube's new daily show is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It's a place where curiosity rules and together we'll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.
Watch more TestTube: http://testtube.com/testtubedailyshow/
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Download the New TestTube iOS app! http://testu.be/1ndmmMq
- published: 18 Aug 2014
- views: 344313
493. What Is Sharia Law?
Jay Smith defines Sharia Law....
Jay Smith defines Sharia Law.
wn.com/493. What Is Sharia Law
Jay Smith defines Sharia Law.
- published: 13 May 2014
- views: 17998
Hillary Supporters Endorse SHARIA LAW in AMERICA!
Hillary Clinton supporters in California mindlessly agree with anything and everything Hillary supposedly says. In an experiment, media analyst Mark Dice tells...
Hillary Clinton supporters in California mindlessly agree with anything and everything Hillary supposedly says. In an experiment, media analyst Mark Dice tells Hillary fans that one of her primary campaign promises is to implement Sharia Law in America. Mark Dice's shocking Man on the Street Monday series continues. Subscribe for more!
wn.com/Hillary Supporters Endorse Sharia Law In America
Hillary Clinton supporters in California mindlessly agree with anything and everything Hillary supposedly says. In an experiment, media analyst Mark Dice tells Hillary fans that one of her primary campaign promises is to implement Sharia Law in America. Mark Dice's shocking Man on the Street Monday series continues. Subscribe for more!
- published: 02 Nov 2015
- views: 1020979
Sharia Law In America‽
wn.com/Sharia Law In America‽
- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 100612
What is Sharia Law and its Principles? | Dr. Jasser Auda
Shariah Law is often misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. What is it? How do some use it to justify wrong actions? What is a principled approach to S...
Shariah Law is often misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. What is it? How do some use it to justify wrong actions? What is a principled approach to Shariah? Scholar of Shariah Dr. Jasser Auda helps us answer these questions.
Jasser Auda is a Professor teaching at the Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies in Doha, a founding member and a member of the executive board of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a member of the academic committee of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, and a Fellow of the International Institute of Advanced Systems in Canada.
Please subscribe to the show! Click "Subscribe" above.
wn.com/What Is Sharia Law And Its Principles | Dr. Jasser Auda
Shariah Law is often misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. What is it? How do some use it to justify wrong actions? What is a principled approach to Shariah? Scholar of Shariah Dr. Jasser Auda helps us answer these questions.
Jasser Auda is a Professor teaching at the Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies in Doha, a founding member and a member of the executive board of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a member of the academic committee of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, and a Fellow of the International Institute of Advanced Systems in Canada.
Please subscribe to the show! Click "Subscribe" above.
- published: 31 Aug 2014
- views: 39505
Shariah Law - Islamic Justice - Pure Evil.
Religious of peace . what a Bull Shit!!!...
Religious of peace . what a Bull Shit!!!
wn.com/Shariah Law Islamic Justice Pure Evil.
Religious of peace . what a Bull Shit!!!
- published: 21 Jan 2010
- views: 2269653
The Rumors Are True: Sharia Law is Here!
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs breaks down what he's learned so far during his investigation into the American Caliphate. From a shocking story told by a resident ...
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs breaks down what he's learned so far during his investigation into the American Caliphate. From a shocking story told by a resident of Dearborn, MI. where radical U.S. muslims celebrated by shooting fireworks after the Paris attacks, to the secretive Muslim compounds in the mountains of upstate New York.
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wn.com/The Rumors Are True Sharia Law Is Here
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs breaks down what he's learned so far during his investigation into the American Caliphate. From a shocking story told by a resident of Dearborn, MI. where radical U.S. muslims celebrated by shooting fireworks after the Paris attacks, to the secretive Muslim compounds in the mountains of upstate New York.
Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show
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- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 82689
How women are treated under Sharia law in Dubai Alicia Gali story Part 1 of 2
To all of you people that think Islam is a healthy thing that respects women rights, I like you to tell that to this woman. Islam is NOT a race, NOT an ethnic g...
To all of you people that think Islam is a healthy thing that respects women rights, I like you to tell that to this woman. Islam is NOT a race, NOT an ethnic group, NOT a country, and most definitely NOT peace loving, so criticism of it is NOT racism. This phenomenon is a brutal, savage, and merciless religion that promotes the killing and oppression of anyone that isn't Islamist (as per the Qu'ran) and views women as inferior things that are no more than mere possessions of their males superiors and therefore if a woman is raped it's definitely her fault. Sounds fucked up? That's because it is fucked up, and like ALL religions its ultimate goal is to rule the whole damn world in a state of absolute religious oppression. Time to wake up people, religion is the ultimate enemy of mankind and no religion have made as much progress in destroying the free world as Islam had. This story comes from Dubai, the pretty sky scrapper boasting Dubai that have been sold to the west as a beacon of civilization, yet Dubai's key underlying reality is Islam!
From the Qu'ran:
-- I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers. (8:12)
-- The unbelievers among the people of the book and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. (98.6).
-- Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve. (8.55)
--The unbelievers are your inveterate enemy. (4:101)
-- Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. (48:29).
-- It is unlawful for a believer to kill another believer, accidents excepted. (4:92)
-- Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. (5:51)
-- Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme. (8:40)
-- Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme. (2:193)
-- The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. (4:76)
-- We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. (3:151)
--" the (only) religion (acceptable) before God is Islam." (3:19)
-- " If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him." (3: 85)
Part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1og40C20lJI
A more objective understanding regarding Islam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1gWMRgYlUk
An 11yo girl from Yemen speaks out about the subject of children being married in Islamic culture. It's not only Dubai that's messed up, it's every where there's Islamic culture calling the shots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY4gNBf2n3o
wn.com/How Women Are Treated Under Sharia Law In Dubai Alicia Gali Story Part 1 Of 2
To all of you people that think Islam is a healthy thing that respects women rights, I like you to tell that to this woman. Islam is NOT a race, NOT an ethnic group, NOT a country, and most definitely NOT peace loving, so criticism of it is NOT racism. This phenomenon is a brutal, savage, and merciless religion that promotes the killing and oppression of anyone that isn't Islamist (as per the Qu'ran) and views women as inferior things that are no more than mere possessions of their males superiors and therefore if a woman is raped it's definitely her fault. Sounds fucked up? That's because it is fucked up, and like ALL religions its ultimate goal is to rule the whole damn world in a state of absolute religious oppression. Time to wake up people, religion is the ultimate enemy of mankind and no religion have made as much progress in destroying the free world as Islam had. This story comes from Dubai, the pretty sky scrapper boasting Dubai that have been sold to the west as a beacon of civilization, yet Dubai's key underlying reality is Islam!
From the Qu'ran:
-- I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers. (8:12)
-- The unbelievers among the people of the book and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. (98.6).
-- Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve. (8.55)
--The unbelievers are your inveterate enemy. (4:101)
-- Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. (48:29).
-- It is unlawful for a believer to kill another believer, accidents excepted. (4:92)
-- Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. (5:51)
-- Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme. (8:40)
-- Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme. (2:193)
-- The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. (4:76)
-- We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. (3:151)
--" the (only) religion (acceptable) before God is Islam." (3:19)
-- " If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him." (3: 85)
Part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1og40C20lJI
A more objective understanding regarding Islam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1gWMRgYlUk
An 11yo girl from Yemen speaks out about the subject of children being married in Islamic culture. It's not only Dubai that's messed up, it's every where there's Islamic culture calling the shots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY4gNBf2n3o
- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 399592
How Is Sharia Law Dangerous for Western Society?
Dr. John Ankerberg with guests, Dr. Emir Caner, Kamal Saleem, and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. "Jerry" Boykin explain what Sharia law is, and why it is a threat t...
Dr. John Ankerberg with guests, Dr. Emir Caner, Kamal Saleem, and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. "Jerry" Boykin explain what Sharia law is, and why it is a threat to free societies. http://bit.ly/19F3wcF
wn.com/How Is Sharia Law Dangerous For Western Society
Dr. John Ankerberg with guests, Dr. Emir Caner, Kamal Saleem, and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. "Jerry" Boykin explain what Sharia law is, and why it is a threat to free societies. http://bit.ly/19F3wcF
- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 18377
Sharia Law Zones Confirmed in America
Joe Biggs reports from Upstate New York after investigating Islamberg, a secretive community that is governed by Sharia Law....
Joe Biggs reports from Upstate New York after investigating Islamberg, a secretive community that is governed by Sharia Law.
wn.com/Sharia Law Zones Confirmed In America
Joe Biggs reports from Upstate New York after investigating Islamberg, a secretive community that is governed by Sharia Law.
- published: 02 Dec 2015
- views: 114579
Sharia Law - "She's buried chest high"
Originally by Nessrriinn:
http://www.youtube.com/user/Nessrriinn (Channel Closed due to excessive trolling)
See Nessriinn's farewell video:
Originally by Nessrriinn:
http://www.youtube.com/user/Nessrriinn (Channel Closed due to excessive trolling)
See Nessriinn's farewell video:
Taken down for disturbing content - Damn right disturbing! Mirror of Nessrriinn's original. And these disturbing practices persist throughout the world today.
"On 15 August, 2004, Atefah Sahaaleh was hanged in a public square in the Iranian city of Neka. Her death sentence was imposed for "crimes against chastity". The state-run newspaper accused her of adultery and described her as 22 years old. But she was not married - and she was just 16.
The execution of a 16 year-old girl:
wn.com/Sharia Law She's Buried Chest High
Originally by Nessrriinn:
http://www.youtube.com/user/Nessrriinn (Channel Closed due to excessive trolling)
See Nessriinn's farewell video:
Taken down for disturbing content - Damn right disturbing! Mirror of Nessrriinn's original. And these disturbing practices persist throughout the world today.
"On 15 August, 2004, Atefah Sahaaleh was hanged in a public square in the Iranian city of Neka. Her death sentence was imposed for "crimes against chastity". The state-run newspaper accused her of adultery and described her as 22 years old. But she was not married - and she was just 16.
The execution of a 16 year-old girl:
- published: 24 May 2010
- views: 2706551
Inside Sharia Law Exposed and Clarified
Nonie Darwish (Arabs for Israel) and Zainab Khan (Women's Rights Activist) join Sean Hannity in studio to clarify the horrible realities behind Sharia Law based...
Nonie Darwish (Arabs for Israel) and Zainab Khan (Women's Rights Activist) join Sean Hannity in studio to clarify the horrible realities behind Sharia Law based upon their personal experiences.
The use of media materials is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purpose of commentary, criticism, and education.
wn.com/Inside Sharia Law Exposed And Clarified
Nonie Darwish (Arabs for Israel) and Zainab Khan (Women's Rights Activist) join Sean Hannity in studio to clarify the horrible realities behind Sharia Law based upon their personal experiences.
The use of media materials is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purpose of commentary, criticism, and education.
- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 18313
Sharia Showdown
Dateline gets a rare glimpse into life under sharia law in Indonesia - on patrol with police in Aceh as they hand out harsh punishments to anyone breaking Islam...
Dateline gets a rare glimpse into life under sharia law in Indonesia - on patrol with police in Aceh as they hand out harsh punishments to anyone breaking Islamic law.
For more on Patrick Abboud's story, go to the SBS Dateline website... http://bit.ly/1oN22n5
wn.com/Sharia Showdown
Dateline gets a rare glimpse into life under sharia law in Indonesia - on patrol with police in Aceh as they hand out harsh punishments to anyone breaking Islamic law.
For more on Patrick Abboud's story, go to the SBS Dateline website... http://bit.ly/1oN22n5
- published: 29 Oct 2014
- views: 279253
Enforcing Sharia in Raqqa: The Islamic State (Part 3)
Click here to watch Part 1 now: https://news.vice.com/video/the-islamic-state-part-1
The Islamic State now governs its caliphate from the north central Syrian ...
Click here to watch Part 1 now: https://news.vice.com/video/the-islamic-state-part-1
The Islamic State now governs its caliphate from the north central Syrian city of Raqqa, which was once a relatively westernized agricultural hub. As the State's power base, Raqqa is where it imposes its version of Sharia law throughout large swaths of Iraq and Syria.
The “Hisbah” are the new Sharia police. In the latest episode of The Islamic State, VICE News joins them on their daily patrols during Ramadan, and witnesses how they check on shops and scrutinize produce, while at the same time ensuring their strict rules on women’s appearances are adhered to.
We are also taken to an Islamic State prison and speak with inmates accused of abusing drugs and selling alcohol. There we learn firsthand of the prisoners’ punishments, and how they have since “rediscovered” their devotion to the Islamic faith since their incarceration — but are yet to be granted permission to declare their allegiance to the caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Watch our 5 Part documentary 'The Battle for Iraq' - http://bit.ly/1nmit6C
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wn.com/Enforcing Sharia In Raqqa The Islamic State (Part 3)
Click here to watch Part 1 now: https://news.vice.com/video/the-islamic-state-part-1
The Islamic State now governs its caliphate from the north central Syrian city of Raqqa, which was once a relatively westernized agricultural hub. As the State's power base, Raqqa is where it imposes its version of Sharia law throughout large swaths of Iraq and Syria.
The “Hisbah” are the new Sharia police. In the latest episode of The Islamic State, VICE News joins them on their daily patrols during Ramadan, and witnesses how they check on shops and scrutinize produce, while at the same time ensuring their strict rules on women’s appearances are adhered to.
We are also taken to an Islamic State prison and speak with inmates accused of abusing drugs and selling alcohol. There we learn firsthand of the prisoners’ punishments, and how they have since “rediscovered” their devotion to the Islamic faith since their incarceration — but are yet to be granted permission to declare their allegiance to the caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Watch our 5 Part documentary 'The Battle for Iraq' - http://bit.ly/1nmit6C
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com
Follow VICE News here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews
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- published: 11 Aug 2014
- views: 2404946
Muslim Sharia Law In Australia
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake
wn.com/Muslim Sharia Law In Australia
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake
- published: 14 Jul 2011
- views: 288842
See the true "Acceptance" of the Islam teachings and the reporcussions on OUR way of life...
See the true "Acceptance" of the Islam teachings and the reporcussions on OUR way of life
wn.com/Muslims Attack Christians In America Over Sharia Law.Mp4
See the true "Acceptance" of the Islam teachings and the reporcussions on OUR way of life
- published: 23 Dec 2011
- views: 80618
Breaking News May 2015 ISLAM Sharia Law Quran Muhammad cartoons
Breaking News May 2015 End Times News Prophecy Update ISLAM Sharia Law Wake Up people Freedom or Submission you choose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD6kFBH7n...
Breaking News May 2015 End Times News Prophecy Update ISLAM Sharia Law Wake Up people Freedom or Submission you choose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD6kFBH7n9g
End Times News Prophecy Update The Rise of ISLAM Sharia Law in USA Muslim IMAM Anjem Choudary states on Fox news Hannity guest Pamela Geller (receiving Fatwa ISLAMIC death threats) Under Sharia Law would be put to death for prophet Muhammad cartoon contest and all in attendance plus anyone worldwide muslim or non muslim under sharia law will be put to death Breaking News May 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_blasphemy
Rise of ISLAM false teaching hate & submission Quran Sharia Law End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOC94iYFBNo
End Times News Update ISIS ISIL DAESH claims responsibility for Garland Texas Muhammad cartoon contest attack USA Homegrown ISLAM terrorism False teachings Quran Sharia Law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugryW8NpiFY
ISIS ISIL DAESH USA HomeGrown Terrorists Shootout Muhammad cartoon contest End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urO37UuHWvo
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims attack Garland Texas Muhammad cartoon contest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7bA5OBQGE8
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims Garland Texas Attack Muhammad cartoon contest End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-uJn8vuogU
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims terrorist attack Garland Texas Muhammad Cartoon End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWLfgytenWo
End Times News update ISIS ISIL DAESH takes over major Iraq oil refinery surrounds 150 Iraq Iran soldiers Breaking News May 5 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzeS_Fvw_ls
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims Attack Garland Texas Mohammad cartoon contest Breaking News May 2015 End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKhgAwlMrOI
ISIS ISIL Behead Ethiopian Christians Persecutions in Libya Breaking News April 21 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHcFpVfabyk
ISIS ISIL Behead Ethiopian Christians Persecutions in Libya April 21 2015 Breaking News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWwH6szSwmA
ISIS ISIL DAESH Beheadings Ethiopian Christians Islamic State Libya Breaking News April 19 2015 Christian Persecution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3vSsZ7UOl0
ISIS ISIL Daesh executed 6000+ Iraq Bagdhad Ramadi Fallujah Anbar Area Breaking News April 20 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PNRdEDNigk
April 21 2015 Breaking News USA WAR ships dispatched near Yemen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuh9zKqEjuI
USA Apache attack helicopters against ISIS assault Air Base Action USA troops closer to combat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EymYv_GeRbE
Iraq USA Apache attack helicopters against ISIS ISIL DAESH assault Air Base Action USA troops closer to combat Breaking News February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EymYv_GeRbE
Chief of Police Arizona Fired - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 http://ptsdfirstresponder.com/index.html
American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm1QDYMm0CI
CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 http://maricopaazinfo.com/category/cobblestone-farms/
City of Maricopa Arizona https://www.youtube.com/user/myMaricopa20 Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/office-of-the-chief
City of Maricopa Arizona City Council meeting Mayor Christian Price Chief of police Steve stahl City Council meeting www.maricopa-az.gov
City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrWsyEhCXXM
USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him (Military.com says need PTSD help call 911) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMVPQAsgZk
Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2015/01/09/vets-upset-obama-skips-phoenix-va-hospital-on-visit/
2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-VNyqZTHw
wn.com/Breaking News May 2015 Islam Sharia Law Quran Muhammad Cartoons
Breaking News May 2015 End Times News Prophecy Update ISLAM Sharia Law Wake Up people Freedom or Submission you choose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD6kFBH7n9g
End Times News Prophecy Update The Rise of ISLAM Sharia Law in USA Muslim IMAM Anjem Choudary states on Fox news Hannity guest Pamela Geller (receiving Fatwa ISLAMIC death threats) Under Sharia Law would be put to death for prophet Muhammad cartoon contest and all in attendance plus anyone worldwide muslim or non muslim under sharia law will be put to death Breaking News May 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_blasphemy
Rise of ISLAM false teaching hate & submission Quran Sharia Law End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOC94iYFBNo
End Times News Update ISIS ISIL DAESH claims responsibility for Garland Texas Muhammad cartoon contest attack USA Homegrown ISLAM terrorism False teachings Quran Sharia Law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugryW8NpiFY
ISIS ISIL DAESH USA HomeGrown Terrorists Shootout Muhammad cartoon contest End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urO37UuHWvo
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims attack Garland Texas Muhammad cartoon contest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7bA5OBQGE8
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims Garland Texas Attack Muhammad cartoon contest End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-uJn8vuogU
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims terrorist attack Garland Texas Muhammad Cartoon End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWLfgytenWo
End Times News update ISIS ISIL DAESH takes over major Iraq oil refinery surrounds 150 Iraq Iran soldiers Breaking News May 5 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzeS_Fvw_ls
ISIS ISIL DAESH claims Attack Garland Texas Mohammad cartoon contest Breaking News May 2015 End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKhgAwlMrOI
ISIS ISIL Behead Ethiopian Christians Persecutions in Libya Breaking News April 21 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHcFpVfabyk
ISIS ISIL Behead Ethiopian Christians Persecutions in Libya April 21 2015 Breaking News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWwH6szSwmA
ISIS ISIL DAESH Beheadings Ethiopian Christians Islamic State Libya Breaking News April 19 2015 Christian Persecution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3vSsZ7UOl0
ISIS ISIL Daesh executed 6000+ Iraq Bagdhad Ramadi Fallujah Anbar Area Breaking News April 20 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PNRdEDNigk
April 21 2015 Breaking News USA WAR ships dispatched near Yemen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuh9zKqEjuI
USA Apache attack helicopters against ISIS assault Air Base Action USA troops closer to combat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EymYv_GeRbE
Iraq USA Apache attack helicopters against ISIS ISIL DAESH assault Air Base Action USA troops closer to combat Breaking News February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EymYv_GeRbE
Chief of Police Arizona Fired - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 http://ptsdfirstresponder.com/index.html
American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm1QDYMm0CI
CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 http://maricopaazinfo.com/category/cobblestone-farms/
City of Maricopa Arizona https://www.youtube.com/user/myMaricopa20 Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/office-of-the-chief
City of Maricopa Arizona City Council meeting Mayor Christian Price Chief of police Steve stahl City Council meeting www.maricopa-az.gov
City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrWsyEhCXXM
USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him (Military.com says need PTSD help call 911) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMVPQAsgZk
Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2015/01/09/vets-upset-obama-skips-phoenix-va-hospital-on-visit/
2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-VNyqZTHw
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 7111
UK "Sharia Patrols" enforcing Islamic law in East London, harass gays and women
In some London neighborhoods, pro-ISIS British jihadists go on "Sharia patrols" to discourage behavior they deem un-Islamic.
When fully implemented, like in Sau...
In some London neighborhoods, pro-ISIS British jihadists go on "Sharia patrols" to discourage behavior they deem un-Islamic.
When fully implemented, like in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen or the Islamic state, being a kafir (disbeliever), being homosexual, walking without a veil as a women and blasphemy is punished by death. Theft is punished with amputation, adultery with stoning.
To keep the (now majority Muslim) community of East London safe, Sharia Patrols walk the streets and remind the remaining English citizens that their actions are not compatible with Islam and that they are not welcome in their territory.
Women going outside without a veil (Hijab, Niqab or Burka) as well as drinking alcohol, gambling or being homosexual is strictly haram (forbidden) in Islam,
While no one is being executed (yet), British women are encouraged to "cover up", public drinking of alcohol is shunned and homosexuals are persecuted as well as physically and verbally abused.
One of the men patrolling the streets says he is looking forward to having Sharia fully implemented in all of the UK, Europe and eventually America.
Given the demographics and staggering birth rate of Muslims, his dreams will likely come true within decades.
Criticizing or even mentioning any of these things will get you fined or imprisoned for "hate speech" or "religious intolerance" in Europe. Many Brits therefore keep silent to keep out of trouble with the hate laws and prefer to flee major cities to live in more rural areas instead. This has lead to Brits being a minority in their own capital as well as other major cities.
This is a mirrored CBS documentary which was released earlier this year.
wn.com/UK Sharia Patrols Enforcing Islamic Law In East London, Harass Gays And Women
In some London neighborhoods, pro-ISIS British jihadists go on "Sharia patrols" to discourage behavior they deem un-Islamic.
When fully implemented, like in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen or the Islamic state, being a kafir (disbeliever), being homosexual, walking without a veil as a women and blasphemy is punished by death. Theft is punished with amputation, adultery with stoning.
To keep the (now majority Muslim) community of East London safe, Sharia Patrols walk the streets and remind the remaining English citizens that their actions are not compatible with Islam and that they are not welcome in their territory.
Women going outside without a veil (Hijab, Niqab or Burka) as well as drinking alcohol, gambling or being homosexual is strictly haram (forbidden) in Islam,
While no one is being executed (yet), British women are encouraged to "cover up", public drinking of alcohol is shunned and homosexuals are persecuted as well as physically and verbally abused.
One of the men patrolling the streets says he is looking forward to having Sharia fully implemented in all of the UK, Europe and eventually America.
Given the demographics and staggering birth rate of Muslims, his dreams will likely come true within decades.
Criticizing or even mentioning any of these things will get you fined or imprisoned for "hate speech" or "religious intolerance" in Europe. Many Brits therefore keep silent to keep out of trouble with the hate laws and prefer to flee major cities to live in more rural areas instead. This has lead to Brits being a minority in their own capital as well as other major cities.
This is a mirrored CBS documentary which was released earlier this year.
- published: 30 Dec 2015
- views: 6185
Sean Hannity interview with Anjem Choudary about ISIS and Sharia Law
Fox News Sean Hannity and Anjem Choudary face off in a heated debate about ISIS, James Foley, Muslim religion,“convert or die” philosophy, executions and Sharia...
Fox News Sean Hannity and Anjem Choudary face off in a heated debate about ISIS, James Foley, Muslim religion,“convert or die” philosophy, executions and Sharia Law. This is the full 11 minute interview, more information about Choudary continues below.
Anjem Choudary has expressed support for the terror group that calls itself the Islamic State (ISIS). A critic of the UK's involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Choudary praised those responsible for the September 11th attacks. He supports the implementation of Sharia law throughout the UK.
wn.com/Sean Hannity Interview With Anjem Choudary About Isis And Sharia Law
Fox News Sean Hannity and Anjem Choudary face off in a heated debate about ISIS, James Foley, Muslim religion,“convert or die” philosophy, executions and Sharia Law. This is the full 11 minute interview, more information about Choudary continues below.
Anjem Choudary has expressed support for the terror group that calls itself the Islamic State (ISIS). A critic of the UK's involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Choudary praised those responsible for the September 11th attacks. He supports the implementation of Sharia law throughout the UK.
- published: 28 Aug 2014
- views: 126772
tarak fateh on pakistan, reality of pakistan, Pak media on India latest, Pakistani Media on India, Pakistan on India latest, india latest, pakistan on india lat...
tarak fateh on pakistan, reality of pakistan, Pak media on India latest, Pakistani Media on India, Pakistan on India latest, india latest, pakistan on india latest, pakistan praising india, pakistan praising india 2015, pakistani media on india latest 2015, pakistan on modi, india vs pakistan, pakistani media on modi latest, pakistani news on india, pakistani news on modi us visit
wn.com/Tarek Fatah Explaining How Islamic Sharia Law Originated
tarak fateh on pakistan, reality of pakistan, Pak media on India latest, Pakistani Media on India, Pakistan on India latest, india latest, pakistan on india latest, pakistan praising india, pakistan praising india 2015, pakistani media on india latest 2015, pakistan on modi, india vs pakistan, pakistani media on modi latest, pakistani news on india, pakistani news on modi us visit
- published: 07 Dec 2015
- views: 64079
Spineless, Sharia compliant David Cameron & corrupted U.K. Parliament fear this ...
Muslim march. Lancashire, U.K. Jan 2016. It was reported that 5,000 Muslims participated.
The truth about the so-call "Syrian refugees"
Muslim terrorism worldwide http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Muslim terrorism in U.S. http://freedompost.
Ungrateful, demanding Muslim idiots complain about music & dancing. Australia. Jan 2016
Ungrateful, demanding Muslim supremacists, with IQ's of dung beetles as usual, complain about music & dancing not allowed in Islam, wanting to impose Sharia Law on non-Muslim host country as part of Islamic conquering strategy to create and expand Ummah (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummah), or global Islamic world and community. Australia. Jan 2016.
The Muslim world is exporting their filth, li
Thief is maimed for life in Raqqa where brutal ISIS Sharia law judges chop off his hand
Thief is maimed for life in Raqqa where brutal ISIS Sharia law judges chop off his hand
Photos show ISIS cut the hand off an accused thief in Raqqa
Captions say it is 'implementing punishment on a thief from Raqqa city'
Cutting the hands off thieves is a strict implementation of Sharia law
US Defence Secretary Carter predicts 'tangible gains' in fight against ISIS
Why Muslims Should Denounce Sharia Law? (FOX)
Dec. 15, 2015 - 10:20 - Congressman Steve King-R-Iowa, discussed tonight’s GOP debate,why he supports Ted Cruz for president and why he feels it’s important for Muslims in America to denounce Sharia Law.
I do not own the video thus all rights go to the author and producer of the material.
No copyright infringement intended, use for news report purposes only to serve public i
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
The group has referred to itself as the Islamic State or IS, since it proclaimed a worldwide caliphate in June 2014, and named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadias its caliph. As a caliphate, it claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. The group's adoption of the name "Islamic State" and idea of
Saudi Arabia Arrests Female Mascot Because Morality
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying Sharia Law...
Read More At:
Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern time zone.
Most Emotional Appeal For Unity Mufti Ismail Menk Best Speech
Most Emotional Appeal For Unity Mufti Ismail Menk Best Speech Ismail ibn Musa Menk is a Muslim cleric and Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe. He holds a Sharia Law .
Support The Dawah - Click Here: Gaza is Calling - Click here to Answer: Calling All .
A very heart-rending appeal for Unity from Mufti Ismail Menk “And strive hard in Allaah's Cause as you ought to strive (with sincerity and with all y
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia in 40 Countries
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia in 40 Countries
Real Time host Bill Maher took his fellow liberals to task in a wide-ranging essay in The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday, questioning how any well-intentioned progressive could protest apartheid in South Africa while ignoring the roughly 40 countries around the world who have implemented Sharia law.
Levent Rant-Sharia Law
Feminist fascism, Islamic fascism, twitter
Islamic fascism, feminist fascism, Anita Sarkeesian, sharia law, twitter, facebook, free speech fuck you to Muslim fascism and left/right wing /feminist fascism, fuck you to Anita Sarkeesian
Sharia Law On Trail In Sweden.
Will this bring down the Swedishgoverment to ruin ?
Not that it already is down in ruin so it can only go to hell right ?
To all the women in America. Canada, the west and all non -muslim counries .
Your fight for equality was a long and hard battle. A battle won that can still be lost. The acceptance of Islam in America will lead to the loss of women's equality in America and around the world.
The doctrines and tenets of islam has bred a culture of misogyny in all islamic countries where women are considered 2nd cla
Beheaded America (Europe is doomed) Global jihad and extreme migration crisis may doom USA.
Extreme immigration crisis
Sharia law is coming to America
Beheaded America
The dhimma contract and sharia law of Dhimmi Top 12 Facts.mp4
Saudi Arabia’s “religious police” arrest doll mascot for breaching Sharia Law
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying Sharia Law.The female doll figure, dressed in a floor length blue and white costume and a hair band, was promoting the opening of a sweet shop in the capital Riyadh. Inside the costume however, was a man who was reportedly making inappropri
Christian man claims Christophobia sends message to Muslim man claiming Islamophobia!
You say that Canada is dangerous! No it isn't, we see what ISIS is doing around the other side of the world....THAT is dangerous! and we Canadians don't want tha shit here man. We are a welcoming people here and don't need Sharia law changing anything here. HUNTED down, well what have you been trying to enforce here??? Sounds to me like you've been pushing some people with your views man. You ca
Trailer They Will Have to Kill Us First
Music is the beating heart of Malian culture, but when Islamic jihadists took control of northern Mali in 2012, they enforced one of the harshest interpretations of sharia law by banning all forms of music. Radio stations were destroyed, instruments burned, and Mali’s musicians faced torture, even death. Overnight, the country’s revered musicians were forced into hiding or exile, where most remain
Sharia law is awesome!
Zakat vs Capitalism explained
Everyone will love this and this worked in the Muslim world for over 1300 years where Islam was the dominant force and practically worked and benefitted mankind.
Would you not want to live under a system that is fair to mankind?
Learn more about Sharia Law.
Candice Komar on PCNC NightTalk March 11
FGM Under Sharia Law In UK
Why Muslims under sharia law want to talk about fgm on the television as we are a western country not a middle eastern one?
Maher to Gloria Steinem: Why Isn’t Anti-Woman Sharia Law a Bigger Feminist Issue?
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law.
He brought up how horribly women are treated in the Muslim world and asked why it isn’t a bigger feminist issue. Steinem argued that it actually is, pointing to feminists in Muslim nations attempting to push reforms.
She said that “all monotheism is a proble
Bill Maher Confronts Feminist Gloria Steinem: Over How Women are Treated in the Muslim World
Maher to Gloria Steinem: Why Isn’t Anti-Woman Sharia Law a Bigger Feminist Issue?
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law.
He brought up how horribly women are treated in the Muslim world and asked why it isn’t a bigger feminist issue. Steinem argued that it actually is, pointing to feminists in Mu
This is what sharia law looks like!! The religion of peace!! LOLZ!!
Spineless, Sharia compliant David Cameron & corrupted U.K. Parliament fear this ...
Muslim march. Lancashire, U.K. Jan 2016. It was reported that 5,000 Muslims participated.
The truth about the so-call "Syrian refuge...
Muslim march. Lancashire, U.K. Jan 2016. It was reported that 5,000 Muslims participated.
The truth about the so-call "Syrian refugees"
Muslim terrorism worldwide http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Muslim terrorism in U.S. http://freedompost.org/terrorism/terrorism-in-us-since-9-11.html
Islamophobia is an oxymoron: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/islamophobia-is-an-oxymoron.html
The Muslim race card: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/muslim-race-card.html
Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/civilization-jihad-aka-stealth-jihad.html
Violent jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection: https://youtu.be/fa91zSnqUvE
Hussein Obama, the Muslim-In-Chief
The carnage the Muzzies have been inflicting on non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus) and even on Muzzies themselves, across the Muslim world, for centuries (http://freedompost.org/media/islam-killed-most-people.jpg), and recently in the non-Muslim world and in the West, is indeed astounding.
Muzzies in U.S. are not much more civilized than their counterparts elsewhere, as more than %50 of them want Sharia Law which they say is above the U.S. Constitution
“Islam is a very dark theory... I was brought up believing in the conspiracy theory that the United States of America and the west, including Israel, is plotting day and night to destroy Islam and the Muslim world, which is a lie” -Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder and an ex-Muslim http://freedompost.org/islam/ex-muslim/mosab-hassan-yousef.html
"Islam is not a religion of peace, it's a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can." -ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
"Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog."- Sir. Winston Churchill.
Once the animals contracted the disease which degenerates the central nervous system, behavior, thinking, most have to be put down, unfortunately, since there is no cure.
wn.com/Spineless, Sharia Compliant David Cameron Corrupted U.K. Parliament Fear This ...
Muslim march. Lancashire, U.K. Jan 2016. It was reported that 5,000 Muslims participated.
The truth about the so-call "Syrian refugees"
Muslim terrorism worldwide http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Muslim terrorism in U.S. http://freedompost.org/terrorism/terrorism-in-us-since-9-11.html
Islamophobia is an oxymoron: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/islamophobia-is-an-oxymoron.html
The Muslim race card: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/muslim-race-card.html
Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/civilization-jihad-aka-stealth-jihad.html
Violent jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection: https://youtu.be/fa91zSnqUvE
Hussein Obama, the Muslim-In-Chief
The carnage the Muzzies have been inflicting on non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus) and even on Muzzies themselves, across the Muslim world, for centuries (http://freedompost.org/media/islam-killed-most-people.jpg), and recently in the non-Muslim world and in the West, is indeed astounding.
Muzzies in U.S. are not much more civilized than their counterparts elsewhere, as more than %50 of them want Sharia Law which they say is above the U.S. Constitution
“Islam is a very dark theory... I was brought up believing in the conspiracy theory that the United States of America and the west, including Israel, is plotting day and night to destroy Islam and the Muslim world, which is a lie” -Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder and an ex-Muslim http://freedompost.org/islam/ex-muslim/mosab-hassan-yousef.html
"Islam is not a religion of peace, it's a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can." -ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
"Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog."- Sir. Winston Churchill.
Once the animals contracted the disease which degenerates the central nervous system, behavior, thinking, most have to be put down, unfortunately, since there is no cure.
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Ungrateful, demanding Muslim idiots complain about music & dancing. Australia. Jan 2016
Ungrateful, demanding Muslim supremacists, with IQ's of dung beetles as usual, complain about music & dancing not allowed in Islam, wanting to impose Sharia Law...
Ungrateful, demanding Muslim supremacists, with IQ's of dung beetles as usual, complain about music & dancing not allowed in Islam, wanting to impose Sharia Law on non-Muslim host country as part of Islamic conquering strategy to create and expand Ummah (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummah), or global Islamic world and community. Australia. Jan 2016.
The Muslim world is exporting their filth, literally in many cases, including this one, to the non-Muslim world by paying the corrupted, traitorous, Sharia compliant governments in the West to maliciously and coercively stuff them down the throats of the law-abiding, taxpaying citizens.
The truth about the so-call "Syrian refugees"
Muslim terrorism worldwide http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Muslim terrorism in U.S. http://freedompost.org/terrorism/terrorism-in-us-since-9-11.html
Islamophobia is an oxymoron: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/islamophobia-is-an-oxymoron.html
The Muslim race card: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/muslim-race-card.html
Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/civilization-jihad-aka-stealth-jihad.html
Violent jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection: https://youtu.be/fa91zSnqUvE
Hussein Obama, the Muslim-In-Chief
The carnage the Muzzies have been inflicting on non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus) and even on Muzzies themselves, across the Muslim world, for centuries (http://freedompost.org/media/islam-killed-most-people.jpg), and recently in the non-Muslim world and in the West, is indeed astounding.
Muzzies in U.S. are not much more civilized than their counterparts elsewhere, as more than %50 of them want Sharia Law which they say is above the U.S. Constitution
“Islam is a very dark theory... I was brought up believing in the conspiracy theory that the United States of America and the west, including Israel, is plotting day and night to destroy Islam and the Muslim world, which is a lie” -Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder and an ex-Muslim http://freedompost.org/islam/ex-muslim/mosab-hassan-yousef.html
"Islam is not a religion of peace, it's a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can." -ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
"Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog."- Sir. Winston Churchill.
Once the animals contracted the disease which degenerates the central nervous system, behavior, thinking, most have to be put down, unfortunately, since there is no cure.
wn.com/Ungrateful, Demanding Muslim Idiots Complain About Music Dancing. Australia. Jan 2016
Ungrateful, demanding Muslim supremacists, with IQ's of dung beetles as usual, complain about music & dancing not allowed in Islam, wanting to impose Sharia Law on non-Muslim host country as part of Islamic conquering strategy to create and expand Ummah (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummah), or global Islamic world and community. Australia. Jan 2016.
The Muslim world is exporting their filth, literally in many cases, including this one, to the non-Muslim world by paying the corrupted, traitorous, Sharia compliant governments in the West to maliciously and coercively stuff them down the throats of the law-abiding, taxpaying citizens.
The truth about the so-call "Syrian refugees"
Muslim terrorism worldwide http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Muslim terrorism in U.S. http://freedompost.org/terrorism/terrorism-in-us-since-9-11.html
Islamophobia is an oxymoron: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/islamophobia-is-an-oxymoron.html
The Muslim race card: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/muslim-race-card.html
Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/islam/deception/civilization-jihad-aka-stealth-jihad.html
Violent jihad in action: http://freedompost.org/terrorism/muslim-terrorism-worldwide-2015.html
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection: https://youtu.be/fa91zSnqUvE
Hussein Obama, the Muslim-In-Chief
The carnage the Muzzies have been inflicting on non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus) and even on Muzzies themselves, across the Muslim world, for centuries (http://freedompost.org/media/islam-killed-most-people.jpg), and recently in the non-Muslim world and in the West, is indeed astounding.
Muzzies in U.S. are not much more civilized than their counterparts elsewhere, as more than %50 of them want Sharia Law which they say is above the U.S. Constitution
“Islam is a very dark theory... I was brought up believing in the conspiracy theory that the United States of America and the west, including Israel, is plotting day and night to destroy Islam and the Muslim world, which is a lie” -Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder and an ex-Muslim http://freedompost.org/islam/ex-muslim/mosab-hassan-yousef.html
"Islam is not a religion of peace, it's a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can." -ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
"Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog."- Sir. Winston Churchill.
Once the animals contracted the disease which degenerates the central nervous system, behavior, thinking, most have to be put down, unfortunately, since there is no cure.
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Thief is maimed for life in Raqqa where brutal ISIS Sharia law judges chop off his hand
Thief is maimed for life in Raqqa where brutal ISIS Sharia law judges chop off his hand
Photos show ISIS cut the hand off an accused thief in Raqqa
Captions say...
Thief is maimed for life in Raqqa where brutal ISIS Sharia law judges chop off his hand
Photos show ISIS cut the hand off an accused thief in Raqqa
Captions say it is 'implementing punishment on a thief from Raqqa city'
Cutting the hands off thieves is a strict implementation of Sharia law
US Defence Secretary Carter predicts 'tangible gains' in fight against ISIS
wn.com/Thief Is Maimed For Life In Raqqa Where Brutal Isis Sharia Law Judges Chop Off His Hand
Thief is maimed for life in Raqqa where brutal ISIS Sharia law judges chop off his hand
Photos show ISIS cut the hand off an accused thief in Raqqa
Captions say it is 'implementing punishment on a thief from Raqqa city'
Cutting the hands off thieves is a strict implementation of Sharia law
US Defence Secretary Carter predicts 'tangible gains' in fight against ISIS
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 19
Why Muslims Should Denounce Sharia Law? (FOX)
Dec. 15, 2015 - 10:20 - Congressman Steve King-R-Iowa, discussed tonight’s GOP debate,why he supports Ted Cruz for president and why he feels it’s important for...
Dec. 15, 2015 - 10:20 - Congressman Steve King-R-Iowa, discussed tonight’s GOP debate,why he supports Ted Cruz for president and why he feels it’s important for Muslims in America to denounce Sharia Law.
I do not own the video thus all rights go to the author and producer of the material.
No copyright infringement intended, use for news report purposes only to serve public interest.
Thank you for viewing.
Please remember to like and subscribe for more awesome videos.
wn.com/Why Muslims Should Denounce Sharia Law (Fox)
Dec. 15, 2015 - 10:20 - Congressman Steve King-R-Iowa, discussed tonight’s GOP debate,why he supports Ted Cruz for president and why he feels it’s important for Muslims in America to denounce Sharia Law.
I do not own the video thus all rights go to the author and producer of the material.
No copyright infringement intended, use for news report purposes only to serve public interest.
Thank you for viewing.
Please remember to like and subscribe for more awesome videos.
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 1
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
The group has referred to itself as the Islamic State or IS, since it proclaimed ...
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
The group has referred to itself as the Islamic State or IS, since it proclaimed a worldwide caliphate in June 2014, and named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadias its caliph. As a caliphate, it claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. The group's adoption of the name "Islamic State" and idea of a caliphate have been widely criticised, with the United Nations, various governments, and mainstream Muslim groups rejecting its statehood or caliphhood. As of December 2015, the group has control over vast landlocked territory in Iraq and Syria, with a population estimate ranging between 2.8 million and 8 million people and where it enforces its interpretation of sharia law. ISIL affiliates control small areas of Libya, Nigeria and Afghanistan and operate in other parts of the world, including North Africa and South Asia. ISIL gained prominence, when in early 2014 it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive, followed by the capture of Mosul and the Sinjar massacre, almost causing a collapse of the Iraqi government and prompting a renewal of US military action in Iraq. In Syria, the group has conducted ground attacks on both government forces and rebel factions. The number of fighters the group commands in Iraq and Syria, was estimated by the CIA at 31,000, with foreign fighters accounting for around two thirds, while ISIL leaders claim 40,000 fighters, with the majority being Iraqi and Syrian nationals.
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
wn.com/Documentary Films | Isis Islamic Extremism Raping Selling Girls | Hd 2016
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
The group has referred to itself as the Islamic State or IS, since it proclaimed a worldwide caliphate in June 2014, and named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadias its caliph. As a caliphate, it claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. The group's adoption of the name "Islamic State" and idea of a caliphate have been widely criticised, with the United Nations, various governments, and mainstream Muslim groups rejecting its statehood or caliphhood. As of December 2015, the group has control over vast landlocked territory in Iraq and Syria, with a population estimate ranging between 2.8 million and 8 million people and where it enforces its interpretation of sharia law. ISIL affiliates control small areas of Libya, Nigeria and Afghanistan and operate in other parts of the world, including North Africa and South Asia. ISIL gained prominence, when in early 2014 it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive, followed by the capture of Mosul and the Sinjar massacre, almost causing a collapse of the Iraqi government and prompting a renewal of US military action in Iraq. In Syria, the group has conducted ground attacks on both government forces and rebel factions. The number of fighters the group commands in Iraq and Syria, was estimated by the CIA at 31,000, with foreign fighters accounting for around two thirds, while ISIL leaders claim 40,000 fighters, with the majority being Iraqi and Syrian nationals.
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
Documentary Films | ISIS Islamic Extremism - Raping & Selling Girls | HD 2016
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 1933
Saudi Arabia Arrests Female Mascot Because Morality
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying ...
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying Sharia Law...
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wn.com/Saudi Arabia Arrests Female Mascot Because Morality
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying Sharia Law...
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Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday - Friday 4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern time zone.
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- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 134
Most Emotional Appeal For Unity Mufti Ismail Menk Best Speech
Most Emotional Appeal For Unity Mufti Ismail Menk Best Speech Ismail ibn Musa Menk is a Muslim cleric and Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe. He holds a Sharia Law .
Most Emotional Appeal For Unity Mufti Ismail Menk Best Speech Ismail ibn Musa Menk is a Muslim cleric and Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe. He holds a Sharia Law .
Support The Dawah - Click Here: Gaza is Calling - Click here to Answer: Calling All .
A very heart-rending appeal for Unity from Mufti Ismail Menk “And strive hard in Allaah's Cause as you ought to strive (with sincerity and with all your efforts that .
wn.com/Most Emotional Appeal For Unity Mufti Ismail Menk Best Speech
Most Emotional Appeal For Unity Mufti Ismail Menk Best Speech Ismail ibn Musa Menk is a Muslim cleric and Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe. He holds a Sharia Law .
Support The Dawah - Click Here: Gaza is Calling - Click here to Answer: Calling All .
A very heart-rending appeal for Unity from Mufti Ismail Menk “And strive hard in Allaah's Cause as you ought to strive (with sincerity and with all your efforts that .
- published: 11 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia in 40 Countries
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia in 40 Countries
Real Time host Bill Maher took his fellow liberals to task in a wide-rang...
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia in 40 Countries
Real Time host Bill Maher took his fellow liberals to task in a wide-ranging essay in The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday, questioning how any well-intentioned progressive could protest apartheid in South Africa while ignoring the roughly 40 countries around the world who have implemented Sharia law.
BILL MAHER: Democrats Protested Apartheid in South ...
Our Voices Arkansas |
Opinion - News App - The world's most shared stories
AFDI American Freedom Defense Initiative - Facebook
Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia ...
NewsNow: Islam news | Breaking News & Search 24/7
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country ...
Liberal Comedian Bill Maher Says This One Issue Alone ...
February | 2016 | Truth, Lies and In Between
Attorneys general say states should ignore Obama's climate ...
The Liberty Mill
wn.com/Bill Maher Liberals Protested Apartheid In One Country, Ignore Sharia In 40 Countries
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia in 40 Countries
Real Time host Bill Maher took his fellow liberals to task in a wide-ranging essay in The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday, questioning how any well-intentioned progressive could protest apartheid in South Africa while ignoring the roughly 40 countries around the world who have implemented Sharia law.
BILL MAHER: Democrats Protested Apartheid in South ...
Our Voices Arkansas |
Opinion - News App - The world's most shared stories
AFDI American Freedom Defense Initiative - Facebook
Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country, Ignore Sharia ...
NewsNow: Islam news | Breaking News & Search 24/7
Bill Maher: Liberals Protested Apartheid in One Country ...
Liberal Comedian Bill Maher Says This One Issue Alone ...
February | 2016 | Truth, Lies and In Between
Attorneys general say states should ignore Obama's climate ...
The Liberty Mill
- published: 11 Feb 2016
- views: 5
Feminist fascism, Islamic fascism, twitter
Islamic fascism, feminist fascism, Anita Sarkeesian, sharia law, twitter, facebook, free speech fuck you to Muslim fascism and left/right wing /feminist fascism...
Islamic fascism, feminist fascism, Anita Sarkeesian, sharia law, twitter, facebook, free speech fuck you to Muslim fascism and left/right wing /feminist fascism, fuck you to Anita Sarkeesian
wn.com/Feminist Fascism, Islamic Fascism, Twitter
Islamic fascism, feminist fascism, Anita Sarkeesian, sharia law, twitter, facebook, free speech fuck you to Muslim fascism and left/right wing /feminist fascism, fuck you to Anita Sarkeesian
- published: 10 Feb 2016
- views: 7
Sharia Law On Trail In Sweden.
Will this bring down the Swedishgoverment to ruin ?
Not that it already is down in ruin so it can only go to hell right ?...
Will this bring down the Swedishgoverment to ruin ?
Not that it already is down in ruin so it can only go to hell right ?
wn.com/Sharia Law On Trail In Sweden.
Will this bring down the Swedishgoverment to ruin ?
Not that it already is down in ruin so it can only go to hell right ?
- published: 10 Feb 2016
- views: 3
To all the women in America. Canada, the west and all non -muslim counries .
Your fight for equality was a long and hard battle. A battle won that can still be ...
To all the women in America. Canada, the west and all non -muslim counries .
Your fight for equality was a long and hard battle. A battle won that can still be lost. The acceptance of Islam in America will lead to the loss of women's equality in America and around the world.
The doctrines and tenets of islam has bred a culture of misogyny in all islamic countries where women are considered 2nd class citizens and sometimes even as lifestock or subhumans. The prophet of islam said : " I have seen hell and the majority of its inhabitants are women ". He also said , women are deficient in intelligence !". The famous islamic scholar alTabari wrote - " women have nothing of their own in this world, therefore treat them well for they are like the beasts in the wild .
In muslim majority arab countries , women do not have an identity of their own. They are alwasy known as Umm Khaleed ( khaleed's mom ) , or Umm Salim ( salim's mother )...it is always in reference to a male figure. When they are children they belong to their father, when they are married they are properties of their husbands, when they are old they are the ward of their sons or male relatives .Their sole purpose is to be a biological incubator to make more Mohammad clones ...this is the tragedy of women in Islam !
Foolish and uninformed or clueless politicians who aid and abett the importation of millions of 'refugees' steeped in the culture and ethos of islam which are 'women-hating' will eventually endanger the lives of their native women and girls. Therefore hold your politicians responsible for any misfortune that befalls you should the sexual predators of islam invade your country in due time. Do not say you have not been forwarned...look at what is happening all over europe. A devout muslim is a soldier of allah and shariah and islam confers him the right to take war booties ,that includes your women and girls ( and boys too ).
A devout muslim is obliged to observe shariah laws , they will not obey your man made laws ,that is why muslim immigrants are invaders not regular immigrants ........ it is an obligation of all Muslims to impose sharia law as the political and legal system of the state. The call for it to govern only Muslims is just a first step.
Sharia law includes:
Polygamy, with up to four wives and an unlimited number of concubines;
Child marriage, as Mohammed (the 'perfect example' of mankind) married a 6 year old;
Slavery, as agreed by all four schools of Sunni jurisprudence;
Killing of those who leave Islam, adulterers, blasphemers, critics of Islam and homosexuals;
Women and non-Muslims being second-class citizens and men can legally beat their wives;
Parents going unpunished if they kill their children, making 'honour killing' legal;
Punishments such as beheading, whipping, stoning, cutting off hands and throwing off buildings;
The imposition of a humiliating tax on all non-Muslims to support the Islamic ruling class; and
enforcement of Sharia being a right of each Muslim, encouraging vigilante street 'justice'.
wn.com/Women Must Watch The Reality Coming To Your Towns A Must Share Video
To all the women in America. Canada, the west and all non -muslim counries .
Your fight for equality was a long and hard battle. A battle won that can still be lost. The acceptance of Islam in America will lead to the loss of women's equality in America and around the world.
The doctrines and tenets of islam has bred a culture of misogyny in all islamic countries where women are considered 2nd class citizens and sometimes even as lifestock or subhumans. The prophet of islam said : " I have seen hell and the majority of its inhabitants are women ". He also said , women are deficient in intelligence !". The famous islamic scholar alTabari wrote - " women have nothing of their own in this world, therefore treat them well for they are like the beasts in the wild .
In muslim majority arab countries , women do not have an identity of their own. They are alwasy known as Umm Khaleed ( khaleed's mom ) , or Umm Salim ( salim's mother )...it is always in reference to a male figure. When they are children they belong to their father, when they are married they are properties of their husbands, when they are old they are the ward of their sons or male relatives .Their sole purpose is to be a biological incubator to make more Mohammad clones ...this is the tragedy of women in Islam !
Foolish and uninformed or clueless politicians who aid and abett the importation of millions of 'refugees' steeped in the culture and ethos of islam which are 'women-hating' will eventually endanger the lives of their native women and girls. Therefore hold your politicians responsible for any misfortune that befalls you should the sexual predators of islam invade your country in due time. Do not say you have not been forwarned...look at what is happening all over europe. A devout muslim is a soldier of allah and shariah and islam confers him the right to take war booties ,that includes your women and girls ( and boys too ).
A devout muslim is obliged to observe shariah laws , they will not obey your man made laws ,that is why muslim immigrants are invaders not regular immigrants ........ it is an obligation of all Muslims to impose sharia law as the political and legal system of the state. The call for it to govern only Muslims is just a first step.
Sharia law includes:
Polygamy, with up to four wives and an unlimited number of concubines;
Child marriage, as Mohammed (the 'perfect example' of mankind) married a 6 year old;
Slavery, as agreed by all four schools of Sunni jurisprudence;
Killing of those who leave Islam, adulterers, blasphemers, critics of Islam and homosexuals;
Women and non-Muslims being second-class citizens and men can legally beat their wives;
Parents going unpunished if they kill their children, making 'honour killing' legal;
Punishments such as beheading, whipping, stoning, cutting off hands and throwing off buildings;
The imposition of a humiliating tax on all non-Muslims to support the Islamic ruling class; and
enforcement of Sharia being a right of each Muslim, encouraging vigilante street 'justice'.
- published: 10 Feb 2016
- views: 45
Saudi Arabia’s “religious police” arrest doll mascot for breaching Sharia Law
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying ...
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying Sharia Law.The female doll figure, dressed in a floor length blue and white costume and a hair band, was promoting the opening of a sweet shop in the capital Riyadh. Inside the costume however, was a man who was reportedly making inappropriate gestures to his male mascot companion, according to Global Voices.
The Committee - also known as the “religious police” or “mutaween” - issued a statement on the incident, saying they received a number of reports about the two figures making unacceptable gestures in front of Sanabil Al Salam shop.
wn.com/Saudi Arabia’S “Religious Police” Arrest Doll Mascot For Breaching Sharia Law
A doll mascot has been arrested by Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for not wearing Islamic dress and disobeying Sharia Law.The female doll figure, dressed in a floor length blue and white costume and a hair band, was promoting the opening of a sweet shop in the capital Riyadh. Inside the costume however, was a man who was reportedly making inappropriate gestures to his male mascot companion, according to Global Voices.
The Committee - also known as the “religious police” or “mutaween” - issued a statement on the incident, saying they received a number of reports about the two figures making unacceptable gestures in front of Sanabil Al Salam shop.
- published: 09 Feb 2016
- views: 0
Christian man claims Christophobia sends message to Muslim man claiming Islamophobia!
You say that Canada is dangerous! No it isn't, we see what ISIS is doing around the other side of the world....THAT is dangerous! and we Canadians don't want th...
You say that Canada is dangerous! No it isn't, we see what ISIS is doing around the other side of the world....THAT is dangerous! and we Canadians don't want tha shit here man. We are a welcoming people here and don't need Sharia law changing anything here. HUNTED down, well what have you been trying to enforce here??? Sounds to me like you've been pushing some people with your views man. You can't push your views here....We have a culture that we like, laws that work. We love our woman here and we don't tell them how to dress. You have Obama that's going down a dangerous road....that why you come here? We are a nice people BUT we WILL NOT let others push us around, GOT IT GET IT!!. I think that Muslim men have been getting it ALL there way for far too long and it stops here. You can NOT and we will NOT allow your Sharia law to take root here. I am a Christian man and have been persecuted long before you came here so if you don't like it go home, go home,.
wn.com/Christian Man Claims Christophobia Sends Message To Muslim Man Claiming Islamophobia
You say that Canada is dangerous! No it isn't, we see what ISIS is doing around the other side of the world....THAT is dangerous! and we Canadians don't want tha shit here man. We are a welcoming people here and don't need Sharia law changing anything here. HUNTED down, well what have you been trying to enforce here??? Sounds to me like you've been pushing some people with your views man. You can't push your views here....We have a culture that we like, laws that work. We love our woman here and we don't tell them how to dress. You have Obama that's going down a dangerous road....that why you come here? We are a nice people BUT we WILL NOT let others push us around, GOT IT GET IT!!. I think that Muslim men have been getting it ALL there way for far too long and it stops here. You can NOT and we will NOT allow your Sharia law to take root here. I am a Christian man and have been persecuted long before you came here so if you don't like it go home, go home,.
- published: 09 Feb 2016
- views: 8
Trailer They Will Have to Kill Us First
Music is the beating heart of Malian culture, but when Islamic jihadists took control of northern Mali in 2012, they enforced one of the harshest interpretation...
Music is the beating heart of Malian culture, but when Islamic jihadists took control of northern Mali in 2012, they enforced one of the harshest interpretations of sharia law by banning all forms of music. Radio stations were destroyed, instruments burned, and Mali’s musicians faced torture, even death. Overnight, the country’s revered musicians were forced into hiding or exile, where most remain -- even now. But rather than laying down their instruments, these courageous artists fought back, standing up for their freedoms and using music as a weapon against the ongoing violence that has ravaged their homeland.
They Will Have To Kill Us First isdirector Schwartz’s debut feature, and follows Songhoy Blues andmusicians Kharia Arby, Fadimata “Disco” Walet Oumar,and Moussa Sidi as they each deal with the unfathomable situation in different ways. Telling the story of the uprising of Touareg separatists, revealing footage of the jihadists, and capturing life at refugee camps where both money and hope are scarce, Schwartz and her indefatigable, mainly female, crew chart the perilous journeys to war-ravaged cities, as some of Mali’s most talented musicians set up and perform at the first public concert in Timbuktu since the music ban.
wn.com/Trailer They Will Have To Kill US First
Music is the beating heart of Malian culture, but when Islamic jihadists took control of northern Mali in 2012, they enforced one of the harshest interpretations of sharia law by banning all forms of music. Radio stations were destroyed, instruments burned, and Mali’s musicians faced torture, even death. Overnight, the country’s revered musicians were forced into hiding or exile, where most remain -- even now. But rather than laying down their instruments, these courageous artists fought back, standing up for their freedoms and using music as a weapon against the ongoing violence that has ravaged their homeland.
They Will Have To Kill Us First isdirector Schwartz’s debut feature, and follows Songhoy Blues andmusicians Kharia Arby, Fadimata “Disco” Walet Oumar,and Moussa Sidi as they each deal with the unfathomable situation in different ways. Telling the story of the uprising of Touareg separatists, revealing footage of the jihadists, and capturing life at refugee camps where both money and hope are scarce, Schwartz and her indefatigable, mainly female, crew chart the perilous journeys to war-ravaged cities, as some of Mali’s most talented musicians set up and perform at the first public concert in Timbuktu since the music ban.
- published: 08 Feb 2016
- views: 8
Sharia law is awesome!
Zakat vs Capitalism explained
Everyone will love this and this worked in the Muslim world for over 1300 years where Islam was the dominant force and practically worked and benefitted mankind...
Everyone will love this and this worked in the Muslim world for over 1300 years where Islam was the dominant force and practically worked and benefitted mankind.
Would you not want to live under a system that is fair to mankind?
Learn more about Sharia Law.
wn.com/Sharia Law Is Awesome Zakat Vs Capitalism Explained
Everyone will love this and this worked in the Muslim world for over 1300 years where Islam was the dominant force and practically worked and benefitted mankind.
Would you not want to live under a system that is fair to mankind?
Learn more about Sharia Law.
- published: 08 Feb 2016
- views: 8
FGM Under Sharia Law In UK
Why Muslims under sharia law want to talk about fgm on the television as we are a western country not a middle eastern one?...
Why Muslims under sharia law want to talk about fgm on the television as we are a western country not a middle eastern one?
wn.com/Fgm Under Sharia Law In UK
Why Muslims under sharia law want to talk about fgm on the television as we are a western country not a middle eastern one?
- published: 06 Feb 2016
- views: 8
Maher to Gloria Steinem: Why Isn’t Anti-Woman Sharia Law a Bigger Feminist Issue?
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law.
He brought up how h...
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law.
He brought up how horribly women are treated in the Muslim world and asked why it isn’t a bigger feminist issue. Steinem argued that it actually is, pointing to feminists in Muslim nations attempting to push reforms.
She said that “all monotheism is a problem,” but Maher jumped in to say that Islamic nations are particularly horrible to women and bad on women’s rights.
wn.com/Maher To Gloria Steinem Why Isn’T Anti Woman Sharia Law A Bigger Feminist Issue
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law.
He brought up how horribly women are treated in the Muslim world and asked why it isn’t a bigger feminist issue. Steinem argued that it actually is, pointing to feminists in Muslim nations attempting to push reforms.
She said that “all monotheism is a problem,” but Maher jumped in to say that Islamic nations are particularly horrible to women and bad on women’s rights.
- published: 06 Feb 2016
- views: 85
Bill Maher Confronts Feminist Gloria Steinem: Over How Women are Treated in the Muslim World
Maher to Gloria Steinem: Why Isn’t Anti-Woman Sharia Law a Bigger Feminist Issue?
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he...
Maher to Gloria Steinem: Why Isn’t Anti-Woman Sharia Law a Bigger Feminist Issue?
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law.
He brought up how horribly women are treated in the Muslim world and asked why it isn’t a bigger feminist issue. Steinem argued that it actually is, pointing to feminists in Muslim nations attempting to push reforms.
Bill Maher Gloria Steinem
Bill Maher Gloria Steinem
Bill Maher Gloria Steinem
Bill Maher Feminist
Bill Maher Feminist
Bill Maher Feminist
Bill Maher Feminist Muslim
Bill Maher Feminist Muslim
Bill Maher Feminist Muslim
Gloria Steinem Feminist islam
Gloria Steinem Feminist islam
Gloria Steinem Feminist islam
wn.com/Bill Maher Confronts Feminist Gloria Steinem Over How Women Are Treated In The Muslim World
Maher to Gloria Steinem: Why Isn’t Anti-Woman Sharia Law a Bigger Feminist Issue?
Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law.
He brought up how horribly women are treated in the Muslim world and asked why it isn’t a bigger feminist issue. Steinem argued that it actually is, pointing to feminists in Muslim nations attempting to push reforms.
Bill Maher Gloria Steinem
Bill Maher Gloria Steinem
Bill Maher Gloria Steinem
Bill Maher Feminist
Bill Maher Feminist
Bill Maher Feminist
Bill Maher Feminist Muslim
Bill Maher Feminist Muslim
Bill Maher Feminist Muslim
Gloria Steinem Feminist islam
Gloria Steinem Feminist islam
Gloria Steinem Feminist islam
- published: 06 Feb 2016
- views: 128
Police protected USA Islam Sharia Law Cities Christians arrested End Times News Update
End Times News Update USA Texas Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law Breaking News March 2015 http://www.ktul.com/story/28063464/north-texas-islamic-tribunal-using-sharia-law-to-settle-disputes Police protected USA Islam Sharia Law Cities Chistians arrested no free speech Honor Killings http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/02/09/sharia-law-in-texas-dont-miss-this-incredible-interview/
USA NO GO zones Home
Sharia Law in Nigeria
Sharia Law in Nigeria
Ahmadi Muslims Debate Sharia Law with One Law for All (Maryam Namazie) at UCL
On Thursday the 8th of December 2011, University College London Union Atheist Secularist and Humanist Society (UCLU ASHS) hosted a debate, the motion of which was "Sharia Law Negates Human Rights". The two proponents of the motion (namely, Maryam Namazie and Annemarie Waters) were provided by UCLU ASHS from a campaign called "One Law for All"- a campaign to eradicate Sharia in all its forms and gu
SHARIAH LAW Myths vs Facts - Explaining Sharia Law to non-Muslims | Dr. Sabeel Ahmed
Muslim students of the University of Northern Iowa invited Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, director of GainPeace for an enlightening presentation on the topic of 'SHARIAH LAW - MYTHS VS FACTS. The presentation is followed by Q and A.
Punk Rock vs Sharia Law - Music World - Episode 5
You Should Subscribe Here Now: http://bit.ly/VErZkw
Indonesia's punk scene is one of the world's biggest and most vibrant. It's a place where the country's silenced youth can revolt against endemic corruption, social conventions and their strict families. But in the world's largest Islamic nation, political authorities and religious fundamentalists persecute this rebellious youth movement. Nowhere
Debate: Does Sharia Law Negate Human Rights?
Coverage of a debate held at University College London, exploring opinions on whether Sharia law negates human rights.
© Copyright MTA International.
What is Sharia Law? - A.R. Green
You've heard and read terrible things about Sharee'ah but you're an open minded person and want to give the Muslims a chance to speak and be heard. This video will shed some light on Sharee'ah law for the curious non-Muslims.
Modern Challenges, Islamic Solutions with Abdur Raheem Green on Peace TV.
Abdurraheem Green embraced Islam over 20 years ago and since that time has been active i
Objectives of Shariah: A Quranic Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan
Key Note Session --- Islamic Sharia: A Divine Legal Framework for a Prosperous Society at the ICNA 2011 Convention - Objectives of Sharia: A Quranic Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan
BBC documentary : Freedom To Broadcast Hate
A fascinating BBC documentary that portrays the deep hate between the various factions in the Muslim world and the cynical use of media to deliver hate and violence.
Sharia Blasphemy Law & Domestic Terrorism, End Times Bible Prophecy! MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY
We are living in the last days as biblical end times prophecy is coming to pass. This video covers the rise of international sharia blasphemy law being enforced that is and will continue to be used to behead Christians.
If you do not know Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( Jesus Christ) as your Lord and Saviour personally, it is not too late! Please see this video along with description box: "AN URGENT MESSAGE
Jack Van Impe Islamic Sharia Law & One World Religion
-Is Sharia Law on the horizon for all 57 Muslim countries--and then the whole world?
-Are Muslims calling for Sharia Law in the USA?
-Could it be part of the one-world religion predicted in bible prophecy?
-What Christian leaders are compromising the faith for "Chrislam", and what is the immediate danger?
-What are Islam's plans for Israel, Christianity and planet earth?
Get the answers to these
London's Holy Turf War
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Over the last year a quasi-religious turf war has sprung up on the streets of London. Young radicalised Muslim patrols are enforcing Shariah law in the capital. In reaction, far right Christian Patrols are also taking the law into their own hands.
Since the Woolwich killing, anti-Muslim rhetoric as been at an all time high, and th
Sharia law is madness, 12 May 2014
With Maryam Namazie, Fariborz Pooya and Bahram Soroush. Interview with Pragna Patel of Southall Black Sisters. Director: Reza Moradi. Assistant Director: Poone Ravi.
ISLAM Migrants Germany Canada Sharia Law reject democracy Breaking News September 28 2015
ISLAM Muslim Migrants refugees Germany Canada Sharia Law reject democracy Breaking News September 28 2015 Islamic law is absolutely incompatible with democracy. It is a theocratic system with Allah alone at its head. Allah's law is interpreted by a ruling body of clerics. There is no room for a secular political system in which all people are treated as equals http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
Islamic Law and its Origins (In Our Time, 5/5/11)
*** Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the origins and early development of Islamic law. The legal code of Islam is known as Sharia, an Arabic word meaning "the way". Its sources include the Islamic holy book the Qur'an, the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, and the opinions of legal scholars. In the 7th century, Sharia started to replace the tribal laws of pre-Islamic Arabia; over the n
Challenging Islamic Law
Professors from Duke University, Harvard Divinity School and the University of Tehran discuss the pressure many reformers face in Islamic countries.
Kamal Azmy The Islamic Dilemma 08 The Dilemma of Sharia Law Ep1
Bill Warner interviewed by Kamal Azmy on The Islamic Dilemma TV Show discussing Sharia Law in the Koran (Quran)
Extreme Britain Pt 1 - Anjem Choudary talks Islam, ISIS and Sharia Law
In part one of Extreme Britain Union sits down with Britain's most extreme Muslim, Anjem Choudary, to try and understand why he thinks we should all live under Islamic Sharia Law.
Buy #1 of UNION magazine at www.unionmag.co.uk
Muslim Islam Sharia Law Turn USA Into 3rd World Hell Hole
World Traveler Senior Correspondent Allison Taylor exclusive interview with Voices of Global Freedom talking on the state of America and how we are headed on a road to Muslims Islam Sharia Law turning the USA into a 3rd World Hell Hole.
Stay up to date on how to survive and thrive in these dangerous troubled times by subscribing to our youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/globalfreedomnetwork
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015 http://ntlconsulting.blogspot.com/2015/01/muslim-camps-in-us.html
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans & police with PTSD awareness - Chief of Police Steve Stahl declined to speak in the demonstration and laughed when explained will let demonstrators know you decline to speak to them - City o
How to Stop Islams sharia law!
Bridgette Gabrielle educating us with the facts of Islam!
Police protected USA Islam Sharia Law Cities Christians arrested End Times News Update
End Times News Update USA Texas Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law Breaking News March 2015 http://www.ktul.com/story/28063464/north-texas-islamic-tribunal-using...
End Times News Update USA Texas Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law Breaking News March 2015 http://www.ktul.com/story/28063464/north-texas-islamic-tribunal-using-sharia-law-to-settle-disputes Police protected USA Islam Sharia Law Cities Chistians arrested no free speech Honor Killings http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/02/09/sharia-law-in-texas-dont-miss-this-incredible-interview/
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYqtRq8caBg
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans & police with PTSD awareness - Chief of Police Steve Stahl declined to speak in the demonstration and laughed when explained will let demonstrators know you decline to speak to them - City of Maricopa police & combat veterans with PTSD demonstration Mayor Christian Price Chief of Police Steve Stahl in Maricopa City Arizona February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/03/coffee-with-the-chief
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans with PTSD awareness As troops return to our communities, they will need support services. This is something that the City of Maricopa (and Pinal County as a whole) is severely lacking February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/02/not-one-more
Arizona Veterans Affairs (VA) & CITY OF MARICOPA Elected officials & POLICE FAILURE Kills Veteran in Crisis January 18th, 2015, Johnathon Guillory, a veteran of the war in Iraq Afghanistan was shot and killed by police in the CITY of Maricopa Arizona. 32-year-old veteran left a wife and two children behind. What could have been a PREVENTABLE DEATH by CITY OF MARICOPA POLICE is now turning into yet another case of NEGLIGENCE Breaking News January 2015 http://sofrep.com/39416/arizona-veterans-affairs-failure-kills-veteran-crisis/
Chief of Police Phoenix Arizona Fired - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 http://ptsdfirstresponder.com/index.html
City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to contact reach out to community about City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm1QDYMm0CI
City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
March 2015 Arizona Department Public Safety Special Investigation unit URGES anyone who saw or heard anything to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 or anyone in the special investigation unit with any and all information that could help in the investigative ongoing process - Cobblestone Farms Management - AAM, LLC http://www.aamaz.com
CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 http://maricopaazinfo.com/category/cobblestone-farms/
City of Maricopa Arizona https://www.youtube.com/user/myMaricopa20 Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/office-of-the-chief
CALL Mayor Christian Price & Vice Mayor stating why police officers killed a Iraq veteran who sought help for PTSD and the VA turned him away when for years had been asking for help Contact Mayor Christian Price (520) 316-6828 http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/contact-us/staff-directory?view=employee&id;=2
City of Maricopa Arizona City Council meeting Mayor Christian Price Chief of police Steve stahl City Council meeting www.maricopa-az.gov
City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrWsyEhCXXM
USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him (Military.com says need PTSD help call 911) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMVPQAsgZk
Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2015/01/09/vets-upset-obama-skips-phoenix-va-hospital-on-visit/
2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-VNyqZTHw
wn.com/Police Protected USA Islam Sharia Law Cities Christians Arrested End Times News Update
End Times News Update USA Texas Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law Breaking News March 2015 http://www.ktul.com/story/28063464/north-texas-islamic-tribunal-using-sharia-law-to-settle-disputes Police protected USA Islam Sharia Law Cities Chistians arrested no free speech Honor Killings http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/02/09/sharia-law-in-texas-dont-miss-this-incredible-interview/
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYqtRq8caBg
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans & police with PTSD awareness - Chief of Police Steve Stahl declined to speak in the demonstration and laughed when explained will let demonstrators know you decline to speak to them - City of Maricopa police & combat veterans with PTSD demonstration Mayor Christian Price Chief of Police Steve Stahl in Maricopa City Arizona February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/03/coffee-with-the-chief
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans with PTSD awareness As troops return to our communities, they will need support services. This is something that the City of Maricopa (and Pinal County as a whole) is severely lacking February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/02/not-one-more
Arizona Veterans Affairs (VA) & CITY OF MARICOPA Elected officials & POLICE FAILURE Kills Veteran in Crisis January 18th, 2015, Johnathon Guillory, a veteran of the war in Iraq Afghanistan was shot and killed by police in the CITY of Maricopa Arizona. 32-year-old veteran left a wife and two children behind. What could have been a PREVENTABLE DEATH by CITY OF MARICOPA POLICE is now turning into yet another case of NEGLIGENCE Breaking News January 2015 http://sofrep.com/39416/arizona-veterans-affairs-failure-kills-veteran-crisis/
Chief of Police Phoenix Arizona Fired - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 http://ptsdfirstresponder.com/index.html
City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to contact reach out to community about City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm1QDYMm0CI
City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
March 2015 Arizona Department Public Safety Special Investigation unit URGES anyone who saw or heard anything to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 or anyone in the special investigation unit with any and all information that could help in the investigative ongoing process - Cobblestone Farms Management - AAM, LLC http://www.aamaz.com
CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 http://maricopaazinfo.com/category/cobblestone-farms/
City of Maricopa Arizona https://www.youtube.com/user/myMaricopa20 Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/office-of-the-chief
CALL Mayor Christian Price & Vice Mayor stating why police officers killed a Iraq veteran who sought help for PTSD and the VA turned him away when for years had been asking for help Contact Mayor Christian Price (520) 316-6828 http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/contact-us/staff-directory?view=employee&id;=2
City of Maricopa Arizona City Council meeting Mayor Christian Price Chief of police Steve stahl City Council meeting www.maricopa-az.gov
City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrWsyEhCXXM
USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him (Military.com says need PTSD help call 911) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMVPQAsgZk
Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2015/01/09/vets-upset-obama-skips-phoenix-va-hospital-on-visit/
2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-VNyqZTHw
- published: 05 Mar 2015
- views: 17738
Sharia Law in Nigeria
Sharia Law in Nigeria
Sharia Law in Nigeria
wn.com/Sharia Law In Nigeria
Sharia Law in Nigeria
- published: 04 May 2011
- views: 13893
Ahmadi Muslims Debate Sharia Law with One Law for All (Maryam Namazie) at UCL
On Thursday the 8th of December 2011, University College London Union Atheist Secularist and Humanist Society (UCLU ASHS) hosted a debate, the motion of which w...
On Thursday the 8th of December 2011, University College London Union Atheist Secularist and Humanist Society (UCLU ASHS) hosted a debate, the motion of which was "Sharia Law Negates Human Rights". The two proponents of the motion (namely, Maryam Namazie and Annemarie Waters) were provided by UCLU ASHS from a campaign called "One Law for All"- a campaign to eradicate Sharia in all its forms and guises both in the United Kingdom and elsewhere abroad. The speakers against the motion were provided by the University College London Union Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association (UCLU AMSA) and were the respected Khuddam members, Ayyaz Mahmood Khan and Jonathan Butterworth. Also present at the debate was Fahim Anwar, head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA UK), Dr. Aziz Ahmad Hafiz, deputy head of the AMYA UK, and Dr. Tauseef Khan, head of the AMYA Student Affairs Department UK. The entire proceedings were captured by Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA), the official channel of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Sky: 787).
This is the subscribe link for our channel:
MKA Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/MKAUKVideos
REMEMBER: Please subscribe to this channel to stay up to date and get more of these videos.
More about AMYA: www.muslimsforhumanity.wordpress.com/
Follow us on Twitter: @mka_uk
wn.com/Ahmadi Muslims Debate Sharia Law With One Law For All (Maryam Namazie) At Ucl
On Thursday the 8th of December 2011, University College London Union Atheist Secularist and Humanist Society (UCLU ASHS) hosted a debate, the motion of which was "Sharia Law Negates Human Rights". The two proponents of the motion (namely, Maryam Namazie and Annemarie Waters) were provided by UCLU ASHS from a campaign called "One Law for All"- a campaign to eradicate Sharia in all its forms and guises both in the United Kingdom and elsewhere abroad. The speakers against the motion were provided by the University College London Union Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association (UCLU AMSA) and were the respected Khuddam members, Ayyaz Mahmood Khan and Jonathan Butterworth. Also present at the debate was Fahim Anwar, head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA UK), Dr. Aziz Ahmad Hafiz, deputy head of the AMYA UK, and Dr. Tauseef Khan, head of the AMYA Student Affairs Department UK. The entire proceedings were captured by Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA), the official channel of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Sky: 787).
This is the subscribe link for our channel:
MKA Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/MKAUKVideos
REMEMBER: Please subscribe to this channel to stay up to date and get more of these videos.
More about AMYA: www.muslimsforhumanity.wordpress.com/
Follow us on Twitter: @mka_uk
- published: 19 Dec 2011
- views: 108250
SHARIAH LAW Myths vs Facts - Explaining Sharia Law to non-Muslims | Dr. Sabeel Ahmed
Muslim students of the University of Northern Iowa invited Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, director of GainPeace for an enlightening presentation on the topic of 'SHARIAH LAW...
Muslim students of the University of Northern Iowa invited Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, director of GainPeace for an enlightening presentation on the topic of 'SHARIAH LAW - MYTHS VS FACTS. The presentation is followed by Q and A.
wn.com/Shariah Law Myths Vs Facts Explaining Sharia Law To Non Muslims | Dr. Sabeel Ahmed
Muslim students of the University of Northern Iowa invited Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, director of GainPeace for an enlightening presentation on the topic of 'SHARIAH LAW - MYTHS VS FACTS. The presentation is followed by Q and A.
- published: 24 Apr 2015
- views: 9103
Punk Rock vs Sharia Law - Music World - Episode 5
You Should Subscribe Here Now: http://bit.ly/VErZkw
Indonesia's punk scene is one of the world's biggest and most vibrant. It's a place where the country's sile...
You Should Subscribe Here Now: http://bit.ly/VErZkw
Indonesia's punk scene is one of the world's biggest and most vibrant. It's a place where the country's silenced youth can revolt against endemic corruption, social conventions and their strict families. But in the world's largest Islamic nation, political authorities and religious fundamentalists persecute this rebellious youth movement. Nowhere is the anti-punk sentiment stronger than in Aceh, Indonesia's only Sharia province, where 65 punks were arrested and detained at an Islamic moral training camp in which they had their heads shaved and clothes burnt. We travelled to North Sumatra to track down the last punks in Aceh, who still live under constant threat from the sharia police.
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wn.com/Punk Rock Vs Sharia Law Music World Episode 5
You Should Subscribe Here Now: http://bit.ly/VErZkw
Indonesia's punk scene is one of the world's biggest and most vibrant. It's a place where the country's silenced youth can revolt against endemic corruption, social conventions and their strict families. But in the world's largest Islamic nation, political authorities and religious fundamentalists persecute this rebellious youth movement. Nowhere is the anti-punk sentiment stronger than in Aceh, Indonesia's only Sharia province, where 65 punks were arrested and detained at an Islamic moral training camp in which they had their heads shaved and clothes burnt. We travelled to North Sumatra to track down the last punks in Aceh, who still live under constant threat from the sharia police.
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- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 475492
Debate: Does Sharia Law Negate Human Rights?
Coverage of a debate held at University College London, exploring opinions on whether Sharia law negates human rights.
© Copyright MTA International....
Coverage of a debate held at University College London, exploring opinions on whether Sharia law negates human rights.
© Copyright MTA International.
wn.com/Debate Does Sharia Law Negate Human Rights
Coverage of a debate held at University College London, exploring opinions on whether Sharia law negates human rights.
© Copyright MTA International.
- published: 18 Feb 2012
- views: 14737
What is Sharia Law? - A.R. Green
You've heard and read terrible things about Sharee'ah but you're an open minded person and want to give the Muslims a chance to speak and be heard. This video w...
You've heard and read terrible things about Sharee'ah but you're an open minded person and want to give the Muslims a chance to speak and be heard. This video will shed some light on Sharee'ah law for the curious non-Muslims.
Modern Challenges, Islamic Solutions with Abdur Raheem Green on Peace TV.
Abdurraheem Green embraced Islam over 20 years ago and since that time has been active in the field of da'wah. Abdurraheem was educated in a Christian monastic school and although held strong Christian principles dabbled with other religions. This continual quest to find meaning to life eventually led him to Islam.
Abdurraheem spent many years at Speakers' Corner in Hyde park, where he made his name as an inspirational orator. He has been delivering talks nationwide including universities during this time, and also on international platforms, such as the Peace Conference in Mumbai. He is a regular on Peace TV with many of his lectures widely watched on YouTube.
Abdurraheem is a founding member and chairman of iERA http://www.iera.org.uk Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/TheMimbar
Follow DigitalMimbar on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DigitalMimbar
wn.com/What Is Sharia Law A.R. Green
You've heard and read terrible things about Sharee'ah but you're an open minded person and want to give the Muslims a chance to speak and be heard. This video will shed some light on Sharee'ah law for the curious non-Muslims.
Modern Challenges, Islamic Solutions with Abdur Raheem Green on Peace TV.
Abdurraheem Green embraced Islam over 20 years ago and since that time has been active in the field of da'wah. Abdurraheem was educated in a Christian monastic school and although held strong Christian principles dabbled with other religions. This continual quest to find meaning to life eventually led him to Islam.
Abdurraheem spent many years at Speakers' Corner in Hyde park, where he made his name as an inspirational orator. He has been delivering talks nationwide including universities during this time, and also on international platforms, such as the Peace Conference in Mumbai. He is a regular on Peace TV with many of his lectures widely watched on YouTube.
Abdurraheem is a founding member and chairman of iERA http://www.iera.org.uk Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/TheMimbar
Follow DigitalMimbar on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DigitalMimbar
- published: 18 Feb 2010
- views: 30939
Objectives of Shariah: A Quranic Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan
Key Note Session --- Islamic Sharia: A Divine Legal Framework for a Prosperous Society at the ICNA 2011 Convention - Objectives of Sharia: A Quranic Perspective...
Key Note Session --- Islamic Sharia: A Divine Legal Framework for a Prosperous Society at the ICNA 2011 Convention - Objectives of Sharia: A Quranic Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan
wn.com/Objectives Of Shariah A Quranic Perspective By Nouman Ali Khan
Key Note Session --- Islamic Sharia: A Divine Legal Framework for a Prosperous Society at the ICNA 2011 Convention - Objectives of Sharia: A Quranic Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan
- published: 05 Jun 2011
- views: 66839
BBC documentary : Freedom To Broadcast Hate
A fascinating BBC documentary that portrays the deep hate between the various factions in the Muslim world and the cynical use of media to deliver hate and viol...
A fascinating BBC documentary that portrays the deep hate between the various factions in the Muslim world and the cynical use of media to deliver hate and violence.
wn.com/BBC Documentary Freedom To Broadcast Hate
A fascinating BBC documentary that portrays the deep hate between the various factions in the Muslim world and the cynical use of media to deliver hate and violence.
- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 116605
Sharia Blasphemy Law & Domestic Terrorism, End Times Bible Prophecy! MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY
We are living in the last days as biblical end times prophecy is coming to pass. This video covers the rise of international sharia blasphemy law being enforced...
We are living in the last days as biblical end times prophecy is coming to pass. This video covers the rise of international sharia blasphemy law being enforced that is and will continue to be used to behead Christians.
If you do not know Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( Jesus Christ) as your Lord and Saviour personally, it is not too late! Please see this video along with description box: "AN URGENT MESSAGE FOR ALL WHO SEEK TRUTH!!" http://youtu.be/n8fEiw3Wdj0
Our Radio Broadcast "Eye of the Storm" airs Tuesday nights from 7-8pm PST which can be found at http://tinyurl.com/ljjt73u Click blue "follow" button to get email reminders and links about broadcasts. Can't make it live? No problem! Archives for all broadcasts can be found at our website http://www.MartusMinistry.org
wn.com/Sharia Blasphemy Law Domestic Terrorism, End Times Bible Prophecy Must See Documentary
We are living in the last days as biblical end times prophecy is coming to pass. This video covers the rise of international sharia blasphemy law being enforced that is and will continue to be used to behead Christians.
If you do not know Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( Jesus Christ) as your Lord and Saviour personally, it is not too late! Please see this video along with description box: "AN URGENT MESSAGE FOR ALL WHO SEEK TRUTH!!" http://youtu.be/n8fEiw3Wdj0
Our Radio Broadcast "Eye of the Storm" airs Tuesday nights from 7-8pm PST which can be found at http://tinyurl.com/ljjt73u Click blue "follow" button to get email reminders and links about broadcasts. Can't make it live? No problem! Archives for all broadcasts can be found at our website http://www.MartusMinistry.org
- published: 01 Feb 2016
- views: 2200
Jack Van Impe Islamic Sharia Law & One World Religion
-Is Sharia Law on the horizon for all 57 Muslim countries--and then the whole world?
-Are Muslims calling for Sharia Law in the USA?
-Could it be part of the on...
-Is Sharia Law on the horizon for all 57 Muslim countries--and then the whole world?
-Are Muslims calling for Sharia Law in the USA?
-Could it be part of the one-world religion predicted in bible prophecy?
-What Christian leaders are compromising the faith for "Chrislam", and what is the immediate danger?
-What are Islam's plans for Israel, Christianity and planet earth?
Get the answers to these and other critical questions in this powerful teaching from Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe - and you will discover the startling truth about the real threat of Islam and it's place in these latter days!
wn.com/Jack Van Impe Islamic Sharia Law One World Religion
-Is Sharia Law on the horizon for all 57 Muslim countries--and then the whole world?
-Are Muslims calling for Sharia Law in the USA?
-Could it be part of the one-world religion predicted in bible prophecy?
-What Christian leaders are compromising the faith for "Chrislam", and what is the immediate danger?
-What are Islam's plans for Israel, Christianity and planet earth?
Get the answers to these and other critical questions in this powerful teaching from Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe - and you will discover the startling truth about the real threat of Islam and it's place in these latter days!
- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 10816
London's Holy Turf War
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Over the last year a quasi-religious turf war has sprung up on the streets of London. Young r...
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Over the last year a quasi-religious turf war has sprung up on the streets of London. Young radicalised Muslim patrols are enforcing Shariah law in the capital. In reaction, far right Christian Patrols are also taking the law into their own hands.
Since the Woolwich killing, anti-Muslim rhetoric as been at an all time high, and the right-wing Christian Patrols are only exacerbating the rising tensions.
These two marginalised but potentially dangerous London subcultures believe that society has failed their communities enough that they are now taking to the streets to implement or defend their ways of life, according to their opposing politicised and religious ideologies.
The irony being that while their shared aggressive approach has resulted in media coverage and media panic, they ultimately are responsible for and justify each other's existence.
Alex Miller meets the leaders and footsoldiers in Britain's holy street patrols, the Anjem Choudary's followers Muslim Patrol and Paul Golding of Britain First's Christian Patrol, in the same area he lives and works, to find out just how effective their operations are, and how genuine their belief is in the battle for East London's streets.
Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com
Follow VICE News here:
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wn.com/London's Holy Turf War
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Over the last year a quasi-religious turf war has sprung up on the streets of London. Young radicalised Muslim patrols are enforcing Shariah law in the capital. In reaction, far right Christian Patrols are also taking the law into their own hands.
Since the Woolwich killing, anti-Muslim rhetoric as been at an all time high, and the right-wing Christian Patrols are only exacerbating the rising tensions.
These two marginalised but potentially dangerous London subcultures believe that society has failed their communities enough that they are now taking to the streets to implement or defend their ways of life, according to their opposing politicised and religious ideologies.
The irony being that while their shared aggressive approach has resulted in media coverage and media panic, they ultimately are responsible for and justify each other's existence.
Alex Miller meets the leaders and footsoldiers in Britain's holy street patrols, the Anjem Choudary's followers Muslim Patrol and Paul Golding of Britain First's Christian Patrol, in the same area he lives and works, to find out just how effective their operations are, and how genuine their belief is in the battle for East London's streets.
Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com
Follow VICE News here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vicenews
Tumblr: http://vicenews.tumblr.com/
- published: 22 Apr 2014
- views: 1281703
Sharia law is madness, 12 May 2014
With Maryam Namazie, Fariborz Pooya and Bahram Soroush. Interview with Pragna Patel of Southall Black Sisters. Director: Reza Moradi. Assistant Director: Poone ...
With Maryam Namazie, Fariborz Pooya and Bahram Soroush. Interview with Pragna Patel of Southall Black Sisters. Director: Reza Moradi. Assistant Director: Poone Ravi.
wn.com/Sharia Law Is Madness, 12 May 2014
With Maryam Namazie, Fariborz Pooya and Bahram Soroush. Interview with Pragna Patel of Southall Black Sisters. Director: Reza Moradi. Assistant Director: Poone Ravi.
- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 8161
ISLAM Migrants Germany Canada Sharia Law reject democracy Breaking News September 28 2015
ISLAM Muslim Migrants refugees Germany Canada Sharia Law reject democracy Breaking News September 28 2015 Islamic law is absolutely incompatible with democracy....
ISLAM Muslim Migrants refugees Germany Canada Sharia Law reject democracy Breaking News September 28 2015 Islamic law is absolutely incompatible with democracy. It is a theocratic system with Allah alone at its head. Allah's law is interpreted by a ruling body of clerics. There is no room for a secular political system in which all people are treated as equals http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/021-democracy.htm
ISLAM explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysS5eLfqDgo by Bible Scholar Dave Hunt Expert on ISLAM PART4 http://www.thebereancall.org/content/about-dave-hunt-0
Truth about ISLAM PART3 Final Hour Last Days End Times Bible Prophecy Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KbMZ744tBc
Last Days End Times Final Hour ISLAM worldwide submission PART2 Breaking News 2015 Speaker Pastor Jack Hibbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuz3aag2FhI
Final Hour Last Days End Times Rise of ISLAM PART1 Breaking News 2015 Speakers Pastor Robert Jeffress & Pastor Jack Hibbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6buVOKlw-6Q
Free Speech attacked Anti ISLAM Armed Militia Phoenix Mosque where 2 muslims attended killed in Garland Texas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ugGk12ASjc
2015 Breaking News ISIS ISIL DAESH Syria USA special forces kill Sr Leader Abu Sayyaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al3NesMsq-U
Last days End Times News Prophecy update North Korea Nuclear Threat Breaking news 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVHZxzckwN0
End Times News Update ISIS ISIL Islamic State claims Beheadings Ethiopian Christians in Libya Breaking news 2015 Christian Persecution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3vSsZ7UOl0
End Times News Update 2015 Breaking news MUSLIM WAR 4 Dominance Superiority Worldwide Saudi Arabia SUNNI VS Iran SHIITE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyWeRfm1hhs
End Times News Update Breaking News 2015 Netanyahu quotes Iran plans for the destruction of Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOGw83-_ezY
End Times News Update Saudi Arabia to allow Israel Fighter Jets use its airspace for Iran Airstrike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUEIF1vUMNY
News Global Terrorism on the Rise End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H6txUV1huM
Warriors Fight the Good Fight 1 Timothy 6:12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3H3tfhyFs0
End Times News Update Not if rather WHEN Antichrist 666 mark of beast Great Tribulation Armageddon
Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days end times news update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22MwHNSBvBE
End Times News Update Breaking News HAARP ChemTrails Weather Weapons Mind Control exposed PART3 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ypSNBK0kQ
End Times News Update Global March against Chem Trails Geo Engineering HAARP Breaking News April 2015- PART2 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYo-VuLmwX0
ChemTrails Fact or Fiction YOUR COMMENTS??? End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s3baExr6k4
End Times News Update 2015 Breaking News Russian Military Threat to Baltics suicidal for Vladimir Putin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJeZZytMITQ
Russian Air Force Superior Fire Power - End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKb-iDzzOQc
End Times News Update Breaking News 2015 George Bush vs Obama on foreign policy End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfvzGkOg7tw
End Times news Update 2015 Breaking News Police State Armored Vehicle Police surround little dog being a danger to society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rMOePd0hNc
DARPA USA Military's Self-Steering Bullets Hitting Moving Targets End Times News Update Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irKYYEZW7lQ
End Times News Update RISE of CHINA - BRICS to use Chinese Yuan as new GLOBAL reserve currency backed by GOLD in 2015? Russia signs $100 Billion fund to rival IMF Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOoltsMLF7o
End Times News Update The RISE of BRICS & Collapse of USA paper Dollar replaced by Yaun as GLOBAL reserve currency backed by Gold in 2015? Putin signs BRICS $100 billion currency pool deal Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTdamKvdMZU
End Times News Update USA will NOT rescue Hundreds of Americans Stranded In Yemen says Too Risky Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J0poIMWFdU
End Times News Update ISIS ISIL DAESH USA HomeGrown Terrorists Shootout Muhammad cartoon contest Breaking News 2015 End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urO37UuHWvo
End Times news Update Former Muslim Imam Explains how the Quran teaches Jesus Christ is God Creator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU8w7liLMV0
wn.com/Islam Migrants Germany Canada Sharia Law Reject Democracy Breaking News September 28 2015
ISLAM Muslim Migrants refugees Germany Canada Sharia Law reject democracy Breaking News September 28 2015 Islamic law is absolutely incompatible with democracy. It is a theocratic system with Allah alone at its head. Allah's law is interpreted by a ruling body of clerics. There is no room for a secular political system in which all people are treated as equals http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/021-democracy.htm
ISLAM explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysS5eLfqDgo by Bible Scholar Dave Hunt Expert on ISLAM PART4 http://www.thebereancall.org/content/about-dave-hunt-0
Truth about ISLAM PART3 Final Hour Last Days End Times Bible Prophecy Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KbMZ744tBc
Last Days End Times Final Hour ISLAM worldwide submission PART2 Breaking News 2015 Speaker Pastor Jack Hibbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuz3aag2FhI
Final Hour Last Days End Times Rise of ISLAM PART1 Breaking News 2015 Speakers Pastor Robert Jeffress & Pastor Jack Hibbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6buVOKlw-6Q
Free Speech attacked Anti ISLAM Armed Militia Phoenix Mosque where 2 muslims attended killed in Garland Texas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ugGk12ASjc
2015 Breaking News ISIS ISIL DAESH Syria USA special forces kill Sr Leader Abu Sayyaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al3NesMsq-U
Last days End Times News Prophecy update North Korea Nuclear Threat Breaking news 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVHZxzckwN0
End Times News Update ISIS ISIL Islamic State claims Beheadings Ethiopian Christians in Libya Breaking news 2015 Christian Persecution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3vSsZ7UOl0
End Times News Update 2015 Breaking news MUSLIM WAR 4 Dominance Superiority Worldwide Saudi Arabia SUNNI VS Iran SHIITE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyWeRfm1hhs
End Times News Update Breaking News 2015 Netanyahu quotes Iran plans for the destruction of Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOGw83-_ezY
End Times News Update Saudi Arabia to allow Israel Fighter Jets use its airspace for Iran Airstrike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUEIF1vUMNY
News Global Terrorism on the Rise End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H6txUV1huM
Warriors Fight the Good Fight 1 Timothy 6:12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3H3tfhyFs0
End Times News Update Not if rather WHEN Antichrist 666 mark of beast Great Tribulation Armageddon
Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days end times news update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22MwHNSBvBE
End Times News Update Breaking News HAARP ChemTrails Weather Weapons Mind Control exposed PART3 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ypSNBK0kQ
End Times News Update Global March against Chem Trails Geo Engineering HAARP Breaking News April 2015- PART2 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYo-VuLmwX0
ChemTrails Fact or Fiction YOUR COMMENTS??? End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s3baExr6k4
End Times News Update 2015 Breaking News Russian Military Threat to Baltics suicidal for Vladimir Putin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJeZZytMITQ
Russian Air Force Superior Fire Power - End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKb-iDzzOQc
End Times News Update Breaking News 2015 George Bush vs Obama on foreign policy End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfvzGkOg7tw
End Times news Update 2015 Breaking News Police State Armored Vehicle Police surround little dog being a danger to society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rMOePd0hNc
DARPA USA Military's Self-Steering Bullets Hitting Moving Targets End Times News Update Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irKYYEZW7lQ
End Times News Update RISE of CHINA - BRICS to use Chinese Yuan as new GLOBAL reserve currency backed by GOLD in 2015? Russia signs $100 Billion fund to rival IMF Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOoltsMLF7o
End Times News Update The RISE of BRICS & Collapse of USA paper Dollar replaced by Yaun as GLOBAL reserve currency backed by Gold in 2015? Putin signs BRICS $100 billion currency pool deal Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTdamKvdMZU
End Times News Update USA will NOT rescue Hundreds of Americans Stranded In Yemen says Too Risky Breaking News 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J0poIMWFdU
End Times News Update ISIS ISIL DAESH USA HomeGrown Terrorists Shootout Muhammad cartoon contest Breaking News 2015 End Times News Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urO37UuHWvo
End Times news Update Former Muslim Imam Explains how the Quran teaches Jesus Christ is God Creator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU8w7liLMV0
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 2318
Islamic Law and its Origins (In Our Time, 5/5/11)
*** Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the origins and early development of Islamic law. The legal code of Islam is known as Sharia, an Arabic word meaning "th...
*** Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the origins and early development of Islamic law. The legal code of Islam is known as Sharia, an Arabic word meaning "the way". Its sources include the Islamic holy book the Qur'an, the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, and the opinions of legal scholars. In the 7th century, Sharia started to replace the tribal laws of pre-Islamic Arabia; over the next three hundred years it underwent considerable evolution as Islam spread. By 900 a body of religious and legal scholarship recognisable as classical Sharia had emerged. ***
Hugh Kennedy
Robert Gleave
Mona Siddiqui
wn.com/Islamic Law And Its Origins (In Our Time, 5 5 11)
*** Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the origins and early development of Islamic law. The legal code of Islam is known as Sharia, an Arabic word meaning "the way". Its sources include the Islamic holy book the Qur'an, the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, and the opinions of legal scholars. In the 7th century, Sharia started to replace the tribal laws of pre-Islamic Arabia; over the next three hundred years it underwent considerable evolution as Islam spread. By 900 a body of religious and legal scholarship recognisable as classical Sharia had emerged. ***
Hugh Kennedy
Robert Gleave
Mona Siddiqui
- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 2122
Challenging Islamic Law
Professors from Duke University, Harvard Divinity School and the University of Tehran discuss the pressure many reformers face in Islamic countries....
Professors from Duke University, Harvard Divinity School and the University of Tehran discuss the pressure many reformers face in Islamic countries.
wn.com/Challenging Islamic Law
Professors from Duke University, Harvard Divinity School and the University of Tehran discuss the pressure many reformers face in Islamic countries.
- published: 14 Jul 2010
- views: 21249
Kamal Azmy The Islamic Dilemma 08 The Dilemma of Sharia Law Ep1
Bill Warner interviewed by Kamal Azmy on The Islamic Dilemma TV Show discussing Sharia Law in the Koran (Quran)...
Bill Warner interviewed by Kamal Azmy on The Islamic Dilemma TV Show discussing Sharia Law in the Koran (Quran)
wn.com/Kamal Azmy The Islamic Dilemma 08 The Dilemma Of Sharia Law Ep1
Bill Warner interviewed by Kamal Azmy on The Islamic Dilemma TV Show discussing Sharia Law in the Koran (Quran)
- published: 20 Sep 2014
- views: 4731
Extreme Britain Pt 1 - Anjem Choudary talks Islam, ISIS and Sharia Law
In part one of Extreme Britain Union sits down with Britain's most extreme Muslim, Anjem Choudary, to try and understand why he thinks we should all live under ...
In part one of Extreme Britain Union sits down with Britain's most extreme Muslim, Anjem Choudary, to try and understand why he thinks we should all live under Islamic Sharia Law.
Buy #1 of UNION magazine at www.unionmag.co.uk
wn.com/Extreme Britain Pt 1 Anjem Choudary Talks Islam, Isis And Sharia Law
In part one of Extreme Britain Union sits down with Britain's most extreme Muslim, Anjem Choudary, to try and understand why he thinks we should all live under Islamic Sharia Law.
Buy #1 of UNION magazine at www.unionmag.co.uk
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 29137
Muslim Islam Sharia Law Turn USA Into 3rd World Hell Hole
World Traveler Senior Correspondent Allison Taylor exclusive interview with Voices of Global Freedom talking on the state of America and how we are headed on a ...
World Traveler Senior Correspondent Allison Taylor exclusive interview with Voices of Global Freedom talking on the state of America and how we are headed on a road to Muslims Islam Sharia Law turning the USA into a 3rd World Hell Hole.
Stay up to date on how to survive and thrive in these dangerous troubled times by subscribing to our youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/globalfreedomnetwork
Voices of Global Freedom radio hosts Backpack and Yoda bring you actionable tactics and methods to survive and thrive in these dangerous troubled times.
Call in ask questions to a WorldWide audience every
Saturday at 4pm Pacific:
(646) 652-4667
Voices of Global Freedom was inspired to protect families in the physical and virtual worlds, and determine your best options to protect friends, family, communities and loved ones from crime and terror.
We address everything from how to protect your property to how to protect your lives in various scenarios inside and outside of your home.
We welcome comments from our listeners and readers.
Please comment on our links on posts for Facebook and Twitter
Roy ('Backpack') Baron and Yoda
President Founder
Roy Backpack Baron
Editor-At-Large of
Updated USA Islamic Muslims in America Terror Camps
The latest in Conservative Feeds of News
Webcaster Awards
Global Freedom Networks
Email: globalfreedomnet@gmail.com
Phone: (619) 354-3665
wn.com/Muslim Islam Sharia Law Turn USA Into 3Rd World Hell Hole
World Traveler Senior Correspondent Allison Taylor exclusive interview with Voices of Global Freedom talking on the state of America and how we are headed on a road to Muslims Islam Sharia Law turning the USA into a 3rd World Hell Hole.
Stay up to date on how to survive and thrive in these dangerous troubled times by subscribing to our youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/globalfreedomnetwork
Voices of Global Freedom radio hosts Backpack and Yoda bring you actionable tactics and methods to survive and thrive in these dangerous troubled times.
Call in ask questions to a WorldWide audience every
Saturday at 4pm Pacific:
(646) 652-4667
Voices of Global Freedom was inspired to protect families in the physical and virtual worlds, and determine your best options to protect friends, family, communities and loved ones from crime and terror.
We address everything from how to protect your property to how to protect your lives in various scenarios inside and outside of your home.
We welcome comments from our listeners and readers.
Please comment on our links on posts for Facebook and Twitter
Roy ('Backpack') Baron and Yoda
President Founder
Roy Backpack Baron
Editor-At-Large of
Updated USA Islamic Muslims in America Terror Camps
The latest in Conservative Feeds of News
Webcaster Awards
Global Freedom Networks
Email: globalfreedomnet@gmail.com
Phone: (619) 354-3665
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 306
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015 http://ntlconsulting.blogspot.com/2015/01/muslim-camps-in-us.html
City of ...
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015 http://ntlconsulting.blogspot.com/2015/01/muslim-camps-in-us.html
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans & police with PTSD awareness - Chief of Police Steve Stahl declined to speak in the demonstration and laughed when explained will let demonstrators know you decline to speak to them - City of Maricopa police & combat veterans with PTSD demonstration Mayor Christian Price Chief of Police Steve Stahl in Maricopa City Arizona Breaking news February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/03/coffee-with-the-chief
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans with PTSD awareness As troops return to our communities, they will need support services. This is something that the City of Maricopa (and Pinal County as a whole) is severely lacking
February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/02/not-one-more
City of maricopa & Arizona Veterans Affairs (VA) & CITY OF MARICOPA Elected officials & POLICE FAILURE Kills Veteran in Crisis January 18th, 2015, Johnathon Guillory, a veteran of the war in Iraq Afghanistan was shot and killed by police in the CITY of Maricopa Arizona. 32-year-old veteran left a wife and two children behind. What could have been a PREVENTABLE DEATH by CITY OF MARICOPA POLICE is now turning into yet another case of NEGLIGENCE Breaking News January 2015 http://sofrep.com/39416/arizona-veterans-affairs-failure-kills-veteran-crisis/
Chief of Police Arizona Fired Phoenix Arizona - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 http://ptsdfirstresponder.com/index.html
City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to contact reach out to community about City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm1QDYMm0CI
City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA Home Owners Association (602-957-9191 Cynthia Quillen Mgr. & Board of directors President Ryan Atwood) refuse to help by contacting reaching out to the cobblestone community/homeowners/renters to find out if anyone saw the fatal police shooting on 1/18/2015. Breaking News January 2015. Arizona Department Public Safety Special Investigation unit URGES anyone who saw or heard anything to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 or anyone in the special investigation unit with any and all information that could help in the investigative ongoing process - Cobblestone Farms Management - AAM, LLC http://www.aamaz.com
CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 http://maricopaazinfo.com/category/cobblestone-farms/
City of Maricopa Arizona https://www.youtube.com/user/myMaricopa20 Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/office-of-the-chief
City of Maricopa Police Officers involved in deadly shooting of a Iraq Afghanistan combat war veteran with PTSD identified http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/20/officers-in-deadly-shooting-id
City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrWsyEhCXXM
USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him (Military.com says need PTSD help call 911) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMVPQAsgZk
Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2015/01/09/vets-upset-obama-skips-phoenix-va-hospital-on-visit/
2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-VNyqZTHw
wn.com/USA No Go Zones Home Grown Jihad Terrorist Sharia Law Camps Breaking News March 2015
USA NO GO zones Home Grown Jihad terrorist Sharia Law camps Breaking News March 2015 http://ntlconsulting.blogspot.com/2015/01/muslim-camps-in-us.html
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans & police with PTSD awareness - Chief of Police Steve Stahl declined to speak in the demonstration and laughed when explained will let demonstrators know you decline to speak to them - City of Maricopa police & combat veterans with PTSD demonstration Mayor Christian Price Chief of Police Steve Stahl in Maricopa City Arizona Breaking news February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/03/coffee-with-the-chief
City of maricopa Arizona City Council meeting - veterans with PTSD awareness As troops return to our communities, they will need support services. This is something that the City of Maricopa (and Pinal County as a whole) is severely lacking
February 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/02/02/not-one-more
City of maricopa & Arizona Veterans Affairs (VA) & CITY OF MARICOPA Elected officials & POLICE FAILURE Kills Veteran in Crisis January 18th, 2015, Johnathon Guillory, a veteran of the war in Iraq Afghanistan was shot and killed by police in the CITY of Maricopa Arizona. 32-year-old veteran left a wife and two children behind. What could have been a PREVENTABLE DEATH by CITY OF MARICOPA POLICE is now turning into yet another case of NEGLIGENCE Breaking News January 2015 http://sofrep.com/39416/arizona-veterans-affairs-failure-kills-veteran-crisis/
Chief of Police Arizona Fired Phoenix Arizona - First responders with PTSD National CRISIS Breaking News February 2015 http://ptsdfirstresponder.com/index.html
City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA refuse to contact reach out to community about City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
American Sniper Movie Clint Eastwood's record breaking about veteran Chris Kyle Killed by PTSD Vet February 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm1QDYMm0CI
City of Maricopa Police on 1/18/15 shoot & kill Iraq Afghan vet w/PTSD - neighbor seeks more action on PTSD Breaking News January 2015 http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/26/mpd-sticks-to-policy
City of Maricopa Arizona Cobblestone Farms HOA Home Owners Association (602-957-9191 Cynthia Quillen Mgr. & Board of directors President Ryan Atwood) refuse to help by contacting reaching out to the cobblestone community/homeowners/renters to find out if anyone saw the fatal police shooting on 1/18/2015. Breaking News January 2015. Arizona Department Public Safety Special Investigation unit URGES anyone who saw or heard anything to PLEASE call Detective Jeff Brown 602-223-2110 or anyone in the special investigation unit with any and all information that could help in the investigative ongoing process - Cobblestone Farms Management - AAM, LLC http://www.aamaz.com
CANADIAN HOME BUYERS/SELLERS ALERT - City of Maricopa Cobblestone Farms Police killing Breaking news January 2015 for more information contact Cynthia Quillen 602-957-9191 http://maricopaazinfo.com/category/cobblestone-farms/
City of Maricopa Arizona https://www.youtube.com/user/myMaricopa20 Chief of Police Steve Stahl STATING only one person has called the police with concerns about the shooting please call Steve Stahl to let a NOW silent voice be heard on WHY (520-316-6909) http://www.maricopa-az.gov/web/office-of-the-chief
City of Maricopa Police Officers involved in deadly shooting of a Iraq Afghanistan combat war veteran with PTSD identified http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2015/01/20/officers-in-deadly-shooting-id
City of Maricopa Police fatally shoot Iraq Afghan Vet w/PTSD Mayor Christian Price Chief Police Steve Stahl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrWsyEhCXXM
USA Combat Veterans PTSD Crisis Iraq veteran diagnosed with PTSD called 911 for help and the City of Maricopa police shot and killed him (Military.com says need PTSD help call 911) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMVPQAsgZk
Arizona Vets upset Obama skips Phoenix TROUBLED Scandal VA hospital on visit http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2015/01/09/vets-upset-obama-skips-phoenix-va-hospital-on-visit/
2014 Martial Law LockDown Never forget 1 Million US citizens Last days End Times News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-VNyqZTHw
- published: 04 Mar 2015
- views: 4051
How to Stop Islams sharia law!
Bridgette Gabrielle educating us with the facts of Islam!...
Bridgette Gabrielle educating us with the facts of Islam!
wn.com/How To Stop Islams Sharia Law
Bridgette Gabrielle educating us with the facts of Islam!
- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 8574