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February 9, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water

The thousands of Michigan children who were knowingly poisoned were victims of an American moral malaise: Our nation has bred generations of bureaucrats who are blind to values other than self-advancement and profit.


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AUDIO: Robert Scheer Speaks With Jill Stein About the Green Party and the 2016 Election

In this week’s “Scheer Intelligence,” the Truthdig editor-in-chief’s podcast on KCRW, Stein talks about her evolution from a Harvard idealist to a family physician, environmental activist and now political candidate, and why she believes she and Bernie Sanders are more similar than different.

Raider Fan’s Loyalty Is Tested by News of Ex-Quarterback’s Brain Disease

Kenny "The Snake" Stabler suffered woefully from a condition brought on by head trauma. He deserved better from the NFL, and all pro football players deserve better.
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A United Nations panel this week officially concluded that the WikiLeaks founder has been “arbitrarily detained” and should be allowed to walk free.

“The bankers created a crisis, the government’s responded by cutting services, increasing the costs of the poorest people and making the richest even richer,” the leader of Britain’s Labour Party said Thursday night at the O2 Forum Kentish Town, a concert hall in London.

Key Members of Hillary Clinton Team Lobbied Against Bills She Now Touts as National Accomplishments

On the presidential campaign trail, the candidate has been hailing Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank Act, a measure aimed at Wall Street corruption. Yet she has infused her staff with former lobbyists and consultants who did all they could to block the two reforms.

Marco Rubio Was Anything but Presidential During the GOP New Hampshire Debate

It’s time for establishment Republicans to face the truth about Marco Rubio: Once you get past the facade, there appears to be no there there.

The Might of the American Empire Was on Full Display at Super Bowl 50

From the fighter jets soaring overhead to the armed troops patrolling Levi Stadium, Super Bowl 50 was a highly militarized event, its 70,000 spectators and millions of television viewers subject to a showcase of war propaganda and a heavy security crackdown.

Massive Donations From Controversial Israel Supporter Follow Clinton’s Pledge to Fight BDS

Recent disclosures show that media mogul Haim Saban is spending millions of dollars to put Hillary Clinton in the White House after she reiterated a promise to oppose a growing campaign to temper Israeli militancy through boycotts, divestment and sanctions.



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Exile as a Space of Disruption in the Ivory Tower

The spaces of retreat from public life occupy too many institutions of higher education, which have been transformed into dead zones of the imagination mixed with a kind of brutalizing defense of their own decaying postures and search for status and profits.

Bernie Sanders’ Foreign Policy Judgment Is More Valuable Than Clinton’s Experience

Instead of criticizing Sanders’ “inexperience,” we should “be questioning why any of the candidates of either party are employing the same old foreign policy advisers—many of whom not only supported the Iraq War but every disastrous military intervention since,” argues Trevor Timm at The Guardian.

Hillary Clinton Boasts Praise by Henry Kissinger—a Man With Blood on His Hands, Critics Say

In her New Hampshire debate with Bernie Sanders, Clinton claimed that she is the true progressive, then proudly mentioned praise from Kissinger—President Nixon’s secretary of state whose policies led to “3, maybe 4 million deaths” globally, writes NYU’s Greg Grandin.

Oceans Are Heating Up on the Double

Records from a sailing ship’s round-the-world research voyage almost 150 years ago provide further evidence that the earth’s warming is continuing unchecked, with ocean heat absorption doubling in the last 18 years.

Syria Rebels Face Collapse as Thousands Flee North Aleppo (Video)

The Syrian Arab Army and its Hezbollah and Iranian/Afghan allies made further progress last week in taking the area just north of Aleppo.

Why We Have No Choice but to Try for Progressive Change

Instead of “Yes, we can,” a new slogan adopted by many Democrats this election year is “We shouldn’t even try.”

Syria: The Mother of All Battles for Aleppo Is Joined

Aided by a massive Russian bombing campaign and Hezbollah and Iranian reinforcements, the Syrian Arab Army has broken out of the siege imposed on west Aleppo by rebel forces in the north and now seems positioned to besiege east Aleppo, which is under rebel control.

VIDEO: Eighth GOP Debate Roundup: Marco Rubio Shaken but Not Taken, Donald Trump Dials It Down

Viewers who tuned in Saturday night to the eighth GOP debate caught a subtler side of Donald Trump, who showed up for the occasion but mostly let his rivals take swipes at one another.

VIDEO: Rock Legend Neil Young Takes His Anti-Monsanto Message on the Road

In his latest album, “The Monsanto Years,” the longtime champion of farmers’ rights offers a sharp criticism of the agrochemical giant.

Madeleine Albright Declares a ‘Special Place in Hell’ for Women Who Don’t Vote for Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (pictured) and feminist icon Gloria Steinem scold female supporters of Bernie Sanders, while Clinton touts approval from war criminal Henry Kissinger.

No ‘Artful Smear’: Clintons Were Paid $153 Million in Speaking Fees, Analysis Shows

Thousands are calling for the public release of speech transcripts.

VIDEO: Missed the Eighth GOP Debate? Watch the Highlights Here

If you didn’t have a chance to watch the Republican debate Saturday night, or simply want a refresher, here are some of the most important moments.

VIDEO: Bernie Sanders and Larry David on SNL Together Was as Hilarious as You’d Imagine

Comedian David dedicated a long bit on “Saturday Night Live” to a mashup of his character on his HBO show “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. And that’s not all that happened.

The Five Worst Foreign Policy Moments of the GOP New Hampshire Debate (Video)

The New Hampshire GOP debate’s most charged moments may have been mostly on domestic issues, but—inevitably with this gang—war, torture and sundry mayhem did make an appearance.

Obama Condemns Hatred of Muslims and Affirms Their Importance to the Nation (Video)

President Obama spoke last week at a Baltimore mosque in an explicit pushback against the hatred for Muslims being promoted by Donald Trump and other Republican presidential candidates.

Here’s How Conservatives Keep ‘Dark Money’ Dark

In internal memos, groups opposing tighter state campaign finance rules are coaching their local supporters on how to battle disclosure of political donors.

Truthdiggers of the Week: All Involved in Britain’s #JC4PM Tour

Despite being ignored by the mainstream media, the Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister touring show is bringing together like-minded people who support progressive politics.

The Eighth GOP Debate: Waterboarding In, Drug Addiction Out

The final Republican presidential debate before New Hampshire voters head to the primary polls started with a whimper, and for a few of the seven candidates it ended there as well. Check out Truthdig’s tweets from the event.