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Public debate on the republic



Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan Moir

Your editorial today ("Turnbull should embrace republican consensus", February 8) reasonably asks Australians to advance the republican cause without needless delays. But it then urges a cross party force to "argue the case forcibly for an Australian head of state" and in the same sentence "prompt debate about the best model".

However, there has been no debate about and no case made that such a model should include a Head Of State in addition to the Head Of Government which we already have in the form of the prime minister. The problem with the co-existence of the two is uncertainty and conflict about the locus of power and responsibility.

If the so-called Head Of State has only ceremonial duties that person is not really a Head Of State at all. Ceremonial duties could be perfectly well carried out by suitably qualified prominent citizens.

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Australia does indeed need broad public debate about the republican model before any question is put to a vote, be it plebiscite or referendum. That debate should include the option to omit the redundant position of Head of State.

Andrew Smallman Mona Vale

According to polls, between one third and one half of all Australians support a republic. Hence it follows between one half and two thirds of all Australians either don't care or are content with the status quo. So if we are to respect the democratic process why is the minority foisting a republic on the majority? 

George Fishman Vaucluse

Boyhood's fire is no longer in my blood but I don't think it is old age that has me worried about a republic. No, it's who will be the first president. David Morrison, Adam Goodes, Group Captain Cate McGregor, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott? I think I would rather stick with the house of Windsor. Sorry, Fitzy.

Jack Kelly Drummoyne

Your editorial claims voters would be entitled to ask whether Mr Turnbull is just another politician should he shirk dealing with the republican issue. Mr Turnbull has simply smiled his way through the first months of office, carefully avoiding ruffling any feathers, especially within his own party, and doing little else. He has basically stood for nothing and proposed nothing of value.

The Turnbull-Morrison duo has been painfully uninspiring. Raising the GST was only ever going to be a lazy solution and displayed a weakness to face the real challenges of tax reform. The unions may be Labor's Achilles tendon but big business is the Coalition's. No one will care if Australia becomes a republic until the things that matter most such as health, education and fair taxation are addressed.

Graham Lum North Rocks

Regarding your editorial, the issue at point is that as the system of government is so central to a governed's collective sense of identity and security that only very compelling reasons will justify substantial change.

Those reasons do not currently exist in the peaceful, well regulated and democratic way of life enjoyed by all of us in the Commonwealth.

In addition, those compelling reasons would be unlikely to arise in the foreseeable future, provided that the monarchy continues the now well established constitutional tradition of only acting upon the advice of the Australian prime minister.

Given that the wider history is littered with failed attempts of constitutional change and there is a visceral reluctance for such a radical change, this "debate" will obviously continue for a very long time.

Pasquale Vartuli Wahroonga

I have a great admiration and affection for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as we worked together, at the foundation of the Australian Republican Movement back in 1988, with Neville Wran, Faith Bandler, Thomas Keneally and many others. The Prime Minister says that we should wait for the passing of the Monarch to work towards the birth of our Republic. With great respect I think he is wrong. The two events cannot be tied up together. With Labor support, now is the time to get the whole issue debated and resolved. The referendum can be won.

Franca Arena Manly

Australia's first colour film Jedda a huge achievement

Scott Murray's informative and attentive review (The Guide, February 8) for the upcoming Sunday, February 14 airing of Australia's first colour film, Jedda, really adds worthwhile viewer interest to the recent history of this landmark film.

Yes, it is true that Jedda, like many films of its day, seems later to be outdated and questionable, but the reality was that Jedda was a major cinema release in 1956 and screened for weeks in the city at both the 1200-seat Lyceum Theatre and then to the 2700-seat Capitol, to very positive reviews and sell-out ticket sales.

Jedda was distributed as an A grade feature film by Columbia Pictures and given the kudos and publicity (resulting in colossal box-office) according with its status as both a crowning achievement by Charles and Elsa Chauvel​ and as Australia's first colour film. And a very daring Indigenous drama.

It was successful all through 1956, a cinema attraction equal to any other from Columbia Pictures and staying in circulation in Australian cinemas until 1960.

It had a major international cinema release in the US and UK all through 1957, thanks to Columbia Pictures International. Something that would not have happened if the film had had poor reviews and lame ticket sales. Only in the sneering 1970s and '80s did Jedda get an undeserved reputation as "unconvincing and puerile".

Jedda is an astonishing cinema achievement, its reputation now intact thanks to Scott, and Tracy Moffat's, enduring efforts, and the magnificent blu-ray DVD now available.

Paul Brennan Woollahra

Treatment of asylum seekers

At last some humanity from State Premiers of both political persuasions. We can forget about Australian law being of any assistance to asylum seekers. Politicians from both major parties made sure of that with retrospective legislation last June. Bucolic scenes of MPs' children frolicking on the lawns of the Lodge just won't cut it, Prime Minister Turnbull. It only serves to highlight the difference between what these children experience and what the children sentenced to Manus and Nauru experience.

Lynne Poleson Kingsford

More the point, Paul Hopmeier (Letters, February 8) these people are being punished without transparent government or judicial process, for no crime at all. 

Meredith Williams Dee Why

Daylight saving

Is it time to review the period of time daylight saving is applied now that our summers are obviously getting hotter and longer? We're wasting the early morning coolest hours of the day, the ones when energy levels are refreshed and at their best. The annual "festive fortnight" might just be sufficient nowadays for partying in evening sunlight; then reverting once again to some light at the beginning rather than at the end of each hot day. After all, wouldn't this prevent resultant skin cancers due to prolonged exposure to the harmful rays of the sun?

Marianne van de Voorde North Narrabeen

Report a snapshot

The City of Sydney's Late Night Management Areas Research report is not an evaluation of the NSW Government's lockout laws ("City of Sydney report flawed", February 8). The report provides information about street and business activity at night. This helps us plan crowd management, transport, garbage collection and street cleaning to keep the city safe and clean.

Some details, including the number of precincts included and the time of year the research was conducted, have changed to increase our understanding of night time activity across the area.

As data was collected over two evenings only, it is designed to present a snapshot, rather than an audit of all night time activity. While we support measures that address alcohol-related crime and violence, we believe taking action should not undermine Sydney's status as a dynamic and global city.

We have always recommended an evaluation of the lockout laws and their impact on Sydney's late night precincts, and will work closely with the government on its upcoming review of this legislation.

Monica Barone City of Sydney CEO

 Offer of help

Dear Cardinal Pell ("Pell too ill to fly in for inquiry: doctor", February 6-7), I am sorry to hear you are too unwell to be able to fly back to Australia to testify to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. I hope you get well soon.

However, on a practical note, I am a doctor with experience in transporting critically ill patients on long-haul commercial flights. To ensure your critical testimony to the Royal Commission isn't misconstrued and the Catholic Church unfairly vilified as result of any inaccuracies that might result from video testimony, I would happily travel to Rome to escort you safely back to Australia. I am certain a team of other doctors could be quickly organised to ensure your travel safety. Furthermore, as I understand you only travel first class, I'll happily pay for your tickets. Please let me know.

Dr Richard Sallie Nedlands (WA)

Council argument

David Farrell (Letters, February 8), the reason that London gets on very well with one council is that it doesn't have a state government breathing down its neck. What a good argument for keeping councils and getting rid of the State Government.

Bob Arnold Berry

Unrealistic idea

So what broad generalisations can we put forward about the article on home schooling ("Home-schooled kids do better in tests", February 8)? Is it that anybody can be an effective teacher, even without formal training?

Or is it that students taught one on one or in small class sizes gain more individual attention to address their educational needs? If this is what can be achieved with a non professional parent/caregiver as a teacher, imagine the quality outcomes that would be achieved by a highly qualified professional teacher working one to one or with a small group of students.

Home schooled students, however, are not building their social skills. The real world is a society where we must live and interact with others of various backgrounds and cultures from a variety of socio-economic conditions. It is in schools that quality teaching and learning and the opportunity to grow as a member of a society take place. It is an unrealistic and ridiculous notion to put forward home schooling for all.

Mark Berg Caringbah South

Stadium extension taking parkland

William Henry Kippax was my great-great-grandfather ("Secret SCG land grab", February 6-7). He was a City of Sydney Alderman for 35 years, representing Cook Ward. Kippax Lake and adjacent Kippax Fountain are named in his honour. He was the great-uncle of the famous cricketer Alan Falconer Kippax. It must have irked the Trust that this tranquil lake and treed area has not been available to them for parking during the cricket season. The present stadium is not going to be demolished, but used as an extra training area and car-park extension. Open space, once taken, is never returned to the public. Your name is a Trust, you should behave like one.

Virginia Rundle Point Piper

No need to use parkland for a new stadium. Use that useless bit of land in the middle of Randwick Racecourse. It's big enough, flat enough and they might even get a light rail.

Phil Morey Guildford

Political illustration in a tight spot

To avoid confusion, please inform the Prime Minister that the pipe wrench shown in Mucci's illustration to "Is Turnbull insane? We'll soon find out" (February 8) is being pushed in the wrong direction if the dollar needs tightening.

Derek Howe Glen Alpine

Motorists see red

I would like to apologise to all the cars stuck behind me at a local red light yesterday. Apparently, my pushbike is not heavy enough to trigger the vehicle detector loop and I really didn't want to break the law by edging forward through the red light.

Jacinta Green St Peters

A wing and a prayer

Three planes were involved in an alleged "near miss" at Melbourne Airport last year ("Planes in alleged near miss", February 8). A video just released confirmed this. I'm sure staff and passengers would consider it more of a "near crash".

Paul Hunt Engadine

Point of ill fortune

Perhaps Julian Assange should simply have said that he was too ill to travel to Sweden?

Steve Birdsall Mona Vale

Outlook for Elsewhere

Tim Egan (Letters, February 8), Large is not far from Elsewhere, a place where the forecasters say the weather is always fine.

Peter Procopis Burradoo

I'm pretty sure Large is near Knife Point, that headland where all those robberies are committed.

Bruce Hulbert Lilyfield

I'd like to live in Context. I hear it's very quiet there, since everyone was taken out of it.

John Christie Oatley

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