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March 2, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Andrew Harnik / AP Photo

The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism

College-educated elites, on behalf of corporations, carried out the savage neoliberal assault on the working poor. Now these elites are being made to pay. Their duplicity has brought them—and the rest of us—Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


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Patrick Semansky / AP

How Hillary Clinton Helped Turn Libya Into a ‘Terrorist Haven’ for Islamic State, According to NYT

The second part of The New York Times' investigation into the U.S. approach in Libya is a scathing indictment of the former secretary of state's push for military intervention in the North African country five years ago.
Jacquelyn Martin / AP

Super Tuesday Live-Blog: A Super-Sized Day of Reckoning for Candidates in 12 States (Updated)

Sen. Ted Cruz may have a lock on Texas, but will Donald Trump be the big winner in the Super Tuesday contests? How are things looking on the Democrats' side? Update: The results are in, showing some unexpected victories and losses. Take a look at the numbers and watch some of the candidates' victory speeches.
A/V Booth

In November, Donald Trump mocked as “overweight” a man whom security agents threw out of one of the presidential candidate’s rallies. But it was the violent xenophobia the man heard before the rally that really disturbed him.

After an incisive segment on the Republican candidate’s past actions and policies, “Full Frontal” host Samantha Bee asks the GOP to “take a closer look at John Kasich.”

VIDEO: 10 Reasons Marco Rubio Is No Moderate

Marco Rubio is being positioned as a moderate alternative to Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. Baloney.

The Graveyard of the Elites

The establishment structure is sliding toward its death, and the foremost sign of this is the silly and sickening display of “junk politics” that we call an election campaign.

Oscars 2016 Review: Chris Rock Pulls Off the Ultimate Balancing Act

The actor and comedian was tapped to criticize the academy that had hired him, but he walked the tightrope with grace and blistering humor.

Live-Blog: Oscars 2016: In the Midst of Controversy, the Show Goes On (Updated)

Update: In the show’s home stretch, the political moments seemed to happen with about the same frequency that African-Americans were called onto the Oscar stage ... as presenters. Also: Joe’s standing O, DiCaprio’s climate-change plea and the 88th Oscars’ final wins.



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The Academy Voters Have Long Lacked Logic

Is the “best picture” always the best picture? Not if history is any guide. And some observers will argue that a similar lack of logic is apparent in the shortage of minority representation in the major Oscar nominations.

DNC Vice Chair Resigns, Throws Support Behind Bernie Sanders

U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii announced her decision Sunday morning on “Meet the Press.”

Hillary the Hawk: NYT Calls Clinton’s Libyan Intervention, and Her Leadership, Into Question

The New York Times formally endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party’s nomination, but that stance might seem surprising after a close read of the paper’s in-depth investigation of her assured, yet ultimately failed, strategy for compulsory regime change in Libya five years ago.

Democrats in South Carolina Choose Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders

The Associated Press reports that “Black voters powered Clinton to victory” in South Carolina’s Democratic primary, “with eight in 10 voting for her.”

Journalists Should Stand Up for Whistleblowers

The media require free-flowing information—and so does our democracy.

Fair and Prosperous Socialism in America May Be Closer Than You Think

Historian and activist Gar Alperovitz argues that many socialist institutions exist in the U.S. with the support of both liberal and conservative citizens and politicians—and many more are in the making.

10 Reasons Marco Rubio Is No Moderate (Video)

The Florida senator is being positioned as a moderate alternative to Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. Baloney.

VIDEO: Jeremy Corbyn Joins Tens of Thousands in U.K. Anti-Nuclear Weapons Rally

“We are not alone,” the leader of Britain’s Labour Party told the crowd in a mass demonstration in central London Saturday. “There are many people around the world ... who have wanted a non-nuclear future for their country and their planet.”

With 269 Stores Closing, Is This the Beginning of the End for Wal-Mart?

More than anything, Wal-Mart’s closures are best explained as a side effect of its main strategy for dominating the economy: overbuilding regions to the point of not just destroying competition but cannibalizing its own sales.

Honoring Marion Dougherty, Who Made Movie Stars but Often Got No Credit

The casting director, who died in 2011, discovered or jump-started the careers of many of today’s biggest Hollywood names, and she was known for placing African-Americans in parts intended for white actors. Yet her own name is missing from many of her most famous projects.

Psychologist: Mental Illness Is a Result of Intolerable Circumstances, Not Defective Genes (Video)

The health professions make a grave mistake when they treat mental illnesses as “discrete brain conditions that are largely genetically determined and barely influenced by the slings and arrows of misfortune,” writes clinical psychologist and researcher Richard Bentall.

Antonin Scalia: Corporate America’s Billion-Dollar Friend

A Dow Chemical settlement made public Friday indicates that the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was worth billions of dollars to business.

VIDEO: What Does Chris Christie Have to Gain by Endorsing Donald Trump?

It’s hard to imagine Christie being anyone’s vice president. So is he angling to be attorney general in a Trump administration?

Emissions Could Make Earth Uninhabitable

Researchers predict that the hothouse effect of runaway greenhouse gases would ultimately boil our planet dry and make it incapable of sustaining life.

The Human Rights Risks of Encryption ‘Back Doors’

Calls by candidates and law enforcement to undermine encryption could seriously harm many people, including sexual and gender-based rights activists, domestic violence victims, human rights defenders, psychiatrists and counselors and their clients, and journalists and their sources.

India’s Right-Wing Hindu Supremacy Rises in Parallel With Donald Trump’s Bigotry

A fundamentalist, upper-caste crackdown on dissent is roiling Indian society. Why should we care? Because it’s spreading to the U.S. by way of Indian-American support of presidential candidate Trump.

Rubio’s Seven Fallacies on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

To please corrupt casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and other GOP donors of his ilk, Rubio immediately jumped into Thursday night’s Republican debate to make a series of completely false and contradictory pronouncements on the Palestinians, about whom he knows nothing at all.

‘We Are Not Denmark’: Hillary Clinton and Liberal American Exceptionalism

America’s 21st-century “exceptions” appear as dubious distinctions: gun violence, carbon emissions, mass incarceration, wealth inequality, racial disparities, capital punishment, child poverty and military spending.