- published: 12 Feb 2014
- views: 1212
Skiet assolut minn naha tal-MFSA, jikkonferma kif wara l-kontroversja kbira dwar il-LA Valletta Multi Manager Fund, sal-llum dawn l-ishma ghadhom miftuha ghall-pubbliku, bin-nies jistghu jinvestu fihom.Mistoqsijiet parlamentari li ghamel id-deputat Laburista Evarist Bartolo, aktar kmieni din is-sena, baqghu bla twegiba, filwaqt li argumenti simili li saru minnu fuq l-gurnali, baqghu ma gewx michuda
ONE.COM.MT - L-Awtorita Maltija għas-servizzi finanzjarji talbet il-bank ċentrali ewropew biex jirtira l-liċenzja tal-bank Nemea. Bank li wieħed mid-diretturi tiegħu huwa l-eks prim ministru u eks kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Lawrence Gonzi.
Sermon on Saturday at Sing a New Song by Sean Delmore
In this video I demonstrate how the new Microscan MINI Hawk imager decodes Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) at high speed. I used two IMBs: one printed on white paper, and one printed on yellow paper read thru an envelop window. The two IMBs are rotating on a circle of 3.75" radius at more than the displayed speed of 107 ips which is calibrated for a circle of 3.25" radius. This is the maximum speed of the display used for this demo. Faster speed can be achieved. The Mini Hawk can also be used for Universal Postal Union (UPU) barcode applications.
I fall around you and reckon too I really wanna see ya
Following every move you make and now I'm coming nearer
Hide away from me I don't know how
You run from me and I will not allow it you'll be by my side
With no one else around
No one's around
You turn around I'm around you're afraid
And I just wanna meet ya
Run away far away I am hurt and now I wanna beat ya
Close your eyes so you will understand
I am the one and now I have a plan to get you by my side
With no one else around
No one's around
I complete you, but you don't know it yet
I just wanna keep you like you're my little pet
Close my eyes when you don't understand
Don't follow me you say I have a plan to get you by my side
With no one else around
No ones around