New Left Review I/111, September-October 1978

Michael Gilsenan

In Search of Sadat

‘I, Anwar el-Sadat, a peasant born and brought up on the banks of the Nile—where man first witnessed the dawn of time—present this book to readers everywhere.’ The tone of voice is lofty. The gaze that seems, in the cover photograph, to be both inward to some hidden wisdom and outward beyond the world, is balanced, grave and calm. From the Nile flows an untroubled certainty. From it springs too an identity that is presented as organic: ‘I can never lose my way because I know that I have living roots there, deep down in the soil of my village, in that land out of which I grew, like the trees and the plants’, and historic: ‘this is the story of my life, which is at the same time the story of Egypt since 1918, for so destiny has decreed.’ [1] Anwar el-Sadat, In Search of Identity, Collins, London and Harper and Row, New York 1978.

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Michael Gilsenan, ‘In Search of Sadat’, NLR I/111: £3

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