Donald Tusk z Platformą Obywatelską zdradził kraj! [Max Kolonko, Nigel Farage, Janusz Korwin-Mikke]
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Kompilacja materiałów krytykujących Platformę Obywatelską oraz Donalda Tuska, którego stawiam w roli zdrajcy kraju co popieram wieloma argumentami i faktami. Film ma za zadanie pokazać kłamstwa Donalda Tuska oraz Platformy Obywatelskiej, która rządzi Polską niemal niepodzielnie od ponad 7
Man of the Year 2014 - MaxTV
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Obejrzyj jak Donald Tusk pięknie kłamie i uprawia propagandę!
Fragment filmu "Niosła Go Polska" cały film na portalu Ahaaa.pl „Niosła Go Polska" to dokumentalna opowieść o Lechu Kaczyńskim -- jego drodze do pierwszej „S...
Nigel Farage masakruje Donalda Tuska w Europarlamencie Napisy PL 2015 vs
Ostra Wypowiedź Nigela Farage w Europarlamencie do Donalda Tuska . Nigel Farage vs Donald Tusk . Nigel Farage masakruje Donalda Tuska Napisy PL
European Council president Donald Tusk addresses UN General Assembly
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Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa 2014 - Donald Tusk i Robert Górski - Ostatnie posiedzenie rządu
Jak co roku podczas Święta Niepodległości na antenie TVP2 gościła Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa! Tym razem wydarzeniu towarzyszyło coś wyjątkowego: ostatnie „posiedzenie rządu” pod przewodnictwem przeprowadzającego się do Brukseli premiera… Jednak tym razem w roli Premiera zobaczyliśmy nie tylko Roberta Górskiego, wcielającego się w tę postać od lat. Pojawił się… sam Donald Tusk!
Zobacz więcej: http
EU Council President Donald Tusk meets with Barack Obama, President of the USA, & press statements
EN - Donald TUSK, President of the European Council meets with Barack OBAMA, President of the United States and press statements - 09.03.2015 - Washington, USA.
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
Donald Tusk w programie "Szansa na sukces"
W 1996 r. Donald Tusk wystąpił w specjalnym, świątecznym odcinku. Zaśpiewał kolędę "Wśród nocnej ciszy". Wideo: TVP (c)
Donald Tusk vs Nigel Farage (2015) - napisy PL
Nigel Farage sprowadza na ziemię Donalda Tuska, który kłamie odnośnie wspaniałości Unii Europejskiej. Brytyjski Europoseł wypomina Tuskowi masowe emigracje i prywatny interes w wychwalaniu upadającej Unii
Donald Tusk: President-elect of the European Council - A biography in his own words
Donald TUSK tells his personal story. The long road from his youth and his roots in Gdansk, to his election as President of the European Council
Donald Tusk - zrujnował Polskę i uciekł do Unii!
Autorzy: * http://www.facebook.com/Beka.Polityczna * http://www.facebook.com/WolnoscNaszymPrawem * http://www.facebook.com/Drewniak.Pawel Materiały za: Super...
Rymkiewicz: Kim jest Donald Tusk, a kim Kaczyński?
Rymkiewicz o Tusku i Kaczyńskim.
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Wiesz dlaczego siatkarze wygrali? Bo znali angielski! Donald Tusk też postanowił wygrać wszystko - rząd, Polskę, internet, Europę i Świat! Zmotywowany sukcesami naszych Mistrzów Świata postanowił wziąć się za naukę języka angielskiego, żeby rządzić w Europie wszystkimi. Niestety w Polsce zostawi
Nigel Farage vs Donald Tusk - parę słów prawdy
"Huczne" powitanie polskiej prezydencji w Strasburgu dnia 6 lipca 2011 r. Napisy dostępne są po kliknięciu na przycisk [ = ]
Donald Tusk w programie "Tomasz Lis na żywo"
Premier Donald Tusk był gościem programu "Tomasz Lis na żywo" w TVP2.
Źródło: TVP 2
Więcej informacji: https://www.premier.gov.pl/wydarzenia/aktualnosci/premier-tusk-zwyciestwo-w-brukseli-to-triumf-polski.html
Subskrybuj nasz kanał: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=kancelariapremiera
Nigel Farage lambasts EU Council President Donald Tusk as Poland's 'newest émigré'
Nigel Farage lambasts EU Council President Donald Tusk as Poland's 'newest émigré'
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), mocked European Council President Donald Tusk after the latter's maiden speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. -
See more at: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/193567,Eurosceptic-Farage-lambasts-Tusk-as-Polands-newest-%C3%A9migr%C3%A9#sthash.ZZw
Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju i Goście - Tusk przyjeżdża z Brukseli - Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa 2015
Bunt w PO. Kto jest winny niepowodzeniom?
Grzegorz Schetyna mówi jak jest - Tusk!
Tymczasem Donald niespodziewanie wraca z Brukseli...
Co nowego? https://www.youtube.com/user/itvp/videos?shelf_id=2&view;=0&sort;=dd
The Voice of Poland: https://www.youtube.com/user/VoiceOfPolandTVP
SerialeTVP ht
Ona Tańczy Dla Mnie - Donald Tusk i Angela Merkel - Parodia ClarkTV.pl
Film jest czysto humorystyczny nie mający na celu nikogo urazić.
Dobrze to jest polisz gut - czyli jak Donald Tusk mówi po angielsku
Wystąpienie premiera Tuska po podpisaniu umowy o tarczy antyrakietowej 20. sierpnia 2008 r. W filmiku wykorzystano utwór "Slow Hip Hop Rap Beat" od Streetwor...
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 9 lipca 2014 r.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 9 lipca 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 71 Wniosek o wyrażenie wotum nieufności Radzie Ministrów kierowanej przez Prezesa Rady Mi...
Donald Tusk contra Konrad Berkowicz PEŁNA WERSJA!!!
Donald Tusk - Początek upadku cz1 Utrata bazy
Anatomia upadku narodu
Donald Tusk z Platformą Obywatelską zdradził kraj! [Max Kolonko, Nigel Farage, Janusz Korwin-Mikke]
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Kompilacja materiałów krytykujących Platformę Oby...
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Kompilacja materiałów krytykujących Platformę Obywatelską oraz Donalda Tuska, którego stawiam w roli zdrajcy kraju co popieram wieloma argumentami i faktami. Film ma za zadanie pokazać kłamstwa Donalda Tuska oraz Platformy Obywatelskiej, która rządzi Polską niemal niepodzielnie od ponad 7 lat i zapowiada się, że będzie robić to nadal.
Użyte materiały:
-MaxTv-Donald Tusk - Man of the Year 2014
-Zbigniew Stonoga-Sejmowe Więzienie
wn.com/Donald Tusk Z Platformą Obywatelską Zdradził Kraj Max Kolonko, Nigel Farage, Janusz Korwin Mikke
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Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Przemokk/1483916728557019
Kompilacja materiałów krytykujących Platformę Obywatelską oraz Donalda Tuska, którego stawiam w roli zdrajcy kraju co popieram wieloma argumentami i faktami. Film ma za zadanie pokazać kłamstwa Donalda Tuska oraz Platformy Obywatelskiej, która rządzi Polską niemal niepodzielnie od ponad 7 lat i zapowiada się, że będzie robić to nadal.
Użyte materiały:
-MaxTv-Donald Tusk - Man of the Year 2014
-Zbigniew Stonoga-Sejmowe Więzienie
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 301
Man of the Year 2014 - MaxTV
KUP KSIAZKE! - http://maxfanclub.com/
WSPIERAJ MaxTV! http://maxkolonko.com/main/mmk/?p=1106
Mów Jak Jest!
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+ oglądaj dwa nasze kanały MaxTV https://www.youtube.com/user/Media2000Corp
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wn.com/Man Of The Year 2014 Maxtv
KUP KSIAZKE! - http://maxfanclub.com/
WSPIERAJ MaxTV! http://maxkolonko.com/main/mmk/?p=1106
Mów Jak Jest!
+ oglądaj dwa nasze kanały MaxTV https://www.youtube.com/user/Media2000Corp
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- published: 27 Feb 2015
- views: 71233
Obejrzyj jak Donald Tusk pięknie kłamie i uprawia propagandę!
Fragment filmu "Niosła Go Polska" cały film na portalu Ahaaa.pl „Niosła Go Polska" to dokumentalna opowieść o Lechu Kaczyńskim -- jego drodze do pierwszej „S......
Fragment filmu "Niosła Go Polska" cały film na portalu Ahaaa.pl „Niosła Go Polska" to dokumentalna opowieść o Lechu Kaczyńskim -- jego drodze do pierwszej „S...
wn.com/Obejrzyj Jak Donald Tusk Pięknie Kłamie I Uprawia Propagandę
Fragment filmu "Niosła Go Polska" cały film na portalu Ahaaa.pl „Niosła Go Polska" to dokumentalna opowieść o Lechu Kaczyńskim -- jego drodze do pierwszej „S...
Nigel Farage masakruje Donalda Tuska w Europarlamencie Napisy PL 2015 vs
Ostra Wypowiedź Nigela Farage w Europarlamencie do Donalda Tuska . Nigel Farage vs Donald Tusk . Nigel Farage masakruje Donalda Tuska Napisy PL...
Ostra Wypowiedź Nigela Farage w Europarlamencie do Donalda Tuska . Nigel Farage vs Donald Tusk . Nigel Farage masakruje Donalda Tuska Napisy PL
wn.com/Nigel Farage Masakruje Donalda Tuska W Europarlamencie Napisy Pl 2015 Vs
Ostra Wypowiedź Nigela Farage w Europarlamencie do Donalda Tuska . Nigel Farage vs Donald Tusk . Nigel Farage masakruje Donalda Tuska Napisy PL
- published: 15 Jan 2015
- views: 4478
European Council president Donald Tusk addresses UN General Assembly
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wn.com/European Council President Donald Tusk Addresses Un General Assembly
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 2557
Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa 2014 - Donald Tusk i Robert Górski - Ostatnie posiedzenie rządu
Jak co roku podczas Święta Niepodległości na antenie TVP2 gościła Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa! Tym razem wydarzeniu towarzyszyło coś wyjątkowego: ostatnie „posie...
Jak co roku podczas Święta Niepodległości na antenie TVP2 gościła Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa! Tym razem wydarzeniu towarzyszyło coś wyjątkowego: ostatnie „posiedzenie rządu” pod przewodnictwem przeprowadzającego się do Brukseli premiera… Jednak tym razem w roli Premiera zobaczyliśmy nie tylko Roberta Górskiego, wcielającego się w tę postać od lat. Pojawił się… sam Donald Tusk!
Zobacz więcej: http://kabarety.tvp.pl/wideo/festiwale/kabaretowa-noc-listopadowa-2014/
Co nowego? https://www.youtube.com/user/itvp/videos?shelf_id=2&view;=0&sort;=dd
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wn.com/Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa 2014 Donald Tusk I Robert Górski Ostatnie Posiedzenie Rządu
Jak co roku podczas Święta Niepodległości na antenie TVP2 gościła Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa! Tym razem wydarzeniu towarzyszyło coś wyjątkowego: ostatnie „posiedzenie rządu” pod przewodnictwem przeprowadzającego się do Brukseli premiera… Jednak tym razem w roli Premiera zobaczyliśmy nie tylko Roberta Górskiego, wcielającego się w tę postać od lat. Pojawił się… sam Donald Tusk!
Zobacz więcej: http://kabarety.tvp.pl/wideo/festiwale/kabaretowa-noc-listopadowa-2014/
Co nowego? https://www.youtube.com/user/itvp/videos?shelf_id=2&view;=0&sort;=dd
The Voice of Poland: https://www.youtube.com/user/VoiceOfPolandTVP
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PublicystykaTVP https://www.youtube.com/user/publicystykatvp
Bitwa na głosy TVP https://www.youtube.com/user/bitwanaglosy
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rodzinka.pl https://www.youtube.com/user/Rodzinkapl
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Strona TVP (całe odcinki i wydania audycji)
- published: 11 Nov 2014
- views: 41780
EU Council President Donald Tusk meets with Barack Obama, President of the USA, & press statements
EN - Donald TUSK, President of the European Council meets with Barack OBAMA, President of the United States and press statements - 09.03.2015 - Washington, USA....
EN - Donald TUSK, President of the European Council meets with Barack OBAMA, President of the United States and press statements - 09.03.2015 - Washington, USA.
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
wn.com/Eu Council President Donald Tusk Meets With Barack Obama, President Of The Usa, Press Statements
EN - Donald TUSK, President of the European Council meets with Barack OBAMA, President of the United States and press statements - 09.03.2015 - Washington, USA.
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 68
Donald Tusk w programie "Szansa na sukces"
W 1996 r. Donald Tusk wystąpił w specjalnym, świątecznym odcinku. Zaśpiewał kolędę "Wśród nocnej ciszy". Wideo: TVP (c)...
W 1996 r. Donald Tusk wystąpił w specjalnym, świątecznym odcinku. Zaśpiewał kolędę "Wśród nocnej ciszy". Wideo: TVP (c)
wn.com/Donald Tusk W Programie Szansa Na Sukces
W 1996 r. Donald Tusk wystąpił w specjalnym, świątecznym odcinku. Zaśpiewał kolędę "Wśród nocnej ciszy". Wideo: TVP (c)
Donald Tusk vs Nigel Farage (2015) - napisy PL
Nigel Farage sprowadza na ziemię Donalda Tuska, który kłamie odnośnie wspaniałości Unii Europejskiej. Brytyjski Europoseł wypomina Tuskowi masowe emigracje i pr...
Nigel Farage sprowadza na ziemię Donalda Tuska, który kłamie odnośnie wspaniałości Unii Europejskiej. Brytyjski Europoseł wypomina Tuskowi masowe emigracje i prywatny interes w wychwalaniu upadającej Unii
wn.com/Donald Tusk Vs Nigel Farage (2015) Napisy Pl
Nigel Farage sprowadza na ziemię Donalda Tuska, który kłamie odnośnie wspaniałości Unii Europejskiej. Brytyjski Europoseł wypomina Tuskowi masowe emigracje i prywatny interes w wychwalaniu upadającej Unii
- published: 15 Jan 2015
- views: 3208
Donald Tusk: President-elect of the European Council - A biography in his own words
Donald TUSK tells his personal story. The long road from his youth and his roots in Gdansk, to his election as President of the European Council...
Donald TUSK tells his personal story. The long road from his youth and his roots in Gdansk, to his election as President of the European Council
wn.com/Donald Tusk President Elect Of The European Council A Biography In His Own Words
Donald TUSK tells his personal story. The long road from his youth and his roots in Gdansk, to his election as President of the European Council
- published: 28 Nov 2014
- views: 8
Donald Tusk - zrujnował Polskę i uciekł do Unii!
Autorzy: * http://www.facebook.com/Beka.Polityczna * http://www.facebook.com/WolnoscNaszymPrawem * http://www.facebook.com/Drewniak.Pawel Materiały za: Super......
Autorzy: * http://www.facebook.com/Beka.Polityczna * http://www.facebook.com/WolnoscNaszymPrawem * http://www.facebook.com/Drewniak.Pawel Materiały za: Super...
wn.com/Donald Tusk Zrujnował Polskę I Uciekł Do Unii
Autorzy: * http://www.facebook.com/Beka.Polityczna * http://www.facebook.com/WolnoscNaszymPrawem * http://www.facebook.com/Drewniak.Pawel Materiały za: Super...
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
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Wiesz dlaczego siatkarze wygrali? Bo znali angielski! Do...
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Wiesz dlaczego siatkarze wygrali? Bo znali angielski! Donald Tusk też postanowił wygrać wszystko - rząd, Polskę, internet, Europę i Świat! Zmotywowany sukcesami naszych Mistrzów Świata postanowił wziąć się za naukę języka angielskiego, żeby rządzić w Europie wszystkimi. Niestety w Polsce zostawił Bronka i Ewkę.
Wielkie dzięki dla Supesratcji, której się chciało i poszukała mi kilku materiałów;-)
Miniaturkę uczyniła Kosmoska
wn.com/Tusk Po Angielsku Zdupping
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Wiesz dlaczego siatkarze wygrali? Bo znali angielski! Donald Tusk też postanowił wygrać wszystko - rząd, Polskę, internet, Europę i Świat! Zmotywowany sukcesami naszych Mistrzów Świata postanowił wziąć się za naukę języka angielskiego, żeby rządzić w Europie wszystkimi. Niestety w Polsce zostawił Bronka i Ewkę.
Wielkie dzięki dla Supesratcji, której się chciało i poszukała mi kilku materiałów;-)
Miniaturkę uczyniła Kosmoska
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 230917
Nigel Farage vs Donald Tusk - parę słów prawdy
"Huczne" powitanie polskiej prezydencji w Strasburgu dnia 6 lipca 2011 r. Napisy dostępne są po kliknięciu na przycisk [ = ]...
"Huczne" powitanie polskiej prezydencji w Strasburgu dnia 6 lipca 2011 r. Napisy dostępne są po kliknięciu na przycisk [ = ]
wn.com/Nigel Farage Vs Donald Tusk Parę Słów Prawdy
"Huczne" powitanie polskiej prezydencji w Strasburgu dnia 6 lipca 2011 r. Napisy dostępne są po kliknięciu na przycisk [ = ]
- published: 06 Jul 2011
- views: 653288
author: milka9400
Donald Tusk w programie "Tomasz Lis na żywo"
Premier Donald Tusk był gościem programu "Tomasz Lis na żywo" w TVP2.
Źródło: TVP 2
Więcej informacji: https://www.premier.gov.pl/wydarzenia/aktualnosci/prem...
Premier Donald Tusk był gościem programu "Tomasz Lis na żywo" w TVP2.
Źródło: TVP 2
Więcej informacji: https://www.premier.gov.pl/wydarzenia/aktualnosci/premier-tusk-zwyciestwo-w-brukseli-to-triumf-polski.html
Subskrybuj nasz kanał: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=kancelariapremiera
wn.com/Donald Tusk W Programie Tomasz Lis Na Żywo
Premier Donald Tusk był gościem programu "Tomasz Lis na żywo" w TVP2.
Źródło: TVP 2
Więcej informacji: https://www.premier.gov.pl/wydarzenia/aktualnosci/premier-tusk-zwyciestwo-w-brukseli-to-triumf-polski.html
Subskrybuj nasz kanał: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=kancelariapremiera
- published: 02 Sep 2014
- views: 1459
Nigel Farage lambasts EU Council President Donald Tusk as Poland's 'newest émigré'
Nigel Farage lambasts EU Council President Donald Tusk as Poland's 'newest émigré'
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), mocked European Co...
Nigel Farage lambasts EU Council President Donald Tusk as Poland's 'newest émigré'
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), mocked European Council President Donald Tusk after the latter's maiden speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. -
See more at: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/193567,Eurosceptic-Farage-lambasts-Tusk-as-Polands-newest-%C3%A9migr%C3%A9#sthash.ZZwPGHYc.dpuf
''Migration is the big problem,'' Farage complained to Tusk. ''You promised your voters that young Poles would return home but you have become the newest Polish émigré,'' he said. ''EU voters want massive reforms, and you are not the man to provide them," he claimed. Farage, who leads the Eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) within the European Parliament, also quipped that Tusk had won ''the European jackpot'' by getting his current job. ''You used to earn 60,000 euro a year, now it's 300,000 euro,'' Farage said. ''I know why you were chosen, you're perfect,'' the UK politician added. ''You have outdated opinions on the subject of Europe.'' Tusk said later that Farage's outburst was an example of the differences in political culture within the EU. The former Polish prime minister was elected as European Council President on 30 August 2014, assuming the position on 1 December. (nh) - See more at:
Source credit
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Nigel Farage Lambasts Eu Council President Donald Tusk As Poland's 'Newest Émigré'
Nigel Farage lambasts EU Council President Donald Tusk as Poland's 'newest émigré'
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), mocked European Council President Donald Tusk after the latter's maiden speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. -
See more at: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/193567,Eurosceptic-Farage-lambasts-Tusk-as-Polands-newest-%C3%A9migr%C3%A9#sthash.ZZwPGHYc.dpuf
''Migration is the big problem,'' Farage complained to Tusk. ''You promised your voters that young Poles would return home but you have become the newest Polish émigré,'' he said. ''EU voters want massive reforms, and you are not the man to provide them," he claimed. Farage, who leads the Eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) within the European Parliament, also quipped that Tusk had won ''the European jackpot'' by getting his current job. ''You used to earn 60,000 euro a year, now it's 300,000 euro,'' Farage said. ''I know why you were chosen, you're perfect,'' the UK politician added. ''You have outdated opinions on the subject of Europe.'' Tusk said later that Farage's outburst was an example of the differences in political culture within the EU. The former Polish prime minister was elected as European Council President on 30 August 2014, assuming the position on 1 December. (nh) - See more at:
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I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 14 Jan 2015
- views: 189
Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju i Goście - Tusk przyjeżdża z Brukseli - Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa 2015
Bunt w PO. Kto jest winny niepowodzeniom?
Grzegorz Schetyna mówi jak jest - Tusk!
Tymczasem Donald niespodziewanie wraca z Brukseli...
Bunt w PO. Kto jest winny niepowodzeniom?
Grzegorz Schetyna mówi jak jest - Tusk!
Tymczasem Donald niespodziewanie wraca z Brukseli...
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wn.com/Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju I Goście Tusk Przyjeżdża Z Brukseli Kabaretowa Noc Listopadowa 2015
Bunt w PO. Kto jest winny niepowodzeniom?
Grzegorz Schetyna mówi jak jest - Tusk!
Tymczasem Donald niespodziewanie wraca z Brukseli...
Co nowego? https://www.youtube.com/user/itvp/videos?shelf_id=2&view;=0&sort;=dd
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Strona TVP (całe odcinki i wydania audycji)
- published: 12 Nov 2015
- views: 12084
Dobrze to jest polisz gut - czyli jak Donald Tusk mówi po angielsku
Wystąpienie premiera Tuska po podpisaniu umowy o tarczy antyrakietowej 20. sierpnia 2008 r. W filmiku wykorzystano utwór "Slow Hip Hop Rap Beat" od Streetwor......
Wystąpienie premiera Tuska po podpisaniu umowy o tarczy antyrakietowej 20. sierpnia 2008 r. W filmiku wykorzystano utwór "Slow Hip Hop Rap Beat" od Streetwor...
wn.com/Dobrze To Jest Polisz Gut Czyli Jak Donald Tusk Mówi Po Angielsku
Wystąpienie premiera Tuska po podpisaniu umowy o tarczy antyrakietowej 20. sierpnia 2008 r. W filmiku wykorzystano utwór "Slow Hip Hop Rap Beat" od Streetwor...
- published: 16 Aug 2010
- views: 140481
author: VidMak
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 9 lipca 2014 r.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 9 lipca 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 71 Wniosek o wyrażenie wotum nieufności Radzie Ministrów kierowanej przez Prezesa Rady Mi......
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 9 lipca 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 71 Wniosek o wyrażenie wotum nieufności Radzie Ministrów kierowanej przez Prezesa Rady Mi...
wn.com/Donald Tusk Wystąpienie Z 9 Lipca 2014 R.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 9 lipca 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 71 Wniosek o wyrażenie wotum nieufności Radzie Ministrów kierowanej przez Prezesa Rady Mi...
Doorstep by Donald Tusk (President of the European Council)
Doorstep by Donlad TUSK, President of the European Council, at the Eastern Partnership Summit, on 21 May 2015, in Riga.
UN Speeches: Donald Tusk, President of the European Union
Speech at the 70th General Assembly in New York, Sept. 29, 2015. http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/un-speeches-donald-tusk-president-of-the-european-union/
Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland | Journal Interview
Journal Interview with Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland.
Donald Tusk pierwszy wywiad zza krat ( Donald Tusk interview from behind bars )
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panowie z ĆBĄ i będą wyrywać im laptopy? Czy będą im towarzyszyć świecący panowie i panie z POLIC? Czy będą łamać konstytucję RP?
Gdy tak się stanie osobiście pojadę do siedziby TVN by zasłonić dziennikarzy swoją nieodkrytą piersią i z maską na
euronews interview - Donald Tusk, Premier ministre polonais : " Nous voulons...
La Pologne prendra au mois de juillet la présidence tournante de l'Union européenne. Pour connaître ses priorités et ses objectifs, euronews a interviewé le ...
Donald Tusk, Ministerpräsident Polen | Journal-Interview
Chance in der Schwäche: Kann Europa an der Krise wachsen? Er ist ein überzeugter Europäer - dafür wurde er mit dem Internationalen Karlspreis 2010 ausgezeich...
Jak Donald Tusk radzi sobie z językiem angielskim?
Angielski Tuska wypolerowany. "Gramatycznie jest ok. Z intonacją i wymową troszkę gorzej. Ale chapeau bas, facet wykonał kawał dobrej roboty" - ocenia postępy w nauce przewodniczącego Rady Europejskiej Rafał Uzar, Brytyjczyk i anglista. Komplementów byłemu premierowi nie szczędzą nawet posłowie opozycji.
euronews interview - Polen: "wir wollen den Euro"
Der polnische Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk steht ab dem ersten Juli im europäischen Rampenlicht. Dann übernimmt sein Land für sechs Monate den turnusmäßig w...
Donald Tusk about Dalai Lama
Part of the special interview with polish prime minister Donald Tusk for TOK FM Radio. From website gazeta.pl 19.03.2008.
Donald Tusk zza krat behind bars (music version)
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panowie z ĆBĄ i będą wyrywać im laptopy? Czy będą im towarzyszyć świecący panowie i panie z POLIC? Czy będą łamać konstytucję RP?
Gdy tak się stanie osobiście pojadę do siedziby TVN by zasłonić dziennikarzy swoją nieodkrytą piersią i z maską na
EU's Tusk Says Sanctions on Russia Must Be Maintained
The president of the European Council Donald Tusk said in a joint interview with several newspapers published on Monday that Europe must maintain pressure on Russia with sanctions until the Kiev government has full control of Ukraine.
He also warned against the danger of a Greek exit from the euro, a scenario he called "idiotic", and said Europe needed to work out a clearer approach to its overall
Donald Tusk: Ukraine could receive EUR 2 billion financial aid before the end of year
The comments came in an interview with Radio Poland in which Tusk also said that although the figure is not as much as Ukraine now needs it is nonetheless a substantial amount of money.
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Donald Trump On Syria: 'Let Mobil Go In' And Take The Oil
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Clip from the Wednesday, June 17th 2015 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday - friday 4-6pm Eastern.
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Polish PM Donald Tusk in DW-Tv 15.05.2010
Interview with Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland Strenght from Weakness. Could the economic crisis spur European growth? Deutsche Welle TV.
TVN 24 /14.07.2011/ Between Scholl and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk
PL: Pomiędzy reklamą Scholla a premierem Tuskiem Wczoraj, reklamą w TVN 24 o 20.00 rozpoczęła się następna seria antyreklam. Wyemitowanie video tuż przed wej...
The handover ceremony between Herman Van Rompuy and Donald Tusk
The handover ceremony between outgoing President Herman Van Rompuy and incoming President Donald Tusk on 1 December 2014.
Donald Tusk Robin Hood Książę złodziei
Donald Tusk (Robin Hood Książę złodziei) , śmieszne , parodia
Jan Pietrzak
Przestały już kąsać
czerwone insekty.
Niech żyje prywata!
Niech zgnije kolektyw!
Przyjemnie popatrzeć,
jak naród główkuje,
na glebie jałowej
kiełkują burżuje.
Tu burżuj na skwerku
wołowe sprzedaje,
a tam wyzyskiwacz
obnosi pięć jajek.
Drapieżny kapitał
gromadzi się w bankach,
Doorstep by Donald Tusk (President of the European Council)
Doorstep by Donlad TUSK, President of the European Council, at the Eastern Partnership Summit, on 21 May 2015, in Riga....
Doorstep by Donlad TUSK, President of the European Council, at the Eastern Partnership Summit, on 21 May 2015, in Riga.
wn.com/Doorstep By Donald Tusk (President Of The European Council)
Doorstep by Donlad TUSK, President of the European Council, at the Eastern Partnership Summit, on 21 May 2015, in Riga.
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 560
UN Speeches: Donald Tusk, President of the European Union
Speech at the 70th General Assembly in New York, Sept. 29, 2015. http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/un-speeches-donald-tusk-president-of-the-european-union/...
Speech at the 70th General Assembly in New York, Sept. 29, 2015. http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/un-speeches-donald-tusk-president-of-the-european-union/
wn.com/Un Speeches Donald Tusk, President Of The European Union
Speech at the 70th General Assembly in New York, Sept. 29, 2015. http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/un-speeches-donald-tusk-president-of-the-european-union/
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 10
Donald Tusk pierwszy wywiad zza krat ( Donald Tusk interview from behind bars )
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panow...
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panowie z ĆBĄ i będą wyrywać im laptopy? Czy będą im towarzyszyć świecący panowie i panie z POLIC? Czy będą łamać konstytucję RP?
Gdy tak się stanie osobiście pojadę do siedziby TVN by zasłonić dziennikarzy swoją nieodkrytą piersią i z maską na twarzy.
Będę bronić porządku i ładu konstytucyjnego Polski, bo jeśli nie robią tego wyżej wymienieni wówczas taki obowiązek mają zwykli i niezwykli obywatele naszego kraju.
Jeśli tego dokonamy naszym wspólnym obywatelskim poruszeniem, wówczas Donald Tusk zostanie tam gdzie powinien być.
Chciałbym uspokoić wszystkich fanów Donalda Tuska, nikt nie wsadził Donalda Tuska do więzienia Donald Tusk nie siedzi w więzieniu. Donald Tusk is not a prisoner. Taka sytuacja.
Donald Tusk pierwszy wywiad zza krat ( Donald Tusk interview from behind bars )
Donald Tusk named next president of European Council
Donald Tusk's rise to European council president
Donald Tusk, the new head of Europe
Donald Tusk becomes new European Council President
Poland's Donald Tusk elected European Council president
New European president's Council
wn.com/Donald Tusk Pierwszy Wywiad Zza Krat ( Donald Tusk Interview From Behind Bars )
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panowie z ĆBĄ i będą wyrywać im laptopy? Czy będą im towarzyszyć świecący panowie i panie z POLIC? Czy będą łamać konstytucję RP?
Gdy tak się stanie osobiście pojadę do siedziby TVN by zasłonić dziennikarzy swoją nieodkrytą piersią i z maską na twarzy.
Będę bronić porządku i ładu konstytucyjnego Polski, bo jeśli nie robią tego wyżej wymienieni wówczas taki obowiązek mają zwykli i niezwykli obywatele naszego kraju.
Jeśli tego dokonamy naszym wspólnym obywatelskim poruszeniem, wówczas Donald Tusk zostanie tam gdzie powinien być.
Chciałbym uspokoić wszystkich fanów Donalda Tuska, nikt nie wsadził Donalda Tuska do więzienia Donald Tusk nie siedzi w więzieniu. Donald Tusk is not a prisoner. Taka sytuacja.
Donald Tusk pierwszy wywiad zza krat ( Donald Tusk interview from behind bars )
Donald Tusk named next president of European Council
Donald Tusk's rise to European council president
Donald Tusk, the new head of Europe
Donald Tusk becomes new European Council President
Poland's Donald Tusk elected European Council president
New European president's Council
- published: 26 Sep 2014
- views: 668
euronews interview - Donald Tusk, Premier ministre polonais : " Nous voulons...
La Pologne prendra au mois de juillet la présidence tournante de l'Union européenne. Pour connaître ses priorités et ses objectifs, euronews a interviewé le ......
La Pologne prendra au mois de juillet la présidence tournante de l'Union européenne. Pour connaître ses priorités et ses objectifs, euronews a interviewé le ...
wn.com/Euronews Interview Donald Tusk, Premier Ministre Polonais Nous Voulons...
La Pologne prendra au mois de juillet la présidence tournante de l'Union européenne. Pour connaître ses priorités et ses objectifs, euronews a interviewé le ...
- published: 27 May 2011
- views: 806
author: euronewsfr
Donald Tusk, Ministerpräsident Polen | Journal-Interview
Chance in der Schwäche: Kann Europa an der Krise wachsen? Er ist ein überzeugter Europäer - dafür wurde er mit dem Internationalen Karlspreis 2010 ausgezeich......
Chance in der Schwäche: Kann Europa an der Krise wachsen? Er ist ein überzeugter Europäer - dafür wurde er mit dem Internationalen Karlspreis 2010 ausgezeich...
wn.com/Donald Tusk, Ministerpräsident Polen | Journal Interview
Chance in der Schwäche: Kann Europa an der Krise wachsen? Er ist ein überzeugter Europäer - dafür wurde er mit dem Internationalen Karlspreis 2010 ausgezeich...
Jak Donald Tusk radzi sobie z językiem angielskim?
Angielski Tuska wypolerowany. "Gramatycznie jest ok. Z intonacją i wymową troszkę gorzej. Ale chapeau bas, facet wykonał kawał dobrej roboty" - ocenia postępy w...
Angielski Tuska wypolerowany. "Gramatycznie jest ok. Z intonacją i wymową troszkę gorzej. Ale chapeau bas, facet wykonał kawał dobrej roboty" - ocenia postępy w nauce przewodniczącego Rady Europejskiej Rafał Uzar, Brytyjczyk i anglista. Komplementów byłemu premierowi nie szczędzą nawet posłowie opozycji.
wn.com/Jak Donald Tusk Radzi Sobie Z Językiem Angielskim
Angielski Tuska wypolerowany. "Gramatycznie jest ok. Z intonacją i wymową troszkę gorzej. Ale chapeau bas, facet wykonał kawał dobrej roboty" - ocenia postępy w nauce przewodniczącego Rady Europejskiej Rafał Uzar, Brytyjczyk i anglista. Komplementów byłemu premierowi nie szczędzą nawet posłowie opozycji.
- published: 10 Dec 2014
- views: 55
euronews interview - Polen: "wir wollen den Euro"
Der polnische Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk steht ab dem ersten Juli im europäischen Rampenlicht. Dann übernimmt sein Land für sechs Monate den turnusmäßig w......
Der polnische Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk steht ab dem ersten Juli im europäischen Rampenlicht. Dann übernimmt sein Land für sechs Monate den turnusmäßig w...
wn.com/Euronews Interview Polen Wir Wollen Den Euro
Der polnische Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk steht ab dem ersten Juli im europäischen Rampenlicht. Dann übernimmt sein Land für sechs Monate den turnusmäßig w...
Donald Tusk about Dalai Lama
Part of the special interview with polish prime minister Donald Tusk for TOK FM Radio. From website gazeta.pl 19.03.2008....
Part of the special interview with polish prime minister Donald Tusk for TOK FM Radio. From website gazeta.pl 19.03.2008.
wn.com/Donald Tusk About Dalai Lama
Part of the special interview with polish prime minister Donald Tusk for TOK FM Radio. From website gazeta.pl 19.03.2008.
- published: 20 Mar 2008
- views: 8369
author: npc4gold
Donald Tusk zza krat behind bars (music version)
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panow...
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panowie z ĆBĄ i będą wyrywać im laptopy? Czy będą im towarzyszyć świecący panowie i panie z POLIC? Czy będą łamać konstytucję RP?
Gdy tak się stanie osobiście pojadę do siedziby TVN by zasłonić dziennikarzy swoją nieodkrytą piersią i z maską na twarzy.
Będę bronić porządku i ładu konstytucyjnego Polski, bo jeśli nie robią tego wyżej wymienieni wówczas taki obowiązek mają zwykli i niezwykli obywatele naszego kraju.
Jeśli tego dokonamy naszym wspólnym obywatelskim poruszeniem, wówczas Donald Tusk zostanie tam gdzie powinien być.
Chciałbym uspokoić wszystkich fanów Donalda Tuska, nikt nie wsadził Donalda Tuska do więzienia Donald Tusk nie siedzi w więzieniu. Donald Tusk is not a prisoner. This is not a prison. This is not a jail. Taka sytuacja.
Donald Tusk pierwszy wywiad zza krat ( Donald Tusk interview from behind bars )
Donald Tusk named next president of European Council
Donald Tusk's rise to European council president
Donald Tusk, the new head of Europe
Donald Tusk becomes new European Council President
Poland's Donald Tusk elected European Council president
New European president's Council
wn.com/Donald Tusk Zza Krat Behind Bars (Music Version)
Dziś na stronie tvn24 obejrzałem bardzo ciekawy pierwszy wywiad zza krat z Donaldem Tuskiem. Oto jego fragmencik.
Czy do dziennikarzy TVN przyjdą śmieszni panowie z ĆBĄ i będą wyrywać im laptopy? Czy będą im towarzyszyć świecący panowie i panie z POLIC? Czy będą łamać konstytucję RP?
Gdy tak się stanie osobiście pojadę do siedziby TVN by zasłonić dziennikarzy swoją nieodkrytą piersią i z maską na twarzy.
Będę bronić porządku i ładu konstytucyjnego Polski, bo jeśli nie robią tego wyżej wymienieni wówczas taki obowiązek mają zwykli i niezwykli obywatele naszego kraju.
Jeśli tego dokonamy naszym wspólnym obywatelskim poruszeniem, wówczas Donald Tusk zostanie tam gdzie powinien być.
Chciałbym uspokoić wszystkich fanów Donalda Tuska, nikt nie wsadził Donalda Tuska do więzienia Donald Tusk nie siedzi w więzieniu. Donald Tusk is not a prisoner. This is not a prison. This is not a jail. Taka sytuacja.
Donald Tusk pierwszy wywiad zza krat ( Donald Tusk interview from behind bars )
Donald Tusk named next president of European Council
Donald Tusk's rise to European council president
Donald Tusk, the new head of Europe
Donald Tusk becomes new European Council President
Poland's Donald Tusk elected European Council president
New European president's Council
- published: 27 Sep 2014
- views: 39
EU's Tusk Says Sanctions on Russia Must Be Maintained
The president of the European Council Donald Tusk said in a joint interview with several newspapers published on Monday that Europe must maintain pressure on Ru...
The president of the European Council Donald Tusk said in a joint interview with several newspapers published on Monday that Europe must maintain pressure on Russia with sanctions until the Kiev government has full control of Ukraine.
He also warned against the danger of a Greek exit from the euro, a scenario he called "idiotic", and said Europe needed to work out a clearer approach to its overall security policy in nearby crisis regions including Libya and Russia.
Tusk, the former prime minister of Poland, has been one of the strongest critics of Russia's role in the crisis in Ukraine and repeated that he had little confidence in Moscow.
He was quoted as saying by Italian daily La Stampa, one of six European newspapers which took part in the interview, "I'm skeptical about the goodwill of the Russians and I'm convinced that what's needed is to maintain pressure, not discuss details."
wn.com/Eu's Tusk Says Sanctions On Russia Must Be Maintained
The president of the European Council Donald Tusk said in a joint interview with several newspapers published on Monday that Europe must maintain pressure on Russia with sanctions until the Kiev government has full control of Ukraine.
He also warned against the danger of a Greek exit from the euro, a scenario he called "idiotic", and said Europe needed to work out a clearer approach to its overall security policy in nearby crisis regions including Libya and Russia.
Tusk, the former prime minister of Poland, has been one of the strongest critics of Russia's role in the crisis in Ukraine and repeated that he had little confidence in Moscow.
He was quoted as saying by Italian daily La Stampa, one of six European newspapers which took part in the interview, "I'm skeptical about the goodwill of the Russians and I'm convinced that what's needed is to maintain pressure, not discuss details."
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 18
Donald Tusk: Ukraine could receive EUR 2 billion financial aid before the end of year
The comments came in an interview with Radio Poland in which Tusk also said that although the figure is not as much as Ukraine now needs it is nonetheless a sub...
The comments came in an interview with Radio Poland in which Tusk also said that although the figure is not as much as Ukraine now needs it is nonetheless a substantial amount of money.
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wn.com/Donald Tusk Ukraine Could Receive EUR 2 Billion Financial Aid Before The End Of Year
The comments came in an interview with Radio Poland in which Tusk also said that although the figure is not as much as Ukraine now needs it is nonetheless a substantial amount of money.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
- published: 21 Dec 2014
- views: 49
Donald Trump On Syria: 'Let Mobil Go In' And Take The Oil
Read More At:
Clip from the Wednesday, June 17th 2015 edi...
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Clip from the Wednesday, June 17th 2015 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday - friday 4-6pm Eastern.
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wn.com/Donald Trump On Syria 'Let Mobil Go In' And Take The Oil
Read More At:
Clip from the Wednesday, June 17th 2015 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday - friday 4-6pm Eastern.
Check out our website - and become a member - at:
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- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 316
Polish PM Donald Tusk in DW-Tv 15.05.2010
Interview with Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland Strenght from Weakness. Could the economic crisis spur European growth? Deutsche Welle TV....
Interview with Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland Strenght from Weakness. Could the economic crisis spur European growth? Deutsche Welle TV.
wn.com/Polish Pm Donald Tusk In Dw Tv 15.05.2010
Interview with Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland Strenght from Weakness. Could the economic crisis spur European growth? Deutsche Welle TV.
- published: 19 May 2010
- views: 534
author: DzAnYs
TVN 24 /14.07.2011/ Between Scholl and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk
PL: Pomiędzy reklamą Scholla a premierem Tuskiem Wczoraj, reklamą w TVN 24 o 20.00 rozpoczęła się następna seria antyreklam. Wyemitowanie video tuż przed wej......
PL: Pomiędzy reklamą Scholla a premierem Tuskiem Wczoraj, reklamą w TVN 24 o 20.00 rozpoczęła się następna seria antyreklam. Wyemitowanie video tuż przed wej...
wn.com/Tvn 24 14.07.2011 Between Scholl And Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk
PL: Pomiędzy reklamą Scholla a premierem Tuskiem Wczoraj, reklamą w TVN 24 o 20.00 rozpoczęła się następna seria antyreklam. Wyemitowanie video tuż przed wej...
The handover ceremony between Herman Van Rompuy and Donald Tusk
The handover ceremony between outgoing President Herman Van Rompuy and incoming President Donald Tusk on 1 December 2014....
The handover ceremony between outgoing President Herman Van Rompuy and incoming President Donald Tusk on 1 December 2014.
wn.com/The Handover Ceremony Between Herman Van Rompuy And Donald Tusk
The handover ceremony between outgoing President Herman Van Rompuy and incoming President Donald Tusk on 1 December 2014.
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 183
Donald Tusk Robin Hood Książę złodziei
Donald Tusk (Robin Hood Książę złodziei) , śmieszne , parodia
Jan Pietrzak
Przestały już kąsać
czerwone insekty.
Donald Tusk (Robin Hood Książę złodziei) , śmieszne , parodia
Jan Pietrzak
Przestały już kąsać
czerwone insekty.
Niech żyje prywata!
Niech zgnije kolektyw!
Przyjemnie popatrzeć,
jak naród główkuje,
na glebie jałowej
kiełkują burżuje.
Tu burżuj na skwerku
wołowe sprzedaje,
a tam wyzyskiwacz
obnosi pięć jajek.
Drapieżny kapitał
gromadzi się w bankach,
za tydzień, za miesiąc
ruszy gospodarka!
Prywatyzacja - dla gospodarki dieta cud!
Prywatyzacja - zgrzybiałych fabryk, starych hut!
Minister Lis już dopilnuje - pewien jestem,
kapitalistą musisz zostać, chcesz czy nie chcesz!
Największych umysłów
to przedmiot analiz:
jak można z dziadostwa
zrobić kapitalizm?
Jak z gliny ulepić
telefon, komputer?
Jak z piasku ukręcić
porządną walutę?
My znów wytyczamy
pobliskim plemionom
tę ścieżkę na tłuste
kapitału łono!
Prywatyzacja - jedyny ponoć dobry lek!
Prywatyzacja - choćby się naród cały wściekł!
Nikt do roboty nie pogoni nas tak czule
jak te pijawki, posiadacze, tarantule!
Ty chwytaj ten pociąg,
ty nie bądź frajerem,
nie pytaj, co robić,
zakładaj interes!
Od Lisa odkupisz
kawałek fabryczki,
z Zachodu wydusisz
markowe pożyczki.
Interes społeczny
wymaga w tym czasie,
by każdy interes
prywatny miał w chacie.
Jak Rockefeller
zaczął od dolara,
zacznij od złotówki
i śmiej się od rana!
Prywatyzacja - to nasza szansa, to nasz cel!
Prywatyzacja dla ciemnych mas i wyższych sfer!
Ostrzegam państwa - jak się kiedyś zdenerwuje,
to własną żonę chyba też sprywatyzuję!
wn.com/Donald Tusk Robin Hood Książę Złodziei
Donald Tusk (Robin Hood Książę złodziei) , śmieszne , parodia
Jan Pietrzak
Przestały już kąsać
czerwone insekty.
Niech żyje prywata!
Niech zgnije kolektyw!
Przyjemnie popatrzeć,
jak naród główkuje,
na glebie jałowej
kiełkują burżuje.
Tu burżuj na skwerku
wołowe sprzedaje,
a tam wyzyskiwacz
obnosi pięć jajek.
Drapieżny kapitał
gromadzi się w bankach,
za tydzień, za miesiąc
ruszy gospodarka!
Prywatyzacja - dla gospodarki dieta cud!
Prywatyzacja - zgrzybiałych fabryk, starych hut!
Minister Lis już dopilnuje - pewien jestem,
kapitalistą musisz zostać, chcesz czy nie chcesz!
Największych umysłów
to przedmiot analiz:
jak można z dziadostwa
zrobić kapitalizm?
Jak z gliny ulepić
telefon, komputer?
Jak z piasku ukręcić
porządną walutę?
My znów wytyczamy
pobliskim plemionom
tę ścieżkę na tłuste
kapitału łono!
Prywatyzacja - jedyny ponoć dobry lek!
Prywatyzacja - choćby się naród cały wściekł!
Nikt do roboty nie pogoni nas tak czule
jak te pijawki, posiadacze, tarantule!
Ty chwytaj ten pociąg,
ty nie bądź frajerem,
nie pytaj, co robić,
zakładaj interes!
Od Lisa odkupisz
kawałek fabryczki,
z Zachodu wydusisz
markowe pożyczki.
Interes społeczny
wymaga w tym czasie,
by każdy interes
prywatny miał w chacie.
Jak Rockefeller
zaczął od dolara,
zacznij od złotówki
i śmiej się od rana!
Prywatyzacja - to nasza szansa, to nasz cel!
Prywatyzacja dla ciemnych mas i wyższych sfer!
Ostrzegam państwa - jak się kiedyś zdenerwuje,
to własną żonę chyba też sprywatyzuję!
- published: 04 Oct 2014
- views: 73
Donald Tusk - Początek upadku cz3 Ucieczka
Anatomia upadku narodu
Donald Tusk - Początek upadku cz2 Spirala śmierci
Anatomia upadku narodu
Truth about wages of Donald Tusk.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
Nigel Farage criticizes Donald Tusk.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
Politycy w Jeden z dziesięciu - 1 z 10 - Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban
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Korwin Mikke Braun Kukiz Komorowski Kaczyński Stonoga Wipler Urban Cejrowski Korwin Braun Kukiz Komorowski Kaczyński Stonoga
UKIP Nigel Farage MEP Makes A Fool Out Of Poland's Donald Tusk
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Donald tusk
Donal Tusk zniszczył Polskę, Max Kolonko, Stonoga
Użyte materiały:
-MaxTv-Donald Tusk - Man of the Year 2014
-Zbigniew Stonoga-Sejmowe Więzienie
EUCO/Press point by Donald Tusk: Banking Union, COP21, energy infrastructure projects/Nord Stream-2
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council on the Banking Union, the success of the COP21 and major energy infrastructure projects/Nord Stream-2 with Q&A; - Part in ENGLISH - FULL version - 18.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels.
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: "There is no time for complaisance in re
Matteo Renzi meet Donald Tusk
Pijany Donald Tusk wpada pod auto
Pijany Donald Tusk w Rosji wpada pod auto. Tak Tusk dorabia sobie za granicą!
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk sul progetto russo-tedesco di raddoppio del gasdotto North Stream / EBS
European Council December 2015 - Highlights
Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Commission, and Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, welcome EU leaders' decision to rapidly examine the Commission's proposal of strenghtening the bloc's external borders, including the European Border Guard idea. The European Council also exchanged views on the UK plans for the referendum and a
EUCO - Press conference by President Donald Tusk on migration, external borders, and the UK
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: opening statement on migration, external borders, and the UK - Part in English - 18.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Donald Tusk, President of the European Council : "Today leaders discussed the handling of the migration crisis. All the elements of strategy are there, bu
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il Presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk / EBS
Dissowe Gnioty - Donald Tusk Diss
Reklama "PsYcho666 - Porąbę Was Siekierą (Psycho Massacre Metal)":
Wokal: Lektor PL
Muzyka: Mariusz Gosiński
Zespół: Dissowe Gnioty
Ketegoria: Zakurwisty / Rap
Piosenka: Donald Tusk Diss
Official WebPage: http://mariuszgosinski.za.pl/Dissowe_Gnioty/Dissowe-Gnioty.html
© Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone
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Donald Tusk talks about Brexit but chooses wrong exit himself
Donald Tusk talks to RT ahead of Cameron's proposal for EU enhancements and then exits the wrong way.
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European Council: Donald Tusk
Doorstep of European Council President Donald Tusk, ahead of the European Council.
EU's Tusk says some UK reform demands 'unacceptable'
EU president Donald Tusk warns that some of the reform demands British Prime Minister David Cameron is due to make at a summit today are likely to be unacceptable to other leaders.
Ahead of the EU Council, Schulz, Juncker & Tusk fully support Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine
EN - Ahead of the European Council meeting on December 17-18, 2015, EP President Martin Schulz, Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission & Donald Tusk, President of the EUropean Council, fully support Petro Poroshenko/Петро Порошенко, President of Ukraine - 16.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels:
-Meeting of Presidents TUSK and JUNCKER with President POROSHENKO of Ukraine: arriv
Doorstep by President Donald Tusk
Doorstep by Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, ahead of the European Council meeting, on 16 December 2015, in Brussels.
Donald Tusk failed at his job
The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, failed on his job. By proposing that refugees should be detained for 18 months he not only went against any humanitarian principle, but moreover as the president of the council, he is supposed to facilitate cohesion and consensus amongst European Member States. That is in his job description and unfortunately he failed it.
Truth about wages of Donald Tusk.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Truth About Wages Of Donald Tusk.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 4
Nigel Farage criticizes Donald Tusk.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Nigel Farage Criticizes Donald Tusk.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 25
Politycy w Jeden z dziesięciu - 1 z 10 - Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban
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Korwin Mikke Braun Kukiz Komorowski Kaczyński Stonoga Wipler Urban Cejrowski Korwin Braun Kukiz Komorowski Kaczyński Stonoga Wipler Urban Cejrowski Antoni Macierewicz Polityczne LSD Ator Wideoprezentacje Szydło Kamiński Janusz Korwin-Mikke Grzegorz Braun Janusz Palikot Paweł Tanajno Jacek Wilk Robert Biedroń Bronisław Komorowski Jarosław Kaczyński Lech Kaczyński Zbigniew Stonoga Przemysław Wipler Jerzy Urban Wojciech Cejrowski Krzysztof Woźniak Ewa Kopacz Donald Tusk Tomasz Lis Mariusz Max Kolonko Donald Trump Barak Obama Ryszard Petru In vitro aborcja wolność własność sprawiedliwość kościół szkoła strzelnica mennica Radosław Sikorski Leszek Miller
Krystyna Pawłowicz Armand Ryfiński Marian Kowalski Andrzej Duda Henryka Krzywonos Grzegorz Schetyna Witold Waszczykowski Beata Kempa Antoni Macierewicz Polityczne LSD Ator Wideoprezentacje Beata Szydło Mariusz Kamiński Janusz Korwin-Mikke Grzegorz Braun Janusz Palikot Paweł Tanajno Jacek Wilk Robert Biedroń Bronisław Komorowski Jarosław Kaczyński Lech Kaczyński Zbigniew Stonoga Przemysław Wipler Jerzy Urban Wojciech Cejrowski Krzysztof Woźniak Ewa Kopacz Donald Tusk Tomasz Lis Mariusz Max Kolonko Donald Trump Barak Obama Ryszard Petru In vitro aborcja wolność własność sprawiedliwość kościół szkoła strzelnica mennica Radosław Sikorski Leszek Miller
Krystyna Pawłowicz Armand Ryfiński Marian Kowalski Andrzej Duda Henryka Krzywonos Grzegorz Schetyna Witold Waszczykowski Beata Kempa Jeden z dziesięciu Jeden z dziesięciu 1 z 10 1 z 10 1 z 10 Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban Politycy w Jeden z dziesięciu - 1 z 10 - Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban Politycy w Jeden z dziesięciu - 1 z 10 - Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban
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wn.com/Politycy W Jeden Z Dziesięciu 1 Z 10 Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban
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Korwin Mikke Braun Kukiz Komorowski Kaczyński Stonoga Wipler Urban Cejrowski Korwin Braun Kukiz Komorowski Kaczyński Stonoga Wipler Urban Cejrowski Antoni Macierewicz Polityczne LSD Ator Wideoprezentacje Szydło Kamiński Janusz Korwin-Mikke Grzegorz Braun Janusz Palikot Paweł Tanajno Jacek Wilk Robert Biedroń Bronisław Komorowski Jarosław Kaczyński Lech Kaczyński Zbigniew Stonoga Przemysław Wipler Jerzy Urban Wojciech Cejrowski Krzysztof Woźniak Ewa Kopacz Donald Tusk Tomasz Lis Mariusz Max Kolonko Donald Trump Barak Obama Ryszard Petru In vitro aborcja wolność własność sprawiedliwość kościół szkoła strzelnica mennica Radosław Sikorski Leszek Miller
Krystyna Pawłowicz Armand Ryfiński Marian Kowalski Andrzej Duda Henryka Krzywonos Grzegorz Schetyna Witold Waszczykowski Beata Kempa Antoni Macierewicz Polityczne LSD Ator Wideoprezentacje Beata Szydło Mariusz Kamiński Janusz Korwin-Mikke Grzegorz Braun Janusz Palikot Paweł Tanajno Jacek Wilk Robert Biedroń Bronisław Komorowski Jarosław Kaczyński Lech Kaczyński Zbigniew Stonoga Przemysław Wipler Jerzy Urban Wojciech Cejrowski Krzysztof Woźniak Ewa Kopacz Donald Tusk Tomasz Lis Mariusz Max Kolonko Donald Trump Barak Obama Ryszard Petru In vitro aborcja wolność własność sprawiedliwość kościół szkoła strzelnica mennica Radosław Sikorski Leszek Miller
Krystyna Pawłowicz Armand Ryfiński Marian Kowalski Andrzej Duda Henryka Krzywonos Grzegorz Schetyna Witold Waszczykowski Beata Kempa Jeden z dziesięciu Jeden z dziesięciu 1 z 10 1 z 10 1 z 10 Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban Politycy w Jeden z dziesięciu - 1 z 10 - Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban Politycy w Jeden z dziesięciu - 1 z 10 - Korwin Braun Komorowski Kaczyński Urban
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© 2015 by Gend
- published: 04 Jan 2016
- views: 1379
UKIP Nigel Farage MEP Makes A Fool Out Of Poland's Donald Tusk
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wn.com/Ukip Nigel Farage Mep Makes A Fool Out Of Poland's Donald Tusk
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- published: 02 Jan 2016
- views: 687
Donal Tusk zniszczył Polskę, Max Kolonko, Stonoga
Użyte materiały:
-MaxTv-Donald Tusk - Man of the Year 2014
-Zbigniew Stonoga-Sejmowe...
Użyte materiały:
-MaxTv-Donald Tusk - Man of the Year 2014
-Zbigniew Stonoga-Sejmowe Więzienie
wn.com/Donal Tusk Zniszczył Polskę, Max Kolonko, Stonoga
Użyte materiały:
-MaxTv-Donald Tusk - Man of the Year 2014
-Zbigniew Stonoga-Sejmowe Więzienie
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 73040
EUCO/Press point by Donald Tusk: Banking Union, COP21, energy infrastructure projects/Nord Stream-2
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council on the Banking Union, the success of the COP21 and major energy infr...
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council on the Banking Union, the success of the COP21 and major energy infrastructure projects/Nord Stream-2 with Q&A; - Part in ENGLISH - FULL version - 18.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels.
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: "There is no time for complaisance in reforming the Eurozone; we stand ready to take difficult decisions on banking union and economic governance in the coming years. All ministers will work rapidly and come back to us next June. We congratulated President Hollande on the historic success of Cop21 in Paris and assessed progress on building the Energy Union. (...)
We discussed the conditions that need to be met by major energy infrastructure projects; what we agreed in that any new infrastructure should be fully in line with energy union objective such as reduction of energy dependency and diversification of suppliers, sources and routes, not to mention the obvious obligation that all projects have to comply with all EU laws including the third energy package, this is a clear condition for receiving support from the EU institutions or any member states, be it political, legal or financial."
Q&A; with the Press, answers by Donald Tusk & Jean-Claude Juncker.
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
wn.com/Euco Press Point By Donald Tusk Banking Union, Cop21, Energy Infrastructure Projects Nord Stream 2
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council on the Banking Union, the success of the COP21 and major energy infrastructure projects/Nord Stream-2 with Q&A; - Part in ENGLISH - FULL version - 18.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels.
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: "There is no time for complaisance in reforming the Eurozone; we stand ready to take difficult decisions on banking union and economic governance in the coming years. All ministers will work rapidly and come back to us next June. We congratulated President Hollande on the historic success of Cop21 in Paris and assessed progress on building the Energy Union. (...)
We discussed the conditions that need to be met by major energy infrastructure projects; what we agreed in that any new infrastructure should be fully in line with energy union objective such as reduction of energy dependency and diversification of suppliers, sources and routes, not to mention the obvious obligation that all projects have to comply with all EU laws including the third energy package, this is a clear condition for receiving support from the EU institutions or any member states, be it political, legal or financial."
Q&A; with the Press, answers by Donald Tusk & Jean-Claude Juncker.
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 9
Pijany Donald Tusk wpada pod auto
Pijany Donald Tusk w Rosji wpada pod auto. Tak Tusk dorabia sobie za granicą!...
Pijany Donald Tusk w Rosji wpada pod auto. Tak Tusk dorabia sobie za granicą!
wn.com/Pijany Donald Tusk Wpada Pod Auto
Pijany Donald Tusk w Rosji wpada pod auto. Tak Tusk dorabia sobie za granicą!
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 98
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk sul progetto russo-tedesco di raddoppio del gasdotto North Stream / E...
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk sul progetto russo-tedesco di raddoppio del gasdotto North Stream / EBS
wn.com/Tusk Contro Il Gasdotto Nord Stream Non In Linea Con Obiettivi Ue
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk sul progetto russo-tedesco di raddoppio del gasdotto North Stream / EBS
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 45
European Council December 2015 - Highlights
Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Commission, and Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, welc...
Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Commission, and Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, welcome EU leaders' decision to rapidly examine the Commission's proposal of strenghtening the bloc's external borders, including the European Border Guard idea. The European Council also exchanged views on the UK plans for the referendum and agreed to find solutions at their February meeting.
wn.com/European Council December 2015 Highlights
Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Commission, and Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, welcome EU leaders' decision to rapidly examine the Commission's proposal of strenghtening the bloc's external borders, including the European Border Guard idea. The European Council also exchanged views on the UK plans for the referendum and agreed to find solutions at their February meeting.
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 59
EUCO - Press conference by President Donald Tusk on migration, external borders, and the UK
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: opening statement on migration, external borders, and the UK - Part ...
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: opening statement on migration, external borders, and the UK - Part in English - 18.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Donald Tusk, President of the European Council : "Today leaders discussed the handling of the migration crisis. All the elements of strategy are there, but there's still a delivery deficit when it comes to hotspots, relocations, resettlement and returns. Above all, we are failing to protect our external borders, that is why leaders have decided to speed up on all these issues. (...)
Tonight we can be a bit more optimistic because all leaders have agreed to protect Schengen. In this context we agreed to rapidly examine the European Commission's proposal of strengthening the EU´s external borders including the European border guard idea. Ministers should adopt their position by July buy the leaders drew acceptance means than in the future Europe will not remain vulnerable because the Schengen border is insufficiently protected. (...)
On the UK (...) I do believe that tonight was a make-or-break moment. Prime Minister Cameron set out in detail his position in particular regarding benefits and free movement. He explained his request for a model based on four years and reiterated the openness for alternative solutions only if they could achieve the same objective. Leaders voiced their concerns, but also demonstrated willingness to look for compromises. Building on this positive debate, we agreed to work together to find solutions in all four baskets raised by PM Cameron. (...)"
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - European Council - All rights reserved.
wn.com/Euco Press Conference By President Donald Tusk On Migration, External Borders, And The UK
EN - European Council - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: opening statement on migration, external borders, and the UK - Part in English - 18.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Donald Tusk, President of the European Council : "Today leaders discussed the handling of the migration crisis. All the elements of strategy are there, but there's still a delivery deficit when it comes to hotspots, relocations, resettlement and returns. Above all, we are failing to protect our external borders, that is why leaders have decided to speed up on all these issues. (...)
Tonight we can be a bit more optimistic because all leaders have agreed to protect Schengen. In this context we agreed to rapidly examine the European Commission's proposal of strengthening the EU´s external borders including the European border guard idea. Ministers should adopt their position by July buy the leaders drew acceptance means than in the future Europe will not remain vulnerable because the Schengen border is insufficiently protected. (...)
On the UK (...) I do believe that tonight was a make-or-break moment. Prime Minister Cameron set out in detail his position in particular regarding benefits and free movement. He explained his request for a model based on four years and reiterated the openness for alternative solutions only if they could achieve the same objective. Leaders voiced their concerns, but also demonstrated willingness to look for compromises. Building on this positive debate, we agreed to work together to find solutions in all four baskets raised by PM Cameron. (...)"
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - European Council - All rights reserved.
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 59
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il Presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk / EBS...
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il Presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk / EBS
wn.com/Tusk Brexit, Dibattito Positivo Con Cameron
(Agenzia VISTA) - Bruxelles, 18 Dicembre 2015 - Il Presidente del Consiglio UE Donald Tusk / EBS
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 32
Dissowe Gnioty - Donald Tusk Diss
Reklama "PsYcho666 - Porąbę Was Siekierą (Psycho Massacre Metal)":
Wokal: Lektor PL
Muzyka: Mariusz Gosiński
Reklama "PsYcho666 - Porąbę Was Siekierą (Psycho Massacre Metal)":
Wokal: Lektor PL
Muzyka: Mariusz Gosiński
Zespół: Dissowe Gnioty
Ketegoria: Zakurwisty / Rap
Piosenka: Donald Tusk Diss
Official WebPage: http://mariuszgosinski.za.pl/Dissowe_Gnioty/Dissowe-Gnioty.html
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Dissowe Gnioty - Donald Tusk Diss
Dissowe Gnioty - Donald Tusk Diss
wn.com/Dissowe Gnioty Donald Tusk Diss
Reklama "PsYcho666 - Porąbę Was Siekierą (Psycho Massacre Metal)":
Wokal: Lektor PL
Muzyka: Mariusz Gosiński
Zespół: Dissowe Gnioty
Ketegoria: Zakurwisty / Rap
Piosenka: Donald Tusk Diss
Official WebPage: http://mariuszgosinski.za.pl/Dissowe_Gnioty/Dissowe-Gnioty.html
© Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone
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Dissowe Gnioty - Donald Tusk Diss
Dissowe Gnioty - Donald Tusk Diss
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 17
Donald Tusk talks about Brexit but chooses wrong exit himself
Donald Tusk talks to RT ahead of Cameron's proposal for EU enhancements and then exits the wrong way.
Like what you see? Please subscribe http://youtube.com/R...
Donald Tusk talks to RT ahead of Cameron's proposal for EU enhancements and then exits the wrong way.
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wn.com/Donald Tusk Talks About Brexit But Chooses Wrong Exit Himself
Donald Tusk talks to RT ahead of Cameron's proposal for EU enhancements and then exits the wrong way.
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- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 129
European Council: Donald Tusk
Doorstep of European Council President Donald Tusk, ahead of the European Council....
Doorstep of European Council President Donald Tusk, ahead of the European Council.
wn.com/European Council Donald Tusk
Doorstep of European Council President Donald Tusk, ahead of the European Council.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 6
EU's Tusk says some UK reform demands 'unacceptable'
EU president Donald Tusk warns that some of the reform demands British Prime Minister David Cameron is due to make at a summit today are likely to be unacceptab...
EU president Donald Tusk warns that some of the reform demands British Prime Minister David Cameron is due to make at a summit today are likely to be unacceptable to other leaders.
wn.com/Eu's Tusk Says Some UK Reform Demands 'unacceptable'
EU president Donald Tusk warns that some of the reform demands British Prime Minister David Cameron is due to make at a summit today are likely to be unacceptable to other leaders.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 554
Ahead of the EU Council, Schulz, Juncker & Tusk fully support Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine
EN - Ahead of the European Council meeting on December 17-18, 2015, EP President Martin Schulz, Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission & Dona...
EN - Ahead of the European Council meeting on December 17-18, 2015, EP President Martin Schulz, Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission & Donald Tusk, President of the EUropean Council, fully support Petro Poroshenko/Петро Порошенко, President of Ukraine - 16.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels:
-Meeting of Presidents TUSK and JUNCKER with President POROSHENKO of Ukraine: arrival of Petro POROSHENKO, President of Ukraine at the European Council and welcome by Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the EC, press statements ;
-Meeting between Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the EC, Martin SCHULZ, European Parliament President, and Petro POROSHENKO, President of Ukraine,
-EU-Ukraine working dinner with Presidents Schulz, Juncker, Tusk & Poroshenko, and with members of the Ukrainian Government and Ukrainian Presidency: Pavlo Klimkin/Павло, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Клімкін, Hennadiy or Gennadiy Zubko, Vice Prime Minister & Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing, Serhiy Leshchenko/Сергій Лещенко, Deputy Head of the Main Department for Foreign Policy and European integration, Svyatoslav Tsegolko, Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine, ... ; and with Vice-Presidents of the European Commission : Federica Mogherini, Maroš Šefčovič and Valdis Dombrovskis.
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - European Council - All rights reserved.
wn.com/Ahead Of The Eu Council, Schulz, Juncker Tusk Fully Support Petro Poroshenko, President Of Ukraine
EN - Ahead of the European Council meeting on December 17-18, 2015, EP President Martin Schulz, Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission & Donald Tusk, President of the EUropean Council, fully support Petro Poroshenko/Петро Порошенко, President of Ukraine - 16.12.2015 - European Council, Brussels:
-Meeting of Presidents TUSK and JUNCKER with President POROSHENKO of Ukraine: arrival of Petro POROSHENKO, President of Ukraine at the European Council and welcome by Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the EC, press statements ;
-Meeting between Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the EC, Martin SCHULZ, European Parliament President, and Petro POROSHENKO, President of Ukraine,
-EU-Ukraine working dinner with Presidents Schulz, Juncker, Tusk & Poroshenko, and with members of the Ukrainian Government and Ukrainian Presidency: Pavlo Klimkin/Павло, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Клімкін, Hennadiy or Gennadiy Zubko, Vice Prime Minister & Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing, Serhiy Leshchenko/Сергій Лещенко, Deputy Head of the Main Department for Foreign Policy and European integration, Svyatoslav Tsegolko, Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine, ... ; and with Vice-Presidents of the European Commission : Federica Mogherini, Maroš Šefčovič and Valdis Dombrovskis.
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - European Council - All rights reserved.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 23
Doorstep by President Donald Tusk
Doorstep by Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, ahead of the European Council meeting, on 16 December 2015, in Brussels....
Doorstep by Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, ahead of the European Council meeting, on 16 December 2015, in Brussels.
wn.com/Doorstep By President Donald Tusk
Doorstep by Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, ahead of the European Council meeting, on 16 December 2015, in Brussels.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 50
Donald Tusk failed at his job
The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, failed on his job. By proposing that refugees should be detained for 18 months he not only went against any ...
The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, failed on his job. By proposing that refugees should be detained for 18 months he not only went against any humanitarian principle, but moreover as the president of the council, he is supposed to facilitate cohesion and consensus amongst European Member States. That is in his job description and unfortunately he failed it.
wn.com/Donald Tusk Failed At His Job
The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, failed on his job. By proposing that refugees should be detained for 18 months he not only went against any humanitarian principle, but moreover as the president of the council, he is supposed to facilitate cohesion and consensus amongst European Member States. That is in his job description and unfortunately he failed it.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 6
Cards Against humanity (18+) Donald Tusk - Biografia
Cards Against Humanity
European Council President Donald Tusk and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey following their meeting at the European Council.
LIVE: Tusk, Juncker and Tsipras to comment on Greece at EP plenary session
President of the European Council Donald Tusk and president of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker will comment on the current situation in Greece at the European Parliament session in Strasbourg on July 8. The Greek government's current bailout expired on Tuesday, June 30, when the country was due to pay the IMF €1.6bn (£1.1bn), a payment they failed to meet.
A referendum on bailout saw
Tomasz Lis na żywo: Donald Tusk
Gościem Tomasza Lisa jest premier Donald Tusk. DOŁĄCZ DO NAS: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=publicystykaTVP POLECAMY: Co nowego? https:...
Rafał Ziemkiewicz Pendolino, Wojciech Sumliński, Lasy Państwowe, Donald Tusk 19/12/2014
Rafał Ziemkiewicz Plusy Dodatnie Plusy Ujemne 18/12/2014
Azerbaijan: Donald Tusk & President Ilham Aliyev on gas cooperation/Nagorno-Karabakh/human rights...
EN - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, on gas cooperation & Southern gas corridor, Armenia & Nagorno-Karabakh, human rights, new railroad & "new Silk Route", visas ... - 22.07.2015 - Baku, Azerbaijan.
Ilham Aliyev: "We discussed today the issues of regional security particularly: Armenia-Azerbaijan-Nagorno-Karabakh confl
Debata wolność i prawa w Internecie ACTA Donald Tusk 2012.02.06 - cała Debata!
Zapis ze spotkania premiera Donalda Tuska, ministra Michala Boniego, ministra Bogdana Zdrojewskiego i obywateli w sprawie wolnosci i praw w Internecie w zwia...
Donald Tusk w programie „Premierzy" w Polsat News cz. 1
O szansie nowego skoku cywilizacyjnego Polski, o Ukrainie, polityce prorodzinnej i podatkach, ale też wyzwaniach bezrobocia mówił premier w rozmowie z Jarosł...
Historia szefa ABW - Krzysztof Bondaryk i Donald Tusk
ABW to najpotężniejsza agencja wywiadowcza w Polsce. Ma nieograniczone możliwości zdobywania informacji o firmie, instytucji i obywatelu. Szef agencji, Krzys...
Protestujący rodzice w Sejmie Donald Tusk 21 03 2014 barbarzyński rząd
"To jest barbarzyński rząd, to są barbarzyńskie ustawy. To państwo nie ma prezydenta, to państwo nie ma premiera. A cała reszta, która tu łazi i nas omija, t...
Analogowy Vlog #63 - Platforma Tonie? A może Donald Tusk jako Szef Rady Europejskiej zbawi Polskę?
Polecane DARMOWE gry: War Thunder: http://tinyurl.com/cr6p5g4 ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪The Settlers Online z ITEMKAMI: http://tinyurl.com/kp26ab8 Generals of War: http://tinyurl.com/l3wevrz ₪₪₪...
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, AB Konseyi Başkanı Donald Tusk ile basın toplantısı düzenledi [09.09.2015]
"Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Tarafınızı seçin
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan terör örgütüne destek verenlere seslendi: ""Tercihinizi yapın. Mücadelenizi demokrasiyle mi silahla, kanla mı yöneteceksiniz? Terörün yanında saf tutarsanız onun bedelini ödersiniz"""
"Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve AB Konseyi Başkanı Donald Tusk ile basın toplantısı düzenledi. HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Demirtaş'ın ""Ananızdan doğdunuza pişman ed
Donald Tusk - wotum nieufności debata
07.03.2013 - Debata nad wnioskiem PiS o konstruktywne wotum nieufności wobec rządu Premiera Donalda Tuska. Przemawia prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 27 sierpnia 2014 r.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 27 sierpnia 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 73 Informacja Prezesa Rady Ministrów na temat działań Rządu w ciągu najbliższych mies...
Donald Tusk komentuje słowa Sikorskiego dla Politico w TOK FM
Donald Tusk gościem Jacka Żakowskiego w Poranku Radia TOK FM
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYBCJI: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TokFmWideo
[186/391] Donald Tusk: Dziękuję bardzo. Pani Marszałek! Szanowne Panie Posłanki! Panowie Posł..
http://sejmometr.pl/sejm_wystapienia/31932 Posiedzenie Sejmu nr 35 7 marca 2013 r. 15:14:08 Prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk: Dziękuję bardzo. Pani Marszałe...
LIVE: Erdogan and Tusk give joint statement after Brussels meeting
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the European Council Donald Tusk are due to give a joint statement in Brussels on Monday, October 5.
The briefing is set to follow a meeting with EU leaders to discuss a plan to tighten border controls in Turkey, as well as to establish massive refugee camps in the country and allow two million Syrians the right to work. In return, the EU is
Western Balkans - US Vice President Joe Biden & Donald Tusk at the Brdo-Brijuni Process Summit
EN - US Vice President Joe Biden and European Council President Donald Tusk at the Brdo-Brijuni Process Summit in Zagreb, Croatia: bilateral meeting, heads of state & governement signing ceremony & family pic, statement by Joe Biden & statement by Donald Tusk - 25.11.2015 - Zagreb, Croatia.
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Joe Biden: "I found it a very productive day. For me personally, it's been
Od początku Donald Tusk i reszta wiedzieli
Rede von Premierminister Donald Tusk desktop
European Council President Donald Tusk and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey following their meeting at the European Council....
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey following their meeting at the European Council.
wn.com/European Council President Donald Tusk And Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey following their meeting at the European Council.
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 84
LIVE: Tusk, Juncker and Tsipras to comment on Greece at EP plenary session
President of the European Council Donald Tusk and president of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker will comment on the current situation in Greece at th...
President of the European Council Donald Tusk and president of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker will comment on the current situation in Greece at the European Parliament session in Strasbourg on July 8. The Greek government's current bailout expired on Tuesday, June 30, when the country was due to pay the IMF €1.6bn (£1.1bn), a payment they failed to meet.
A referendum on bailout saw the 'no' vote win with 61.3% of votes. The governing Syriza party campaigned for the 'no' after rejecting the bailout terms of the so-called 'troika' - the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC).
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wn.com/Live Tusk, Juncker And Tsipras To Comment On Greece At Ep Plenary Session
President of the European Council Donald Tusk and president of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker will comment on the current situation in Greece at the European Parliament session in Strasbourg on July 8. The Greek government's current bailout expired on Tuesday, June 30, when the country was due to pay the IMF €1.6bn (£1.1bn), a payment they failed to meet.
A referendum on bailout saw the 'no' vote win with 61.3% of votes. The governing Syriza party campaigned for the 'no' after rejecting the bailout terms of the so-called 'troika' - the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC).
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- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 21739
Tomasz Lis na żywo: Donald Tusk
Gościem Tomasza Lisa jest premier Donald Tusk. DOŁĄCZ DO NAS: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=publicystykaTVP POLECAMY: Co nowego? https:......
Gościem Tomasza Lisa jest premier Donald Tusk. DOŁĄCZ DO NAS: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=publicystykaTVP POLECAMY: Co nowego? https:...
wn.com/Tomasz Lis Na Żywo Donald Tusk
Gościem Tomasza Lisa jest premier Donald Tusk. DOŁĄCZ DO NAS: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=publicystykaTVP POLECAMY: Co nowego? https:...
Azerbaijan: Donald Tusk & President Ilham Aliyev on gas cooperation/Nagorno-Karabakh/human rights...
EN - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, on gas cooperation & Southern gas corridor, ...
EN - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, on gas cooperation & Southern gas corridor, Armenia & Nagorno-Karabakh, human rights, new railroad & "new Silk Route", visas ... - 22.07.2015 - Baku, Azerbaijan.
Ilham Aliyev: "We discussed today the issues of regional security particularly: Armenia-Azerbaijan-Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and the ways how to resolve this conflict. (...) The conflict has lasted for more than 2 decades. Internationally recognised part of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 other districts of Azerbaijan have been under Armenian occupation for more than 20 years. UN Security Council adopted 4 resolutions demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from our territories, but they are not implemented. (...) A million of Azerbaijanis are victims of these aggressions, they became IDPs and refugees, and our people were subject of ethnic cleansing from Armenia. (...)
We discussed our economic cooperation, and we are very glad that Europe is our main trading partner: almost half of our foreign trade is with member states of EU ; and that European countries are our main investors, also about 50% of the foreign investments come from EU.
And there is a good potential to develop this economic cooperation through investments and other forms of economic activity. (...) We are now, together with our neighbours, in the phase of completion of the railroad which connects Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey, and thus connects Europe and Asia, this will be a new Silk Route, which will increase the volumes of mutual trade between Europe and Asia, and Azerbaijan as transit country will play its important role.
Also of course we discussed today the issues related to energy security, and we are good partners with Europe, and the Southern Gas Corridor project, which was launched last September in Baku, already is in the active phase of implementation. Azerbaijan initiated this project and is actively working together with partners, neighbouring countries and investors to implement the project on time. We have huge gas reserves, proven reserves are about 2.6 trillion cubic meters, Shah Deniz gas field, which is so far the only resource base for Southern gas corridor contains more than 1 trillion cubic meters of gas, so our reserves will be enough to supply European consumers with natural gas for decades ahead.
Southern gas corridor is a project which unites countries, and which is to the benefit of producers, transitors and consumers, and I think we found the right balance between these 3 segments of this energy project (...).
This is a project of energy security today, and energy security cannot be separated from national security of the countries, and this is a project of energy diversification (...) of routes (...) of supply sources. (...)
We discussed also the regional security issues in the broader region of Caspian and Middle-East, Central Asia ; also we have a good potential of cooperation in the area of culture, in the humanitarian area, issues related to religious tolerance, inter-religious dialogue are very actively addressed here in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan is known already as one of the international centres of multiculturalism. (...)"
Donald Tusk: "Azerbaijan is our reliable and strategic partner in the energy field, and we want to take this partnership further. One aim of the Energy Union is to exclude the possibility of using gas as a threat. The conflict in Ukraine shows that such threats are still possible. This is why the EU is dedicated to diversifying our supplies, and Azerbaijan is a main partner in this endeavour. Today we agreed to stand united on developing the Southern gas corridor, a project which is in our common strategic interest, and to make sure it is completed on time, whatever our competitors do. For Europe, it is a question of diversifying supply, for Azerbaijan it is a question of diversifying demand.
Azerbaijan has the potential to become one of the EU's major commercial partners in the region. The EU is already Azerbaijan's main trade partner and one of its most important investors. We will expand this commercial relation further in the coming years.
I recalled that good governance and Rule of Law are important for creating a favourable commercial and investment climate. The EU stands ready to assist here if needed. (...) We have discussed how best to move our relationship forward through an ambitious new bilateral agreement. (...)
I stressed the importance we attach to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. (...) I have discussed with the President our concerns with the detention of Human Rights defenders here and our hope that prompt action will be taken on the individual cases. We will continue to discuss this issue often. (...)" (3 more minutes)
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
wn.com/Azerbaijan Donald Tusk President Ilham Aliyev On Gas Cooperation Nagorno Karabakh Human Rights...
EN - Press conference by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, on gas cooperation & Southern gas corridor, Armenia & Nagorno-Karabakh, human rights, new railroad & "new Silk Route", visas ... - 22.07.2015 - Baku, Azerbaijan.
Ilham Aliyev: "We discussed today the issues of regional security particularly: Armenia-Azerbaijan-Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and the ways how to resolve this conflict. (...) The conflict has lasted for more than 2 decades. Internationally recognised part of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 other districts of Azerbaijan have been under Armenian occupation for more than 20 years. UN Security Council adopted 4 resolutions demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from our territories, but they are not implemented. (...) A million of Azerbaijanis are victims of these aggressions, they became IDPs and refugees, and our people were subject of ethnic cleansing from Armenia. (...)
We discussed our economic cooperation, and we are very glad that Europe is our main trading partner: almost half of our foreign trade is with member states of EU ; and that European countries are our main investors, also about 50% of the foreign investments come from EU.
And there is a good potential to develop this economic cooperation through investments and other forms of economic activity. (...) We are now, together with our neighbours, in the phase of completion of the railroad which connects Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey, and thus connects Europe and Asia, this will be a new Silk Route, which will increase the volumes of mutual trade between Europe and Asia, and Azerbaijan as transit country will play its important role.
Also of course we discussed today the issues related to energy security, and we are good partners with Europe, and the Southern Gas Corridor project, which was launched last September in Baku, already is in the active phase of implementation. Azerbaijan initiated this project and is actively working together with partners, neighbouring countries and investors to implement the project on time. We have huge gas reserves, proven reserves are about 2.6 trillion cubic meters, Shah Deniz gas field, which is so far the only resource base for Southern gas corridor contains more than 1 trillion cubic meters of gas, so our reserves will be enough to supply European consumers with natural gas for decades ahead.
Southern gas corridor is a project which unites countries, and which is to the benefit of producers, transitors and consumers, and I think we found the right balance between these 3 segments of this energy project (...).
This is a project of energy security today, and energy security cannot be separated from national security of the countries, and this is a project of energy diversification (...) of routes (...) of supply sources. (...)
We discussed also the regional security issues in the broader region of Caspian and Middle-East, Central Asia ; also we have a good potential of cooperation in the area of culture, in the humanitarian area, issues related to religious tolerance, inter-religious dialogue are very actively addressed here in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan is known already as one of the international centres of multiculturalism. (...)"
Donald Tusk: "Azerbaijan is our reliable and strategic partner in the energy field, and we want to take this partnership further. One aim of the Energy Union is to exclude the possibility of using gas as a threat. The conflict in Ukraine shows that such threats are still possible. This is why the EU is dedicated to diversifying our supplies, and Azerbaijan is a main partner in this endeavour. Today we agreed to stand united on developing the Southern gas corridor, a project which is in our common strategic interest, and to make sure it is completed on time, whatever our competitors do. For Europe, it is a question of diversifying supply, for Azerbaijan it is a question of diversifying demand.
Azerbaijan has the potential to become one of the EU's major commercial partners in the region. The EU is already Azerbaijan's main trade partner and one of its most important investors. We will expand this commercial relation further in the coming years.
I recalled that good governance and Rule of Law are important for creating a favourable commercial and investment climate. The EU stands ready to assist here if needed. (...) We have discussed how best to move our relationship forward through an ambitious new bilateral agreement. (...)
I stressed the importance we attach to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. (...) I have discussed with the President our concerns with the detention of Human Rights defenders here and our hope that prompt action will be taken on the individual cases. We will continue to discuss this issue often. (...)" (3 more minutes)
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
- published: 02 Aug 2015
- views: 3
Debata wolność i prawa w Internecie ACTA Donald Tusk 2012.02.06 - cała Debata!
Zapis ze spotkania premiera Donalda Tuska, ministra Michala Boniego, ministra Bogdana Zdrojewskiego i obywateli w sprawie wolnosci i praw w Internecie w zwia......
Zapis ze spotkania premiera Donalda Tuska, ministra Michala Boniego, ministra Bogdana Zdrojewskiego i obywateli w sprawie wolnosci i praw w Internecie w zwia...
wn.com/Debata Wolność I Prawa W Internecie Acta Donald Tusk 2012.02.06 Cała Debata
Zapis ze spotkania premiera Donalda Tuska, ministra Michala Boniego, ministra Bogdana Zdrojewskiego i obywateli w sprawie wolnosci i praw w Internecie w zwia...
- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 7243
author: NoToACTAPL
Donald Tusk w programie „Premierzy" w Polsat News cz. 1
O szansie nowego skoku cywilizacyjnego Polski, o Ukrainie, polityce prorodzinnej i podatkach, ale też wyzwaniach bezrobocia mówił premier w rozmowie z Jarosł......
O szansie nowego skoku cywilizacyjnego Polski, o Ukrainie, polityce prorodzinnej i podatkach, ale też wyzwaniach bezrobocia mówił premier w rozmowie z Jarosł...
wn.com/Donald Tusk W Programie „Premierzy W Polsat News Cz. 1
O szansie nowego skoku cywilizacyjnego Polski, o Ukrainie, polityce prorodzinnej i podatkach, ale też wyzwaniach bezrobocia mówił premier w rozmowie z Jarosł...
Historia szefa ABW - Krzysztof Bondaryk i Donald Tusk
ABW to najpotężniejsza agencja wywiadowcza w Polsce. Ma nieograniczone możliwości zdobywania informacji o firmie, instytucji i obywatelu. Szef agencji, Krzys......
ABW to najpotężniejsza agencja wywiadowcza w Polsce. Ma nieograniczone możliwości zdobywania informacji o firmie, instytucji i obywatelu. Szef agencji, Krzys...
wn.com/Historia Szefa Abw Krzysztof Bondaryk I Donald Tusk
ABW to najpotężniejsza agencja wywiadowcza w Polsce. Ma nieograniczone możliwości zdobywania informacji o firmie, instytucji i obywatelu. Szef agencji, Krzys...
Protestujący rodzice w Sejmie Donald Tusk 21 03 2014 barbarzyński rząd
"To jest barbarzyński rząd, to są barbarzyńskie ustawy. To państwo nie ma prezydenta, to państwo nie ma premiera. A cała reszta, która tu łazi i nas omija, t......
"To jest barbarzyński rząd, to są barbarzyńskie ustawy. To państwo nie ma prezydenta, to państwo nie ma premiera. A cała reszta, która tu łazi i nas omija, t...
wn.com/Protestujący Rodzice W Sejmie Donald Tusk 21 03 2014 Barbarzyński Rząd
"To jest barbarzyński rząd, to są barbarzyńskie ustawy. To państwo nie ma prezydenta, to państwo nie ma premiera. A cała reszta, która tu łazi i nas omija, t...
- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 2825
author: bbsnews
Analogowy Vlog #63 - Platforma Tonie? A może Donald Tusk jako Szef Rady Europejskiej zbawi Polskę?
Polecane DARMOWE gry: War Thunder: http://tinyurl.com/cr6p5g4 ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪The Settlers Online z ITEMKAMI: http://tinyurl.com/kp26ab8 Generals of War: http://tinyurl....
Polecane DARMOWE gry: War Thunder: http://tinyurl.com/cr6p5g4 ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪The Settlers Online z ITEMKAMI: http://tinyurl.com/kp26ab8 Generals of War: http://tinyurl.com/l3wevrz ₪₪₪...
wn.com/Analogowy Vlog 63 Platforma Tonie A Może Donald Tusk Jako Szef Rady Europejskiej Zbawi Polskę
Polecane DARMOWE gry: War Thunder: http://tinyurl.com/cr6p5g4 ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪The Settlers Online z ITEMKAMI: http://tinyurl.com/kp26ab8 Generals of War: http://tinyurl.com/l3wevrz ₪₪₪...
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, AB Konseyi Başkanı Donald Tusk ile basın toplantısı düzenledi [09.09.2015]
"Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Tarafınızı seçin
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan terör örgütüne destek verenlere seslendi: ""Tercihinizi yapın. Mücadelenizi demokrasiyle mi silah...
"Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Tarafınızı seçin
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan terör örgütüne destek verenlere seslendi: ""Tercihinizi yapın. Mücadelenizi demokrasiyle mi silahla, kanla mı yöneteceksiniz? Terörün yanında saf tutarsanız onun bedelini ödersiniz"""
"Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve AB Konseyi Başkanı Donald Tusk ile basın toplantısı düzenledi. HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Demirtaş'ın ""Ananızdan doğdunuza pişman ederiz"" açıklamalarına Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'dan sert yanıt geldi.
Erdoğan'ın açıklamalarından satır başları;
""Terör her gün yeni canlar almaya devam ediyor. Güvenlik güçölerimiz terör örgütüyle mücadelesini kararlılıkla sürdürüyor. Kimi siyasetçilerin söylemleri, yürütülen mücadeleyi zorlaştırıyor. Bu durum karşısında kendisine siyasetçi diyen, TBMM üyesi olan herkesin sorumlu olması gerekiyor. ""Size yazık olur, karşılık vermek hakkınızdır, onları anasından doğduğuna pişman edin"" sözleri ülkenin sokaklarını yeniden ateşe boğmak isteyen bir zihniyetin dili olabilir. Türkiye'nin sorumlu siyasetçilere ihtiyacı var.""
Vatandaşlarım: Duyarlı olun!
""Parti binasına yapılan saldırıları tasvip etmiyorum, kınıyorum. Bana göre yanlış yapılıyor. Onların da kamu binalarına, vatandaşlarımıza, kamunun araçlarına, vatandaşların araçlarına karşı duyarlılık göstermelerini bekliyorum. Onlardan böyle bir şey göremedik"".
Tabut içinde silah taşıdılar
""Tabutların içinde silah taşıyanlar var. Bunlar camileri, okulları yakacak kadar ileri gittiler.
Belediye Başkanları iç savaştan bahsedebilir ya da milletvekili bu ülkede nasıl bir iç savaştan bahsedebilir? Sen bu yetkiyi nereden alıyorsun? Aldığı yetki dağdaki teröristlerdir.""
Bunlar çok ileri gitti
""Buradan tüm milletime sesleniyorum. Güneydoğu, doğu tüm bu bölgelerdeki hendeklerin kazıldığı yerler, buralarda kulklanılan iş makinaları hangi belediyeye ait? Bu makinalar hangi belediye tarafından kiralanmış? Bu belediyeler tarafından hendek kazılıyor. Döşenen mayınlar kimin talimatıyla yapılıyor? Talimatı ben mi veriyorum, Başbakan mı? Yoksa sırtını teröriste dayayanlar mı veriyor? Bu hendekleri kapatan ise valiliklerimiz, kaymakamlıklarımızdır. Bunlar camilerimizi, okullarımızı yakacak kadar ambulanslarımızı kurşunlayacak kadar ileri gitmişlerdir. Bunların talimatını Tayyip Erdoğan mı, Başbakan mı veriyor? Yoksa kendileri mi veriyor?""
Bedelini ağır ödersiniz
""Yaşanan durumu Cumhurbaşkanı ve Başbakan'a yükleyerek sorumluluklarından kaçmaya çalışıyorlar. Ya demokrasinin yanındasınız ya terörün bunun orta yolu yok. Bir kez daha sesleniyorum. Tercihinizi yapın. Mücadelenizi demokrasiyle mi silahla, kanla mı yöneteceksiniz? Terörün yanında saf tutarsanız onun bedelini ödersiniz.
PKK, Kürtlerin temsilcisi olamaz
Kürt kardeşlerime sesleniyorum. Bu bölücü Terör örgütü sizin temsilciniz olamaz. Bölücü terör örgütünün arkasında olduğu bu siyasi hareket de tamamen illegal görüntü vermeye başlamıştır. Belli saatler arasında sokağa çıkma yasağının olduğu yerlerde bu eş başkanlar gösteri yapmak istediler. Hatta şuanda hükümette olan bir bakan da bir eyleme girişmek istemiş. Şunu bilmeliler ki hukuk neyi gerektiriyorsa hükümet bunun gereğini yerine getirir. Sıfatınız ne olursa olsun. Bu sözlerim sadece bölücü örgütün güdümündeki parti için değil son günlerde ciddi savrulma yaşayan diğer parti için de. Siyasette hesaplaşma yeri sokak değil sandıktır."
ERDOĞAN 09.09.2015,
cumhurbaşkanı recep tayyip erdoğan 09.09.2015,
cumhurbaşkanı tayyip erdoğan 09.09.2015,
cumhurbaşkanı erdoğan 09.09.2015,
erdoğan 09.09.2015,
09.09.2015 Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,
09.09.2015 Erdoğan,
09.09.2015 ERDOĞAN,
09.09.2015 cumhurbaşkanı recep tayyip erdoğan,
09.09.2015 erdoğan,
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
ERDOĞAN 09 Eylül 2015,
cumhurbaşkanı recep tayyip erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
cumhurbaşkanı tayyip erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
cumhurbaşkanı erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
wn.com/Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Ab Konseyi Başkanı Donald Tusk Ile Basın Toplantısı Düzenledi 09.09.2015
"Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Tarafınızı seçin
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan terör örgütüne destek verenlere seslendi: ""Tercihinizi yapın. Mücadelenizi demokrasiyle mi silahla, kanla mı yöneteceksiniz? Terörün yanında saf tutarsanız onun bedelini ödersiniz"""
"Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve AB Konseyi Başkanı Donald Tusk ile basın toplantısı düzenledi. HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Demirtaş'ın ""Ananızdan doğdunuza pişman ederiz"" açıklamalarına Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'dan sert yanıt geldi.
Erdoğan'ın açıklamalarından satır başları;
""Terör her gün yeni canlar almaya devam ediyor. Güvenlik güçölerimiz terör örgütüyle mücadelesini kararlılıkla sürdürüyor. Kimi siyasetçilerin söylemleri, yürütülen mücadeleyi zorlaştırıyor. Bu durum karşısında kendisine siyasetçi diyen, TBMM üyesi olan herkesin sorumlu olması gerekiyor. ""Size yazık olur, karşılık vermek hakkınızdır, onları anasından doğduğuna pişman edin"" sözleri ülkenin sokaklarını yeniden ateşe boğmak isteyen bir zihniyetin dili olabilir. Türkiye'nin sorumlu siyasetçilere ihtiyacı var.""
Vatandaşlarım: Duyarlı olun!
""Parti binasına yapılan saldırıları tasvip etmiyorum, kınıyorum. Bana göre yanlış yapılıyor. Onların da kamu binalarına, vatandaşlarımıza, kamunun araçlarına, vatandaşların araçlarına karşı duyarlılık göstermelerini bekliyorum. Onlardan böyle bir şey göremedik"".
Tabut içinde silah taşıdılar
""Tabutların içinde silah taşıyanlar var. Bunlar camileri, okulları yakacak kadar ileri gittiler.
Belediye Başkanları iç savaştan bahsedebilir ya da milletvekili bu ülkede nasıl bir iç savaştan bahsedebilir? Sen bu yetkiyi nereden alıyorsun? Aldığı yetki dağdaki teröristlerdir.""
Bunlar çok ileri gitti
""Buradan tüm milletime sesleniyorum. Güneydoğu, doğu tüm bu bölgelerdeki hendeklerin kazıldığı yerler, buralarda kulklanılan iş makinaları hangi belediyeye ait? Bu makinalar hangi belediye tarafından kiralanmış? Bu belediyeler tarafından hendek kazılıyor. Döşenen mayınlar kimin talimatıyla yapılıyor? Talimatı ben mi veriyorum, Başbakan mı? Yoksa sırtını teröriste dayayanlar mı veriyor? Bu hendekleri kapatan ise valiliklerimiz, kaymakamlıklarımızdır. Bunlar camilerimizi, okullarımızı yakacak kadar ambulanslarımızı kurşunlayacak kadar ileri gitmişlerdir. Bunların talimatını Tayyip Erdoğan mı, Başbakan mı veriyor? Yoksa kendileri mi veriyor?""
Bedelini ağır ödersiniz
""Yaşanan durumu Cumhurbaşkanı ve Başbakan'a yükleyerek sorumluluklarından kaçmaya çalışıyorlar. Ya demokrasinin yanındasınız ya terörün bunun orta yolu yok. Bir kez daha sesleniyorum. Tercihinizi yapın. Mücadelenizi demokrasiyle mi silahla, kanla mı yöneteceksiniz? Terörün yanında saf tutarsanız onun bedelini ödersiniz.
PKK, Kürtlerin temsilcisi olamaz
Kürt kardeşlerime sesleniyorum. Bu bölücü Terör örgütü sizin temsilciniz olamaz. Bölücü terör örgütünün arkasında olduğu bu siyasi hareket de tamamen illegal görüntü vermeye başlamıştır. Belli saatler arasında sokağa çıkma yasağının olduğu yerlerde bu eş başkanlar gösteri yapmak istediler. Hatta şuanda hükümette olan bir bakan da bir eyleme girişmek istemiş. Şunu bilmeliler ki hukuk neyi gerektiriyorsa hükümet bunun gereğini yerine getirir. Sıfatınız ne olursa olsun. Bu sözlerim sadece bölücü örgütün güdümündeki parti için değil son günlerde ciddi savrulma yaşayan diğer parti için de. Siyasette hesaplaşma yeri sokak değil sandıktır."
ERDOĞAN 09.09.2015,
cumhurbaşkanı recep tayyip erdoğan 09.09.2015,
cumhurbaşkanı tayyip erdoğan 09.09.2015,
cumhurbaşkanı erdoğan 09.09.2015,
erdoğan 09.09.2015,
09.09.2015 Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,
09.09.2015 Erdoğan,
09.09.2015 ERDOĞAN,
09.09.2015 cumhurbaşkanı recep tayyip erdoğan,
09.09.2015 erdoğan,
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
Erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
ERDOĞAN 09 Eylül 2015,
cumhurbaşkanı recep tayyip erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
cumhurbaşkanı tayyip erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
cumhurbaşkanı erdoğan 09 Eylül 2015,
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 15
Donald Tusk - wotum nieufności debata
07.03.2013 - Debata nad wnioskiem PiS o konstruktywne wotum nieufności wobec rządu Premiera Donalda Tuska. Przemawia prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk....
07.03.2013 - Debata nad wnioskiem PiS o konstruktywne wotum nieufności wobec rządu Premiera Donalda Tuska. Przemawia prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk.
wn.com/Donald Tusk Wotum Nieufności Debata
07.03.2013 - Debata nad wnioskiem PiS o konstruktywne wotum nieufności wobec rządu Premiera Donalda Tuska. Przemawia prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 27 sierpnia 2014 r.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 27 sierpnia 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 73 Informacja Prezesa Rady Ministrów na temat działań Rządu w ciągu najbliższych mies......
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 27 sierpnia 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 73 Informacja Prezesa Rady Ministrów na temat działań Rządu w ciągu najbliższych mies...
wn.com/Donald Tusk Wystąpienie Z 27 Sierpnia 2014 R.
Donald Tusk - wystąpienie z 27 sierpnia 2014 r. Posiedzenie Sejmu RP nr 73 Informacja Prezesa Rady Ministrów na temat działań Rządu w ciągu najbliższych mies...
Donald Tusk komentuje słowa Sikorskiego dla Politico w TOK FM
Donald Tusk gościem Jacka Żakowskiego w Poranku Radia TOK FM
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYBCJI: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TokFmWideo...
Donald Tusk gościem Jacka Żakowskiego w Poranku Radia TOK FM
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYBCJI: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TokFmWideo
wn.com/Donald Tusk Komentuje Słowa Sikorskiego Dla Politico W Tok Fm
Donald Tusk gościem Jacka Żakowskiego w Poranku Radia TOK FM
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYBCJI: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TokFmWideo
- published: 24 Oct 2014
- views: 99
[186/391] Donald Tusk: Dziękuję bardzo. Pani Marszałek! Szanowne Panie Posłanki! Panowie Posł..
http://sejmometr.pl/sejm_wystapienia/31932 Posiedzenie Sejmu nr 35 7 marca 2013 r. 15:14:08 Prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk: Dziękuję bardzo. Pani Marszałe......
http://sejmometr.pl/sejm_wystapienia/31932 Posiedzenie Sejmu nr 35 7 marca 2013 r. 15:14:08 Prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk: Dziękuję bardzo. Pani Marszałe...
wn.com/186 391 Donald Tusk Dziękuję Bardzo. Pani Marszałek Szanowne Panie Posłanki Panowie Posł..
http://sejmometr.pl/sejm_wystapienia/31932 Posiedzenie Sejmu nr 35 7 marca 2013 r. 15:14:08 Prezes Rady Ministrów Donald Tusk: Dziękuję bardzo. Pani Marszałe...
- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 272
author: sejmometr
LIVE: Erdogan and Tusk give joint statement after Brussels meeting
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the European Council Donald Tusk are due to give a joint statement in Brussels on Monday, October 5.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the European Council Donald Tusk are due to give a joint statement in Brussels on Monday, October 5.
The briefing is set to follow a meeting with EU leaders to discuss a plan to tighten border controls in Turkey, as well as to establish massive refugee camps in the country and allow two million Syrians the right to work. In return, the EU is expected to grant Turkey further funding and a new offer for relocating refugees.
Erdogan’s visit to Brussels comes ahead of the Turkish elections on November 1. Both the Turkish president and the leaders of the Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) have been touring Europe, speaking in front of the Turkish and Kurdish diaspora, ahead of the elections.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Live Erdogan And Tusk Give Joint Statement After Brussels Meeting
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the European Council Donald Tusk are due to give a joint statement in Brussels on Monday, October 5.
The briefing is set to follow a meeting with EU leaders to discuss a plan to tighten border controls in Turkey, as well as to establish massive refugee camps in the country and allow two million Syrians the right to work. In return, the EU is expected to grant Turkey further funding and a new offer for relocating refugees.
Erdogan’s visit to Brussels comes ahead of the Turkish elections on November 1. Both the Turkish president and the leaders of the Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) have been touring Europe, speaking in front of the Turkish and Kurdish diaspora, ahead of the elections.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 219
Western Balkans - US Vice President Joe Biden & Donald Tusk at the Brdo-Brijuni Process Summit
EN - US Vice President Joe Biden and European Council President Donald Tusk at the Brdo-Brijuni Process Summit in Zagreb, Croatia: bilateral meeting, heads of ...
EN - US Vice President Joe Biden and European Council President Donald Tusk at the Brdo-Brijuni Process Summit in Zagreb, Croatia: bilateral meeting, heads of state & governement signing ceremony & family pic, statement by Joe Biden & statement by Donald Tusk - 25.11.2015 - Zagreb, Croatia.
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Joe Biden: "I found it a very productive day. For me personally, it's been meaningful: as I said to all of my colleagues, I felt privileged to be in the meeting we had earlier, because I felt I was, and I mean it sincerely, Gentlemen and Ladies, I felt like I was listening in on a family conversation. I've been coming to the region for a long, long time. This is not my first trip, I came to Zagreb when Tito was still President of Yugoslavia, as a young US Senator. (...)
I am firmly committed, and I speak, I should make it clear, I speak for the President of the United States, there's going nothing missed in that translation, you should understand, and I mean it sincerely, he very much wanted me to be here today as I wanted to be here today. (...)"
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
wn.com/Western Balkans US Vice President Joe Biden Donald Tusk At The Brdo Brijuni Process Summit
EN - US Vice President Joe Biden and European Council President Donald Tusk at the Brdo-Brijuni Process Summit in Zagreb, Croatia: bilateral meeting, heads of state & governement signing ceremony & family pic, statement by Joe Biden & statement by Donald Tusk - 25.11.2015 - Zagreb, Croatia.
EXTRACTS from the transcript - Joe Biden: "I found it a very productive day. For me personally, it's been meaningful: as I said to all of my colleagues, I felt privileged to be in the meeting we had earlier, because I felt I was, and I mean it sincerely, Gentlemen and Ladies, I felt like I was listening in on a family conversation. I've been coming to the region for a long, long time. This is not my first trip, I came to Zagreb when Tito was still President of Yugoslavia, as a young US Senator. (...)
I am firmly committed, and I speak, I should make it clear, I speak for the President of the United States, there's going nothing missed in that translation, you should understand, and I mean it sincerely, he very much wanted me to be here today as I wanted to be here today. (...)"
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - Council - All rights reserved.
- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 70