Swiss retailer will stop importing tomatoes from Western Saharacoop.jpg
10.02 - 2016 12:20
Coop, one of Switzerland's largest grocery chains, has announced it will cease to provide tomatoes from Western Sahara from 2017 onwards.
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US Methodist Church blacklists five companies active in Western Sahara03.02 - 2016
In December 2015, the US United Methodist Church announced it had divested from 39 companies. Five of those are involved in occupied Western Sahara.Read more
Dutch pension fund kicks OCP over Western Sahara02.02 - 2016
Morocco's state-owned phosphate company, responsible for the illegal exploitation of Western Sahara's phosphate reserves, was ditched over human rights issues in Western Sahara.Read more

South-EU agri-unions want Saharawi produce excluded from Morocco trade01.02 - 2016
... and they ask the European Commission to provide clarity with regard to the annulment of the EU-Morocco Free Trade Agreement. Read more
European funder EBRD confirms it has no plans for Western Sahara25.01 - 2016
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has confirmed that it will not provide financial support to projects located in occupied Western Sahara.Read more

Protests spread throughout Western Saharasmara_23.02.16_a_610_200.jpg
25.01 - 2016
Here's what happens to peaceful demonstrations demanding basic rights to work and a decent living in Western Sahara. As protests spread from El Aaiun to other towns, the Moroccan police responded with the usual ferocity.
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Luxembourg pension fund bins Kosmos and Cairn over Western Sahara22.01 - 2016
The Luxembourg government fund has blacklisted the American oil company Kosmos Energy and its Scottish partner Cairn Energy due to "association to illegal exploitation of natural resources (Western Sahara)".Read more
Saharawis protesting inside OCP HQ in Casablanca20.01 - 2016
Saharawi unemployed graduates have taken their protest to the Casablanca headquarters of OCP, Morocco's state-owned phosphate company that is exploiting occupied Western Sahara's phosphate mine. Eye-witnesses report brutal police intervention and at least one Saharawi being severely injured. WSRW will update this article as news from the ground comes in.Read more

HRW: "Western Sahara products should not be labeled as Moroccan"19.01 - 2016
When presenting its new report on Israeli settlement products today, Human Rights Watch cited the case of Western Sahara. The NGO states that "countries should not import goods produced in Western Sahara labeled as Made in Morocco or under preferential tariff agreements with Morocco".

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Reports of siege as El Aaiun protests continue18.01 - 2016
As protests against Morocco's denial of the Saharawis' social and economic human rights have become daily news in occupied Western Sahara, eye-witnesses report a police siege targeting the hunger striking Saharawi graduates. Read more

US-Canadian delegation expelled from Western Saharacheckpoint_17.01.2016_610.jpg
17.01 - 2016
An American and a Canadian citizen were today kicked out of occupied Western Sahara. The two wanted to interview Saharawis regarding the US-Canadian exploitation of natural resources in the territory.
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IPL received first shipment of unethical phosphates of 201612.01 - 2016
A New Year's gift of an estimated US $3,7 million. That's what Australia's Incitec Pivot paid the Moroccan government for its first 2016 shipment of phosphate rock sourced in occupied Western Sahara.
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Hunger striking against OCP discriminatory employment12.01 - 2016
A heated start of the New Year in occupied Western Sahara, as unemployed Saharawi graduates step up their protest against Morocco's discriminatory employment practices by starting a hunger strike.Read more

Total has left occupied Western Sahara21.12 - 2015
The French multinational oil company has announced that it is no longer pursuing oil search offshore Western Sahara. "More good news for the Saharawi people. We urge the remaining oil companies to follow suit", stated WSRW.Read more
Support Western Sahara Resource Watch18.12 - 2015
Help us to protect the natural resources of Western Sahara for the Saharawi people. Support our work by making a donation.Read more

Siemens and Enel to construct wind farms on occupied land22_610_200.jpg
15.12 - 2015
Danish-German Siemens Wind Power and Italian Enel Green Power have won the tender to construct five wind farms in Morocco. Only, two of planned farms are located outside of Morocco, and inside occupied Western Sahara. WSRW had warned them from taking part in the tender.
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Swedish fishermen to pay fine for Western Sahara fisheries15.12 - 2015
Two Swedish fishermen are obliged to pay a half a million euro fine for fishing in occupied Western Sahara. Read more
EU appeals ECJ annulment of EU-Morocco Free Trade deal14.12 - 2015
The European Union has appealed the judgement from the EU Court of Justice. Read more

Moroccan king's holding most affected by ECJ Ruling13.12 - 2015
The European Court of Justice has annulled the EU-Morocco trade relations because they included the territory of occupied Western Sahara. The businessman who will be most affected by that ruling turns out to be the Moroccan king.Read more
Unemployed Saharawis were beaten for demanding a job13.12 - 2015
Several Saharawis were allegedly injured in a demonstration in El Aaiun yesterday, in which youth demanded employment opportunities on their own land. Among them a 34 year old law graduate.Read more

News archive:
11.12 - 2015WSRW: "EU must exclude Sahara from Monday's Morocco trade talks"
11.12 - 2015The controversial start-up of the annulled agreement
10.12 - 2015European Court annuls EU trade agreement with Morocco
09.12 - 2015EU-Morocco Geographical Indications deal fails in geography
09.12 - 2015Danish wind company Vestas receives heavy critique for Sahara bid
08.12 - 2015Norwegian investor blacklists Glencore for Western Sahara oil search
08.11 - 201540 years after invasion, Moroccan king glorifies plunder


Morocco occupies the major part of its neighbouring country, Western Sahara. Entering into business deals with Moroccan companies or authorities in the occupied territories gives an impression of political legitimacy to the occupation. It also gives job opportunities to Moroccan settlers and income to the Moroccan government. Western Sahara Resource Watch demands foreign companies leave Western Sahara until a solution to the conflict is found.
Support Western Sahara Resource Watch


Help us to protect the natural resources of Western Sahara for the Saharawi people. Support our work by making a donation.
The Western Sahara oil curse


Big oil’s interest in occupied Western Sahara has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. Some companies are now drilling, in complete disregard of international law and the Saharawi people’s rights. Here’s what you need to know.
Stand up for the Gdeim Izik 25!


On 17 February 2013, in a mockery of justice, a Moroccan military court condemned 25 Saharawi citizens to shockingly tough prison sentences. Help us to release the Gdeim Izik 25. News Archive 2015 News Archive 2014 News Archive 2013 News Archive 2012 News Archive 2011 News Archive 2010 News Archive 2009 News Archive 2008 News Archive 2007 News Archive 2004-2006

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