Canadian Companies buying Non-renewable Resources from Moroccan-occupied West Sahara

Yves Engler, Dissident Voice, February 23rd, 2016

In violation of international law two major Canadian companies are buying the non-renewable resources of Africa’s last remaining colony.
Saskatoon’s PotashCorp and Calgary’s Agrium have partnered with Morocco’s state-owned OCP to export phosphate mined in Western Sahara, a sparsely populated territory in northwestern Africa that was ruled by Spain until 1975.


16th Sahara Marathon coincides for 40th anniversary of SADR declaration

Middle East Eye, In Pictures, Tuesday 23 February 2016

Some 500 runners from North Africa, Europe and North America competed in the 16th Sahara Marathon on Tuesday, organisers saMarathonid.
The event – which sets off from the Tindouf refugee camp in Algeria – was timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the declaration of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) on 27 February 1976, Saharawi Minister of Youth and Sports Ahmed Lahbib Abdi, told reporters….(cont.)

Middle East Eye article >>

WS struggle for self-determination taken to European courts

David Connett
The Independent, Sunday 24 January 2016

“UN shuttle diplomacy has consistently failed to break the impasse over the fate of the disputed territories. Now the Sahrawi people are trying to break the deadlock themselves – in the courts.

The mineral-rich country on Africa’s north-west Atlantic coast is bounded by Morocco in the north,  Mauritania in the south and Algeria to the east. All three countries have taken an active interest in the fate of the Sahrawi – not always altruistically. (…cont.)”

The Independent article  >>

European Court ruling threatens Western Sahara contracts

Jan 21, 2016, Menas Associates, Sahara

A landmark ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in favour of the Polisario Front on 10 December has ordered the annulment of a trade agreement between Morocco and the European Union (EU) because it includes the territory of Western Sahara.
The March 2012 trade agreement, which failed to explicitly refer to Western Sahara, left open the possibility that the accord would apply in the disputed region, as both Morocco and the EU clearly intended.


Australia’s Incitec Pivot has received its first shipment of unethical phosphates of 2016

marathaWestern Sahara Resource Watch, 12 January 2016

A New Year’s gift of an estimated US $3.7 million. That’s what Australia’s Incitec Pivot paid the Moroccan government for its first 2016 shipment of phosphate rock sourced in occupied Western Sahara.
On 5 and 7 January, the bulk carrier Maratha Prudence discharged 8,000 tonnes in Portland and another 22,000 tonnes in Geelong – the two ports were Ozzie fertilizer producer Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL) takes in its cargoes of raw material.

WSRW article >>

1976 – 2016 : 40 Years of Exile. Swiss Support Committees for the Saharawi petition is launched

January 2016
The Swiss Support Committees for the Saharawi have launched a Petition to the UN Security Council to require the immediate organisation of a referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara and they call for worldwide support for this petition. It’s time to find a solution to the conflict in Western Sahara.

Please sign – and spread the information around the world!
We need thousands and thousands of signatures…
Campaign for signing the petition: 1 January 2016 – 15 August 2016

Sign the petition >>

Colin Murphy reports on the forgotten conflict of Western Sahara

April 21, 2007. Atocha Street, Madrid. Spain. Demonstration in defense of the legitimate rights of Saharans to the self-determination and independence, and against of the spanish goverment support to Morocco, state that occupys illegally western Sahara frThe Sunday Business Post, 15 November 2015
Colin Murphy reports on his visits to the Polisario-run camps, in Algeria, some years ago and more recently where roughly 100,000 people live a barren existence, without a functioning economy or proper services.
He writes, “On a separate trip to Western Sahara, I met dozens of Sahrawi activists who said they had been arrested, beaten, imprisoned and tortured for activities ranging from graffiti to human rights work to political protest. Among these was Brahim Sabbar, whom I met in Dublin again recently, as he attended an event run by the Irish human rights organisation, Front Line Defenders. (…cont.)

Colin Murphy’s article >>

Global Change, Peace and Security: Western Sahara: The Role of Resources in its Continuing Occupation

untitled13 November 2015
La Trobe Law School announces the publication of the latest issue of

Global Change, Peace & Security, Special Issue: Western Sahara: The Role of Resources in its Continuing Occupation
(Issue 27(3), October 2015).

To read about the right to self-determination, political and socio-economic factors that may inhibit its exercise, and the possible consequences of failure to give effect to that right in the context of the Saharawis of Western Sahara and Morocco’s exploitation of Saharawi natural resources, see this latest issue.
The journal is published by Routledge in association with La Trobe Law School.

Global Change, Peace & Security – Special issue: Contents

Activists gather to demand that Morocco’s king stop obstructing Referendum or leave Western Sahara


(Washington, DC)…Human rights activists, including representatives of the US-Western Sahara Foundation, Nonviolent International, Sahrawi refugees and a former MINURSO official, gathered at the Embassy of Morocco Friday, November 6 at 10 am to submit a petition demanding that King Mohamed VI of Morocco stop obstructing the UN planned referendum over Western Sahara or withdraw from their illegal occupation of Western Sahara.
Continue reading

40 years of hurt: The never-ending scandal of the Western Sahara

Richard Dowden
The Royal African Society, Britain’s prime Africa organisation. Friday, 6 November 2015
Forty years ago today (6 November), Morocco invaded Western Sahara, a former Spanish colonial possession – mostly made up of desert – in West Africa.
As Spain walked away, Morocco claimed the territory as part of its ancient empire. The UN had declared that it was up to the people of the territory to decide their own future,(…cont)

Article >>