✡ ॐ ∞ Week: 7 ∞ BLUE DAY ∞ ॐ
✡ ॐ ∞ Miracles n’ Magic ∞ (THIS IS BEHIND THE SCENES) ∞ ॐ
✡ ॐ ∞ SOUND ∞ THROAT Chakra Frequency ∞ Vishuddha ∞ ॐ
✡ ॐ ∞ Join us while we immerse ourselves into the frequencies of our spiritual universe. Each day is categorized by a different color of the rainbow, and it's attributes relating to our mind, body and spirit. Your host Rev. Devan Byrne has returned from his five year vision quest/service mission after his life changing podcast "I am A Course in Miracles". Join him in his conversations with God, and life changing healing practice, a new world of Magic and common day miracles. ∞ ॐ
✡ Questions or comments, EMail us at OpenandClear@GMail.com
✡ Find the HD Quality Podcast with these links:
✡ ITunes ∞ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/m...
✡ TalkShoe ∞ http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/139716
................................................. Miracles, Magic, Healing, Creator, Law Attraction, Power, Channeling, God, A Course in Miracles, ACIM, Oprah, Meditation, Life, Guru, Healer, Mind, Body, Spirit, Chakra, Reiki, Consciousness, freedom, free, Spirituality, Religion, Work, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Seek, Seeker, Healing, enlightenment, Mormon, LDS, levitation, Life coaching, Spiritual advisor, interfaith, seven sins, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy, Pride, sloth belief in death, Wizard, Warlock, Oz, Wiz, wonder, universalism, dimensions, mathematics, positive affirmations, energy, preaching, teaching, awakening, loving, I am, Almighty, Seven Virtues, Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, Temperance A Course, in Miracles, The Miracle Course, Law attraction, Law, Secret, Secrets, new, God particle, hidden Power, Light, Love, Blessings, Church, Science Mind, true, EFT, E=MC2, Emotional Freedom Technique, Health, meditation, kids, therapies, Therapy, joy, help, school, Chakras, Chinese Medicine, Acupressure, Acupuncture, relationships, animals, health, healing, fun, joy, loving, enlightenment, forgiveness, Angles, therapy Soul, sexy, sex, politics, history, justice, Quantum, Physics, Science, Mind, outdoors, Hybrid, how to, Plants, Time, loose Weight, OBE, NDE, Out Body Experiences, Parallel universes, Unconditional, Oprah, food, Energy Healing, A Guide, Spiritual Enlightenment, Eckhart Theta, Sports, Cannabis, Joy, Enlightenment, Zen Garden, faith, worship, creed, sect, church, cult, denomination, system , set beliefs, beliefs, principles, articles faith, ideology, credo, doctrine, teaching, dogma, tenets, canons, Meditation, harmony, Pray, prey, Oasis, Hay House, News, new, Radio, Buddha, rah, Psycic, psychic, Tricks, Amazing, Natural, Great, Affirmations, OMan, Oprah, Tags, Being Positive, Law, in, American, Affirmations, Time, therapy, heal, paranormal, A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle, Miracle, how, funny, Paranormal, Therapy, Louise hay, meditation, christian, Magic class, learn, child, feeling, clairvoyant, christ, joy, law, Spirituality, spiritual, fascinating, help, Creator, health, pease, Jesus, Shows, Health, TV, joy, Therapy, psychics, Crystals, Clairvoyant, debatable, Fun, night, Weddings, fun, energy, different, help, Kingdom Heaven, classes, Natural, green, Hybrid, Practicing Power Now, Essential Teachings, Meditations, Exercises, Amazing, peace, Great, Animals, food, Dr. Wayne Dyer, , to, fun, America, A hope, War, Freedom, history, justice, Claims, ACMI, CIM, IACM, ACIMA, paranormal, Peace of, abilities, dr. oz, diets, diet color diet, chakra diet, chakras, abilities, clairvoyance, faith, movie, religion, religious, belief, religious persuasion, denomination, sect, highly, Wiccan, Parapsychology, explores, this, drugs, LSD, Shrooms, possibility, evidence, paranormal, phenomena, accepted, scientific, community, feeling, touching, Clairaudience, hearing, listening, Oprah & Deepak, Deepak Chopra, knowing, tasting, Clairvoyance, learning, podcasting, loose, care, USA, principle, of, conscious, life, body, or, mediating, between, body, soul, incorporeal, humans, present, in, spirit, though, absent, in, body, the, marijuana, MESSIAH, activism, Vegan, vegetarian, new age, new era, anti-christ, christ jesus, real jesus, jesses, therapy, soul, regarded, separating, body, Twilight, conscious, hooponopono, ho' oponopono, , evolution, atheist, agnostic, Yahweh, Lord, Almighty, Creator, Maker, Godhead; Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh; Father, deity, goddess, divine being, celestial being, divinity, immortal, avatar, Mercury, Nanaja Son, Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, Great Spirit, its about Love, Nominate, Holiness, Holly, Lord, Namaste, Yoga, incorporeal, being, one, inhabiting, Publishing, a place,, fairy, Soul healing, disease, conic pain, help, hope, joy, love, Return to Love, Reflections, on, Principles, of, Marianne Williamson, an attitude, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, flower life, geometric, sacred geometry, dedication, monk, earth, water, fire, air, sound, light, cosmos, cozmo -
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 6