6 February 2016

UK and Swedish governments continue their persecution of Julian Assange

By Robert Stevens, 6 February 2016

London and Stockholm have rejected the UN’s verdict that Assange has been arbitrarily detained.

UN panel condemns detention of WikiLeaks founder
Stop the persecution of Julian Assange!

Recession risk on the rise

By Nick Beams, 6 February 2016

Falling yields in US and global bond markets point to a rising risk of recession as the IMF warns that commodity-exporting countries are coming under “severe stress.”

Wall Street celebrates mounting signs of US slump

Threat of wider war looms as Saudi monarchy proposes Syria intervention

By Bill Van Auken, 6 February 2016

The deployment of Saudi troops on the pretext of fighting the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq would inevitably be aimed at toppling the Assad government.

Syrian war negotiations collapse after two days

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Emails reveal Michigan governor’s staffer knew about Flint Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in March 2015

By James Brewer, 6 February 2016

A March 13 email to a staffer for Governor Snyder related that county health officials suspected that the “uptick” in Legionnaires’ disease was due to the switch to the Flint River.

Political crisis over Flint poisoning intensifies as Congress holds hearing

Residents speak out against Flint water disaster at Congressional hearing

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Politicians, unions use the “carrot and stick” to try to derail Detroit Public Schools struggle

By Nancy Hanover, 6 February 2016

As Emergency Manager Darnell Earley resigns, union officials and Michigan politicians are working overtime to try to derail the struggle of Detroit teachers.

Detroit Public Schools emergency manager resigns

What’s behind the Detroit Federation of Teachers’ lawsuit?

Iowa Democratic Party rejects audit of caucus vote

By Barry Grey, 6 February 2016

The Des Moines Register published an editorial headlined “Something smells in the Democratic Party,” denouncing state party officials for refusing to agree to an audit or release details of the voting.

Pakistan airline workers defy government repression, continue strike

By Sampath Perera, 6 February 2015

Workers’ defiance in the face of Tuesday’s bloody crackdown and threats of mass firings and jailings marks a major intensification of the class struggle in Pakistan.

North Korea announces satellite launch

By Ben McGrath, 6 February 2016

The proposed launch has further raised tensions following Pyongyang’s fourth nuclear test and will undoubtedly be exploited by the US to justify its military buildup in Asia.

Pro-refugee organisation comes under political attack in Germany

By Verena Nees, 6 February 2016

A false report about the death of a refugee has served as the pretext for a right-wing campaign against volunteers assisting refugees in Berlin, Germany.

German government steps up attacks on refugees

More on the refugee crisis »

Australia: Thousands protest High Court ruling upholding offshore refugee detention

By our reporters, 6 February 2015

The demonstrations expressed widespread revulsion at the persecution of asylum seekers, but the organisers promoted Labor and the Greens.

Sri Lanka: Plantation unions suppress struggle for wage rise

By M. Thevarajah and W. A. Sunil, 6 February 2016

The trade unions are promoting the illusion that the government will force the companies to grant a 2,500-rupee ($17) increase in the monthly wage.

Crane collapses in Manhattan, killing one and injuring three

By Alan Whyte, 6 February 2016

One person was killed and three others hurt when a 565-foot crane collapsed in lower Manhattan Friday morning.

More recalls of Takata exploding airbags

By Shannon Jones, 6 February 2016

Recalls have proceeded in a piecemeal fashion since 2008, when Honda first publicly reported the deadly defect.

Report: Low-income households are low priority in US budget

By Brad Dixon, 6 February 2016

The increased funding for social programs benefiting low or moderate income households in the 2016 budget is substantially smaller than other areas of non-defense spending.

New in French

Grèce : grève massive de 24 heures contre les mesures d’austérité de Syriza

Par Robert Stevens, 6 février 2016

Un an seulement après son arrivée au pouvoir, Syriza, le parti qui a été salué par la pseudo-gauche du monde entier comme l’exemple à suivre est devenu un objet de haine et mépris.

Un comité de l'ONU condamne la détention du fondateur de WikiLeaks
Arrêtez la persécution de Julian Assange!

Par Bill Van Auken, 6 février 2016

Malgré la décision qu'Assange avait été soumis à une « détention arbitraire », tant le Royaume-Uni que la Suède ont promis qu’ils continueraient de le persécuter.

Un parti nationaliste allemand d’extrême droite appelle à tirer sur les réfugiés

Par Johannes Stern, 6 février 2016

Les politiciens et les personnalités des médias qui critiquent actuellement l’Alternative pour l’Allemagne (AfD) partagent la responsabilité du retour de revendications fascistes dans le discours politique officiel.

Tandis que Flint est empoisonnée, GM enregistre des profits records en 2015

Par Jerry White, 6 février 2016

General Motors a annoncé des profits records avant impôts de 11 milliards $ pour l'année 2015 et ce, pendant que les résidents de Flint ont de l'eau empoisonnée, le résultat d'une pollution causée en grande partie par le constructeur automobile.

Le président iranien se rend en Italie et en France tandis que les rivalités économiques s'intensifient

Par Kumaran Ira, 6 février 2016

Après la levée des sanctions contre l’Iran, les puissances impérialistes sont engagées dans une âpre compétition pour savoir qui va saisir la plus grande part des marchés lucratifs iraniens.

New in Turkish

Avrupa hükümetleri sığınmacılara karşı saldırıyı arttırıyor

Marianne Arens, 5 Şubat 2016

Politikacılar ve gazeteciler, açıkça, sığınmacıların nasıl en iyi şekilde engellenebileceğini, gözaltına alınabileceğini, suya atılabileceğini ve bir yerden başka bir yere itilebileceğini sanki hayvanlardan ya da eşyalardan söz ediyormuş gibi tartışıyorlar.

New in German

UN-Gremium verurteilt Freiheitsentzug des WikiLeaks-Gründers
Stoppt die Verfolgung von Julian Assange!

Von Bill Van Auken, 6. Februar 2016

Washington will Assange unter allen Umständen zum Schweigen bringen und bestrafen, weil er die verbrecherische Politik der USA aufgedeckt hat.

Eintägiger Massenstreik gegen Syrizas Sparmaßnahmen

Von Robert Stevens, 6. Februar 2016

Vor einem Jahr feierten pseudolinke Gruppen auf der ganzen Welt den Machtantritt Syrizas. Mittlerweile ist diese Partei verhasst und verachtet.

Slavoj Žižek: Vom Pseudolinken zum neuen Rechten

Von Peter Schwarz, 6. Februar 2016

Žižek lässt im Spiegel seinem Hass und seiner Verachtung für Unterdrückte und Benachteiligte freien Lauf.

Syrien-Verhandlungen nach zwei Tagen zusammengebrochen

Von Thomas Gaist, 6. Februar 2016

Weil die Kämpfe zwischen den von den USA und den von Russland unterstützten Kräften zugenommen haben, wurden die Gespräche über den Krieg in Syrien für mindestens drei Wochen unterbrochen.

Bankenkrise in Italien

Von Marianne Arens, 6. Februar 2016

Die Krise an der Mailänder Börse hat den Konflikt Italiens mit der EU verschärft. Regierungschef Matteo Renzi reagiert darauf mit neuen sozialen Angriffen.

Mann Mobilia XXXL sperrt Mannheimer Belegschaft aus

Von Anna Rombach, 6. Februar 2016

Fast hundert Mitarbeiter der Möbelgruppe Mann Mobilia XXXL standen am Montagmorgen vor verschlossener Tür. Das Unternehmen rüstet sich mit Entlassungen und Standortschließungen auf die wachsende Konkurrenz am Möbelmarkt.

Das Pentagon-Handbuch zum Kriegsrecht, Teil 2
Eine Blaupause für totalen Krieg und Militärdiktatur

Von Tom Carter, 6. Februar 2016

Das neue „Pentagon-Handbuch zum Kriegsrecht“ enthält die rechtliche Grundlage für totalen Krieg und Diktatur – nicht nur in den Vereinigten Staaten. Hier der zweite Teil einer vierteiligen Serie.

Other Languages


Sanders and the left feint in capitalist politics

6 February 2016

Sanders is not the representative of a working class movement. He is rather the temporary beneficiary of a rising tide of popular opposition that is passing through only its initial stages of social and class differentiation.

Earlier Perspectives »


Editor of Germany’s Die Zeit newspaper demands rearmament and war

By Johannes Stern, 6 February 2016

For a substantial lobby of war-mongering scribblers in the editorial offices of the bourgeois press, the rearmament of Germany is not taking place fast enough.

German media incites racist hysteria

Left Party founder Jean-Luc Mélenchon covers for French government’s authoritarian policies

By Anthony Torres, 6 February 2016

There are no fundamental differences between Mélenchon and the Socialist Party government, which is building a police state in France.

Mass one-day strike hits Syriza’s austerity measures in Greece

By Robert Stevens, 5 February 2016

Arts Review

At the Jewish Museum in New York City
“The Power of Pictures: Early Soviet Photography, Early Soviet Film”—an exhibition

By C.W. Rogers, 6 February 2016

The exhibition examines some of the remarkable photography, magazines, film posters and innovative films produced in the years that followed the October Revolution of 1917.

45 Years: A nightmare on the brain of the living?

“Light lights in air”: Value, price, profit and Louis Zukofsky’s poetry

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

Hundreds attend University of Michigan talk on Flint water crisis

By Carlos Delgado, 6 February 2016

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha spoke about her work and the devastating impact of lead poisoning on Flint residents.

Flint pre-screening of the documentary MisLEAD: America’s Secret Epidemic
Parents fighting lead poisoning denounce government inaction and lies

Michigan lead expert exposes misinformation and delays in Flint crisis

The World Socialist Web Site and the Flint water crisis

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Emergency meeting on the crisis in Detroit and Flint draws over one hundred workers and youth

By E.P. Bannon, 29 January 2016

NHS Fightback

Junior doctors to take second strike in England

By Tony Robson, 6 February 2016

The British Medical Association has reluctantly proceeded with the strike but has scaled back the action.

Workers Struggles

Reject the Rail Maritime and Transport Union’s call to accept latest London Underground sell-out contract!

By Michael Barnes, 6 February 2016

Rail workers have seen the trade unions sabotage every struggle against the Conservative government since 2010.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

6 February 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Two workers killed as government seeks to crush Pakistan airline strike

Featured video

Chicago teachers march to oppose budget and job cuts

By Jerry White, 5 February 2016

Illinois legislators continue assault on public higher education

By George Marlowe, 5 February 2016

Mobilize the working class to defend public education in Chicago!
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party

Autoworkers Struggles

As its hometown of Flint remains poisoned, GM makes record 2015 profit

By Jerry White, 4 February 2016

“GM will do anything for profits and stockholders”
US autoworkers speak on record profits

GM skilled trades worker killed at Defiance, Ohio factory

US auto companies announce big payout to stockholders

More on autoworkers struggles »

The 2016 US Elections

Wall Street donors account for 40 percent of super PAC funds in US election

By Barry Grey, 4 February 2016

The Sanders vote in Iowa

By Patrick Martin, 3 February 2016

Sanders and socialism

Socialist Alternative forms group to support Sanders campaign

Obama, Trump and the working class

More on the 2016 US elections »

Socialist Equality Party

The Pentagon’s CSIS report and Australia’s role in the escalating war drive against China

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 3 February 2016

Washington’s entire anti-China strategy has received the unconditional backing of successive governments in Canberra.

Featured Commentary

To create a genuine artistic “avant garde” means confronting critical historical issues

By David Walsh, 20 January 2016

The essay by David Walsh we are posting today considers whether or not an artistic vanguard exists today—and, if not, what such a vanguard would consist of and what questions it would have to confront.

25 years ago: US saturation bombing kills thousands of Iraqi civilians

This week in 1991, Operation Desert Storm brought the saturation bombing of Iraqi cities, towns and villages by US warplanes.

More »

50 years ago: Soviet probe lands on the Moon

On February 3, 1966, the Soviet Union announced the successful soft landing of its unmanned Luna 9 spacecraft on the surface of the moon, in the lunar region called the Ocean of Storms.

More »

75 years ago: Bulgaria drawn into Axis

On February 4, 1941, the Bulgarian government of Tsar Boris III was reported about to accept Berlin’s demand to join the Axis powers’ “Tripartite Pact.”

More »


100 years ago: Mass garment workers strike in New York City

Mass strikes of garment workers continued to grow in New York this week in 1916, taking the total number of striking garment workers in the New York metropolitan area to 25,000.

More »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE statement on the student parliament vote at Humboldt University

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Germany), 22 January 2016

Mehring Books

Twenty-five years since the first Gulf War
Desert Slaughter: The Imperialist War Against Iraq—an enduring contribution to waging war on war

By Eric London, 21 January 2016

In 1991, the Workers League, forerunner of the SEP, published this valuable compendium of articles and statements providing a Marxist analysis of the imperialist war in Iraq and the breakdown of the postwar international order.

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky