Byron Bancroft "Ban" Johnson (January 5, 1865 – March 28, 1931), was an American executive in professional baseball who served as the founder and first president of the American League (AL).
Johnson developed the AL—a descendant of the minor league Western League—into a "clean" alternative to the National League, which had become notorious for its rough-and-tumble atmosphere. To encourage a more orderly environment, Johnson strongly supported the new league's umpires, which eventually included Hall of Famer Billy Evans.
With the help of league owners and managers such as Charles Comiskey, Charles Somers and Jimmy McAleer, Johnson lured top talent to the AL, which soon rivaled the more established National League. Johnson dominated the AL until the mid-1920s, when a public dispute with Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis culminated in his forced resignation as league president.
Born in Norwalk, Ohio, Johnson went on to study law at Marietta College, although he did not earn his degree. He subsequently became the sports editor of a newspaper in Cincinnati. During this time, Johnson befriended Charles Comiskey, who was then manager of the Cincinnati Reds. At the urging of Comiskey and Reds owner John T. Brush, Johnson was elected as president of the Western League, a faltering minor league, at a reorganization meeting held in 1893.
Guy Mariano (born March 31, 1976) is a professional skateboarder who gained widespread recognition at the age of 14 for his part in Blind Skateboards' Video Days (1991). Before Blind, Mariano was sponsored by Powell Peralta, and appeared in their video Ban This. In his later years, Guy rode for Girl Skateboards and had a seminal part in their second video Mouse (1996). He then co-founded the Royal Trucks skateboard truck company with Rudy Johnson in 1997.
He came out of retirement in 2005. His most recent part was in Lakai Limited Footwear's Skateboarding video "Fully Flared", which is considered his comeback. Despite his few appearances in video, Mariano's segments are highly regarded, with most fellow professional skaters saying Guy is one of their top five skaters ever.
Guy is Italian.
josh hitting, baseball swings, ban johnson 2014
Bad Johnson Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Cam Gigandet Sex Comedy HD
Boris Johnson On Water Cannon Ban & The BBC
Boris Johnson On Water Cannon Ban & The BBC
Boris Johnson On Water Cannon Ban & The BBC
NBPA Kevin Johnson and Roger Mason Jr. address Adam Silver's lifetime ban of Donald Sterling
Paulo Diaz, Rudy Johnson, Gabriel Rodriguez, Guy Mariano - Ban This
Marketers Ban Mercy Johnson And She Replied
Boris Johnson: No to smoking ban in parks
Top Coupon Deals | Kelloggs, Yoplait, Snickers, Johnson's Baby Lotion, Ban Wipes
PGA deny Johnson ban-NewsHDSports
NASA Study Predicts 100 Years Of Mega-Drought
Tesla Magnetic Generator
Tom Copley AM challenges Boris Johnson to back a ban on lettings agents charging tenants fees
The great Chicago White Sox team of 1919 is the saddest team to ever win a pennant. The team is bitter at their penny pincher owner, Charles Comiskey, and at their own teammates. Gamblers take advantage of this opportunity to offer some players money to throw the series. (Most of the players didn't get as much as promised.) But Buck Weaver and the great Shoeless Joe Jackson turn back at the last minute and try to play their best. The Sox actually almost come back from a 3-1 deficit. Two years later, the truth breaks out and the Sox are sued on multiple counts. They are found innocent by the jury but baseball commissioner Landis has other plans. The eight players are suspended for life, and Buck Weaver, for the rest of his life, tries to clear his name.
Keywords: 1910s, 1920s, baseball, baseball-movie, based-on-book, black-sox-scandal, chicago-illinois, chicago-white-sox, comiskey-park, courtroom
1919. The year America saw major league baseball played a whole new way...underhanded.
The Scandal That Rocked A Nation
The inside story of how the national pastime became a national scandal.
When the cheering stopped, there were... Eight Men Out.
No player who throws ball games will ever play professional baseball again.
Chick Gandil: You go back to Boston and turn seventy grand at the drop of a hat? I find that hard to believe.::Sport Sullivan: You say you can find seven men on the best club that ever took the field willin' to throw the World Series? I find *that* hard to believe.::Chick Gandil: You never played for Charlie Comiskey.
[about their opponents]::1st Cincinnati Reds Player: These guys don't look so tough.::2nd Cincinnati Reds Player: Yeah, that's what Custer said when the Indians took the field.
Ring Lardner: [serenading White Sox after game 5, to the tune of "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles"] I'm forever blowing ballgames, pretty ballgames in the air. I come from Chi, I hardly try, just go to bat and fade and die. Fortune's coming my way, that's why I hardly care. I'm forever blowing ballgames, and the gamblers treat us fair.
[Shoeless Joe Jackson is talking to his bat]::Shoeless Joe: Big whop now. Big whop, Betsy; you tell me when.::Freddie: Does it ever answer you, Joe?::Lefty Williams: Probably sleeps with it, too.::Lefty Williams: Lay off, you guys.::Hap Felsch: You crackers stick together, huh?::Swede Risberg: Ask it for a triple, Joe. You hear me?::Freddie: 60 years since the Civil War, Lefty. Ease up.::Hap Felsch: Besides, you guys lost. It was in all the papers.::Freddie: That wouldn't help Jackson none.::[Players laugh]::Lefty Williams: Just leave him be.
[Burns and Maharg are discussing Eddie Cicotte]::Bill Burns: Eddie's gettin' too old for this. I know what it's like. You walk out there with your arm hangin.::Billy Maharg: You couldn't pitch when you was young, Burnsie.::Bill Burns: Eddie's the key. If we don't get him, we can forget about it.
[Atell and Rothstein are discussing the plan to fix the series]::Abe Atell: They say that six or seven guys. I find that hard to believe.::Arnold Rothstein: Doesn't surprise me.::Abe Atell: Yeah, but they're the champs.::Arnold Rothstein: You were champ, Abe, you went down for the bucks.::Abe Atell: This is different.::Arnold Rothstein: Look, champ. I know guys like that. I grew up with them. I was the fat kid they wouldn't let play. "Sit down, fat boy'. That's what they'd say "Sit down, maybe you'll learn something." Well, I learned something alright. Pretty soon, I owned the game, and those guys I grew up with come to me with their hats in their hands. Tell me, champ, all those years of puggin', how much money did you make?::Abe Atell: The honest fights or the ones I tanked?::Arnold Rothstein: Altogether, I must've made ten times that amount betting on you and I never took a punch.::Abe Atell: Yeah, but I was champ. Featherweight champeen of the world!::Arnold Rothstein: Yesterday. That was yesterday.::Abe Atell: No A.R. you're wrong. I was champ, and can't nothin take that away.
Kid Gleason: People are human.
Ring Lardner: Sports writers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your bar privileges.
Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis: Regardless of the verdict of juries... no player who throws a ball game... no player who undertakes, or promises to throw a game... no player who sits in conference with a bunch of crooked players and gamblers where the ways and means of throwing a ball game are discussed, and does not promptly tell his club about it... will ever play professional baseball again.
[Some New Jersey fans are arguing on whether a Hoboken outfielder is Joe Jackson (the outfielder is, in fact, Shoeless Joe)]::New Jersey Fan #1: You ever see him play?::New Jersey Fan #2: Yeah, I saw pictures.::New Jersey Fan #1: Pictures [scoffs]::Buck Weaver: I saw him play.::New Jersey Fan #1: Yeah? What do you think?::Buck Weaver: He was the best. Run, hit, throw... he was the best.::New Jersey Fan #1: So what do you think? Is it him?::Buck Weaver: Nah. Those fellas are all gone now.
josh hitting, baseball swings, ban johnson 2014
Bad Johnson Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Cam Gigandet Sex Comedy HD
Boris Johnson On Water Cannon Ban & The BBC
Boris Johnson On Water Cannon Ban & The BBC
Boris Johnson On Water Cannon Ban & The BBC
NBPA Kevin Johnson and Roger Mason Jr. address Adam Silver's lifetime ban of Donald Sterling
Paulo Diaz, Rudy Johnson, Gabriel Rodriguez, Guy Mariano - Ban This
Marketers Ban Mercy Johnson And She Replied
Boris Johnson: No to smoking ban in parks
Top Coupon Deals | Kelloggs, Yoplait, Snickers, Johnson's Baby Lotion, Ban Wipes
PGA deny Johnson ban-NewsHDSports
NASA Study Predicts 100 Years Of Mega-Drought
Tesla Magnetic Generator
Tom Copley AM challenges Boris Johnson to back a ban on lettings agents charging tenants fees
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