Transmissão Ao Vivo da Record News ES
Record News Espírito Santo. Canal 8.1 Digital Aberto. Pertence ao Grupo Rede Sim.
Institucional RECORD NEWS 2015
Estréia da Record News [Parte 1]
Estréia da Tv Record News no dia 27 de Setembro de 2007, às 20:00 de Brasilia.
PARTE 1: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=5cQ-KKQ0BiE
PARTE 2: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=yHi9qZ_FBxw
PARTE 3: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=ob9pMiVr-aY
Os anos da Ditadura Militar no Brasil (Record News)
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 10 de outubro de 2009, no programa "Arquivo Record", pela Record News (BRA)
Nuno Cobra - Record News Part 01
Nuno Cobra o primeiro entrevistado do programa estilo e saúde da Record News
As piores brigas da história da "A Fazenda" (Record News)
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 08 de agosto de 2013, no programa "Zapping", pela Record News (BRA)
Coleção de Vinhetas | Record NEWS | 2007-2015
Criei este vídeo com o Editor de vídeos do YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Record News : Lançamento · Parte 1/3 · Estréia em 27/09/2007
Record News : Cerimônia de Lançamento
Parte 1/3 · Estréia do canal em 27/09/2007
00:00 Apresentação da Record News por Celso Freitas
02:34 Pronunciamento do Proprietário Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra
05:57 Pronunciamento do Excelentíssimo Governador de São Paulo José Serra
27 de Setembro de 2007. Uma data histórica para a televisão brasileira.
Há 54 anos, exatamente às 8h da noite, nascia a
Maceió no programa Turismo em Pauta da Record News
O programa Turismo em Pauta, da Record News, apresentou os atrativos turísticos da capital de Alagoas. Apesar do dia nublado, a matéria conseguiu captar bem o clima de conforto, lazer e gastronomia oferecido aos turistas em Maceió. A equipe ficou hospedada no Salinas de Maceió Beach Resort durante um fim de semana do mês de maio.
Apresentadora é surpreendida as vésperas do Dia das Mães - Record News ES
A apresentadora Ana Carolina Monteiro foi surpreendida no final do Hora News ES do dia 10/05/2013.
Record News Paulista – interno se classifica olimpíada de matemática
Olha que bacana! Em São Carlos um jovem que cumpre medida socioeducativa na fundação casa foi aprovado para a segunda fase da olimpíada brasileira de matemática das escolas públicas. Inspirado nele mais dois internos vão prestar a prova do Enem.
Técnica francesa de criação de aves - Record News Rural
Na Paraíba avicultores estão ganhando mercado porque utilizam uma técnica francesa para engordar as aves. Quem investe no setor garante que a produtividade é maior e a carne de melhor qualidade.
Record News Paulista – homem tenta abandonar cão
Agora um flagrante. Funcionários de uma clínica veterinária de Araraquara denunciam a tentativa de abandono de um cachorro. Câmeras do sistema de segurança registraram tudo.
imagens - Rafael Trovati
Record News Paulista – compras em sites chineses
Você já comprou produtos pela internet em sites estrangeiros? Uma pesquisa internacional mostrou que os brasileiros são os mais propensos a fazer compras em sites chineses. E apesar da facilidade e do o preço baixo, é preciso ficar atento para não cair em nenhum golpe.
edição de imagens - Paula Vieira
Imagens - Rafael Trovati
Edição de texto - Ariele Paiva
Alunos Medalhistas em Olimpíadas de Astronomia - Record News Paulista
Uma olimpíada brasileira de astronomia proporciona para alunos de escolas públicas a oportunidade de conhecer os mistérios do céu. E com tantos segredos para desvendar, adolescentes aqui de Araraquara se empenharam e conseguiram conquistar dezoito medalhas na competição.
Emissora de TV tentou impedir lançamento da RECORD NEWS
Emissora de TV concorrente tentou impedir o sucesso do lançamento da Record News
Editorial da Rede Record na íntegra + paródia*
* Nesse vídeo, logo após o término do editorial (03:50), foi inserida uma paródia Globo X Record de minha autoria (inspirada em uma matéria de capa da revista Carta Capital) que, ressalto, não faz parte do editorial transmitido pela Rede Record.
O jornalista Josias
Record News Rural – emissão de gases na pecuária
Os gases do chamado efeito estufa são os principais responsáveis pelo aumento da temperatura no planeta. A criação de gado é apontada como uma das causadoras do problema. Mas uma pesquisa, feita em parceria entre cientistas do Brasil e da escócia, sugere que a diminuição da atividade vai aumentar a emissão de gases. Quem está aqui para explicar mais sobre o assunto é o pesquisador Alexandre Berndt
Jornal da Record News: Convidado avalia importância do porto em Cuba para economia brasileira
Segundo o diretor do departamento de relações internacionais e comércio exterior da Fiesp, Thomaz Zanotto, a construção do porto cubano é uma oportunidade para o Brasil melhorar a presença econômica na América Central.
SD | Trechos Iniciais do "Carnaval Vitória 2016" na Record News - 30/01/2016
Captado pelo sinal da Record News da ClaroTV.
Copyright. Todos os direitos reservados.
Major News! Sound Of Two BLACK HOLES Colliding Recorded By Scientists!
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/02/11/cosmic-breakthrough-physicists-detect-gravitational-waves-from-violent-black-hole-merger/
Secureteam10 is your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, information on the government coverup and alien activity caught on tape. Send us YOUR footage by visiting the contact links below, and help us continue the good fi
Adele’s “Hello” Breaks Records | ABC News
Adele’s newest single, “Hello,” sets a new record with over one million sold in digital sales
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Transmissão Ao Vivo da Record News ES
Record News Espírito Santo. Canal 8.1 Digital Aberto. Pertence ao Grupo Rede Sim....
Record News Espírito Santo. Canal 8.1 Digital Aberto. Pertence ao Grupo Rede Sim.
wn.com/Transmissão Ao Vivo Da Record News Es
Record News Espírito Santo. Canal 8.1 Digital Aberto. Pertence ao Grupo Rede Sim.
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 11271
Estréia da Record News [Parte 1]
Estréia da Tv Record News no dia 27 de Setembro de 2007, às 20:00 de Brasilia.
PARTE 1: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=5cQ-KKQ0BiE
Estréia da Tv Record News no dia 27 de Setembro de 2007, às 20:00 de Brasilia.
PARTE 1: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=5cQ-KKQ0BiE
PARTE 2: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=yHi9qZ_FBxw
PARTE 3: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=ob9pMiVr-aY
wn.com/Estréia Da Record News Parte 1
Estréia da Tv Record News no dia 27 de Setembro de 2007, às 20:00 de Brasilia.
PARTE 1: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=5cQ-KKQ0BiE
PARTE 2: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=yHi9qZ_FBxw
PARTE 3: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=ob9pMiVr-aY
- published: 28 Sep 2007
- views: 28503
Os anos da Ditadura Militar no Brasil (Record News)
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 10 de outubro de 2009, no programa "Arquivo Record", pela Record News (BRA)...
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 10 de outubro de 2009, no programa "Arquivo Record", pela Record News (BRA)
wn.com/Os Anos Da Ditadura Militar No Brasil (Record News)
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 10 de outubro de 2009, no programa "Arquivo Record", pela Record News (BRA)
- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 83211
Nuno Cobra - Record News Part 01
Nuno Cobra o primeiro entrevistado do programa estilo e saúde da Record News...
Nuno Cobra o primeiro entrevistado do programa estilo e saúde da Record News
wn.com/Nuno Cobra Record News Part 01
Nuno Cobra o primeiro entrevistado do programa estilo e saúde da Record News
- published: 18 Aug 2010
- views: 29038
As piores brigas da história da "A Fazenda" (Record News)
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 08 de agosto de 2013, no programa "Zapping", pela Record News (BRA)...
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 08 de agosto de 2013, no programa "Zapping", pela Record News (BRA)
wn.com/As Piores Brigas Da História Da A Fazenda (Record News)
Imagens originalmente exibidas em 08 de agosto de 2013, no programa "Zapping", pela Record News (BRA)
- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 925365
Coleção de Vinhetas | Record NEWS | 2007-2015
Criei este vídeo com o Editor de vídeos do YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)...
Criei este vídeo com o Editor de vídeos do YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Coleção De Vinhetas | Record News | 2007 2015
Criei este vídeo com o Editor de vídeos do YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 1646
Record News : Lançamento · Parte 1/3 · Estréia em 27/09/2007
Record News : Cerimônia de Lançamento
Parte 1/3 · Estréia do canal em 27/09/2007
00:00 Apresentação da Record News por Celso Freitas
02:34 Pronunciamento...
Record News : Cerimônia de Lançamento
Parte 1/3 · Estréia do canal em 27/09/2007
00:00 Apresentação da Record News por Celso Freitas
02:34 Pronunciamento do Proprietário Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra
05:57 Pronunciamento do Excelentíssimo Governador de São Paulo José Serra
27 de Setembro de 2007. Uma data histórica para a televisão brasileira.
Há 54 anos, exatamente às 8h da noite, nascia a TV Record Canal 7 de São Paulo. A emissora mais antiga em atividade no país.
Em 1989 a Record chegou à beira da falência, mas um projeto empresarial audacioso salvou a pequena emissora e a transformou hoje em um dos principais veículos de comunicação do Brasil.
A segunda televisão emissora mais assistida do Brasil e a caminho da liderança.
Esta noite, mais um passo, mais uma vitória. O lançamento do primeiro canal de jornalismo 24 horas em TV aberta do Brasil: A Record News.
Neste espaço solene, do palco do teatro Record em São Paulo, estão presentes:
- O Excelentíssimo Presidente da República Luis Inácio Lula da Silva
- O Excelentíssimo Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados Arlindo Chinaglia
- O Excelentíssimo Governador de São Paulo José Serra
- O Excelentíssimo Prefeito da Cidade de São Paulo Gilberto Kassab
- O Ilustríssimo Presidente da Rede Record Alexandre Raposo
- O Ilustríssimo Proprietário da Rede Record Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra
Na platéia, representando, a presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal Ministra Helen Grace
Registramos a presença da Presidente do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª região Excelentíssima Desembargadora Federal Marli Marques Ferreira
Registramos também a presença do deputado Vaz de Lima Presidente da Assembléia Legislativa do Estado de São Paulo
Agradecemos também a presença de todos os convidados presentes ao teatro Record.
02:34 Vamos passar agora a palavra ao proprietário da Rede Record, o Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra.
Pronunciamento do Ilustríssimo Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra:
Boa noite. Eu gostaria de agradecer a todos os que aqui estão: as autoridades políticas, autoridades do judiciário, empresários, representantes de classe, artistas, jornalistas, funcionários da Record.
E hoje é um dia muito especial para nós, da Rede Record. O nascimento da Record News realiza um dos nossos antigos sonhos. Levar informação de qualidade e, principalmente, de graça para todos os brasileiros. Mas muitos certamente hão de perguntar: por que? Por que criar um canal de notícias que as pessoas podem assistir sem pagar nada. Essa, aliás, foi uma das perguntas mais insistidas por parte do jornalista Douglas Tavolaro, nosso diretor de jornalismo da Record, que viajou comigo durante muitos meses para escrever um livro sobre a nossa vida.
Por que um grupo investe tanto nos meios de comunicação? Por que? Qual o objetivo? A minha resposta foi e é sempre a mesma: Nós fomos injustiçados por muitos anos por um grupo de comunicação que mantinha, e mantém por enquanto, o monopólio da notícia no Brasil. Daí surgiu o nosso desejo em levar o fim desse monopólio. De dar às pessoas o direito de se informarem por outro canal de notícias. De formarem opinião por si mesmsas. Daí surgiu o nosso desejo em democratizar a informação.
Por isso, lançamos hoje a Record News, o primeiro canal exclusivo de notícias na TV aberta do Brasil. Uma emissora de televisão para todos os brasileiros, independentemente de classe social, econômica, credo político ou credo religioso. Eu agradeçco a cada um que se empenhou na realização dessa nova emissora. E sobretudo, claro, ao meu Deus que tem nos ajudado sempre. Muito obrigado.
05:58 Celso Freitas: - Vamos ouvir agora o Excelentíssimo Governador de São Paulo José Serra ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- TV Record News: 1º canal de jornalismo 24 horas em TV aberta (gratuita) do Brasil.
- TV Record: A segunda televisão mais assistida do Brasil e a caminho da liderança. A emissora mais antiga em atividade no país.
VÍDEOS Relacionados sobre a Record News:
- Lançamento - Parte Um 1/3
- Lançamento - Parte Dois 2/3
- Lançamento - Parte Três 3/3
- Bastidores do Lançamento
- Rede Globo tenta impedir lançamento da Record News
- Lula abre o jogo em entrevista exclusiva para a Record News
wn.com/Record News Lançamento · Parte 1 3 · Estréia Em 27 09 2007
Record News : Cerimônia de Lançamento
Parte 1/3 · Estréia do canal em 27/09/2007
00:00 Apresentação da Record News por Celso Freitas
02:34 Pronunciamento do Proprietário Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra
05:57 Pronunciamento do Excelentíssimo Governador de São Paulo José Serra
27 de Setembro de 2007. Uma data histórica para a televisão brasileira.
Há 54 anos, exatamente às 8h da noite, nascia a TV Record Canal 7 de São Paulo. A emissora mais antiga em atividade no país.
Em 1989 a Record chegou à beira da falência, mas um projeto empresarial audacioso salvou a pequena emissora e a transformou hoje em um dos principais veículos de comunicação do Brasil.
A segunda televisão emissora mais assistida do Brasil e a caminho da liderança.
Esta noite, mais um passo, mais uma vitória. O lançamento do primeiro canal de jornalismo 24 horas em TV aberta do Brasil: A Record News.
Neste espaço solene, do palco do teatro Record em São Paulo, estão presentes:
- O Excelentíssimo Presidente da República Luis Inácio Lula da Silva
- O Excelentíssimo Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados Arlindo Chinaglia
- O Excelentíssimo Governador de São Paulo José Serra
- O Excelentíssimo Prefeito da Cidade de São Paulo Gilberto Kassab
- O Ilustríssimo Presidente da Rede Record Alexandre Raposo
- O Ilustríssimo Proprietário da Rede Record Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra
Na platéia, representando, a presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal Ministra Helen Grace
Registramos a presença da Presidente do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª região Excelentíssima Desembargadora Federal Marli Marques Ferreira
Registramos também a presença do deputado Vaz de Lima Presidente da Assembléia Legislativa do Estado de São Paulo
Agradecemos também a presença de todos os convidados presentes ao teatro Record.
02:34 Vamos passar agora a palavra ao proprietário da Rede Record, o Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra.
Pronunciamento do Ilustríssimo Sr. Edir Macedo Bezerra:
Boa noite. Eu gostaria de agradecer a todos os que aqui estão: as autoridades políticas, autoridades do judiciário, empresários, representantes de classe, artistas, jornalistas, funcionários da Record.
E hoje é um dia muito especial para nós, da Rede Record. O nascimento da Record News realiza um dos nossos antigos sonhos. Levar informação de qualidade e, principalmente, de graça para todos os brasileiros. Mas muitos certamente hão de perguntar: por que? Por que criar um canal de notícias que as pessoas podem assistir sem pagar nada. Essa, aliás, foi uma das perguntas mais insistidas por parte do jornalista Douglas Tavolaro, nosso diretor de jornalismo da Record, que viajou comigo durante muitos meses para escrever um livro sobre a nossa vida.
Por que um grupo investe tanto nos meios de comunicação? Por que? Qual o objetivo? A minha resposta foi e é sempre a mesma: Nós fomos injustiçados por muitos anos por um grupo de comunicação que mantinha, e mantém por enquanto, o monopólio da notícia no Brasil. Daí surgiu o nosso desejo em levar o fim desse monopólio. De dar às pessoas o direito de se informarem por outro canal de notícias. De formarem opinião por si mesmsas. Daí surgiu o nosso desejo em democratizar a informação.
Por isso, lançamos hoje a Record News, o primeiro canal exclusivo de notícias na TV aberta do Brasil. Uma emissora de televisão para todos os brasileiros, independentemente de classe social, econômica, credo político ou credo religioso. Eu agradeçco a cada um que se empenhou na realização dessa nova emissora. E sobretudo, claro, ao meu Deus que tem nos ajudado sempre. Muito obrigado.
05:58 Celso Freitas: - Vamos ouvir agora o Excelentíssimo Governador de São Paulo José Serra ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- TV Record News: 1º canal de jornalismo 24 horas em TV aberta (gratuita) do Brasil.
- TV Record: A segunda televisão mais assistida do Brasil e a caminho da liderança. A emissora mais antiga em atividade no país.
VÍDEOS Relacionados sobre a Record News:
- Lançamento - Parte Um 1/3
- Lançamento - Parte Dois 2/3
- Lançamento - Parte Três 3/3
- Bastidores do Lançamento
- Rede Globo tenta impedir lançamento da Record News
- Lula abre o jogo em entrevista exclusiva para a Record News
- published: 01 Oct 2007
- views: 21131
Maceió no programa Turismo em Pauta da Record News
O programa Turismo em Pauta, da Record News, apresentou os atrativos turísticos da capital de Alagoas. Apesar do dia nublado, a matéria conseguiu captar bem o c...
O programa Turismo em Pauta, da Record News, apresentou os atrativos turísticos da capital de Alagoas. Apesar do dia nublado, a matéria conseguiu captar bem o clima de conforto, lazer e gastronomia oferecido aos turistas em Maceió. A equipe ficou hospedada no Salinas de Maceió Beach Resort durante um fim de semana do mês de maio.
wn.com/Maceió No Programa Turismo Em Pauta Da Record News
O programa Turismo em Pauta, da Record News, apresentou os atrativos turísticos da capital de Alagoas. Apesar do dia nublado, a matéria conseguiu captar bem o clima de conforto, lazer e gastronomia oferecido aos turistas em Maceió. A equipe ficou hospedada no Salinas de Maceió Beach Resort durante um fim de semana do mês de maio.
- published: 07 Jun 2011
- views: 91665
Apresentadora é surpreendida as vésperas do Dia das Mães - Record News ES
A apresentadora Ana Carolina Monteiro foi surpreendida no final do Hora News ES do dia 10/05/2013....
A apresentadora Ana Carolina Monteiro foi surpreendida no final do Hora News ES do dia 10/05/2013.
wn.com/Apresentadora É Surpreendida As Vésperas Do Dia Das Mães Record News Es
A apresentadora Ana Carolina Monteiro foi surpreendida no final do Hora News ES do dia 10/05/2013.
- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 4696
Record News Paulista – interno se classifica olimpíada de matemática
Olha que bacana! Em São Carlos um jovem que cumpre medida socioeducativa na fundação casa foi aprovado para a segunda fase da olimpíada brasileira de matemática...
Olha que bacana! Em São Carlos um jovem que cumpre medida socioeducativa na fundação casa foi aprovado para a segunda fase da olimpíada brasileira de matemática das escolas públicas. Inspirado nele mais dois internos vão prestar a prova do Enem.
wn.com/Record News Paulista – Interno Se Classifica Olimpíada De Matemática
Olha que bacana! Em São Carlos um jovem que cumpre medida socioeducativa na fundação casa foi aprovado para a segunda fase da olimpíada brasileira de matemática das escolas públicas. Inspirado nele mais dois internos vão prestar a prova do Enem.
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 239
Técnica francesa de criação de aves - Record News Rural
Na Paraíba avicultores estão ganhando mercado porque utilizam uma técnica francesa para engordar as aves. Quem investe no setor garante que a produtividade é ma...
Na Paraíba avicultores estão ganhando mercado porque utilizam uma técnica francesa para engordar as aves. Quem investe no setor garante que a produtividade é maior e a carne de melhor qualidade.
wn.com/Técnica Francesa De Criação De Aves Record News Rural
Na Paraíba avicultores estão ganhando mercado porque utilizam uma técnica francesa para engordar as aves. Quem investe no setor garante que a produtividade é maior e a carne de melhor qualidade.
- published: 04 Mar 2011
- views: 190998
Record News Paulista – homem tenta abandonar cão
Agora um flagrante. Funcionários de uma clínica veterinária de Araraquara denunciam a tentativa de abandono de um cachorro. Câmeras do sistema de segurança regi...
Agora um flagrante. Funcionários de uma clínica veterinária de Araraquara denunciam a tentativa de abandono de um cachorro. Câmeras do sistema de segurança registraram tudo.
imagens - Rafael Trovati
wn.com/Record News Paulista – Homem Tenta Abandonar Cão
Agora um flagrante. Funcionários de uma clínica veterinária de Araraquara denunciam a tentativa de abandono de um cachorro. Câmeras do sistema de segurança registraram tudo.
imagens - Rafael Trovati
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 47
Record News Paulista – compras em sites chineses
Você já comprou produtos pela internet em sites estrangeiros? Uma pesquisa internacional mostrou que os brasileiros são os mais propensos a fazer compras em sit...
Você já comprou produtos pela internet em sites estrangeiros? Uma pesquisa internacional mostrou que os brasileiros são os mais propensos a fazer compras em sites chineses. E apesar da facilidade e do o preço baixo, é preciso ficar atento para não cair em nenhum golpe.
edição de imagens - Paula Vieira
Imagens - Rafael Trovati
Edição de texto - Ariele Paiva
wn.com/Record News Paulista – Compras Em Sites Chineses
Você já comprou produtos pela internet em sites estrangeiros? Uma pesquisa internacional mostrou que os brasileiros são os mais propensos a fazer compras em sites chineses. E apesar da facilidade e do o preço baixo, é preciso ficar atento para não cair em nenhum golpe.
edição de imagens - Paula Vieira
Imagens - Rafael Trovati
Edição de texto - Ariele Paiva
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 154
Alunos Medalhistas em Olimpíadas de Astronomia - Record News Paulista
Uma olimpíada brasileira de astronomia proporciona para alunos de escolas públicas a oportunidade de conhecer os mistérios do céu. E com tantos segredos para de...
Uma olimpíada brasileira de astronomia proporciona para alunos de escolas públicas a oportunidade de conhecer os mistérios do céu. E com tantos segredos para desvendar, adolescentes aqui de Araraquara se empenharam e conseguiram conquistar dezoito medalhas na competição.
wn.com/Alunos Medalhistas Em Olimpíadas De Astronomia Record News Paulista
Uma olimpíada brasileira de astronomia proporciona para alunos de escolas públicas a oportunidade de conhecer os mistérios do céu. E com tantos segredos para desvendar, adolescentes aqui de Araraquara se empenharam e conseguiram conquistar dezoito medalhas na competição.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 78
Emissora de TV tentou impedir lançamento da RECORD NEWS
Emissora de TV concorrente tentou impedir o sucesso do lançamento da Record News
Editorial da Rede Record na íntegra + paródia*
* Nesse vídeo, logo após o t...
Emissora de TV concorrente tentou impedir o sucesso do lançamento da Record News
Editorial da Rede Record na íntegra + paródia*
* Nesse vídeo, logo após o término do editorial (03:50), foi inserida uma paródia Globo X Record de minha autoria (inspirada em uma matéria de capa da revista Carta Capital) que, ressalto, não faz parte do editorial transmitido pela Rede Record.
O jornalista Josias de Souza revelou em seu blog, no dia 29, com riqueza de detalhes toda a confusão que se estabeleceu nos bastidores das grandes redes, antes, durante e depois da inauguração da Record News.
Conforme o decreto número 52.795, de 31 de outubro de 1963, uma única empresa não pode gerir duas redes na mesma praça. De fato, isto é o que diz a lei, que, no caso, vale para emissoras de televisão aberta.
Algumas considerações, no entanto, se fazem necessárias em meio ao novo imbróglio. A concessão da Rede Mulher, que originou a Record News, é de Araraquara, fundada em agosto de 1994, pelo empresário Roberto Montoro.
Desde 1999, essa emissora passou a ser controlada pelo grupo da Record. O que aconteceu no último dia 27, além da inauguração de um canal de notícias na tevê aberta, se limitou à troca do nome fantasia. A razão social não foi alterada.
É preciso lembrar que o Grupo Bandeirantes tem duas redes de televisão abertas com base em São Paulo, Bandeirantes e 21 (hoje Play TV), mas não existe irregularidade, porque a lei permite razões sociais diferentes.
O assunto será melhor investigado e foi motivo de um editorial no "Jornal da Record". A posição da Globo em questionar essa situação é justa e procedente, mas nos parece oportunista.
A Rede Mulher existe desde 1994, funcionando dessa forma. Só mudou o nome. Por que só agora?
A presença confirmada do presidente Lula no dia 27, na inauguração da Record News, não foi cancelada. Ele foi avisado de toda essa confusão na tarde do mesmo dia e só viajou a São Paulo, depois de ser informado pelo ministro Hélio Costa, das Comunicações, que não havia ilegalidade.
• Blog do jornalista Josias de Souza (Folha de S.Paulo):
• Globo ameaça questionar legalidade da Record News
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- TV Record News: 1º canal de jornalismo 24 horas em TV aberta (gratuita) do Brasil.
- TV Record: A segunda televisão mais assistida do Brasil e a caminho da liderança. A emissora mais antiga em atividade no país.
VÍDEOS Relacionados sobre a Record News:
- Lançamento - Parte Um 1/3
- Lançamento - Parte Dois 2/3
- Lançamento - Parte Três 3/3
- Bastidores do Lançamento
- Rede Globo tenta impedir lançamento da Record News
- Lula abre o jogo em entrevista exclusiva para a Record News
wn.com/Emissora De Tv Tentou Impedir Lançamento Da Record News
Emissora de TV concorrente tentou impedir o sucesso do lançamento da Record News
Editorial da Rede Record na íntegra + paródia*
* Nesse vídeo, logo após o término do editorial (03:50), foi inserida uma paródia Globo X Record de minha autoria (inspirada em uma matéria de capa da revista Carta Capital) que, ressalto, não faz parte do editorial transmitido pela Rede Record.
O jornalista Josias de Souza revelou em seu blog, no dia 29, com riqueza de detalhes toda a confusão que se estabeleceu nos bastidores das grandes redes, antes, durante e depois da inauguração da Record News.
Conforme o decreto número 52.795, de 31 de outubro de 1963, uma única empresa não pode gerir duas redes na mesma praça. De fato, isto é o que diz a lei, que, no caso, vale para emissoras de televisão aberta.
Algumas considerações, no entanto, se fazem necessárias em meio ao novo imbróglio. A concessão da Rede Mulher, que originou a Record News, é de Araraquara, fundada em agosto de 1994, pelo empresário Roberto Montoro.
Desde 1999, essa emissora passou a ser controlada pelo grupo da Record. O que aconteceu no último dia 27, além da inauguração de um canal de notícias na tevê aberta, se limitou à troca do nome fantasia. A razão social não foi alterada.
É preciso lembrar que o Grupo Bandeirantes tem duas redes de televisão abertas com base em São Paulo, Bandeirantes e 21 (hoje Play TV), mas não existe irregularidade, porque a lei permite razões sociais diferentes.
O assunto será melhor investigado e foi motivo de um editorial no "Jornal da Record". A posição da Globo em questionar essa situação é justa e procedente, mas nos parece oportunista.
A Rede Mulher existe desde 1994, funcionando dessa forma. Só mudou o nome. Por que só agora?
A presença confirmada do presidente Lula no dia 27, na inauguração da Record News, não foi cancelada. Ele foi avisado de toda essa confusão na tarde do mesmo dia e só viajou a São Paulo, depois de ser informado pelo ministro Hélio Costa, das Comunicações, que não havia ilegalidade.
• Blog do jornalista Josias de Souza (Folha de S.Paulo):
• Globo ameaça questionar legalidade da Record News
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- TV Record News: 1º canal de jornalismo 24 horas em TV aberta (gratuita) do Brasil.
- TV Record: A segunda televisão mais assistida do Brasil e a caminho da liderança. A emissora mais antiga em atividade no país.
VÍDEOS Relacionados sobre a Record News:
- Lançamento - Parte Um 1/3
- Lançamento - Parte Dois 2/3
- Lançamento - Parte Três 3/3
- Bastidores do Lançamento
- Rede Globo tenta impedir lançamento da Record News
- Lula abre o jogo em entrevista exclusiva para a Record News
- published: 02 Oct 2007
- views: 177579
Record News Rural – emissão de gases na pecuária
Os gases do chamado efeito estufa são os principais responsáveis pelo aumento da temperatura no planeta. A criação de gado é apontada como uma das causadoras do...
Os gases do chamado efeito estufa são os principais responsáveis pelo aumento da temperatura no planeta. A criação de gado é apontada como uma das causadoras do problema. Mas uma pesquisa, feita em parceria entre cientistas do Brasil e da escócia, sugere que a diminuição da atividade vai aumentar a emissão de gases. Quem está aqui para explicar mais sobre o assunto é o pesquisador Alexandre Berndt, um dos responsáveis pelo estudo.
wn.com/Record News Rural – Emissão De Gases Na Pecuária
Os gases do chamado efeito estufa são os principais responsáveis pelo aumento da temperatura no planeta. A criação de gado é apontada como uma das causadoras do problema. Mas uma pesquisa, feita em parceria entre cientistas do Brasil e da escócia, sugere que a diminuição da atividade vai aumentar a emissão de gases. Quem está aqui para explicar mais sobre o assunto é o pesquisador Alexandre Berndt, um dos responsáveis pelo estudo.
- published: 05 Feb 2016
- views: 86
Jornal da Record News: Convidado avalia importância do porto em Cuba para economia brasileira
Segundo o diretor do departamento de relações internacionais e comércio exterior da Fiesp, Thomaz Zanotto, a construção do porto cubano é uma oportunidade para ...
Segundo o diretor do departamento de relações internacionais e comércio exterior da Fiesp, Thomaz Zanotto, a construção do porto cubano é uma oportunidade para o Brasil melhorar a presença econômica na América Central.
wn.com/Jornal Da Record News Convidado Avalia Importância Do Porto Em Cuba Para Economia Brasileira
Segundo o diretor do departamento de relações internacionais e comércio exterior da Fiesp, Thomaz Zanotto, a construção do porto cubano é uma oportunidade para o Brasil melhorar a presença econômica na América Central.
- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 75838
SD | Trechos Iniciais do "Carnaval Vitória 2016" na Record News - 30/01/2016
Captado pelo sinal da Record News da ClaroTV.
Copyright. Todos os direitos reservados....
Captado pelo sinal da Record News da ClaroTV.
Copyright. Todos os direitos reservados.
wn.com/Sd | Trechos Iniciais Do Carnaval Vitória 2016 Na Record News 30 01 2016
Captado pelo sinal da Record News da ClaroTV.
Copyright. Todos os direitos reservados.
- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 450
Major News! Sound Of Two BLACK HOLES Colliding Recorded By Scientists!
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/02/11/cosmic-breakthrough-physicists-detect-gravitational-waves-from-violent-black-hole-...
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/02/11/cosmic-breakthrough-physicists-detect-gravitational-waves-from-violent-black-hole-merger/
Secureteam10 is your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, information on the government coverup and alien activity caught on tape. Send us YOUR footage by visiting the contact links below, and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!
➨Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10
➨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secureteam10
➨E-mail or private message us with your ideas & footage: Thesecureteam@gmail.com
➨Visit our online shirt shop and gear up with your own ST10 Tee! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com
Music: Spellbound by Keven Macleod
Kevin's website: http://www.incompetech.com
wn.com/Major News Sound Of Two Black Holes Colliding Recorded By Scientists
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/02/11/cosmic-breakthrough-physicists-detect-gravitational-waves-from-violent-black-hole-merger/
Secureteam10 is your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, information on the government coverup and alien activity caught on tape. Send us YOUR footage by visiting the contact links below, and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!
➨Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10
➨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secureteam10
➨E-mail or private message us with your ideas & footage: Thesecureteam@gmail.com
➨Visit our online shirt shop and gear up with your own ST10 Tee! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com
Music: Spellbound by Keven Macleod
Kevin's website: http://www.incompetech.com
- published: 11 Feb 2016
- views: 6507
Adele’s “Hello” Breaks Records | ABC News
Adele’s newest single, “Hello,” sets a new record with over one million sold in digital sales
SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/ABCNews/
Watch Mor...
Adele’s newest single, “Hello,” sets a new record with over one million sold in digital sales
SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/ABCNews/
Watch More on http://abcnews.go.com/
wn.com/Adele’S “Hello” Breaks Records | Abc News
Adele’s newest single, “Hello,” sets a new record with over one million sold in digital sales
SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/ABCNews/
Watch More on http://abcnews.go.com/
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 66948
5 Tips for Making Great Travel Videos
Going on a sweet trip soon? Want to make videos of your trip that are actually worth watching later? Use these 5 tips for making great travel videos before you go! (Also, want to learn how to get free flights? Look below to find out more)
~Jake and Chad
Graphics by Renee Volchko (http://hellorenee.com)
10 Tricks to Make Amateur Video Look Professional : Indy News
Griffin reports on the RED camera price drop, Disney's purchase of Star Wars, 10 ways to smash a pumpkin, a DIY car-camera mount, and top 10 tips for faking it—making amateur video look professional!
5 Simple Tips & Tricks to Shoot Better DSLR Video!
Intro made with VideoBlocks: http://vblocks.co/x/techlunch
Are you part of #TeamCrispy? Here are 5 simple tips and tricks for beginners help you step up your video production game! Doesn't matter if you shoot on a DSLR, Point and shoot or Smartphone.
Music is from AudioBlocks: www.ablocks.co/x/techlunchdinner
Gear Featured:
White Balance Card Under $10: http://amzn.to/1OCDR1i
Manfrotto 502 Fl
10 Tips for Filming with a GoPro
In this video I want to share with you my top 10 tips for filming with a GoPro. I've filmed the majority of the videos on my channel with a GoPro because it takes great quality video, it's safe for filming in all weather conditions, and it's very durable in case of a crash or fall. If you want to get the best possible shots out of your GoPro, then I think these 10 tips will help.
The first tip i
Behind the Lens: Tips for Shooting Better Travel Videos
Looking to capture better videos of your travels? We asked Mike Corey, from Kick the Grind TV to share some of his secrets with us. See other video tutorials here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc1JoqWgL8pZn1V8A-A7LQeyh4vPzN789
Was this video helpful? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts!
Vietnam Travel Guide - Old Quarter In Hanoi
Discover Vietnam. Brought this video to you by Manh Hoang,
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Brunei - a relaxed pace of life (travel guide)
A home-made documentary that truly record our experience with RBA & experience at one the most beautiful mosques in Asia
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Привет, дорогой друг! Спасибо тебе за то, что смотришь наши выпуски! Этим летом мы летим на несколько месяцев в Европу, чтобы увидеть своими глазами, что там происходит, сколько стоит там жить и работать, учиться и отдыхать! Пиши нам в комментариях вопросы, и мы постараемся ответить на них максимально полно! Кроме того, мы меняем не только периодичность выхода и формат, но и качество съемки — тепе
The Try Guys Shoot Guns For The First Time
The Try Guys explosively investigate gun control, assault rifles, and masculinity.
See more of the Try Guys on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tryguys
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
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Julie Wee Famele Voiceover - Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide - Expedia
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based in Singapore. I have a friendly, warm and approachable voice. I trained as an actor at The Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). With 10 years of performing experience, and having recorded a wide variety of voice overs, I am adaptable, and ha
How to Write & Produce a Documentary : Indy News
Griffin shares the pre-production process on his Sriracha documentary. Plus, YouTube turns 8, David Cross visits, and Legos build a James Bond film! Like the film production at http://facebook.com/SrirachaFilm
Tobias Fünke's Sizzling Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDiJmA2ZIDo&list;=PL-3mr0QREVv2ChurzqOV86F_TD-Z2tPmN&index;=1
coccosnowball's Lego "Casino Royale": https://www.you
Geography Project: Region: Travel Guide: Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia
Autumn and I record our Travel Guide to the region of Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam
MCKAMEY MANOR 2014 (The Manor Wins Again)
Warning: The footage of these two individuals is very tough to watch. This is why I have now decided to tone the haunt down. Even the toughest "Manly Men," cannot complete the new experience.
North Vietnam Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination North Vietnam.
In colonial times, the Europeans referred to North Vietnam as Tongking. Today, the Vietnamese people call it, Bac Bo.Hanoi is North Vietnam’s lively capital city. It was here that in 1882, the French created their administrative headquarters and main capital city. Compared to other southeast Asian cities that have developed into modern metropolises at
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
READ: In this Titanfall Attrition gameplay I get a high score of 170 points. Titanfall world record? I give 3 important tips to get higher scores in Titanfall. Like the Video and Subscribe. Thank you, Andy Input.
Tips for Titan Gameplay and How to Get Better at Titanfall: http://youtu.be/AyRLp90Um4M
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http://www.twitch.tv/AndyInput - Follo
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A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a neat funicular that travels to the upper town of Sitio.
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Must read article: Circling around the Really Real:Spirit Possession Ceremonies and
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During one of the first spirit possession ceremonies that
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might become possessed. That fear was kind of odd, given
the fact that I do not "believe" in spirits who take p
Canon 7D for filmmaking: Setup Guide & Overview
You can buy the camera here: http://goo.gl/3SgE1V
The better late than never guide on how to setup and use the EOS 7D for filmmaking!
Moritz Janisch from Fenchel & Janisch shows you how to work with the APS-C DSLR when it comes to recording professional HD video.
Blog post: http://goo.gl/tPx8S6
Music provided by http://www.Beatsuite.com Music Library
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KUNG FURY Official Movie [HD]
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Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, viking
Julie Wee Voiceover - Singapore Vacation Travel Guide Expedia
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based in Singapore. I have a friendly, warm and approachable voice. I trained as an actor at The Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). With 10 years of performing experience, and having recorded a wide variety of voice overs, I am adaptable, and ha
Around the World in 360° Degrees - 3 Year Epic Selfie
600 Days Around the World with a GoPro on a stick! In the most epic selfie ever!
Don't forget to watch Part II here: https://youtu.be/sR6Kaq526Zc
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The ultimate selfie compilation documented
5 Tips for Making Great Travel Videos
Going on a sweet trip soon? Want to make videos of your trip that are actually worth watching later? Use these 5 tips for making great travel videos before you ...
Going on a sweet trip soon? Want to make videos of your trip that are actually worth watching later? Use these 5 tips for making great travel videos before you go! (Also, want to learn how to get free flights? Look below to find out more)
~Jake and Chad
Graphics by Renee Volchko (http://hellorenee.com)
wn.com/5 Tips For Making Great Travel Videos
Going on a sweet trip soon? Want to make videos of your trip that are actually worth watching later? Use these 5 tips for making great travel videos before you go! (Also, want to learn how to get free flights? Look below to find out more)
~Jake and Chad
Graphics by Renee Volchko (http://hellorenee.com)
- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 56127
10 Tricks to Make Amateur Video Look Professional : Indy News
Griffin reports on the RED camera price drop, Disney's purchase of Star Wars, 10 ways to smash a pumpkin, a DIY car-camera mount, and top 10 tips for faking it—...
Griffin reports on the RED camera price drop, Disney's purchase of Star Wars, 10 ways to smash a pumpkin, a DIY car-camera mount, and top 10 tips for faking it—making amateur video look professional!
TRICKS FOR FAKING IT—Making Amateur Video Look Professional:
#1 Light your scene as best you can.
#2 Use sunlight, especially during the golden hour.
#3 Color correction can salvage dark or poorly white balanced shots.
#4 Find or build a camera stabilizer—maybe a DIY string tripod.
#5 Use a stabilization effect or slow motion to smooth a shaky shot.
#6 High resolution video can be cropped to conceal jump cuts.
#7 Zoom in a kit lens to maximize bokeh (shallow depth of field).
#8 When using on-camera audio, shoot lots of close-ups.
#9 Apply a noise-reducing filter to salvage quiet audio.
#10 Re-record dialogue (ADR "automated dialogue replacement")
wn.com/10 Tricks To Make Amateur Video Look Professional Indy News
Griffin reports on the RED camera price drop, Disney's purchase of Star Wars, 10 ways to smash a pumpkin, a DIY car-camera mount, and top 10 tips for faking it—making amateur video look professional!
TRICKS FOR FAKING IT—Making Amateur Video Look Professional:
#1 Light your scene as best you can.
#2 Use sunlight, especially during the golden hour.
#3 Color correction can salvage dark or poorly white balanced shots.
#4 Find or build a camera stabilizer—maybe a DIY string tripod.
#5 Use a stabilization effect or slow motion to smooth a shaky shot.
#6 High resolution video can be cropped to conceal jump cuts.
#7 Zoom in a kit lens to maximize bokeh (shallow depth of field).
#8 When using on-camera audio, shoot lots of close-ups.
#9 Apply a noise-reducing filter to salvage quiet audio.
#10 Re-record dialogue (ADR "automated dialogue replacement")
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 1247037
5 Simple Tips & Tricks to Shoot Better DSLR Video!
Intro made with VideoBlocks: http://vblocks.co/x/techlunch
Are you part of #TeamCrispy? Here are 5 simple tips and tricks for beginners help you step up your ...
Intro made with VideoBlocks: http://vblocks.co/x/techlunch
Are you part of #TeamCrispy? Here are 5 simple tips and tricks for beginners help you step up your video production game! Doesn't matter if you shoot on a DSLR, Point and shoot or Smartphone.
Music is from AudioBlocks: www.ablocks.co/x/techlunchdinner
Gear Featured:
White Balance Card Under $10: http://amzn.to/1OCDR1i
Manfrotto 502 Fluid Head: http://amzn.to/1DaNhdv
Manfrotto Tripod Legs: http://amzn.to/1EoQqh4
Budget Fluid Head Tripod: http://amzn.to/1OCDx2q
Sony RX100 mIII: http://amzn.to/1DyY5CP
Variable ND Filter (make sure to match size to lens)
Smartphone Tripod Accessories: http://amzn.to/1bgrx9W
Camera Stabilizers: http://amzn.to/1IDzjpx
Point and Shoot Rig: http://amzn.to/1ySQS51 and this http://amzn.to/1JuwFm4
The Crew!
New Food Project: http://www.instagram.com/nomcityofficial
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tldtoday
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tldtoday
My Gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIc0umpbLNE
wn.com/5 Simple Tips Tricks To Shoot Better Dslr Video
Intro made with VideoBlocks: http://vblocks.co/x/techlunch
Are you part of #TeamCrispy? Here are 5 simple tips and tricks for beginners help you step up your video production game! Doesn't matter if you shoot on a DSLR, Point and shoot or Smartphone.
Music is from AudioBlocks: www.ablocks.co/x/techlunchdinner
Gear Featured:
White Balance Card Under $10: http://amzn.to/1OCDR1i
Manfrotto 502 Fluid Head: http://amzn.to/1DaNhdv
Manfrotto Tripod Legs: http://amzn.to/1EoQqh4
Budget Fluid Head Tripod: http://amzn.to/1OCDx2q
Sony RX100 mIII: http://amzn.to/1DyY5CP
Variable ND Filter (make sure to match size to lens)
Smartphone Tripod Accessories: http://amzn.to/1bgrx9W
Camera Stabilizers: http://amzn.to/1IDzjpx
Point and Shoot Rig: http://amzn.to/1ySQS51 and this http://amzn.to/1JuwFm4
The Crew!
New Food Project: http://www.instagram.com/nomcityofficial
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tldtoday
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tldtoday
My Gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIc0umpbLNE
- published: 21 Apr 2015
- views: 192549
10 Tips for Filming with a GoPro
In this video I want to share with you my top 10 tips for filming with a GoPro. I've filmed the majority of the videos on my channel with a GoPro because it tak...
In this video I want to share with you my top 10 tips for filming with a GoPro. I've filmed the majority of the videos on my channel with a GoPro because it takes great quality video, it's safe for filming in all weather conditions, and it's very durable in case of a crash or fall. If you want to get the best possible shots out of your GoPro, then I think these 10 tips will help.
The first tip is to pick a selfie stick or pole to mount the GoPro to. With a pole you'll get great shots of yourself or you can quickly turn the camera around to film your friends. The pole is a great tool because it allows you to get so many different types of shots, but also the length of the pole will help to take away any shakiness and smooth out the look of your shots.
One of the most important tips for filming is to make sure you have a couple extra batteries with you. There's nothing worse than getting out for a day of filming and have your GoPro die in the first hour. I always keep at least two extra fully charged batteries on me, especially in cold conditions where batteries drain fast.
The third tip is to set the frame rate on the gopro. For slow motion shots you want to set your frame rate at 60 fps or higher. This will allow you to slow the video down in editing and have a smooth looking slow motion shot without any skipping. For regular shots film at 24 or 30 fps and you'll have good quility video without filling up your memory card to quick.
Next you want to make your video interesting for the viewer, by getting as many angles as possible. Then when it comes time to edit your video clips together, you'll have lots of different shots to choose from. This keep your audience interested by cutting to different angles, and giving them the full perspective of your surroundings.
If you want great sound for you GoPro videos, I suggest picking up an external microphone. The GoPro housing can muffle sounds, so if you want to have people talking in your video or the sounds effects from tricks, pick up a cheap external mic. My set up for sound is to have the GoPro mounted to a monopod, with an external mic on top, then i can record sound and sync it up in post production.
When filming other people with the GoPro it's important to get up close. The Gropro has a fish eye lens which give your a very wide angle. This allows you to get alot into frame from up close, but from far away the fish eye lens can make things look distant and smaller than they are.
It's very popular to mount the GoPro to your helmet, and that's great if your hands arent free to hold the camera. But if you have the option I don't recommend using a helmet mount because the footage can often look shaky and be disorientating for people to watch.
Check regularly the the lens of the GoPro is clean. Often when filming outside in the elements, you can get dirt or water on the lens and even a small amount can ruin a shot. Especailly after you've had a fall, check the lens and give it a quick wipe to make sure you're getting a clear shot.
Something that takes a bit of practice with the GoPro is framing the shot. For example for filming snowboarding you want to keep the snowboard in frame and a good rule is to point the GoPro at the riders thighs. It's disappointing if at the end of a day you're watch your video back and noticed you've cut out the most interesting part. So take some time to practice filming, watching the video back and learning how to frame the shot.
Be selective when filming with your GoPro . It's very tempting to just let the GoPro record all day, but then you're left with hours of footage to sort through. Try to only film what you think are the most interesting shots and you'll save yourself a lot of time editing the video later.
So, I hope these 10 tips will help you film great GoPro videos. If you want to share any of your videos with me, connect on Instagram and tag me in the video. If you have any more question about filming or if there's any tips I miss, you can leave them in the comments below. Remember to give this video a thumbs up if it helped you out. Have fun out there filming guys and I'll see ya in the next video!
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/snowboardprocamp/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SnowboardProCamp
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/snowprocamp
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/snowboardprocamp
wn.com/10 Tips For Filming With A Gopro
In this video I want to share with you my top 10 tips for filming with a GoPro. I've filmed the majority of the videos on my channel with a GoPro because it takes great quality video, it's safe for filming in all weather conditions, and it's very durable in case of a crash or fall. If you want to get the best possible shots out of your GoPro, then I think these 10 tips will help.
The first tip is to pick a selfie stick or pole to mount the GoPro to. With a pole you'll get great shots of yourself or you can quickly turn the camera around to film your friends. The pole is a great tool because it allows you to get so many different types of shots, but also the length of the pole will help to take away any shakiness and smooth out the look of your shots.
One of the most important tips for filming is to make sure you have a couple extra batteries with you. There's nothing worse than getting out for a day of filming and have your GoPro die in the first hour. I always keep at least two extra fully charged batteries on me, especially in cold conditions where batteries drain fast.
The third tip is to set the frame rate on the gopro. For slow motion shots you want to set your frame rate at 60 fps or higher. This will allow you to slow the video down in editing and have a smooth looking slow motion shot without any skipping. For regular shots film at 24 or 30 fps and you'll have good quility video without filling up your memory card to quick.
Next you want to make your video interesting for the viewer, by getting as many angles as possible. Then when it comes time to edit your video clips together, you'll have lots of different shots to choose from. This keep your audience interested by cutting to different angles, and giving them the full perspective of your surroundings.
If you want great sound for you GoPro videos, I suggest picking up an external microphone. The GoPro housing can muffle sounds, so if you want to have people talking in your video or the sounds effects from tricks, pick up a cheap external mic. My set up for sound is to have the GoPro mounted to a monopod, with an external mic on top, then i can record sound and sync it up in post production.
When filming other people with the GoPro it's important to get up close. The Gropro has a fish eye lens which give your a very wide angle. This allows you to get alot into frame from up close, but from far away the fish eye lens can make things look distant and smaller than they are.
It's very popular to mount the GoPro to your helmet, and that's great if your hands arent free to hold the camera. But if you have the option I don't recommend using a helmet mount because the footage can often look shaky and be disorientating for people to watch.
Check regularly the the lens of the GoPro is clean. Often when filming outside in the elements, you can get dirt or water on the lens and even a small amount can ruin a shot. Especailly after you've had a fall, check the lens and give it a quick wipe to make sure you're getting a clear shot.
Something that takes a bit of practice with the GoPro is framing the shot. For example for filming snowboarding you want to keep the snowboard in frame and a good rule is to point the GoPro at the riders thighs. It's disappointing if at the end of a day you're watch your video back and noticed you've cut out the most interesting part. So take some time to practice filming, watching the video back and learning how to frame the shot.
Be selective when filming with your GoPro . It's very tempting to just let the GoPro record all day, but then you're left with hours of footage to sort through. Try to only film what you think are the most interesting shots and you'll save yourself a lot of time editing the video later.
So, I hope these 10 tips will help you film great GoPro videos. If you want to share any of your videos with me, connect on Instagram and tag me in the video. If you have any more question about filming or if there's any tips I miss, you can leave them in the comments below. Remember to give this video a thumbs up if it helped you out. Have fun out there filming guys and I'll see ya in the next video!
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/snowboardprocamp/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SnowboardProCamp
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/snowprocamp
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/snowboardprocamp
- published: 20 Aug 2015
- views: 256953
Behind the Lens: Tips for Shooting Better Travel Videos
Looking to capture better videos of your travels? We asked Mike Corey, from Kick the Grind TV to share some of his secrets with us. See other video tutorials he...
Looking to capture better videos of your travels? We asked Mike Corey, from Kick the Grind TV to share some of his secrets with us. See other video tutorials here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc1JoqWgL8pZn1V8A-A7LQeyh4vPzN789
Was this video helpful? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts!
wn.com/Behind The Lens Tips For Shooting Better Travel Videos
Looking to capture better videos of your travels? We asked Mike Corey, from Kick the Grind TV to share some of his secrets with us. See other video tutorials here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc1JoqWgL8pZn1V8A-A7LQeyh4vPzN789
Was this video helpful? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts!
- published: 16 Jan 2013
- views: 37188
Vietnam Travel Guide - Old Quarter In Hanoi
Discover Vietnam. Brought this video to you by Manh Hoang,
Please visit here to grab '' The Best Vietnam Tour Guide '' for just $5 www.fiverr.com/vntourguide ( ...
Discover Vietnam. Brought this video to you by Manh Hoang,
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Old quarte in Hanoi
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Hanoi old quarter
Old quarte in Hanoi
- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 163
Brunei - a relaxed pace of life (travel guide)
A home-made documentary that truly record our experience with RBA & experience at one the most beautiful mosques in Asia...
A home-made documentary that truly record our experience with RBA & experience at one the most beautiful mosques in Asia
wn.com/Brunei A Relaxed Pace Of Life (Travel Guide)
A home-made documentary that truly record our experience with RBA & experience at one the most beautiful mosques in Asia
- published: 07 Dec 2015
- views: 88
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Привет, дорогой друг! Спасибо тебе за то, что смотришь наши выпуски! Этим летом мы летим на несколько месяцев в Европу, чтобы увидеть своими глазами, что там пр...
Привет, дорогой друг! Спасибо тебе за то, что смотришь наши выпуски! Этим летом мы летим на несколько месяцев в Европу, чтобы увидеть своими глазами, что там происходит, сколько стоит там жить и работать, учиться и отдыхать! Пиши нам в комментариях вопросы, и мы постараемся ответить на них максимально полно! Кроме того, мы меняем не только периодичность выхода и формат, но и качество съемки — теперь это будет не Full HD, а 4К! Если тебе интересен наш проект, можешь поддержать нас!
Карта Сбербанка: 4276 4400 1373 2463 на имя Михаила Петренко
Номер счета: 40817810944050521783
Отделение №8047 Сбербанка России. г. Новосибирск
БИК: 045004641
Корр. счет: 30101810500000000641
ИНН: 7707083893
КПП: 540602001
Яндекс-кошелек: 410011810492008
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with our latest videos - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_6_OFK7sIatMbTsgovuxg?sub_confirmation=1
Check us out on Instagram https://instagram.com/poleteli_tv/ – be the first who gets news and useful recommendations on video shooting from the experts!
Have question? Write: tv.poleteli@gmail.com
Thank you for watching this video.
By the way you can learn Russian language! :)
Very big thanks to Mariya Grishina for translation!
Перевод на английский сделала Мария Гришина https://vk.com/id5483550. За что ей бесконечно огромное спасибо!
wn.com/Sochi Russia Travel Guide Part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4. Dendrarium. Yacht For Rent.
Привет, дорогой друг! Спасибо тебе за то, что смотришь наши выпуски! Этим летом мы летим на несколько месяцев в Европу, чтобы увидеть своими глазами, что там происходит, сколько стоит там жить и работать, учиться и отдыхать! Пиши нам в комментариях вопросы, и мы постараемся ответить на них максимально полно! Кроме того, мы меняем не только периодичность выхода и формат, но и качество съемки — теперь это будет не Full HD, а 4К! Если тебе интересен наш проект, можешь поддержать нас!
Карта Сбербанка: 4276 4400 1373 2463 на имя Михаила Петренко
Номер счета: 40817810944050521783
Отделение №8047 Сбербанка России. г. Новосибирск
БИК: 045004641
Корр. счет: 30101810500000000641
ИНН: 7707083893
КПП: 540602001
Яндекс-кошелек: 410011810492008
Sochi Russia Travel Guide part 1. Adler. Bridge Resort 4 Hotel. Dendrarium. Yacht for rent.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date with our latest videos - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_6_OFK7sIatMbTsgovuxg?sub_confirmation=1
Check us out on Instagram https://instagram.com/poleteli_tv/ – be the first who gets news and useful recommendations on video shooting from the experts!
Have question? Write: tv.poleteli@gmail.com
Thank you for watching this video.
By the way you can learn Russian language! :)
Very big thanks to Mariya Grishina for translation!
Перевод на английский сделала Мария Гришина https://vk.com/id5483550. За что ей бесконечно огромное спасибо!
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 553
The Try Guys Shoot Guns For The First Time
The Try Guys explosively investigate gun control, assault rifles, and masculinity.
See more of the Try Guys on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tryguys
The Try Guys explosively investigate gun control, assault rifles, and masculinity.
See more of the Try Guys on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tryguys
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
The Los Angeles Gun Club
BuzzFeed Video’s The Try Guys
Ned Fulmer
Keith Habersberger – https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedkeith
Zach Kornfeld
Eugene Lee Yang – https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedeugene
Austin Martin / Frank Bondage / Chasing Bunny / Secret Agent / Spyfall
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
'Spectre' Photocall In Soelden
Jan Hetfleisch / Stringer / Getty Images
http://books.google.com, Johannes Bach Rasmussen, Travel Guide: Traces of the Cold War Period.
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/The Try Guys Shoot Guns For The First Time
The Try Guys explosively investigate gun control, assault rifles, and masculinity.
See more of the Try Guys on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tryguys
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
The Los Angeles Gun Club
BuzzFeed Video’s The Try Guys
Ned Fulmer
Keith Habersberger – https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedkeith
Zach Kornfeld
Eugene Lee Yang – https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedeugene
Austin Martin / Frank Bondage / Chasing Bunny / Secret Agent / Spyfall
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
'Spectre' Photocall In Soelden
Jan Hetfleisch / Stringer / Getty Images
http://books.google.com, Johannes Bach Rasmussen, Travel Guide: Traces of the Cold War Period.
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 5075808
Julie Wee Famele Voiceover - Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide - Expedia
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based i...
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based in Singapore. I have a friendly, warm and approachable voice. I trained as an actor at The Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). With 10 years of performing experience, and having recorded a wide variety of voice overs, I am adaptable, and have the ability to sound natural, intimate, sultry, as well as bright and professional.
I also run a home studio where I can record simple voiceovers to be sent to the client via email.
Companies that use my voice overs include:
Canon, Nokia, Shell, Triumph, ANZ Bank, Lux, Kotex, Huggies, The Ministry of Education, Singapore Health Promotion Board, Bajaj Motorcycles, Grenado Espada (Computer Game), Children of the Mekong Documentary, Printmaking Documentary, Lviv Freehold @ Newton, Injeck TV, Southern Star Productions, Cubic Defence, Channel News Asia, Unilever, Bananamana.com, The Holday Inn, Burger King, Greenpan, Marshall Cavendish Online, Hangzhou Tourism, City Nomads, Sunsilk, Poh Heng Jewellery, UOB Ladies Card, CIMB Bank, J&J; Clean and Clear, The Hourglass, Marina Bay Sands...
The types of voiceovers I have worked on include:
Television Commercial Voiceovers / TVC VOs, Radio Commercial Voiceovers, Documentary Narration, Corporate VOs, Computer game voice overs, Animation voiceover...etc
I can be contacted for work at voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
wn.com/Julie Wee Famele Voiceover Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide Expedia
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based in Singapore. I have a friendly, warm and approachable voice. I trained as an actor at The Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). With 10 years of performing experience, and having recorded a wide variety of voice overs, I am adaptable, and have the ability to sound natural, intimate, sultry, as well as bright and professional.
I also run a home studio where I can record simple voiceovers to be sent to the client via email.
Companies that use my voice overs include:
Canon, Nokia, Shell, Triumph, ANZ Bank, Lux, Kotex, Huggies, The Ministry of Education, Singapore Health Promotion Board, Bajaj Motorcycles, Grenado Espada (Computer Game), Children of the Mekong Documentary, Printmaking Documentary, Lviv Freehold @ Newton, Injeck TV, Southern Star Productions, Cubic Defence, Channel News Asia, Unilever, Bananamana.com, The Holday Inn, Burger King, Greenpan, Marshall Cavendish Online, Hangzhou Tourism, City Nomads, Sunsilk, Poh Heng Jewellery, UOB Ladies Card, CIMB Bank, J&J; Clean and Clear, The Hourglass, Marina Bay Sands...
The types of voiceovers I have worked on include:
Television Commercial Voiceovers / TVC VOs, Radio Commercial Voiceovers, Documentary Narration, Corporate VOs, Computer game voice overs, Animation voiceover...etc
I can be contacted for work at voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
- published: 02 Feb 2015
- views: 87
How to Write & Produce a Documentary : Indy News
Griffin shares the pre-production process on his Sriracha documentary. Plus, YouTube turns 8, David Cross visits, and Legos build a James Bond film! Like the fi...
Griffin shares the pre-production process on his Sriracha documentary. Plus, YouTube turns 8, David Cross visits, and Legos build a James Bond film! Like the film production at http://facebook.com/SrirachaFilm
Tobias Fünke's Sizzling Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDiJmA2ZIDo&list;=PL-3mr0QREVv2ChurzqOV86F_TD-Z2tPmN&index;=1
coccosnowball's Lego "Casino Royale": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQh4hMnxdak&list;=PL-3mr0QREVv2ChurzqOV86F_TD-Z2tPmN&index;=2
New & Notable Video Contests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLlziWeuHBk&list;=PL-3mr0QREVv2ChurzqOV86F_TD-Z2tPmN&index;=3
wn.com/How To Write Produce A Documentary Indy News
Griffin shares the pre-production process on his Sriracha documentary. Plus, YouTube turns 8, David Cross visits, and Legos build a James Bond film! Like the film production at http://facebook.com/SrirachaFilm
Tobias Fünke's Sizzling Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDiJmA2ZIDo&list;=PL-3mr0QREVv2ChurzqOV86F_TD-Z2tPmN&index;=1
coccosnowball's Lego "Casino Royale": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQh4hMnxdak&list;=PL-3mr0QREVv2ChurzqOV86F_TD-Z2tPmN&index;=2
New & Notable Video Contests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLlziWeuHBk&list;=PL-3mr0QREVv2ChurzqOV86F_TD-Z2tPmN&index;=3
- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 133798
Geography Project: Region: Travel Guide: Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia
Autumn and I record our Travel Guide to the region of Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam...
Autumn and I record our Travel Guide to the region of Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam
wn.com/Geography Project Region Travel Guide Thailand Vietnam Cambodia
Autumn and I record our Travel Guide to the region of Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam
- published: 19 Dec 2014
- views: 44
MCKAMEY MANOR 2014 (The Manor Wins Again)
Warning: The footage of these two individuals is very tough to watch. This is why I have now decided to tone the haunt down. Even the toughest "Manly Men," cann...
Warning: The footage of these two individuals is very tough to watch. This is why I have now decided to tone the haunt down. Even the toughest "Manly Men," cannot complete the new experience.
wn.com/Mckamey Manor 2014 (The Manor Wins Again)
Warning: The footage of these two individuals is very tough to watch. This is why I have now decided to tone the haunt down. Even the toughest "Manly Men," cannot complete the new experience.
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 2207206
North Vietnam Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination North Vietnam.
In colonial times, the Europeans referred to North Vietnam as Tongking. Today, the Vietnamese people call it, Bac ...
Travel video about destination North Vietnam.
In colonial times, the Europeans referred to North Vietnam as Tongking. Today, the Vietnamese people call it, Bac Bo.Hanoi is North Vietnam’s lively capital city. It was here that in 1882, the French created their administrative headquarters and main capital city. Compared to other southeast Asian cities that have developed into modern metropolises at breathtaking speed, Hanoi could be described as being a provincial city.The Hoh Chi Minh Museum, a three story concrete building, was inaugurated in May 1990 to commemorate Hoh’s 100th birthday.Den Dao Quan is one of the most beautiful Taoist temples in Vietnam and an oasis of tranquility. It is a place dedicated to the worship of benevolent spirits and for those who believe in divine and spiritual natural powers.Hai Phong is the most important industrial harbor town in North Vietnam and has a population of 1.5 million. Under French rule, thousands of workers built this city at record speed and the harbor was enlarged, making it the largest in Indo China.Hoa Binh is one of the north’s less attractive provincial towns but this, the former centre of a prehistoric Bronze Age culture on the Black River, is the gateway to the mountains of the north.Located within a remote and mountainous landscape, the village of Ban Lac Thai is a peaceful place set within an elevated and fertile valley. It is believed that the Viet are related to the Thai people and originally separated from the Muong tribe when they cultivated the Red River Delta. Everywhere, the Thai folk offer hand made arts and crafts for sale such as knitted blankets, woven cloth and numerous bags.From the nostalgic capital of Hanoi, as far as the mountain tribes of the north, North Vietnam is a country of charm and beauty with natural wonders and ancient cultures full of age-old traditions and new hope for the future!
wn.com/North Vietnam Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination North Vietnam.
In colonial times, the Europeans referred to North Vietnam as Tongking. Today, the Vietnamese people call it, Bac Bo.Hanoi is North Vietnam’s lively capital city. It was here that in 1882, the French created their administrative headquarters and main capital city. Compared to other southeast Asian cities that have developed into modern metropolises at breathtaking speed, Hanoi could be described as being a provincial city.The Hoh Chi Minh Museum, a three story concrete building, was inaugurated in May 1990 to commemorate Hoh’s 100th birthday.Den Dao Quan is one of the most beautiful Taoist temples in Vietnam and an oasis of tranquility. It is a place dedicated to the worship of benevolent spirits and for those who believe in divine and spiritual natural powers.Hai Phong is the most important industrial harbor town in North Vietnam and has a population of 1.5 million. Under French rule, thousands of workers built this city at record speed and the harbor was enlarged, making it the largest in Indo China.Hoa Binh is one of the north’s less attractive provincial towns but this, the former centre of a prehistoric Bronze Age culture on the Black River, is the gateway to the mountains of the north.Located within a remote and mountainous landscape, the village of Ban Lac Thai is a peaceful place set within an elevated and fertile valley. It is believed that the Viet are related to the Thai people and originally separated from the Muong tribe when they cultivated the Red River Delta. Everywhere, the Thai folk offer hand made arts and crafts for sale such as knitted blankets, woven cloth and numerous bags.From the nostalgic capital of Hanoi, as far as the mountain tribes of the north, North Vietnam is a country of charm and beauty with natural wonders and ancient cultures full of age-old traditions and new hope for the future!
- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 959
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
READ: In this Titanfall Attrition gameplay I get a high score of 170 points. Titanfall world record? I give 3 important tips to get higher scores in Titanfall. ...
READ: In this Titanfall Attrition gameplay I get a high score of 170 points. Titanfall world record? I give 3 important tips to get higher scores in Titanfall. Like the Video and Subscribe. Thank you, Andy Input.
Tips for Titan Gameplay and How to Get Better at Titanfall: http://youtu.be/AyRLp90Um4M
http://www.thegamersquare.com - Sign up to The Gamer Square
http://www.twitch.tv/AndyInput - Follow me and watch my Twitch Live
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https://plus.google.com/+AndyInput/posts - Add me in your circle, +1 my page.
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
Titanfall Tips
Titanfall Tips and Tricks
How to get better at Titanfall
Titanfall World Record
Attrition World Record
Titanfall Titan Gameplay Tips
Titanfall Burn Card Tips
How to get better at Titanfall
How to get better KD ratio in Titanfall
How to get more kills in Titanfall
How to raise KD ratio in Titanfall
How to get a high KD in Titanfall
Titanfall strategy and tactics
wn.com/Titanfall World Record Attrition Score 170 Points. Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores
READ: In this Titanfall Attrition gameplay I get a high score of 170 points. Titanfall world record? I give 3 important tips to get higher scores in Titanfall. Like the Video and Subscribe. Thank you, Andy Input.
Tips for Titan Gameplay and How to Get Better at Titanfall: http://youtu.be/AyRLp90Um4M
http://www.thegamersquare.com - Sign up to The Gamer Square
http://www.twitch.tv/AndyInput - Follow me and watch my Twitch Live
http://www.twitter.com/AndyInput - Follow me on Twitter
https://plus.google.com/+AndyInput/posts - Add me in your circle, +1 my page.
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
Titanfall: World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. "Titanfall Tips To Get High Scores"
Titanfall Tips
Titanfall Tips and Tricks
How to get better at Titanfall
Titanfall World Record
Attrition World Record
Titanfall Titan Gameplay Tips
Titanfall Burn Card Tips
How to get better at Titanfall
How to get better KD ratio in Titanfall
How to get more kills in Titanfall
How to raise KD ratio in Titanfall
How to get a high KD in Titanfall
Titanfall strategy and tactics
- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 8567
Nazare Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a ne...
A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a neat funicular that travels to the upper town of Sitio.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Das Lagrimas Hotel Review: https://youtu.be/UYH4bHlWsto
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
wn.com/Nazare Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a neat funicular that travels to the upper town of Sitio.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Das Lagrimas Hotel Review: https://youtu.be/UYH4bHlWsto
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
- published: 19 Jul 2015
- views: 1230
Travel Guide Boasts of Evil Spirit Possession of the Natives of Brazil
Must read article: Circling around the Really Real:Spirit Possession Ceremonies and
the Search for Authenticity in Bahian Candombl´e
Written by MATTIJS VAN DE P...
Must read article: Circling around the Really Real:Spirit Possession Ceremonies and
the Search for Authenticity in Bahian Candombl´e
During one of the first spirit possession ceremonies that
I witnessed in Bahia (Brazil) I was taken over by the fear that I
might become possessed. That fear was kind of odd, given
the fact that I do not "believe" in spirits who take possession
of people. Yet it was scary nonetheless (whatever
this "it" may have been). Ceremonies of candombl´e1 can be powerful
performances, and this particular one, in a small neighborhood temple
(terreiro), packed with locals rubbing shoulders, certainly was. After the
introductory round dance had been danced, the drums started calling on
the orix ´as, the spiritual entities that are worshipped in Bahian candombl´ e.
They seemed to arrive in large numbers. The daughters-of-saints (filhasde-
santo; initiates) who had been dancing for hours, circling round and
round the central pillar, started bending forward and backward, quivering
their shoulders and "grunting like a Vitrola needle at the end of a
record"—as Ruth Landes (1947:50) once described it in the metaphor of
her time. Many of the locals who had been watching the scene became
possessed as well: a plump lady on high heels, a middle-aged man, a somewhat
grayish looking woman wearing an apron, they all started to stagger
on their feet and turned up their eyeballs. Contrary to the initiates, they
took off silently, as if sneaking out of their bodies. Soon, two of the three
adolescent boys who had been busy displaying a "cool" and unaffected
posture amidst the general effervescence, entered into trance. I clearly
remember the nervous expression on the face of the third one after the
"departure" of his mates. A young girl, who had been chatting and giggling
with a friend as if this was a schoolyard rather than a place of worship,
all of a sudden fell into a rigorous spasm, and rolled over the dance floor,
stiff as a broomstick. She was covered with a white sheet and for over an
hour lay motionless on the floor.
The drums were beaten ever more frantically. Each time someone
would fall into trance there was a lot of cheering and applause. I felt nervous.
I was overwhelmed by the sight of behavior I could only interpret
as a complete lack of self-control. And I was scared that I too would fall
to the floor, but with no narrative other than "hysteria" to make sense of
it. It was only a sense of professionalism that kept me from wrestling my
way back to the exit. I recall that I crossed my arms over my chest. I tried
to dissociate myself from the scene by rummaging in my rucksack to look
for nothing in particular. I urged myself to breath deeply and calmly. I
told myself that I do not believe in spirits. I forced myself to think of what
anthropologists have been saying about possession trance, invoking the
spirits of science to protect me from whatever it was that was creeping
toward me that rowdy night. What calmed me down, in the end, was the
sight of a dog, a German Shepard. The animal had been walking around
Spirit Possession Authenticates Religious Authority ● 151
freely over the dance floor, pursuing its own canine pursuits, undisturbed
by the interactions of people and spirits.
Afterward I tried to figure out what had been so uncanny. All I could
come up with was that the drums had been instigating me to cross a
threshold that I cannot (or dare not) cross. Beyond it, I imagined, lies
madness, the annihilation of Self, a black hole. But I realized that I was
already borrowing words for comfort's sake. Language was to no avail here.
It would be fairer to say that imagination itself was lacking.
I'm certainly not the only anthropologist to have observed that no
matter how possession trance is tackled theoretically, its most immediate
experience escapes our understanding.
wn.com/Travel Guide Boasts Of Evil Spirit Possession Of The Natives Of Brazil
Must read article: Circling around the Really Real:Spirit Possession Ceremonies and
the Search for Authenticity in Bahian Candombl´e
During one of the first spirit possession ceremonies that
I witnessed in Bahia (Brazil) I was taken over by the fear that I
might become possessed. That fear was kind of odd, given
the fact that I do not "believe" in spirits who take possession
of people. Yet it was scary nonetheless (whatever
this "it" may have been). Ceremonies of candombl´e1 can be powerful
performances, and this particular one, in a small neighborhood temple
(terreiro), packed with locals rubbing shoulders, certainly was. After the
introductory round dance had been danced, the drums started calling on
the orix ´as, the spiritual entities that are worshipped in Bahian candombl´ e.
They seemed to arrive in large numbers. The daughters-of-saints (filhasde-
santo; initiates) who had been dancing for hours, circling round and
round the central pillar, started bending forward and backward, quivering
their shoulders and "grunting like a Vitrola needle at the end of a
record"—as Ruth Landes (1947:50) once described it in the metaphor of
her time. Many of the locals who had been watching the scene became
possessed as well: a plump lady on high heels, a middle-aged man, a somewhat
grayish looking woman wearing an apron, they all started to stagger
on their feet and turned up their eyeballs. Contrary to the initiates, they
took off silently, as if sneaking out of their bodies. Soon, two of the three
adolescent boys who had been busy displaying a "cool" and unaffected
posture amidst the general effervescence, entered into trance. I clearly
remember the nervous expression on the face of the third one after the
"departure" of his mates. A young girl, who had been chatting and giggling
with a friend as if this was a schoolyard rather than a place of worship,
all of a sudden fell into a rigorous spasm, and rolled over the dance floor,
stiff as a broomstick. She was covered with a white sheet and for over an
hour lay motionless on the floor.
The drums were beaten ever more frantically. Each time someone
would fall into trance there was a lot of cheering and applause. I felt nervous.
I was overwhelmed by the sight of behavior I could only interpret
as a complete lack of self-control. And I was scared that I too would fall
to the floor, but with no narrative other than "hysteria" to make sense of
it. It was only a sense of professionalism that kept me from wrestling my
way back to the exit. I recall that I crossed my arms over my chest. I tried
to dissociate myself from the scene by rummaging in my rucksack to look
for nothing in particular. I urged myself to breath deeply and calmly. I
told myself that I do not believe in spirits. I forced myself to think of what
anthropologists have been saying about possession trance, invoking the
spirits of science to protect me from whatever it was that was creeping
toward me that rowdy night. What calmed me down, in the end, was the
sight of a dog, a German Shepard. The animal had been walking around
Spirit Possession Authenticates Religious Authority ● 151
freely over the dance floor, pursuing its own canine pursuits, undisturbed
by the interactions of people and spirits.
Afterward I tried to figure out what had been so uncanny. All I could
come up with was that the drums had been instigating me to cross a
threshold that I cannot (or dare not) cross. Beyond it, I imagined, lies
madness, the annihilation of Self, a black hole. But I realized that I was
already borrowing words for comfort's sake. Language was to no avail here.
It would be fairer to say that imagination itself was lacking.
I'm certainly not the only anthropologist to have observed that no
matter how possession trance is tackled theoretically, its most immediate
experience escapes our understanding.
- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 1385
Canon 7D for filmmaking: Setup Guide & Overview
You can buy the camera here: http://goo.gl/3SgE1V
The better late than never guide on how to setup and use the EOS 7D for filmmaking!
Moritz Janisch from Fench...
You can buy the camera here: http://goo.gl/3SgE1V
The better late than never guide on how to setup and use the EOS 7D for filmmaking!
Moritz Janisch from Fenchel & Janisch shows you how to work with the APS-C DSLR when it comes to recording professional HD video.
Blog post: http://goo.gl/tPx8S6
Music provided by http://www.Beatsuite.com Music Library
Stay connected:
Facebook: http://www.fb.com/FenchelJanisch
Instagram: http://instagram.com/FenchelJanisch
Twitter: http://twitter.com/FenchelJanisch
Flickr: http://flickr.com/FenchelJanisch
© 2014 by Fenchel & Janisch Filmproduktion GbR
wn.com/Canon 7D For Filmmaking Setup Guide Overview
You can buy the camera here: http://goo.gl/3SgE1V
The better late than never guide on how to setup and use the EOS 7D for filmmaking!
Moritz Janisch from Fenchel & Janisch shows you how to work with the APS-C DSLR when it comes to recording professional HD video.
Blog post: http://goo.gl/tPx8S6
Music provided by http://www.Beatsuite.com Music Library
Stay connected:
Facebook: http://www.fb.com/FenchelJanisch
Instagram: http://instagram.com/FenchelJanisch
Twitter: http://twitter.com/FenchelJanisch
Flickr: http://flickr.com/FenchelJanisch
© 2014 by Fenchel & Janisch Filmproduktion GbR
- published: 06 Aug 2014
- views: 136117
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Elgato Gaming: ...
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Elgato Gaming:
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Ironside Computers
Click here to customize your own PC / http://ironsidecomputers.com/
Use Code " TAV2 " At checkout for a discount !
IronsideComputers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/IronsideComputers
Hello There and Welcome To The TritanArmyV2 Channel.
We hope you Enjoy your Stay here and look forward to continuing to Provide Great content for you in the Future.
We Upload Main Destiny Content that includes Destiny Glitches, Tip, Tricks, Engram Farming, Loot Chest Farming, How To Rank Up Fast Guides & Much More.
If you would like to see Content Uploaded covering other Games then please let us know in the comment section below each video.
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If you would like to stay connected on other social Media then please do by clicking the links below
We have compiled a List of Our Most watched Play-lists Below that you may want to take a look at.
Destiny Crota's End Glitches:
Destiny Engram Farming Locations:
Destiny Loot Chest Farming Locations:
Destiny Vault Of Glass Glitches:
TritanArmyV2's Most Popular Uploads:
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Here at the TritanArmyV2 Channel take No Credit For Anything Shown On This Channel. All Content Created for On this Channel is for Education & Entertainment purposes only. All the Glitches, Tips, Tricks, Cheeses that you see we do not take credit for. All Credit goes to the Original Founders of any glitch, cheese or any other mechanism that is shown on the TritanArmyV2 Channel. -
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FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: http://bit.ly/FollowUsTA | SUBSCRIBE TO US ON YOUTUBE: http://bit.ly/SubToUsTA
Elgato Gaming:
How we record our gameplay: http://e.lga.to/tritanarmy
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Ironside Computers
Click here to customize your own PC / http://ironsidecomputers.com/
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Hello There and Welcome To The TritanArmyV2 Channel.
We hope you Enjoy your Stay here and look forward to continuing to Provide Great content for you in the Future.
We Upload Main Destiny Content that includes Destiny Glitches, Tip, Tricks, Engram Farming, Loot Chest Farming, How To Rank Up Fast Guides & Much More.
If you would like to see Content Uploaded covering other Games then please let us know in the comment section below each video.
If you be so Kind as to maybe leave a like and share the Content that would be amazing.
We would just like to Thank each and everyone of you that drop by to watch our Content.
If you would like to stay connected on other social Media then please do by clicking the links below
We have compiled a List of Our Most watched Play-lists Below that you may want to take a look at.
Destiny Crota's End Glitches:
Destiny Engram Farming Locations:
Destiny Loot Chest Farming Locations:
Destiny Vault Of Glass Glitches:
TritanArmyV2's Most Popular Uploads:
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Here at the TritanArmyV2 Channel take No Credit For Anything Shown On This Channel. All Content Created for On this Channel is for Education & Entertainment purposes only. All the Glitches, Tips, Tricks, Cheeses that you see we do not take credit for. All Credit goes to the Original Founders of any glitch, cheese or any other mechanism that is shown on the TritanArmyV2 Channel. -
✔ Get Games CHEAP! ► https://www.g2a.com/r/tritanarmy
- published: 22 Oct 2014
- views: 56327
Bali Travel Guide Video
Hey Jude Kid
Yes We Can
Hillary Clinton's 1984
Noah's Daily Photos
Bank Of America's One
Grape Lady Falls!
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
Zinedine Zidane's Head Bu...
Hey Jude Kid
Yes We Can
Hillary Clinton's 1984
Noah's Daily Photos
Bank Of America's One
Grape Lady Falls!
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
Zinedine Zidane's Head Butt
Leprechaun Sighting
Justin Bieber
Daft Hands
Auto-Tune the News
Chocolate Rain
Will It Blend?
Thriller" in Manila
Where the Hell Is Matt?
Lazy Sunday"
Diet Coke and Mentos
Obama Girl
Guinness World Record: Most Shirts Worn at One Time
Tillman, the Skateboarding Dog
Christian the Lion
Charlie the Unicorn
Trapped in an Elevator
wn.com/Bali Travel Guide Video
Hey Jude Kid
Yes We Can
Hillary Clinton's 1984
Noah's Daily Photos
Bank Of America's One
Grape Lady Falls!
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
Zinedine Zidane's Head Butt
Leprechaun Sighting
Justin Bieber
Daft Hands
Auto-Tune the News
Chocolate Rain
Will It Blend?
Thriller" in Manila
Where the Hell Is Matt?
Lazy Sunday"
Diet Coke and Mentos
Obama Girl
Guinness World Record: Most Shirts Worn at One Time
Tillman, the Skateboarding Dog
Christian the Lion
Charlie the Unicorn
Trapped in an Elevator
- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 0
KUNG FURY Official Movie [HD]
www.kungfury.com ← Exclusive blog updates!
www.shop.kungfury.com ← Webshop featuring shirts, vinyl, poster, and "The Jacket"!
SWEDEN - watch on www.svt.se/kung...
www.kungfury.com ← Exclusive blog updates!
www.shop.kungfury.com ← Webshop featuring shirts, vinyl, poster, and "The Jacket"!
SWEDEN - watch on www.svt.se/kung-fury
Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, vikings and cheesy one-liners.
The campaign that was launched in December 2013 was backed by more than 17 000 people who together gave more than $630 000.
Watch official video for the single "True Survivor" by David Hasselhoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTidn2dBYbY
Download “Kung Fury” soundtrack: http://smarturl.it/KungFury?IQid=YT.KF
Kung Fury - Street Rage - game available now!
APP STORE: http://apple.co/1ESIezv GOOGLE PLAY: http://bit.ly/1FYoK3n STEAM: http://bit.ly/1ciHyMM WINSTORE: http://bit.ly/1PZJHQk
Watch Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AKmRbJFJLM
Written & Directed by David Sandberg.
A Laser Unicorns Production
In Association with Lampray - http://www.lampray.se
Full credit list will be available on - http://www.kungfury.com
wn.com/Kung Fury Official Movie Hd
www.kungfury.com ← Exclusive blog updates!
www.shop.kungfury.com ← Webshop featuring shirts, vinyl, poster, and "The Jacket"!
SWEDEN - watch on www.svt.se/kung-fury
Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, vikings and cheesy one-liners.
The campaign that was launched in December 2013 was backed by more than 17 000 people who together gave more than $630 000.
Watch official video for the single "True Survivor" by David Hasselhoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTidn2dBYbY
Download “Kung Fury” soundtrack: http://smarturl.it/KungFury?IQid=YT.KF
Kung Fury - Street Rage - game available now!
APP STORE: http://apple.co/1ESIezv GOOGLE PLAY: http://bit.ly/1FYoK3n STEAM: http://bit.ly/1ciHyMM WINSTORE: http://bit.ly/1PZJHQk
Watch Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AKmRbJFJLM
Written & Directed by David Sandberg.
A Laser Unicorns Production
In Association with Lampray - http://www.lampray.se
Full credit list will be available on - http://www.kungfury.com
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 23548738
Julie Wee Voiceover - Singapore Vacation Travel Guide Expedia
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based i...
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based in Singapore. I have a friendly, warm and approachable voice. I trained as an actor at The Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). With 10 years of performing experience, and having recorded a wide variety of voice overs, I am adaptable, and have the ability to sound natural, intimate, sultry, as well as bright and professional.
I also run a home studio where I can record simple voiceovers to be sent to the client via email.
Companies that use my voice overs include:
Canon, Nokia, Shell, Triumph, ANZ Bank, Lux, Kotex, Huggies, The Ministry of Education, Singapore Health Promotion Board, Bajaj Motorcycles, Grenado Espada (Computer Game), Children of the Mekong Documentary, Printmaking Documentary, Lviv Freehold @ Newton, Injeck TV, Southern Star Productions, Cubic Defence, Channel News Asia, Unilever, Bananamana.com, The Holday Inn, Burger King, Greenpan, Marshall Cavendish Online, Hangzhou Tourism, City Nomads, Sunsilk, Poh Heng Jewellery, UOB Ladies Card, CIMB Bank, J&J; Clean and Clear, The Hourglass, Marina Bay Sands...
The types of voiceovers I have worked on include:
Television Commercial Voiceovers / TVC VOs, Radio Commercial Voiceovers, Documentary Narration, Corporate VOs, Computer game voice overs, Animation voiceover...etc
I can be contacted for work at voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
wn.com/Julie Wee Voiceover Singapore Vacation Travel Guide Expedia
Email: voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
My voiceover demo has extracts of real voice over jobs that I have worked on recently.
I am a female Voice Over talent based in Singapore. I have a friendly, warm and approachable voice. I trained as an actor at The Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). With 10 years of performing experience, and having recorded a wide variety of voice overs, I am adaptable, and have the ability to sound natural, intimate, sultry, as well as bright and professional.
I also run a home studio where I can record simple voiceovers to be sent to the client via email.
Companies that use my voice overs include:
Canon, Nokia, Shell, Triumph, ANZ Bank, Lux, Kotex, Huggies, The Ministry of Education, Singapore Health Promotion Board, Bajaj Motorcycles, Grenado Espada (Computer Game), Children of the Mekong Documentary, Printmaking Documentary, Lviv Freehold @ Newton, Injeck TV, Southern Star Productions, Cubic Defence, Channel News Asia, Unilever, Bananamana.com, The Holday Inn, Burger King, Greenpan, Marshall Cavendish Online, Hangzhou Tourism, City Nomads, Sunsilk, Poh Heng Jewellery, UOB Ladies Card, CIMB Bank, J&J; Clean and Clear, The Hourglass, Marina Bay Sands...
The types of voiceovers I have worked on include:
Television Commercial Voiceovers / TVC VOs, Radio Commercial Voiceovers, Documentary Narration, Corporate VOs, Computer game voice overs, Animation voiceover...etc
I can be contacted for work at voiceoverjulie@gmail.com
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 166
Around the World in 360° Degrees - 3 Year Epic Selfie
600 Days Around the World with a GoPro on a stick! In the most epic selfie ever!
Don't forget to watch Part II here: https://youtu.be/sR6Kaq526Zc
Follow Me!
600 Days Around the World with a GoPro on a stick! In the most epic selfie ever!
Don't forget to watch Part II here: https://youtu.be/sR6Kaq526Zc
Follow Me!
FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/ChaconAlex
INSTAGRAM - http://www.Instagram.com/ModernMotorcycleDiaries
TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/modernmotoguy
WEB SITE - http://www.modernmotodiaries.com
The ultimate selfie compilation documented like never before in a 360° Degree rotation in every major site and exotic place in over 36+ countries.
Alex Chacon is on a Modern Motorcycle Diaries driving his motorcycle over 200,000+ Km crossing 75+ borders around the world to the most remote and undiscovered places on earth on this charitable expedition.
Voted as the "Most Epic Selfie of all Time" by CBS News This Morning
Awards include: "Best Selfie Video of 2014"
Google Zeitgeist's Top Searches and Trends of 2014
Licensed Music: Tim McMorris - A Beautiful Life
wn.com/Around The World In 360° Degrees 3 Year Epic Selfie
600 Days Around the World with a GoPro on a stick! In the most epic selfie ever!
Don't forget to watch Part II here: https://youtu.be/sR6Kaq526Zc
Follow Me!
FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/ChaconAlex
INSTAGRAM - http://www.Instagram.com/ModernMotorcycleDiaries
TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/modernmotoguy
WEB SITE - http://www.modernmotodiaries.com
The ultimate selfie compilation documented like never before in a 360° Degree rotation in every major site and exotic place in over 36+ countries.
Alex Chacon is on a Modern Motorcycle Diaries driving his motorcycle over 200,000+ Km crossing 75+ borders around the world to the most remote and undiscovered places on earth on this charitable expedition.
Voted as the "Most Epic Selfie of all Time" by CBS News This Morning
Awards include: "Best Selfie Video of 2014"
Google Zeitgeist's Top Searches and Trends of 2014
Licensed Music: Tim McMorris - A Beautiful Life
- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 13648490