Welcome to Furni

Furni for iOS is a furniture store demo app designed by Romain Huet and written in Swift 2.

Furni was first presented on stage by Bear Douglas and Romain Huet at the Twitter Flight conference in San Francisco on October 21st, 2015, to show off the power of the Fabric platform.

Discover gorgeous modern furniture for every room in your home.

Furni Store
Furni Collection
Furni Product Details
Furni Favorites
Furni Trends
Furni Cart

Furni is a sample app created with Fabric, the tools you need to build the best apps.

The goal of Furni is to demonstrate how to build great apps using the Fabric platform, not only with the Fabric Kits provided by Twitter, but also with the tremendously valuable mobile SDKs from our partners including Stripe, Optimizely and Amazon Cognito Sync.

Twitter Kit
Amazon Cognito Sync