Visit to Qom - Iran
Qom is located in Central Iran, just South of the capital Tehran. It is one of the holiest places in the country, and Shia scholars and students from around the world come here to study in the religious schools (madrasehs). Pilgrims visit the important Hazrat-e Masumeh, which is easily recognized as the centre piece of the city.
I visited Qom in the days leading up to Ashura, the most important r
Favourite Arabic Nasheed : Qom , Rise up + Eng Sub
Old is Gold,
one of the most loved nasheed online.
with english subtitle.
this video does not promote voilence,nor terrorism nor hatred.
please share, rate and enjoy ,feel free to comment
Abu Ali – Qom
dont fear death if your are a muslim only pray and do good deeds
Qom , Rise up [ Arabic Nasheed + English Subb ]
This nasheed (arabic song with english subs) is in support of the revolution and against oppression of every nation,tribe,groups and individuals against their will across the world.
For the people of Daghestan,Chechnya
For the people of Palestine,oppressed since World War II
For the people of Europe facing discrimination,racial profiling and other oppression.
For the people of Uyghurs in Xinjang
7 MUSLIMANSKA BRIGADAalija izetbegovic dudakovic naser oric alagic delic hase tiric kapetan hajro mesic husejn gradascevic tvrtko kotromanic tigrovi vukovi ose nanic memici teocak sapna zivinice tuzla kladanj banovici zvornik srebrenik orasje gradacac zenica srebrenica bihac buzim hamze gazije brigada bijeljina banja luka mostar prijedor modrica odzak hvo hos republik
CQC sobre los Qom de Formosa y Félix Díaz
Informe de CQC sobre los Qom de Formosa y Félix Díaz. Canal 13, 4 de julio de 2013.
Trip to Iran 2011 - Tehran - Qom - Dubai
Trip to Tehran City and sightseeing at Tajrish Bazar - City of Qom with Holy Shrine and Bazar - Dubai
Iran Ziyarat - Imam Reza (a.s), Masooma-e-Qom (s.a), Jamkaran, Shiraz (4K/Ultra HD -2015)
This video consist of a full Ziyarat pilgrimage of Iran during 7/26 - 8/10 2015/1436.
Audio in video:
A Piece of Heaven on Earth - Imam Reza (as) Poetry
Mash'had Imam Ridha مشهد الامام
Qom Better Quality
Here's the lyrics translated to english:
Rise up and leave off resting
It is Islam, [it has] returned
In the path of Allah, we have walked
And announced Jihad
We have returned with a machine gun
Possessing leadership today
And we have followed the awakening of this generation
Groups and individuals
We have not known life
Except with vehemence and endurance
[chorus x2]
The gathering of
A Jihad song with a Jihad video
Qom boy
qomis get their groove on
Mesaed El Baloushy … Qom Moreni | مساعد البلوشي … قم مرني
كلمات: وشم - ألحان: عبد الله الجاسم
من ألبوم ... مساعد 2015
From Album ... Mesaed 2015
Qom Neşid HD
Las imágenes de la represión a los qom tomadas por un policía
A casi ocho meses del violento desalojo de indígenas qom de la comunidad La Primavera, en Formosa, que dejó dos muertos, un policía arrepentido dio a conocer un video de la represión, que deja en evidencia cómo los efectivos abusaron de sus fuerzas y armamento frente a unos pocos que ofrecían resistencia.
Qom nasheed Bosnian-English version mix (bosansko-engleska verzija)
follow me:
Al Mustafa (Sa) International University, Qom, Iran
One of the best universities of the world.
Félix Díaz, mano a mano con Alejandro Fantino
El líder de la comunidad QOM de Formosa protagonizó una entrevista en la que, entre otras cuestiones, denunció cómo los políticos se adueñan de sus documentos a cambio de comida.
Qom - Nasheed Somalia
Nasheed with video of mujahideen
qom e samod 4000 years old house (urdu) - YouTube.flv
qom e samod jo paharo man khar banate thae .
Música Qom
¿Qué es Lalac na Qom?
En lengua qom es: "El Canto Toba". Este Trabajo es una recopilación de toques y cantos antiguos de las comunidades Qom del Chaco realizado entre 2007 y 2010.
También hay composiciones originales de músicos qom.
La distribución del mismo es gratuita para instituciones educativas: escolares, terciarias, universitarias, museos, institutos de música, conservatorios, y entidade
Documental .QOM (Punto QOM)
.QOM es un documental realizado por Esteban Miguez y Javier Corbalan en el año 2001.
Trabajo realizado en la comunidad de Paraje "El Colchón", en el primer centro educativo bilingüe intercultural en la Argentina, en el impenetrable chaqueño. En el se demuestra la importancia de la educación bilingüe intercultural dentro de una comunidad originaria QOM (toba).
Mencion de Honor. Mejor Documental Ed
The Holy City of Qom, Iran
Visit to Qom - Iran
Qom is located in Central Iran, just South of the capital Tehran. It is one of the holiest places in the country, and Shia scholars and students from around the...
Qom is located in Central Iran, just South of the capital Tehran. It is one of the holiest places in the country, and Shia scholars and students from around the world come here to study in the religious schools (madrasehs). Pilgrims visit the important Hazrat-e Masumeh, which is easily recognized as the centre piece of the city.
I visited Qom in the days leading up to Ashura, the most important religious event on the Shia calender. The city seemed even busier than my guidebook had told me, and the emotions running through the shrine and beyond were overwhelming. Although somewhat off the general 'tourist radar', visiting Qom provided an interesting glimpse into the religious heartland of Iran, and therefore well worth the effort.
wn.com/Visit To Qom Iran
Qom is located in Central Iran, just South of the capital Tehran. It is one of the holiest places in the country, and Shia scholars and students from around the world come here to study in the religious schools (madrasehs). Pilgrims visit the important Hazrat-e Masumeh, which is easily recognized as the centre piece of the city.
I visited Qom in the days leading up to Ashura, the most important religious event on the Shia calender. The city seemed even busier than my guidebook had told me, and the emotions running through the shrine and beyond were overwhelming. Although somewhat off the general 'tourist radar', visiting Qom provided an interesting glimpse into the religious heartland of Iran, and therefore well worth the effort.
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 16512
Favourite Arabic Nasheed : Qom , Rise up + Eng Sub
Old is Gold,
one of the most loved nasheed online.
with english subtitle.
this video does not promote voilence,nor terrorism nor hatred.
please share, r...
Old is Gold,
one of the most loved nasheed online.
with english subtitle.
this video does not promote voilence,nor terrorism nor hatred.
please share, rate and enjoy ,feel free to comment
wn.com/Favourite Arabic Nasheed Qom , Rise Up Eng Sub
Old is Gold,
one of the most loved nasheed online.
with english subtitle.
this video does not promote voilence,nor terrorism nor hatred.
please share, rate and enjoy ,feel free to comment
- published: 05 Jan 2012
- views: 110804
dont fear death if your are a muslim only pray and do good deeds...
dont fear death if your are a muslim only pray and do good deeds
dont fear death if your are a muslim only pray and do good deeds
- published: 19 Sep 2008
- views: 163760
Qom , Rise up [ Arabic Nasheed + English Subb ]
This nasheed (arabic song with english subs) is in support of the revolution and against oppression of every nation,tribe,groups and individuals against their ...
This nasheed (arabic song with english subs) is in support of the revolution and against oppression of every nation,tribe,groups and individuals against their will across the world.
For the people of Daghestan,Chechnya
For the people of Palestine,oppressed since World War II
For the people of Europe facing discrimination,racial profiling and other oppression.
For the people of Uyghurs in Xinjang Province of China
For the people of Egypt oppressed by its criminal military rulers.
For the people of Iraq,Syria and Lebanon living under secterian violence of dictators.
For the people of Saudi Arabia,living under its Royal Family for centuries.
For the people of Jordan living under a tyrant ruler.
For the people of Scotland,for its independance.
For the people of Afghanistan,striving for freedom and independance for 100 years.
For the people of Ivory Coast.
For the people of Myanmar,who are daily killed and oppressed by buddhist mobs.
For the people of Somalia,Nigeria,Mali,Central African Republic who are hunted down for their religious beliefs.
For the people of South Africa-
wn.com/Qom , Rise Up Arabic Nasheed English Subb
This nasheed (arabic song with english subs) is in support of the revolution and against oppression of every nation,tribe,groups and individuals against their will across the world.
For the people of Daghestan,Chechnya
For the people of Palestine,oppressed since World War II
For the people of Europe facing discrimination,racial profiling and other oppression.
For the people of Uyghurs in Xinjang Province of China
For the people of Egypt oppressed by its criminal military rulers.
For the people of Iraq,Syria and Lebanon living under secterian violence of dictators.
For the people of Saudi Arabia,living under its Royal Family for centuries.
For the people of Jordan living under a tyrant ruler.
For the people of Scotland,for its independance.
For the people of Afghanistan,striving for freedom and independance for 100 years.
For the people of Ivory Coast.
For the people of Myanmar,who are daily killed and oppressed by buddhist mobs.
For the people of Somalia,Nigeria,Mali,Central African Republic who are hunted down for their religious beliefs.
For the people of South Africa-
- published: 14 Feb 2014
- views: 23822
7 MUSLIMANSKA BRIGADAalija izetbegovic dudakovic naser oric alagic delic hase tiric kapetan hajro mesic husejn gradascevic tvrtko ...
7 MUSLIMANSKA BRIGADAalija izetbegovic dudakovic naser oric alagic delic hase tiric kapetan hajro mesic husejn gradascevic tvrtko kotromanic tigrovi vukovi ose nanic memici teocak sapna zivinice tuzla kladanj banovici zvornik srebrenik orasje gradacac zenica srebrenica bihac buzim hamze gazije brigada bijeljina banja luka mostar prijedor modrica odzak hvo hos republika srpska krajina baja mali knindza ceca arkan mladic karadzic milosevic seselj pickice knindze dzamija islam crkva izvorna tito yugoslavija partizani ustase kladusa bosanski travnik vakuf gorazde piramide visoko maglaj zepa zavidovici cazin sanski most sana nazif gljiva kemal malovcic serif konjevic sasa matic selma bajrami seka aleksic dragana mirkovic
indira tanja savic dino merlin hari mata hari jana kuci kuci selam lijepe zene elvira rahic mondo ilahije islam allah mudzahedin mudzahedini jihad muslim muslimani holy warriors dzamija ljiljani armija republike bosne i hercegovine laka pokusaj eurovision turkiye iraq you tube clik to add a title balije
wn.com/Nasheed Qom Bosnian Version
7 MUSLIMANSKA BRIGADAalija izetbegovic dudakovic naser oric alagic delic hase tiric kapetan hajro mesic husejn gradascevic tvrtko kotromanic tigrovi vukovi ose nanic memici teocak sapna zivinice tuzla kladanj banovici zvornik srebrenik orasje gradacac zenica srebrenica bihac buzim hamze gazije brigada bijeljina banja luka mostar prijedor modrica odzak hvo hos republika srpska krajina baja mali knindza ceca arkan mladic karadzic milosevic seselj pickice knindze dzamija islam crkva izvorna tito yugoslavija partizani ustase kladusa bosanski travnik vakuf gorazde piramide visoko maglaj zepa zavidovici cazin sanski most sana nazif gljiva kemal malovcic serif konjevic sasa matic selma bajrami seka aleksic dragana mirkovic
indira tanja savic dino merlin hari mata hari jana kuci kuci selam lijepe zene elvira rahic mondo ilahije islam allah mudzahedin mudzahedini jihad muslim muslimani holy warriors dzamija ljiljani armija republike bosne i hercegovine laka pokusaj eurovision turkiye iraq you tube clik to add a title balije
- published: 15 Mar 2009
- views: 484603
CQC sobre los Qom de Formosa y Félix Díaz
Informe de CQC sobre los Qom de Formosa y Félix Díaz. Canal 13, 4 de julio de 2013....
Informe de CQC sobre los Qom de Formosa y Félix Díaz. Canal 13, 4 de julio de 2013.
wn.com/Cqc Sobre Los Qom De Formosa Y Félix Díaz
Informe de CQC sobre los Qom de Formosa y Félix Díaz. Canal 13, 4 de julio de 2013.
- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 11000
Trip to Iran 2011 - Tehran - Qom - Dubai
Trip to Tehran City and sightseeing at Tajrish Bazar - City of Qom with Holy Shrine and Bazar - Dubai...
Trip to Tehran City and sightseeing at Tajrish Bazar - City of Qom with Holy Shrine and Bazar - Dubai
wn.com/Trip To Iran 2011 Tehran Qom Dubai
Trip to Tehran City and sightseeing at Tajrish Bazar - City of Qom with Holy Shrine and Bazar - Dubai
- published: 30 Apr 2011
- views: 24858
Iran Ziyarat - Imam Reza (a.s), Masooma-e-Qom (s.a), Jamkaran, Shiraz (4K/Ultra HD -2015)
This video consist of a full Ziyarat pilgrimage of Iran during 7/26 - 8/10 2015/1436.
Audio in video:
A Piece of Heaven on Earth - Imam Reza (as) Poetry
This video consist of a full Ziyarat pilgrimage of Iran during 7/26 - 8/10 2015/1436.
Audio in video:
A Piece of Heaven on Earth - Imam Reza (as) Poetry
Mash'had Imam Ridha مشهد الامام
wn.com/Iran Ziyarat Imam Reza (A.S), Masooma E Qom (S.A), Jamkaran, Shiraz (4K Ultra Hd 2015)
This video consist of a full Ziyarat pilgrimage of Iran during 7/26 - 8/10 2015/1436.
Audio in video:
A Piece of Heaven on Earth - Imam Reza (as) Poetry
Mash'had Imam Ridha مشهد الامام
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 4758
Qom Better Quality
Here's the lyrics translated to english:
Rise up and leave off resting
It is Islam, [it has] returned
In the path of Allah, we have walked
And announced Jihad
Here's the lyrics translated to english:
Rise up and leave off resting
It is Islam, [it has] returned
In the path of Allah, we have walked
And announced Jihad
We have returned with a machine gun
Possessing leadership today
And we have followed the awakening of this generation
Groups and individuals
We have not known life
Except with vehemence and endurance
[chorus x2]
The gathering of believers has sprung
With the genuine youth
In the nights of affliction they have walked
Behind an elucidating Qur'an
They did not care about (ar-razaya? translation pending)
Between the jaws of years
[chorus x2]
Give glad tidings to the people of a morning
Aglow with lucidities
And with which the conquest is manifest
In the depths of darkness
And of one row united
In guidance, by the hands of the obedient
[chorus x2]
Oh, the [fateful] nights of the unjust
Oh, the humiliation of the jesters
Oh, the waste of years
The clear warning has arrived
We have come to you with a machine gun (rata-tat-tat-tat-tat)
And an elucidating Qur'an
And if you want to sing it yourself here you go:
Qm wdah ahnk alr qad a-anh a laa slaam ahld
Fi sbil allh qd srna waa'lna aljhad
Nhn balr shash 'dna nmlk alywm alqyada
Wmshyna shw h aljyl jmw 'aan wr adi
Ma 'r fna al'ysh aal 'nfw ana wjladaa
Hbaa jh' almwa mnyn llshbab alsadqyn
Fi liali alkr b sadwa khlf qr aan mbyn
Lm ybalwa balrz ail bin aanilb alsnin
Bshr alnas bsbh mshrq balbinat
Wbh alfth bjlii fi btwn althlu mat
Wbsf whdth balhdi aaidi alaabah
Ia liali althalmin ia hu an al'abthin
Ia sia'aa fi alsnin qd aati alw 'd almbin
Qd aatinakm br shash wqr aan mbin
wn.com/Qom Better Quality
Here's the lyrics translated to english:
Rise up and leave off resting
It is Islam, [it has] returned
In the path of Allah, we have walked
And announced Jihad
We have returned with a machine gun
Possessing leadership today
And we have followed the awakening of this generation
Groups and individuals
We have not known life
Except with vehemence and endurance
[chorus x2]
The gathering of believers has sprung
With the genuine youth
In the nights of affliction they have walked
Behind an elucidating Qur'an
They did not care about (ar-razaya? translation pending)
Between the jaws of years
[chorus x2]
Give glad tidings to the people of a morning
Aglow with lucidities
And with which the conquest is manifest
In the depths of darkness
And of one row united
In guidance, by the hands of the obedient
[chorus x2]
Oh, the [fateful] nights of the unjust
Oh, the humiliation of the jesters
Oh, the waste of years
The clear warning has arrived
We have come to you with a machine gun (rata-tat-tat-tat-tat)
And an elucidating Qur'an
And if you want to sing it yourself here you go:
Qm wdah ahnk alr qad a-anh a laa slaam ahld
Fi sbil allh qd srna waa'lna aljhad
Nhn balr shash 'dna nmlk alywm alqyada
Wmshyna shw h aljyl jmw 'aan wr adi
Ma 'r fna al'ysh aal 'nfw ana wjladaa
Hbaa jh' almwa mnyn llshbab alsadqyn
Fi liali alkr b sadwa khlf qr aan mbyn
Lm ybalwa balrz ail bin aanilb alsnin
Bshr alnas bsbh mshrq balbinat
Wbh alfth bjlii fi btwn althlu mat
Wbsf whdth balhdi aaidi alaabah
Ia liali althalmin ia hu an al'abthin
Ia sia'aa fi alsnin qd aati alw 'd almbin
Qd aatinakm br shash wqr aan mbin
- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 9480
Qom boy
qomis get their groove on...
qomis get their groove on
wn.com/Qom Boy
qomis get their groove on
- published: 12 Jun 2007
- views: 235632
Mesaed El Baloushy … Qom Moreni | مساعد البلوشي … قم مرني
كلمات: وشم - ألحان: عبد الله الجاسم
من ألبوم ... مساعد 2015
From Album ... Mesaed 2015...
كلمات: وشم - ألحان: عبد الله الجاسم
من ألبوم ... مساعد 2015
From Album ... Mesaed 2015
wn.com/Mesaed El Baloushy … Qom Moreni | مساعد البلوشي … قم مرني
كلمات: وشم - ألحان: عبد الله الجاسم
من ألبوم ... مساعد 2015
From Album ... Mesaed 2015
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 50141
Las imágenes de la represión a los qom tomadas por un policía
A casi ocho meses del violento desalojo de indígenas qom de la comunidad La Primavera, en Formosa, que dejó dos muertos, un policía arrepentido dio a conocer un...
A casi ocho meses del violento desalojo de indígenas qom de la comunidad La Primavera, en Formosa, que dejó dos muertos, un policía arrepentido dio a conocer un video de la represión, que deja en evidencia cómo los efectivos abusaron de sus fuerzas y armamento frente a unos pocos que ofrecían resistencia.
wn.com/Las Imágenes De La Represión A Los Qom Tomadas Por Un Policía
A casi ocho meses del violento desalojo de indígenas qom de la comunidad La Primavera, en Formosa, que dejó dos muertos, un policía arrepentido dio a conocer un video de la represión, que deja en evidencia cómo los efectivos abusaron de sus fuerzas y armamento frente a unos pocos que ofrecían resistencia.
- published: 20 Jul 2011
- views: 18175
Qom nasheed Bosnian-English version mix (bosansko-engleska verzija)
follow me:
follow me:
wn.com/Qom Nasheed Bosnian English Version Mix (Bosansko Engleska Verzija)
follow me:
- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 10009
Félix Díaz, mano a mano con Alejandro Fantino
El líder de la comunidad QOM de Formosa protagonizó una entrevista en la que, entre otras cuestiones, denunció cómo los políticos se adueñan de sus documentos a...
El líder de la comunidad QOM de Formosa protagonizó una entrevista en la que, entre otras cuestiones, denunció cómo los políticos se adueñan de sus documentos a cambio de comida.
wn.com/Félix Díaz, Mano A Mano Con Alejandro Fantino
El líder de la comunidad QOM de Formosa protagonizó una entrevista en la que, entre otras cuestiones, denunció cómo los políticos se adueñan de sus documentos a cambio de comida.
- published: 26 Aug 2015
- views: 12528
Qom - Nasheed Somalia
Nasheed with video of mujahideen...
Nasheed with video of mujahideen
wn.com/Qom Nasheed Somalia
Nasheed with video of mujahideen
- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 18714
Música Qom
¿Qué es Lalac na Qom?
En lengua qom es: "El Canto Toba". Este Trabajo es una recopilación de toques y cantos antiguos de las comunidades Qom del Chaco realizad...
¿Qué es Lalac na Qom?
En lengua qom es: "El Canto Toba". Este Trabajo es una recopilación de toques y cantos antiguos de las comunidades Qom del Chaco realizado entre 2007 y 2010.
También hay composiciones originales de músicos qom.
La distribución del mismo es gratuita para instituciones educativas: escolares, terciarias, universitarias, museos, institutos de música, conservatorios, y entidades relacionadas con pueblos originarios.
Este CD se realizó con el apoyo del Fondo Nacional de las Artes.
Rosario Haddad (https://www.facebook.com/rosario.haddad)
Estudié Etnomusicología en el Conservatorio Manuel de Falla y canto con diferentes maestros como,Verónica Condomí y José Luis Sarré con quien sigo trabajando mi voz.
Doy clases de canto e iniciación musical, en diferentes instituciones y centros culturales de Buenos Aires.
En el 2006 empecé a acercarme a la música de los pueblos originarios y actualmente trabajo en la provincia del Chaco con la comunidad Toba -- Qom.
En el 2007 empecé a diseñar el proyecto "Lalac na Qom" o el Canto Toba. El mismo que hoy presento en instituciones educativas y culturales de Buenos Aires e interior del país, para difundir la cultura milenaria de nuestros hermanos Qom.
wn.com/Música Qom
¿Qué es Lalac na Qom?
En lengua qom es: "El Canto Toba". Este Trabajo es una recopilación de toques y cantos antiguos de las comunidades Qom del Chaco realizado entre 2007 y 2010.
También hay composiciones originales de músicos qom.
La distribución del mismo es gratuita para instituciones educativas: escolares, terciarias, universitarias, museos, institutos de música, conservatorios, y entidades relacionadas con pueblos originarios.
Este CD se realizó con el apoyo del Fondo Nacional de las Artes.
Rosario Haddad (https://www.facebook.com/rosario.haddad)
Estudié Etnomusicología en el Conservatorio Manuel de Falla y canto con diferentes maestros como,Verónica Condomí y José Luis Sarré con quien sigo trabajando mi voz.
Doy clases de canto e iniciación musical, en diferentes instituciones y centros culturales de Buenos Aires.
En el 2006 empecé a acercarme a la música de los pueblos originarios y actualmente trabajo en la provincia del Chaco con la comunidad Toba -- Qom.
En el 2007 empecé a diseñar el proyecto "Lalac na Qom" o el Canto Toba. El mismo que hoy presento en instituciones educativas y culturales de Buenos Aires e interior del país, para difundir la cultura milenaria de nuestros hermanos Qom.
- published: 07 Jul 2013
- views: 7877
Documental .QOM (Punto QOM)
.QOM es un documental realizado por Esteban Miguez y Javier Corbalan en el año 2001.
Trabajo realizado en la comunidad de Paraje "El Colchón", en el primer cen...
.QOM es un documental realizado por Esteban Miguez y Javier Corbalan en el año 2001.
Trabajo realizado en la comunidad de Paraje "El Colchón", en el primer centro educativo bilingüe intercultural en la Argentina, en el impenetrable chaqueño. En el se demuestra la importancia de la educación bilingüe intercultural dentro de una comunidad originaria QOM (toba).
Mencion de Honor. Mejor Documental Educativo. Festival de Cine Internacional de Rosario, edicion 2012.
Selección oficial competencia Festival de Cine Internacional de Santa Fé, edición 2012.
Selección Oficial Muestra Documental Antropológico y Social, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano. 2012 - 2013
wn.com/Documental .Qom (Punto Qom)
.QOM es un documental realizado por Esteban Miguez y Javier Corbalan en el año 2001.
Trabajo realizado en la comunidad de Paraje "El Colchón", en el primer centro educativo bilingüe intercultural en la Argentina, en el impenetrable chaqueño. En el se demuestra la importancia de la educación bilingüe intercultural dentro de una comunidad originaria QOM (toba).
Mencion de Honor. Mejor Documental Educativo. Festival de Cine Internacional de Rosario, edicion 2012.
Selección oficial competencia Festival de Cine Internacional de Santa Fé, edición 2012.
Selección Oficial Muestra Documental Antropológico y Social, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano. 2012 - 2013
- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 1738
Iran Travel 2012 | Qom | قم | Fatima al-Masumeh Shrine | بارگاه حضرت معصومه |
Je suis tolérant, respectueux et très ouvert d'esprit.
Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut...
Personnellement je ne suis pas musulman, je suis athée (je ne crois pas du tout en Dieu même si j'ai fait ma communion et 12 ans de religion catholique à l'école...).
Ce fut donc un réel plaisir de visiter pour la première fois de ma vie une mosquée (et c'était pas la petite mosquée
► Weaving a Silk Rug / Carpet in Qom / IRAN
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
Tehran(德黑蘭), Abyaneh, Qom and Kashan, IRAN (伊朗)
Dating Filipinas, Interviewing a hooker / pimp who may have set up my robbery at Mango Ave Cebu City
This Mango Avenue corner seems to belong to the lady I interviewed. I went back to film her and get her reaction after my robbery. When I would pass earlier in the week, she was very aggressive and tried to get information from me. She offered me very young girls and also offered herself to me. As I approach her, she appears to give hand signals to her accomplice and she points to me after she
Iran Qom province, Fish farming pool استخر پرورش ماهي استان قم ايران
March 30, 2015 (Persian calendar 1394/1/10)
Qom province (استان قم)
Iran Qom province, Fish farming pool
استخر پرورش ماهي استان قم ايران
TRAVEL: Iran ایران
Tehran, Qom, Jamkaran, Esfahan, Mashhad;
Spiritual Journey - Iran '14
BRICKS • Afghani Immigrants Handmade Bricks • Qom • IRAN
Afghani workers making mud bricks for an Iranian-owned business outside of Qom.
Right outside of Qom, Iran, there are a number of traditional brick-makers. Most are using some modern type of technology but there are many who still make bricks using 5000 year-old technology: mud. The men in the video are Afghani migrant workers who work for an Iranian owned business.
Thanks to Kaveh Valipoor (Udu
► Children weaving on silk carpet Rug in Qom / Iran
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
Iran , travel guide
Islamic Republic of Iran
جمهوري اسلامي ايران
Iran Travel Guide
Travel Iran with Om Travel
Qom Community Camps in Buenos Aires in Fight for Human Rights
Félix Díaz and other members of the Qom community from the Formosa Province, are camping on Av. 9 de Julio to call attention to their plight. This is the second time in five years that the group has camped at this intersection. Díaz and others, including his son Eduardo, say they hope government officials will bend their ears and keep their promises.
Narration by Marc Rogers and production by K
59. ΙΡΑΝ - IRAN: Tehran, Palangan, Kashan, Qom, Taq-e Bostan, Kermanshah, Isfahan
Τεχεράνη, Ένα ορεινό σχολείο, Παλάγκαν στην Επαρχία Κουρδιστάν, Κασάν, Κουόμ, Κερμασάχ, Ισφαχάν, Περσέπολη 518 π.Χ. (Κύρος Μέγας, Δαρείος Α' και Ξέρξης Α')
koutantosdimitri@hotmail.com, Ιούλιος 2013...
Traveling Vineyard Business
How our business works
► Bus Station in Qom - Departure to Tehran - تهران - قم
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
Visit Historic Abyaneh - Iran Travel Guide
Take a tour of Historic Abyaneh in Iran -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
In the mountains of Iran is a magical place where visitors can travel back in time.
The small town of Abyaneh has adhered to old, traditional ways of doing things.
The historic red clay buildings of their town climb up the slopes of Karkass Mountain.
The Abyunaki can still be seen wearing t
Sightseeing in Ufa. Ufa Travel Guide
iran travel guide for tourist & holidays,you must see IRAN before you die part 2
November24 Iran Travel Guide Live Show 4 of 6
JULY14,Iran Travel Guide (Part 5 of 5)
Iran Travel Guide (Part 5 of 5) - Sahar English TV Live Show Production.mpg
TunisUSA founder Jerry Sorkin, from the Theological Center of Iran in Qom
TunisUSA founder and president, Jerry Sorkin, welcomes you before from the Theological Center of Iran in Qom
Join our Iran tours:
Iran Travel 2012 | Qom | قم | Fatima al-Masumeh Shrine | بارگاه حضرت معصومه |
Je suis tolérant, respectueux et très ouvert d'esprit.
Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut...
Personnellement je ne suis pas musulman, je s...
Je suis tolérant, respectueux et très ouvert d'esprit.
Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut...
Personnellement je ne suis pas musulman, je suis athée (je ne crois pas du tout en Dieu même si j'ai fait ma communion et 12 ans de religion catholique à l'école...).
Ce fut donc un réel plaisir de visiter pour la première fois de ma vie une mosquée (et c'était pas la petite mosquée du petit village de campagne...).
J'ai pu ainsi découvrir cette religion pratiquée ici avec une passion certaine...
L'atmosphère à l'intérieur de la mosquée est absolument unique...
Je me croyais parfois (avec toutes ces lumières multicolores) plutôt à Disney Land ou à la fête foraine que dans une mosquée ;-)
Je dis cela dans un sens positif... c'était animé, vivant, coloré, dépaysant, vraiment étonnant... clairement plus d'ambiance et moins déprimant que dans une église catholique ;-)
Une fois dans la mosquée on a plus envie d'en sortir je me suis même étonné à y rester spontanément plusieurs heures...
Le sanctuaire et le tombeau "Hazrat-e-Masumeh" (de renommée mondiale) sont véritablement splendides (à voir ici à 26m55s).
Je tiens aussi à signaler que j'ai été très très bien reçu à l'intérieur de cette mosquée ...
J'ai vu des personnes très détendues et respectueuses...
J'ai appris beaucoup de choses et cette visite restera un souvenir inoubliable.
Merci à toutes les personnes rencontrées à Qom pour votre accueil comme toujours exceptionnel en Iran.
N.B.: Je sais aussi que la plupart des iraniens n'aime pas du tout la ville de Qom...
Pourquoi? D'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre: la politique en place depuis la révolution islamique est un peu originaire de cette ville donc...
Chaque iranien que j'ai rencontré ne s'est jamais caché pour me dire qu'il déteste les personnes qui dirigent le pays...
L'image catastrophique (et absolument injustifiée) que l'Iran a au niveau international provient uniquement de ces personnes qui gouvernent le pays...
Cette politique totalement irrespectueuse des droits humains impose par exemple le port du voile à chaque femme (même non musulmane) dès l'age de 9 ans ... NO COMMENT...
Par conséquent la plupart des iraniens (et même le guide Lonely Planet) vous déconseillent fortement de vous arrêter dans cette ville... et vous disent "QOM: il n'y a rien à voir, il n'y a rien à faire"
Cela a donc encore plus attisé ma curiosité d'y faire une petite halte... et j'ai pas pas été déçu... :-)
Qom (en persan : قم) est une ville d'Iran. Située à 150 km au sud-ouest de Téhéran, c'est la capitale de la Province de Qom. Elle est située le long de la rivière Qom et comptait, en 2005, 1 042 309 habitants.
Qom est une des villes saintes du chiisme, puisque c'est le site où est enterrée Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soumeh, sœur de Ali ar-Rida (en persan Imam Reza, 789-816). La ville accueille la plus grande hawza d'Iran, qui égale en taille celle de Nadjaf en Irak.
Aujourd'hui, Qom compte parmi les centres les plus importants du chiisme, à la fois en Iran et dans le monde. Son centre théologique (où les musulmans chiites viennent suivre les leçons de leurs maîtres : les ayatollahs) et le mausolée de Hazrat Ma'sumeh sont les caractéristiques essentielles de la capitale de la province de Qom. Un aute site de pèlerinage en dehors de la ville est appelé Jamkaran.
Dans la mosquée où repose Fatimah Ma'sumeh, sœur du huitième Imam, morte il y a douze siècles, les gardiens de sa châsse l'aspergent d'eau de rose du matin au soir. Les femmes viennent toucher les parois du sanctuaire pour obtenir bonheur conjugal et fécondité. Depuis la révolution, la mosquée a tendance à devenir un lieu où l'on vénère plus Khomeiny que Fatimah. L'ayatollah, pensent certains de ses fidèles, doit préparer le retour du « douzième Imam », celui qui annoncera en personne la fin des temps.
La proximité de la ville avec Téhéran a apporté à Qom certains avantages.
Osez partir à la découverte de ce fantastique pays avec la population la plus accueillante du monde.
Merci à tous les iraniens pour votre accueil chaleureux.
!!! Merci Beaucoup !!!
Je recommande à tous les voyageurs d'oser aller découvrir ce merveilleux pays hors des sentiers battus du tourisme de masse...
Go to Iran to discover this fantastic country and the most friendly people on earth...
Thanks to all iranian peoples for your warm Hospitality !!!
!!! Thank you very much !!!
I would strongly recommend Iran to any travellers with a yearning to get off the beaten track.
wn.com/Iran Travel 2012 | Qom | قم | Fatima Al Masumeh Shrine | بارگاه حضرت معصومه |
Je suis tolérant, respectueux et très ouvert d'esprit.
Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut...
Personnellement je ne suis pas musulman, je suis athée (je ne crois pas du tout en Dieu même si j'ai fait ma communion et 12 ans de religion catholique à l'école...).
Ce fut donc un réel plaisir de visiter pour la première fois de ma vie une mosquée (et c'était pas la petite mosquée du petit village de campagne...).
J'ai pu ainsi découvrir cette religion pratiquée ici avec une passion certaine...
L'atmosphère à l'intérieur de la mosquée est absolument unique...
Je me croyais parfois (avec toutes ces lumières multicolores) plutôt à Disney Land ou à la fête foraine que dans une mosquée ;-)
Je dis cela dans un sens positif... c'était animé, vivant, coloré, dépaysant, vraiment étonnant... clairement plus d'ambiance et moins déprimant que dans une église catholique ;-)
Une fois dans la mosquée on a plus envie d'en sortir je me suis même étonné à y rester spontanément plusieurs heures...
Le sanctuaire et le tombeau "Hazrat-e-Masumeh" (de renommée mondiale) sont véritablement splendides (à voir ici à 26m55s).
Je tiens aussi à signaler que j'ai été très très bien reçu à l'intérieur de cette mosquée ...
J'ai vu des personnes très détendues et respectueuses...
J'ai appris beaucoup de choses et cette visite restera un souvenir inoubliable.
Merci à toutes les personnes rencontrées à Qom pour votre accueil comme toujours exceptionnel en Iran.
N.B.: Je sais aussi que la plupart des iraniens n'aime pas du tout la ville de Qom...
Pourquoi? D'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre: la politique en place depuis la révolution islamique est un peu originaire de cette ville donc...
Chaque iranien que j'ai rencontré ne s'est jamais caché pour me dire qu'il déteste les personnes qui dirigent le pays...
L'image catastrophique (et absolument injustifiée) que l'Iran a au niveau international provient uniquement de ces personnes qui gouvernent le pays...
Cette politique totalement irrespectueuse des droits humains impose par exemple le port du voile à chaque femme (même non musulmane) dès l'age de 9 ans ... NO COMMENT...
Par conséquent la plupart des iraniens (et même le guide Lonely Planet) vous déconseillent fortement de vous arrêter dans cette ville... et vous disent "QOM: il n'y a rien à voir, il n'y a rien à faire"
Cela a donc encore plus attisé ma curiosité d'y faire une petite halte... et j'ai pas pas été déçu... :-)
Qom (en persan : قم) est une ville d'Iran. Située à 150 km au sud-ouest de Téhéran, c'est la capitale de la Province de Qom. Elle est située le long de la rivière Qom et comptait, en 2005, 1 042 309 habitants.
Qom est une des villes saintes du chiisme, puisque c'est le site où est enterrée Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soumeh, sœur de Ali ar-Rida (en persan Imam Reza, 789-816). La ville accueille la plus grande hawza d'Iran, qui égale en taille celle de Nadjaf en Irak.
Aujourd'hui, Qom compte parmi les centres les plus importants du chiisme, à la fois en Iran et dans le monde. Son centre théologique (où les musulmans chiites viennent suivre les leçons de leurs maîtres : les ayatollahs) et le mausolée de Hazrat Ma'sumeh sont les caractéristiques essentielles de la capitale de la province de Qom. Un aute site de pèlerinage en dehors de la ville est appelé Jamkaran.
Dans la mosquée où repose Fatimah Ma'sumeh, sœur du huitième Imam, morte il y a douze siècles, les gardiens de sa châsse l'aspergent d'eau de rose du matin au soir. Les femmes viennent toucher les parois du sanctuaire pour obtenir bonheur conjugal et fécondité. Depuis la révolution, la mosquée a tendance à devenir un lieu où l'on vénère plus Khomeiny que Fatimah. L'ayatollah, pensent certains de ses fidèles, doit préparer le retour du « douzième Imam », celui qui annoncera en personne la fin des temps.
La proximité de la ville avec Téhéran a apporté à Qom certains avantages.
Osez partir à la découverte de ce fantastique pays avec la population la plus accueillante du monde.
Merci à tous les iraniens pour votre accueil chaleureux.
!!! Merci Beaucoup !!!
Je recommande à tous les voyageurs d'oser aller découvrir ce merveilleux pays hors des sentiers battus du tourisme de masse...
Go to Iran to discover this fantastic country and the most friendly people on earth...
Thanks to all iranian peoples for your warm Hospitality !!!
!!! Thank you very much !!!
I would strongly recommend Iran to any travellers with a yearning to get off the beaten track.
- published: 06 Oct 2012
- views: 17048
► Weaving a Silk Rug / Carpet in Qom / IRAN
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn...
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
wn.com/► Weaving A Silk Rug Carpet In Qom Iran
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
- published: 22 Dec 2013
- views: 1618
Dating Filipinas, Interviewing a hooker / pimp who may have set up my robbery at Mango Ave Cebu City
This Mango Avenue corner seems to belong to the lady I interviewed. I went back to film her and get her reaction after my robbery. When I would pass earlier i...
This Mango Avenue corner seems to belong to the lady I interviewed. I went back to film her and get her reaction after my robbery. When I would pass earlier in the week, she was very aggressive and tried to get information from me. She offered me very young girls and also offered herself to me. As I approach her, she appears to give hand signals to her accomplice and she points to me after she messes with her hair. ~ Philippines tourism
wn.com/Dating Filipinas, Interviewing A Hooker Pimp Who May Have Set Up My Robbery At Mango Ave Cebu City
This Mango Avenue corner seems to belong to the lady I interviewed. I went back to film her and get her reaction after my robbery. When I would pass earlier in the week, she was very aggressive and tried to get information from me. She offered me very young girls and also offered herself to me. As I approach her, she appears to give hand signals to her accomplice and she points to me after she messes with her hair. ~ Philippines tourism
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 12041
Iran Qom province, Fish farming pool استخر پرورش ماهي استان قم ايران
March 30, 2015 (Persian calendar 1394/1/10)
Qom province (استان قم)
Iran Qom province, Fish farming pool
استخر پرورش...
March 30, 2015 (Persian calendar 1394/1/10)
Qom province (استان قم)
Iran Qom province, Fish farming pool
استخر پرورش ماهي استان قم ايران
wn.com/Iran Qom Province, Fish Farming Pool استخر پرورش ماهي استان قم ايران
March 30, 2015 (Persian calendar 1394/1/10)
Qom province (استان قم)
Iran Qom province, Fish farming pool
استخر پرورش ماهي استان قم ايران
- published: 26 Sep 2015
- views: 197
TRAVEL: Iran ایران
Tehran, Qom, Jamkaran, Esfahan, Mashhad;
Spiritual Journey - Iran '14...
Tehran, Qom, Jamkaran, Esfahan, Mashhad;
Spiritual Journey - Iran '14
wn.com/Travel Iran ایران
Tehran, Qom, Jamkaran, Esfahan, Mashhad;
Spiritual Journey - Iran '14
- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 2402
BRICKS • Afghani Immigrants Handmade Bricks • Qom • IRAN
Afghani workers making mud bricks for an Iranian-owned business outside of Qom.
Right outside of Qom, Iran, there are a number of traditional brick-makers. Mos...
Afghani workers making mud bricks for an Iranian-owned business outside of Qom.
Right outside of Qom, Iran, there are a number of traditional brick-makers. Most are using some modern type of technology but there are many who still make bricks using 5000 year-old technology: mud. The men in the video are Afghani migrant workers who work for an Iranian owned business.
Thanks to Kaveh Valipoor (Udu Soloist - Mazandaran,Iran) for the music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD-ldTV3zLg&list;=WL&index;=13
wn.com/Bricks • Afghani Immigrants Handmade Bricks • Qom • Iran
Afghani workers making mud bricks for an Iranian-owned business outside of Qom.
Right outside of Qom, Iran, there are a number of traditional brick-makers. Most are using some modern type of technology but there are many who still make bricks using 5000 year-old technology: mud. The men in the video are Afghani migrant workers who work for an Iranian owned business.
Thanks to Kaveh Valipoor (Udu Soloist - Mazandaran,Iran) for the music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD-ldTV3zLg&list;=WL&index;=13
- published: 04 Mar 2015
- views: 1113
► Children weaving on silk carpet Rug in Qom / Iran
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn...
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
wn.com/► Children Weaving On Silk Carpet Rug In Qom Iran
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
- published: 22 Dec 2013
- views: 433
Iran , travel guide
Islamic Republic of Iran
جمهوري اسلامي ايران...
Islamic Republic of Iran
جمهوري اسلامي ايران
wn.com/Iran , Travel Guide
Islamic Republic of Iran
جمهوري اسلامي ايران
- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 1526
Iran Travel Guide
Travel Iran with Om Travel
Travel Iran with Om Travel
wn.com/Iran Travel Guide
Travel Iran with Om Travel
- published: 24 Feb 2015
- views: 33
Qom Community Camps in Buenos Aires in Fight for Human Rights
Félix Díaz and other members of the Qom community from the Formosa Province, are camping on Av. 9 de Julio to call attention to their plight. This is the second...
Félix Díaz and other members of the Qom community from the Formosa Province, are camping on Av. 9 de Julio to call attention to their plight. This is the second time in five years that the group has camped at this intersection. Díaz and others, including his son Eduardo, say they hope government officials will bend their ears and keep their promises.
Narration by Marc Rogers and production by Kate Rooney.
wn.com/Qom Community Camps In Buenos Aires In Fight For Human Rights
Félix Díaz and other members of the Qom community from the Formosa Province, are camping on Av. 9 de Julio to call attention to their plight. This is the second time in five years that the group has camped at this intersection. Díaz and others, including his son Eduardo, say they hope government officials will bend their ears and keep their promises.
Narration by Marc Rogers and production by Kate Rooney.
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 192
59. ΙΡΑΝ - IRAN: Tehran, Palangan, Kashan, Qom, Taq-e Bostan, Kermanshah, Isfahan
Τεχεράνη, Ένα ορεινό σχολείο, Παλάγκαν στην Επαρχία Κουρδιστάν, Κασάν, Κουόμ, Κερμασάχ, Ισφαχάν, Περσέπολη 518 π...
Τεχεράνη, Ένα ορεινό σχολείο, Παλάγκαν στην Επαρχία Κουρδιστάν, Κασάν, Κουόμ, Κερμασάχ, Ισφαχάν, Περσέπολη 518 π.Χ. (Κύρος Μέγας, Δαρείος Α' και Ξέρξης Α')
koutantosdimitri@hotmail.com, Ιούλιος 2013...
wn.com/59. Ιραν Iran Tehran, Palangan, Kashan, Qom, Taq E Bostan, Kermanshah, Isfahan
Τεχεράνη, Ένα ορεινό σχολείο, Παλάγκαν στην Επαρχία Κουρδιστάν, Κασάν, Κουόμ, Κερμασάχ, Ισφαχάν, Περσέπολη 518 π.Χ. (Κύρος Μέγας, Δαρείος Α' και Ξέρξης Α')
koutantosdimitri@hotmail.com, Ιούλιος 2013...
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 1215
► Bus Station in Qom - Departure to Tehran - تهران - قم
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn...
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
wn.com/► Bus Station In Qom Departure To Tehran تهران قم
► MEIN RUCKSACK: http://amzn.to/1kiyHQe
► MEINE REISEPARTNERIN: http://amzn.to/1UVI18x
► MEINE POWERBANK: http://amzn.to/1Pw6Xmt
► MEIN SCHLAFSACK: http://amzn.to/1PiZQzg
► MEIN GUIDE: http://amzn.to/JwosVK
► MEINE KAMERA: http://amzn.to/1hiXkbo
- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 270
Visit Historic Abyaneh - Iran Travel Guide
Take a tour of Historic Abyaneh in Iran -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
In the mountains of Iran is a magical place where visit...
Take a tour of Historic Abyaneh in Iran -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
In the mountains of Iran is a magical place where visitors can travel back in time.
The small town of Abyaneh has adhered to old, traditional ways of doing things.
The historic red clay buildings of their town climb up the slopes of Karkass Mountain.
The Abyunaki can still be seen wearing the traditional clothing of their heritage.
The village is believed to be one of the oldest in Iran.
It is impossible not to feel the awesome weight of passing years when visiting Abyaneh.
wn.com/Visit Historic Abyaneh Iran Travel Guide
Take a tour of Historic Abyaneh in Iran -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
In the mountains of Iran is a magical place where visitors can travel back in time.
The small town of Abyaneh has adhered to old, traditional ways of doing things.
The historic red clay buildings of their town climb up the slopes of Karkass Mountain.
The Abyunaki can still be seen wearing the traditional clothing of their heritage.
The village is believed to be one of the oldest in Iran.
It is impossible not to feel the awesome weight of passing years when visiting Abyaneh.
- published: 24 Sep 2010
- views: 2423
JULY14,Iran Travel Guide (Part 5 of 5)
Iran Travel Guide (Part 5 of 5) - Sahar English TV Live Show Production.mpg...
Iran Travel Guide (Part 5 of 5) - Sahar English TV Live Show Production.mpg
wn.com/July14,Iran Travel Guide (Part 5 Of 5)
Iran Travel Guide (Part 5 of 5) - Sahar English TV Live Show Production.mpg
- published: 14 Jul 2010
- views: 140
TunisUSA founder Jerry Sorkin, from the Theological Center of Iran in Qom
TunisUSA founder and president, Jerry Sorkin, welcomes you before from the Theological Center of Iran in Qom
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TunisUSA founder and president, Jerry Sorkin, welcomes you before from the Theological Center of Iran in Qom
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wn.com/Tunisusa Founder Jerry Sorkin, From The Theological Center Of Iran In Qom
TunisUSA founder and president, Jerry Sorkin, welcomes you before from the Theological Center of Iran in Qom
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- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 173