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Official Twitter of Monash University. CRICOS number 00008C

Melbourne, Australia
Participa desde agosto de 2008

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  1. Lacking a script, individuals drove the evolution of prime ministerial power via

  2. 13 Mar: James Mustafa Jazz Orchestra performs. Tickets free, booking via

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  3. Why the weather bureau might be underestimating Australian warming via

  4. Study finds taking five or more medications in old age can increase the degree of frailty and mortality

  5. 26-28 Feb: Achieving global food security through innovation & entrepreneurship. cc

  6. International research into teen driver education & night laws makes top 10 list of Health Affairs Journal

  7. It's all in the mind - a new medication-free treatment to relieve kneecap tendon pain achieves results:

  8. NYC & Washington newsrooms headline a study tour for Communications & Media Studies Master's students:

  9. Congratulations Caulfield Sound Shell team on winning the overall category in the Corian Design Awards.

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  10. Labor has put Gonski back on the table, but should we be excited? by David Zyngier via

  11. Forget quinoa and kale, these basic foods for your kids' lunch box will give them the nutrition they need:

  12. retweetou

    Sunday @ 2pm: Join MADA's Dr Daniel Palmer for a conversation on "New Media and Digital Futures" .

  13. Congratulations to members of the Monash community who were recognised in the Australia Day Honours

  14. Tonight, 4-7pm at the State Library Victoria: Come after work & explore study options at our Postgraduate Expo.

  15. retweetou

    Have you secured your seat? William Moerner special afternoon seminar

  16. retweetou

    Looking forward to chatting with ABC Darwin about today at 4.50pm AEDT

  17. Congratulations to those in the Monash community recognised in today's Australia Day honours list.

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  18. retweetou

    Southside, we got you covered today. Lunch till 2:30 Clayton campus…

  19. retweetou

    Seminar: Maritime Boundaries in the Timor Sea: Perspectives in International Law,15 Feb 2016, Melbourne … pls share

  20. Rural women with limited access to gyms and support groups benefit from Monash weight-loss study.

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