Officials recently released graphic video of Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke fatally shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times last October. Now, State's Attorney Anita Alvarez has charged Officer Van Dyke with 1st degree murder — the first time in 30 years that a Chicago police officer is facing criminal charges for an on-duty shooting. More »


Demand DOJ body camera funds be tied to community oriented policies

Body cameras can be a powerful tool for holding police accountable. But right now the DOJ is bankrolling police worn body cameras without ensuring community-oriented policies are in place that allow the cameras to protect the people inside of the police. More »


OUR MISSION is strengthening Black America's political voice. Using the Internet, we keep our members informed and give them ways to act on pressing issues facing Black people in America. We are united behind a simple, powerful pledge: we will do all we can to make sure all Americans are represented, served and protected — regardless of race or class. More »


Why Policy Alone Isn't Enough To Change Racial Injustice In America

The close of 2015 brought with it decisions from grand jury not to indict anyone in the deaths of Tamir Rice and Sandra Bland, who both died in high-profile police encounters. According to Rashad Robinson, the executive director of the advocacy group Color of Change, the lack of accountability reveals an ugly truth about the fight for racial justice: Policy prescriptions won't be enough to create real change. More »