Room is a 2005 independent drama film written and directed by Kyle Henry and starring Cyndi Williams. An overworked, middle-aged Texas woman embezzles from her employer and abandons her family to seek out a mysterious room that has been appearing to her in visions during seizure-like attacks.
The film currently holds an approval rating of 69% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Room (formerly Room of One's Own) is a Canadian quarterly literary journal that features the work of emerging and established women and genderqueer writers and artists. Launched in Vancouver in 1975 by the West Coast Feminist Literary Magazine Society, or the Growing Room Collective, the journal has published an estimated 3,000 women, serving as an important launching pad for emerging writers. Currently, Room publishes short fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, art, feature interviews, and features that promote dialogue between readers, writers and the collective, including "Roommate" (a profile of a Room reader or collective member) and "The Back Room" (back page interviews on feminist topics of interest). Collective members are regular participants in literary and arts festivals in Greater Vancouver and Toronto.
The journal's original title (1975-2006) Room of One's Own came from Virginia Woolf's essay A Room of One's Own. In 2007, the collective relaunched the magazine as Room, reflecting a more outward-facing, conversational editorial mandate; however, the original name and its inspiration is reflected in a quote from the Woolf essay that always appears on the back cover of the magazine.
A room is any distinguishable space within a structure.
Room may also refer to:
Maigret is a British television series made by the BBC and which - following a pilot episode broadcast in 1959 - ran for 52 episodes from 1960 to 1963.
Based on the Maigret stories of Georges Simenon, the series starred Rupert Davies as the Sûreté detective Commissaire Jules Maigret, and featured Ewen Solon as Lucas, Helen Shingler as Madame Maigret and Neville Jason as Lapointe.
The choice of Davies to play Maigret was enthusiastically approved by Simenon himself. Remembering the role in a 1964 interview Davies said "When Andrew Osborn, the producer of the show, offered me the part on Good Friday in 1960, I knew very little about Maigret. I knew he was a famous French fictional detective, but that was all." Rather than read the books to get the feel for the character, Davies thought it would be better to meet Maigret's creator and hear from him how he saw the character. The BBC agreed and a meeting was arranged between Davies and Simenon in Lausanne.
"The moment Simenon saw me he shouted: "C'est Maigret, c'est Maigret. You are the flesh and bones of Maigret!" Davies later remembered. "That was a wonderful beginning. Then he drove us to his lovely château in the village of Enchandens, where I met his wife. Later he began to coach me in Maigret's idiosyncrasies."
A take is a single continuous recorded performance. The term is used in film and music to denote and track the stages of production.
In cinematography, a take refers to each filmed "version" of a particular shot or "setup". Takes of each shot are generally numbered starting with "take one" and the number of each successive take is increased (with the director calling for "take two" or "take eighteen") until the filming of the shot is completed.
A one-take occurs when the entire scene is shot satisfactorily the first time, whether by necessity (as with certain expensive special effects) or by happy accident.
Film takes are often designated with the aid of a clapperboard. It is also referred to as the slate. The number of each take is written or attached to the clapboard, which is filmed briefly prior to or at the beginning of the actual take. Only takes which are vetted by the continuity person and/or script supervisor are printed and are sent to the film editor.
Some film directors are known for using very long, unedited takes. Alfred Hitchcock's Rope is famous for being composed of nine uninterrupted takes, each from four to ten minutes long. This required actors to step over cables and dolly tracks while filming, and stagehands to move furniture and props out of the camera's way as it moved around the room. A camera operator's foot was broken by a heavy dolly during one intensive take, and he was gagged and hauled out of the studio so that filming could continue without interruption. The eight-minute opening shot of The Player includes people discussing long takes in other movies.
Takes is the third studio album by British singer/songwriter Adem. It is a covers album, consisting primarily of covers of 90s pop/alternative tracks.
5 Takes is a travel series that airs on the Travel Channel. The series documents bloggers and vloggers traveling to locations of the world while interacting online with viewers. Viewers often suggest locations the hosts, referred to as "TJs" ("travel journalists"), should visit. The series was invented and produced by Lisa Lambden and Michael Rosenblum of
To date, there have been four seasons shown on the Travel Channel in the US.
When the original episodes of 5 Takes air in the United States, all of the footage and travel is said to have taken place in the ten days preceding the debut.
The series debuted on the Travel Channel on July 23, 2005. Its season finale was on September 10, 2005. It took the first group of TJs to Europe. A highlight of this season included two of the TJs, (often referred to as Travel Journalists in the first season) Ronnie and Derek, traveling unexpectedly to London after the July 7 bombings, which took place while the show was being filmed in Europe. The other cities that the TJs visited, in order of travel, were: Barcelona, Paris (and London), Amsterdam, Prague, Venice, Athens, and Berlin.