In Brief

Offering asides, recommended links, blogworthy quotations, and more, In Brief is the Northwest Progressive Institute's microblog of world, national, and local politics.

The Detroit Free Press reports: “The FBI is now investigating the contamination of Flint’s drinking water, a man-made public health catastrophe, which has left an unknown number of Flint children and other residents poisoned by lead and resulted in state and federal emergency declarations.”

Courtesy of Microsoft and Interknowingly, these are the results from the Iowa 2016 Republican precinct caucuses as of 7:44 PM Pacific.

News networks are projecting that Texas Senator Ted Cruz has won the Iowa Republican caucuses. Cruz is trailed by Donald Trump and Marco Rubio.

Courtesy of Microsoft and Interknowingly, these are the results from the Iowa 2016 Democratic precinct caucuses as of 7:07 PM Pacific.

Republican precinct caucus results are currently unavailable.

Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley plans to drop out of the Democratic presidential race after faring poorly in the Iowa Democratic caucuses, multiple mass media outlets are reporting. O’Malley, who trailed far behind Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in polling, was hoping to get a boost out of Iowa, but in most caucus locations, he isn’t even surpassing the viability threshold.

Courtesy of Microsoft and Interknowingly, these are the results from the Iowa 2016 Democratic precinct caucuses as of 6:07 PM Pacific.
6:07 PM Iowa Republican caucus results

Courtesy of Microsoft and Interknowingly, these are the results from the Republican precinct caucuses as of 6:07 PM Pacific.

People are telling us, whether it’s the Washington Post editorial board or anybody else, our ideas are too ambitious — can’t happen. Too bold — really? Well, here’s something which is really bold. In the last 30 years, there has been a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class and working families of this country… Where was The Washington Post talking about this radical transformation of America?
Bernie Sanders, unloading on The Washington Post in response to its ridiculous editorials harshly denouncing his candidacy.

The campaign of Bernie Sanders for President announced today that it succeeded in raising $20 million during the first month of 2016, an impressive sum that suggests Bernie will have staying power beyond the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary.

U.S. Highway 101 has become impassable through the town of Harbor, Oregon, because the road has disappeared into a giant sinkhole. Drivers will have to detour around for some time to come while ODOT figures out a fix for the highway. (Photos courtesy of the Oregon Department of Transportation).

Sinkhole in Harbor, Oregon (alternate view)

Above is “”, the new ad Bernie Sanders is airing in Iowa.

The City of Seattle is suing megacorporation Monsanto for damages over the contamination of the Duwamish River, which became polluted with toxic chemicals due to the company’s manufacture of PCBs. Monsanto’s predictable response to the lawsuit has been to deny that it is responsible. In Monstanto’s world, accountability simply doesn’t exist.

“With Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz battling for the Republican nomination, two powerful factions of their party are now clashing over the question: Which man is more dangerous?” reports The New York Times’ Jonathan Martin.

Several of the ringleaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation were taken into custody and one was killed after they were stopped by police near Burns, Oregon, authorities have acknowledged. The deceased man is said to be Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, who acted as a spokesman for the group and reportedly resisted arrest. Among those taken into custody were the Bundy brothers, Ammon and Ryan.

“Pam Roach has been kicked off a legislative task force on human trafficking after complaints that she belittled and verbally abused victims of sex trafficking at a meeting last month,” The Seattle Times reports.

I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump said to laughter at a rally he held at a Christian college in northwest Iowa. “It’s like, incredible.
Were my grandfather alive today, he’d be excited about how far we have come as a nation since 1963, he would feel a sense of urgency about the challenges that lie ahead and he most certainly would not be a Republican.
Jack Kennedy Schlossberg: Ted Cruz is no Jack Kennedy