Sunday, June 03, 2007

I want my RCTV!

A demonstrator returns a tear gas grenade to riot police as clashes broke out during a protest in downtown Caracas May 29, 2007 against the decision by President Hugo Chavez to take the country's oldest television channel, Radio Caracas Television (RCTV), off the air and replace it with a state-run channel to promote his socialist programs. REUTERS/Jorge Silva (VENEZUELA)

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Flags, Flames, and Fumes. Student Activism in Greece.

A masked protester throws a rock at police next to a cloud of tear gas in Athens March 8, 2007. Greek students protesting against university reforms hurled petrol bombs and rocks on Thursday at riot police, who retaliated by firing tear gas as parliament voted in the new education bill.

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