Solar - Reset (Freestyle) (prod. Lanek) [ISKRA #14] [VIDEO]
rap/tekst: Solar https://www.facebook.com/slonecznysolar // https://www.instagram.com/solarwwa
Fizyki iskier/klik klaków już tuż tuż. Zamówienia wysyłajcie na: iskra.klikklak@gmail.com a niedługo wystartuje strona http://sbmaffija.com gdzie ruszy regularna sprzedaż. Wtedy też odpowiemy na maile (jeszcze nikt nie dostał odpowiedzi).
acapella: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/9zd2tmchi3ydty7/14._
Star Wars auf Drogen - ALLE FOLGEN Solar Wars - Synchro/Verarsche
Alle Solar Wars Folgen in einem Video - du hast es dir gewünscht (oder auch nicht) und hier ist es!
Übrigens verdiene ich weder mit diesem Video was (Urheberecht geht an Star Wars - Disney), noch mit all meinen anderen Filmparodien.
"Solar Wars" aka. "die genialsten Kunstwerke in der Geschichte von Allem" (Zitat der Oscar Academy 2015) ist die von "Davis Fucking Schulz" ins Leben gerufene Filmparo
DIY Solar Panel System: Components, Cost & Savings
Here I share with you every component I use for my DIY solar panel system, where you can buy it and how much I paid. I cover my solar panels, wiring, solar p...
Solar Air Heater! - The "Screen Absorber" Solar Air Heater! - Easy DIY (full instructions)
Homemade Solar Air Heater! - The "Screen Absorber" Solar Air Heater!. Easy DIY. Produces temps near 140F (with outdoor air in the mid 40's). design of collector is similar to the steel can/aluminum can solar air heater but uses a "screen absorber plate" instead of the cans. video is a full tutorial with step by step instructions. how it works: outside air enters the collector at the bottom throug
Can We Power Everything With Solar Panels?
Solar panels are the future of energy efficiency, but it’s their price tag that has people second guessing. Have scientists found a way to make them cheaper?
How Africa Is Hacking It’s Energy Crisis ►►►► https://youtu.be/PASI7_MlPZg
To Learn More About Energy Poverty ►►►► www.One.org/energy
Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► http://dne.ws/1McUJdm
Read More:
UNSW researcher
EEVblog #724 - Home Solar Power System Analysis & Update
Dave looks at his 3kW home solar power system after being in operation for 18 months and analyses the results.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGENVguQQmo
Timelapse install video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQAd7nposJQ
How much energy was produced?
How does net and gross metering work?
What is the payback period?
What is solar insolation?
The 3kW system uses 12 x 250W LG MonoX
Noisecontrollers & Bass Modulators - Solar (Official Music Video)
Out now at: http://qdance.lnk.to/NCBM-SolarAY
Connect with Bass Modulators:
Connect with Noisecontrollers:
Van Life - Our Amazing Solar Power Set up!
We installed a 300 Watt solar system in our campervan and we love it! It makes living in a van much more comfortable, especially since we're also working in the van!
We're using Renogy's flexible (bendable) 100 Watt panels, a 40 amp MPPT charge controller, a 500 Watt pure-sine inverter and a 155 ah Deep Cycle AGM battery from VMAX. Watch the video to check out how we installed it!
If you wa
Off Grid Living: Solar Myths Debunked
Solar power is a beautiful renewable resource, as well as hydro and wind power! So many Americans really want to become more independent, more self sustainable but really believe the myths that the cant afford to either go off the grid or even do a grid tied solar setup! Really? Dont believe the naysayers! Renewable energy sources have come down in price. And with federal incentives and state reba
How to get 2000ºF Solar Power
Convert a junk TV into a 2000ºF solar cooker. Here's a technique for hacking a 4 foot mega magnifying lens out of your old TV, and some of the things you can...
Build A Solar Generator for Under $200
To a lot of us Solar Power seems out of reach. The imagined expense and complexity of the system can be a deterrent. Small scale solar on the other hand is withing everybody's reach. We all have the need to charge small electronics like phones, computers, i-pads, and digital cameras. You don't need to live off-grid to have a need for a small solar power generator.
Solar Power On A Budget
My simple ad hoc/hybrid solar power system, assembled on a budget over time. Reliable and easy to maintain.
Solar - Dziękujemy serdecznie! (Aspiratio TRIBUTE)
Ledwo w mixie, nagrane w domu. Dziękujemy.
http://facebook.com/slonecznysolar || http://instagram.com/solarwwa
http://facebook.com/sbmaffija /
tekst: http://genius.com/Solar-dziekujemy-serdecznie-aspiratio-tribute-lyrics
instrumental: 20syl - Voices
Wężu PMM ft. RDI, Bartas, Solar, Białas - Echo piwnicy
Preorder: http://goo.gl/NOyqcq
Wężu na fb: https://www.facebook.com/wezupmm
W sieci pojawił się nowy singiel od Węża PMM. Gościnnie w numerze „Echo piwnicy” udzielili się RDI, Bartas, Solar i Białas. Muzyka to dzieło szczecińskiego rapera. Pierwotnie do utworu miał pojawić się klip, jednak z powodów technicznych jego premiera zostanie przesunięta o tydzień.
- W związku z problemami z ukończenie
Solar Air Conditioning Part 1
I am installing a hybrid solar air conditioner that will run on 800 watts of solar and 90 watts of AC power. I think this is a great a
Solar Panel Documentary - HISTORY MOVIES
Solar Panel Documentary - HISTORY MOVIES
Solar panel refers to a panel made to take in the sunlight's rays as a source of power for creating electricity or home heating.
A PV component is a packaged, connected assembly of normally 6 × 10 solar batteries. Solar PV panels make up the solar array of a photovoltaic system that produces as well as supplies solar electricity in business and also domes
DIY How To Understand and Size Your Off Grid Solar Power System
Fortunately for us preppers, if the grid should ever go down we can generate our own electricity. Join us in PART 1 of the series, as we answer every question you would have in creating your own DIY off grid / grid down solar back up system. In this first part we look at assessing your needs to size and design your own system.
Things discussed in this video:
The Kill-A-Watt meter for measuring
Inverter wired directly to solar panel
Can you connect an AC inverter directly to a solar panel? Let's find out! In this video I connect a 500 watt inverter directly to a 50 watt solar panel. The ...
Filme Ataque Solar
O sol está emitindo um ataque solar
Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!
Solar Roadways has entered into the Indiegogo InDemand program:
Video by Michael Naphan
Check out our other videos for more info!
"Mid Dream" by Michael Sempert
David Engle music
Movement Photographer
Time-Lapse Photographer Jim MacDon
Last Day @ Padre Island & Solar Install Info
Spliced in last 3 days of video to show the more of the gathering at the beach, my solar and TV setup, and leaving to clean up the RV.
“Tennessee Hayride” by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
email: ericjacobs1463@yahoo.com
facebook: facebook.com/nomadicfanatic
Solar Fake - I Don't Want You In Here (Official Video Clip)
From the album "Another Manic Episode" ... get it here:
Credits :
I don't want you in here (music, lyrics by Sven Friedrich)
from the album "Another Manic Episode"
a zerArt production
directed by JK
camera by Sven Friedrich & JK
produced by Sven Friedrich for zerArt
model : Wenke
cats : Emil, Ramses, Muffin
Basic 100w Solar Panel Set Up Step By Step
100w solar set up for my shed
Solar - Reset (Freestyle) (prod. Lanek) [ISKRA #14] [VIDEO]
rap/tekst: Solar https://www.facebook.com/slonecznysolar // https://www.instagram.com/solarwwa
Fizyki iskier/klik klaków już tuż tuż. Zamówienia wysyłajcie na: ...
rap/tekst: Solar https://www.facebook.com/slonecznysolar // https://www.instagram.com/solarwwa
Fizyki iskier/klik klaków już tuż tuż. Zamówienia wysyłajcie na: iskra.klikklak@gmail.com a niedługo wystartuje strona http://sbmaffija.com gdzie ruszy regularna sprzedaż. Wtedy też odpowiemy na maile (jeszcze nikt nie dostał odpowiedzi).
acapella: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/9zd2tmchi3ydty7/14._SOLAR_-_RESET_%28ACAPELLA_92BPM%29.wav
bit: Lanek https://www.facebook.com/LNKBEATS
Video: H D S C V M
nagranie /mix/mastering wokali, oraz mastering całości: Solar @ NOBOCOTO STUDIO (https://www.facebook.com/nobocoto)
mix bitu: Got Barss https://www.facebook.com/GotBarss
SB MAFFIJA https://www.facebook.com/sbmaffija / http://instagram.com/sbmaffija_official
Prosto Label: http://facebook.com/ProstoLabel
wsparcie: DIAMANTE WEAR http://diamante-wear.com/
Subskrybuj nasz kanał!
wn.com/Solar Reset (Freestyle) (Prod. Lanek) Iskra 14 Video
rap/tekst: Solar https://www.facebook.com/slonecznysolar // https://www.instagram.com/solarwwa
Fizyki iskier/klik klaków już tuż tuż. Zamówienia wysyłajcie na: iskra.klikklak@gmail.com a niedługo wystartuje strona http://sbmaffija.com gdzie ruszy regularna sprzedaż. Wtedy też odpowiemy na maile (jeszcze nikt nie dostał odpowiedzi).
acapella: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/9zd2tmchi3ydty7/14._SOLAR_-_RESET_%28ACAPELLA_92BPM%29.wav
bit: Lanek https://www.facebook.com/LNKBEATS
Video: H D S C V M
nagranie /mix/mastering wokali, oraz mastering całości: Solar @ NOBOCOTO STUDIO (https://www.facebook.com/nobocoto)
mix bitu: Got Barss https://www.facebook.com/GotBarss
SB MAFFIJA https://www.facebook.com/sbmaffija / http://instagram.com/sbmaffija_official
Prosto Label: http://facebook.com/ProstoLabel
wsparcie: DIAMANTE WEAR http://diamante-wear.com/
Subskrybuj nasz kanał!
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 52985
Star Wars auf Drogen - ALLE FOLGEN Solar Wars - Synchro/Verarsche
Alle Solar Wars Folgen in einem Video - du hast es dir gewünscht (oder auch nicht) und hier ist es!
Übrigens verdiene ich weder mit diesem Video was (Urheberech...
Alle Solar Wars Folgen in einem Video - du hast es dir gewünscht (oder auch nicht) und hier ist es!
Übrigens verdiene ich weder mit diesem Video was (Urheberecht geht an Star Wars - Disney), noch mit all meinen anderen Filmparodien.
"Solar Wars" aka. "die genialsten Kunstwerke in der Geschichte von Allem" (Zitat der Oscar Academy 2015) ist die von "Davis Fucking Schulz" ins Leben gerufene Filmparodie der Star Wars Prequels (Episode II und III). Außerdem ist es eine Fischmarke. Komisch oder? Wer angelt n Fisch und sagt dann "Ab jetzt heißen alle meine Fische Solar Wars". War bestimmt geisteskrank der Typ. Oder ein Genie. So wie ich. Also geisteskrank meine ich.
Ich hoffe dir gefällts, hab noch einiges umgeschnitten, abgeändert, abgerundet und sooo weiter.
Dein zukünftiger Freund Davis.
►Instagram: http://instagram.com/davisschulz_geheim
►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavisSchulz
→YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/DavisSchulz
→Infos: http://de.youtube.wikia.com/wiki/3Dudelsack3
Stimmen, Sounds, Skript & Co: Davis Schulz
Star Wars Episode 2 - Angriff der Klonkrieger ("Angriff der Klokrieger")
Star Wars Episode 3 - Die Rache der Sith ("Die Lache von Mr. Smith")
Vielen Dank für's Ansehen!
Guck gerne noch auf meinem Channel vorbei:
wn.com/Star Wars Auf Drogen Alle Folgen Solar Wars Synchro Verarsche
Alle Solar Wars Folgen in einem Video - du hast es dir gewünscht (oder auch nicht) und hier ist es!
Übrigens verdiene ich weder mit diesem Video was (Urheberecht geht an Star Wars - Disney), noch mit all meinen anderen Filmparodien.
"Solar Wars" aka. "die genialsten Kunstwerke in der Geschichte von Allem" (Zitat der Oscar Academy 2015) ist die von "Davis Fucking Schulz" ins Leben gerufene Filmparodie der Star Wars Prequels (Episode II und III). Außerdem ist es eine Fischmarke. Komisch oder? Wer angelt n Fisch und sagt dann "Ab jetzt heißen alle meine Fische Solar Wars". War bestimmt geisteskrank der Typ. Oder ein Genie. So wie ich. Also geisteskrank meine ich.
Ich hoffe dir gefällts, hab noch einiges umgeschnitten, abgeändert, abgerundet und sooo weiter.
Dein zukünftiger Freund Davis.
►Instagram: http://instagram.com/davisschulz_geheim
►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavisSchulz
→YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/DavisSchulz
→Infos: http://de.youtube.wikia.com/wiki/3Dudelsack3
Stimmen, Sounds, Skript & Co: Davis Schulz
Star Wars Episode 2 - Angriff der Klonkrieger ("Angriff der Klokrieger")
Star Wars Episode 3 - Die Rache der Sith ("Die Lache von Mr. Smith")
Vielen Dank für's Ansehen!
Guck gerne noch auf meinem Channel vorbei:
- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 82954
DIY Solar Panel System: Components, Cost & Savings
Here I share with you every component I use for my DIY solar panel system, where you can buy it and how much I paid. I cover my solar panels, wiring, solar p......
Here I share with you every component I use for my DIY solar panel system, where you can buy it and how much I paid. I cover my solar panels, wiring, solar p...
wn.com/Diy Solar Panel System Components, Cost Savings
Here I share with you every component I use for my DIY solar panel system, where you can buy it and how much I paid. I cover my solar panels, wiring, solar p...
- published: 24 Aug 2012
- views: 363980
author: LDSPrepper
Solar Air Heater! - The "Screen Absorber" Solar Air Heater! - Easy DIY (full instructions)
Homemade Solar Air Heater! - The "Screen Absorber" Solar Air Heater!. Easy DIY. Produces temps near 140F (with outdoor air in the mid 40's). design of collector...
Homemade Solar Air Heater! - The "Screen Absorber" Solar Air Heater!. Easy DIY. Produces temps near 140F (with outdoor air in the mid 40's). design of collector is similar to the steel can/aluminum can solar air heater but uses a "screen absorber plate" instead of the cans. video is a full tutorial with step by step instructions. how it works: outside air enters the collector at the bottom through several entrance vents. it then raises up through the collector (passing over, under and through the screen absorber plate along the way. when it reaches the top it's pulled out by a small fan through an exit vent. bottom piece of internal frame acts as a baffle which helps to spread out the airflow. short list of item sizes/dimensions: outer frame: One (1x4) cut down into Two 33 3/4" pieces and Two 20 1/4" pieces. inner frame: One (2x2) cut down into Two 26" pieces and Two 15" pieces. glass (plexi-Glas) used is 20" by 32" (always build your collector around the glass you have available). dimension of backing 33 3/4" by 21 3/4". hardware used: Twelve #8 3/4" wood screws for the backing. Eight #8 1 3/4" wood screws for the outer frame. Four #12 2 1/2" wood screws for the internal frame. vent tube is a 3" dryer hose (expands up to 8 feet). collector is painted with flat black paint. seal up the collector appropriately to match your local climate conditions (using weather stripping, caulk etc.). final thoughts... experiments suggest that a "dual layer" screen absorber plate works the best (single layer and triple layers of screen tend to produce slightly lower temps). *i recommend keeping the entrance vent "cutouts". those can be reinserted to adjust airflow (which could potentially raise/lower output temps - will do additional experiments). i experimented with putting the screen absorber at an angle inside collector but angling it did not produce higher temps. (*note that using no screen at all (just a black box) will significantly reduce output temps - they dropped down an average of 20-30F (couldn't get above 109.5F without the screen assembly)
wn.com/Solar Air Heater The Screen Absorber Solar Air Heater Easy Diy (Full Instructions)
Homemade Solar Air Heater! - The "Screen Absorber" Solar Air Heater!. Easy DIY. Produces temps near 140F (with outdoor air in the mid 40's). design of collector is similar to the steel can/aluminum can solar air heater but uses a "screen absorber plate" instead of the cans. video is a full tutorial with step by step instructions. how it works: outside air enters the collector at the bottom through several entrance vents. it then raises up through the collector (passing over, under and through the screen absorber plate along the way. when it reaches the top it's pulled out by a small fan through an exit vent. bottom piece of internal frame acts as a baffle which helps to spread out the airflow. short list of item sizes/dimensions: outer frame: One (1x4) cut down into Two 33 3/4" pieces and Two 20 1/4" pieces. inner frame: One (2x2) cut down into Two 26" pieces and Two 15" pieces. glass (plexi-Glas) used is 20" by 32" (always build your collector around the glass you have available). dimension of backing 33 3/4" by 21 3/4". hardware used: Twelve #8 3/4" wood screws for the backing. Eight #8 1 3/4" wood screws for the outer frame. Four #12 2 1/2" wood screws for the internal frame. vent tube is a 3" dryer hose (expands up to 8 feet). collector is painted with flat black paint. seal up the collector appropriately to match your local climate conditions (using weather stripping, caulk etc.). final thoughts... experiments suggest that a "dual layer" screen absorber plate works the best (single layer and triple layers of screen tend to produce slightly lower temps). *i recommend keeping the entrance vent "cutouts". those can be reinserted to adjust airflow (which could potentially raise/lower output temps - will do additional experiments). i experimented with putting the screen absorber at an angle inside collector but angling it did not produce higher temps. (*note that using no screen at all (just a black box) will significantly reduce output temps - they dropped down an average of 20-30F (couldn't get above 109.5F without the screen assembly)
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 49772
Can We Power Everything With Solar Panels?
Solar panels are the future of energy efficiency, but it’s their price tag that has people second guessing. Have scientists found a way to make them cheaper?
Solar panels are the future of energy efficiency, but it’s their price tag that has people second guessing. Have scientists found a way to make them cheaper?
How Africa Is Hacking It’s Energy Crisis ►►►► https://youtu.be/PASI7_MlPZg
To Learn More About Energy Poverty ►►►► www.One.org/energy
Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► http://dne.ws/1McUJdm
Read More:
UNSW researchers convert sunlight to electricity with over 40 percent efficiency
“UNSW Australia's solar researchers have converted over 40% of the sunlight hitting a solar system into electricity, the highest efficiency ever reported. The record efficiency was achieved in outdoor tests in Sydney, before being independently confirmed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at their outdoor test facility in the United States.”
DARPA pushes for 50% efficient photovoltaics to power soldiers' small tools
“Photovoltaic solar cells already provide the armed forces with portable power supplies. But with their present low efficiency, a 60W laptop recharger would require more than 0.37m2 of solar cells.”
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wn.com/Can We Power Everything With Solar Panels
Solar panels are the future of energy efficiency, but it’s their price tag that has people second guessing. Have scientists found a way to make them cheaper?
How Africa Is Hacking It’s Energy Crisis ►►►► https://youtu.be/PASI7_MlPZg
To Learn More About Energy Poverty ►►►► www.One.org/energy
Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► http://dne.ws/1McUJdm
Read More:
UNSW researchers convert sunlight to electricity with over 40 percent efficiency
“UNSW Australia's solar researchers have converted over 40% of the sunlight hitting a solar system into electricity, the highest efficiency ever reported. The record efficiency was achieved in outdoor tests in Sydney, before being independently confirmed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at their outdoor test facility in the United States.”
DARPA pushes for 50% efficient photovoltaics to power soldiers' small tools
“Photovoltaic solar cells already provide the armed forces with portable power supplies. But with their present low efficiency, a 60W laptop recharger would require more than 0.37m2 of solar cells.”
DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily.
Watch More DNews on TestTube http://testtube.com/dnews
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Trace Dominguez on Twitter https://twitter.com/tracedominguez
Julia Wilde on Twitter https://twitter.com/julia_sci
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Download the TestTube App: http://testu.be/1ndmmMq
Sign Up For The TestTube Mailing List: http://dne.ws/1McUJdm
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 7821
EEVblog #724 - Home Solar Power System Analysis & Update
Dave looks at his 3kW home solar power system after being in operation for 18 months and analyses the results.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V...
Dave looks at his 3kW home solar power system after being in operation for 18 months and analyses the results.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGENVguQQmo
Timelapse install video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQAd7nposJQ
How much energy was produced?
How does net and gross metering work?
What is the payback period?
What is solar insolation?
The 3kW system uses 12 x 250W LG MonoX panels
and an SMA Sunnyboy 3000TL inverter.
Uploading data to PVoutput.org using PVbeancounter and bluetooth from the Sunnyboy inverter.
PVoutput data: http://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?sid=20402
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-724-home-solar-power-system-analysis-update/msg630168/#msg630168
EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com
The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2
Support the EEVblog through Patreon!
EEVblog Amazon Store (Dave gets a cut):
Electronics Info Wiki:
wn.com/Eevblog 724 Home Solar Power System Analysis Update
Dave looks at his 3kW home solar power system after being in operation for 18 months and analyses the results.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGENVguQQmo
Timelapse install video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQAd7nposJQ
How much energy was produced?
How does net and gross metering work?
What is the payback period?
What is solar insolation?
The 3kW system uses 12 x 250W LG MonoX panels
and an SMA Sunnyboy 3000TL inverter.
Uploading data to PVoutput.org using PVbeancounter and bluetooth from the Sunnyboy inverter.
PVoutput data: http://pvoutput.org/list.jsp?sid=20402
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-724-home-solar-power-system-analysis-update/msg630168/#msg630168
EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com
The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2
Support the EEVblog through Patreon!
EEVblog Amazon Store (Dave gets a cut):
Electronics Info Wiki:
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 78007
Noisecontrollers & Bass Modulators - Solar (Official Music Video)
Out now at: http://qdance.lnk.to/NCBM-SolarAY
Connect with Bass Modulators:
Out now at: http://qdance.lnk.to/NCBM-SolarAY
Connect with Bass Modulators:
Connect with Noisecontrollers:
wn.com/Noisecontrollers Bass Modulators Solar (Official Music Video)
Out now at: http://qdance.lnk.to/NCBM-SolarAY
Connect with Bass Modulators:
Connect with Noisecontrollers:
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 24334
Van Life - Our Amazing Solar Power Set up!
We installed a 300 Watt solar system in our campervan and we love it! It makes living in a van much more comfortable, especially since we're also working in t...
We installed a 300 Watt solar system in our campervan and we love it! It makes living in a van much more comfortable, especially since we're also working in the van!
We're using Renogy's flexible (bendable) 100 Watt panels, a 40 amp MPPT charge controller, a 500 Watt pure-sine inverter and a 155 ah Deep Cycle AGM battery from VMAX. Watch the video to check out how we installed it!
If you want more information about the components, prices, etc., check out our blog post about the solar panel system here:
Thanks for watching!
Mat and Danielle
Blog: http://exploringalternatives.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/exploringalternativesblog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/exploringalternatives
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/weareexploring/
wn.com/Van Life Our Amazing Solar Power Set Up
We installed a 300 Watt solar system in our campervan and we love it! It makes living in a van much more comfortable, especially since we're also working in the van!
We're using Renogy's flexible (bendable) 100 Watt panels, a 40 amp MPPT charge controller, a 500 Watt pure-sine inverter and a 155 ah Deep Cycle AGM battery from VMAX. Watch the video to check out how we installed it!
If you want more information about the components, prices, etc., check out our blog post about the solar panel system here:
Thanks for watching!
Mat and Danielle
Blog: http://exploringalternatives.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/exploringalternativesblog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/exploringalternatives
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/weareexploring/
- published: 22 May 2015
- views: 970
Off Grid Living: Solar Myths Debunked
Solar power is a beautiful renewable resource, as well as hydro and wind power! So many Americans really want to become more independent, more self sustainable ...
Solar power is a beautiful renewable resource, as well as hydro and wind power! So many Americans really want to become more independent, more self sustainable but really believe the myths that the cant afford to either go off the grid or even do a grid tied solar setup! Really? Dont believe the naysayers! Renewable energy sources have come down in price. And with federal incentives and state rebates, it PAYS to invest in something that gives you FREEDOM, independence, and a source of power that NO ONE can shut off!! Think about that? We buy ourselves NEw trucks and cars but wont invest in life insurance policy of free renewable electricity to FREE US? Thats incredible. So today I am debunking those myths! YOU CAN save money with solar, you can free yourself! Smarten up people, these things aren't for the rich!
wn.com/Off Grid Living Solar Myths Debunked
Solar power is a beautiful renewable resource, as well as hydro and wind power! So many Americans really want to become more independent, more self sustainable but really believe the myths that the cant afford to either go off the grid or even do a grid tied solar setup! Really? Dont believe the naysayers! Renewable energy sources have come down in price. And with federal incentives and state rebates, it PAYS to invest in something that gives you FREEDOM, independence, and a source of power that NO ONE can shut off!! Think about that? We buy ourselves NEw trucks and cars but wont invest in life insurance policy of free renewable electricity to FREE US? Thats incredible. So today I am debunking those myths! YOU CAN save money with solar, you can free yourself! Smarten up people, these things aren't for the rich!
- published: 16 Aug 2015
- views: 1865
How to get 2000ºF Solar Power
Convert a junk TV into a 2000ºF solar cooker. Here's a technique for hacking a 4 foot mega magnifying lens out of your old TV, and some of the things you can......
Convert a junk TV into a 2000ºF solar cooker. Here's a technique for hacking a 4 foot mega magnifying lens out of your old TV, and some of the things you can...
wn.com/How To Get 2000ºf Solar Power
Convert a junk TV into a 2000ºF solar cooker. Here's a technique for hacking a 4 foot mega magnifying lens out of your old TV, and some of the things you can...
Build A Solar Generator for Under $200
To a lot of us Solar Power seems out of reach. The imagined expense and complexity of the system can be a deterrent. Small scale solar on the other hand is with...
To a lot of us Solar Power seems out of reach. The imagined expense and complexity of the system can be a deterrent. Small scale solar on the other hand is withing everybody's reach. We all have the need to charge small electronics like phones, computers, i-pads, and digital cameras. You don't need to live off-grid to have a need for a small solar power generator.
Follow Wranglerstar on Facebook for exclusive videos, pictures, & updates. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wranglerstar/453208754723615
wn.com/Build A Solar Generator For Under 200
To a lot of us Solar Power seems out of reach. The imagined expense and complexity of the system can be a deterrent. Small scale solar on the other hand is withing everybody's reach. We all have the need to charge small electronics like phones, computers, i-pads, and digital cameras. You don't need to live off-grid to have a need for a small solar power generator.
Follow Wranglerstar on Facebook for exclusive videos, pictures, & updates. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wranglerstar/453208754723615
- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 133748
Solar Power On A Budget
My simple ad hoc/hybrid solar power system, assembled on a budget over time. Reliable and easy to maintain....
My simple ad hoc/hybrid solar power system, assembled on a budget over time. Reliable and easy to maintain.
wn.com/Solar Power On A Budget
My simple ad hoc/hybrid solar power system, assembled on a budget over time. Reliable and easy to maintain.
- published: 22 May 2014
- views: 225
Solar - Dziękujemy serdecznie! (Aspiratio TRIBUTE)
Ledwo w mixie, nagrane w domu. Dziękujemy.
http://facebook.com/slonecznysolar || http://instagram.com/solarwwa
Ledwo w mixie, nagrane w domu. Dziękujemy.
http://facebook.com/slonecznysolar || http://instagram.com/solarwwa
http://facebook.com/sbmaffija /
tekst: http://genius.com/Solar-dziekujemy-serdecznie-aspiratio-tribute-lyrics
instrumental: 20syl - Voices
wn.com/Solar Dziękujemy Serdecznie (Aspiratio Tribute)
Ledwo w mixie, nagrane w domu. Dziękujemy.
http://facebook.com/slonecznysolar || http://instagram.com/solarwwa
http://facebook.com/sbmaffija /
tekst: http://genius.com/Solar-dziekujemy-serdecznie-aspiratio-tribute-lyrics
instrumental: 20syl - Voices
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 94748
Wężu PMM ft. RDI, Bartas, Solar, Białas - Echo piwnicy
Preorder: http://goo.gl/NOyqcq
Wężu na fb: https://www.facebook.com/wezupmm
W sieci pojawił się nowy singiel od Węża PMM. Gościnnie w numerze „Echo piwnicy” ud...
Preorder: http://goo.gl/NOyqcq
Wężu na fb: https://www.facebook.com/wezupmm
W sieci pojawił się nowy singiel od Węża PMM. Gościnnie w numerze „Echo piwnicy” udzielili się RDI, Bartas, Solar i Białas. Muzyka to dzieło szczecińskiego rapera. Pierwotnie do utworu miał pojawić się klip, jednak z powodów technicznych jego premiera zostanie przesunięta o tydzień.
- W związku z problemami z ukończeniem produkcji teledysku na poziomie, na którym chcemy Wam go zaprezentować, jestem zmuszony przełożyć premierę klipu "Echo piwnicy" – mówi Wężu. - Dla wszystkich, którzy czekali na ten numer mam jedną pocieszającą informację ... już teraz możecie sprawdzać audio tego numeru, a wersja zobrazowana pojawi się jak tylko ukończymy prace nad tym projektem. Pozdrawiam i przepraszam wszystkich rozczarowanych. Sprawdzajcie audio, a video już wkrótce – dodaje.
Jednocześnie od dzisiaj rusza przedsprzedaż specjalnej edycji krążka „Wiadomość” z zestawem wlep i ekskluzywną dedykacją od artysty. Premiera albumu 12 lutego 2016.
RDI na fb: https://www.facebook.com/Rdi-178394115598920/
Białas na fb: https://www.facebook.com/bialash8me
Solar na fb: https://www.facebook.com/slonecznysolar
Title: Echo piwnicy ;
Artist: Wężu PMM ;
Album: Wiadomość ;
Lyrics: Wężu PMM, RDI, Bartas, Solar, Białas ;
Featuring: RDI, Bartas, Solar, Białas ;
Producer: Wężu PMM ;
Mix/master: Marek Dulewicz ;
Label: PMMrecords / Step Dystrybucja ;
wn.com/Wężu Pmm Ft. Rdi, Bartas, Solar, Białas Echo Piwnicy
Preorder: http://goo.gl/NOyqcq
Wężu na fb: https://www.facebook.com/wezupmm
W sieci pojawił się nowy singiel od Węża PMM. Gościnnie w numerze „Echo piwnicy” udzielili się RDI, Bartas, Solar i Białas. Muzyka to dzieło szczecińskiego rapera. Pierwotnie do utworu miał pojawić się klip, jednak z powodów technicznych jego premiera zostanie przesunięta o tydzień.
- W związku z problemami z ukończeniem produkcji teledysku na poziomie, na którym chcemy Wam go zaprezentować, jestem zmuszony przełożyć premierę klipu "Echo piwnicy" – mówi Wężu. - Dla wszystkich, którzy czekali na ten numer mam jedną pocieszającą informację ... już teraz możecie sprawdzać audio tego numeru, a wersja zobrazowana pojawi się jak tylko ukończymy prace nad tym projektem. Pozdrawiam i przepraszam wszystkich rozczarowanych. Sprawdzajcie audio, a video już wkrótce – dodaje.
Jednocześnie od dzisiaj rusza przedsprzedaż specjalnej edycji krążka „Wiadomość” z zestawem wlep i ekskluzywną dedykacją od artysty. Premiera albumu 12 lutego 2016.
RDI na fb: https://www.facebook.com/Rdi-178394115598920/
Białas na fb: https://www.facebook.com/bialash8me
Solar na fb: https://www.facebook.com/slonecznysolar
Title: Echo piwnicy ;
Artist: Wężu PMM ;
Album: Wiadomość ;
Lyrics: Wężu PMM, RDI, Bartas, Solar, Białas ;
Featuring: RDI, Bartas, Solar, Białas ;
Producer: Wężu PMM ;
Mix/master: Marek Dulewicz ;
Label: PMMrecords / Step Dystrybucja ;
- published: 08 Jan 2016
- views: 36186
Solar Air Conditioning Part 1
I am installing a hybrid solar air conditioner that will run on 800 watts of solar and 90 watts ...
I am installing a hybrid solar air conditioner that will run on 800 watts of solar and 90 watts of AC power. I think this is a great a
wn.com/Solar Air Conditioning Part 1
I am installing a hybrid solar air conditioner that will run on 800 watts of solar and 90 watts of AC power. I think this is a great a
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 5442
Solar Panel Documentary - HISTORY MOVIES
Solar Panel Documentary - HISTORY MOVIES
Solar panel refers to a panel made to take in the sunlight's rays as a source of power for creating electricity or hom...
Solar Panel Documentary - HISTORY MOVIES
Solar panel refers to a panel made to take in the sunlight's rays as a source of power for creating electricity or home heating.
A PV component is a packaged, connected assembly of normally 6 × 10 solar batteries. Solar PV panels make up the solar array of a photovoltaic system that produces as well as supplies solar electricity in business and also domestic applications. Each module is ranked by its DC outcome power under typical examination problems, as well as typically varies from 100 to 365 watts. The efficiency of a component identifies the location of a component given the exact same rated result-- an 8 % efficient 230 watt module will have two times the location of a 16 % reliable 230 watt component. There are a few photovoltaic panels offered that are exceeding 19 % performance. A single solar component could generate just a limited amount of power; many installations include several modules. A photovoltaic system normally includes a panel or an array of solar components, a solar inverter, and also sometimes a battery and/or solar tracker as well as interconnection wiring.
The rate of solar power, together with batteries for storage, has actually remained to fall so that in several nations it is much cheaper compared to common fossil fuel electrical power from the grid (there is "grid parity"). For instance in 2015, an ordinary home in Europe or the United States can use around 3,000 kilowatt-hour (kWh) in power yearly. Twelve 280 watt solar PV components (each generating 250 kWh each year) would certainly generate at least 3,000 kWh each year, even in a cloudy country like the UK. An example market price would certainly have to do with ₤ 8,000 in the UK, $12,000 in the US, or EUR10,000 in the Eurozone in 2015, which is particular to continually drop, enabling irreversible power independence for each house. A lot of governments have feed-in toll systems that allow property owner to offer surplus energy back right into the grid, and also make a future revenue on their financial investment.
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More Documentary Films
wn.com/Solar Panel Documentary History Movies
Solar Panel Documentary - HISTORY MOVIES
Solar panel refers to a panel made to take in the sunlight's rays as a source of power for creating electricity or home heating.
A PV component is a packaged, connected assembly of normally 6 × 10 solar batteries. Solar PV panels make up the solar array of a photovoltaic system that produces as well as supplies solar electricity in business and also domestic applications. Each module is ranked by its DC outcome power under typical examination problems, as well as typically varies from 100 to 365 watts. The efficiency of a component identifies the location of a component given the exact same rated result-- an 8 % efficient 230 watt module will have two times the location of a 16 % reliable 230 watt component. There are a few photovoltaic panels offered that are exceeding 19 % performance. A single solar component could generate just a limited amount of power; many installations include several modules. A photovoltaic system normally includes a panel or an array of solar components, a solar inverter, and also sometimes a battery and/or solar tracker as well as interconnection wiring.
The rate of solar power, together with batteries for storage, has actually remained to fall so that in several nations it is much cheaper compared to common fossil fuel electrical power from the grid (there is "grid parity"). For instance in 2015, an ordinary home in Europe or the United States can use around 3,000 kilowatt-hour (kWh) in power yearly. Twelve 280 watt solar PV components (each generating 250 kWh each year) would certainly generate at least 3,000 kWh each year, even in a cloudy country like the UK. An example market price would certainly have to do with ₤ 8,000 in the UK, $12,000 in the US, or EUR10,000 in the Eurozone in 2015, which is particular to continually drop, enabling irreversible power independence for each house. A lot of governments have feed-in toll systems that allow property owner to offer surplus energy back right into the grid, and also make a future revenue on their financial investment.
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More Documentary Films
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 1
DIY How To Understand and Size Your Off Grid Solar Power System
Fortunately for us preppers, if the grid should ever go down we can generate our own electricity. Join us in PART 1 of the series, as we answer every question ...
Fortunately for us preppers, if the grid should ever go down we can generate our own electricity. Join us in PART 1 of the series, as we answer every question you would have in creating your own DIY off grid / grid down solar back up system. In this first part we look at assessing your needs to size and design your own system.
Things discussed in this video:
The Kill-A-Watt meter for measuring your consumption-
Schematic of the Tin Hat Ranch 400 Watt Renogy System-
Renogy 400 Watt Premium Solar Kit
Renogy 1000 Watt Pure Sine Wave Inverter:
Solar Assessment Worksheet-
"Come Play With Me" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
wn.com/Diy How To Understand And Size Your Off Grid Solar Power System
Fortunately for us preppers, if the grid should ever go down we can generate our own electricity. Join us in PART 1 of the series, as we answer every question you would have in creating your own DIY off grid / grid down solar back up system. In this first part we look at assessing your needs to size and design your own system.
Things discussed in this video:
The Kill-A-Watt meter for measuring your consumption-
Schematic of the Tin Hat Ranch 400 Watt Renogy System-
Renogy 400 Watt Premium Solar Kit
Renogy 1000 Watt Pure Sine Wave Inverter:
Solar Assessment Worksheet-
"Come Play With Me" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- published: 11 Apr 2015
- views: 81
Inverter wired directly to solar panel
Can you connect an AC inverter directly to a solar panel? Let's find out! In this video I connect a 500 watt inverter directly to a 50 watt solar panel. The ......
Can you connect an AC inverter directly to a solar panel? Let's find out! In this video I connect a 500 watt inverter directly to a 50 watt solar panel. The ...
wn.com/Inverter Wired Directly To Solar Panel
Can you connect an AC inverter directly to a solar panel? Let's find out! In this video I connect a 500 watt inverter directly to a 50 watt solar panel. The ...
Filme Ataque Solar
O sol está emitindo um ataque solar...
O sol está emitindo um ataque solar
wn.com/Filme Ataque Solar
O sol está emitindo um ataque solar
- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 1147
Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!
Solar Roadways has entered into the Indiegogo InDemand program:
Video by Michael Naphan
Check out...
Solar Roadways has entered into the Indiegogo InDemand program:
Video by Michael Naphan
Check out our other videos for more info!
"Mid Dream" by Michael Sempert
David Engle music
Movement Photographer
Time-Lapse Photographer Jim MacDonald
"X-ING" Short film by Michael Naphan
wn.com/Solar Freakin' Roadways
Solar Roadways has entered into the Indiegogo InDemand program:
Video by Michael Naphan
Check out our other videos for more info!
"Mid Dream" by Michael Sempert
David Engle music
Movement Photographer
Time-Lapse Photographer Jim MacDonald
"X-ING" Short film by Michael Naphan
- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 20689970
Last Day @ Padre Island & Solar Install Info
Spliced in last 3 days of video to show the more of the gathering at the beach, my solar and TV setup, and leaving to clean up the RV.
“Tennessee Hayride” by Au...
Spliced in last 3 days of video to show the more of the gathering at the beach, my solar and TV setup, and leaving to clean up the RV.
“Tennessee Hayride” by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
email: ericjacobs1463@yahoo.com
facebook: facebook.com/nomadicfanatic
wn.com/Last Day Padre Island Solar Install Info
Spliced in last 3 days of video to show the more of the gathering at the beach, my solar and TV setup, and leaving to clean up the RV.
“Tennessee Hayride” by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
email: ericjacobs1463@yahoo.com
facebook: facebook.com/nomadicfanatic
- published: 11 Jan 2016
- views: 20281
Solar Fake - I Don't Want You In Here (Official Video Clip)
From the album "Another Manic Episode" ... get it here:
Credits :
I don't want you in h...
From the album "Another Manic Episode" ... get it here:
Credits :
I don't want you in here (music, lyrics by Sven Friedrich)
from the album "Another Manic Episode"
a zerArt production
directed by JK
camera by Sven Friedrich & JK
produced by Sven Friedrich for zerArt
model : Wenke
cats : Emil, Ramses, Muffin
wn.com/Solar Fake I Don't Want You In Here (Official Video Clip)
From the album "Another Manic Episode" ... get it here:
Credits :
I don't want you in here (music, lyrics by Sven Friedrich)
from the album "Another Manic Episode"
a zerArt production
directed by JK
camera by Sven Friedrich & JK
produced by Sven Friedrich for zerArt
model : Wenke
cats : Emil, Ramses, Muffin
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 3872
Kerala HC stays FIR on Chandy in solar scam
Trivandrum, Jan 29 (ANI): The Kerala High Court on Friday put a stay on the vigilance FIR against state Chief Minister Oommen Chandy for two months for his alleged involvement in the solar scam. Speaking on the support received from the Congress, Chandy said they supported me because they are aware of the politics of Kerala, adding that truth always prevails. Chandy added that people in Kerala kno
Solar Water Heater Tank Manufacturing Equipment Locking Machine
we can offer both solar water heater and electric water heater tank manufacturing equipments ,with over 30 years experences,we are becoming the best one in this field and win high reputation from our customers.
some customers for your reference:
sunrain,himing,linuo paradigma,sangle,A.O.Smith,Ariston,Media,Haier,Harvels ,ERASLAN,Sergun and so on.
for more discussion kindly contact us:
Solar Butterfly
Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl Black/Solar Green Closer Look
The second colorway of the revolutionary, laceless Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl boots introduces a less saturated look for the all-new Adidas soccer cleat, officially launched on January 29. It features an outstanding sole plate reflection finish.
Adidas unveiled a blackout version of the laceless Ace football boots in early November, while the first colorway, a striking green paint job, was releas
Pier Solar con Mornav! Parte 33 - Asuntos terminados, sigamos la aventura!
Hola a tuttifrutti!! ¿Preparados para otro gameplay comentado en español? ¡Vamos allá!
Sígueme en Twitter, y te enterarás de cuando subo videos y otras cosas: https://twitter.com/FrankyMornav
En esta ocasión, ¡terminaremos con las últimas cosillas en el "mundo normal" y llegaremos a la otra dimensión!
Una historia inesperada por allí, una cueva de hielo suculenta por allá, ¡y todos locos!
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Glass Solar Filter for Telescope fits Celestron Meade
Excellent viewing the sun! I like the fact its a friction fit over my 8"SCT (so it doesn't scratch the scope). Very easy to use the views are very Cool!! I it visually with my DLSR (T3i). This will show spots, it will not prominence, or the granular of H-alpha.
Now you can your during the daytime!!
Product reviews information and price:
CC Attribution:
Venta - Solar - Denia (03749) - -1 habitacion - 250m²
Estupenda parcela en Marquesa VI en Dénia, esta parcela es idonea para la construcción de un chalet, la parcela esta situada en una urbanización de prestigio reconocido en la población de Dénia.Esta urbanización por la situación que tiene es estratégica ya que se ubica cerca de los servicios más importantes de la marina alta, tales como el centro comercial Portal de la Marina en ondara, las playas
Solar Ghotala: Kerala Me Chaandi ke Khilaf Pradarshan Me Hinsak Jhadap
केरल में सोलर घोटाले को लेकर आज भी तिरुवनंतपुरम में जमकर हंगामा हो रहा है। सचिवालय के बाहर बीजेपी युवा मोर्चा के कार्यकर्ता सीएम ओमन चांडी के खिलाफ विरोध प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं। लेफ्ट समर्थक भी इस विरोध में हंगामा कर रहे हैं। इस दौरान प्रदर्शनकारियों की पुलिस से हिंसक झड़प भी हुई है।
A cada dia que passa sabemos mais sobre os planetas e luas que orbitam nosso Sol. Os astrônomos detectaram algumas condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de vida simples em alguns planetas e luas do nosso sistema solar. Veja aqui quais são.
Stalking Prey d
Kerala HC stays FIR on Chandy in solar scam
Trivandrum, Jan 29 (ANI): The Kerala High Court on Friday put a stay on the vigilance FIR against state Chief Minister Oommen Chandy for two months for his alle...
Trivandrum, Jan 29 (ANI): The Kerala High Court on Friday put a stay on the vigilance FIR against state Chief Minister Oommen Chandy for two months for his alleged involvement in the solar scam. Speaking on the support received from the Congress, Chandy said they supported me because they are aware of the politics of Kerala, adding that truth always prevails. Chandy added that people in Kerala know everything and the scam is a "big conspiracy" against him.
wn.com/Kerala Hc Stays Fir On Chandy In Solar Scam
Trivandrum, Jan 29 (ANI): The Kerala High Court on Friday put a stay on the vigilance FIR against state Chief Minister Oommen Chandy for two months for his alleged involvement in the solar scam. Speaking on the support received from the Congress, Chandy said they supported me because they are aware of the politics of Kerala, adding that truth always prevails. Chandy added that people in Kerala know everything and the scam is a "big conspiracy" against him.
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 3
Solar Water Heater Tank Manufacturing Equipment Locking Machine
we can offer both solar water heater and electric water heater tank manufacturing equipments ,with over 30 years experences,we are becoming the best one in this...
we can offer both solar water heater and electric water heater tank manufacturing equipments ,with over 30 years experences,we are becoming the best one in this field and win high reputation from our customers.
some customers for your reference:
sunrain,himing,linuo paradigma,sangle,A.O.Smith,Ariston,Media,Haier,Harvels ,ERASLAN,Sergun and so on.
for more discussion kindly contact us:
wn.com/Solar Water Heater Tank Manufacturing Equipment Locking Machine
we can offer both solar water heater and electric water heater tank manufacturing equipments ,with over 30 years experences,we are becoming the best one in this field and win high reputation from our customers.
some customers for your reference:
sunrain,himing,linuo paradigma,sangle,A.O.Smith,Ariston,Media,Haier,Harvels ,ERASLAN,Sergun and so on.
for more discussion kindly contact us:
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl Black/Solar Green Closer Look
The second colorway of the revolutionary, laceless Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl boots introduces a less saturated look for the all-new Adidas soccer cleat, offici...
The second colorway of the revolutionary, laceless Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl boots introduces a less saturated look for the all-new Adidas soccer cleat, officially launched on January 29. It features an outstanding sole plate reflection finish.
Adidas unveiled a blackout version of the laceless Ace football boots in early November, while the first colorway, a striking green paint job, was released in mid-January 2016.
Officially labeled "Core Black / Shock Pink / Solar Green", the new Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl cleats feature a mostly black, laceless upper with a subtle shimmering effect, while the bold three stripes on the outside are colored in eye-catching Solar Green. Whereas the regular Adidas Ace 16.1 variant of the same colorway prominently includes Shock Pink trim, the use of the color here is more reserved and only affects the front pull tab and the lower part of the studs.
Also unlike all the other versions of the Adidas Ace 16, the Adidas stripes don't come with a gradient detail and are only visible on the outside. The inside of the black Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl boots is colored solid black. The most stand-out feature of the black Adidas Ace PureControl boots is however the sole plate, which is coated in a shiny metallic finish that resembles the rainbow reflection of spilled oil.
Branded as the first football boot to offer a truly "pure touch", the new Adidas Ace PureControl cleats do away with any sort of traditional lacing and instead only boast an extension of the heightened collar in the place where the lace would be in a standard soccer boot.
Other than that, the Core Black / Shock Pink / Solar Green Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl cleats are comparable to the Primeknit version. For more Adidas Ace 16 PureControl tech details, check out our in-depth analysis.
The stunning black Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl football boots are already available at select stockists for $300 (300 €, £250).
Adidas Ace
Adidas Ace 16
Adidas Ace PureControl
Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl
Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl Black
wn.com/Adidas Ace 16 Purecontrol Black Solar Green Closer Look
The second colorway of the revolutionary, laceless Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl boots introduces a less saturated look for the all-new Adidas soccer cleat, officially launched on January 29. It features an outstanding sole plate reflection finish.
Adidas unveiled a blackout version of the laceless Ace football boots in early November, while the first colorway, a striking green paint job, was released in mid-January 2016.
Officially labeled "Core Black / Shock Pink / Solar Green", the new Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl cleats feature a mostly black, laceless upper with a subtle shimmering effect, while the bold three stripes on the outside are colored in eye-catching Solar Green. Whereas the regular Adidas Ace 16.1 variant of the same colorway prominently includes Shock Pink trim, the use of the color here is more reserved and only affects the front pull tab and the lower part of the studs.
Also unlike all the other versions of the Adidas Ace 16, the Adidas stripes don't come with a gradient detail and are only visible on the outside. The inside of the black Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl boots is colored solid black. The most stand-out feature of the black Adidas Ace PureControl boots is however the sole plate, which is coated in a shiny metallic finish that resembles the rainbow reflection of spilled oil.
Branded as the first football boot to offer a truly "pure touch", the new Adidas Ace PureControl cleats do away with any sort of traditional lacing and instead only boast an extension of the heightened collar in the place where the lace would be in a standard soccer boot.
Other than that, the Core Black / Shock Pink / Solar Green Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl cleats are comparable to the Primeknit version. For more Adidas Ace 16 PureControl tech details, check out our in-depth analysis.
The stunning black Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl football boots are already available at select stockists for $300 (300 €, £250).
Adidas Ace
Adidas Ace 16
Adidas Ace PureControl
Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl
Adidas Ace 16+ PureControl Black
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 2
Pier Solar con Mornav! Parte 33 - Asuntos terminados, sigamos la aventura!
Hola a tuttifrutti!! ¿Preparados para otro gameplay comentado en español? ¡Vamos allá!
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Hola a tuttifrutti!! ¿Preparados para otro gameplay comentado en español? ¡Vamos allá!
Sígueme en Twitter, y te enterarás de cuando subo videos y otras cosas: https://twitter.com/FrankyMornav
En esta ocasión, ¡terminaremos con las últimas cosillas en el "mundo normal" y llegaremos a la otra dimensión!
Una historia inesperada por allí, una cueva de hielo suculenta por allá, ¡y todos locos!
¿Quieres saber más? ¡Mira el video!
PD: Imaginaos que venga un testigo de Jehová en la otra dimensión.. Se haría eterno, ¡pero de verdad! XD
¿Te pilla de nuevas esta serie o te has perdido alguna otra? No te preocupes, ¡te traigo la solución!
Con los siguientes enlaces ordenados alfabéticamente, ¡no te perderás ni un minuto de mis videos!
- Pier Solar and the Great Architects:
- APT:
- Crypt of the Necrodancer:
- Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition:
- Downwell:
- Dragon Fin Soup:
- Freaking Meatbags:
- Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime:
- Magicite:
- Outland:
- Pony Island:
- Skyhill:
- The Magic Circle:
- TowerClimb
- A Knife Made of Whispers:
- Axiom Verge:
- Evoland 2:
- Not a Hero:
- Please, Don't Touch Anything:
- Roguelight:
- This War of Mine:
- Terraria 1.3:
- Terraria invertido:
wn.com/Pier Solar Con Mornav Parte 33 Asuntos Terminados, Sigamos La Aventura
Hola a tuttifrutti!! ¿Preparados para otro gameplay comentado en español? ¡Vamos allá!
Sígueme en Twitter, y te enterarás de cuando subo videos y otras cosas: https://twitter.com/FrankyMornav
En esta ocasión, ¡terminaremos con las últimas cosillas en el "mundo normal" y llegaremos a la otra dimensión!
Una historia inesperada por allí, una cueva de hielo suculenta por allá, ¡y todos locos!
¿Quieres saber más? ¡Mira el video!
PD: Imaginaos que venga un testigo de Jehová en la otra dimensión.. Se haría eterno, ¡pero de verdad! XD
¿Te pilla de nuevas esta serie o te has perdido alguna otra? No te preocupes, ¡te traigo la solución!
Con los siguientes enlaces ordenados alfabéticamente, ¡no te perderás ni un minuto de mis videos!
- Pier Solar and the Great Architects:
- APT:
- Crypt of the Necrodancer:
- Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition:
- Downwell:
- Dragon Fin Soup:
- Freaking Meatbags:
- Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime:
- Magicite:
- Outland:
- Pony Island:
- Skyhill:
- The Magic Circle:
- TowerClimb
- A Knife Made of Whispers:
- Axiom Verge:
- Evoland 2:
- Not a Hero:
- Please, Don't Touch Anything:
- Roguelight:
- This War of Mine:
- Terraria 1.3:
- Terraria invertido:
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led...
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
wn.com/Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
Energia Solar Lampadas Led
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 40
Glass Solar Filter for Telescope fits Celestron Meade
Excellent viewing the sun! I like the fact its a friction fit over my 8"SCT (so it doesn't scratch the scope). Very easy to use the views are very Cool!! I it v...
Excellent viewing the sun! I like the fact its a friction fit over my 8"SCT (so it doesn't scratch the scope). Very easy to use the views are very Cool!! I it visually with my DLSR (T3i). This will show spots, it will not prominence, or the granular of H-alpha.
Now you can your during the daytime!!
Product reviews information and price:
CC Attribution:
wn.com/Glass Solar Filter For Telescope Fits Celestron Meade
Excellent viewing the sun! I like the fact its a friction fit over my 8"SCT (so it doesn't scratch the scope). Very easy to use the views are very Cool!! I it visually with my DLSR (T3i). This will show spots, it will not prominence, or the granular of H-alpha.
Now you can your during the daytime!!
Product reviews information and price:
CC Attribution:
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Venta - Solar - Denia (03749) - -1 habitacion - 250m²
Estupenda parcela en Marquesa VI en Dénia, esta parcela es idonea para la construcción de un chalet, la parcela esta situada en una urbanización de prestigio re...
Estupenda parcela en Marquesa VI en Dénia, esta parcela es idonea para la construcción de un chalet, la parcela esta situada en una urbanización de prestigio reconocido en la población de Dénia.Esta urbanización por la situación que tiene es estratégica ya que se ubica cerca de los servicios más importantes de la marina alta, tales como el centro comercial Portal de la Marina en ondara, las playas de las Rotas y las Marinas a unos escasos cinco minutos.También se hallan cerca los campos de golf Oliva Nova o la Sella que está ubicado el hotel Marriot, también le es cercano las gasolineras, escuelas, autopista, clubs de tenis, teatros, hospitales, parques temáticos como Terra Mítica en Benidorm, en el cual se encuentran Terra Natura o Aqualandia, entre otros.La urbanización Marquesa VI es una prestigiosa zona residencial exclusiva, de la cual tiene unas impresionantes vistas a la bahía de Dénia y al puerto deportivo de Dénia.Denia es una ciudad de la Comunidad Valenciana, situada en la costa norte de la provincia de Alicante, en la Costa Blanca. Es la capital de la Comarca de la Marina Alta, cuenta con unos 45.000 habitantes, pero en verano su población puede aumentar a unos 200.000.Además del núcleo urbano de Denia, existen varias pedanías: La Jara: situado al oeste del núcleo urbano, entre Denia y Ondara. Jesús Pobre: situado al sur de Denia, tras el Montgó y La Pedrera: situado a las faldas del Montgó.QUE VISITAREL AYUNTAMIENTO. Destaca el equilibrio de su fachada, con seis sólidos arcos de medio punto así como los ventanales de las dos plantas superiores. Es de origen medieval.TORRE DEL GERRO. Torre vigía renacentista, que formaba parte del sistema de vigilancia costera desarrollado durante los siglos XVI y XVII para defenderse de los piratas berberiscos.LES DRASSANES. El edificio original es una obra civil datada en el s. XVI. En su interior, aparte de realizar un importante papel como almacén del puerto, se construían y reparaban barcos.CASTILLO DE DÉNIA. Su diseño se remonta a época islámica, entre los siglos XI y XII. Está situado sobre una colina junto al mar, en el corazón de la ciudad.PLAYASDénia cuenta con largas y extensas playas de arena y sorprendentes calas rocosas. Al norte del municipio se sitúan las playas de arena en Área Les Marines. Dentro de esta área se ubican las siguientes: Punta del Raset, Les Marines, Les Bovetes, Els Molins, L’Almadrava y Les Deveses. http://www.idealista.com/32223582
wn.com/Venta Solar Denia (03749) 1 Habitacion 250M²
Estupenda parcela en Marquesa VI en Dénia, esta parcela es idonea para la construcción de un chalet, la parcela esta situada en una urbanización de prestigio reconocido en la población de Dénia.Esta urbanización por la situación que tiene es estratégica ya que se ubica cerca de los servicios más importantes de la marina alta, tales como el centro comercial Portal de la Marina en ondara, las playas de las Rotas y las Marinas a unos escasos cinco minutos.También se hallan cerca los campos de golf Oliva Nova o la Sella que está ubicado el hotel Marriot, también le es cercano las gasolineras, escuelas, autopista, clubs de tenis, teatros, hospitales, parques temáticos como Terra Mítica en Benidorm, en el cual se encuentran Terra Natura o Aqualandia, entre otros.La urbanización Marquesa VI es una prestigiosa zona residencial exclusiva, de la cual tiene unas impresionantes vistas a la bahía de Dénia y al puerto deportivo de Dénia.Denia es una ciudad de la Comunidad Valenciana, situada en la costa norte de la provincia de Alicante, en la Costa Blanca. Es la capital de la Comarca de la Marina Alta, cuenta con unos 45.000 habitantes, pero en verano su población puede aumentar a unos 200.000.Además del núcleo urbano de Denia, existen varias pedanías: La Jara: situado al oeste del núcleo urbano, entre Denia y Ondara. Jesús Pobre: situado al sur de Denia, tras el Montgó y La Pedrera: situado a las faldas del Montgó.QUE VISITAREL AYUNTAMIENTO. Destaca el equilibrio de su fachada, con seis sólidos arcos de medio punto así como los ventanales de las dos plantas superiores. Es de origen medieval.TORRE DEL GERRO. Torre vigía renacentista, que formaba parte del sistema de vigilancia costera desarrollado durante los siglos XVI y XVII para defenderse de los piratas berberiscos.LES DRASSANES. El edificio original es una obra civil datada en el s. XVI. En su interior, aparte de realizar un importante papel como almacén del puerto, se construían y reparaban barcos.CASTILLO DE DÉNIA. Su diseño se remonta a época islámica, entre los siglos XI y XII. Está situado sobre una colina junto al mar, en el corazón de la ciudad.PLAYASDénia cuenta con largas y extensas playas de arena y sorprendentes calas rocosas. Al norte del municipio se sitúan las playas de arena en Área Les Marines. Dentro de esta área se ubican las siguientes: Punta del Raset, Les Marines, Les Bovetes, Els Molins, L’Almadrava y Les Deveses. http://www.idealista.com/32223582
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Solar Ghotala: Kerala Me Chaandi ke Khilaf Pradarshan Me Hinsak Jhadap
केरल में सोलर घोटाले को लेकर आज भी तिरुवनंतपुरम में जमकर हंगामा हो रहा है। सचिवालय के बाहर बीजेपी युवा मोर्चा के कार्यकर्ता सीएम ओमन चांडी के खिलाफ विरोध प्रदर्...
केरल में सोलर घोटाले को लेकर आज भी तिरुवनंतपुरम में जमकर हंगामा हो रहा है। सचिवालय के बाहर बीजेपी युवा मोर्चा के कार्यकर्ता सीएम ओमन चांडी के खिलाफ विरोध प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं। लेफ्ट समर्थक भी इस विरोध में हंगामा कर रहे हैं। इस दौरान प्रदर्शनकारियों की पुलिस से हिंसक झड़प भी हुई है।
wn.com/Solar Ghotala Kerala Me Chaandi Ke Khilaf Pradarshan Me Hinsak Jhadap
केरल में सोलर घोटाले को लेकर आज भी तिरुवनंतपुरम में जमकर हंगामा हो रहा है। सचिवालय के बाहर बीजेपी युवा मोर्चा के कार्यकर्ता सीएम ओमन चांडी के खिलाफ विरोध प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं। लेफ्ट समर्थक भी इस विरोध में हंगामा कर रहे हैं। इस दौरान प्रदर्शनकारियों की पुलिस से हिंसक झड़प भी हुई है।
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 27
A cada dia que passa sabemos mais sobre os planetas e luas que orbitam nosso Sol. Os astrônomos detectaram algumas condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de vi...
A cada dia que passa sabemos mais sobre os planetas e luas que orbitam nosso Sol. Os astrônomos detectaram algumas condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de vida simples em alguns planetas e luas do nosso sistema solar. Veja aqui quais são.
Stalking Prey de Audionautix está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artista: http://audionautix.com/
Full On de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300005
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Heavy Interlude de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100515
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Griphop de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100413
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Classic Horror 3 de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100469
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Frozen Star de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100356
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Ghost Story de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300034
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
wn.com/Em Quais Corpos Celestes Do Nosso Sistema Solar Poderemos Encontrar Vida
A cada dia que passa sabemos mais sobre os planetas e luas que orbitam nosso Sol. Os astrônomos detectaram algumas condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de vida simples em alguns planetas e luas do nosso sistema solar. Veja aqui quais são.
Stalking Prey de Audionautix está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artista: http://audionautix.com/
Full On de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300005
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Heavy Interlude de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100515
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Griphop de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100413
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Classic Horror 3 de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100469
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Frozen Star de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100356
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
Ghost Story de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300034
Artista: http://incompetech.com/
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 3
Malayalam full movie Solar Swapnam || Malayalam movie 2015 new releases || Sensational movie
Malayalam movie Solar swapnam is a Malayalam romantic - Thriller .Directed by Joy Antony. Starring Bhuvana, Puja, Nandu, Arti Puri , Devan & others. The root story of Solar Swapnam is about the woman harassment, yes in today's world the attitude of society toward woman has changed a lot. She is not safe now, she need more security. Human rights violations against women have, for too long, been d
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A fury is building on the surface of the Sun – high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave that reaches 100,000 kilometers high, rising loops of electrified gas. What's driving these strange phenomena? How will they affect planet Earth? Find the answers as we venture into the seething interior of our star.
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Odcinek 4 Solar Novy TV 2015
Solar mówi o nadchodzących projektach, trochę też o Iskrach popierdoliliśmy głupot, o ewentualnym feacie z Kękę, Prosto Mixtape, przyszłość w PROSTO i wgl w chuj ciekawych wątków, całość sprawdzajcie.
Solar fields - Red + Blue + Green - full set - 2014
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Chakras Sleep Meditation Music: Solar Plexus (MANIPURA) Activation & Healing, Kundalini Sleep Music
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El Hormiguero Mx
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Compartan en sus redes sociales Boombastic Media.
Malayalam full movie Solar Swapnam || Malayalam movie 2015 new releases || Sensational movie
Malayalam movie Solar swapnam is a Malayalam romantic - Thriller .Directed by Joy Antony. Starring Bhuvana, Puja, Nandu, Arti Puri , Devan & others. The root ...
Malayalam movie Solar swapnam is a Malayalam romantic - Thriller .Directed by Joy Antony. Starring Bhuvana, Puja, Nandu, Arti Puri , Devan & others. The root story of Solar Swapnam is about the woman harassment, yes in today's world the attitude of society toward woman has changed a lot. She is not safe now, she need more security. Human rights violations against women have, for too long, been denied the attention and concern of international organizations, national governments, traditional human rights groups and the press. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of girls and women around the world continue to endure debilitating and often fatal human rights abuses. These are only a few instances of abuse which occur every single day all around the world. Human rights violations against women must be documented, publicized and stopped. India, which was believed to be the center of world culture and tradition has almost lost it's ethnic values. Man is using woman for his pleasure, prosperity and sake. In many issues we have heard women as culprits, who have bowed heads. But behind each and everyone of them there is a Man, who pressed and seduced her and pushed her self into the pit. But his name will be of-the record. He is safe and sound. Now law will fetch behind him, especially in India. Man easily gain her trust and tactically cheats her.
Haritha nair is the central character of this movie. she is a highly educated woman. But she also had a dark past of child hood. She is still searching for that face. She is pretty bold, smart & good looking. Haritha is a very responsible social animal. Her friend Sandra is press reporter. Both were keenly interested in social disputers, especially in woman rescue and empowerment. Ajay kartha was a cunning person. He is a born criminal. But none of his friends of relatives never know it. He murdered his wife Rajalakshmi, to gain the life insurance money. He had cheated so many women too. But he left no clues. When he came to know about Haritha, he tactically grabbed her attention, eventually it turned into a relation. She got cheated, and betrayed. But his intentions were far more than that, he invited her to join into his 'Solar Apartments' projects. He arranged parties and meetings of the big shots and politicians. He used Haritha & Gayatri to gain the approvals and advance cash. Haritha was a smart girl, she never lost her self into the hands of those low lives. She trusted Ajay a lot, but she never realized his black heart. The so called "Business' grown more and more, company got millions of investments. But they never started any of the construction works. Ajay framed some strange reasons for all. On the other hand Haritha eventually came to know about the forgeries in company. She found the old guy who dislodged her life, he is now a king maker is politics, KRP. But she was too late. She got arrested as the main accused. Adv.Kartha, bailed her out. But it was a trap to kill her. Now Movie leans to the climax. What may will happen to her? Will the law show mercy to her? and punish the real culprits? Watch full movie 'Solar Swapnam
wn.com/Malayalam Full Movie Solar Swapnam || Malayalam Movie 2015 New Releases || Sensational Movie
Malayalam movie Solar swapnam is a Malayalam romantic - Thriller .Directed by Joy Antony. Starring Bhuvana, Puja, Nandu, Arti Puri , Devan & others. The root story of Solar Swapnam is about the woman harassment, yes in today's world the attitude of society toward woman has changed a lot. She is not safe now, she need more security. Human rights violations against women have, for too long, been denied the attention and concern of international organizations, national governments, traditional human rights groups and the press. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of girls and women around the world continue to endure debilitating and often fatal human rights abuses. These are only a few instances of abuse which occur every single day all around the world. Human rights violations against women must be documented, publicized and stopped. India, which was believed to be the center of world culture and tradition has almost lost it's ethnic values. Man is using woman for his pleasure, prosperity and sake. In many issues we have heard women as culprits, who have bowed heads. But behind each and everyone of them there is a Man, who pressed and seduced her and pushed her self into the pit. But his name will be of-the record. He is safe and sound. Now law will fetch behind him, especially in India. Man easily gain her trust and tactically cheats her.
Haritha nair is the central character of this movie. she is a highly educated woman. But she also had a dark past of child hood. She is still searching for that face. She is pretty bold, smart & good looking. Haritha is a very responsible social animal. Her friend Sandra is press reporter. Both were keenly interested in social disputers, especially in woman rescue and empowerment. Ajay kartha was a cunning person. He is a born criminal. But none of his friends of relatives never know it. He murdered his wife Rajalakshmi, to gain the life insurance money. He had cheated so many women too. But he left no clues. When he came to know about Haritha, he tactically grabbed her attention, eventually it turned into a relation. She got cheated, and betrayed. But his intentions were far more than that, he invited her to join into his 'Solar Apartments' projects. He arranged parties and meetings of the big shots and politicians. He used Haritha & Gayatri to gain the approvals and advance cash. Haritha was a smart girl, she never lost her self into the hands of those low lives. She trusted Ajay a lot, but she never realized his black heart. The so called "Business' grown more and more, company got millions of investments. But they never started any of the construction works. Ajay framed some strange reasons for all. On the other hand Haritha eventually came to know about the forgeries in company. She found the old guy who dislodged her life, he is now a king maker is politics, KRP. But she was too late. She got arrested as the main accused. Adv.Kartha, bailed her out. But it was a trap to kill her. Now Movie leans to the climax. What may will happen to her? Will the law show mercy to her? and punish the real culprits? Watch full movie 'Solar Swapnam
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 90
Solar Power Revolution - Here Comes The Sun -- Documentary
Countries all over the world are leading the way towards a green economy. Unfortunately lobbying by the oil, gas, coal and nuclear industries are hindering p......
Countries all over the world are leading the way towards a green economy. Unfortunately lobbying by the oil, gas, coal and nuclear industries are hindering p...
wn.com/Solar Power Revolution Here Comes The Sun Documentary
Countries all over the world are leading the way towards a green economy. Unfortunately lobbying by the oil, gas, coal and nuclear industries are hindering p...
Solar vs Semper [ZvT] - Group B - Bo3 - DreamHack ROCCAT Legacy of the Void Championship
Playlist - DreamHack ROCCAT Legacy of the Void Championship
DreamHack is the...
Playlist - DreamHack ROCCAT Legacy of the Void Championship
DreamHack is the world’s largest digital festival and meeting place for gamers, fans and eSports enthusiasts. The originally Swedish festival did in 2014 attract over 104,000 visitors and more than 15 million unique viewers via live stream.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dreamhackfestival/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DreamHack
Web: http://dreamhack.se/
wn.com/Solar Vs Semper Zvt Group B Bo3 Dreamhack Roccat Legacy Of The Void Championship
Playlist - DreamHack ROCCAT Legacy of the Void Championship
DreamHack is the world’s largest digital festival and meeting place for gamers, fans and eSports enthusiasts. The originally Swedish festival did in 2014 attract over 104,000 visitors and more than 15 million unique viewers via live stream.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dreamhackfestival/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DreamHack
Web: http://dreamhack.se/
- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 5295
Solar Fields - Movements [Full Album]
http://ultimae.bandcamp.com/album/movements 01. Sol 0:00 02. Circles of Motion 8:31 03. Discovering 18:14 04. Sky Trees 29:08 05. The Stones are not too busy......
http://ultimae.bandcamp.com/album/movements 01. Sol 0:00 02. Circles of Motion 8:31 03. Discovering 18:14 04. Sky Trees 29:08 05. The Stones are not too busy...
wn.com/Solar Fields Movements Full Album
http://ultimae.bandcamp.com/album/movements 01. Sol 0:00 02. Circles of Motion 8:31 03. Discovering 18:14 04. Sky Trees 29:08 05. The Stones are not too busy...
Solar Superstorms
A fury is building on the surface of the Sun – high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave that reaches 100,000 kilometers high, rising loops of electrified gas. W...
A fury is building on the surface of the Sun – high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave that reaches 100,000 kilometers high, rising loops of electrified gas. What's driving these strange phenomena? How will they affect planet Earth? Find the answers as we venture into the seething interior of our star.
Solar Superstorms is a major new production that takes viewers into the tangle of magnetic fields and superhot plasma that vent the Sun's rage in dramatic flares, violent solar tornadoes, and the largest eruptions in the solar system: Coronal Mass Ejections.
The show features one of the most intensive efforts ever made to visualize the inner workings of the sun, including a series of groundbreaking scientific visualizations computed on the giant new supercomputing initiative, Blue Waters, based at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), University of Illinois.
Brace yourself for the onslaught of the next ….Solar Superstorm.
wn.com/Solar Superstorms
A fury is building on the surface of the Sun – high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave that reaches 100,000 kilometers high, rising loops of electrified gas. What's driving these strange phenomena? How will they affect planet Earth? Find the answers as we venture into the seething interior of our star.
Solar Superstorms is a major new production that takes viewers into the tangle of magnetic fields and superhot plasma that vent the Sun's rage in dramatic flares, violent solar tornadoes, and the largest eruptions in the solar system: Coronal Mass Ejections.
The show features one of the most intensive efforts ever made to visualize the inner workings of the sun, including a series of groundbreaking scientific visualizations computed on the giant new supercomputing initiative, Blue Waters, based at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), University of Illinois.
Brace yourself for the onslaught of the next ….Solar Superstorm.
- published: 29 Aug 2015
- views: 2333
Odcinek 4 Solar Novy TV 2015
Solar mówi o nadchodzących projektach, trochę też o Iskrach popierdoliliśmy głupot, o ewentualnym feacie z Kękę, Prosto Mixtape, przyszłość w PROSTO i wgl w chu...
Solar mówi o nadchodzących projektach, trochę też o Iskrach popierdoliliśmy głupot, o ewentualnym feacie z Kękę, Prosto Mixtape, przyszłość w PROSTO i wgl w chuj ciekawych wątków, całość sprawdzajcie.
wn.com/Odcinek 4 Solar Novy Tv 2015
Solar mówi o nadchodzących projektach, trochę też o Iskrach popierdoliliśmy głupot, o ewentualnym feacie z Kękę, Prosto Mixtape, przyszłość w PROSTO i wgl w chuj ciekawych wątków, całość sprawdzajcie.
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 1704
Solar fields - Red + Blue + Green - full set - 2014
3 Albums by Solar fields mixed to one long set .. enjoy !...
3 Albums by Solar fields mixed to one long set .. enjoy !
wn.com/Solar Fields Red Blue Green Full Set 2014
3 Albums by Solar fields mixed to one long set .. enjoy !
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 2
Portable USB Solar Panel Charger Review / Tests - Part 1
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Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
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In this video I test 11 portable / folding USB Solar Panel Chargers to see how well they perform.
* SunKingdom 39 Watt
* ChoeTech 19 W Portable Solar Charger - http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20/detail/B00TEQJEC6
* RAVPower 15W Solar Charger (with iSmart) -- http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20/detail/B00OQ0CAW6
* Smart Tech Apollon P15 15 Watt - http://www.buykorea.org/product-details/Apollon-outdoor-solar-panel-P15--3031932.html
* Anker® 14W Dual-Port Solar Charger with PowerIQ
* All Power AP® Solar Foldable Charger 7W
* Voltaic Systems 6.0W "Fuse 6W"
* Smart Tech Apollon P5 5 Watt
* Voltaic Systems 4.0W "Amp"
* Voltaic 2.0 Watt Solar Panel
My Amazon Store to support my testing and purchase Solar Chargers: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20?_encoding=UTF8&node;=46
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Video sponsor, Pass Ltd - their websites:
At checkout use the discount / promotion code "mjlorton" for 5% off.
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http://www.calibrate.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=S3Yxd2tOMjVISzA9 - Calibration and service of test equipment
Bitcoin (BTC) Donations: 1K7PeF55e7ssE7W3WVCoa7c4j2PHzy6ASv
Music clip from Youtube Music Library - Phase Three by Huma-Huma
wn.com/Portable Usb Solar Panel Charger Review Tests Part 1
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
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In this video I test 11 portable / folding USB Solar Panel Chargers to see how well they perform.
* SunKingdom 39 Watt
* ChoeTech 19 W Portable Solar Charger - http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20/detail/B00TEQJEC6
* RAVPower 15W Solar Charger (with iSmart) -- http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20/detail/B00OQ0CAW6
* Smart Tech Apollon P15 15 Watt - http://www.buykorea.org/product-details/Apollon-outdoor-solar-panel-P15--3031932.html
* Anker® 14W Dual-Port Solar Charger with PowerIQ
* All Power AP® Solar Foldable Charger 7W
* Voltaic Systems 6.0W "Fuse 6W"
* Smart Tech Apollon P5 5 Watt
* Voltaic Systems 4.0W "Amp"
* Voltaic 2.0 Watt Solar Panel
My Amazon Store to support my testing and purchase Solar Chargers: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20?_encoding=UTF8&node;=46
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Video sponsor, Pass Ltd - their websites:
At checkout use the discount / promotion code "mjlorton" for 5% off.
http://www.tester.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=K2EyUjZNTDh3UTA9 - Test Equipment and Test-meter suppliers and
http://www.calibrate.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=S3Yxd2tOMjVISzA9 - Calibration and service of test equipment
Bitcoin (BTC) Donations: 1K7PeF55e7ssE7W3WVCoa7c4j2PHzy6ASv
Music clip from Youtube Music Library - Phase Three by Huma-Huma
- published: 31 Aug 2015
- views: 28654
Chakras Sleep Meditation Music: Solar Plexus (MANIPURA) Activation & Healing, Kundalini Sleep Music
The 6th Ray of "Devotion" governs this chakra. This chakra symbol connects us with the energy to "act" and is the seat of self-e...
The 6th Ray of "Devotion" governs this chakra. This chakra symbol connects us with the energy to "act" and is the seat of self-esteem and expressing our personal power. Our relationship to the world around us, and our beliefs about our place within it come from this the third of the seven chakras.
Self-honoring starts here. A healthy third chakra honors emotions, warmth, intellectual understanding, and self-confidence. A keen awareness of your personal power comes from this chakra. It is at this chakra that balance becomes possible through harmony between the upper three and lower three chakras.
Blocks in this chakra symbol cause fear of rejection, over sensitivity to criticism, the need to exert power over others, hot temper, demanding and blaming, judgmental attitudes, feelings of lack of recognition, aloofness, fear of something new, low energy, confusion over which direction to go, and low self-esteem. It is here we learn of self-empowerment, integrity and self-respect.
Health Issues: diabetes, hypoglycemia, gallstones, nervousness, low energy, muscle cramps, stomach problems, lumbar spine, liver disorders.
Is passive-aggressive manipulation of others something you do to get your way?
Do you feel like a victim?
Do you compensate from low self-esteem and shame based feelings by being overly responsible?
Can you follow your heart to break through blocks and fears?
Are you afraid of change?
What causes you to lose your power and why?
Do you maintain your integrity by following through on what you say?
Do you respect yourself and others too?
Transcendence of the unloving imprints of this chakra:
"Balance between intuition and intellect."
NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection of LONG MEDITATION MUSIC videos for you to relax and enjoy in your daily meditation. In our channel you will find MUSIC playlists dedicated to BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION, BUDDHIST MEDITATION and SHAMANIC MEDITATION. Our goal is to enhance your experience of MEDITATION, ASTRAL PROJECTION, LUCID DREAMING and DEEP SLEEP. Check out our selection of PLAYLISTS:
Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy, Healing Mantras, Tibetan Monks Chanting, Spiritual Zen Music, Buddhist Thai Monks Chanting, Tibetan Healing Sounds, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Buddhist Music, Buddhist Song, Zen Meditation Music, Peace Chants
Chakra Meditations Balancing & Healing, Sleep Chakra Meditation Music, Root Chakra Music, Sacral Chakra Music, Deep Sleep Healing Meditations, Shamanic Meditation Music, Chakra Cleansing and Balancing, Tibetan Healing Sounds, Meditation Sounds, Tibetan Singing Bowls
Tuvan Throat Singing, Journey Drumming, Deep Trance Meditations, Hypnotic Shamanic Healing Music, Long Shamanic Meditations
Popular tags on NuMeditationMusic:
meditation music, meditation music relax mind body, meditation music for positive energy, meditation music relax, meditation music buddhist, meditation music sleep, meditation music zen, meditation music youtube, meditation music free, meditation music binaural, chakra meditation balancing & healing, chakra meditation, chakra meditation music, chakra meditation for beginners, chakra cleansing, sleep chakra meditation, chakra healing, chakra balancing, solfeggio frequencies, 396 Hz Root Chakra,417 Hz Sacral Chakra, 528 Hz Solar Plexus, 639 Hz Heart Chakra, 741 Hz Throat Chakra, 852 Hz Third Eye Chakra, 936 Hz Crown Chakra, space music, ambient space music, buddhist music, buddhist chant, mantras for positive energy, buddhist chanting mantra, pineal gland activation frequency, pineal gland activation, pineal gland decalcification, pineal gland meditation, pineal gland third eye, third eye opening binaural, third eye opening frequency, binaural beats lucid dreaming, binaural beats astral projection, binaural beats, binaural beats meditation
Nu Meditation Music
Photo by " " under the Creative Commons license
"Our mission is to write music that can impact you in a positive way because we believe music can change people's lives! We hope you enjoy, and we hope to connect with you again in the near future!"
wn.com/Chakras Sleep Meditation Music Solar Plexus (Manipura) Activation Healing, Kundalini Sleep Music
The 6th Ray of "Devotion" governs this chakra. This chakra symbol connects us with the energy to "act" and is the seat of self-esteem and expressing our personal power. Our relationship to the world around us, and our beliefs about our place within it come from this the third of the seven chakras.
Self-honoring starts here. A healthy third chakra honors emotions, warmth, intellectual understanding, and self-confidence. A keen awareness of your personal power comes from this chakra. It is at this chakra that balance becomes possible through harmony between the upper three and lower three chakras.
Blocks in this chakra symbol cause fear of rejection, over sensitivity to criticism, the need to exert power over others, hot temper, demanding and blaming, judgmental attitudes, feelings of lack of recognition, aloofness, fear of something new, low energy, confusion over which direction to go, and low self-esteem. It is here we learn of self-empowerment, integrity and self-respect.
Health Issues: diabetes, hypoglycemia, gallstones, nervousness, low energy, muscle cramps, stomach problems, lumbar spine, liver disorders.
Is passive-aggressive manipulation of others something you do to get your way?
Do you feel like a victim?
Do you compensate from low self-esteem and shame based feelings by being overly responsible?
Can you follow your heart to break through blocks and fears?
Are you afraid of change?
What causes you to lose your power and why?
Do you maintain your integrity by following through on what you say?
Do you respect yourself and others too?
Transcendence of the unloving imprints of this chakra:
"Balance between intuition and intellect."
NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to create a new collection of LONG MEDITATION MUSIC videos for you to relax and enjoy in your daily meditation. In our channel you will find MUSIC playlists dedicated to BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION, BUDDHIST MEDITATION and SHAMANIC MEDITATION. Our goal is to enhance your experience of MEDITATION, ASTRAL PROJECTION, LUCID DREAMING and DEEP SLEEP. Check out our selection of PLAYLISTS:
Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy, Healing Mantras, Tibetan Monks Chanting, Spiritual Zen Music, Buddhist Thai Monks Chanting, Tibetan Healing Sounds, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Buddhist Music, Buddhist Song, Zen Meditation Music, Peace Chants
Chakra Meditations Balancing & Healing, Sleep Chakra Meditation Music, Root Chakra Music, Sacral Chakra Music, Deep Sleep Healing Meditations, Shamanic Meditation Music, Chakra Cleansing and Balancing, Tibetan Healing Sounds, Meditation Sounds, Tibetan Singing Bowls
Tuvan Throat Singing, Journey Drumming, Deep Trance Meditations, Hypnotic Shamanic Healing Music, Long Shamanic Meditations
Popular tags on NuMeditationMusic:
meditation music, meditation music relax mind body, meditation music for positive energy, meditation music relax, meditation music buddhist, meditation music sleep, meditation music zen, meditation music youtube, meditation music free, meditation music binaural, chakra meditation balancing & healing, chakra meditation, chakra meditation music, chakra meditation for beginners, chakra cleansing, sleep chakra meditation, chakra healing, chakra balancing, solfeggio frequencies, 396 Hz Root Chakra,417 Hz Sacral Chakra, 528 Hz Solar Plexus, 639 Hz Heart Chakra, 741 Hz Throat Chakra, 852 Hz Third Eye Chakra, 936 Hz Crown Chakra, space music, ambient space music, buddhist music, buddhist chant, mantras for positive energy, buddhist chanting mantra, pineal gland activation frequency, pineal gland activation, pineal gland decalcification, pineal gland meditation, pineal gland third eye, third eye opening binaural, third eye opening frequency, binaural beats lucid dreaming, binaural beats astral projection, binaural beats, binaural beats meditation
Nu Meditation Music
Photo by " " under the Creative Commons license
"Our mission is to write music that can impact you in a positive way because we believe music can change people's lives! We hope you enjoy, and we hope to connect with you again in the near future!"
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 3
Solar System History: How Was the Earth Formed? - Full Documentary HD
--- ABDH Media - Space ---
It's astonishing what you can achieve with just a bit of gas and dust. Kate Ravilious guides us through the birth of our solar syste...
--- ABDH Media - Space ---
It's astonishing what you can achieve with just a bit of gas and dust. Kate Ravilious guides us through the birth of our solar system
It all started with a tremendous bang. Somewhere in our galaxy a star exploded, throwing out masses of gas and dust. This supernova, as these explosions are called, happened about 5bn years ago. The wreckage from the explosion then crashed into a nearby cloud of gas, bringing together the ingredients for our solar system to form.
Because the explosion was so energetic it made the dust mixture very hot and things began to cook. Little bits of dust began to cluster, making bigger and bigger lumps, and the mixture began to pull together under its own gravity.
Eventually the central lump became so hot and dense that it started to generate its own energy, igniting nuclear fires. This was the birth of our sun. The remaining dusty mixture swirled around the star, fanning out into a disc.
Gradually the sun grew in size and the dusty disc cooled. Over millions of years the dust clustered into grains, then lumps, boulders and eventually planetesimals - chunks of rock big enough to have their own gravitational field. Some of these planetesimals became the embryonic forms of the planets in our solar system today.
Slowly these rocky planets began to organise themselves, settling at a comfortable distance from the sun and finding their own orbit. Earth found its path as third planet from the sun. In the early days rocky pile-ups were still common, leaving craters on the surface of all of the planets.
One of these collisions, about 4.5bn years ago, is thought to have very nearly destroyed the Earth, and was probably responsible for our moon. A large planetesimal, about the size of Mars, gave Earth a glancing blow, chucking a chunk of Earth's crust out into space. Some of the planetesimal merged with Earth, while the ejected lump started its own orbit around Earth and became the moon.
Read More: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2008/apr/28/starsgalaxiesandplanets.geology
*Subscribe for more Educative & Space Documentaries (Like & Share)
* Visit our website: http://www.advexon.com
* ABDH Media Documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHx69kZbXbX6WgMq_njRvFA
*NOVA | PBS Documentaries (HD): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMWnCecPvpQJj8sBPUi4bA
#spacedocumentaryplaylist #spacedocumentarynationalgeographic2015 #spacedocumentaryblackholes
wn.com/Solar System History How Was The Earth Formed Full Documentary Hd
--- ABDH Media - Space ---
It's astonishing what you can achieve with just a bit of gas and dust. Kate Ravilious guides us through the birth of our solar system
It all started with a tremendous bang. Somewhere in our galaxy a star exploded, throwing out masses of gas and dust. This supernova, as these explosions are called, happened about 5bn years ago. The wreckage from the explosion then crashed into a nearby cloud of gas, bringing together the ingredients for our solar system to form.
Because the explosion was so energetic it made the dust mixture very hot and things began to cook. Little bits of dust began to cluster, making bigger and bigger lumps, and the mixture began to pull together under its own gravity.
Eventually the central lump became so hot and dense that it started to generate its own energy, igniting nuclear fires. This was the birth of our sun. The remaining dusty mixture swirled around the star, fanning out into a disc.
Gradually the sun grew in size and the dusty disc cooled. Over millions of years the dust clustered into grains, then lumps, boulders and eventually planetesimals - chunks of rock big enough to have their own gravitational field. Some of these planetesimals became the embryonic forms of the planets in our solar system today.
Slowly these rocky planets began to organise themselves, settling at a comfortable distance from the sun and finding their own orbit. Earth found its path as third planet from the sun. In the early days rocky pile-ups were still common, leaving craters on the surface of all of the planets.
One of these collisions, about 4.5bn years ago, is thought to have very nearly destroyed the Earth, and was probably responsible for our moon. A large planetesimal, about the size of Mars, gave Earth a glancing blow, chucking a chunk of Earth's crust out into space. Some of the planetesimal merged with Earth, while the ejected lump started its own orbit around Earth and became the moon.
Read More: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2008/apr/28/starsgalaxiesandplanets.geology
*Subscribe for more Educative & Space Documentaries (Like & Share)
* Visit our website: http://www.advexon.com
* ABDH Media Documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHx69kZbXbX6WgMq_njRvFA
*NOVA | PBS Documentaries (HD): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMWnCecPvpQJj8sBPUi4bA
#spacedocumentaryplaylist #spacedocumentarynationalgeographic2015 #spacedocumentaryblackholes
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 0
ExSolar - Home Solar Power Installation
I walk through the solar installation on the house by ExSolar (www.exsolar.co.za) Net Metering and Eskom: http://mjlorton.com/forum/index.php?topic=104.0 Inf......
I walk through the solar installation on the house by ExSolar (www.exsolar.co.za) Net Metering and Eskom: http://mjlorton.com/forum/index.php?topic=104.0 Inf...
wn.com/Exsolar Home Solar Power Installation
I walk through the solar installation on the house by ExSolar (www.exsolar.co.za) Net Metering and Eskom: http://mjlorton.com/forum/index.php?topic=104.0 Inf...
- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 126468
author: mjlorton
El Hormiguero Mx | Programa del 28 de agosto 2014 - Fernando del Solar
Bienvenidos al Hormiguero, este programa nos acompaña uno de los conductores más galanes y carismáticos de la televisión, él es el mexicano más argento, y el ar...
Bienvenidos al Hormiguero, este programa nos acompaña uno de los conductores más galanes y carismáticos de la televisión, él es el mexicano más argento, y el argento más mexicano, su nombre; Fernando del Solar
El Hormiguero Mx
El programa gira en torno a invitados (nacionales e internacionales), los cuales son sometidos a desafíos, experimentos... con el único objetivo de que se diviertan y también nos divirtamos nosotros.
Conducido por Mauricio Mancera.
Transmitido de lunes a jueves, a partir de las 9:30 pm por canal 7 de TV Azteca.
wn.com/El Hormiguero Mx | Programa Del 28 De Agosto 2014 Fernando Del Solar
Bienvenidos al Hormiguero, este programa nos acompaña uno de los conductores más galanes y carismáticos de la televisión, él es el mexicano más argento, y el argento más mexicano, su nombre; Fernando del Solar
El Hormiguero Mx
El programa gira en torno a invitados (nacionales e internacionales), los cuales son sometidos a desafíos, experimentos... con el único objetivo de que se diviertan y también nos divirtamos nosotros.
Conducido por Mauricio Mancera.
Transmitido de lunes a jueves, a partir de las 9:30 pm por canal 7 de TV Azteca.
- published: 29 Aug 2014
- views: 14844
Extremely Powerful | Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Music | Manipura Activation
Extremely Powerful | Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Music | Manipura Activation
Meditating on this Chakra increases dynamism, energy, will power and achievemen...
Extremely Powerful | Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Music | Manipura Activation
Meditating on this Chakra increases dynamism, energy, will power and achievement.This track helps in balancing and awakening this chakra,
Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura is considered the center of dynamism, energy, will power and achievement (Itcha shakti), which radiates prana throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire and digestion, as well as with the sense of sight and the action of movement. Solar Plexus Chakra is "the center of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being." As such, some psychics recommend "listening" to it since it may help in making better decisions in one's life on many different levels
Located at the navel, it is the third chakra, the "place of resplendence." Associated with the color yellow, this chakra is involved in self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation; it also governs digestion and metabolism. A healthy spirited third chakra helps overcome inertia and jump-starts a "get-up-and-go" attitude so it is easier to take risks, assert one's will, and assume responsibility for one's life. This chakra is also the location of deep belly laughter, warmth, ease, and the vitality received from performing selfless service
Other Info :
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- 3rd Chakra
- Known as Manipura
- Color : Yellow
- Position : Behind the Navel
- Seed Mantra : Ram
- Balancing this chakra improves : self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation and will power
SUBSCRIBE - to our channel to celebrate Chakra Meditation Month and enjoy your daily Chakra Meditations
LET'S CONNECT - Meditation Music, Mantra Meditations, Chakra Healing Chants & Healthy Living Tips.
CREDITS : Composition & Music : Dilpreet Bhatia
"Our Mission is to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music for Meditation, Chakra Healing, Mantra
wn.com/Extremely Powerful | Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Music | Manipura Activation
Extremely Powerful | Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Music | Manipura Activation
Meditating on this Chakra increases dynamism, energy, will power and achievement.This track helps in balancing and awakening this chakra,
Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura is considered the center of dynamism, energy, will power and achievement (Itcha shakti), which radiates prana throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire and digestion, as well as with the sense of sight and the action of movement. Solar Plexus Chakra is "the center of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being." As such, some psychics recommend "listening" to it since it may help in making better decisions in one's life on many different levels
Located at the navel, it is the third chakra, the "place of resplendence." Associated with the color yellow, this chakra is involved in self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation; it also governs digestion and metabolism. A healthy spirited third chakra helps overcome inertia and jump-starts a "get-up-and-go" attitude so it is easier to take risks, assert one's will, and assume responsibility for one's life. This chakra is also the location of deep belly laughter, warmth, ease, and the vitality received from performing selfless service
Other Info :
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- 3rd Chakra
- Known as Manipura
- Color : Yellow
- Position : Behind the Navel
- Seed Mantra : Ram
- Balancing this chakra improves : self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation and will power
SUBSCRIBE - to our channel to celebrate Chakra Meditation Month and enjoy your daily Chakra Meditations
LET'S CONNECT - Meditation Music, Mantra Meditations, Chakra Healing Chants & Healthy Living Tips.
CREDITS : Composition & Music : Dilpreet Bhatia
"Our Mission is to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music for Meditation, Chakra Healing, Mantra
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 129
How to Solar Power Your Home / House #1 - On Grid vs Off Grid
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Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
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In this video I go through the components that are part of a solar power solution. I explain the differences between On-grid vs. off grid.
View all my tutorials and videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/mjlorton/videos?live_view=500&flow;=list&sort;=dd&view;=1
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My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Thanks to Exsolar for the work on the solar installation - http://www.exsolar.co.za/
Other equipment used or mentioned in this video:
* Solar panels: Tenesol Total Energy - TE250-60M+ - 250 watt monocrystalline
* Outback FlexMax 60 MPPT solar charger
* The solar array will be 2250 watts (9x 250 watt mono crystalline panels)
* The battery bank will be 8 x 150 Ah lead crystal batteries.
* A Victron Energy Quattro inverter
* A Victron Energy Grid tie inverter
* A Victron Energy battery monitor
* DC to DC converter
* Micro inverters
* Eskom power and cost of energy
* Reduce energy bill / costs
* Eskom solar pre-paid electricity / energy meter
* Renewable energy
In this series on how to Solar Power Your Home:
* What is "the Grid" - On Grid vs. Off Grid?
* What is the best type of solar panel to install?
* Do I need a battery bank....what battery technology should I use?
* A look at the different type of inverters?
* How much solar power do I need - sizing the array?
* Measuring your energy consumption with energy meters.
* How to make your home more efficient - CFL, LED lighting, solar geyser,
heat pumps...and more..
* Is solar power / energy financially viable in South Africa? How long does it take to pay off?
* Does power factor play a role in solar generated power.
* Solar Power for your Home - "Free Electricity"?
* Can I run my house entirely from solar power?
* How to Solar Power a Home
* How to Solar Power a House
* how to solar power my home
Post a comment on anything else you would like to see covered.
wn.com/How To Solar Power Your Home House 1 On Grid Vs Off Grid
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
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In this video I go through the components that are part of a solar power solution. I explain the differences between On-grid vs. off grid.
View all my tutorials and videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/mjlorton/videos?live_view=500&flow;=list&sort;=dd&view;=1
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My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Thanks to Exsolar for the work on the solar installation - http://www.exsolar.co.za/
Other equipment used or mentioned in this video:
* Solar panels: Tenesol Total Energy - TE250-60M+ - 250 watt monocrystalline
* Outback FlexMax 60 MPPT solar charger
* The solar array will be 2250 watts (9x 250 watt mono crystalline panels)
* The battery bank will be 8 x 150 Ah lead crystal batteries.
* A Victron Energy Quattro inverter
* A Victron Energy Grid tie inverter
* A Victron Energy battery monitor
* DC to DC converter
* Micro inverters
* Eskom power and cost of energy
* Reduce energy bill / costs
* Eskom solar pre-paid electricity / energy meter
* Renewable energy
In this series on how to Solar Power Your Home:
* What is "the Grid" - On Grid vs. Off Grid?
* What is the best type of solar panel to install?
* Do I need a battery bank....what battery technology should I use?
* A look at the different type of inverters?
* How much solar power do I need - sizing the array?
* Measuring your energy consumption with energy meters.
* How to make your home more efficient - CFL, LED lighting, solar geyser,
heat pumps...and more..
* Is solar power / energy financially viable in South Africa? How long does it take to pay off?
* Does power factor play a role in solar generated power.
* Solar Power for your Home - "Free Electricity"?
* Can I run my house entirely from solar power?
* How to Solar Power a Home
* How to Solar Power a House
* how to solar power my home
Post a comment on anything else you would like to see covered.
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 712321
DIY 3Kw Home Solar - Grid Tie - Final Installation Overview
We have been doing our home solar DIY. Grid Tie, Power Company Approved Net Metering. This video will show you the final installation....
We have been doing our home solar DIY. Grid Tie, Power Company Approved Net Metering. This video will show you the final installation.
wn.com/Diy 3Kw Home Solar Grid Tie Final Installation Overview
We have been doing our home solar DIY. Grid Tie, Power Company Approved Net Metering. This video will show you the final installation.
- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 22313
Best Documentary by Discovery Channel on How India is Going Solar
Discovery channel presents SunFuel India - the best ever documentary made on how solar is bringing light and happiness to the lives of millions of underprivileg...
Discovery channel presents SunFuel India - the best ever documentary made on how solar is bringing light and happiness to the lives of millions of underprivileged Indians who live in remote areas. Indian villagers who never had access to electricity now enjoy 24x7 power thanks to solar installed by India's largest solar company, Su-Kam. Be prepared to have tears of joy as you watch the movie. Yes, there is hope for India.
It follows the story of a young boy named Raju who lives in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh but dreams of becoming a doctor someday. But how can he study when there is no electricity in the night? A small solar system is going to change his life forever. Then the movie introduces us to a young to-be mother in Tripura who safely delivers baby at a health care centre which earlier had to deliver babies in candlelight. And then we are taken to the modern city of Chandigarh who has proudly installed India's first largest solar power system which runs 1MW of electrical load at Punjab Engineering College.
wn.com/Best Documentary By Discovery Channel On How India Is Going Solar
Discovery channel presents SunFuel India - the best ever documentary made on how solar is bringing light and happiness to the lives of millions of underprivileged Indians who live in remote areas. Indian villagers who never had access to electricity now enjoy 24x7 power thanks to solar installed by India's largest solar company, Su-Kam. Be prepared to have tears of joy as you watch the movie. Yes, there is hope for India.
It follows the story of a young boy named Raju who lives in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh but dreams of becoming a doctor someday. But how can he study when there is no electricity in the night? A small solar system is going to change his life forever. Then the movie introduces us to a young to-be mother in Tripura who safely delivers baby at a health care centre which earlier had to deliver babies in candlelight. And then we are taken to the modern city of Chandigarh who has proudly installed India's first largest solar power system which runs 1MW of electrical load at Punjab Engineering College.
- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 91
Solar Power Home Solar Panels Why the Power Companies are worried
Solar power Documentary a Interesting insight into why Power Companies are scared and why in a few short years you to can have FREE Electric in your homes. S......
Solar power Documentary a Interesting insight into why Power Companies are scared and why in a few short years you to can have FREE Electric in your homes. S...
wn.com/Solar Power Home Solar Panels Why The Power Companies Are Worried
Solar power Documentary a Interesting insight into why Power Companies are scared and why in a few short years you to can have FREE Electric in your homes. S...
- published: 13 May 2014
- views: 9435
author: Pete WDHCo