
New bull's-eye on Obama's
'unconstitutional' gun grab

Court told actions 'exceed powers of president'

President Obama visits the the Islamic Society of Baltimore, Feb. 3, 2016

Media icons: Why 'Christian' Obama
so captivated by Muslims?

'He talks about how awesome Islam is all the time'


Violence, repression pushing
Europe toward 'civil war'

Experts warn similar crackdowns on free speech coming to America


European Union blasts ISIS
for 'crime of all crimes'

Adopts resolution condemning Muslim terrorists for genocide against Christians

Rafael Cruz

Rafael Cruz describes escape
from firing squad

Tells Glenn Beck his life is proof of 'divine providence'


San Bernardino County official:
Arm county employees

'Terror has arrived at our doorsteps, and we will and we can never be the same again'

The Pentagon

Pentagon paid 'leftists' for diversity work

Inspector general suggested 'corrective action'


'Quit the pro-life bulls---!'

Vandals targeting homes of pro-life activists


Border security in shambles under Obama

Agent: 'We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether'

Joe Milspa

World War II vet, 92, takes aim
at ax-wielding burglar

'I could have shot him right in the head between the eyes'