Al Ain - A City of Beauty
Discover the Oasis City, a natural haven of tranquillity in the middle of the desert, and take a step back in time to unearth the emirate's rich history and heritage. Just an hour and a half hour drive from Abu Dhabi city, Al Ain is the emirate’s heritage heartland and an unexplored gem filled with a huge variety of attractions and events for the whole family to enjoy.
العين - مدينة الجمال
Bernard-Henri Lévy décrit Alain Soral et Dieudonné comme les "crânes rasés de la pensée" #ONPC
Bernard-Henri Lévy décrit Alain Soral et Dieudonné comme les "crânes rasés de la pensée" #ONPC
On n'est pas couché
13 février 2016
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & Yann Moix
France 2
Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité
Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC
Al Ain city United Arab Emirates Documentary full movie
Al Ain City United Arab Emirates, documentary about the magic of the city and history.
فلم وثائقي عن مدينة العين، دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
Read more about the UAE, http://alainet1.blogspot.com
[Clash] Wiam Berhouma vs Alain Finkielkraut : Taisez-vous !!!
Passage de l'émission "Des paroles et des actes" sur France 2 le 21 janvier 2016 entre Wiam Berhouma vs Alain Finkielkraut sur la questions de l'Islam et des musulmans de France
Jebel Hafeet mountain road at Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
Visiting The Al Ain Zoo (in HD)
Connect with us:
Subscribe for animal videos and news from the Al Ain Zoo.
EHYAWHE du groupe Gael (RIP Alain Moloto)
veuillez visiter ce site www.ivoirTV.net
Wadi Adventure, Al Ain - Select Contracts
Wadi Adventure in Al Ain is now open until 11pm Tuesday -- Sunday and midnight on Thursday & Friday. Call +971 3781 8422 for bookings. Managed by Select Contracts (www.selectcontracts.com), email info@selectcontracts.com for further information
Pokemon XY&Z; Episode 13 - Ash battles Alain, Gekkouga VS Mega Charizard X
Pokemon XY&Z; Episode 13 - Ash battles Alain, Gekkouga VS Mega Charizard X ( Japanese: 最強メガバトル!ゲッコウガVSメガリザードン!! The Strongest Mega Battle! Gekkouga VS Mega Lizardon!!)
Ash and his friends meet Alain for the first time. Ash battles Alain and loses.
Clique x Alain Badiou - Part 1 : l'Amour
Alain Badiou est philosophe et professeur à l’Ecole normale supérieure. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il a publié en 2009 « Eloge de l’Amour » (Flammarion). En janvier 2016, le penseur d’extrême gauche sort un ouvrage sur la tuerie du 13 Novembre, dont il impute la responsabilité à l’impossibilité de proposer une alternative au monde tel qu’il est : « Notre mal vient de plus loin, Penser les tuerie
Clique x Alain Badiou - Part 2 : la Haine
Clique est allé à la rencontre du philosophe Alain Badiou. On a parlé de l’Amour, d’abord. Cette fois-ci, c’est au tour de la haine. Retour sur les mécanismes d’intégration au Jihad, l’ostentation inhérente à la culture hip hop, la place des femmes dans nos sociétés actuelles.
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Clique : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
Toutes les vidéos sur http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique, le site :
Alain Soral sur Radio Bandiera Nera
Plus sur E&R; : http://bit.ly/1xQxNiU
Alain Soral - Les Maîtres du Monde sont les Kabbalistes (Mystiques Juifs)
Alain vs Mega Evolutions - amv
Call Me Baby - EXO (Areia Remix Version)
Bang Bang Bang - BIGBANG (Areia Remix Version)
All song's rights belong to Areia Creations Global Entertainment.
Link's Video:
Call Me Baby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4vZBlfksUM
Bang Bang Bang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hE5znb8MNo
Pokemon XY & Z Ash Vs Alain | Greninja Ash Vs Mega Charizard X
Y la tercera parte amigos, él combate tan esperado entre Ash Vs Alain, Greninja Vs Charizard, cuanto Hype hay amigos no puedo esperar a que sea 14 de enero para que regrese pokemon, Un saludo a todos.
Like Y Suscribete para mas vídeos de pokemon.
Alain Finkielkraut - On n'est pas couché 3 octobre 2015 #ONPC
Alain Finkielkraut est l'invité de Laurent Ruquier cette semaine.
Entretien intégral.
On n'est pas couché
3 octobre 2015
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & yann Moix
France 2
Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité
Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC
Vers un état policier...(Alain Soral)
Alain Soral nous a donné une courte interview le jaudi 7 janvier, au palais de Justice de Paris, à la sortie de deux audiences d'appel. Il fait un point rapide de sa situation juridique et répond à nos questions sur les commémorations à répétition des attentats pour nous donner son analyse de la pente dans laquelle le pays se trouve engagé, vers un état de plus en plus policier.
• Sígueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrGaryGamingYT
• Sígueme en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mrgarygaming-693435834126026/?ref=hl
• Tienda de Ropa Pokémon: http://www.latostadora.com/mrgarygaming
• Sígueme en Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/110602269788606554070/+MrGaryGaming/posts?pageId=110602269788606554070
• Descarga mi aplicación: http://myapp.wips.com/mrgarygaming-aplica
Alain Chamfort - Paradis (Paradis Reprise)
'Le meilleur d'Alain Chamfort (versions revisitées)' est disponible en pré-commande sur:
►FNAC - http://po.st/ACRemixFnac
►ITUNES - http://po.st/ACRemixiTunes
Le titre est disponible sur :
►ITUNES - http://po.st/ParadisiTunes
Repris par Paradis : https://www.facebook.com/paradisfm/
Crédits :
Auteur : Jacques Duvall
Compositeur : Alain Chamfort
Editions : Rock’n’Rose Music
Mastering : Benjamin
Dj Assad Ft Alain Ramanisum & Willy William - Li Tourner OFFICIAL VIDEO HD
DJ Assad Ft Alain Ramanisum & Willy William - LI TOURNER disponible sur iTunes ICI : http://bit.ly/17zm4pj
Abonnes toi à Scorpio Music ici : http://bit.ly/1771hKb
Et suis nous sur Facebook et Twitter pour plus d'infos & news : https://www.facebook.com/scorpiodigital
DJ ASSAD est une figure de la musique Club Française.
Il a réussi au fil du temps à imposer son s
Après les flots de verbiages des journalistes et des "fast-thinker" de plateaux TV, vient le temps de certaines paroles posées, et de hauteur de point de vue, dont je vous invite à vous délecter.
10 % de la pop. Mondiale détient 86 % des richesses;
50 % n'a rien !
40 ¨% de la pop. détient 14¨% des richesses mondiales.
Ces 40 % là sont la classe moyenne, le pilier qui fait tenir le système en co
Alain de Botton Interview (Full Episode) | The Tim Ferriss Show (Podcast)
How Philosophy Can Change Your Life, Alain de Botton
Show Notes: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/11/10/alain-de-botton/
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1dSzTkW
About Tim Ferriss:
Timothy Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People", Forbes Magazine's "Names You Need to Know," and is the 7th "most powerful" personality on Newsweek's Digital 100 Power Index for 201
Alain Soral 18 janvier 2016 - PARTIE 1 -
Al Ain - A City of Beauty
Discover the Oasis City, a natural haven of tranquillity in the middle of the desert, and take a step back in time to unearth the emirate's rich history and her...
Discover the Oasis City, a natural haven of tranquillity in the middle of the desert, and take a step back in time to unearth the emirate's rich history and heritage. Just an hour and a half hour drive from Abu Dhabi city, Al Ain is the emirate’s heritage heartland and an unexplored gem filled with a huge variety of attractions and events for the whole family to enjoy.
العين - مدينة الجمال
اكتشف الطبيعية الهادئة والواحات الخلابة في وسط الصحراء، وسافر عبر الزمن لتتعرف على تراث وتاريخ هذه المدينة الأصيلة، والتي تبعد ساعة ونصف فقط عن أبوظبي وتعتبر قلب التراث النابض في الإمارة. اكتشف المزيد من المعالم السياحية و الكثير من الأنشطة الرائعة لتستمتع بها أنت وأفراد عائلتك.
wn.com/Al Ain A City Of Beauty
Discover the Oasis City, a natural haven of tranquillity in the middle of the desert, and take a step back in time to unearth the emirate's rich history and heritage. Just an hour and a half hour drive from Abu Dhabi city, Al Ain is the emirate’s heritage heartland and an unexplored gem filled with a huge variety of attractions and events for the whole family to enjoy.
العين - مدينة الجمال
اكتشف الطبيعية الهادئة والواحات الخلابة في وسط الصحراء، وسافر عبر الزمن لتتعرف على تراث وتاريخ هذه المدينة الأصيلة، والتي تبعد ساعة ونصف فقط عن أبوظبي وتعتبر قلب التراث النابض في الإمارة. اكتشف المزيد من المعالم السياحية و الكثير من الأنشطة الرائعة لتستمتع بها أنت وأفراد عائلتك.
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 789784
Bernard-Henri Lévy décrit Alain Soral et Dieudonné comme les "crânes rasés de la pensée" #ONPC
Bernard-Henri Lévy décrit Alain Soral et Dieudonné comme les "crânes rasés de la pensée" #ONPC
On n'est pas couché
13 février 2016
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa...
Bernard-Henri Lévy décrit Alain Soral et Dieudonné comme les "crânes rasés de la pensée" #ONPC
On n'est pas couché
13 février 2016
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & Yann Moix
France 2
Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité
Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC
Continuez le débat sur Facebook
wn.com/Bernard Henri Lévy Décrit Alain Soral Et Dieudonné Comme Les Crânes Rasés De La Pensée Onpc
Bernard-Henri Lévy décrit Alain Soral et Dieudonné comme les "crânes rasés de la pensée" #ONPC
On n'est pas couché
13 février 2016
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & Yann Moix
France 2
Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité
Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC
Continuez le débat sur Facebook
- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 107
Al Ain city United Arab Emirates Documentary full movie
Al Ain City United Arab Emirates, documentary about the magic of the city and history.
فلم وثائقي عن مدينة العين، دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
Al Ain City United Arab Emirates, documentary about the magic of the city and history.
فلم وثائقي عن مدينة العين، دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
Read more about the UAE, http://alainet1.blogspot.com
wn.com/Al Ain City United Arab Emirates Documentary Full Movie
Al Ain City United Arab Emirates, documentary about the magic of the city and history.
فلم وثائقي عن مدينة العين، دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
Read more about the UAE, http://alainet1.blogspot.com
- published: 27 May 2010
- views: 30577
[Clash] Wiam Berhouma vs Alain Finkielkraut : Taisez-vous !!!
Passage de l'émission "Des paroles et des actes" sur France 2 le 21 janvier 2016 entre Wiam Berhouma vs Alain Finkielkraut sur la questions de l'Islam et des mu...
Passage de l'émission "Des paroles et des actes" sur France 2 le 21 janvier 2016 entre Wiam Berhouma vs Alain Finkielkraut sur la questions de l'Islam et des musulmans de France
wn.com/Clash Wiam Berhouma Vs Alain Finkielkraut Taisez Vous
Passage de l'émission "Des paroles et des actes" sur France 2 le 21 janvier 2016 entre Wiam Berhouma vs Alain Finkielkraut sur la questions de l'Islam et des musulmans de France
- published: 22 Jan 2016
- views: 492678
Visiting The Al Ain Zoo (in HD)
Connect with us:
Subscribe for animal videos and news fro...
Connect with us:
Subscribe for animal videos and news from the Al Ain Zoo.
wn.com/Visiting The Al Ain Zoo (In Hd)
Connect with us:
Subscribe for animal videos and news from the Al Ain Zoo.
- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 17110
EHYAWHE du groupe Gael (RIP Alain Moloto)
veuillez visiter ce site www.ivoirTV.net...
veuillez visiter ce site www.ivoirTV.net
wn.com/Ehyawhe Du Groupe Gael (Rip Alain Moloto)
veuillez visiter ce site www.ivoirTV.net
- published: 22 Feb 2007
- views: 6654938
Wadi Adventure, Al Ain - Select Contracts
Wadi Adventure in Al Ain is now open until 11pm Tuesday -- Sunday and midnight on Thursday & Friday. Call +971 3781 8422 for bookings. Managed by Select Contra...
Wadi Adventure in Al Ain is now open until 11pm Tuesday -- Sunday and midnight on Thursday & Friday. Call +971 3781 8422 for bookings. Managed by Select Contracts (www.selectcontracts.com), email info@selectcontracts.com for further information
wn.com/Wadi Adventure, Al Ain Select Contracts
Wadi Adventure in Al Ain is now open until 11pm Tuesday -- Sunday and midnight on Thursday & Friday. Call +971 3781 8422 for bookings. Managed by Select Contracts (www.selectcontracts.com), email info@selectcontracts.com for further information
- published: 27 Jan 2012
- views: 2660502
Pokemon XY&Z; Episode 13 - Ash battles Alain, Gekkouga VS Mega Charizard X
Pokemon XY&Z; Episode 13 - Ash battles Alain, Gekkouga VS Mega Charizard X ( Japanese: 最強メガバトル!ゲッコウガVSメガリザードン!! The Strongest Mega Battle! Gekkouga VS Mega Liza...
Pokemon XY&Z; Episode 13 - Ash battles Alain, Gekkouga VS Mega Charizard X ( Japanese: 最強メガバトル!ゲッコウガVSメガリザードン!! The Strongest Mega Battle! Gekkouga VS Mega Lizardon!!)
Ash and his friends meet Alain for the first time. Ash battles Alain and loses.
wn.com/Pokemon Xy Z Episode 13 Ash Battles Alain, Gekkouga Vs Mega Charizard X
Pokemon XY&Z; Episode 13 - Ash battles Alain, Gekkouga VS Mega Charizard X ( Japanese: 最強メガバトル!ゲッコウガVSメガリザードン!! The Strongest Mega Battle! Gekkouga VS Mega Lizardon!!)
Ash and his friends meet Alain for the first time. Ash battles Alain and loses.
- published: 04 Feb 2016
- views: 73889
Clique x Alain Badiou - Part 1 : l'Amour
Alain Badiou est philosophe et professeur à l’Ecole normale supérieure. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il a publié en 2009 « Eloge de l’Amour » (Flammarion). En j...
Alain Badiou est philosophe et professeur à l’Ecole normale supérieure. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il a publié en 2009 « Eloge de l’Amour » (Flammarion). En janvier 2016, le penseur d’extrême gauche sort un ouvrage sur la tuerie du 13 Novembre, dont il impute la responsabilité à l’impossibilité de proposer une alternative au monde tel qu’il est : « Notre mal vient de plus loin, Penser les tueries du 13 novembre ». Clique est allé à la rencontre de ce penseur d’extrême gauche. L’occasion d’analyser l’amour et la haine, tout en décryptant les paroles de Booba.
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Clique : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
Toutes les vidéos sur http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique, le site : http://www.clique.tv
Clique sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Clique sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
Subscribe to Clique’s channel : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
All the videos : http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique website : http://www.clique.tv
Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Follow us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
wn.com/Clique X Alain Badiou Part 1 L'Amour
Alain Badiou est philosophe et professeur à l’Ecole normale supérieure. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il a publié en 2009 « Eloge de l’Amour » (Flammarion). En janvier 2016, le penseur d’extrême gauche sort un ouvrage sur la tuerie du 13 Novembre, dont il impute la responsabilité à l’impossibilité de proposer une alternative au monde tel qu’il est : « Notre mal vient de plus loin, Penser les tueries du 13 novembre ». Clique est allé à la rencontre de ce penseur d’extrême gauche. L’occasion d’analyser l’amour et la haine, tout en décryptant les paroles de Booba.
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Clique : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
Toutes les vidéos sur http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique, le site : http://www.clique.tv
Clique sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Clique sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
Subscribe to Clique’s channel : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
All the videos : http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique website : http://www.clique.tv
Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Follow us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
- published: 28 Jan 2016
- views: 34891
Clique x Alain Badiou - Part 2 : la Haine
Clique est allé à la rencontre du philosophe Alain Badiou. On a parlé de l’Amour, d’abord. Cette fois-ci, c’est au tour de la haine. Retour sur les mécanismes d...
Clique est allé à la rencontre du philosophe Alain Badiou. On a parlé de l’Amour, d’abord. Cette fois-ci, c’est au tour de la haine. Retour sur les mécanismes d’intégration au Jihad, l’ostentation inhérente à la culture hip hop, la place des femmes dans nos sociétés actuelles.
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Clique : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
Toutes les vidéos sur http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique, le site : http://www.clique.tv
Clique sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Clique sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
Subscribe to Clique’s channel : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
All the videos : http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique website : http://www.clique.tv
Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Follow us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
wn.com/Clique X Alain Badiou Part 2 La Haine
Clique est allé à la rencontre du philosophe Alain Badiou. On a parlé de l’Amour, d’abord. Cette fois-ci, c’est au tour de la haine. Retour sur les mécanismes d’intégration au Jihad, l’ostentation inhérente à la culture hip hop, la place des femmes dans nos sociétés actuelles.
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Clique : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
Toutes les vidéos sur http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique, le site : http://www.clique.tv
Clique sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Clique sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
Subscribe to Clique’s channel : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i
All the videos : http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq
Clique website : http://www.clique.tv
Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv
Follow us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv
- published: 01 Feb 2016
- views: 15915
Alain Soral sur Radio Bandiera Nera
Plus sur E&R; : http://bit.ly/1xQxNiU...
Plus sur E&R; : http://bit.ly/1xQxNiU
wn.com/Alain Soral Sur Radio Bandiera Nera
Plus sur E&R; : http://bit.ly/1xQxNiU
- published: 06 Feb 2016
- views: 907
Alain vs Mega Evolutions - amv
Call Me Baby - EXO (Areia Remix Version)
Bang Bang Bang - BIGBANG (Areia Remix Version)
All song's rights belong to Areia Creations Global Entertainme...
Call Me Baby - EXO (Areia Remix Version)
Bang Bang Bang - BIGBANG (Areia Remix Version)
All song's rights belong to Areia Creations Global Entertainment.
Link's Video:
Call Me Baby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4vZBlfksUM
Bang Bang Bang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hE5znb8MNo
wn.com/Alain Vs Mega Evolutions Amv
Call Me Baby - EXO (Areia Remix Version)
Bang Bang Bang - BIGBANG (Areia Remix Version)
All song's rights belong to Areia Creations Global Entertainment.
Link's Video:
Call Me Baby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4vZBlfksUM
Bang Bang Bang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hE5znb8MNo
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 365275
Pokemon XY & Z Ash Vs Alain | Greninja Ash Vs Mega Charizard X
Y la tercera parte amigos, él combate tan esperado entre Ash Vs Alain, Greninja Vs Charizard, cuanto Hype hay amigos no puedo esperar a que sea 14 de enero para...
Y la tercera parte amigos, él combate tan esperado entre Ash Vs Alain, Greninja Vs Charizard, cuanto Hype hay amigos no puedo esperar a que sea 14 de enero para que regrese pokemon, Un saludo a todos.
Like Y Suscribete para mas vídeos de pokemon.
wn.com/Pokemon Xy Z Ash Vs Alain | Greninja Ash Vs Mega Charizard X
Y la tercera parte amigos, él combate tan esperado entre Ash Vs Alain, Greninja Vs Charizard, cuanto Hype hay amigos no puedo esperar a que sea 14 de enero para que regrese pokemon, Un saludo a todos.
Like Y Suscribete para mas vídeos de pokemon.
- published: 31 Dec 2015
- views: 181052
Alain Finkielkraut - On n'est pas couché 3 octobre 2015 #ONPC
Alain Finkielkraut est l'invité de Laurent Ruquier cette semaine.
Entretien intégral.
On n'est pas couché
3 octobre 2015
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & yann...
Alain Finkielkraut est l'invité de Laurent Ruquier cette semaine.
Entretien intégral.
On n'est pas couché
3 octobre 2015
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & yann Moix
France 2
Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité
Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC
Continuez le débat sur Facebook
wn.com/Alain Finkielkraut On N'Est Pas Couché 3 Octobre 2015 Onpc
Alain Finkielkraut est l'invité de Laurent Ruquier cette semaine.
Entretien intégral.
On n'est pas couché
3 octobre 2015
Laurent Ruquier avec Léa Salamé & yann Moix
France 2
Toutes les informations sur les invités et leur actualité
Suivez @ONPCofficiel et réagissez en direct avec le hashtag #ONPC
Continuez le débat sur Facebook
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 408008
Vers un état policier...(Alain Soral)
Alain Soral nous a donné une courte interview le jaudi 7 janvier, au palais de Justice de Paris, à la sortie de deux audiences d'appel. Il fait un point rapide ...
Alain Soral nous a donné une courte interview le jaudi 7 janvier, au palais de Justice de Paris, à la sortie de deux audiences d'appel. Il fait un point rapide de sa situation juridique et répond à nos questions sur les commémorations à répétition des attentats pour nous donner son analyse de la pente dans laquelle le pays se trouve engagé, vers un état de plus en plus policier.
wn.com/Vers Un ÉTat Policier...(Alain Soral)
Alain Soral nous a donné une courte interview le jaudi 7 janvier, au palais de Justice de Paris, à la sortie de deux audiences d'appel. Il fait un point rapide de sa situation juridique et répond à nos questions sur les commémorations à répétition des attentats pour nous donner son analyse de la pente dans laquelle le pays se trouve engagé, vers un état de plus en plus policier.
- published: 10 Jan 2016
- views: 106198
• Sígueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrGaryGamingYT
• Sígueme en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mrgarygaming-693435834126026/?ref=hl
• Tienda de Ropa P...
• Sígueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrGaryGamingYT
• Sígueme en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mrgarygaming-693435834126026/?ref=hl
• Tienda de Ropa Pokémon: http://www.latostadora.com/mrgarygaming
• Sígueme en Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/110602269788606554070/+MrGaryGaming/posts?pageId=110602269788606554070
• Descarga mi aplicación: http://myapp.wips.com/mrgarygaming-aplicacion-extension
► Lista de Guías Pokémon del CANAL:
• Lista Guía PokéMMo [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwmLoVSSfZWrr3M7YrBsM1q
• Lista Guía Pokémon X Nuzlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwNeZUsskwqPshxvMvkvfwh
• Lista Guía Pokémon Diamante [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxS1NLQQknNBuOU9a2laGwl
• Lista Guía Pokémon Rubí Omega [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?action_edit=1&list;=PL7TXdFmB_1xyMHNOWIKkwpdU8n9yyoiWB
• Lista Guía Zafiro Alfa Wonderlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xx895kqAKdUxFl_j5wpmBTA
• Lista Guía Pokémon Rojo Fuego [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxlC3eneJrqhLKufhlM_uxZ
• Lista Guía Pokémon Perla Nuzlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xx4qVMmQFAEXc5iZKMs_zbg
• Lista Guía Pokémon Ethereal Gates [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxQs8SogiV6ar3RB4qdg9jq
• Lista Pokémon Rubí Omega Nuzlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxqNJF88H5vtvXPAyJX00Oe
• Lista Pokémon Y Wonderlocke [En Proceso]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xz_YBC3UEDAYBla2DToXbj0
• Lista Pokémon ZA Randomlocke [En Proceso]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxbmJ2CTd3gvSw5CpNX6ISO
► Combates Pokémon 3DS & Pokémon Showdown:
• Combates VGC 2015 Road To Ranked: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwH_0t6wIAlQCbsSi0PLEXF
• Combates Ranking Individuales: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxXzl6v9G8CPOYeWK6MpOnq
• Combates Wifi Pokémon Rubí Omega y Zafiro Alfa: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwLBA3kzkmCODKXIHMbzCh1
• Combates Wifi Pokémon XY: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xycSwl9ChZsSGtrsR5c-6Kf
• Combates en Showdown: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xw_OhfwouXN1hAs4l_mROcw
• Combates con Pokémon RANDOM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xz7XEfHJZ2lT8Ktm4QbhlnU
• Combates Pokémon RU: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzEeXde2JX-v3VkMYfocjW_
• Combates Pokémon Mono Team: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwDc4MK3m6D6EzozgKTwQ74
• Pokémon Rubí Omega / Zafiro Alfa | Combates de Suscriptores https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzBRRYI6cjPxtMHblg1u4eV
• Combates Pokémon OverUsed Tier OU: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxLImhvEUithNOr0NEU0qhS
• Combates VGC 2016 Pokémon: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzSv0FUhqkFzHS4YMdPPK9K
• Combates Pokémon Temáticos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzZTKkmBWSHn3d5fWOGAhyd
• MEGAEVOLUCIONES DE ASH KETCHUM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzeGS1uBq2wIgMFSUV8TIUq
• Hasta que no obtienen las Pokeballs, no comienza la regla de ''Capturar al primer Pokémon de la Ruta''
• Siendo un Locke, no hay límite de vidas, se perderá cuando me quede sin el equipo completo en medio de Batalla
• Solo puedo capturar al primer Pokémon de cada ruta.
• Puedo curarme con pociones en COMBATE y fuera de COMBATE.
• No puedo comprar Pociones, hasta que llegue a la LIGA POKÉMON.
wn.com/Ash Vs Alain | Greninja Ash Vs Mega Charizard X | Pokémon Xy Z
• Sígueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrGaryGamingYT
• Sígueme en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mrgarygaming-693435834126026/?ref=hl
• Tienda de Ropa Pokémon: http://www.latostadora.com/mrgarygaming
• Sígueme en Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/110602269788606554070/+MrGaryGaming/posts?pageId=110602269788606554070
• Descarga mi aplicación: http://myapp.wips.com/mrgarygaming-aplicacion-extension
► Lista de Guías Pokémon del CANAL:
• Lista Guía PokéMMo [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwmLoVSSfZWrr3M7YrBsM1q
• Lista Guía Pokémon X Nuzlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwNeZUsskwqPshxvMvkvfwh
• Lista Guía Pokémon Diamante [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxS1NLQQknNBuOU9a2laGwl
• Lista Guía Pokémon Rubí Omega [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?action_edit=1&list;=PL7TXdFmB_1xyMHNOWIKkwpdU8n9yyoiWB
• Lista Guía Zafiro Alfa Wonderlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xx895kqAKdUxFl_j5wpmBTA
• Lista Guía Pokémon Rojo Fuego [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxlC3eneJrqhLKufhlM_uxZ
• Lista Guía Pokémon Perla Nuzlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xx4qVMmQFAEXc5iZKMs_zbg
• Lista Guía Pokémon Ethereal Gates [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxQs8SogiV6ar3RB4qdg9jq
• Lista Pokémon Rubí Omega Nuzlocke [Finalizada]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxqNJF88H5vtvXPAyJX00Oe
• Lista Pokémon Y Wonderlocke [En Proceso]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xz_YBC3UEDAYBla2DToXbj0
• Lista Pokémon ZA Randomlocke [En Proceso]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxbmJ2CTd3gvSw5CpNX6ISO
► Combates Pokémon 3DS & Pokémon Showdown:
• Combates VGC 2015 Road To Ranked: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwH_0t6wIAlQCbsSi0PLEXF
• Combates Ranking Individuales: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxXzl6v9G8CPOYeWK6MpOnq
• Combates Wifi Pokémon Rubí Omega y Zafiro Alfa: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwLBA3kzkmCODKXIHMbzCh1
• Combates Wifi Pokémon XY: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xycSwl9ChZsSGtrsR5c-6Kf
• Combates en Showdown: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xw_OhfwouXN1hAs4l_mROcw
• Combates con Pokémon RANDOM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xz7XEfHJZ2lT8Ktm4QbhlnU
• Combates Pokémon RU: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzEeXde2JX-v3VkMYfocjW_
• Combates Pokémon Mono Team: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xwDc4MK3m6D6EzozgKTwQ74
• Pokémon Rubí Omega / Zafiro Alfa | Combates de Suscriptores https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzBRRYI6cjPxtMHblg1u4eV
• Combates Pokémon OverUsed Tier OU: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xxLImhvEUithNOr0NEU0qhS
• Combates VGC 2016 Pokémon: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzSv0FUhqkFzHS4YMdPPK9K
• Combates Pokémon Temáticos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzZTKkmBWSHn3d5fWOGAhyd
• MEGAEVOLUCIONES DE ASH KETCHUM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TXdFmB_1xzeGS1uBq2wIgMFSUV8TIUq
• Hasta que no obtienen las Pokeballs, no comienza la regla de ''Capturar al primer Pokémon de la Ruta''
• Siendo un Locke, no hay límite de vidas, se perderá cuando me quede sin el equipo completo en medio de Batalla
• Solo puedo capturar al primer Pokémon de cada ruta.
• Puedo curarme con pociones en COMBATE y fuera de COMBATE.
• No puedo comprar Pociones, hasta que llegue a la LIGA POKÉMON.
- published: 07 Feb 2016
- views: 35960
Alain Chamfort - Paradis (Paradis Reprise)
'Le meilleur d'Alain Chamfort (versions revisitées)' est disponible en pré-commande sur:
►FNAC - http://po.st/ACRemixFnac
►ITUNES - http://po.st/ACRemixiTunes
'Le meilleur d'Alain Chamfort (versions revisitées)' est disponible en pré-commande sur:
►FNAC - http://po.st/ACRemixFnac
►ITUNES - http://po.st/ACRemixiTunes
Le titre est disponible sur :
►ITUNES - http://po.st/ParadisiTunes
Repris par Paradis : https://www.facebook.com/paradisfm/
Crédits :
Auteur : Jacques Duvall
Compositeur : Alain Chamfort
Editions : Rock’n’Rose Music
Mastering : Benjamin "BiNJ" Weber @ Translab Mastering Studios, Paris
(p) 2015 Universal & © 2015 LE LABEL - [PIAS]
wn.com/Alain Chamfort Paradis (Paradis Reprise)
'Le meilleur d'Alain Chamfort (versions revisitées)' est disponible en pré-commande sur:
►FNAC - http://po.st/ACRemixFnac
►ITUNES - http://po.st/ACRemixiTunes
Le titre est disponible sur :
►ITUNES - http://po.st/ParadisiTunes
Repris par Paradis : https://www.facebook.com/paradisfm/
Crédits :
Auteur : Jacques Duvall
Compositeur : Alain Chamfort
Editions : Rock’n’Rose Music
Mastering : Benjamin "BiNJ" Weber @ Translab Mastering Studios, Paris
(p) 2015 Universal & © 2015 LE LABEL - [PIAS]
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 41574
Dj Assad Ft Alain Ramanisum & Willy William - Li Tourner OFFICIAL VIDEO HD
DJ Assad Ft Alain Ramanisum & Willy William - LI TOURNER disponible sur iTunes ICI : http://bit.ly/17zm4pj
Abonnes toi à Scorpio Music ici : http://bit.ly/1771h...
DJ Assad Ft Alain Ramanisum & Willy William - LI TOURNER disponible sur iTunes ICI : http://bit.ly/17zm4pj
Abonnes toi à Scorpio Music ici : http://bit.ly/1771hKb
Et suis nous sur Facebook et Twitter pour plus d'infos & news : https://www.facebook.com/scorpiodigital
DJ ASSAD est une figure de la musique Club Française.
Il a réussi au fil du temps à imposer son style et défier les charts français.
Officielle Page Fan : https://www.facebook.com/djassadofficiel
Lyric Video : http://bit.ly/1bsPzg6
Jerry Wallis Get Crasy Remix : http://bit.ly/1aXUC4j
Willy William Remix : http://bit.ly/Hw3kxO
wn.com/Dj Assad Ft Alain Ramanisum Willy William Li Tourner Official Video Hd
DJ Assad Ft Alain Ramanisum & Willy William - LI TOURNER disponible sur iTunes ICI : http://bit.ly/17zm4pj
Abonnes toi à Scorpio Music ici : http://bit.ly/1771hKb
Et suis nous sur Facebook et Twitter pour plus d'infos & news : https://www.facebook.com/scorpiodigital
DJ ASSAD est une figure de la musique Club Française.
Il a réussi au fil du temps à imposer son style et défier les charts français.
Officielle Page Fan : https://www.facebook.com/djassadofficiel
Lyric Video : http://bit.ly/1bsPzg6
Jerry Wallis Get Crasy Remix : http://bit.ly/1aXUC4j
Willy William Remix : http://bit.ly/Hw3kxO
- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 24604750
Après les flots de verbiages des journalistes et des "fast-thinker" de plateaux TV, vient le temps de certaines paroles posées, et de hauteur de point de vue, d...
Après les flots de verbiages des journalistes et des "fast-thinker" de plateaux TV, vient le temps de certaines paroles posées, et de hauteur de point de vue, dont je vous invite à vous délecter.
10 % de la pop. Mondiale détient 86 % des richesses;
50 % n'a rien !
40 ¨% de la pop. détient 14¨% des richesses mondiales.
Ces 40 % là sont la classe moyenne, le pilier qui fait tenir le système en contrepartie de ...miettes...
La classe moyenne c nous, c vous qui lisez ce message et qui autorisons ce monde tellement injuste.
Regardez ce document pour en comprendre les mécanismes
wn.com/Alain Badiou, Penser Les Meurtres De Masse Là Bas Si J'y Suis
Après les flots de verbiages des journalistes et des "fast-thinker" de plateaux TV, vient le temps de certaines paroles posées, et de hauteur de point de vue, dont je vous invite à vous délecter.
10 % de la pop. Mondiale détient 86 % des richesses;
50 % n'a rien !
40 ¨% de la pop. détient 14¨% des richesses mondiales.
Ces 40 % là sont la classe moyenne, le pilier qui fait tenir le système en contrepartie de ...miettes...
La classe moyenne c nous, c vous qui lisez ce message et qui autorisons ce monde tellement injuste.
Regardez ce document pour en comprendre les mécanismes
- published: 28 Nov 2015
- views: 14038
Alain de Botton Interview (Full Episode) | The Tim Ferriss Show (Podcast)
How Philosophy Can Change Your Life, Alain de Botton
Show Notes: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/11/10/alain-de-botton/
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1dSzTkW
How Philosophy Can Change Your Life, Alain de Botton
Show Notes: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/11/10/alain-de-botton/
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1dSzTkW
About Tim Ferriss:
Timothy Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People", Forbes Magazine's "Names You Need to Know," and is the 7th "most powerful" personality on Newsweek's Digital 100 Power Index for 2012. He is an angel investor/advisor (Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Evernote, Uber, and 20+ more) and author of the following books: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef. Tim is listed as #13 in the "100 Most Influential VCs, Angels & Investors" rankings, and Newsweek calls him "the world's best guinea pig," which he takes a compliment.
Connect with Tim Ferriss:
Visit the Tim Ferriss BLOG: http://bit.ly/17jDHw3
Like Tim Ferriss on FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1avYUxq
Follow Tim Ferriss on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/17d94TE
wn.com/Alain De Botton Interview (Full Episode) | The Tim Ferriss Show (Podcast)
How Philosophy Can Change Your Life, Alain de Botton
Show Notes: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/11/10/alain-de-botton/
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1dSzTkW
About Tim Ferriss:
Timothy Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People", Forbes Magazine's "Names You Need to Know," and is the 7th "most powerful" personality on Newsweek's Digital 100 Power Index for 2012. He is an angel investor/advisor (Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Evernote, Uber, and 20+ more) and author of the following books: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef. Tim is listed as #13 in the "100 Most Influential VCs, Angels & Investors" rankings, and Newsweek calls him "the world's best guinea pig," which he takes a compliment.
Connect with Tim Ferriss:
Visit the Tim Ferriss BLOG: http://bit.ly/17jDHw3
Like Tim Ferriss on FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1avYUxq
Follow Tim Ferriss on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/17d94TE
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 3562
Safety Ain't the Point of a Joyride Guide - Star Wars: Battlefront
Tim_AU and Whiistler travel to a galaxy far, far away and unlock the Safety ain't the point of a joyride achievement for Star Wars: Battlefront!
Top 12 Tourist Attractions in Abu Dhabi
This video explains about 12 Tourist Attractions in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is Abu Dhabi is the capital and the second most populous city in the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi is full of archeological evidence that points to civilizations. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Al-Hosn, Emirates Palace Hotel, Etihad Towers are top tourist places in Abu Dhabi. You can vacation to these best places to visit in
Al Ain Travel Video
Al Ain Travel Video - The green, tree-lined arrival to Al-Ain (the UAE's half of the Buraimi Oasis) is in stark contrast to the magnificent desert dunes you pass on the way there. Once a five-day camel trek from Abu Dhabi, and now around a two-hour easy drive, it's little wonder that its relatively cool, dry climate has always attracted those looking for respite from the harsh and hot conditions e
How To Train While Travelling | STOCKHOLM Fitness Expo | GYMSHARK
► ONLINE COACHINING / DIET PLANS: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk
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► Rise Gym Gear: http://risegymgear.com and use LEX
Tourist Attractions Al Ain
dubai al ain abu dhabi travel 2012 go pro
Voyage Dubai -- Al Ain -- Abu Dhabi
Dubai : burjuman arjaan, sheik zayed road, burj khalifa at the top, atlantis park, dolphin bay, surf burj al arab, dubai mall,
Al Ain : jabel hafeet, mercure hotel, camel race, camel souk
Abu dhabi : jumeirah hotel at ethiad towers, sheikh zayed mosque, coconut island, emirates palace, corniche road, baloon adventure dubai
+ de videos = google : marc antoi
http://grrrltraveler.com/the-grrr/traveling-solo/how-to-make-friends-when-you-travel-alone/ Travel Tips: How to Make Friends when you Travel (Part 1)
Part one of my two part series on how to make friends when you travel. I decided to chop this up for attention spans.
Apologies for the missed uploads and vlog sogginess. I filmed this at 2AM and boy, that was not a great idea.
A lot of potentia
Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Al Ain : Travel with the Malmsten's episode ll
Travel with the Malmsten's episode ll : In this episode we are exploring the modern city of Dubai, the ancient Arabic city of Al Ain and driving in the beautiful dessert of Abu Dhabi.
Maarika, Amilia, Estelle & Rickard Malmsten
I'm A Girl Who Learns To Travel & Travels To Learn
Sharing my love of travel through the eyes of us girls. Learn to travel and you will travel to learn a great deal- the world is full of serendipity. Through the art of editing & cinematography, I used 22 music videos/short films/advertisements/few video clips of my own to create this video.
[Inspired by: http://vimeo.com/10218348908 - "Don't Date A Girl Who Travels"]
{No copyright infringemen
Fallout 4 - 12 Easy Power Armor Locations Early in the Game (With Fusion Cores)
There are 4 Power Armor Types in Fallout 4: T-45, T-51, T-60, X-01. This guide shows you locations where you can easily find them. It depends on your character level what armor type you will find! If you are only level 5, odds are you will get T-45 parts (which is the weakest). And if you are level 50 you should be able to find T-60 and X-01 armor. But even then, it is slightly random what armor t
►MYPROTEIN DISCOUNTS • UK & Europe - http://bit.ly/1Ezx46L then CODE "LEX" 10% OFF
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►ONLINE COACHINING / DIET PLANS: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk
►BOOMBabY! APPAREL: http://www.BOOMBabYClothing.com & use Code "LEX10"
►Get 10% OFF GYMSHARK at: http://bit.ly/LEXGY
Train Your Brain - Tai Lopez
How I went from broke to buying a Lamborghini: http://goo.gl/tEvsbZ I once read a poem that said, "Who is mighty? They who control their own thoughts." The good news is as you learn to harness your brain you will unlock a tremendous tool. How are you practicing mind control (haha I like how that sounds)...?
10 Tips for Airline Travel with Baby
http://mamanatural.com/ Mike and I are avid travelers and having a baby doesn't have to stop us from continuing this great love of ours. We've already taken Griffin on three airplane trips in his young 6 month-old life.
While traveling with little ones takes a little more planning and patience, it can be done.
Here are the top tips for traveling with babies that I've learned along the way.
From the show 'Johny Aala Re'- first time on the Internet. Johny Lever in full form as a ticketless traveler!
10 Tips for Flying on a Plane
Be sure to go to TSA's website for clarification of rules. http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information
If you have a question about liquids, go here http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/3-1-1-liquids-rule
I know I say 'like' a lot but I really don't care if you 'like' it or not. If it bothers you and you feel the need to say something negative, then buh-bye! Ain't no room for that sh*t her
Buhay sa Dubai Travels || Wadi Adventure in Al Ain, UAE
the BEST thing in life is FREE...
it was our Day-Off (Me, Joemel and Mark).
minsan lang nangyari na we have Day-Off of the same day kaya Tropa Tropa Chill kaming tatlo.
Thanks sa lahat ng Wadi Adventure staff sa napakasayang pagtanggap nyo sa amin.
Travels with Kimbo: Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania: Ain't no Mountain High Enough
Cruisin' through the Allegheny's listenin' to Mike McDonald, Ashford and Simpson....I tell you what....ain't nothing' like the real thing.......baby. 'Kimbo d'Abuto
Disclaimer: In no way do I claim to own the rights to the music of Ashford and Simpson, ...but, hell, it's my travel tape Cd....sure seemed to fit this beautiful area of the great state of Pennsylvania...'Bo.
I Got 99 Problems But A Trip To Cuba Ain't One
Fox News hosts slam Beyonce and Jay-Z for visiting Cuba after previously providing Cuba travel tips.
Al Ain Tourism guide 360: The Zoo Entrance
autopano test
AL AIN TOURISM GUIDE 360: View from the Top
test sunrise
【Where to Eat in TOKYO #1】AIN SOPH. JOURNEY @ Shinjuku
I'll show you where to eat vegan food in Tokyo ;)
There are lots of vegan restaurant and cafe throughout Japan. If you are searching a place where you can eat vegan food in Tokyo, You will no longer get lost ;)
株式会社みんなのごはん / Miina no gohan CO LTD
Facebook : htt
Ain Al Baidha (منطقة العين البيضاء) in Tafilah (مدينة الطفيلة) - Jordan
Travelling through Ain Albaida in Tafilah, Jordan.
Kevin MacLeod - Overheat
Thank you to Kevin MacLeod for the royalty free music.
Jordan (Country),اَلأُرْدُنّ,Al-ʾUrdunn,Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,Kingdom of Jordan,اَلمَمْلَكَة اَلأُرْدُنِيَّة اَلهَاشِمِيَّة,al-Mamlakah al-ʾUrdunniyyah al-Hāšimiyyah,Yordania,Йордан,Jordanië,Jordanien,ጆርዳን,Hascemisce Cynerīce þæs
Strain Hunters Jamaica Expedition (Full Length)
Please Subscribe to keep us going! Official Site: http://www.strainhunters.com http://www.greenhouseseeds.nl Facebook http://facebook.com/greenhouseseeds & http://facebook.com/strainhunters.official
Music by: Marlon Parkes aka Bobo Shanty
Here we go again!
We board a flight from Amsterdam and in 9 hours we are in the Caribbean. After a layover of just a couple
Safety Ain't the Point of a Joyride Guide - Star Wars: Battlefront
Tim_AU and Whiistler travel to a galaxy far, far away and unlock the Safety ain't the point of a joyride achievement for Star Wars: Battlefront!...
Tim_AU and Whiistler travel to a galaxy far, far away and unlock the Safety ain't the point of a joyride achievement for Star Wars: Battlefront!
wn.com/Safety Ain't The Point Of A Joyride Guide Star Wars Battlefront
Tim_AU and Whiistler travel to a galaxy far, far away and unlock the Safety ain't the point of a joyride achievement for Star Wars: Battlefront!
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 1272
Top 12 Tourist Attractions in Abu Dhabi
This video explains about 12 Tourist Attractions in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is Abu Dhabi is the capital and the second most populous city in the United Arab Emirat...
This video explains about 12 Tourist Attractions in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is Abu Dhabi is the capital and the second most populous city in the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi is full of archeological evidence that points to civilizations. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Al-Hosn, Emirates Palace Hotel, Etihad Towers are top tourist places in Abu Dhabi. You can vacation to these best places to visit in Abu Dhabi. This list of attractions can be your references before you travel to Abu Dhabi.
photo credit:
Liwa Oasis by Danny Munnerley www.flickr.com/photos/munnerley/5095866275
Abu Dhabi Corniche by Francesca Bersellini www.flickr.com/photos/francescabe/6822954154
Jabel Hafeet by Irenicrhonda www.flickr.com/photos/irenicrhonda/3447298025
Yas Island by Aziz J.Hayat www.flickr.com/photos/jhayat/5722284580
Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital by Maarten Danial www.flickr.com/photos/maartendanial/11283514744
Sir Bani Yas by Ismail.alghussein en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sir_Bani_Yas_Island_Panorama.jpg
Al Ain Zoo by shankar s. www.flickr.com/photos/shankaronline/8454239901
Etihad Towers by André Diogo Moecke www.flickr.com/photos/andrediogo/16501787972/
Emirates Palace Hotel by Y Nakanishi www.flickr.com/photos/ynakanishi/16938883849/
Al-Hosn by Roddy Austin www.flickr.com/photos/nyuabudhabi/2252950245
Heritage Village by tara hunt www.flickr.com/photos/missrogue/3153286138
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque by mx2.de www.flickr.com/photos/martin2012/7190928816
wn.com/Top 12 Tourist Attractions In Abu Dhabi
This video explains about 12 Tourist Attractions in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is Abu Dhabi is the capital and the second most populous city in the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi is full of archeological evidence that points to civilizations. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Al-Hosn, Emirates Palace Hotel, Etihad Towers are top tourist places in Abu Dhabi. You can vacation to these best places to visit in Abu Dhabi. This list of attractions can be your references before you travel to Abu Dhabi.
photo credit:
Liwa Oasis by Danny Munnerley www.flickr.com/photos/munnerley/5095866275
Abu Dhabi Corniche by Francesca Bersellini www.flickr.com/photos/francescabe/6822954154
Jabel Hafeet by Irenicrhonda www.flickr.com/photos/irenicrhonda/3447298025
Yas Island by Aziz J.Hayat www.flickr.com/photos/jhayat/5722284580
Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital by Maarten Danial www.flickr.com/photos/maartendanial/11283514744
Sir Bani Yas by Ismail.alghussein en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sir_Bani_Yas_Island_Panorama.jpg
Al Ain Zoo by shankar s. www.flickr.com/photos/shankaronline/8454239901
Etihad Towers by André Diogo Moecke www.flickr.com/photos/andrediogo/16501787972/
Emirates Palace Hotel by Y Nakanishi www.flickr.com/photos/ynakanishi/16938883849/
Al-Hosn by Roddy Austin www.flickr.com/photos/nyuabudhabi/2252950245
Heritage Village by tara hunt www.flickr.com/photos/missrogue/3153286138
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque by mx2.de www.flickr.com/photos/martin2012/7190928816
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 4406
Al Ain Travel Video
Al Ain Travel Video - The green, tree-lined arrival to Al-Ain (the UAE's half of the Buraimi Oasis) is in stark contrast to the magnificent desert dunes you pas...
Al Ain Travel Video - The green, tree-lined arrival to Al-Ain (the UAE's half of the Buraimi Oasis) is in stark contrast to the magnificent desert dunes you pass on the way there. Once a five-day camel trek from Abu Dhabi, and now around a two-hour easy drive, it's little wonder that its relatively cool, dry climate has always attracted those looking for respite from the harsh and hot conditions elsewhere in the emirate. The birthplace of Sheikh Zayed, Al-Ain has benefited from his patronage and passion for greening the desert, with its verdant streets and kitschy decorated roundabouts.
Al Ain Travel Video is never far from this capital of the eastern region of Abu Dhabi emirate. The winding road up to the Jebel Hafeet lookout offers a magnificent view of the Empty Quarter in Saudi Arabia, as well as a hotel perched on a precipice. With lively markets, myriad forts and museums to explore, and a famous date-palm oasis, Al-Ain is a breath of fresh air and worthy of a relaxing couple of days.
Wonderful Al Ain Travel Video!!!
wn.com/Al Ain Travel Video
Al Ain Travel Video - The green, tree-lined arrival to Al-Ain (the UAE's half of the Buraimi Oasis) is in stark contrast to the magnificent desert dunes you pass on the way there. Once a five-day camel trek from Abu Dhabi, and now around a two-hour easy drive, it's little wonder that its relatively cool, dry climate has always attracted those looking for respite from the harsh and hot conditions elsewhere in the emirate. The birthplace of Sheikh Zayed, Al-Ain has benefited from his patronage and passion for greening the desert, with its verdant streets and kitschy decorated roundabouts.
Al Ain Travel Video is never far from this capital of the eastern region of Abu Dhabi emirate. The winding road up to the Jebel Hafeet lookout offers a magnificent view of the Empty Quarter in Saudi Arabia, as well as a hotel perched on a precipice. With lively markets, myriad forts and museums to explore, and a famous date-palm oasis, Al-Ain is a breath of fresh air and worthy of a relaxing couple of days.
Wonderful Al Ain Travel Video!!!
- published: 27 May 2014
- views: 728
How To Train While Travelling | STOCKHOLM Fitness Expo | GYMSHARK
► ONLINE COACHINING / DIET PLANS: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk
► DES!RE APPAREL: http://www.DESIREFitFashion.com & use Code "LEX10"
► SHOP GYMSHARK at: http://bi...
► ONLINE COACHINING / DIET PLANS: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk
► DES!RE APPAREL: http://www.DESIREFitFashion.com & use Code "LEX10"
► SHOP GYMSHARK at: http://bit.ly/LEXGYMSHARK and then use "LEX10"
► MYPROTEIN DISCOUNTS • UK & Europe - http://bit.ly/1Ezx46L then CODE "LEX10" 10% OFF
• US & Canada - http://bit.ly/1LW6qoQ then CODE "LEXUS" 15% OFF!
► Rise Gym Gear: http://risegymgear.com and use LEX10 to save 10% on all lifting gear
► MUSCLEFOOD: Use Link http://bit.ly/1Lh2pgy with Code LEX5OFF for 5% Off
• FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/LexAesthetics
• INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/Lex_Fitness
• TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/Lexonidas
ARTIST: Rob Bailey & The Hustle Standard
SONG: I Am Not Done Remix
Artist: White Comic
Song: This Ain't The End of Me
White Comic's Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/YouKnowItsWhiteComic
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, parody, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
The royalty free music used in this video is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
wn.com/How To Train While Travelling | Stockholm Fitness Expo | Gymshark
► ONLINE COACHINING / DIET PLANS: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk
► DES!RE APPAREL: http://www.DESIREFitFashion.com & use Code "LEX10"
► SHOP GYMSHARK at: http://bit.ly/LEXGYMSHARK and then use "LEX10"
► MYPROTEIN DISCOUNTS • UK & Europe - http://bit.ly/1Ezx46L then CODE "LEX10" 10% OFF
• US & Canada - http://bit.ly/1LW6qoQ then CODE "LEXUS" 15% OFF!
► Rise Gym Gear: http://risegymgear.com and use LEX10 to save 10% on all lifting gear
► MUSCLEFOOD: Use Link http://bit.ly/1Lh2pgy with Code LEX5OFF for 5% Off
• FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/LexAesthetics
• INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/Lex_Fitness
• TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/Lexonidas
ARTIST: Rob Bailey & The Hustle Standard
SONG: I Am Not Done Remix
Artist: White Comic
Song: This Ain't The End of Me
White Comic's Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/YouKnowItsWhiteComic
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, parody, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
The royalty free music used in this video is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 38237
dubai al ain abu dhabi travel 2012 go pro
Voyage Dubai -- Al Ain -- Abu Dhabi
Dubai : burjuman arjaan, sheik zayed road, burj khalifa at the top, atlantis park, dolphin bay, surf burj al arab, dubai ma...
Voyage Dubai -- Al Ain -- Abu Dhabi
Dubai : burjuman arjaan, sheik zayed road, burj khalifa at the top, atlantis park, dolphin bay, surf burj al arab, dubai mall,
Al Ain : jabel hafeet, mercure hotel, camel race, camel souk
Abu dhabi : jumeirah hotel at ethiad towers, sheikh zayed mosque, coconut island, emirates palace, corniche road, baloon adventure dubai
+ de videos = google : marc antoine gopro
wn.com/Dubai Al Ain Abu Dhabi Travel 2012 Go Pro
Voyage Dubai -- Al Ain -- Abu Dhabi
Dubai : burjuman arjaan, sheik zayed road, burj khalifa at the top, atlantis park, dolphin bay, surf burj al arab, dubai mall,
Al Ain : jabel hafeet, mercure hotel, camel race, camel souk
Abu dhabi : jumeirah hotel at ethiad towers, sheikh zayed mosque, coconut island, emirates palace, corniche road, baloon adventure dubai
+ de videos = google : marc antoine gopro
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 5043
http://grrrltraveler.com/the-grrr/traveling-solo/how-to-make-friends-when-you-travel-alone/ Travel Tips: How to Make Friends when you Travel (Part 1)
Part one...
http://grrrltraveler.com/the-grrr/traveling-solo/how-to-make-friends-when-you-travel-alone/ Travel Tips: How to Make Friends when you Travel (Part 1)
Part one of my two part series on how to make friends when you travel. I decided to chop this up for attention spans.
Apologies for the missed uploads and vlog sogginess. I filmed this at 2AM and boy, that was not a great idea.
A lot of potential solo travelers and solo travelers alike can worry about loneliness on the road. It happens to us all. Here's tips to help get you out of that rut and into the social arena.
There are going to be times when you feel like loneliness on the road is unavoidable. It can be for a variety of reasons-
1.you feel isolated from social activity,
2. you dip into self pity
3. Or you just don't feel like making an effort to make friends.
Remember, as long as there are people around you, loneliness is a choice. There are always opportunities to make friends.
I'm to share tips with you on How to Make Friends on the Road
[1. Avoid the hotels]
Avoid hotels and opt for hostels. Hotels tend to attraction 3 types of people:
1. business travelers,
2. couples who are there to be romantic,
3. families, who already have their itineraries.
You might feel isolated from social activity, because there ain't much social activity going on.
Hostels are very social, social places. The travelers that go there want to meet and mingle with other travelers. That's the whole idea of a hostel. People there also tend to be on a budget. They want to meet to exchange stories, exchange ideas and tips.
[#2 Look for solo travelers]
Look for other solo travelers.
The backpacker route can feel different from the tourist route. You'll notice a lot more solo travelers there. It's easier to meet people. Whenever I'm looking for someone to do things with or eat with, I always look for the solo traveler. Solo travelers are a lot more approachable because they're by themselves.
Although I feel comfortable approaching a group or couple, the solo traveler is the easiest person to approach.
[#3. Smile and ask questions]
Smile and ask questions. Personally, it's easier for me to ask questions. Questions are practical, informational and useful to me as a traveler. They're also great icebreakers and non-threatening ways to open a conversation.
If I overhear someone, I'll start asking them questions because I want to know these things.
What's also great about asking questions is that sometimes it leads into invitations to do things or for others to invite you. When you discuss what you're interested in, people around you take notice of that and start assessing what they want to do.
4. Group Tours
Not necessarily are you going to meet people to do things with, but you will meet other travelers to converse with.
Hopefully this was helpful for you.
Travel safe, smart and fun.
GOOGLE + PAGE: https://plus.google.com/b/115684422978231046500/+Grrrltraveler
Travel Survival | Solo Travel Tips | Live with GRRR!
wn.com/Solo Travel Tips How To Make Friends When Traveling (Part I)
http://grrrltraveler.com/the-grrr/traveling-solo/how-to-make-friends-when-you-travel-alone/ Travel Tips: How to Make Friends when you Travel (Part 1)
Part one of my two part series on how to make friends when you travel. I decided to chop this up for attention spans.
Apologies for the missed uploads and vlog sogginess. I filmed this at 2AM and boy, that was not a great idea.
A lot of potential solo travelers and solo travelers alike can worry about loneliness on the road. It happens to us all. Here's tips to help get you out of that rut and into the social arena.
There are going to be times when you feel like loneliness on the road is unavoidable. It can be for a variety of reasons-
1.you feel isolated from social activity,
2. you dip into self pity
3. Or you just don't feel like making an effort to make friends.
Remember, as long as there are people around you, loneliness is a choice. There are always opportunities to make friends.
I'm to share tips with you on How to Make Friends on the Road
[1. Avoid the hotels]
Avoid hotels and opt for hostels. Hotels tend to attraction 3 types of people:
1. business travelers,
2. couples who are there to be romantic,
3. families, who already have their itineraries.
You might feel isolated from social activity, because there ain't much social activity going on.
Hostels are very social, social places. The travelers that go there want to meet and mingle with other travelers. That's the whole idea of a hostel. People there also tend to be on a budget. They want to meet to exchange stories, exchange ideas and tips.
[#2 Look for solo travelers]
Look for other solo travelers.
The backpacker route can feel different from the tourist route. You'll notice a lot more solo travelers there. It's easier to meet people. Whenever I'm looking for someone to do things with or eat with, I always look for the solo traveler. Solo travelers are a lot more approachable because they're by themselves.
Although I feel comfortable approaching a group or couple, the solo traveler is the easiest person to approach.
[#3. Smile and ask questions]
Smile and ask questions. Personally, it's easier for me to ask questions. Questions are practical, informational and useful to me as a traveler. They're also great icebreakers and non-threatening ways to open a conversation.
If I overhear someone, I'll start asking them questions because I want to know these things.
What's also great about asking questions is that sometimes it leads into invitations to do things or for others to invite you. When you discuss what you're interested in, people around you take notice of that and start assessing what they want to do.
4. Group Tours
Not necessarily are you going to meet people to do things with, but you will meet other travelers to converse with.
Hopefully this was helpful for you.
Travel safe, smart and fun.
GOOGLE + PAGE: https://plus.google.com/b/115684422978231046500/+Grrrltraveler
Travel Survival | Solo Travel Tips | Live with GRRR!
- published: 12 Aug 2014
- views: 9922
Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Al Ain : Travel with the Malmsten's episode ll
Travel with the Malmsten's episode ll : In this episode we are exploring the modern city of Dubai, the ancient Arabic city of Al Ain and driving in the beautifu...
Travel with the Malmsten's episode ll : In this episode we are exploring the modern city of Dubai, the ancient Arabic city of Al Ain and driving in the beautiful dessert of Abu Dhabi.
Maarika, Amilia, Estelle & Rickard Malmsten
wn.com/Dubai Abu Dhabi Al Ain Travel With The Malmsten's Episode Ll
Travel with the Malmsten's episode ll : In this episode we are exploring the modern city of Dubai, the ancient Arabic city of Al Ain and driving in the beautiful dessert of Abu Dhabi.
Maarika, Amilia, Estelle & Rickard Malmsten
- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 930
I'm A Girl Who Learns To Travel & Travels To Learn
Sharing my love of travel through the eyes of us girls. Learn to travel and you will travel to learn a great deal- the world is full of serendipity. Through the...
Sharing my love of travel through the eyes of us girls. Learn to travel and you will travel to learn a great deal- the world is full of serendipity. Through the art of editing & cinematography, I used 22 music videos/short films/advertisements/few video clips of my own to create this video.
[Inspired by: http://vimeo.com/10218348908 - "Don't Date A Girl Who Travels"]
{No copyright infringement intended, for entertainment purposes only}.
Music: Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers (Lido Remix)
Source Clips (except my own):
“Station to Station” Levis https://vimeo.com/74257732
“Made in America” Budweiser https://vimeo.com/63833553
"Let's Savour Life” American Garden https://vimeo.com/80378837
“Beyond Mountains, More Mountains” CANADA https://vimeo.com/50074770
"Summer” Billabong https://vimeo.com/66780899
“Sleepwalking in the Rift” Cary Fukunaga https://vimeo.com/55403443
“Choice” Gnarly Bay https://vimeo.com/72216778
“Driven to Explore” Amish Solanki https://vimeo.com/64778017
“Live the Language: Sydney” Education First https://vimeo.com/28788421
“Endless Roads” Juan Rayos https://vimeo.com/82523424
“An Ode to Summer” Kinfolk Magazine https://vimeo.com/45083551
“Made for Mankind” Acura https://vimeo.com/77509523
“Anthem” Marmot https://vimeo.com/70816745
“The Bay” Metronomy https://vimeo.com/25049692
“Tourism” Warringah https://vimeo.com/86388338
“Summer” Soul School of Languages https://vimeo.com/75915235
“The Mountains are Calling” The North Face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaBvs...
“Tracks” John Curran https://vimeo.com/90586323
wn.com/I'm A Girl Who Learns To Travel Travels To Learn
Sharing my love of travel through the eyes of us girls. Learn to travel and you will travel to learn a great deal- the world is full of serendipity. Through the art of editing & cinematography, I used 22 music videos/short films/advertisements/few video clips of my own to create this video.
[Inspired by: http://vimeo.com/10218348908 - "Don't Date A Girl Who Travels"]
{No copyright infringement intended, for entertainment purposes only}.
Music: Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers (Lido Remix)
Source Clips (except my own):
“Station to Station” Levis https://vimeo.com/74257732
“Made in America” Budweiser https://vimeo.com/63833553
"Let's Savour Life” American Garden https://vimeo.com/80378837
“Beyond Mountains, More Mountains” CANADA https://vimeo.com/50074770
"Summer” Billabong https://vimeo.com/66780899
“Sleepwalking in the Rift” Cary Fukunaga https://vimeo.com/55403443
“Choice” Gnarly Bay https://vimeo.com/72216778
“Driven to Explore” Amish Solanki https://vimeo.com/64778017
“Live the Language: Sydney” Education First https://vimeo.com/28788421
“Endless Roads” Juan Rayos https://vimeo.com/82523424
“An Ode to Summer” Kinfolk Magazine https://vimeo.com/45083551
“Made for Mankind” Acura https://vimeo.com/77509523
“Anthem” Marmot https://vimeo.com/70816745
“The Bay” Metronomy https://vimeo.com/25049692
“Tourism” Warringah https://vimeo.com/86388338
“Summer” Soul School of Languages https://vimeo.com/75915235
“The Mountains are Calling” The North Face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaBvs...
“Tracks” John Curran https://vimeo.com/90586323
- published: 23 Aug 2014
- views: 37936
Fallout 4 - 12 Easy Power Armor Locations Early in the Game (With Fusion Cores)
There are 4 Power Armor Types in Fallout 4: T-45, T-51, T-60, X-01. This guide shows you locations where you can easily find them. It depends on your character ...
There are 4 Power Armor Types in Fallout 4: T-45, T-51, T-60, X-01. This guide shows you locations where you can easily find them. It depends on your character level what armor type you will find! If you are only level 5, odds are you will get T-45 parts (which is the weakest). And if you are level 50 you should be able to find T-60 and X-01 armor. But even then, it is slightly random what armor type you will find in each place.
Most of them already have fusion cores installed. So if you are simply after a fusion core, you can check these locations and extract it from the power armor. Upgrades can be made at Power Armor Stations to further improve the armor rating.
Some of them require an upgraded Hacker perk for Advanced and Expert terminals. You can go to all these places right after the game starts! Please note that there are more Armor locations than this video contains. Even enemies wear them and you can loot it. There are countless ways to obtain new parts, these are just the easiest locations to get you started in the early game.
For additional Fusion Core Locations, visit this video:
Full Set of X-01 Power Armor Guaranteed Location:
How to repair, upgrade and paint Power Armor:
SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=powerpyx
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All Fallout 4 Trophies and Achievements:
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War Never Changes
Enter The Wasteland
When Freedom Calls
Complete "When Freedom Calls"
Unlikely Valentine
Complete "Unlikely Valentine"
Complete "Reunions"
Dangerous Minds
Complete "Dangerous Minds"
Complete "Hunter/Hunted"
The Molecular Level
Complete "The Molecular Level"
The Nuclear Option
Complete "The Nuclear Option"
Complete "Institutionalized"
Complete "Mankind-Redefined"
Powering Up
Complete "Powering Up"
Nuclear Family
Complete "Nuclear Family"
The First Step
Join the Minutemen
Taking Independence
Complete "Taking Independence"
Old Guns
Complete "Old Guns"
Semper Invicta
Join the Brotherhood of Steel
Blind Betrayal
Complete "Blind Betrayal"
Ad Victoriam
Complete "Ad Victoriam"
Join the Railroad
Underground Undercover
Complete "Underground Undercover"
Rockets' Red Glare
Complete "Rockets' Red Glare"
Complete "Sanctuary"
Community Organizer
Ally with 3 Settlements
Benevolent Leader
Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement
Complete 10 Side Quests
Complete 50 Misc. Objectives
Gather 1000 Resources Used For Crafting
What's Yours Is Mine
Pick 50 Locks
RobCo's Worst Nightmare
Hack 50 Terminals
Armed and Dangerous
Create 50 Weapon Mods
Wasteland D.I.Y.
Craft 100 Items
Never Go It Alone
Recruit 5 Separate Companions
Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion
Build 100 Workshop Items
Future Retro
Play a Holotape Game
…The Harder They Fall
Kill 5 Giant Creatures
Ranger Corps
Discover 100 Locations
Print's Not Dead
Read 20 Magazines
Prankster's Return
Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing
Kill 300 People
Animal Control
Kill 300 Creatures
Get a Homerun
Get a Touchdown
They're Not Dolls…
Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
…They're Action Figures
Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Born Survivor
Reach Level 5
Commonwealth Citizen
Reach Level 10
Unstoppable Wanderer
Reach Level 25
Legend Of The Wastes
Reach Level 50
Prepared for the Future
Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth
wn.com/Fallout 4 12 Easy Power Armor Locations Early In The Game (With Fusion Cores)
There are 4 Power Armor Types in Fallout 4: T-45, T-51, T-60, X-01. This guide shows you locations where you can easily find them. It depends on your character level what armor type you will find! If you are only level 5, odds are you will get T-45 parts (which is the weakest). And if you are level 50 you should be able to find T-60 and X-01 armor. But even then, it is slightly random what armor type you will find in each place.
Most of them already have fusion cores installed. So if you are simply after a fusion core, you can check these locations and extract it from the power armor. Upgrades can be made at Power Armor Stations to further improve the armor rating.
Some of them require an upgraded Hacker perk for Advanced and Expert terminals. You can go to all these places right after the game starts! Please note that there are more Armor locations than this video contains. Even enemies wear them and you can loot it. There are countless ways to obtain new parts, these are just the easiest locations to get you started in the early game.
For additional Fusion Core Locations, visit this video:
Full Set of X-01 Power Armor Guaranteed Location:
How to repair, upgrade and paint Power Armor:
SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=powerpyx
Follow Me:
Contact Me:
All Fallout 4 Trophies and Achievements:
Platinum Trophy
Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy
War Never Changes
Enter The Wasteland
When Freedom Calls
Complete "When Freedom Calls"
Unlikely Valentine
Complete "Unlikely Valentine"
Complete "Reunions"
Dangerous Minds
Complete "Dangerous Minds"
Complete "Hunter/Hunted"
The Molecular Level
Complete "The Molecular Level"
The Nuclear Option
Complete "The Nuclear Option"
Complete "Institutionalized"
Complete "Mankind-Redefined"
Powering Up
Complete "Powering Up"
Nuclear Family
Complete "Nuclear Family"
The First Step
Join the Minutemen
Taking Independence
Complete "Taking Independence"
Old Guns
Complete "Old Guns"
Semper Invicta
Join the Brotherhood of Steel
Blind Betrayal
Complete "Blind Betrayal"
Ad Victoriam
Complete "Ad Victoriam"
Join the Railroad
Underground Undercover
Complete "Underground Undercover"
Rockets' Red Glare
Complete "Rockets' Red Glare"
Complete "Sanctuary"
Community Organizer
Ally with 3 Settlements
Benevolent Leader
Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement
Complete 10 Side Quests
Complete 50 Misc. Objectives
Gather 1000 Resources Used For Crafting
What's Yours Is Mine
Pick 50 Locks
RobCo's Worst Nightmare
Hack 50 Terminals
Armed and Dangerous
Create 50 Weapon Mods
Wasteland D.I.Y.
Craft 100 Items
Never Go It Alone
Recruit 5 Separate Companions
Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion
Build 100 Workshop Items
Future Retro
Play a Holotape Game
…The Harder They Fall
Kill 5 Giant Creatures
Ranger Corps
Discover 100 Locations
Print's Not Dead
Read 20 Magazines
Prankster's Return
Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing
Kill 300 People
Animal Control
Kill 300 Creatures
Get a Homerun
Get a Touchdown
They're Not Dolls…
Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
…They're Action Figures
Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Born Survivor
Reach Level 5
Commonwealth Citizen
Reach Level 10
Unstoppable Wanderer
Reach Level 25
Legend Of The Wastes
Reach Level 50
Prepared for the Future
Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth
- published: 12 Nov 2015
- views: 883866
►MYPROTEIN DISCOUNTS • UK & Europe - http://bit.ly/1Ezx46L then CODE "LEX" 10% OFF
• US & Canada - http://bit.ly/1LW6qoQ then CODE "LEXUS" 15% OFF!
►MYPROTEIN DISCOUNTS • UK & Europe - http://bit.ly/1Ezx46L then CODE "LEX" 10% OFF
• US & Canada - http://bit.ly/1LW6qoQ then CODE "LEXUS" 15% OFF!
►MUSCLEFOOD: Use Link http://bit.ly/1Lh2pgy with Code LEX5OFF for 5% Off
►ONLINE COACHINING / DIET PLANS: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk
►BOOMBabY! APPAREL: http://www.BOOMBabYClothing.com & use Code "LEX10"
►Get 10% OFF GYMSHARK at: http://bit.ly/LEXGYMSHARK and then use "LEX10"
►Rise Gym Gear: http://risegymgear.com and use LEX10 to save 10% on all lifting gear
MY FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/LexAesthetics
MY INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/Lex_Fitness
MY TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/Lexonidas
Hints and Tips for when you're travelling to help you stay on track and satisfied! Small tip for helping avoid swelling, sore joints and jet lag and our first view of Canada!
ARTIST: Rob Bailey & The Hustle Standard
SONG: I Am Not Done Remix
Artist: White Comic
Song: This Ain't The End of Me
White Comic's Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/YouKnowItsWhiteComic
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, parody, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
The royalty free music used in this video is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
wn.com/Road To Canada Travel Tips Food Prep | Worst Airport | Marc Fitt
►MYPROTEIN DISCOUNTS • UK & Europe - http://bit.ly/1Ezx46L then CODE "LEX" 10% OFF
• US & Canada - http://bit.ly/1LW6qoQ then CODE "LEXUS" 15% OFF!
►MUSCLEFOOD: Use Link http://bit.ly/1Lh2pgy with Code LEX5OFF for 5% Off
►ONLINE COACHINING / DIET PLANS: http://www.LexFitness.co.uk
►BOOMBabY! APPAREL: http://www.BOOMBabYClothing.com & use Code "LEX10"
►Get 10% OFF GYMSHARK at: http://bit.ly/LEXGYMSHARK and then use "LEX10"
►Rise Gym Gear: http://risegymgear.com and use LEX10 to save 10% on all lifting gear
MY FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/LexAesthetics
MY INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/Lex_Fitness
MY TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/Lexonidas
Hints and Tips for when you're travelling to help you stay on track and satisfied! Small tip for helping avoid swelling, sore joints and jet lag and our first view of Canada!
ARTIST: Rob Bailey & The Hustle Standard
SONG: I Am Not Done Remix
Artist: White Comic
Song: This Ain't The End of Me
White Comic's Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/YouKnowItsWhiteComic
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, parody, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
The royalty free music used in this video is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 48816
Train Your Brain - Tai Lopez
How I went from broke to buying a Lamborghini: http://goo.gl/tEvsbZ I once read a poem that said, "Who is mighty? They who control their own thoughts." The good...
How I went from broke to buying a Lamborghini: http://goo.gl/tEvsbZ I once read a poem that said, "Who is mighty? They who control their own thoughts." The good news is as you learn to harness your brain you will unlock a tremendous tool. How are you practicing mind control (haha I like how that sounds)...?
wn.com/Train Your Brain Tai Lopez
How I went from broke to buying a Lamborghini: http://goo.gl/tEvsbZ I once read a poem that said, "Who is mighty? They who control their own thoughts." The good news is as you learn to harness your brain you will unlock a tremendous tool. How are you practicing mind control (haha I like how that sounds)...?
- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 113396
10 Tips for Airline Travel with Baby
http://mamanatural.com/ Mike and I are avid travelers and having a baby doesn't have to stop us from continuing this great love of ours. We've already taken Gri...
http://mamanatural.com/ Mike and I are avid travelers and having a baby doesn't have to stop us from continuing this great love of ours. We've already taken Griffin on three airplane trips in his young 6 month-old life.
While traveling with little ones takes a little more planning and patience, it can be done.
Here are the top tips for traveling with babies that I've learned along the way.
1. Book flights outside of the "witching hour."
With young babies, the later the date, the more fussy they become. I learned the hard way not to book a flight in the 3 to 7 p.m. window. It is much easier to take morning flights because babies are better rested, happier and therefore more adaptable.
2. Reserve a window seat.
This gives you privacy for nursing or feeding and contains a "wall" (the window) to lean against which helps with a squirmy baby. You are also in charge of the amount of light coming in through window shade, which helps when trying to get a baby to nap. An added bonus, some babies also like to look out windows... a nice diversion!
3. Go to gate early and see if you can be seated next to an empty seat.
If the plane isn't full, most airline attendants will let you move to a seat next to an empty seat. This is a HUGE score. We brought Griffin's car seat onboard and strapped him in the empty seat between Mike and I. He fell asleep easily because he's in his own space and familiar with being in there for naps.
4. Bring a travel companion.
If possible, be sure a husband, companion, friend or family member comes with you. This will allow you to take bathroom breaks and help you lug around all of the baby gear. In fact, I would seriously consider not traveling if you have to go alone.
5. Be prepared to nurse, nurse, nurse.
Wear an easy access top and bra so baby can nurse liberally throughout flight, especially during take off. I also brought along a pacifier, which Griffin only gets in special occasions, as another tool to help soothe him during the flight.
6. Bring toys.
Just a few of his/her favorites that pack well and aren't horribly loud. Again, this brings some of the familiar to the foreign environment. They are also a great way to entertain baby during long flights.
7. Pack for plane.
Bring along a little bag filled with a few toys, pacifier (if you use), extra diapers, wipes, changing and burp cloths, a change of clothes and an extra sweatshirt and blanket. Babies like to touch everything and put things in their mouths so the wipes are critical to keep the germs at bay. While I'm not a germaphob, planes are filled with new exposures to the baby that could prove harmful, especially if they are not vaccinated. Extra clothes and diapers are obviously important in case there is a diaper blowout. Fun times.
8. Bring a baby carrier.
My personal favorite is the Ergo carrier. If you don't have an extra seat for the car seat, you can use the carrier to rock your baby to sleep. I find that it worked much better than trying to create a bed on the airline tray!
9. If you can, wait till baby is 6 months.
We went to California when Griffin was 4 months and I found that was a tough age. He was "awake" enough to be restless and bored but he was also young enough to be a hot mess if he missed a nap. By 6 months, babies sleep cycles are more ingrained and they are more resilient. If they miss a nap, they can roll with it better making for a better traveling experience all around. I even think 0-4 weeks would be better than 2-4 months since babies are still in that newborn "haze" and can sleep pretty much anywhere.
10. Be gentle with yourself and baby.
Despite your best efforts, sometimes babies just need to cry on a plane. Griffin went "code red" for twenty minutes on his first flight and all I could do was rock him and patiently wait for him to pass out in exhaustion. I was getting the evil eye for all those around me. I felt like a terrible mother. It was hard. But it's gonna happen. They are babies and airplanes are very stimulating, and at times, uncomfortable places. Roll with it and try to even find the humor in the situation. It will be over before you know it. BTW, on the return flight, Griffin didn't make a peep and everyone was commenting on what an angel baby I had. LOL! Pregnant? Check out my baby registry checklist:
Here are all my fav products for natural living:
Curious about the equipment we use to make these videos?
Genevieve , http://MamaNatural.com
wn.com/10 Tips For Airline Travel With Baby
http://mamanatural.com/ Mike and I are avid travelers and having a baby doesn't have to stop us from continuing this great love of ours. We've already taken Griffin on three airplane trips in his young 6 month-old life.
While traveling with little ones takes a little more planning and patience, it can be done.
Here are the top tips for traveling with babies that I've learned along the way.
1. Book flights outside of the "witching hour."
With young babies, the later the date, the more fussy they become. I learned the hard way not to book a flight in the 3 to 7 p.m. window. It is much easier to take morning flights because babies are better rested, happier and therefore more adaptable.
2. Reserve a window seat.
This gives you privacy for nursing or feeding and contains a "wall" (the window) to lean against which helps with a squirmy baby. You are also in charge of the amount of light coming in through window shade, which helps when trying to get a baby to nap. An added bonus, some babies also like to look out windows... a nice diversion!
3. Go to gate early and see if you can be seated next to an empty seat.
If the plane isn't full, most airline attendants will let you move to a seat next to an empty seat. This is a HUGE score. We brought Griffin's car seat onboard and strapped him in the empty seat between Mike and I. He fell asleep easily because he's in his own space and familiar with being in there for naps.
4. Bring a travel companion.
If possible, be sure a husband, companion, friend or family member comes with you. This will allow you to take bathroom breaks and help you lug around all of the baby gear. In fact, I would seriously consider not traveling if you have to go alone.
5. Be prepared to nurse, nurse, nurse.
Wear an easy access top and bra so baby can nurse liberally throughout flight, especially during take off. I also brought along a pacifier, which Griffin only gets in special occasions, as another tool to help soothe him during the flight.
6. Bring toys.
Just a few of his/her favorites that pack well and aren't horribly loud. Again, this brings some of the familiar to the foreign environment. They are also a great way to entertain baby during long flights.
7. Pack for plane.
Bring along a little bag filled with a few toys, pacifier (if you use), extra diapers, wipes, changing and burp cloths, a change of clothes and an extra sweatshirt and blanket. Babies like to touch everything and put things in their mouths so the wipes are critical to keep the germs at bay. While I'm not a germaphob, planes are filled with new exposures to the baby that could prove harmful, especially if they are not vaccinated. Extra clothes and diapers are obviously important in case there is a diaper blowout. Fun times.
8. Bring a baby carrier.
My personal favorite is the Ergo carrier. If you don't have an extra seat for the car seat, you can use the carrier to rock your baby to sleep. I find that it worked much better than trying to create a bed on the airline tray!
9. If you can, wait till baby is 6 months.
We went to California when Griffin was 4 months and I found that was a tough age. He was "awake" enough to be restless and bored but he was also young enough to be a hot mess if he missed a nap. By 6 months, babies sleep cycles are more ingrained and they are more resilient. If they miss a nap, they can roll with it better making for a better traveling experience all around. I even think 0-4 weeks would be better than 2-4 months since babies are still in that newborn "haze" and can sleep pretty much anywhere.
10. Be gentle with yourself and baby.
Despite your best efforts, sometimes babies just need to cry on a plane. Griffin went "code red" for twenty minutes on his first flight and all I could do was rock him and patiently wait for him to pass out in exhaustion. I was getting the evil eye for all those around me. I felt like a terrible mother. It was hard. But it's gonna happen. They are babies and airplanes are very stimulating, and at times, uncomfortable places. Roll with it and try to even find the humor in the situation. It will be over before you know it. BTW, on the return flight, Griffin didn't make a peep and everyone was commenting on what an angel baby I had. LOL! Pregnant? Check out my baby registry checklist:
Here are all my fav products for natural living:
Curious about the equipment we use to make these videos?
Genevieve , http://MamaNatural.com
- published: 12 Apr 2011
- views: 402311
From the show 'Johny Aala Re'- first time on the Internet. Johny Lever in full form as a ticketless traveler!...
From the show 'Johny Aala Re'- first time on the Internet. Johny Lever in full form as a ticketless traveler!
wn.com/Johny Lever Travels Ticketless Super Gag
From the show 'Johny Aala Re'- first time on the Internet. Johny Lever in full form as a ticketless traveler!
- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 1063305
10 Tips for Flying on a Plane
Be sure to go to TSA's website for clarification of rules. http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information
If you have a question about liquids, go here http://...
Be sure to go to TSA's website for clarification of rules. http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information
If you have a question about liquids, go here http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/3-1-1-liquids-rule
I know I say 'like' a lot but I really don't care if you 'like' it or not. If it bothers you and you feel the need to say something negative, then buh-bye! Ain't no room for that sh*t here. Also, this video is supposed to be light-hearted and fun, not to be taken so seriously!
Summary of Tips:
1. Put your liquids in a ziploc baggie
2. Check-In 24 hours prior to departure time : Do this online, you don't have to be at the airport to do this
3. Carry cash - to pay cab drivers, shuttle drivers, curb-side service, etc.
4. Keep your ID and Boarding Pass readily available - don't pack it away until after you go through security
5. Wear simple clothing while traveling
6. Prepare your things to go through security - take off chunky jewelry, take out laptops and liquids, take off shoes, etc. **Always check the TSA posted lists for instructions.**
7. Check the monitors for gate information. Then go to the gate to make sure you know where it is and confirm that it is where you need to be.
8. Try to put any of your carry-on items under the seat in front of you - save the space in the overhead compartment for carry-ons that cannot fit in front of you.
9. If you get motion sickness, grab some Dramamine. Get the non-drowsy kind if you have to drive after you land.
10. Personalize your bag - especially if it is a popular color (i.e. black)
I want to start doing more tips/advice videos just about everyday things, what are y'alls thoughts?
I wanted to put together a list of tips for those of you who have never flown before or maybe don't fly that often. I hope this video helps. Thumbs up if it did. Thank you for watching and please subscribe!!
Scarf: TJ Maxx
Sweater: Forever 21
Lipstick: Milani Sangria
Nails: Essie Big Spender
wn.com/10 Tips For Flying On A Plane
Be sure to go to TSA's website for clarification of rules. http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information
If you have a question about liquids, go here http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/3-1-1-liquids-rule
I know I say 'like' a lot but I really don't care if you 'like' it or not. If it bothers you and you feel the need to say something negative, then buh-bye! Ain't no room for that sh*t here. Also, this video is supposed to be light-hearted and fun, not to be taken so seriously!
Summary of Tips:
1. Put your liquids in a ziploc baggie
2. Check-In 24 hours prior to departure time : Do this online, you don't have to be at the airport to do this
3. Carry cash - to pay cab drivers, shuttle drivers, curb-side service, etc.
4. Keep your ID and Boarding Pass readily available - don't pack it away until after you go through security
5. Wear simple clothing while traveling
6. Prepare your things to go through security - take off chunky jewelry, take out laptops and liquids, take off shoes, etc. **Always check the TSA posted lists for instructions.**
7. Check the monitors for gate information. Then go to the gate to make sure you know where it is and confirm that it is where you need to be.
8. Try to put any of your carry-on items under the seat in front of you - save the space in the overhead compartment for carry-ons that cannot fit in front of you.
9. If you get motion sickness, grab some Dramamine. Get the non-drowsy kind if you have to drive after you land.
10. Personalize your bag - especially if it is a popular color (i.e. black)
I want to start doing more tips/advice videos just about everyday things, what are y'alls thoughts?
I wanted to put together a list of tips for those of you who have never flown before or maybe don't fly that often. I hope this video helps. Thumbs up if it did. Thank you for watching and please subscribe!!
Scarf: TJ Maxx
Sweater: Forever 21
Lipstick: Milani Sangria
Nails: Essie Big Spender
- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 99479
Buhay sa Dubai Travels || Wadi Adventure in Al Ain, UAE
the BEST thing in life is FREE...
it was our Day-Off (Me, Joemel and Mark).
minsan lang nangyari na we have Day-Off of the same day kaya Tropa Tropa Chill kamin...
the BEST thing in life is FREE...
it was our Day-Off (Me, Joemel and Mark).
minsan lang nangyari na we have Day-Off of the same day kaya Tropa Tropa Chill kaming tatlo.
Thanks sa lahat ng Wadi Adventure staff sa napakasayang pagtanggap nyo sa amin.
wn.com/Buhay Sa Dubai Travels || Wadi Adventure In Al Ain, Uae
the BEST thing in life is FREE...
it was our Day-Off (Me, Joemel and Mark).
minsan lang nangyari na we have Day-Off of the same day kaya Tropa Tropa Chill kaming tatlo.
Thanks sa lahat ng Wadi Adventure staff sa napakasayang pagtanggap nyo sa amin.
- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 393
Travels with Kimbo: Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania: Ain't no Mountain High Enough
Cruisin' through the Allegheny's listenin' to Mike McDonald, Ashford and Simpson....I tell you what....ain't nothing' like the real thing.......baby. 'Kimbo d...
Cruisin' through the Allegheny's listenin' to Mike McDonald, Ashford and Simpson....I tell you what....ain't nothing' like the real thing.......baby. 'Kimbo d'Abuto
Disclaimer: In no way do I claim to own the rights to the music of Ashford and Simpson, ...but, hell, it's my travel tape Cd....sure seemed to fit this beautiful area of the great state of Pennsylvania...'Bo.
wn.com/Travels With Kimbo Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Cruisin' through the Allegheny's listenin' to Mike McDonald, Ashford and Simpson....I tell you what....ain't nothing' like the real thing.......baby. 'Kimbo d'Abuto
Disclaimer: In no way do I claim to own the rights to the music of Ashford and Simpson, ...but, hell, it's my travel tape Cd....sure seemed to fit this beautiful area of the great state of Pennsylvania...'Bo.
- published: 28 Sep 2009
- views: 2486
I Got 99 Problems But A Trip To Cuba Ain't One
Fox News hosts slam Beyonce and Jay-Z for visiting Cuba after previously providing Cuba travel tips....
Fox News hosts slam Beyonce and Jay-Z for visiting Cuba after previously providing Cuba travel tips.
wn.com/I Got 99 Problems But A Trip To Cuba Ain't One
Fox News hosts slam Beyonce and Jay-Z for visiting Cuba after previously providing Cuba travel tips.
- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 133
【Where to Eat in TOKYO #1】AIN SOPH. JOURNEY @ Shinjuku
I'll show you where to eat vegan food in Tokyo ;)
There are lots of vegan restaurant and cafe throughout Japan. If you are searching a place where you can eat v...
I'll show you where to eat vegan food in Tokyo ;)
There are lots of vegan restaurant and cafe throughout Japan. If you are searching a place where you can eat vegan food in Tokyo, You will no longer get lost ;)
株式会社みんなのごはん / Miina no gohan CO LTD
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/peacefulcuisine.ryoya
Blog : http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
Equipments & etc:
Camera : SONY α7 ll
Lens : SONY FE 28-70mm F3.5-5.6
Mic:Panasonic VW-VMS10
Software : Apple Final Cut Pro X
Music:Waling On Rainbows / Gyom (http://www.premiumbeat.com/royalty_free_music/songs/walking-on-rainbows)
wn.com/【Where To Eat In Tokyo 1】Ain Soph. Journey Shinjuku
I'll show you where to eat vegan food in Tokyo ;)
There are lots of vegan restaurant and cafe throughout Japan. If you are searching a place where you can eat vegan food in Tokyo, You will no longer get lost ;)
株式会社みんなのごはん / Miina no gohan CO LTD
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/peacefulcuisine.ryoya
Blog : http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
Equipments & etc:
Camera : SONY α7 ll
Lens : SONY FE 28-70mm F3.5-5.6
Mic:Panasonic VW-VMS10
Software : Apple Final Cut Pro X
Music:Waling On Rainbows / Gyom (http://www.premiumbeat.com/royalty_free_music/songs/walking-on-rainbows)
- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 20816
Ain Al Baidha (منطقة العين البيضاء) in Tafilah (مدينة الطفيلة) - Jordan
Travelling through Ain Albaida in Tafilah, Jordan.
Kevin MacLeod - Overheat
Thank you to Kevin MacLeod for the royalty free music.
Travelling through Ain Albaida in Tafilah, Jordan.
Kevin MacLeod - Overheat
Thank you to Kevin MacLeod for the royalty free music.
Jordan (Country),اَلأُرْدُنّ,Al-ʾUrdunn,Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,Kingdom of Jordan,اَلمَمْلَكَة اَلأُرْدُنِيَّة اَلهَاشِمِيَّة,al-Mamlakah al-ʾUrdunniyyah al-Hāšimiyyah,Yordania,Йордан,Jordanië,Jordanien,ጆርዳን,Hascemisce Cynerīce þæs Iordanes,Chordania,ܝܘܪܕܢܢ,J•ordanie,Xordania,İordaniya,Ordon,জর্দান,Iok-tàn,Иордания,Іарданія,Ярданія,Yordanya,Йордания,རྗོར་ཌན།,Jordania,Bro-Jordan,Иордани,Hordanya,Jordánsko,Gwlad Iorddonen,އުރުދުން,Jóoʼdan,Jordaniska,Jordaania,Ιορδανία,Jordanio,اردن,Jordanians,Jordaanje,An Iordáin,Yn Jordaan,Iòrdan,જૉર્ડન,Yok-tan,Хашимит Җордин Нутг,요르단,Ioredāne,Հորդանան,जॉर्डन,Hordania,জর্ডান,Giordania,ירדן,იორდანია,Yorudani,Yorodani,Yordani,Jòdani,Urdun,Iordania,Jordānija,Giordannia,Zordaní,jorgu'e,Giurdania,Јордан,ജോർദാൻ,Ġordan,الاردن,اوردون,Иордание,ဂျော်ဒန်နိုင်ငံ,Djordan,ヨルダン,ଜୋର୍ଡାନ,ਜਾਰਡਨ,ហ្សកដង់,Hurdanya,जार्डन,IJoridane,Jordańijo,ئوردن,Hordan,ஜோர்தான்,Үрдүн,జోర్డాన్,ประเทศจอร์แดน,Йорданія,ئىئوردانىيە,Zordania,Yordän,Jordaani,约旦,יארדאניע,Jọ́rdánì,約旦,Jordaonië,Juordanėjė
Drive,Driving,قيادة مركبات,Gyrru,Fahrzeugführer,dreifio,Conducción,Conducción (vehículo),رانندگی,Conduite automobile,운전,드라이빙,मोटरगाड़ी चालन,Vozač,Akstur,נהיגה,Pemanduan,運転,駕駛
Middle East,Mittlerer Osten,الشرق الأوسط,Asharq Al-Awsṭ,hashrq vsty,rrojhellatî nayn,khevrmyenh,hmizrah htyhon,Mési Anatolí,akhlo aghmosavleti,ახლო აღმოსავლეთი,Merdzavor Arevelk,Orient Meyo,ܡܕܢܚܐ ܡܨܥܝܬܐ,Moyen-Oriant,Oriente Mediu,Orta Şərq,মধ্যপ্রাচ্য,Timur Tangah,Tiong-tang,Сярэдні Усход,Сярэдні Ўсход,Близък Изток,Reter-Kreiz,Orient Mitjà,Orient Pròxim o Pròxim Orient,Малти Хĕвелтухăç,Střední východ,Y Dwyrain Canol,Mellemøsten,Naher Osten,Lähis-Ida,Μέση Ανατολή,Oriente Medio,Medio Oriente,Mezoriento,Meza Oriento,Proksimoriento,Proksima Oriento,Orienti Meiu,خاورمیانه,Western Asia,Miðeystur,Moyen-Orient,Midden-Easten,Heine Easten,An Meánoirthear,An Ear Mheadhanach,中東,𐌼𐌹𐌳𐌾𐌹𐍃 𐌰𐌿𐍃𐍄𐍂𐌰,중동,Միջին Արևելք,मध्य पूर्व,Bliski istok,Tengnga a Daya,Timur Tengah,Oriente Medie,Oriente Proxime,Астæуккаг Хурыскæсæн,Mið-Austurlönd,המזרח התיכון,Wétan Tengah,ಮಧ್ಯ ಪ್ರಾಚ್ಯ,Kalibudtang Aslagan,Orta Doğu,Орта Кюнчыгъыш,შუა აღმოსავლეთი,Таяу Шығыс,Est Kres,Mashariki ya Kati,Rojhilata Navîn,Medio Oryente,Oryente Medio,Oriens Medius,Vidējie Austrumi,Noen Osten,Vidurinieji Rytai,Midde-Ooste,Közel-Kelet,Azia Andrefana,മദ്ധ്യപൂർവേഷ്യ,मध्यपूर्व,الشرق الاوسط,Médio Ouriente,ash-sharq-al-awsat,အရှေ့အလယ်ပိုင်းဒေသ,Midden-Oosten,Midtøsten,Midtausten,Êst du Mitan,Orient Mejan,Pròche Orient,ਮੱਧ-ਪੂਰਬ,مشرق وسطی,منځنی ختيځ,Шӧрӧт Асыввыв,មជ្ឈិមបូព៌ា,Nahoost,Środkowy Wschód,Nahe Oste,Orientul Mijlociu,Середнїй Выход,Средний Восток,Gaska-nuorti,Mediu Urienti,Srednji vzhod,Bariga Dhexe,ڕۆژھەڵاتی ناوین,Средњи исток,Srednji Istok,Lähi-itä,Mellanöstern,Gitnang Silangan,மத்திய கிழக்கு நாடுகள்,Agmuḍ alemmas,Medie Oriende,Урта Көнчыгыш,మధ్యప్రాచ్య ప్రాంతం,ตะวันออกกลาง,Orta Gündogar,Матысь Шунды ӝужан пал,Середній Схід,Trung Đông,Lähkü-Hummogumaa,Moyén Levant,Butnga Sinirangan,Katundan nga Asya,Penku gu Diggu,מיטל מזרח,Rocakewtena Miyani,中东
Overland Tour,Overland travel,overlanding,overland journey,overland truck,Overlanding
Road trip,مسافرت جادهای
wn.com/Ain Al Baidha (منطقة العين البيضاء) In Tafilah (مدينة الطفيلة) Jordan
Travelling through Ain Albaida in Tafilah, Jordan.
Kevin MacLeod - Overheat
Thank you to Kevin MacLeod for the royalty free music.
Jordan (Country),اَلأُرْدُنّ,Al-ʾUrdunn,Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,Kingdom of Jordan,اَلمَمْلَكَة اَلأُرْدُنِيَّة اَلهَاشِمِيَّة,al-Mamlakah al-ʾUrdunniyyah al-Hāšimiyyah,Yordania,Йордан,Jordanië,Jordanien,ጆርዳን,Hascemisce Cynerīce þæs Iordanes,Chordania,ܝܘܪܕܢܢ,J•ordanie,Xordania,İordaniya,Ordon,জর্দান,Iok-tàn,Иордания,Іарданія,Ярданія,Yordanya,Йордания,རྗོར་ཌན།,Jordania,Bro-Jordan,Иордани,Hordanya,Jordánsko,Gwlad Iorddonen,އުރުދުން,Jóoʼdan,Jordaniska,Jordaania,Ιορδανία,Jordanio,اردن,Jordanians,Jordaanje,An Iordáin,Yn Jordaan,Iòrdan,જૉર્ડન,Yok-tan,Хашимит Җордин Нутг,요르단,Ioredāne,Հորդանան,जॉर्डन,Hordania,জর্ডান,Giordania,ירדן,იორდანია,Yorudani,Yorodani,Yordani,Jòdani,Urdun,Iordania,Jordānija,Giordannia,Zordaní,jorgu'e,Giurdania,Јордан,ജോർദാൻ,Ġordan,الاردن,اوردون,Иордание,ဂျော်ဒန်နိုင်ငံ,Djordan,ヨルダン,ଜୋର୍ଡାନ,ਜਾਰਡਨ,ហ្សកដង់,Hurdanya,जार्डन,IJoridane,Jordańijo,ئوردن,Hordan,ஜோர்தான்,Үрдүн,జోర్డాన్,ประเทศจอร์แดน,Йорданія,ئىئوردانىيە,Zordania,Yordän,Jordaani,约旦,יארדאניע,Jọ́rdánì,約旦,Jordaonië,Juordanėjė
Drive,Driving,قيادة مركبات,Gyrru,Fahrzeugführer,dreifio,Conducción,Conducción (vehículo),رانندگی,Conduite automobile,운전,드라이빙,मोटरगाड़ी चालन,Vozač,Akstur,נהיגה,Pemanduan,運転,駕駛
Middle East,Mittlerer Osten,الشرق الأوسط,Asharq Al-Awsṭ,hashrq vsty,rrojhellatî nayn,khevrmyenh,hmizrah htyhon,Mési Anatolí,akhlo aghmosavleti,ახლო აღმოსავლეთი,Merdzavor Arevelk,Orient Meyo,ܡܕܢܚܐ ܡܨܥܝܬܐ,Moyen-Oriant,Oriente Mediu,Orta Şərq,মধ্যপ্রাচ্য,Timur Tangah,Tiong-tang,Сярэдні Усход,Сярэдні Ўсход,Близък Изток,Reter-Kreiz,Orient Mitjà,Orient Pròxim o Pròxim Orient,Малти Хĕвелтухăç,Střední východ,Y Dwyrain Canol,Mellemøsten,Naher Osten,Lähis-Ida,Μέση Ανατολή,Oriente Medio,Medio Oriente,Mezoriento,Meza Oriento,Proksimoriento,Proksima Oriento,Orienti Meiu,خاورمیانه,Western Asia,Miðeystur,Moyen-Orient,Midden-Easten,Heine Easten,An Meánoirthear,An Ear Mheadhanach,中東,𐌼𐌹𐌳𐌾𐌹𐍃 𐌰𐌿𐍃𐍄𐍂𐌰,중동,Միջին Արևելք,मध्य पूर्व,Bliski istok,Tengnga a Daya,Timur Tengah,Oriente Medie,Oriente Proxime,Астæуккаг Хурыскæсæн,Mið-Austurlönd,המזרח התיכון,Wétan Tengah,ಮಧ್ಯ ಪ್ರಾಚ್ಯ,Kalibudtang Aslagan,Orta Doğu,Орта Кюнчыгъыш,შუა აღმოსავლეთი,Таяу Шығыс,Est Kres,Mashariki ya Kati,Rojhilata Navîn,Medio Oryente,Oryente Medio,Oriens Medius,Vidējie Austrumi,Noen Osten,Vidurinieji Rytai,Midde-Ooste,Közel-Kelet,Azia Andrefana,മദ്ധ്യപൂർവേഷ്യ,मध्यपूर्व,الشرق الاوسط,Médio Ouriente,ash-sharq-al-awsat,အရှေ့အလယ်ပိုင်းဒေသ,Midden-Oosten,Midtøsten,Midtausten,Êst du Mitan,Orient Mejan,Pròche Orient,ਮੱਧ-ਪੂਰਬ,مشرق وسطی,منځنی ختيځ,Шӧрӧт Асыввыв,មជ្ឈិមបូព៌ា,Nahoost,Środkowy Wschód,Nahe Oste,Orientul Mijlociu,Середнїй Выход,Средний Восток,Gaska-nuorti,Mediu Urienti,Srednji vzhod,Bariga Dhexe,ڕۆژھەڵاتی ناوین,Средњи исток,Srednji Istok,Lähi-itä,Mellanöstern,Gitnang Silangan,மத்திய கிழக்கு நாடுகள்,Agmuḍ alemmas,Medie Oriende,Урта Көнчыгыш,మధ్యప్రాచ్య ప్రాంతం,ตะวันออกกลาง,Orta Gündogar,Матысь Шунды ӝужан пал,Середній Схід,Trung Đông,Lähkü-Hummogumaa,Moyén Levant,Butnga Sinirangan,Katundan nga Asya,Penku gu Diggu,מיטל מזרח,Rocakewtena Miyani,中东
Overland Tour,Overland travel,overlanding,overland journey,overland truck,Overlanding
Road trip,مسافرت جادهای
- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 1719
Strain Hunters Jamaica Expedition (Full Length)
Please Subscribe to keep us going! Official Site: http://www.strainhunters.com http://www.greenhouseseeds.nl Facebook http://facebook.com/greenhouseseeds & http...
Please Subscribe to keep us going! Official Site: http://www.strainhunters.com http://www.greenhouseseeds.nl Facebook http://facebook.com/greenhouseseeds & http://facebook.com/strainhunters.official
Music by: Marlon Parkes aka Bobo Shanty
Here we go again!
We board a flight from Amsterdam and in 9 hours we are in the Caribbean. After a layover of just a couple of hours on Curacao, we fly on to Jamaica. We land in Kingston around 11 am local time. The air is hot, but not too humid.
We have a 3 hours layover, so we decide to get out of the airport and go have lunch in Port Royal, half an hour away on the coast. It's a bit of a ghost-town, once a very rich merchant harbor, destroyed at the end of the seventeenth century by a powerful earthquake. It looks like it never really recovered…
We eat lunch in a small fish-restaurant, famous for its snapper. But I eat jerk chicken because I am picky with my fish, and the jerk-spices here are amazing!
Of course we drink some Red Stripe beers, and Simon and myself decide it's time to find some weed. It does not take long before we hit the jackpot: literally on the side of the local Police station, along the seaside, there are some barracks and shacks; inside a group of Rastas is busy cleaning and chopping weed and rolling it up in small balls, using rolling papers as containers.
We ask if we can buy some, and the guys are thrilled. It's cheap, less than 1 Euro per gram. But it's a bit bitter, very leafy, and we enjoy it just because it's been a while since we smoked in Amsterdam! Some of the Rastas in the back are smoking crack cocaine in a glass pipe, the smell is terribly sour. They ask if we like some, and we politely tell them we are just here for the ganja; they nod, and scream "Jah Rastafari"!
We sit and smoke a joint with them, and chat a bit about the local weed, and the cops. It's incredible that this is all happening next to the Police station.
We leave as soon as the joint is over, and we go back to the restaurant to join the rest of the crew.
It's time to get back to the airport and catch a Jamaican Airlines flight to Montego Bay, where our local contacts are waiting. The flight is really short, under half hour, and we arrive in MoBay before sunset. Bigga, Shanti, Nampo and Taleban are waiting for us and it's great to see them again; Arjan and myself spent some crazy days with these guys not long ago, during our scouting trips on the island.
These guys are a tight crew, and they are going to take care of us during the next days of this filming trip.
Nampo is a older Rasta, wise man, with lots of contacts and very respected.
Taleban, his friend, is a grower and a smuggler, a real pirate and one of the funniest guys we ever had with us during our expeditions.
Bigga is our driver/bodyguard, he's a man of the road and he knows who and what you need to know to keep us safe.
Shanti is a local singer, a reggae artist with an amazing talent and a great personality. I know him since he was 10 years old, back in 1994, when I spent a few weeks near where he lived with his father (the man supplying me with fine herb at the time). It was really special to find Shanti during our scouting trips back in July, he's now a grown up man… and I am getting old! Shanti will come along and make sure the soundtrack of our travels is inspiring and inspired.
We get the cars, two Toyota Fortuner, and we load up the mountain of gear we are carrying. Then we drive down to Negril in the sunset light, and when we arrive it's already dark. We decide to spend the first night at the Blue Cave Castle, a really cozy place on the rocky cliffs of Negril.
It's another true 1994-flashback for me, this is one of the places where I stayed when I was a 20-years-old ganja-traveler, already a Strain Hunter without knowing it…. Of course to make the flashback even more intense the same room where I slept then is available, so I take it.
It still looks the same.
We are tired from the long travel, and we decide to go for some food. Unfortunately the chef is sick, so we decide to find something not too far away. We hit a jerk-chicken stand by the side of the road and we eat like there's no tomorrow.
After a few Red Stripes and a few joints we go back to the hotel, where we smoke some good amount of high-grade weed, and some "gum", the local finger-hash.
The weed is definitely an indica-cross, it tastes sweet and strong, and they say it's from a site not too far from where we are. We make a plan for tomorrow, and we go to sleep. Jamaica is great. It's a true privilege to be here again.
Jah Bless!
And now we are back with MisterX pics, the man is a true artist..... enjoy!
Read the live thread here: http://www.strainhunters.com/forums/topic/2820-strain-hunters-jamaica-live-thread/
wn.com/Strain Hunters Jamaica Expedition (Full Length)
Please Subscribe to keep us going! Official Site: http://www.strainhunters.com http://www.greenhouseseeds.nl Facebook http://facebook.com/greenhouseseeds & http://facebook.com/strainhunters.official
Music by: Marlon Parkes aka Bobo Shanty
Here we go again!
We board a flight from Amsterdam and in 9 hours we are in the Caribbean. After a layover of just a couple of hours on Curacao, we fly on to Jamaica. We land in Kingston around 11 am local time. The air is hot, but not too humid.
We have a 3 hours layover, so we decide to get out of the airport and go have lunch in Port Royal, half an hour away on the coast. It's a bit of a ghost-town, once a very rich merchant harbor, destroyed at the end of the seventeenth century by a powerful earthquake. It looks like it never really recovered…
We eat lunch in a small fish-restaurant, famous for its snapper. But I eat jerk chicken because I am picky with my fish, and the jerk-spices here are amazing!
Of course we drink some Red Stripe beers, and Simon and myself decide it's time to find some weed. It does not take long before we hit the jackpot: literally on the side of the local Police station, along the seaside, there are some barracks and shacks; inside a group of Rastas is busy cleaning and chopping weed and rolling it up in small balls, using rolling papers as containers.
We ask if we can buy some, and the guys are thrilled. It's cheap, less than 1 Euro per gram. But it's a bit bitter, very leafy, and we enjoy it just because it's been a while since we smoked in Amsterdam! Some of the Rastas in the back are smoking crack cocaine in a glass pipe, the smell is terribly sour. They ask if we like some, and we politely tell them we are just here for the ganja; they nod, and scream "Jah Rastafari"!
We sit and smoke a joint with them, and chat a bit about the local weed, and the cops. It's incredible that this is all happening next to the Police station.
We leave as soon as the joint is over, and we go back to the restaurant to join the rest of the crew.
It's time to get back to the airport and catch a Jamaican Airlines flight to Montego Bay, where our local contacts are waiting. The flight is really short, under half hour, and we arrive in MoBay before sunset. Bigga, Shanti, Nampo and Taleban are waiting for us and it's great to see them again; Arjan and myself spent some crazy days with these guys not long ago, during our scouting trips on the island.
These guys are a tight crew, and they are going to take care of us during the next days of this filming trip.
Nampo is a older Rasta, wise man, with lots of contacts and very respected.
Taleban, his friend, is a grower and a smuggler, a real pirate and one of the funniest guys we ever had with us during our expeditions.
Bigga is our driver/bodyguard, he's a man of the road and he knows who and what you need to know to keep us safe.
Shanti is a local singer, a reggae artist with an amazing talent and a great personality. I know him since he was 10 years old, back in 1994, when I spent a few weeks near where he lived with his father (the man supplying me with fine herb at the time). It was really special to find Shanti during our scouting trips back in July, he's now a grown up man… and I am getting old! Shanti will come along and make sure the soundtrack of our travels is inspiring and inspired.
We get the cars, two Toyota Fortuner, and we load up the mountain of gear we are carrying. Then we drive down to Negril in the sunset light, and when we arrive it's already dark. We decide to spend the first night at the Blue Cave Castle, a really cozy place on the rocky cliffs of Negril.
It's another true 1994-flashback for me, this is one of the places where I stayed when I was a 20-years-old ganja-traveler, already a Strain Hunter without knowing it…. Of course to make the flashback even more intense the same room where I slept then is available, so I take it.
It still looks the same.
We are tired from the long travel, and we decide to go for some food. Unfortunately the chef is sick, so we decide to find something not too far away. We hit a jerk-chicken stand by the side of the road and we eat like there's no tomorrow.
After a few Red Stripes and a few joints we go back to the hotel, where we smoke some good amount of high-grade weed, and some "gum", the local finger-hash.
The weed is definitely an indica-cross, it tastes sweet and strong, and they say it's from a site not too far from where we are. We make a plan for tomorrow, and we go to sleep. Jamaica is great. It's a true privilege to be here again.
Jah Bless!
And now we are back with MisterX pics, the man is a true artist..... enjoy!
Read the live thread here: http://www.strainhunters.com/forums/topic/2820-strain-hunters-jamaica-live-thread/
- published: 05 Jan 2014
- views: 3637806