What is The OECD?
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events.
Our word of the day is “OECD”
OECD is the common name for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum where the governments of 34 democracies with market economies work with each other, as well as with more than 70 non-member economies to promote economic growth, prosper
OECD Week 2015: Investing in the future: People, Planet, Prosperity
The OECD Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting 2015 took place on 2-4 June 2015. It explored the importance of investment in placing our economies on sustainable growth paths while addressing inequalities, fostering innovation, helping the transition towards low-carbon economies and financing the Sustainable Development Goals.
Looking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth
The balance of economic power is expected to shift dramatically over the coming half century, with fast-growing emerging market economies accounting for an ever-increasing share of global output, according to new OECD research. For more information visit: www.oecd.org/economy/lookingto2060.htm
OECD - For A Better World Economy
An educational animation produced for the OECD via Resn.
The OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting report: Should the United States be worried?
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) recent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) report calls on countries to take far-reaching actions to curb corporate income tax avoidance by multinational companies.
How will these proposals affect US companies and the US tax system? Should and will the United States and other countries comply with the OECD’s recommendations?
Asian countries top OECD's PISA survey of global education
Asian countries outperform the rest of the world in the OECD's latest PISA survey, which evaluates the knowledge and skills of the world's 15-year-olds. "With high levels of youth unemployment, rising inequality and a pressing need to boost growth in many countries, it's more urgent than ever that young people learn the skills they need to succeed," said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.
For m
Record inequality between rich and poor
The gap between rich and poor in OECD countries has reached its highest level for over 30 years, and governments must act quickly to tackle inequality, according to a new OECD report, "Divided We Stand".
For more information, visit: www.oecd.org/els/social/inequality
PISA - Measuring student success around the world
A test the whole world can take... It's a breathtaking concept -- but for the OECD, it's a very real way of finding out how well-prepared today's students ar...
oecd - Forum Opening Session - Blue
Die OECD: Für eine bessere Weltwirtschaft
Die Wiederherstellung von Stabilität, Vertrauen und nachhaltigen Wachstums sind derzeit die wichtigsten wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele. Die OECD arbeitet mit R...
Opening of the Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM)
34 Developed & 1st World Countries In The World (OECD)
What are developed countries in the world in 21st century ? they are OECD (organization For Economic Co-operation and Development) countries or the 1st world...
OCDE - TAX, The Price We Pay - Pink
BEPS webcast #8: Launch of 2015 BEPS reports
Senior members from the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) commented on the final outputs of the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Project Shifting Project, including the next steps and the involvement of developing countries.
Check out the PowerPoint presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/OECDtax/beps-webcast-8-launch-of-the-2015-final-reports
OECD at 50: How's Life?
For 50 years OECD has been promoting better policies for better lives. Because anniversaries are a time to take stock of the present and chart the future, we...
[프레지PT] 가입 18년…OECD 통계로 본 한국(2014.12.12)
18년 전 오늘,
한국은 경제협력개발기구,OECD의 정식 회원국이 됐습니다.
선진국들이 포함돼 있는 국제기구라는 점에서
당시 김영삼 정부는 선진국 문턱에 이른 것처럼 선전했습니다.
하지만 18년이 지난 지금까지도
한국은 선진국과 거리가 먼 나라로 평가되고 있습니다.
OECD의 각종 지표로 한국의 현실을 읽어보겠습니다.
강신혜 PD입니다.
OECD – eine der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt
Die grossen Wirtschaftsnationen der Welt haben sich am G20-Gipfel getroffen. Eines ihrer zentralen Traktanden: der Kampf gegen die Steueroptimierung durch internationale Konzerne. Im Fokus stehen nicht zuletzt Länder wie Luxemburg und die Schweiz, die vom Steuerwettbewerb stark profitiert haben. «ECO» zeigt, wer in der Schweiz mit der Steueroptimierung viel Geld verdiente und wie die einst harmlos
OECD aims to rewrite global tax rulebook
OECD has unveiled further proposals that aim to crack down on companies that avoid tax.
The package of 15 proposed reforms will be presented to G20 finance ministers later this week in Peru; it is the result of two years of work amid public anger at global companies that shift profits to lower tax jurisdictions.
The OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project looks to tackle the trick
2018 will see end of bank secrecy in Switzerland, OECD tax chief says
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://bit.ly/France24Subscribe
THE BUSINESS INTERVIEW : From HSBC to Mcdonald's, tax dodging is back in the media spotlight following a series of revelations in recent weeks. The issue is global and it requires global solutions, according to Pascal Saint-Amans, the OECD's tax head. He tells FRANCE 24 why 2018 will mark the end of bank secrecy in Switzerland.
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Anh ngữ đặc biệt: OECD Education (VOA)
Học tiếng Anh hiệu quả, nhanh chóng: http://www.facebook.com/HocTiengAnhVOA, http://www.voatiengviet.com/section/hoc-tieng-anh/2693.html. Nếu không vào được VOA, xin hãy vào http://vn3000.com để vượt tường lửa. Các chương trình học tiếng Anh miễn phí của VOA (VOA Learning English for Vietnamese) có thể giúp bạn cải tiến kỹ năng nghe và phát âm, hiểu rõ cấu trúc ngữ pháp, và sử dụng Anh ngữ một các
Turkey's economy records the biggest growth among OECD countries
The Turkish economy has become the most grown among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the last 10 years, excludi...
OECD Study on the Future of Productivity
Catherine L. Mann, chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Dan Andrews, senior economist of the OECD, present their groundbreaking study "The Future of Productivity" at the Peterson Institute on July 9, 2015. Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, shared his thoughts on current productivity puzzles, including the Council’s view
[팩트체크] "OECD 꼴찌 수준"…한국 언론자유 후진국?
방송사 : JTBC http://www.jtbc.co.kr
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주말 동안 한국의 언론자유 순위가 선진국 중 거의 꼴찌라는 보도가 또 나왔습니다. 그럴 줄 알았다는 반응도 나왔는데, 한편에서는 이렇게 매체도 많은데 그 정도는 아니지 않느냐 이런 반응도 동시에 나왔습니다. 오늘(27일) 팩트체크에서는, 어떻게 측정하길래 이런 결과가 계속 나오는 건지 하나하나 짚어보겠습니다.
What is The OECD?
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events.
Our word of the day is “OECD”
OECD is the common name for the Organiza...
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events.
Our word of the day is “OECD”
OECD is the common name for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum where the governments of 34 democracies with market economies work with each other, as well as with more than 70 non-member economies to promote economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable development.
The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. We work with governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change. The organization measures productivity and global flows of trade and investment. They analyze and compare data to predict future trends. The OECD sets international standards on a wide range of things, from agriculture and tax to the safety of chemicals.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development celebrated its 50th anniversary, but its roots go back to the rubble of Europe after World War II. Determined to avoid the mistakes of their predecessors in the wake of World War I, European leaders realized that the best way to ensure lasting peace was to encourage co-operation and reconstruction, rather than punish the defeated.
The OEEC was established in 1947 to run the US-financed Marshall Plan for reconstruction of a continent ravaged by war. By making individual governments recognize the interdependence of their economies, it paved the way for a new era of cooperation that was to change the face of Europe.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
wn.com/What Is The Oecd
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events.
Our word of the day is “OECD”
OECD is the common name for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum where the governments of 34 democracies with market economies work with each other, as well as with more than 70 non-member economies to promote economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable development.
The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. We work with governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change. The organization measures productivity and global flows of trade and investment. They analyze and compare data to predict future trends. The OECD sets international standards on a wide range of things, from agriculture and tax to the safety of chemicals.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development celebrated its 50th anniversary, but its roots go back to the rubble of Europe after World War II. Determined to avoid the mistakes of their predecessors in the wake of World War I, European leaders realized that the best way to ensure lasting peace was to encourage co-operation and reconstruction, rather than punish the defeated.
The OEEC was established in 1947 to run the US-financed Marshall Plan for reconstruction of a continent ravaged by war. By making individual governments recognize the interdependence of their economies, it paved the way for a new era of cooperation that was to change the face of Europe.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 12
OECD Week 2015: Investing in the future: People, Planet, Prosperity
The OECD Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting 2015 took place on 2-4 June 2015. It explored the importance of investment in placing our economies on sustainab...
The OECD Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting 2015 took place on 2-4 June 2015. It explored the importance of investment in placing our economies on sustainable growth paths while addressing inequalities, fostering innovation, helping the transition towards low-carbon economies and financing the Sustainable Development Goals.
wn.com/Oecd Week 2015 Investing In The Future People, Planet, Prosperity
The OECD Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting 2015 took place on 2-4 June 2015. It explored the importance of investment in placing our economies on sustainable growth paths while addressing inequalities, fostering innovation, helping the transition towards low-carbon economies and financing the Sustainable Development Goals.
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 64
Looking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth
The balance of economic power is expected to shift dramatically over the coming half century, with fast-growing emerging market economies accounting for an ever...
The balance of economic power is expected to shift dramatically over the coming half century, with fast-growing emerging market economies accounting for an ever-increasing share of global output, according to new OECD research. For more information visit: www.oecd.org/economy/lookingto2060.htm
wn.com/Looking To 2060 A Global Vision Of Long Term Growth
The balance of economic power is expected to shift dramatically over the coming half century, with fast-growing emerging market economies accounting for an ever-increasing share of global output, according to new OECD research. For more information visit: www.oecd.org/economy/lookingto2060.htm
- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 124120
OECD - For A Better World Economy
An educational animation produced for the OECD via Resn....
An educational animation produced for the OECD via Resn.
wn.com/Oecd For A Better World Economy
An educational animation produced for the OECD via Resn.
- published: 13 May 2011
- views: 2075
author: redkidone
The OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting report: Should the United States be worried?
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) recent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) report calls on countries to take far-reachin...
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) recent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) report calls on countries to take far-reaching actions to curb corporate income tax avoidance by multinational companies.
How will these proposals affect US companies and the US tax system? Should and will the United States and other countries comply with the OECD’s recommendations? Will the new tax climate intensify efforts to lower the US corporate income tax rate, the highest in the developed world? What other changes should be made to the US tax code in response to BEPS?
Join AEI for a presentation on the BEPS report, comments from experts, and audience Q&A.;
Join the conversation on social media with @AEI on Twitter and Facebook.
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For more information
wn.com/The Oecd Base Erosion And Profit Shifting Report Should The United States Be Worried
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) recent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) report calls on countries to take far-reaching actions to curb corporate income tax avoidance by multinational companies.
How will these proposals affect US companies and the US tax system? Should and will the United States and other countries comply with the OECD’s recommendations? Will the new tax climate intensify efforts to lower the US corporate income tax rate, the highest in the developed world? What other changes should be made to the US tax code in response to BEPS?
Join AEI for a presentation on the BEPS report, comments from experts, and audience Q&A.;
Join the conversation on social media with @AEI on Twitter and Facebook.
Subscribe to AEI's YouTube Channel
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For more information
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 143
Asian countries top OECD's PISA survey of global education
Asian countries outperform the rest of the world in the OECD's latest PISA survey, which evaluates the knowledge and skills of the world's 15-year-olds. "With h...
Asian countries outperform the rest of the world in the OECD's latest PISA survey, which evaluates the knowledge and skills of the world's 15-year-olds. "With high levels of youth unemployment, rising inequality and a pressing need to boost growth in many countries, it's more urgent than ever that young people learn the skills they need to succeed," said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.
For more info please visit: http://www.oecd.org/pisa
wn.com/Asian Countries Top Oecd's Pisa Survey Of Global Education
Asian countries outperform the rest of the world in the OECD's latest PISA survey, which evaluates the knowledge and skills of the world's 15-year-olds. "With high levels of youth unemployment, rising inequality and a pressing need to boost growth in many countries, it's more urgent than ever that young people learn the skills they need to succeed," said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.
For more info please visit: http://www.oecd.org/pisa
- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 47411
Record inequality between rich and poor
The gap between rich and poor in OECD countries has reached its highest level for over 30 years, and governments must act quickly to tackle inequality, accordin...
The gap between rich and poor in OECD countries has reached its highest level for over 30 years, and governments must act quickly to tackle inequality, according to a new OECD report, "Divided We Stand".
For more information, visit: www.oecd.org/els/social/inequality
wn.com/Record Inequality Between Rich And Poor
The gap between rich and poor in OECD countries has reached its highest level for over 30 years, and governments must act quickly to tackle inequality, according to a new OECD report, "Divided We Stand".
For more information, visit: www.oecd.org/els/social/inequality
- published: 05 Dec 2011
- views: 136160
PISA - Measuring student success around the world
A test the whole world can take... It's a breathtaking concept -- but for the OECD, it's a very real way of finding out how well-prepared today's students ar......
A test the whole world can take... It's a breathtaking concept -- but for the OECD, it's a very real way of finding out how well-prepared today's students ar...
wn.com/Pisa Measuring Student Success Around The World
A test the whole world can take... It's a breathtaking concept -- but for the OECD, it's a very real way of finding out how well-prepared today's students ar...
Die OECD: Für eine bessere Weltwirtschaft
Die Wiederherstellung von Stabilität, Vertrauen und nachhaltigen Wachstums sind derzeit die wichtigsten wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele. Die OECD arbeitet mit R......
Die Wiederherstellung von Stabilität, Vertrauen und nachhaltigen Wachstums sind derzeit die wichtigsten wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele. Die OECD arbeitet mit R...
wn.com/Die Oecd Für Eine Bessere Weltwirtschaft
Die Wiederherstellung von Stabilität, Vertrauen und nachhaltigen Wachstums sind derzeit die wichtigsten wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele. Die OECD arbeitet mit R...
- published: 16 Apr 2010
- views: 4032
author: OECDBerlin
34 Developed & 1st World Countries In The World (OECD)
What are developed countries in the world in 21st century ? they are OECD (organization For Economic Co-operation and Development) countries or the 1st world......
What are developed countries in the world in 21st century ? they are OECD (organization For Economic Co-operation and Development) countries or the 1st world...
wn.com/34 Developed 1St World Countries In The World (Oecd)
What are developed countries in the world in 21st century ? they are OECD (organization For Economic Co-operation and Development) countries or the 1st world...
BEPS webcast #8: Launch of 2015 BEPS reports
Senior members from the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) commented on the final outputs of the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Project Shifting ...
Senior members from the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) commented on the final outputs of the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Project Shifting Project, including the next steps and the involvement of developing countries.
Check out the PowerPoint presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/OECDtax/beps-webcast-8-launch-of-the-2015-final-reports
wn.com/Beps Webcast 8 Launch Of 2015 Beps Reports
Senior members from the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) commented on the final outputs of the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Project Shifting Project, including the next steps and the involvement of developing countries.
Check out the PowerPoint presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/OECDtax/beps-webcast-8-launch-of-the-2015-final-reports
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 2214
OECD at 50: How's Life?
For 50 years OECD has been promoting better policies for better lives. Because anniversaries are a time to take stock of the present and chart the future, we......
For 50 years OECD has been promoting better policies for better lives. Because anniversaries are a time to take stock of the present and chart the future, we...
wn.com/Oecd At 50 How's Life
For 50 years OECD has been promoting better policies for better lives. Because anniversaries are a time to take stock of the present and chart the future, we...
- published: 23 May 2011
- views: 80999
author: OECD
[프레지PT] 가입 18년…OECD 통계로 본 한국(2014.12.12)
18년 전 오늘,
한국은 경제협력개발기구,OECD의 정식 회원국이 됐습니다.
선진국들이 포함돼 있는 국제기구라는 점에서
당시 김영삼 정부는 선진국 문턱에 이른 것처럼 선전했습니다.
하지만 18년이 지난 지금까지도
한국은 선진국과 거리가 먼 나라로 평가되고 있습니다.
OECD의 ...
18년 전 오늘,
한국은 경제협력개발기구,OECD의 정식 회원국이 됐습니다.
선진국들이 포함돼 있는 국제기구라는 점에서
당시 김영삼 정부는 선진국 문턱에 이른 것처럼 선전했습니다.
하지만 18년이 지난 지금까지도
한국은 선진국과 거리가 먼 나라로 평가되고 있습니다.
OECD의 각종 지표로 한국의 현실을 읽어보겠습니다.
강신혜 PD입니다.
wn.com/프레지Pt 가입 18년…Oecd 통계로 본 한국(2014.12.12)
18년 전 오늘,
한국은 경제협력개발기구,OECD의 정식 회원국이 됐습니다.
선진국들이 포함돼 있는 국제기구라는 점에서
당시 김영삼 정부는 선진국 문턱에 이른 것처럼 선전했습니다.
하지만 18년이 지난 지금까지도
한국은 선진국과 거리가 먼 나라로 평가되고 있습니다.
OECD의 각종 지표로 한국의 현실을 읽어보겠습니다.
강신혜 PD입니다.
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 32
OECD – eine der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt
Die grossen Wirtschaftsnationen der Welt haben sich am G20-Gipfel getroffen. Eines ihrer zentralen Traktanden: der Kampf gegen die Steueroptimierung durch inter...
Die grossen Wirtschaftsnationen der Welt haben sich am G20-Gipfel getroffen. Eines ihrer zentralen Traktanden: der Kampf gegen die Steueroptimierung durch internationale Konzerne. Im Fokus stehen nicht zuletzt Länder wie Luxemburg und die Schweiz, die vom Steuerwettbewerb stark profitiert haben. «ECO» zeigt, wer in der Schweiz mit der Steueroptimierung viel Geld verdiente und wie die einst harmlose OECD in kurzer Zeit zu einer der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt aufgestiegen ist.
Artikel zum Thema:
Ende der Steueroase: Der zweite Anlauf der Schweiz: http://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/ende-der-steueroase-der-zweite-anlauf-der-schweiz
Wo Firmen nichts als Briefkästen sind: http://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/wo-firmen-nichts-als-briefkaesten-sind
wn.com/Oecd – Eine Der Mächtigsten Organisationen Der Welt
Die grossen Wirtschaftsnationen der Welt haben sich am G20-Gipfel getroffen. Eines ihrer zentralen Traktanden: der Kampf gegen die Steueroptimierung durch internationale Konzerne. Im Fokus stehen nicht zuletzt Länder wie Luxemburg und die Schweiz, die vom Steuerwettbewerb stark profitiert haben. «ECO» zeigt, wer in der Schweiz mit der Steueroptimierung viel Geld verdiente und wie die einst harmlose OECD in kurzer Zeit zu einer der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt aufgestiegen ist.
Artikel zum Thema:
Ende der Steueroase: Der zweite Anlauf der Schweiz: http://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/ende-der-steueroase-der-zweite-anlauf-der-schweiz
Wo Firmen nichts als Briefkästen sind: http://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/wo-firmen-nichts-als-briefkaesten-sind
- published: 18 Nov 2014
- views: 500
OECD aims to rewrite global tax rulebook
OECD has unveiled further proposals that aim to crack down on companies that avoid tax.
The package of 15 proposed reforms will be presented to G20 finance min...
OECD has unveiled further proposals that aim to crack down on companies that avoid tax.
The package of 15 proposed reforms will be presented to G20 finance ministers later this week in Peru; it is the result of two years of work amid public anger at global companies that shift profits to lower tax jurisdictions.
The OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project looks to tackle the tricks employed by multinationals to pay less tax, depriving countries of much-needed revenue.
The Paris…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/10/05/oecd-aims-to-rewrite-global-tax-rulebook
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wn.com/Oecd Aims To Rewrite Global Tax Rulebook
OECD has unveiled further proposals that aim to crack down on companies that avoid tax.
The package of 15 proposed reforms will be presented to G20 finance ministers later this week in Peru; it is the result of two years of work amid public anger at global companies that shift profits to lower tax jurisdictions.
The OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project looks to tackle the tricks employed by multinationals to pay less tax, depriving countries of much-needed revenue.
The Paris…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/10/05/oecd-aims-to-rewrite-global-tax-rulebook
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe
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- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 788
2018 will see end of bank secrecy in Switzerland, OECD tax chief says
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://bit.ly/France24Subscribe
THE BUSINESS INTERVIEW : From HSBC to Mcdonald's, tax dodging is back in the media spotlight follow...
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://bit.ly/France24Subscribe
THE BUSINESS INTERVIEW : From HSBC to Mcdonald's, tax dodging is back in the media spotlight following a series of revelations in recent weeks. The issue is global and it requires global solutions, according to Pascal Saint-Amans, the OECD's tax head. He tells FRANCE 24 why 2018 will mark the end of bank secrecy in Switzerland.
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wn.com/2018 Will See End Of Bank Secrecy In Switzerland, Oecd Tax Chief Says
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THE BUSINESS INTERVIEW : From HSBC to Mcdonald's, tax dodging is back in the media spotlight following a series of revelations in recent weeks. The issue is global and it requires global solutions, according to Pascal Saint-Amans, the OECD's tax head. He tells FRANCE 24 why 2018 will mark the end of bank secrecy in Switzerland.
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- published: 06 Mar 2015
- views: 9
Anh ngữ đặc biệt: OECD Education (VOA)
Học tiếng Anh hiệu quả, nhanh chóng: http://www.facebook.com/HocTiengAnhVOA, http://www.voatiengviet.com/section/hoc-tieng-anh/2693.html. Nếu không vào được VOA...
Học tiếng Anh hiệu quả, nhanh chóng: http://www.facebook.com/HocTiengAnhVOA, http://www.voatiengviet.com/section/hoc-tieng-anh/2693.html. Nếu không vào được VOA, xin hãy vào http://vn3000.com để vượt tường lửa. Các chương trình học tiếng Anh miễn phí của VOA (VOA Learning English for Vietnamese) có thể giúp bạn cải tiến kỹ năng nghe và phát âm, hiểu rõ cấu trúc ngữ pháp, và sử dụng Anh ngữ một cách chính xác. Xem thêm: http://www.facebook.com/VOATiengViet
Luyện nghe nói và học từ vựng tiếng Anh qua video. Xem các bài học kế tiếp: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD7C5CB40C5FF0531
Econ: Luyện nghe nói tiếng Anh qua video: Chương trình học tiếng Anh của VOA: Special English Economics Report. Xin hãy vào http://www.voatiengviet.com/section/hoc-tieng-anh/2693.html để xem các bài kế tiếp.
More people are able to receive higher education worldwide than in the past. But the amount of higher education is causing social and economic divisions in many countries. A recent study by the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, or OECD, also finds that some developing countries are making progress. Five years ago, the world financial crisis hurt many nations. But it did not slow growth in education. The OECD report notes the quality and amount of education is increasing the division between what it calls the “haves” and the “have-nots.” In some areas, rising unemployment has affected people with lower education levels more than others. They earn considerably less than those with higher degrees. There are 34 economically developed countries in the OECD. Among those countries, the unemployment rate for people with a university education is about 5 percent. However, the rate is almost 20 percent for 25- to 34-year olds who do not have a university degree. This situation also exists in developing economies. Andreas Schleicher is the Education and Skills Director for the OECD. He says education makes more of a difference in the life chances of people than in the past. The report finds that education makes a greater difference for individuals within countries. But it also notes that education is reducing divisions between developed and developing countries. Mr. Schleicher says countries like China, Vietnam and Brazil are making education an important goal. He says they are investing their limited resources to get good teachers and school leaders.
wn.com/Anh Ngữ Đặc Biệt Oecd Education (Voa)
Học tiếng Anh hiệu quả, nhanh chóng: http://www.facebook.com/HocTiengAnhVOA, http://www.voatiengviet.com/section/hoc-tieng-anh/2693.html. Nếu không vào được VOA, xin hãy vào http://vn3000.com để vượt tường lửa. Các chương trình học tiếng Anh miễn phí của VOA (VOA Learning English for Vietnamese) có thể giúp bạn cải tiến kỹ năng nghe và phát âm, hiểu rõ cấu trúc ngữ pháp, và sử dụng Anh ngữ một cách chính xác. Xem thêm: http://www.facebook.com/VOATiengViet
Luyện nghe nói và học từ vựng tiếng Anh qua video. Xem các bài học kế tiếp: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD7C5CB40C5FF0531
Econ: Luyện nghe nói tiếng Anh qua video: Chương trình học tiếng Anh của VOA: Special English Economics Report. Xin hãy vào http://www.voatiengviet.com/section/hoc-tieng-anh/2693.html để xem các bài kế tiếp.
More people are able to receive higher education worldwide than in the past. But the amount of higher education is causing social and economic divisions in many countries. A recent study by the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, or OECD, also finds that some developing countries are making progress. Five years ago, the world financial crisis hurt many nations. But it did not slow growth in education. The OECD report notes the quality and amount of education is increasing the division between what it calls the “haves” and the “have-nots.” In some areas, rising unemployment has affected people with lower education levels more than others. They earn considerably less than those with higher degrees. There are 34 economically developed countries in the OECD. Among those countries, the unemployment rate for people with a university education is about 5 percent. However, the rate is almost 20 percent for 25- to 34-year olds who do not have a university degree. This situation also exists in developing economies. Andreas Schleicher is the Education and Skills Director for the OECD. He says education makes more of a difference in the life chances of people than in the past. The report finds that education makes a greater difference for individuals within countries. But it also notes that education is reducing divisions between developed and developing countries. Mr. Schleicher says countries like China, Vietnam and Brazil are making education an important goal. He says they are investing their limited resources to get good teachers and school leaders.
- published: 14 Oct 2014
- views: 133
Turkey's economy records the biggest growth among OECD countries
The Turkish economy has become the most grown among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the last 10 years, excludi......
The Turkish economy has become the most grown among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the last 10 years, excludi...
wn.com/Turkey's Economy Records The Biggest Growth Among Oecd Countries
The Turkish economy has become the most grown among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the last 10 years, excludi...
- published: 25 Dec 2012
- views: 6236
author: John Doyle
OECD Study on the Future of Productivity
Catherine L. Mann, chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Dan Andrews, senior economist of the OECD, present t...
Catherine L. Mann, chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Dan Andrews, senior economist of the OECD, present their groundbreaking study "The Future of Productivity" at the Peterson Institute on July 9, 2015. Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, shared his thoughts on current productivity puzzles, including the Council’s views of the productivity trend in the United States. For more information, visit: http://www.piie.com/events/event_detail.cfm?EventID=399
wn.com/Oecd Study On The Future Of Productivity
Catherine L. Mann, chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Dan Andrews, senior economist of the OECD, present their groundbreaking study "The Future of Productivity" at the Peterson Institute on July 9, 2015. Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, shared his thoughts on current productivity puzzles, including the Council’s views of the productivity trend in the United States. For more information, visit: http://www.piie.com/events/event_detail.cfm?EventID=399
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 21
[팩트체크] "OECD 꼴찌 수준"…한국 언론자유 후진국?
방송사 : JTBC http://www.jtbc.co.kr
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방송사 : JTBC http://www.jtbc.co.kr
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주말 동안 한국의 언론자유 순위가 선진국 중 거의 꼴찌라는 보도가 또 나왔습니다. 그럴 줄 알았다는 반응도 나왔는데, 한편에서는 이렇게 매체도 많은데 그 정도는 아니지 않느냐 이런 반응도 동시에 나왔습니다. 오늘(27일) 팩트체크에서는, 어떻게 측정하길래 이런 결과가 계속 나오는 건지 하나하나 짚어보겠습니다.
wn.com/팩트체크 Oecd 꼴찌 수준 …한국 언론자유 후진국
방송사 : JTBC http://www.jtbc.co.kr
▶ JTBC 뉴스룸 월~일 20시00분 방송
▶ 홈페이지 : http://news.jtbc.co.kr
▶ 공식 트위터 : https://twitter.com/JTBC_news
▶ 공식 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/jtbcnews
주말 동안 한국의 언론자유 순위가 선진국 중 거의 꼴찌라는 보도가 또 나왔습니다. 그럴 줄 알았다는 반응도 나왔는데, 한편에서는 이렇게 매체도 많은데 그 정도는 아니지 않느냐 이런 반응도 동시에 나왔습니다. 오늘(27일) 팩트체크에서는, 어떻게 측정하길래 이런 결과가 계속 나오는 건지 하나하나 짚어보겠습니다.
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 1724