The Life and Struggles of Ibn Taymiyyah - Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
Refutation of the people of bidah and shirk, answering the lies and misconception that have been levelled against this great man Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
Who was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah?
Why is he so hated by the people of Innovations and loved by the people of sunnah?
What did he believe?
Was he against the 4 Imams and other scholars?
Who were his scholars and students?
How did
Ibn Taymiyya: A Summary of Dr. Yasir Qadhi's dissertation at Yale University
In the latter part of the sixth century of Islam, an Iranian Scholar by the name of Fakhr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī (rahimahullah) produced a hundred page treatise on the theological discourse of the Names of Attributes of Allāh (subḥānahu wa ta'āla). His treatise was presented to a Sultan who was related to Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn al-Ayyūbi (rahimahullah). In it, he propounded something he called 'The Universal Rule',
The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (FULL MOVIE)
"The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah" TV MOVIE of the life of Sheikh ul-Islam Ahmed Ibn Taymiyah one of the greatest Islamic scholars.
Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (January 22, 1263--1328), full name: Taqi ad-Din Abu 'l-?Abbas A?mad ibn ?Abd al-?alim ibn ?Abd as-Salam Ibn Taymiya al-?arrani (Arabic: تقي الدين أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد السلام بن عبد الله ابن تيمية الحراني).
Ibn Taymiyya wa
The Life of Ibn Taymiyyah
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allaah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the pre
Wahhabism: The School of Ibn Taymiyyah - The Root of Terrorism?
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies their teachings and why so much hatred is seen towards other religions and sects because of their teachings.
Ibn Taymiyyah's Opinion on The 4 Madhāhib
Al-Hāfidh Ibn Taymiyyah's Opinion on The 4 Madhāhib
Speaker: Shaykh Mohammad Yasir Al-Hanafi
How often do we hear of the pseudo-salafis belittling the 4 madhahib in these times but what would they say to their Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah after they hear his verdict on the 4 schools?
Click here to watch the 'Where Is Allah?' series by Shaykh Mohammad Yasir Al-Hanafi:
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah's Love for Ahlel Bayt---One of the harshest opponents of the Shia was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, and because of this, some of the Shia have slandered him by claiming that he was a Nasibi (i.e. hater of Ahlel Bayt). Answering-Ansar refers to him as "Imam of the Nasibis, Ibn Taymiyya". And yet, Ibn Taymiyyah was a lover of Ahlel Bayt; not only did he love the Ahlel
Identity Theft of the Ummah - Fake Scholars - Ibn Taymiyya in Syria | Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, may Allah preserve him and propagate his teachings, speaks on the dire need to protect ourselves from an identity crisis the Muslim Ummah is facing right now. He goes onto to talk about some fake "scholars" and relates a story of Ibn Taymiyya when he was in Syria.
Please watch my other videos and keep up with my NEW BLOG: http://theaspiringaspirant.blogspot.com/
Ibn Taymiyyah's Life In Prison by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril
The prison stories of Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril Hafidhahullah
Why Study...Ibn Taymiyya, with Jon Hoover
Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328 C.E.) was an Islamic thinker who has exerted, and continues to exert, an enormous influence within the Islamic tradition. Ibn Taymiyya was often quoted by the late Osama Bin Laden and in this video, Dr. Jon Hoover, who has studied his theology and his importance in Islam, introduces Ibn Taymiyya and his thought.
Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
Death of Ibn Taymiyyah What Really Happened? Did (BIDDAH & SHIRK) Take Place? - Shaykh Saqib Shaami
Why Alhus Sunnah?, lecture by Shaykh Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal al Shaami - Full Lecture watch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZWgH_1pqDA
Truth About the Death of So called Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah what really happened did people do Biddah and commit Shirk narrated by Ibn Kathir - Shaykh Saqib Shaami
Who and what is Barelwi Barelvi ? - The Best of Murtaza Khan
How NOT to love the Pro
Ibn Taymiyyah Poem - I Am Poor (Wrote In Prison)
3. A Critique of Ibn Taymiyyah & Extremism - Maulana Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini
MP3: https://s3.amazonaws.com/JCC/Muharram/1436/3rdNightMuharram1436_Qazwini_2014-10-27_200418705.mp3
3rd Night Muharram 1436
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini
Date: October 27th, 2014
The Ibn Taymiyyah You Never Knew
Yahya Michot, a MUSLIM expert on Ibn Taymiyyah speaks about misconceptions about the scholar, his fatwas, political Islam and war.
These are highlights. To view full lecture: http://vimeo.com/54645323
New Anwar Al Awlaki - Ibn Taymiyyah and Win Win Situation
Must READ about Ibn Taymiyah (Rah):
More About Ibn Taymiyyah (Rah):
This is taken from the Series of talks on the life of Umar Ibn Al Khattab By Imam Anwar Al Awlaki.
The Series is
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah Aur Inkay Takeedy Karnamay By Shk Maqsood UL Hassan Faizi
Its Our Humble Request Dont REUpload This Lectures,U Can Post link on your channel i have upload this lecture in Full HD...
Complete Play List http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAD59E22B1B3E2466&feature;=view_all
For more Lectures in HD http://www.youtube.com/cal2tawheed
To Download Other Lecture In VCD Quality Email cal2tawheed@yahoo.com
Ibn Taymiyyah on Mawlid - Shaykh Abu Adnan
Shaykh Abu Adnan explains Ibn Taymiyyahs (Rahimahullah) view on Mawlid
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah's View on Sufis!! The Shocking Truth!!
The speaker is Dr. Mohammad Musa Al-Shareef (also a Pilot!) who was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and graduated from the Faculty of Shari`ah, Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, in 1408 A.H. He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in the Qur'an and the Sunnah from Faculty of Usul Ad-Din (Theology) -- Umm Al-Qura University. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, King Abdu
The Life of Ibn Taymiyyah PT1/2 | Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan
A Lecture on the life and times of Ibn Taymiyyah given by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan. In this part Ustadh covers some of the many books the Sheikh wrote, who his students were, how he looked and how he studied.
Anwar Al Awlaki - Ibn Taymiyyah and Win Win Situation
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allaah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the pres
The poem of Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) explaining his Aqeedah
He is the great scholar, Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him. Scholars of Islam acknowledge his astonishing excellence in all fields of knowledge - and Allah favours whom He chooses.
His Teachers
He took his knowledge from a great number of scholars8 and he himself mentioned a number of them as related by Adh-Dhahabi directly from him.9 This particular chronicle of shayu
Wahhabism: The School of Ibn Taymiyyah
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies their teachings and why so much hatred is seen towards other religions and sects because of their teachings.
The Life and Struggles of Ibn Taymiyyah - Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
Refutation of the people of bidah and shirk, answering the lies and misconception that have been levelled against this great man Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
Refutation of the people of bidah and shirk, answering the lies and misconception that have been levelled against this great man Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
Who was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah?
Why is he so hated by the people of Innovations and loved by the people of sunnah?
What did he believe?
Was he against the 4 Imams and other scholars?
Who were his scholars and students?
How did he seek knowledge?
Many people accuse Ibn Taymiyyah of likening Allah to the creation is this true?
Why was he imprisoned?
How did he spend his whole life in the service of Islam?
And much more...
This is a lecture not to be missed on one of the greatest revivers of Quran and Sunnah the world has ever seen.
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the present, affecting scholars and seekers of knowledge and Islamic groups that belong to Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah. Scholars still refer to his books to refute the enemies of Islam among the Jews and Christians and sects that claim to belong to Islam such as the Raafidis, Huloolis and Jahamis, and innovated sects such as the Ash'aris and Murji'is.
His achievements in the fields of fiqh, hadeeth, tafseer and sulook (ways of drawing close to Allah) are too well known.
His books and writings bear witness to that and he does not need anyone like us to praise him, rather his knowledge and fiqh are extant and bear witness that no one can deny except one who is ignorant or stubborn.
Abu usamah was born in New Jersey in 1964. He embraced Islam in 1986 and went onto studying in the Islamic University of Madina for eight years where he graduated from the College of Da'wah and Usool-ad-Din.
sheikh abu usamah has been very active in da'wah since the day he embraced Islam. He has been the Imam of various mosques in the United States and in the United Kingdom. His zeal and eagerness in conveying the true message of Islam has lead him to many parts of the world, delivering lectures and seminars, as well as translating for many scholars and du'aat from the Arab world.
Abu Usamah has been blessed in studying with some of the greatest scholars of our time, to name a few, Shaikh Umar Fulaatah at the Rawdah of the Prophets Mosque, Shaikh Muhammad 'Atiyyah Saalim (author of Tafsir 'Adwaa ul-Bayaan'), Shaikh Abdullah Muhammad al-Ghunaymaan, Shaikh Muhammad al-Jaami, Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan and many more. He was also very fortunate to have spent two summers in intensive study under Shaikh Ibn Baaz and Shaikh Ibn Uthaymin.
An-Naseeha Foundation
[W]: http://www.an-naseeha.com
[E]: info@an-naseeha.com
For more information on regular lectures taking place in the in the north of England.
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wn.com/The Life And Struggles Of Ibn Taymiyyah Abu Usamah At Thahabi
Refutation of the people of bidah and shirk, answering the lies and misconception that have been levelled against this great man Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
Who was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah?
Why is he so hated by the people of Innovations and loved by the people of sunnah?
What did he believe?
Was he against the 4 Imams and other scholars?
Who were his scholars and students?
How did he seek knowledge?
Many people accuse Ibn Taymiyyah of likening Allah to the creation is this true?
Why was he imprisoned?
How did he spend his whole life in the service of Islam?
And much more...
This is a lecture not to be missed on one of the greatest revivers of Quran and Sunnah the world has ever seen.
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the present, affecting scholars and seekers of knowledge and Islamic groups that belong to Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah. Scholars still refer to his books to refute the enemies of Islam among the Jews and Christians and sects that claim to belong to Islam such as the Raafidis, Huloolis and Jahamis, and innovated sects such as the Ash'aris and Murji'is.
His achievements in the fields of fiqh, hadeeth, tafseer and sulook (ways of drawing close to Allah) are too well known.
His books and writings bear witness to that and he does not need anyone like us to praise him, rather his knowledge and fiqh are extant and bear witness that no one can deny except one who is ignorant or stubborn.
Abu usamah was born in New Jersey in 1964. He embraced Islam in 1986 and went onto studying in the Islamic University of Madina for eight years where he graduated from the College of Da'wah and Usool-ad-Din.
sheikh abu usamah has been very active in da'wah since the day he embraced Islam. He has been the Imam of various mosques in the United States and in the United Kingdom. His zeal and eagerness in conveying the true message of Islam has lead him to many parts of the world, delivering lectures and seminars, as well as translating for many scholars and du'aat from the Arab world.
Abu Usamah has been blessed in studying with some of the greatest scholars of our time, to name a few, Shaikh Umar Fulaatah at the Rawdah of the Prophets Mosque, Shaikh Muhammad 'Atiyyah Saalim (author of Tafsir 'Adwaa ul-Bayaan'), Shaikh Abdullah Muhammad al-Ghunaymaan, Shaikh Muhammad al-Jaami, Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan and many more. He was also very fortunate to have spent two summers in intensive study under Shaikh Ibn Baaz and Shaikh Ibn Uthaymin.
An-Naseeha Foundation
[W]: http://www.an-naseeha.com
[E]: info@an-naseeha.com
For more information on regular lectures taking place in the in the north of England.
uk. please go to -
http://www.dawahnorth.org/ Like DigitalMimbar on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/TheMimbar
Follow DigitalMimbar on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DigitalMimbar
- published: 21 Oct 2012
- views: 39339
Ibn Taymiyya: A Summary of Dr. Yasir Qadhi's dissertation at Yale University
In the latter part of the sixth century of Islam, an Iranian Scholar by the name of Fakhr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī (rahimahullah) produced a hundred page treatise on the ...
In the latter part of the sixth century of Islam, an Iranian Scholar by the name of Fakhr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī (rahimahullah) produced a hundred page treatise on the theological discourse of the Names of Attributes of Allāh (subḥānahu wa ta'āla). His treatise was presented to a Sultan who was related to Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn al-Ayyūbi (rahimahullah). In it, he propounded something he called 'The Universal Rule', which stated that if reason conflicted with revelation, precedence must be given to reason over revelation.
Some two centuries later, one of the greatest thinkers of Islamic history, hailing from the city of Damascus, produced a ten-volume magnum opus refuting this alleged 'Universal Rule'. The name of this man was Shaykh al-Islām Taqī'l-Dīn Ahmad b. Abd al-Haleem Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah), a genius whose intellectual brilliance is hardly seen during or after his era.
Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, who regards Shaykh'l-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) as an intellectual mentor, spent eight years examining the above-mentioned work, and presented it as his PhD dissertation at Yale University. In his work, Ibn Taymiyya argues that there can never be an actual conflict between true reason and explicit revelation.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi in this very interesting and academic talk on a summary of his dissertation at Yale University.
Recorded on 22nd March 2013
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyya A Summary Of Dr. Yasir Qadhi's Dissertation At Yale University
In the latter part of the sixth century of Islam, an Iranian Scholar by the name of Fakhr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī (rahimahullah) produced a hundred page treatise on the theological discourse of the Names of Attributes of Allāh (subḥānahu wa ta'āla). His treatise was presented to a Sultan who was related to Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn al-Ayyūbi (rahimahullah). In it, he propounded something he called 'The Universal Rule', which stated that if reason conflicted with revelation, precedence must be given to reason over revelation.
Some two centuries later, one of the greatest thinkers of Islamic history, hailing from the city of Damascus, produced a ten-volume magnum opus refuting this alleged 'Universal Rule'. The name of this man was Shaykh al-Islām Taqī'l-Dīn Ahmad b. Abd al-Haleem Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah), a genius whose intellectual brilliance is hardly seen during or after his era.
Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, who regards Shaykh'l-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) as an intellectual mentor, spent eight years examining the above-mentioned work, and presented it as his PhD dissertation at Yale University. In his work, Ibn Taymiyya argues that there can never be an actual conflict between true reason and explicit revelation.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi in this very interesting and academic talk on a summary of his dissertation at Yale University.
Recorded on 22nd March 2013
- published: 19 Feb 2015
- views: 53047
The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (FULL MOVIE)
"The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah" TV MOVIE of the life of Sheikh ul-Islam Ahmed Ibn Taymiyah one of the greatest Islamic scholars.
Taqi ad-Din Ahmad...
"The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah" TV MOVIE of the life of Sheikh ul-Islam Ahmed Ibn Taymiyah one of the greatest Islamic scholars.
Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (January 22, 1263--1328), full name: Taqi ad-Din Abu 'l-?Abbas A?mad ibn ?Abd al-?alim ibn ?Abd as-Salam Ibn Taymiya al-?arrani (Arabic: تقي الدين أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد السلام بن عبد الله ابن تيمية الحراني).
Ibn Taymiyya was born in 1263 at Harran into a well-known family of theologians and died in Damascus, Syria, outside of the Muslim cemetery. His grandfather, Abu al-Barkat Majd ad-deen ibn Taymiyyah al-Hanbali (d. 1255) was a reputable teacher of the Hanbali school of law. Likewise, the scholarly achievements of ibn Taymiyyah's father, Shihab al-deen 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyyah (d. 1284) were well known. Because of the Mongol invasion, ibn Taymiyyah's family moved to Damascus in 1268 , which was then ruled by the Mamluks of Egypt. It was here that his father delivered sermons from the pulpit of the Umayyad Mosque, and ibn Taymiyyah followed in his footsteps by studying with the great scholars of his time, among them a woman scholar by the name Zaynab bint Makki from whom he learned Hadith.
Ibn Taymiyyah was an industrious student and acquainted himself with the secular and religious sciences of his time. He devoted special attention to Arabic literature and gained mastery over grammar and lexicography as well as studying mathematics and calligraphy. His scholarly zeal combined with his intense partisanship and hypergraphia led many contemporaries and later observers, most notably Ibn Battuta to consider him mentally unbalanced.
As for the religious sciences, he studied jurisprudence from his father and became a representative of the Hanbali school of thought. Though he remained faithful throughout his life to that school, whose doctrines he had decisively mastered, he also acquired an extensive knowledge of the Islamic disciplines of the Qur'an and the Hadith. He also studied theology (kalam), philosophy, and Sufism. He also refuted the Shia as well as the Christians. His student Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya authored the famous poem "O Christ-Worshipper" which unapologetically examined the dogma of the Trinity propounded by many Christian sects.
His troubles with government began when he went with a delegation of ulama to talk to Ghazan Khan, the Khan of the Mongol Ilkhans in Iran, to stop his attack on the Muslims. It is reported that not one of the ulama dared to say anything to the Khan except Ibn Taymiyyah who said:
"You claim that you are Muslim and you have with you Mu'adhdhins, Muftis, Imams and Shaykhs but you invaded us and reached our country for what? While your father and your grandfather, Hulagu were non-believers, they did not attack and they kept their promise. But you promised and broke your promise."
Ibn Taymiyyah is known for his devotion to jihad
...the best of the forms of voluntary service man can devote to God. The ulema agree in proclaiming it superior to pilgrimage, for men, and to the `umra, as well as to prayer and supererogatory fasts, as is shown in the Book and in the Prophetic Sunnah.
Students and intellectual heirs
* Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (1292--1350)
* Yusuf ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Mizzi (1256--1341)
* al-Dhahabi (1274--1348)
* al-Birzali (1267--1339)
* Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703--1792)
* Ibn Kathir stated:
He (Ibn Taymiyyah) was knowledgeable in fiqh. And it was said that he was more knowledgeable of fiqh of the madh'habs than the followers of those very same madh'habs, (both) in his time and other than his time. He was a scholar of the fundamental issues, the subsidiary issues, of grammar, language, and other textual and intellectual sciences. And no scholar of a science would speak to him except that he thought the science was of speciality of Ibn Taymiyyah. As for Hadith, then he was the carrier of its flag, a Hafidh, able to distinguish the weak from the strong and fully acquainted with the narrators.
Some of his other works have been translated to English. They include:
* The Friends of Allah and the Friends of Shaytan
* Kitab al Iman: The Book of Faith
* Diseases of the Hearts and their Cures
* The Relief from Distress
* Fundamentals of Enjoining Good & Forbidding Evil
* The Concise Legacy
* The Goodly Word
* The Madinan Way
* Ibn Taymiyya against the Greek logicians
wn.com/The Story Of Sheikh Ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Full Movie)
"The Story of Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah" TV MOVIE of the life of Sheikh ul-Islam Ahmed Ibn Taymiyah one of the greatest Islamic scholars.
Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (January 22, 1263--1328), full name: Taqi ad-Din Abu 'l-?Abbas A?mad ibn ?Abd al-?alim ibn ?Abd as-Salam Ibn Taymiya al-?arrani (Arabic: تقي الدين أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد السلام بن عبد الله ابن تيمية الحراني).
Ibn Taymiyya was born in 1263 at Harran into a well-known family of theologians and died in Damascus, Syria, outside of the Muslim cemetery. His grandfather, Abu al-Barkat Majd ad-deen ibn Taymiyyah al-Hanbali (d. 1255) was a reputable teacher of the Hanbali school of law. Likewise, the scholarly achievements of ibn Taymiyyah's father, Shihab al-deen 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyyah (d. 1284) were well known. Because of the Mongol invasion, ibn Taymiyyah's family moved to Damascus in 1268 , which was then ruled by the Mamluks of Egypt. It was here that his father delivered sermons from the pulpit of the Umayyad Mosque, and ibn Taymiyyah followed in his footsteps by studying with the great scholars of his time, among them a woman scholar by the name Zaynab bint Makki from whom he learned Hadith.
Ibn Taymiyyah was an industrious student and acquainted himself with the secular and religious sciences of his time. He devoted special attention to Arabic literature and gained mastery over grammar and lexicography as well as studying mathematics and calligraphy. His scholarly zeal combined with his intense partisanship and hypergraphia led many contemporaries and later observers, most notably Ibn Battuta to consider him mentally unbalanced.
As for the religious sciences, he studied jurisprudence from his father and became a representative of the Hanbali school of thought. Though he remained faithful throughout his life to that school, whose doctrines he had decisively mastered, he also acquired an extensive knowledge of the Islamic disciplines of the Qur'an and the Hadith. He also studied theology (kalam), philosophy, and Sufism. He also refuted the Shia as well as the Christians. His student Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya authored the famous poem "O Christ-Worshipper" which unapologetically examined the dogma of the Trinity propounded by many Christian sects.
His troubles with government began when he went with a delegation of ulama to talk to Ghazan Khan, the Khan of the Mongol Ilkhans in Iran, to stop his attack on the Muslims. It is reported that not one of the ulama dared to say anything to the Khan except Ibn Taymiyyah who said:
"You claim that you are Muslim and you have with you Mu'adhdhins, Muftis, Imams and Shaykhs but you invaded us and reached our country for what? While your father and your grandfather, Hulagu were non-believers, they did not attack and they kept their promise. But you promised and broke your promise."
Ibn Taymiyyah is known for his devotion to jihad
...the best of the forms of voluntary service man can devote to God. The ulema agree in proclaiming it superior to pilgrimage, for men, and to the `umra, as well as to prayer and supererogatory fasts, as is shown in the Book and in the Prophetic Sunnah.
Students and intellectual heirs
* Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (1292--1350)
* Yusuf ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Mizzi (1256--1341)
* al-Dhahabi (1274--1348)
* al-Birzali (1267--1339)
* Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703--1792)
* Ibn Kathir stated:
He (Ibn Taymiyyah) was knowledgeable in fiqh. And it was said that he was more knowledgeable of fiqh of the madh'habs than the followers of those very same madh'habs, (both) in his time and other than his time. He was a scholar of the fundamental issues, the subsidiary issues, of grammar, language, and other textual and intellectual sciences. And no scholar of a science would speak to him except that he thought the science was of speciality of Ibn Taymiyyah. As for Hadith, then he was the carrier of its flag, a Hafidh, able to distinguish the weak from the strong and fully acquainted with the narrators.
Some of his other works have been translated to English. They include:
* The Friends of Allah and the Friends of Shaytan
* Kitab al Iman: The Book of Faith
* Diseases of the Hearts and their Cures
* The Relief from Distress
* Fundamentals of Enjoining Good & Forbidding Evil
* The Concise Legacy
* The Goodly Word
* The Madinan Way
* Ibn Taymiyya against the Greek logicians
- published: 15 Dec 2010
- views: 215456
The Life of Ibn Taymiyyah
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and ...
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allaah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the present, affecting scholars and seekers of knowledge and Islamic groups that belong to Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah. Scholars still refer to his books to refute the enemies of Islam among the Jews and Christians and sects that claim to belong to Islam such as the Raafidis, Huloolis and Jahamis, and innovated sects such as the Ash'aris and Murji'is.
His achievements in the fields of fiqh, hadeeth, tafseer and sulook (ways of drawing close to Allaah) are too well known for us to need to give any examples here. His books and writings bear witness to that and he does not need anyone like us to praise him, rather his knowledge and fiqh are extant and bear witness that no one can deny except one who is ignorant or stubborn.
Imam al-Dhahabi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said, listing his Shaykhs:
He is our Shaykh, the Shaykh of Islam, unrivalled in our time in terms of knowledge, courage, intelligence, spiritual enlightenment, generosity, sincerity towards the ummah, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, and learning hadeeth -- he put a great deal of effort into seeking it and writing it down, and he examined the different categories of narrators and acquired knowledge that no one else acquired.
He excelled in Qur'aanic commentary (tafseer) and delved deeply into its subtle meanings. He derived meanings from it that no one else managed to do before him. He also excelled in hadeeth and in the memorization thereof; very few have memorized as much hadeeth as he memorized. He attributed ahaadeeth to their proper sources and narrators, and he was able to quote readily whatever he needed to establish proof. He surpassed all people in knowledge of fiqh and the views of different madhhabs, and the fatwas of the Sahaabah and Taabi'een, so much so that when he issued a fatwa he did not adhere to the view of a madhhab, rather he based his fatwa on whichever view was supported by the stronger evidence. He excelled in knowledge of Arabic language, and studied issues on the basis of rationality and reason. He studied the views of the philosophers and refuted their arguments and pointed out their mistakes and warned against them. He supported the Sunnah with the strongest evidence and proofs. He was harmed for the sake of Allaah by his opponents and persecuted for his support of the pure Sunnah, until Allaah caused him to prevail and caused the pious to unite in loving him and praying for him, and suppressed his enemies and guided men of other groups and sects through him. Allaah made kings and commanders inclined to follow him and obey him, and he revived Syria -- and indeed Islam -- through his efforts, when it was almost defeated, by urging the rulers to resist the Tatars, when people were harbouring doubts about Allaah and the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking (cf. al-Ahzaab 33:10-11), and hypocrisy grew strong.
His good qualities are many, and he is too great for a man like me to talk about his life. If I were to swear an oath between the Corner and the Maqaam I would swear that I have never seen anyone like him, and that he has never seen anyone like himself.
See: Dhayl Tabaqaat al-Hanaabilah by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (4/390).
wn.com/The Life Of Ibn Taymiyyah
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allaah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the present, affecting scholars and seekers of knowledge and Islamic groups that belong to Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah. Scholars still refer to his books to refute the enemies of Islam among the Jews and Christians and sects that claim to belong to Islam such as the Raafidis, Huloolis and Jahamis, and innovated sects such as the Ash'aris and Murji'is.
His achievements in the fields of fiqh, hadeeth, tafseer and sulook (ways of drawing close to Allaah) are too well known for us to need to give any examples here. His books and writings bear witness to that and he does not need anyone like us to praise him, rather his knowledge and fiqh are extant and bear witness that no one can deny except one who is ignorant or stubborn.
Imam al-Dhahabi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said, listing his Shaykhs:
He is our Shaykh, the Shaykh of Islam, unrivalled in our time in terms of knowledge, courage, intelligence, spiritual enlightenment, generosity, sincerity towards the ummah, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, and learning hadeeth -- he put a great deal of effort into seeking it and writing it down, and he examined the different categories of narrators and acquired knowledge that no one else acquired.
He excelled in Qur'aanic commentary (tafseer) and delved deeply into its subtle meanings. He derived meanings from it that no one else managed to do before him. He also excelled in hadeeth and in the memorization thereof; very few have memorized as much hadeeth as he memorized. He attributed ahaadeeth to their proper sources and narrators, and he was able to quote readily whatever he needed to establish proof. He surpassed all people in knowledge of fiqh and the views of different madhhabs, and the fatwas of the Sahaabah and Taabi'een, so much so that when he issued a fatwa he did not adhere to the view of a madhhab, rather he based his fatwa on whichever view was supported by the stronger evidence. He excelled in knowledge of Arabic language, and studied issues on the basis of rationality and reason. He studied the views of the philosophers and refuted their arguments and pointed out their mistakes and warned against them. He supported the Sunnah with the strongest evidence and proofs. He was harmed for the sake of Allaah by his opponents and persecuted for his support of the pure Sunnah, until Allaah caused him to prevail and caused the pious to unite in loving him and praying for him, and suppressed his enemies and guided men of other groups and sects through him. Allaah made kings and commanders inclined to follow him and obey him, and he revived Syria -- and indeed Islam -- through his efforts, when it was almost defeated, by urging the rulers to resist the Tatars, when people were harbouring doubts about Allaah and the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking (cf. al-Ahzaab 33:10-11), and hypocrisy grew strong.
His good qualities are many, and he is too great for a man like me to talk about his life. If I were to swear an oath between the Corner and the Maqaam I would swear that I have never seen anyone like him, and that he has never seen anyone like himself.
See: Dhayl Tabaqaat al-Hanaabilah by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (4/390).
- published: 06 Aug 2012
- views: 13153
Wahhabism: The School of Ibn Taymiyyah - The Root of Terrorism?
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies ...
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies their teachings and why so much hatred is seen towards other religions and sects because of their teachings.
wn.com/Wahhabism The School Of Ibn Taymiyyah The Root Of Terrorism
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies their teachings and why so much hatred is seen towards other religions and sects because of their teachings.
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 33960
Ibn Taymiyyah's Opinion on The 4 Madhāhib
Al-Hāfidh Ibn Taymiyyah's Opinion on The 4 Madhāhib
Speaker: Shaykh Mohammad Yasir Al-Hanafi
How often do we hear of the pseudo-salafis belittling the 4 madhah...
Al-Hāfidh Ibn Taymiyyah's Opinion on The 4 Madhāhib
Speaker: Shaykh Mohammad Yasir Al-Hanafi
How often do we hear of the pseudo-salafis belittling the 4 madhahib in these times but what would they say to their Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah after they hear his verdict on the 4 schools?
Click here to watch the 'Where Is Allah?' series by Shaykh Mohammad Yasir Al-Hanafi:
Brought to you by the Hanafi fiqh channel.
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'Alimah Answers' sister's ONLY facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/alimahanswers
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyyah's Opinion On The 4 Madhāhib
Al-Hāfidh Ibn Taymiyyah's Opinion on The 4 Madhāhib
Speaker: Shaykh Mohammad Yasir Al-Hanafi
How often do we hear of the pseudo-salafis belittling the 4 madhahib in these times but what would they say to their Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah after they hear his verdict on the 4 schools?
Click here to watch the 'Where Is Allah?' series by Shaykh Mohammad Yasir Al-Hanafi:
Brought to you by the Hanafi fiqh channel.
Our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/hfiqh
Our twitter page: http://www.twitter.com/hanafifiqh
Second channel: http://www.youtube.com/hanafifiqhhd
Our blog: http://haq2012.wordpress.com/
Our Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hanafifiqh
'Alimah Answers' sister's ONLY facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/alimahanswers
- published: 14 Jun 2015
- views: 10394
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah's Love for Ahlel Bayt---One of the harshest opponents of the Shia was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, and because of this, some of ...
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah's Love for Ahlel Bayt---One of the harshest opponents of the Shia was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, and because of this, some of the Shia have slandered him by claiming that he was a Nasibi (i.e. hater of Ahlel Bayt). Answering-Ansar refers to him as "Imam of the Nasibis, Ibn Taymiyya". And yet, Ibn Taymiyyah was a lover of Ahlel Bayt; not only did he love the Ahlel Bayt, but he publically declared the necessity of loving the Ahlel Bayt as a part of the creed of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Let us narrate what Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah wrote in his most famous book, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah; he said:
"They (the believers) accept what has been reported continuously from the Prince of the Believers Ali Ibn Abi Talib..."
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah, Chapter 4)
Ibn Taymiyyah said further:
"The best men of this Ummah after its Prophet are: Abu Bakr; then Umar; third: Uthman; and fourth: Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all)."
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah, Chapter 4)
In regards to the Prophetic Household, Ibn Taymiyyah said:
"The Ahlus Sunnah should love the Prophet's family, give them support, and honor the Prophet's will in regards to them, as he said at Ghadir Khumm: 'I ask you by Allah to take care of my family; I ask you by Allah to take care of my family.'"
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah, Chapter 4)
Explaining the Sunni creed, Shaykh al-Islam said:
"They (Ahlus Sunnah) love the people of the household of the Messenger of Allah; they regard them with love and loyalty, and they heed the command of the Messenger of Allah concerning them…but they reject the way of the (Shia) Rafidhis who hate the Sahabah and slander them, and they reject the way of the Nasibis who insult Ahlel Bayt in words and deed."
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo al-Fatawa, 3/154)
Ibn Taymiyyah was so aggrieved by the death of Husayn at Kerbala, that he said the following:
"May Allah curse his killers, and whoever was glad with his murder!"
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo al-Fatawa, Vol.4, pp.403-404)
Note: Ibn Taymiyyah did not mention any names, as it is not the practice of the Sunnis to revile the dead by name or person, but rather Ibn Taymiyyah stated a conditional and general statement, i.e. whoever killed Husayn ibn Ali is to be cursed.
It is altogether interesting how careless the Shia are when it comes to throwing around insults of being Nasibi! It is very similar to the irresponsible attitude of Israeli Zionists who throw around insults of being anti-Semitic if anyone insults Israel. The Shia define a "Nasibi" to be one who insults the Shia, and in actuality their definition of the word has nothing at all to do with the Ahlel Bayt! How dishonest is Answering-Ansar's claims that Ibn Taymiyyah was a Nasibi: which Nasibi in his right mind would call for the obligation of loving the Prophetic Household? Which Nasibi would claim that Ali ibn Abi Talib was from amongst the four greatest men in all of Islamic history? Would not a Nasibi be happy at the death of the Prophet's grandson? And yet Shaykh al-Islam curses those who killed Husayn ibn Ali and those who are happy over his murder!
The Shia propagandists refer to us as "Takfeeris" and other such things, but the reality is that it is they who are guilty of this! Let us remind the reader that in Shia Fiqh a "Nasibi" is considered worse than a Kaafir. Notice how easily the Shia propagandists refer to people as "Nasibis"; we have no doubt that Answering-Ansar will one day refer to us as Nasibis! Why then should the Shia ever complain about "Takfeeri Sunnis" when they themselves are guilty of worse than this? In fact, we are hard-pressed to find a single rebuttal on Answering-Ansar where they refrain from calling the Sunni author to be a Nasibi. Calling someone a Nasibi is Takfeer, and it is in fact worse than Takfeer!
wn.com/Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah's Love for Ahlel Bayt---One of the harshest opponents of the Shia was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, and because of this, some of the Shia have slandered him by claiming that he was a Nasibi (i.e. hater of Ahlel Bayt). Answering-Ansar refers to him as "Imam of the Nasibis, Ibn Taymiyya". And yet, Ibn Taymiyyah was a lover of Ahlel Bayt; not only did he love the Ahlel Bayt, but he publically declared the necessity of loving the Ahlel Bayt as a part of the creed of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Let us narrate what Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah wrote in his most famous book, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah; he said:
"They (the believers) accept what has been reported continuously from the Prince of the Believers Ali Ibn Abi Talib..."
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah, Chapter 4)
Ibn Taymiyyah said further:
"The best men of this Ummah after its Prophet are: Abu Bakr; then Umar; third: Uthman; and fourth: Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all)."
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah, Chapter 4)
In regards to the Prophetic Household, Ibn Taymiyyah said:
"The Ahlus Sunnah should love the Prophet's family, give them support, and honor the Prophet's will in regards to them, as he said at Ghadir Khumm: 'I ask you by Allah to take care of my family; I ask you by Allah to take care of my family.'"
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah, Chapter 4)
Explaining the Sunni creed, Shaykh al-Islam said:
"They (Ahlus Sunnah) love the people of the household of the Messenger of Allah; they regard them with love and loyalty, and they heed the command of the Messenger of Allah concerning them…but they reject the way of the (Shia) Rafidhis who hate the Sahabah and slander them, and they reject the way of the Nasibis who insult Ahlel Bayt in words and deed."
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo al-Fatawa, 3/154)
Ibn Taymiyyah was so aggrieved by the death of Husayn at Kerbala, that he said the following:
"May Allah curse his killers, and whoever was glad with his murder!"
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo al-Fatawa, Vol.4, pp.403-404)
Note: Ibn Taymiyyah did not mention any names, as it is not the practice of the Sunnis to revile the dead by name or person, but rather Ibn Taymiyyah stated a conditional and general statement, i.e. whoever killed Husayn ibn Ali is to be cursed.
It is altogether interesting how careless the Shia are when it comes to throwing around insults of being Nasibi! It is very similar to the irresponsible attitude of Israeli Zionists who throw around insults of being anti-Semitic if anyone insults Israel. The Shia define a "Nasibi" to be one who insults the Shia, and in actuality their definition of the word has nothing at all to do with the Ahlel Bayt! How dishonest is Answering-Ansar's claims that Ibn Taymiyyah was a Nasibi: which Nasibi in his right mind would call for the obligation of loving the Prophetic Household? Which Nasibi would claim that Ali ibn Abi Talib was from amongst the four greatest men in all of Islamic history? Would not a Nasibi be happy at the death of the Prophet's grandson? And yet Shaykh al-Islam curses those who killed Husayn ibn Ali and those who are happy over his murder!
The Shia propagandists refer to us as "Takfeeris" and other such things, but the reality is that it is they who are guilty of this! Let us remind the reader that in Shia Fiqh a "Nasibi" is considered worse than a Kaafir. Notice how easily the Shia propagandists refer to people as "Nasibis"; we have no doubt that Answering-Ansar will one day refer to us as Nasibis! Why then should the Shia ever complain about "Takfeeri Sunnis" when they themselves are guilty of worse than this? In fact, we are hard-pressed to find a single rebuttal on Answering-Ansar where they refrain from calling the Sunni author to be a Nasibi. Calling someone a Nasibi is Takfeer, and it is in fact worse than Takfeer!
- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 50868
Identity Theft of the Ummah - Fake Scholars - Ibn Taymiyya in Syria | Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, may Allah preserve him and propagate his teachings, speaks on the dire need to protect ourselves from an identity crisis the Muslim Ummah is...
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, may Allah preserve him and propagate his teachings, speaks on the dire need to protect ourselves from an identity crisis the Muslim Ummah is facing right now. He goes onto to talk about some fake "scholars" and relates a story of Ibn Taymiyya when he was in Syria.
Please watch my other videos and keep up with my NEW BLOG: http://theaspiringaspirant.blogspot.com/
wn.com/Identity Theft Of The Ummah Fake Scholars Ibn Taymiyya In Syria | Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, may Allah preserve him and propagate his teachings, speaks on the dire need to protect ourselves from an identity crisis the Muslim Ummah is facing right now. He goes onto to talk about some fake "scholars" and relates a story of Ibn Taymiyya when he was in Syria.
Please watch my other videos and keep up with my NEW BLOG: http://theaspiringaspirant.blogspot.com/
- published: 20 Oct 2013
- views: 45468
Ibn Taymiyyah's Life In Prison by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril
The prison stories of Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril Hafidhahullah...
The prison stories of Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril Hafidhahullah
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyyah's Life In Prison By Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril
The prison stories of Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril Hafidhahullah
- published: 11 Dec 2014
- views: 10448
Why Study...Ibn Taymiyya, with Jon Hoover
Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328 C.E.) was an Islamic thinker who has exerted, and continues to exert, an enormous influence within the Islamic tradition. Ibn Taymiyya w...
Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328 C.E.) was an Islamic thinker who has exerted, and continues to exert, an enormous influence within the Islamic tradition. Ibn Taymiyya was often quoted by the late Osama Bin Laden and in this video, Dr. Jon Hoover, who has studied his theology and his importance in Islam, introduces Ibn Taymiyya and his thought.
wn.com/Why Study...Ibn Taymiyya, With Jon Hoover
Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328 C.E.) was an Islamic thinker who has exerted, and continues to exert, an enormous influence within the Islamic tradition. Ibn Taymiyya was often quoted by the late Osama Bin Laden and in this video, Dr. Jon Hoover, who has studied his theology and his importance in Islam, introduces Ibn Taymiyya and his thought.
- published: 05 May 2011
- views: 18198
Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf....
Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyyah (Ra) By Sheikh Hamza Yusuf
Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 42894
Death of Ibn Taymiyyah What Really Happened? Did (BIDDAH & SHIRK) Take Place? - Shaykh Saqib Shaami
Why Alhus Sunnah?, lecture by Shaykh Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal al Shaami - Full Lecture watch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZWgH_1pqDA
Truth About the D...
Why Alhus Sunnah?, lecture by Shaykh Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal al Shaami - Full Lecture watch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZWgH_1pqDA
Truth About the Death of So called Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah what really happened did people do Biddah and commit Shirk narrated by Ibn Kathir - Shaykh Saqib Shaami
Who and what is Barelwi Barelvi ? - The Best of Murtaza Khan
How NOT to love the Prophet (saw) - Ustadh Murtaza Khan
Detailed Seminar: Who Are The Ahlesunnati Wal Jammat, Salafi Wahabi Deobandi Brelvi? -Shaykh Saqib Shami (HafizaUllah)
What happened on the death of ibn taymiya did people commit Biddah and shirk?
Ahlus-Sunnahwal-Jamaa'ah - Salafiyyah
Jashan Eid Milad-un-Nabi- permissibility of Celebrating Mawlid/Milaad Un Nabi( Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
goes out to wahabis and najdis
Umar Siddique
Ali Hassan Khan
Abu Usamah at-Thahabi
Abu Khadeejah
Usama Hasan
Haitham al-Haddad
Murtaza Khan
bilal philips
abdur raheem green
tauseef ur rehman
Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari
Ummah Channel
New Naat 2014 By Owais Raza Qadri Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Imran Sheikh Attari Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Hafiz Tahir Qadri Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014Naat:New Naat 2014:Latest Naat 2014 New Naat Album 2014 By Hafiz Ahmad Raza QadriNew Naat 2014 By Khalid Hasnain Khalid Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Syed Fasihuddin Soharwardi All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014, New Naat 2014 By Ghulam Mustafa Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 New Naat 2014 By Qari Shahid Mehmood Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Sajid Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 New Naat 2014 By Syed Rehan Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Farhan Qadri Attari All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Syed Furqan Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Yousuf Memon All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Hafiz Noor Sultan All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Umair Zubair Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Farhan Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Zulfiqar Ali Hussaini Naat All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By New Naat 2014 By Owais Raza Qadri Mp3 Download .Download New Naat 2014 By Owais Raza Qadri mp3All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 English Naats 2014, Urdu Naats 2014, Pashto Naats 2014,Arabic Naats 2014,Urdu Nasheed 2014,English Nasheed 2014, Arabic Nasheed 2014, Pashto Nasheed 2014, New Nasheeds 2014.Listen Online Naats shareef 2014 Owais Raza Qadri Milad Un Nabi Special Naats Album 2014Naat:New Naat Album 2014 By Haji Bilal Raza AttariMadani Channel Naats 2014: New Madani Channel Naats 2014: Latest Madani Channel Naats 2014Madani Channel Naat Khawans Naats 2014: Arif Attari,Asad Attari,Haji Mushtaq Attari
wn.com/Death Of Ibn Taymiyyah What Really Happened Did (Biddah Shirk) Take Place Shaykh Saqib Shaami
Why Alhus Sunnah?, lecture by Shaykh Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal al Shaami - Full Lecture watch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZWgH_1pqDA
Truth About the Death of So called Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah what really happened did people do Biddah and commit Shirk narrated by Ibn Kathir - Shaykh Saqib Shaami
Who and what is Barelwi Barelvi ? - The Best of Murtaza Khan
How NOT to love the Prophet (saw) - Ustadh Murtaza Khan
Detailed Seminar: Who Are The Ahlesunnati Wal Jammat, Salafi Wahabi Deobandi Brelvi? -Shaykh Saqib Shami (HafizaUllah)
What happened on the death of ibn taymiya did people commit Biddah and shirk?
Ahlus-Sunnahwal-Jamaa'ah - Salafiyyah
Jashan Eid Milad-un-Nabi- permissibility of Celebrating Mawlid/Milaad Un Nabi( Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
goes out to wahabis and najdis
Umar Siddique
Ali Hassan Khan
Abu Usamah at-Thahabi
Abu Khadeejah
Usama Hasan
Haitham al-Haddad
Murtaza Khan
bilal philips
abdur raheem green
tauseef ur rehman
Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari
Ummah Channel
New Naat 2014 By Owais Raza Qadri Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Imran Sheikh Attari Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Hafiz Tahir Qadri Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014Naat:New Naat 2014:Latest Naat 2014 New Naat Album 2014 By Hafiz Ahmad Raza QadriNew Naat 2014 By Khalid Hasnain Khalid Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Syed Fasihuddin Soharwardi All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014, New Naat 2014 By Ghulam Mustafa Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 New Naat 2014 By Qari Shahid Mehmood Latest Naat Album 2014, New Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Sajid Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 New Naat 2014 By Syed Rehan Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Farhan Qadri Attari All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Syed Furqan Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Yousuf Memon All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Hafiz Noor Sultan All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Umair Zubair Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Muhammad Farhan Qadri All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By Zulfiqar Ali Hussaini Naat All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014New Naat 2014 By New Naat 2014 By Owais Raza Qadri Mp3 Download .Download New Naat 2014 By Owais Raza Qadri mp3All Naats Latest Naat Album 2014 English Naats 2014, Urdu Naats 2014, Pashto Naats 2014,Arabic Naats 2014,Urdu Nasheed 2014,English Nasheed 2014, Arabic Nasheed 2014, Pashto Nasheed 2014, New Nasheeds 2014.Listen Online Naats shareef 2014 Owais Raza Qadri Milad Un Nabi Special Naats Album 2014Naat:New Naat Album 2014 By Haji Bilal Raza AttariMadani Channel Naats 2014: New Madani Channel Naats 2014: Latest Madani Channel Naats 2014Madani Channel Naat Khawans Naats 2014: Arif Attari,Asad Attari,Haji Mushtaq Attari
- published: 16 Mar 2014
- views: 40216
3. A Critique of Ibn Taymiyyah & Extremism - Maulana Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini
MP3: https://s3.amazonaws.com/JCC/Muharram/1436/3rdNightMuharram1436_Qazwini_2014-10-27_200418705.mp3
3rd Night Muharram 1436
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad...
MP3: https://s3.amazonaws.com/JCC/Muharram/1436/3rdNightMuharram1436_Qazwini_2014-10-27_200418705.mp3
3rd Night Muharram 1436
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini
Date: October 27th, 2014
wn.com/3. A Critique Of Ibn Taymiyyah Extremism Maulana Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini
MP3: https://s3.amazonaws.com/JCC/Muharram/1436/3rdNightMuharram1436_Qazwini_2014-10-27_200418705.mp3
3rd Night Muharram 1436
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Baqir Qazwini
Date: October 27th, 2014
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 2898
The Ibn Taymiyyah You Never Knew
Yahya Michot, a MUSLIM expert on Ibn Taymiyyah speaks about misconceptions about the scholar, his fatwas, political Islam and war.
These are highlights. To v...
Yahya Michot, a MUSLIM expert on Ibn Taymiyyah speaks about misconceptions about the scholar, his fatwas, political Islam and war.
These are highlights. To view full lecture: http://vimeo.com/54645323
wn.com/The Ibn Taymiyyah You Never Knew
Yahya Michot, a MUSLIM expert on Ibn Taymiyyah speaks about misconceptions about the scholar, his fatwas, political Islam and war.
These are highlights. To view full lecture: http://vimeo.com/54645323
- published: 27 Jun 2014
- views: 9448
New Anwar Al Awlaki - Ibn Taymiyyah and Win Win Situation
Must READ about Ibn Taymiyah (Rah):
Must READ about Ibn Taymiyah (Rah):
More About Ibn Taymiyyah (Rah):
This is taken from the Series of talks on the life of Umar Ibn Al Khattab By Imam Anwar Al Awlaki.
The Series is available In Audio as well as DVD.
You can download the Audio of the Complete Series of talks from here:
You can Also Purchase the Complete DVD Set from here:
Or download it from here:
Dont forget to The Most watched, Most Famous and Free to Air Islamic Channel Peace tv:
Some Famous Websites:
A List of Recommended Websites by Dr Bilal Philips:
Urdu Islamic Websites:
Comparative Religions and Answers to Allegations Website:
And When some one does not understand the Language of love then the following website explains to them in their language:
wn.com/New Anwar Al Awlaki Ibn Taymiyyah And Win Win Situation
Must READ about Ibn Taymiyah (Rah):
More About Ibn Taymiyyah (Rah):
This is taken from the Series of talks on the life of Umar Ibn Al Khattab By Imam Anwar Al Awlaki.
The Series is available In Audio as well as DVD.
You can download the Audio of the Complete Series of talks from here:
You can Also Purchase the Complete DVD Set from here:
Or download it from here:
Dont forget to The Most watched, Most Famous and Free to Air Islamic Channel Peace tv:
Some Famous Websites:
A List of Recommended Websites by Dr Bilal Philips:
Urdu Islamic Websites:
Comparative Religions and Answers to Allegations Website:
And When some one does not understand the Language of love then the following website explains to them in their language:
- published: 13 Oct 2010
- views: 23307
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah Aur Inkay Takeedy Karnamay By Shk Maqsood UL Hassan Faizi
Its Our Humble Request Dont REUpload This Lectures,U Can Post link on your channel i have upload this lecture in Full HD...
Its Our Humble Request Dont REUpload This Lectures,U Can Post link on your channel i have upload this lecture in Full HD...
Complete Play List http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAD59E22B1B3E2466&feature;=view_all
For more Lectures in HD http://www.youtube.com/cal2tawheed
To Download Other Lecture In VCD Quality Email cal2tawheed@yahoo.com
wn.com/Imam Ibn Taymiyyah Aur Inkay Takeedy Karnamay By Shk Maqsood Ul Hassan Faizi
Its Our Humble Request Dont REUpload This Lectures,U Can Post link on your channel i have upload this lecture in Full HD...
Complete Play List http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAD59E22B1B3E2466&feature;=view_all
For more Lectures in HD http://www.youtube.com/cal2tawheed
To Download Other Lecture In VCD Quality Email cal2tawheed@yahoo.com
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 5020
Ibn Taymiyyah on Mawlid - Shaykh Abu Adnan
Shaykh Abu Adnan explains Ibn Taymiyyahs (Rahimahullah) view on Mawlid...
Shaykh Abu Adnan explains Ibn Taymiyyahs (Rahimahullah) view on Mawlid
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyyah On Mawlid Shaykh Abu Adnan
Shaykh Abu Adnan explains Ibn Taymiyyahs (Rahimahullah) view on Mawlid
- published: 25 Jan 2015
- views: 762
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah's View on Sufis!! The Shocking Truth!!
The speaker is Dr. Mohammad Musa Al-Shareef (also a Pilot!) who was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and graduated from the Faculty of Shari`ah, Imam Muhammad ibn ...
The speaker is Dr. Mohammad Musa Al-Shareef (also a Pilot!) who was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and graduated from the Faculty of Shari`ah, Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, in 1408 A.H. He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in the Qur'an and the Sunnah from Faculty of Usul Ad-Din (Theology) -- Umm Al-Qura University. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, King Abdul Aziz University
"Thus the meaning of sufi alludes to the meaning of siddiq or one who has reached complete Truthfulness, because the best of human beings after prophets are the siddiqin..."
- Ibn Taymiyya, At-Tawassuf, Majmu'a Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya al-Kubra 11.
Imam Ibn Taymiyya then went on to say:
Some people criticized the Sufis and said that they were innovators and out of the Sunna... but the truth is that they are exercising ijtihad in view of obeying Allah just as others who are obedient to Allah have also done. So from them you will find the Foremost in Nearness (al-sabiq al-muqarrab) by virtue of his striving, while some of them are from the People of the Right Hand... and among those claiming affiliation with them, are those who are unjust to themselves, rebelling against their Lord. These are the sects of innovators and free-thinkers (zindiq) who claim affiliation to the Sufis but in the opinion of the genuine Sufis, they do not belong, for example, al-Hallaj. Tasawwuf has branched out and diversified and the Sufis have become known as three types:
1. Sufiyyat al haqa'iq: the Sufis of Realities, and these are the ones we mentioned above;
2. Sufiyyat al arzaq: the funded Sufis who live on the religious endowments of Sufi guest-houses and schools; it is not necessary for them to be among the people of true realities, as this is a very rare thing
3. Sufiyyat al rasm: the Sufis by appearance only, who are interested in bearing the name and the dress etc.
Interesting... I wonder why I've never heard this from those who usually trumpet Ibn Taymiyya?
Obviously, no one disputes that as with most practices, there are those who are the genuine article, those who just do something as a job but whose heart isn't in their work and those who are only concerned with appearances. Imam Ibn Taymiyya was right on the mark here. However, according to his own words, he clearly didn't have anything against people who were genuinely and sincerely following the Sufi path.
When Imam Ibn Taymiyya wrote so much about tasawuf (Sufism) and claimed to be a Qadiri himself with only two people between him and the great Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah bless him, why is this Imam so widely cited by those who are otherwise so opposed to Sufism? How can they authentically referrence this scholar of Sufism as their evidence against it? Logically it doesn't make any sense
wn.com/Imam Ibn Taymiyyah's View On Sufis The Shocking Truth
The speaker is Dr. Mohammad Musa Al-Shareef (also a Pilot!) who was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and graduated from the Faculty of Shari`ah, Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, in 1408 A.H. He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in the Qur'an and the Sunnah from Faculty of Usul Ad-Din (Theology) -- Umm Al-Qura University. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, King Abdul Aziz University
"Thus the meaning of sufi alludes to the meaning of siddiq or one who has reached complete Truthfulness, because the best of human beings after prophets are the siddiqin..."
- Ibn Taymiyya, At-Tawassuf, Majmu'a Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya al-Kubra 11.
Imam Ibn Taymiyya then went on to say:
Some people criticized the Sufis and said that they were innovators and out of the Sunna... but the truth is that they are exercising ijtihad in view of obeying Allah just as others who are obedient to Allah have also done. So from them you will find the Foremost in Nearness (al-sabiq al-muqarrab) by virtue of his striving, while some of them are from the People of the Right Hand... and among those claiming affiliation with them, are those who are unjust to themselves, rebelling against their Lord. These are the sects of innovators and free-thinkers (zindiq) who claim affiliation to the Sufis but in the opinion of the genuine Sufis, they do not belong, for example, al-Hallaj. Tasawwuf has branched out and diversified and the Sufis have become known as three types:
1. Sufiyyat al haqa'iq: the Sufis of Realities, and these are the ones we mentioned above;
2. Sufiyyat al arzaq: the funded Sufis who live on the religious endowments of Sufi guest-houses and schools; it is not necessary for them to be among the people of true realities, as this is a very rare thing
3. Sufiyyat al rasm: the Sufis by appearance only, who are interested in bearing the name and the dress etc.
Interesting... I wonder why I've never heard this from those who usually trumpet Ibn Taymiyya?
Obviously, no one disputes that as with most practices, there are those who are the genuine article, those who just do something as a job but whose heart isn't in their work and those who are only concerned with appearances. Imam Ibn Taymiyya was right on the mark here. However, according to his own words, he clearly didn't have anything against people who were genuinely and sincerely following the Sufi path.
When Imam Ibn Taymiyya wrote so much about tasawuf (Sufism) and claimed to be a Qadiri himself with only two people between him and the great Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah bless him, why is this Imam so widely cited by those who are otherwise so opposed to Sufism? How can they authentically referrence this scholar of Sufism as their evidence against it? Logically it doesn't make any sense
- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 14922
The Life of Ibn Taymiyyah PT1/2 | Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan
A Lecture on the life and times of Ibn Taymiyyah given by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan. In this part Ustadh covers some of the many books the Sheikh wrote, who his...
A Lecture on the life and times of Ibn Taymiyyah given by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan. In this part Ustadh covers some of the many books the Sheikh wrote, who his students were, how he looked and how he studied.
wn.com/The Life Of Ibn Taymiyyah Pt1 2 | Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan
A Lecture on the life and times of Ibn Taymiyyah given by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan. In this part Ustadh covers some of the many books the Sheikh wrote, who his students were, how he looked and how he studied.
- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 4172
Anwar Al Awlaki - Ibn Taymiyyah and Win Win Situation
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and d...
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allaah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the present, affecting scholars and seekers of knowledge and Islamic groups that belong to Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. Scholars still refer to his books to refute the enemies of Islam among the Jews and Christians and sects that claim to belong to Islam such as the Raafidis, Huloolis and Jahamis, and innovated sects such as the Asharis and Murji
Lecture By Imam Anwar Al Awlaki on win win situations for a Muslim regardless of what one goes through.
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wn.com/Anwar Al Awlaki Ibn Taymiyyah And Win Win Situation
Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Abd al-Haleem ibn Taymiyah is regarded as one of the prominent mujaddids (renewers and revivers) of Islam. He was born in 661 AH and died in 728 AH (may Allaah have mercy on him). If the efforts of a mujaddid bear fruit in his own time and generation, the efforts of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah began to bear fruit in his own time and have continued to do so until the present, affecting scholars and seekers of knowledge and Islamic groups that belong to Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. Scholars still refer to his books to refute the enemies of Islam among the Jews and Christians and sects that claim to belong to Islam such as the Raafidis, Huloolis and Jahamis, and innovated sects such as the Asharis and Murji
Lecture By Imam Anwar Al Awlaki on win win situations for a Muslim regardless of what one goes through.
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- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 4094
The poem of Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) explaining his Aqeedah
He is the great scholar, Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him. Scholars of Islam acknowledge his astonishing excellence in all fields of...
He is the great scholar, Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him. Scholars of Islam acknowledge his astonishing excellence in all fields of knowledge - and Allah favours whom He chooses.
His Teachers
He took his knowledge from a great number of scholars8 and he himself mentioned a number of them as related by Adh-Dhahabi directly from him.9 This particular chronicle of shayukh includes forty male scholars and four female scholars. The total number of scholars whom he took knowledge from exceeds two hundred.10
The following is a selection of some of his teachers:
Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad ibn 'Abd ad-Da'im al-Maqdasi
Abu Nasr 'Abdul-'Aziz ibn 'Abdul-Mun'im
Abu Muhammad Isma'il ibn Ibrahim at-Tanukhi
Al-Manja ibn 'Uthman at-Tanukhi ad-Dimashqi
Abu'l-'Abbas al-Mu'ammil ibn Muhammad al-Balisi
Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Sulayman al-'Amiri
Abu'l-Faraj 'Abdur-Rahman ibn Sulayman al-Baghdadi
Sharaf ad-Din al-Maqdasi, Ahmad ibn Ahmad ash-Shafi'i
Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Qawi al-Maqdasi
Taqi ad-Din al-Wasiti, Ibrahim ibn 'Ali as-Salihi al-Hanbali
His paternal aunt, Sitt ad-Dar bint 'Abdus-Salam ibn Taymiyyah
wn.com/The Poem Of Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) Explaining His Aqeedah
He is the great scholar, Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him. Scholars of Islam acknowledge his astonishing excellence in all fields of knowledge - and Allah favours whom He chooses.
His Teachers
He took his knowledge from a great number of scholars8 and he himself mentioned a number of them as related by Adh-Dhahabi directly from him.9 This particular chronicle of shayukh includes forty male scholars and four female scholars. The total number of scholars whom he took knowledge from exceeds two hundred.10
The following is a selection of some of his teachers:
Abu'l-'Abbas Ahmad ibn 'Abd ad-Da'im al-Maqdasi
Abu Nasr 'Abdul-'Aziz ibn 'Abdul-Mun'im
Abu Muhammad Isma'il ibn Ibrahim at-Tanukhi
Al-Manja ibn 'Uthman at-Tanukhi ad-Dimashqi
Abu'l-'Abbas al-Mu'ammil ibn Muhammad al-Balisi
Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Sulayman al-'Amiri
Abu'l-Faraj 'Abdur-Rahman ibn Sulayman al-Baghdadi
Sharaf ad-Din al-Maqdasi, Ahmad ibn Ahmad ash-Shafi'i
Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Qawi al-Maqdasi
Taqi ad-Din al-Wasiti, Ibrahim ibn 'Ali as-Salihi al-Hanbali
His paternal aunt, Sitt ad-Dar bint 'Abdus-Salam ibn Taymiyyah
- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 4853
Wahhabism: The School of Ibn Taymiyyah
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies ...
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies their teachings and why so much hatred is seen towards other religions and sects because of their teachings.
wn.com/Wahhabism The School Of Ibn Taymiyyah
A look at the root and ideology of Wahhabism. Founded by Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab who was influenced by the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah. This documentary studies their teachings and why so much hatred is seen towards other religions and sects because of their teachings.
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 3329
Ibn Taymiyya: A Summary of Dr. Yasir Qadhi's dissertation at Yale University
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Ibn Taymiyyah
We caught up with Islamic Scholar and theoretical physicist Hafiz 'Chuck' Connors to interview him about controversial 13th century thinker Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (January 22, 1263 -- 1328 CE).
Praised without reservation (or equal) by the Wahhabi movement (and other Muslim groups) and yet vilified as a disbeliever by many others, where does the truth lie?
With organisations such as iER
Ibn Taymiyya, un théologien extrémiste?
Au programme de l'émission "L'islam aujourd'hui", la seconde partie de l'entretien avec Yahya Michot, professeur de pensée islamique et de relations islamo-chrétiennes au Macdonald Center, Hartford Seminary, Etats-Unis. Il évoque dans cette interview la figure d'Ibn Taymiyya, théologien et juriconsulte ( 1263-1328 )
Why are Muslims leaving Islam? ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 29th August 2014
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yasir qadhi abu bakr
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Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme (1/2) par Yahya Michot [Alkhayria Belgica]
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015
Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme (2/2) par Yahya Michot [Alkhayria Belgica]
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015
sheikh yasser habib exposes Ibn Taymiyyah
The so called 'Ahl Sunnah' have a narrations from some of their impure predecessors whom they have given the title 'Sheikh of Islam'. One of them goes by the name of Ibn Taymiyyah. May Allah (swt) remove his mercy from him and he is popular. This sadistic individual in his book insults the masters of martyrs Aboo Abdullah Al Hussain (a.s). He (Ibn Taymiyyah) claimed the rise of Al Hussain (a.s) br
ISIS and the works of ibn Taymiyyah and ibn Abdil Wahhab - Sh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli
Is it correct to say that ISIS have correctly justified their actions with the works of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab ?
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Dr. Adnan Ibrahim - Réfutation de la division du tawhid en trois d'Ibn Taymiyya VOSTFR
Vidéo HD sous-titrée en français.
Réfutation des trois tawhid d'Ibn Taymiyya : tawhîd ar-rubûbiyyah (l'Unicité dans la Seigneurie) et de tawhîd al-ulûhiyyah (Unicité dans la divinité), tawhid asma wa sifat (des noms et attributs).
Repris plus tard par Mohammed ibn Abdelwahhab au 18è siècle.
Sous-titré en français : Abonnez vous à ma chaîne (chaîne Magdaille) pour plus de traduction d'Adnan Ibrahi
Shia - By Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
The distinguishing features of the Raafidah By Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah 1/39,57,59,68,111,121
Translated by Abu `Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Know my brothers and sisters the noble Imaam Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said in Majmoo' fee tarjumah volume 2 page 699
"The seventh and eighth centuries passed by and there wasn
Ibn Arabî versus Ibn Taymiyyah
Dans ce court extrait tiré du site www.baglis.tv, Dominique Abdallah Penot évoque les principaux points théologiques que les détracateurs d'Ibn' Arabi ont mis en avant, et principalement Ibn Taymiyyah
Extrait issu d'un exposé intitulé "Les grands thèmes de l'oeuvre d'Ibn Arabi", disponible à cette adresse :
Ibn Taymiyyah Turned His Prison Into A University!
"What can my enemies do to me? I have in my breast both my heaven and my garden. If I travel they are with me, never leaving me. Imprisonment for me is a chance to be alone with my Lord. To be killed is martyrdom and to be exiled from my land is a spiritual journey.' Ibn Taymiyyah
Dr. Ovamir Anjum - Ibn Taymiyya and the Caliphate, Then and Now.
On Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015, IIIT welcomed Dr. Ovamir Anjum, of the University of Toledo, for his lecture titled, “Is there an Islamic Political Tradition? Ibn Taymiyya and the Caliphate, Then and Now.”
Dr. Anjum is Imam Khattab Endowed Chair of Islamic Studies at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Toledo. He is also the author of Politics, Law, and Community in Isl
Sheikh Ul Islam Imam Ibn Taymiyyah(Rahimaullah) Imam Anwar Al Awlaki(Hafizzaaullah)
Imam Anwar Al Awlaki(Hafizzaaullah)
Letters From Prison │ Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah ابن تيمية
This is a lecture by brother Abdullah Abdul Malik on the Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyahs short book "Letters From Prison" which contains many short letters the Sheikh wrote to his family and companions where he shares his thoughts about the deen and his situations. This should be a true inspiration to the Muslim Ummah worldwide to fear none but Allah never stress and live for this deen and the here
Essay of Shaikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: On The Heart by Dr. Bilal Philips (Part 1)
'Allāmah Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) kay Fiqhī Afkār Full
An Extension Lecture on 'Allāmah Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) kay Fiqhī Afkār (Kashmiri)
by Br. Shu'ayb ibn Mukhtar
Edited and Uploaded by Abū 'Abd Allāh Abid ibn Yusuf
You can get updates by Subscribing here http://youtube.com/khaaksar1
Evolution of the wahhabiyyah from Ibn Taymiyya
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since some have commented on the hadith ibn taymiyya quoted .
visit the 2 links provided below to know more on the hadith :
Regarding sayf :
QUESTION: I was wondering what you could tell me about
Ibn Taymiyya: A Summary of Dr. Yasir Qadhi's dissertation at Yale University
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wn.com/Ibn Taymiyya A Summary Of Dr. Yasir Qadhi's Dissertation At Yale University
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yasir qadhi hamza yusuf
- published: 11 Apr 2015
- views: 1658
Ibn Taymiyyah
We caught up with Islamic Scholar and theoretical physicist Hafiz 'Chuck' Connors to interview him about controversial 13th century thinker Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ib...
We caught up with Islamic Scholar and theoretical physicist Hafiz 'Chuck' Connors to interview him about controversial 13th century thinker Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (January 22, 1263 -- 1328 CE).
Praised without reservation (or equal) by the Wahhabi movement (and other Muslim groups) and yet vilified as a disbeliever by many others, where does the truth lie?
With organisations such as iERA and Al Kauthar, Al Maghrib etc promoting his ideas, Saudi and Qatari publishing houses flooding the West with translations of his books and Orientalists and Islamic Studies departments taking renewed interest in his huge corpus of work, Connors takes time out from the Space Programme to get at the truth about this individual - in Ibn Taymiyyahs own words...
More at 'asharisassemble.com'.
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyyah
We caught up with Islamic Scholar and theoretical physicist Hafiz 'Chuck' Connors to interview him about controversial 13th century thinker Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (January 22, 1263 -- 1328 CE).
Praised without reservation (or equal) by the Wahhabi movement (and other Muslim groups) and yet vilified as a disbeliever by many others, where does the truth lie?
With organisations such as iERA and Al Kauthar, Al Maghrib etc promoting his ideas, Saudi and Qatari publishing houses flooding the West with translations of his books and Orientalists and Islamic Studies departments taking renewed interest in his huge corpus of work, Connors takes time out from the Space Programme to get at the truth about this individual - in Ibn Taymiyyahs own words...
More at 'asharisassemble.com'.
- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 1822
Ibn Taymiyya, un théologien extrémiste?
Au programme de l'émission "L'islam aujourd'hui", la seconde partie de l'entretien avec Yahya Michot, professeur de pensée islamique et de relations islamo-ch...
Au programme de l'émission "L'islam aujourd'hui", la seconde partie de l'entretien avec Yahya Michot, professeur de pensée islamique et de relations islamo-chrétiennes au Macdonald Center, Hartford Seminary, Etats-Unis. Il évoque dans cette interview la figure d'Ibn Taymiyya, théologien et juriconsulte ( 1263-1328 )
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyya, Un Théologien Extrémiste
Au programme de l'émission "L'islam aujourd'hui", la seconde partie de l'entretien avec Yahya Michot, professeur de pensée islamique et de relations islamo-chrétiennes au Macdonald Center, Hartford Seminary, Etats-Unis. Il évoque dans cette interview la figure d'Ibn Taymiyya, théologien et juriconsulte ( 1263-1328 )
- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 9745
Why are Muslims leaving Islam? ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 29th August 2014
yasir qadhi seerah of the prophet
yasir qadhi shia
yasir qadhi fox news
yasir qadhi surah kahf
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yasir qad...
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wn.com/Why Are Muslims Leaving Islam ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 29Th August 2014
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yasir qadhi hamza yusuf
- published: 11 Apr 2015
- views: 719
Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme (1/2) par Yahya Michot [Alkhayria Belgica]
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015...
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyya Et Le Salafisme (1 2) Par Yahya Michot Alkhayria Belgica
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015
- published: 05 Aug 2015
- views: 3903
Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme (2/2) par Yahya Michot [Alkhayria Belgica]
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015...
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyya Et Le Salafisme (2 2) Par Yahya Michot Alkhayria Belgica
Séminaire sur "Ibn Taymiyya et le salafisme" par le Pr. Yahya Michot le 10/06/2015
- published: 05 Aug 2015
- views: 1279
sheikh yasser habib exposes Ibn Taymiyyah
The so called 'Ahl Sunnah' have a narrations from some of their impure predecessors whom they have given the title 'Sheikh of Islam'. One of them goes by the na...
The so called 'Ahl Sunnah' have a narrations from some of their impure predecessors whom they have given the title 'Sheikh of Islam'. One of them goes by the name of Ibn Taymiyyah. May Allah (swt) remove his mercy from him and he is popular. This sadistic individual in his book insults the masters of martyrs Aboo Abdullah Al Hussain (a.s). He (Ibn Taymiyyah) claimed the rise of Al Hussain (a.s) brought about evil in the lands. This accursed individiual even insults the chief of women of Paradise Sayeda Faatima (s.a) by saying her attitude on the land of fadak ( a piece of land that was given to her as a gift but then usurped by the first tyrant Aboo Bakr) was similar to that of the hypocrites. Ibn Taymiyyah even rejected the idea Imam Alee (a.s) embraced Islam. He said that If a child becomes a Muslim it doesn't count. Such was this spiritually and physically impure filthy Nasbi (enemy of the Ahlulbayt) he opposed the slogan "Ya (O)Muhammad" he had a major issue with it. He opposed the concept of intercession from the Prophet (saw) he had problems accepting it. But all praises be to Allah (swt) they talk and from their own statements we show this hypocrisy. From your mouth (Ibn Taymiyyah ) I shall expose you. Ibn Taymiyyah has a book called 'Al kalim al Tayyib' Vol. 1, Pg. # 173 he records on the authority of Mujahid a leg of a man became numb besides Al Abbas his leg had fallen asleep and he could't stand. Ibn Abbas said "Say the name of the most beloved person to you!". The man said "Ya Muhammad!". And his foot made an immediate recovery from numbness. They very instance he said this holy name his pain went away. According to the so called 'Ahl Sunnah' Ibn Abbas was from the companions of the Prophet (saw) and the man sitting besides him. The companions sought intercession so what is wrong with this?. How ironic is this that the one who has reocrded this incident in his book is from the enemies of the slogan 'Ya Muhammad'. Him and his likes try to prevent the nation from mentioning the name of the Prophet (saw). The slogan 'Ya Muhammad' is sacred. Just refer to the books of history. Like the book of Ibn Kathir (student of Ibn Taymiyyah) called Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya he is also another well known scholar of the so called 'Ahl Sunnah'. In this book Vol.6. Pg. # 357 he records in the battle of Yamama the slogan of the companions was "Ya Muhammad" by this very slogan they gained victory over their enemies.
wn.com/Sheikh Yasser Habib Exposes Ibn Taymiyyah
The so called 'Ahl Sunnah' have a narrations from some of their impure predecessors whom they have given the title 'Sheikh of Islam'. One of them goes by the name of Ibn Taymiyyah. May Allah (swt) remove his mercy from him and he is popular. This sadistic individual in his book insults the masters of martyrs Aboo Abdullah Al Hussain (a.s). He (Ibn Taymiyyah) claimed the rise of Al Hussain (a.s) brought about evil in the lands. This accursed individiual even insults the chief of women of Paradise Sayeda Faatima (s.a) by saying her attitude on the land of fadak ( a piece of land that was given to her as a gift but then usurped by the first tyrant Aboo Bakr) was similar to that of the hypocrites. Ibn Taymiyyah even rejected the idea Imam Alee (a.s) embraced Islam. He said that If a child becomes a Muslim it doesn't count. Such was this spiritually and physically impure filthy Nasbi (enemy of the Ahlulbayt) he opposed the slogan "Ya (O)Muhammad" he had a major issue with it. He opposed the concept of intercession from the Prophet (saw) he had problems accepting it. But all praises be to Allah (swt) they talk and from their own statements we show this hypocrisy. From your mouth (Ibn Taymiyyah ) I shall expose you. Ibn Taymiyyah has a book called 'Al kalim al Tayyib' Vol. 1, Pg. # 173 he records on the authority of Mujahid a leg of a man became numb besides Al Abbas his leg had fallen asleep and he could't stand. Ibn Abbas said "Say the name of the most beloved person to you!". The man said "Ya Muhammad!". And his foot made an immediate recovery from numbness. They very instance he said this holy name his pain went away. According to the so called 'Ahl Sunnah' Ibn Abbas was from the companions of the Prophet (saw) and the man sitting besides him. The companions sought intercession so what is wrong with this?. How ironic is this that the one who has reocrded this incident in his book is from the enemies of the slogan 'Ya Muhammad'. Him and his likes try to prevent the nation from mentioning the name of the Prophet (saw). The slogan 'Ya Muhammad' is sacred. Just refer to the books of history. Like the book of Ibn Kathir (student of Ibn Taymiyyah) called Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya he is also another well known scholar of the so called 'Ahl Sunnah'. In this book Vol.6. Pg. # 357 he records in the battle of Yamama the slogan of the companions was "Ya Muhammad" by this very slogan they gained victory over their enemies.
- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 9115
ISIS and the works of ibn Taymiyyah and ibn Abdil Wahhab - Sh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli
Is it correct to say that ISIS have correctly justified their actions with the works of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab ?
Is it correct to say that ISIS have correctly justified their actions with the works of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab ?
Like me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/aboosarah/
Tweet me: https://twitter.com/TaalibJamia (@taalibjamia)
wn.com/Isis And The Works Of Ibn Taymiyyah And Ibn Abdil Wahhab Sh Sulayman Ar Ruhayli
Is it correct to say that ISIS have correctly justified their actions with the works of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab ?
Like me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/aboosarah/
Tweet me: https://twitter.com/TaalibJamia (@taalibjamia)
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 842
Dr. Adnan Ibrahim - Réfutation de la division du tawhid en trois d'Ibn Taymiyya VOSTFR
Vidéo HD sous-titrée en français.
Réfutation des trois tawhid d'Ibn Taymiyya : tawhîd ar-rubûbiyyah (l'Unicité dans la Seigneurie) et de tawhîd al-ulûhiyyah (Un...
Vidéo HD sous-titrée en français.
Réfutation des trois tawhid d'Ibn Taymiyya : tawhîd ar-rubûbiyyah (l'Unicité dans la Seigneurie) et de tawhîd al-ulûhiyyah (Unicité dans la divinité), tawhid asma wa sifat (des noms et attributs).
Repris plus tard par Mohammed ibn Abdelwahhab au 18è siècle.
Sous-titré en français : Abonnez vous à ma chaîne (chaîne Magdaille) pour plus de traduction d'Adnan Ibrahim (d'autres traductions du dr sont disponibles sur la chaîne).
ابن تيمية وتقسيم التوحيد (date : 21/04/2012)
2015 , tariq ramadan, dajjal, ramadan, aicha, darwin, channel, ali, abou hourayra, al ghazali, al jinn, al ilhad, allah, adam, al hijab, aljazeera, boukhari, best,bruxelles, beit beitak, bukhari,adnan ibrahim, coran,chiite,hebdo,chi3a, che guevara, chokran, débat, da3ech, daech, 2014,evolution, einstein, el mahdi, el khalijia, el hob, mise en garde, fitna, falsafa,fatima, femme, adnan ibrahim, gog et magog,
ghazali, gaza, hadith, hijab, hijacked, hussein, homosexuality, hob, human, imam ali, issa, israel, interview, ibn taymiyya, islam, imran hosein, ilhad, isis, ibadiya, jesus, jahanam, jihad, al jazeera,
lapidation, la femme, le voile, le soi reel, la mort, mo3awiya, masih muawiya, musique, maroc, mariage, mahdi, nadariyat tatawor, othman, paris, philosophie, physique, paradis, palestine, physique quantique, priere, adnan ibrahim rotana, ramadan, recitation, riba, read, rawai3,
rajm, shia, salafi, sihr, sahaba, salat, science récitation Ahmed deedat français zakir naik hadith islam rappel court métrage reconverti Islam embrasse, islam philippin débat chrétien Yusuf estes Khalid yassin réfutationabbé guy pages Christianisme Jésus disciple Évangile Bible baptême crucifixion sacrifice rédemption résurrection amour Dieu prophétie mahomet Église Catholique évangéliste islam musulman prière notre père erreur contradiction coran reconversion ex-musulman ex-chrétien mensonge réfutation Islam Coran sourate Ayat verset mohammed recitation jesus Jésus JESUS bible Bible évangile ancien testament nouveau testament PAUL de tarse Mathieu jean luc mark génèse Esaie Ezekiel Malachie osée crucifixion crucifiction allégation contradiction contexte mensonges Abbé pages abbe pages Abbé Guy Pages Pape france psaumes réponse aux allégations Joseph lecture biblique exégèse hypocrite menteur imposteur réfutation Louis segond David martin scofield, Allah dans la bible, Abraham contradiction dans la bible, musulmans, mecque Abbé guy pages Anasheed vérité contradiction falsification Juifs guerre réfutation sourate communier mythologie baptême propagande savant chrétien Al Qaida Daich Daech Dawlat Islamiya ISIS ISIL EILL rawafid chiite sunnite extremisme salafisme terrorisme état islamique Djihad jihad mudjahidin dawla abu bakr al baghdadi ben laden al zawahiri al maqdisi jabhat an nosra asl syrie bachar al assad taghout tawaghit tawhid islam islamisme charia shari'a calife khilafa khawarij dr fadl sayyid imamal sharir din religion israel sionisme palestine filistin anasheed nasheed dawla prophète muhammad ALlah Dieu james foley journaliste execution meurtre décapitation otan usa saoud qatar sunnah sounna coran quran la mecque médine hajj omra ramadan du'a rappel dourous mahdi dajjal antechrist Jésus issa abu wahib shia alaouite nusayra juif al quds jérusalem guerre mossoul baghdad calife khilafa savant ulama fatwa france islamisme démocratie vote islamophobie halal haram mosquée bombardement journaliste tv reportage complot sataniste illuminati franc maconnerie lobbycoran récitation Ahmed deedat français zakir naik hadith islam rappel court métrage reconverti Islam embrasse, reconversion islam philippin débat chrétien Yusuf estes Khalid yassin réfutationabbé guy pages Christianisme Jésus disciple Évangile Bible baptême crucifixion sacrifice rédemption résurrection amour Dieu prophétie mahomet Église Catholique évangéliste islam musulman prière notre père erreur contradiction coran reconversion ex-musulman ex-chrétien mensonge réfutation Nouman Ali Khan the merciful servant the daily reminder traduction vostfr qur'an maher sudais qari prophète Muhammad Allah rappel dars dourous dawa sous titres Islam Islamique appel musique Satan shaytan du'a emotion emouvant macha Allah mashallah savant fatwa cours tajweed tajwid Coran verset musique shayatine diable enfer paradis prière jeune siyam salat ramadan la mecque médine mosquée miséricorde prédicateur prêcheur parole Ibn Baz Ibn Al Qayyim Al ALbani oummah syrie bachar usa sioniste malik hadith ayat aya tafsir récitation qatami dossari haram halal dieudonné soral rap hip hop booba rhoff kaaris la fouine iam shahada martyr fr Issa Musa secte
wn.com/Dr. Adnan Ibrahim Réfutation De La Division Du Tawhid En Trois D'Ibn Taymiyya Vostfr
Vidéo HD sous-titrée en français.
Réfutation des trois tawhid d'Ibn Taymiyya : tawhîd ar-rubûbiyyah (l'Unicité dans la Seigneurie) et de tawhîd al-ulûhiyyah (Unicité dans la divinité), tawhid asma wa sifat (des noms et attributs).
Repris plus tard par Mohammed ibn Abdelwahhab au 18è siècle.
Sous-titré en français : Abonnez vous à ma chaîne (chaîne Magdaille) pour plus de traduction d'Adnan Ibrahim (d'autres traductions du dr sont disponibles sur la chaîne).
ابن تيمية وتقسيم التوحيد (date : 21/04/2012)
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rajm, shia, salafi, sihr, sahaba, salat, science récitation Ahmed deedat français zakir naik hadith islam rappel court métrage reconverti Islam embrasse, islam philippin débat chrétien Yusuf estes Khalid yassin réfutationabbé guy pages Christianisme Jésus disciple Évangile Bible baptême crucifixion sacrifice rédemption résurrection amour Dieu prophétie mahomet Église Catholique évangéliste islam musulman prière notre père erreur contradiction coran reconversion ex-musulman ex-chrétien mensonge réfutation Islam Coran sourate Ayat verset mohammed recitation jesus Jésus JESUS bible Bible évangile ancien testament nouveau testament PAUL de tarse Mathieu jean luc mark génèse Esaie Ezekiel Malachie osée crucifixion crucifiction allégation contradiction contexte mensonges Abbé pages abbe pages Abbé Guy Pages Pape france psaumes réponse aux allégations Joseph lecture biblique exégèse hypocrite menteur imposteur réfutation Louis segond David martin scofield, Allah dans la bible, Abraham contradiction dans la bible, musulmans, mecque Abbé guy pages Anasheed vérité contradiction falsification Juifs guerre réfutation sourate communier mythologie baptême propagande savant chrétien Al Qaida Daich Daech Dawlat Islamiya ISIS ISIL EILL rawafid chiite sunnite extremisme salafisme terrorisme état islamique Djihad jihad mudjahidin dawla abu bakr al baghdadi ben laden al zawahiri al maqdisi jabhat an nosra asl syrie bachar al assad taghout tawaghit tawhid islam islamisme charia shari'a calife khilafa khawarij dr fadl sayyid imamal sharir din religion israel sionisme palestine filistin anasheed nasheed dawla prophète muhammad ALlah Dieu james foley journaliste execution meurtre décapitation otan usa saoud qatar sunnah sounna coran quran la mecque médine hajj omra ramadan du'a rappel dourous mahdi dajjal antechrist Jésus issa abu wahib shia alaouite nusayra juif al quds jérusalem guerre mossoul baghdad calife khilafa savant ulama fatwa france islamisme démocratie vote islamophobie halal haram mosquée bombardement journaliste tv reportage complot sataniste illuminati franc maconnerie lobbycoran récitation Ahmed deedat français zakir naik hadith islam rappel court métrage reconverti Islam embrasse, reconversion islam philippin débat chrétien Yusuf estes Khalid yassin réfutationabbé guy pages Christianisme Jésus disciple Évangile Bible baptême crucifixion sacrifice rédemption résurrection amour Dieu prophétie mahomet Église Catholique évangéliste islam musulman prière notre père erreur contradiction coran reconversion ex-musulman ex-chrétien mensonge réfutation Nouman Ali Khan the merciful servant the daily reminder traduction vostfr qur'an maher sudais qari prophète Muhammad Allah rappel dars dourous dawa sous titres Islam Islamique appel musique Satan shaytan du'a emotion emouvant macha Allah mashallah savant fatwa cours tajweed tajwid Coran verset musique shayatine diable enfer paradis prière jeune siyam salat ramadan la mecque médine mosquée miséricorde prédicateur prêcheur parole Ibn Baz Ibn Al Qayyim Al ALbani oummah syrie bachar usa sioniste malik hadith ayat aya tafsir récitation qatami dossari haram halal dieudonné soral rap hip hop booba rhoff kaaris la fouine iam shahada martyr fr Issa Musa secte
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 2419
Shia - By Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
The distinguishing features of the Raafidah By Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah 1/39,57,59,68...
The distinguishing features of the Raafidah By Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah 1/39,57,59,68,111,121
Translated by Abu `Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Know my brothers and sisters the noble Imaam Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said in Majmoo' fee tarjumah volume 2 page 699
"The seventh and eighth centuries passed by and there wasn't to be found in Al Madeenah except the Rawaafidh, and likewise in Makkah. This was mentioned by Ibn Taymiyyah and Adh Dhahabee and As Sakhaawee, and I believe that there is not to be found an enemy against the Muslims the like of the Rawaafidh and the Jews. So as for the Rawaafidh then their father was 'Abdullaah bin Saba -- and he was a Jew, and Shaikh ul Islaam wrote a chapter in Minhaaj as-Sunnah clarifying the resemblance of the Rawaafidh with the Jews. Yet if there were a Sultaan (ruler) from amongst the Muslims who ruled over the Rawaafidh and the Jews -- he would not be safe from their deception/double dealing; and the Rawaafidh know concerning Islaam absolutely nothing."
The shaykh also says in vol 2 page 501...
"Whomsoever looks into the affairs of the Rawaafidh and their sayings will see that they are sayings which no one would say and no one would practice but the Kuffaar, and the majority (of the people of knowledge) see that they are disbelievers."
wn.com/Shia By Shaykh Ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
The distinguishing features of the Raafidah By Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah 1/39,57,59,68,111,121
Translated by Abu `Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Know my brothers and sisters the noble Imaam Shaykh Hammaad al-Ansaaree said in Majmoo' fee tarjumah volume 2 page 699
"The seventh and eighth centuries passed by and there wasn't to be found in Al Madeenah except the Rawaafidh, and likewise in Makkah. This was mentioned by Ibn Taymiyyah and Adh Dhahabee and As Sakhaawee, and I believe that there is not to be found an enemy against the Muslims the like of the Rawaafidh and the Jews. So as for the Rawaafidh then their father was 'Abdullaah bin Saba -- and he was a Jew, and Shaikh ul Islaam wrote a chapter in Minhaaj as-Sunnah clarifying the resemblance of the Rawaafidh with the Jews. Yet if there were a Sultaan (ruler) from amongst the Muslims who ruled over the Rawaafidh and the Jews -- he would not be safe from their deception/double dealing; and the Rawaafidh know concerning Islaam absolutely nothing."
The shaykh also says in vol 2 page 501...
"Whomsoever looks into the affairs of the Rawaafidh and their sayings will see that they are sayings which no one would say and no one would practice but the Kuffaar, and the majority (of the people of knowledge) see that they are disbelievers."
- published: 17 Jan 2008
- views: 11361
Ibn Arabî versus Ibn Taymiyyah
Dans ce court extrait tiré du site www.baglis.tv, Dominique Abdallah Penot évoque les principaux points théologiques que les détracateurs d'Ibn' Arabi ont mis e...
Dans ce court extrait tiré du site www.baglis.tv, Dominique Abdallah Penot évoque les principaux points théologiques que les détracateurs d'Ibn' Arabi ont mis en avant, et principalement Ibn Taymiyyah
Extrait issu d'un exposé intitulé "Les grands thèmes de l'oeuvre d'Ibn Arabi", disponible à cette adresse :
Pour être informé automatiquement de nos nouvelles partions inscrivez-vous gratuitement à notre newsletter:
wn.com/Ibn Arabî Versus Ibn Taymiyyah
Dans ce court extrait tiré du site www.baglis.tv, Dominique Abdallah Penot évoque les principaux points théologiques que les détracateurs d'Ibn' Arabi ont mis en avant, et principalement Ibn Taymiyyah
Extrait issu d'un exposé intitulé "Les grands thèmes de l'oeuvre d'Ibn Arabi", disponible à cette adresse :
Pour être informé automatiquement de nos nouvelles partions inscrivez-vous gratuitement à notre newsletter:
- published: 15 Jan 2011
- views: 13784
Ibn Taymiyyah Turned His Prison Into A University!
"What can my enemies do to me? I have in my breast both my heaven and my garden. If I travel they are with me, never leaving me. Imprisonment for me is a chance...
"What can my enemies do to me? I have in my breast both my heaven and my garden. If I travel they are with me, never leaving me. Imprisonment for me is a chance to be alone with my Lord. To be killed is martyrdom and to be exiled from my land is a spiritual journey.' Ibn Taymiyyah
wn.com/Ibn Taymiyyah Turned His Prison Into A University
"What can my enemies do to me? I have in my breast both my heaven and my garden. If I travel they are with me, never leaving me. Imprisonment for me is a chance to be alone with my Lord. To be killed is martyrdom and to be exiled from my land is a spiritual journey.' Ibn Taymiyyah
- published: 04 Aug 2011
- views: 5406
Dr. Ovamir Anjum - Ibn Taymiyya and the Caliphate, Then and Now.
On Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015, IIIT welcomed Dr. Ovamir Anjum, of the University of Toledo, for his lecture titled, “Is there an Islamic Political Tradition? Ibn ...
On Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015, IIIT welcomed Dr. Ovamir Anjum, of the University of Toledo, for his lecture titled, “Is there an Islamic Political Tradition? Ibn Taymiyya and the Caliphate, Then and Now.”
Dr. Anjum is Imam Khattab Endowed Chair of Islamic Studies at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Toledo. He is also the author of Politics, Law, and Community in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
wn.com/Dr. Ovamir Anjum Ibn Taymiyya And The Caliphate, Then And Now.
On Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015, IIIT welcomed Dr. Ovamir Anjum, of the University of Toledo, for his lecture titled, “Is there an Islamic Political Tradition? Ibn Taymiyya and the Caliphate, Then and Now.”
Dr. Anjum is Imam Khattab Endowed Chair of Islamic Studies at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Toledo. He is also the author of Politics, Law, and Community in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 811
Letters From Prison │ Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah ابن تيمية
This is a lecture by brother Abdullah Abdul Malik on the Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyahs short book "Letters From Prison" which contains many short letters the S...
This is a lecture by brother Abdullah Abdul Malik on the Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyahs short book "Letters From Prison" which contains many short letters the Sheikh wrote to his family and companions where he shares his thoughts about the deen and his situations. This should be a true inspiration to the Muslim Ummah worldwide to fear none but Allah never stress and live for this deen and the hereafter.
wn.com/Letters From Prison │ Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah ابن تيمية
This is a lecture by brother Abdullah Abdul Malik on the Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyahs short book "Letters From Prison" which contains many short letters the Sheikh wrote to his family and companions where he shares his thoughts about the deen and his situations. This should be a true inspiration to the Muslim Ummah worldwide to fear none but Allah never stress and live for this deen and the hereafter.
- published: 09 Jan 2012
- views: 2548
Essay of Shaikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: On The Heart by Dr. Bilal Philips (Part 1)
wn.com/Essay Of Shaikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah On The Heart By Dr. Bilal Philips (Part 1)
- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 622
'Allāmah Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) kay Fiqhī Afkār Full
An Extension Lecture on 'Allāmah Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) kay Fiqhī Afkār (Kashmiri)
by Br. Shu'ayb ibn Mukhtar
Edited and Uploaded by Abū 'Abd Allāh Abid ibn Yusuf...
An Extension Lecture on 'Allāmah Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) kay Fiqhī Afkār (Kashmiri)
by Br. Shu'ayb ibn Mukhtar
Edited and Uploaded by Abū 'Abd Allāh Abid ibn Yusuf
You can get updates by Subscribing here http://youtube.com/khaaksar1
wn.com/'Allāmah Ibn Taymiyyah (Ra) Kay Fiqhī Afkār Full
An Extension Lecture on 'Allāmah Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) kay Fiqhī Afkār (Kashmiri)
by Br. Shu'ayb ibn Mukhtar
Edited and Uploaded by Abū 'Abd Allāh Abid ibn Yusuf
You can get updates by Subscribing here http://youtube.com/khaaksar1
- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 1350
Evolution of the wahhabiyyah from Ibn Taymiyya
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since some have commented on the hadith ibn taymiyya quoted .
visit the 2 links provided below to know more on the hadith :
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since some have commented on the hadith ibn taymiyya quoted .
visit the 2 links provided below to know more on the hadith :
Regarding sayf :
QUESTION: I was wondering what you could tell me about Sayf b. Umar. He is a primary source for Imam al-Tabari's material in his Tarikh. What is his reliability and all of the other necessary info.
Reply of Dr. GF Haddad:
Sayf ibn `Umar Al-Asadi al-Tamimi al-Dabbi al-Kufi (d. ca. 178) met the Tabi`in and was a "chronicler" (akhbari) as opposed to a muhaddith historian and the author of al-Ridda, Futuh al-Buldaan, al-Fitnatu wal Jamal and other historical works.
In hadith he was declared weak by Yahya ibn Ma`in, Ya`qub ibn Sufyan, al-Nasa'i, and Abu Dawud. Abu Hatim said he was "discarded, of the same type as al-Waqidi." Al-Daraqutni said he was discarded. Ibn Hibban even said he was accused of hidden heresy (zandaqa) and forgery, charges which Ibn Hajar rejected as outlandish in al-Taqrib where he merely grades him as da`if, while Dr. Nur al-Din `Itr in his notes on al-Dhahabi's Mughni says: "There is no proof of any zandaqa in him, rather, the narrations from him indicate the contrary."
Al-Tirmidhi narrates from him the hadith: "When you see those who insult my Companions, say: The curse of Allah be on the evil you do!" which al-Tirmidhi then grades "disclaimed" and he describes Sayf as unknown. Al-Dhahabi in al-Mughni fil-Du`afa' said he was "discarded by agreement" and, in Tarikh al-Islam, said "he narrated from Jabir al-Ju`fi, Hisham ibn `Urwa, Isma`il ibn Abi Khalid, `Ubayd Allah ibn `Umar, and many unknowns and chroniclers."
Yet, he is considered not only reliable but "eminently reliable" in history, as shown by Ibn Hajar's grading in the Taqrib: "Da`if fil-hadith, `umdatun fil-tarikh," notwithstanding the acrimonious dissent of Shu`ayb al-Arna'ut and Bashshar `Awwad Ma`ruf in their Tahrir al-Taqrib. Indeed, he a primary source for al-Tabari in his Tarikh, Ibn Hajar in his Isaba, and Ibn Kathir in his Bidaya while Ibn `Abd al-Barr cites him in al-Isti`ab as does al-Sakhawi in Fath al-Mughith. Even al-Dhahabi cites him often in his Tarikh al-Islam.
Follow up Questions:
[1] I was wondering, sidi, if you could explain the reasoning behind why and how a specific narrator who is discarded or weak in hadith can be considered "eminently reliable" when it comes to history? What were the reasons behind Sayf's weakness in narrating hadith as opposed to historical events?
[2] is the identification of the "unknown man" as hadhrat bilal ra by sayf ibn umar al-tamimi in the malik al-dar narration considered a historical report?
Reply of Dr. GF Haddad:
Those who questioned the `adl of al-Waqidi and Sayf were dismissed.The issue here is dabit vs. non-dabit. You know well we can have honest people who do not have a clue what dabt requires. Imam Malik mentioned that he met 70 extremely honest shuyukh in Madina but he did not narrate from a single one of them because they were nescient in hadith transmission. Now, take someone who does have a clue but given the abundance of things he transmits he makes so many mistakes that he becomes similarly discardable. Now make him so erudite, so researched, so full of gems that it is simply impossible to discard him altogether. This is the case with al-Waqidi and Sayf. These scholars would go to the actual sites of battles and look for descendents and interview them one by one for stories. Hence the large number of "unknowns" in their chains. Yet, when it comes to purely historical details such as whether a certain Sahabi was a Badri or not, they might even best al-Bukhari and Muslim.
And yes, the identification of the Sahabi in Malik al-Dar's report as Bilal ibn al-Harith al-Muzani [NOT Bilal ibn Rabah al-Habashi, in case that is whom the respondent meant by "Hadrat Bilal"] is definitely a historical clue. Allah Most High be well-pleased with them all.
wn.com/Evolution Of The Wahhabiyyah From Ibn Taymiyya
watch and share!
since some have commented on the hadith ibn taymiyya quoted .
visit the 2 links provided below to know more on the hadith :
Regarding sayf :
QUESTION: I was wondering what you could tell me about Sayf b. Umar. He is a primary source for Imam al-Tabari's material in his Tarikh. What is his reliability and all of the other necessary info.
Reply of Dr. GF Haddad:
Sayf ibn `Umar Al-Asadi al-Tamimi al-Dabbi al-Kufi (d. ca. 178) met the Tabi`in and was a "chronicler" (akhbari) as opposed to a muhaddith historian and the author of al-Ridda, Futuh al-Buldaan, al-Fitnatu wal Jamal and other historical works.
In hadith he was declared weak by Yahya ibn Ma`in, Ya`qub ibn Sufyan, al-Nasa'i, and Abu Dawud. Abu Hatim said he was "discarded, of the same type as al-Waqidi." Al-Daraqutni said he was discarded. Ibn Hibban even said he was accused of hidden heresy (zandaqa) and forgery, charges which Ibn Hajar rejected as outlandish in al-Taqrib where he merely grades him as da`if, while Dr. Nur al-Din `Itr in his notes on al-Dhahabi's Mughni says: "There is no proof of any zandaqa in him, rather, the narrations from him indicate the contrary."
Al-Tirmidhi narrates from him the hadith: "When you see those who insult my Companions, say: The curse of Allah be on the evil you do!" which al-Tirmidhi then grades "disclaimed" and he describes Sayf as unknown. Al-Dhahabi in al-Mughni fil-Du`afa' said he was "discarded by agreement" and, in Tarikh al-Islam, said "he narrated from Jabir al-Ju`fi, Hisham ibn `Urwa, Isma`il ibn Abi Khalid, `Ubayd Allah ibn `Umar, and many unknowns and chroniclers."
Yet, he is considered not only reliable but "eminently reliable" in history, as shown by Ibn Hajar's grading in the Taqrib: "Da`if fil-hadith, `umdatun fil-tarikh," notwithstanding the acrimonious dissent of Shu`ayb al-Arna'ut and Bashshar `Awwad Ma`ruf in their Tahrir al-Taqrib. Indeed, he a primary source for al-Tabari in his Tarikh, Ibn Hajar in his Isaba, and Ibn Kathir in his Bidaya while Ibn `Abd al-Barr cites him in al-Isti`ab as does al-Sakhawi in Fath al-Mughith. Even al-Dhahabi cites him often in his Tarikh al-Islam.
Follow up Questions:
[1] I was wondering, sidi, if you could explain the reasoning behind why and how a specific narrator who is discarded or weak in hadith can be considered "eminently reliable" when it comes to history? What were the reasons behind Sayf's weakness in narrating hadith as opposed to historical events?
[2] is the identification of the "unknown man" as hadhrat bilal ra by sayf ibn umar al-tamimi in the malik al-dar narration considered a historical report?
Reply of Dr. GF Haddad:
Those who questioned the `adl of al-Waqidi and Sayf were dismissed.The issue here is dabit vs. non-dabit. You know well we can have honest people who do not have a clue what dabt requires. Imam Malik mentioned that he met 70 extremely honest shuyukh in Madina but he did not narrate from a single one of them because they were nescient in hadith transmission. Now, take someone who does have a clue but given the abundance of things he transmits he makes so many mistakes that he becomes similarly discardable. Now make him so erudite, so researched, so full of gems that it is simply impossible to discard him altogether. This is the case with al-Waqidi and Sayf. These scholars would go to the actual sites of battles and look for descendents and interview them one by one for stories. Hence the large number of "unknowns" in their chains. Yet, when it comes to purely historical details such as whether a certain Sahabi was a Badri or not, they might even best al-Bukhari and Muslim.
And yes, the identification of the Sahabi in Malik al-Dar's report as Bilal ibn al-Harith al-Muzani [NOT Bilal ibn Rabah al-Habashi, in case that is whom the respondent meant by "Hadrat Bilal"] is definitely a historical clue. Allah Most High be well-pleased with them all.
- published: 05 Aug 2008
- views: 3758