Xeni JardinVerifizierter Account


• OG internet journalist • google or subpœna the rest • gratefully alive despite breast cancer • HH blessed my dog

where data flows
Beigetreten Juli 2006

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    If you're an American confusedly watching the darkest forces of ur nation rally behind a demagogue-maybe u can understand the Mid East now.

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    Democrats imagine they are Athens Republicans imagine they are Sparta

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    How can you trust any Bernie or Hillary supporter who's second choice is Trump? "You don't serve Coke? I'll just take sewage then."

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    "His were the eyes of a man who has gazed into the abyss, and the abyss gazed back, and then he endorsed the abyss."

  6. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly safely returns to Earth after year-long mission in space

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    could lead to "virtually limitless" surveillance powers, warns judge

  8. “Sugar Film” on hidden sugar in food you're eating, and how a high sugar diet impacts health. Watch it free online.

  9. On whistleblowers & secrecy: What author said to a room of ex-intel officers

  10. Apple-FBI crypto hearing was surprisingly hostile to FBI Director James Comey

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    NEW EXPECTATION SETTING FROM CRUZ: It's a win if Obama leaves office in January 2017

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    Chris Christie standing behind Trump looks confused, like he just Quantum Leaped into this body and is slowly realizing where he is.

  13. 1927 report: Donald Trump's dad was arrested in a KKK brawl with New York police

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