This is Bacau
In May 2015 I was lucky enough to be invited to the city Bacău in Romania. Going there I decided to make this short video about the city and the people I met. I was not able to film so much I know, but hope this short glimpse will be enjoyed.
My name is Sebastian Graça da Silva (which is to long, hence why Mr GdS) and I am a British/Portuguese expat living in Bali, Indonesia. Being away from m
Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău - MEGA MIX (instrumental)
"Video clip cu Doru şi Duţu TĂNASE - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-...
Cypher Bacău 2013
Lista MC's:
00:26 Kosmic San
02:20 Didique (Piatra-Neamț)
04:57 Monsi
07:15 SirHC
10:09 B-Dog
12:57 Abisu
16:18 Drey (Piatra-Neamț)
19:34 Johnny Kangaroo (S.E.C.N.A.)
24:28 Spook (S.E.C.N.A.)
25:52 J.B.
27:22 Epoch (S.E.C.N.A.)
28:47 Dragunov
30:32 Proton
32:54 Alexsay
34:43 Piciu' Ze
36:56 Ocru
40:00 Flipar
41:36 Rayel (S.E.C.N.A.)
42:56 Rapetent
44:39 Cocoon Kills (Piatra-Neamt)
45:31 K-Spirit
Încă o poveste - Scurtmetraj Antidrog Bacău
Scurtmetraj antidrog realizat în cadrul proiectului " Viața bate filmul " al Agenției Naționale Antidrog Bacău .
Film realizat de elevii Colegiului Național Catolic "Sf. Iosif" Bacău
Melodie: Nimeni Altu' - Încă o poveste
Fraţii Ştefăneţ - Hora de la Bacău
Video Production: NorocTV office@noroc.tv www.noroc.tv Fratii Stefanet - Hora de la Bacau.
Un profesor de sport din Bacău trăieşte de patru ani cu o mână bionică
Marius avea 28 de ani când trenul i-a retezat braţul stâng. A alergat singur, până la spital, cu braţul rupt, cerând ajutor. De la Bacău a fost trimis la Bucureşti. A fost prea târziu pentru el. Soţia şi fiul i-au dat putere să lupte cu handicapul. Tânărul profesor şi-a dat examenele şi s-a întors la şcoală, printre elevii lui. Îi e greu, însă. La orele de sport, ar avea nevoie de o mai mare flexi
Părintele prof Constantin Necula - la Bacău - 8 Martie 2015
Şezătoare duhovnicească, la biserica militară din Bacău
Maica Domnului - educația feminității în Hristos și în Biserică
Un elev din Bacău s-a sinucis, după ce a aflat nota de la BAC
Un elev din Bacău s-a sinucis, după ce a văzut media la bac. A crezut că a ratat locul la Cambridge şi s-a aruncat în faţa trenului. A murit pe loc, înainte să vadă notele primite la contestaţie, Stiri, Antena 1, 10-07-2015
FRECVENȚE SUBTERANE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frecvente-Subterane/1497976180446342?ref=hl
Poti sa ai de toate-n viata-Formatia Fiesta din Bacău
Poti sa ai de toate-n viata-Formatia Fiesta din Bacău.
Formaţia "TRIO SELECT" din Bacău - Să tragem o beţie & Să bem şi să chefuim
Video clip cu FRAŢII TĂNASE si BOBY. Formaţia "TRIO SELECT" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma...
Video clip cu FRATII - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău, Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0745890245,0742640773,.şi email dutzu_muzicantu@yahoo.com.
Formaţia ''FRAŢII TĂNASE'' din Bacău - Bine-i şade mesei mele... & Crâşmăriţă lasă-mă...
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia FRAŢII TĂNASE din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail...
Botez Mateo-Roşiori, Bacău iulie 2011part.3 - vioară Pitac - saxofon Selciuc - clape Mitică -
Accident Bacau pod Margineni 12 august 2015
Imaginile surprinse de camera de supraveghere instalată chiar în sensul giratoriu de Poliția Locală Bacău și pe care vi le prezentăm în exclusivitate, sunt edificatoare. Astfel, se observă că accidentul s-a produs la ora 20.36, după ce o femeie la volanul unui Renault a oprit în giratoriu deși nu trecea nicio mașină și nu avea de cedat prioritate nimănui. În spatele ei, a oprit alt Renault, portoc
VasluiTv România: Atletico Vaslui - CS Aerostar Bacău Repriza I 12.08.2015
Turul al treilea al Fazei Naţionale a Cupei României la Fotbal: Atletico Vaslui - CS Aerostar Bacău Repriza I 12.08.2015
Două familii distruse într-un accident pe o şosea din Bacău
O femeie a murit şi încă cinci oameni, printre care şi un bebeluş de numai câteva luni, au fost răniţi ieri pe o şosea din Bacău. Un şofer grăbit a făcut o depăşire imprudentă şi a lovit în plin o maşină care venea din sens opus., Stiri, Antena 1, 21-08-2015
Formaţia "CASABLANCA" - Corăgheasca din Bacău (instrumental)
Videoclip cu formatia CASABLANCA din Bacau. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail: studio_as@ymail.com.
VASLUI Champions League - Atletico Vaslui VS CS Aerostar Bacău
Mulțumesc de vizionare, aștept propuneri ! Sper că v-a plăcut conceptul de VASLUI Champions League. Nu uitați că este doar un pamflet ! Dați-ne un like pe facebook !
Our Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/satiraromaneasca
My Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/deleanu.matei?fref=nf
My Blog : http://mdurbanconstanta.blogspot.ro/
My Google Plus : https://plus.google.com/112384055699728282627/
Istoria Oraşului Bacău
Istoria Oraşului Bacău- Muzică: Ion Drăgoi (prima si ultima melodie) A doua melodie:Trăim decenii de împlinire A treia melodie:Luigi Ionescu - Macarale Bacă...
Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău - Dă-mi o singură noapte
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma...
Concert Trupa Feelings în Valhalla Pub Bacău
Al doilea concert din seria evenimentelor Big Bang Bands!
Detalii: https://www.facebook.com/valhallafoodandpub
Un “măcel” mai mititel / Aerostar Bacău - Sport Club Bacău 0-5 (0-3)
Un “măcel” mai mititel / Aerostar Bacău - Sport Club Bacău 0-5 (0-3)
This is Bacau
In May 2015 I was lucky enough to be invited to the city Bacău in Romania. Going there I decided to make this short video about the city and the people I met. I...
In May 2015 I was lucky enough to be invited to the city Bacău in Romania. Going there I decided to make this short video about the city and the people I met. I was not able to film so much I know, but hope this short glimpse will be enjoyed.
My name is Sebastian Graça da Silva (which is to long, hence why Mr GdS) and I am a British/Portuguese expat living in Bali, Indonesia. Being away from my family and friends I decided to make a video blog about my life here to share with them and any one else interested.
I aim to publish videos about my travels as and when they happen. So far I have traveled to over 60 countries world wide and continue to do so. I now wanted to share some of my travels with others. I hope you will enjoy some of the different places I go.
follow what i'm up to
Big thanks to the Music by…
wn.com/This Is Bacau
In May 2015 I was lucky enough to be invited to the city Bacău in Romania. Going there I decided to make this short video about the city and the people I met. I was not able to film so much I know, but hope this short glimpse will be enjoyed.
My name is Sebastian Graça da Silva (which is to long, hence why Mr GdS) and I am a British/Portuguese expat living in Bali, Indonesia. Being away from my family and friends I decided to make a video blog about my life here to share with them and any one else interested.
I aim to publish videos about my travels as and when they happen. So far I have traveled to over 60 countries world wide and continue to do so. I now wanted to share some of my travels with others. I hope you will enjoy some of the different places I go.
follow what i'm up to
Big thanks to the Music by…
- published: 17 May 2015
- views: 4445
Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău - MEGA MIX (instrumental)
"Video clip cu Doru şi Duţu TĂNASE - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-......
"Video clip cu Doru şi Duţu TĂNASE - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-...
wn.com/Formaţia Fraţii Tănase Din Bacău Mega Mix (Instrumental)
"Video clip cu Doru şi Duţu TĂNASE - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-...
Cypher Bacău 2013
Lista MC's:
00:26 Kosmic San
02:20 Didique (Piatra-Neamț)
04:57 Monsi
07:15 SirHC
10:09 B-Dog
12:57 Abisu
16:18 Drey (Piatra-Neamț)
19:34 Johnny Kangaroo (S.E....
Lista MC's:
00:26 Kosmic San
02:20 Didique (Piatra-Neamț)
04:57 Monsi
07:15 SirHC
10:09 B-Dog
12:57 Abisu
16:18 Drey (Piatra-Neamț)
19:34 Johnny Kangaroo (S.E.C.N.A.)
24:28 Spook (S.E.C.N.A.)
25:52 J.B.
27:22 Epoch (S.E.C.N.A.)
28:47 Dragunov
30:32 Proton
32:54 Alexsay
34:43 Piciu' Ze
36:56 Ocru
40:00 Flipar
41:36 Rayel (S.E.C.N.A.)
42:56 Rapetent
44:39 Cocoon Kills (Piatra-Neamt)
45:31 K-Spirit
47:46 Raymond
48:22 Monsi vs Cocoon Kills
49:46 Didique vs Spook
50:22 Tengu vs Didique
52:17 Spook vs Monsi
52:54 "Pe-insulita-se-face-intuneric-si-am-ramas-fara-bere" style
wn.com/Cypher Bacău 2013
Lista MC's:
00:26 Kosmic San
02:20 Didique (Piatra-Neamț)
04:57 Monsi
07:15 SirHC
10:09 B-Dog
12:57 Abisu
16:18 Drey (Piatra-Neamț)
19:34 Johnny Kangaroo (S.E.C.N.A.)
24:28 Spook (S.E.C.N.A.)
25:52 J.B.
27:22 Epoch (S.E.C.N.A.)
28:47 Dragunov
30:32 Proton
32:54 Alexsay
34:43 Piciu' Ze
36:56 Ocru
40:00 Flipar
41:36 Rayel (S.E.C.N.A.)
42:56 Rapetent
44:39 Cocoon Kills (Piatra-Neamt)
45:31 K-Spirit
47:46 Raymond
48:22 Monsi vs Cocoon Kills
49:46 Didique vs Spook
50:22 Tengu vs Didique
52:17 Spook vs Monsi
52:54 "Pe-insulita-se-face-intuneric-si-am-ramas-fara-bere" style
- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 725
Încă o poveste - Scurtmetraj Antidrog Bacău
Scurtmetraj antidrog realizat în cadrul proiectului " Viața bate filmul " al Agenției Naționale Antidrog Bacău .
Film realizat de elevii Colegiului Național Cat...
Scurtmetraj antidrog realizat în cadrul proiectului " Viața bate filmul " al Agenției Naționale Antidrog Bacău .
Film realizat de elevii Colegiului Național Catolic "Sf. Iosif" Bacău
Melodie: Nimeni Altu' - Încă o poveste
wn.com/Încă O Poveste Scurtmetraj Antidrog Bacău
Scurtmetraj antidrog realizat în cadrul proiectului " Viața bate filmul " al Agenției Naționale Antidrog Bacău .
Film realizat de elevii Colegiului Național Catolic "Sf. Iosif" Bacău
Melodie: Nimeni Altu' - Încă o poveste
- published: 24 Apr 2015
- views: 551
Fraţii Ştefăneţ - Hora de la Bacău
Video Production: NorocTV office@noroc.tv www.noroc.tv Fratii Stefanet - Hora de la Bacau....
Video Production: NorocTV office@noroc.tv www.noroc.tv Fratii Stefanet - Hora de la Bacau.
wn.com/Fraţii Ştefăneţ Hora De La Bacău
Video Production: NorocTV office@noroc.tv www.noroc.tv Fratii Stefanet - Hora de la Bacau.
- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 14765
author: Noroc Media
Un profesor de sport din Bacău trăieşte de patru ani cu o mână bionică
Marius avea 28 de ani când trenul i-a retezat braţul stâng. A alergat singur, până la spital, cu braţul rupt, cerând ajutor. De la Bacău a fost trimis la Bucure...
Marius avea 28 de ani când trenul i-a retezat braţul stâng. A alergat singur, până la spital, cu braţul rupt, cerând ajutor. De la Bacău a fost trimis la Bucureşti. A fost prea târziu pentru el. Soţia şi fiul i-au dat putere să lupte cu handicapul. Tânărul profesor şi-a dat examenele şi s-a întors la şcoală, printre elevii lui. Îi e greu, însă. La orele de sport, ar avea nevoie de o mai mare flexibilitate a mâinii. Iar un cot electric l-ar ajuta., Stiri, Antena 1, 03-10-2015
wn.com/Un Profesor De Sport Din Bacău Trăieşte De Patru Ani Cu O Mână Bionică
Marius avea 28 de ani când trenul i-a retezat braţul stâng. A alergat singur, până la spital, cu braţul rupt, cerând ajutor. De la Bacău a fost trimis la Bucureşti. A fost prea târziu pentru el. Soţia şi fiul i-au dat putere să lupte cu handicapul. Tânărul profesor şi-a dat examenele şi s-a întors la şcoală, printre elevii lui. Îi e greu, însă. La orele de sport, ar avea nevoie de o mai mare flexibilitate a mâinii. Iar un cot electric l-ar ajuta., Stiri, Antena 1, 03-10-2015
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 153
Părintele prof Constantin Necula - la Bacău - 8 Martie 2015
Şezătoare duhovnicească, la biserica militară din Bacău
Maica Domnului - educația feminității în Hristos și în Biserică...
Şezătoare duhovnicească, la biserica militară din Bacău
Maica Domnului - educația feminității în Hristos și în Biserică
wn.com/Părintele Prof Constantin Necula La Bacău 8 Martie 2015
Şezătoare duhovnicească, la biserica militară din Bacău
Maica Domnului - educația feminității în Hristos și în Biserică
- published: 10 Mar 2015
- views: 5
Un elev din Bacău s-a sinucis, după ce a aflat nota de la BAC
Un elev din Bacău s-a sinucis, după ce a văzut media la bac. A crezut că a ratat locul la Cambridge şi s-a aruncat în faţa trenului. A murit pe loc, înainte să ...
Un elev din Bacău s-a sinucis, după ce a văzut media la bac. A crezut că a ratat locul la Cambridge şi s-a aruncat în faţa trenului. A murit pe loc, înainte să vadă notele primite la contestaţie, Stiri, Antena 1, 10-07-2015
wn.com/Un Elev Din Bacău S A Sinucis, După Ce A Aflat Nota De La Bac
Un elev din Bacău s-a sinucis, după ce a văzut media la bac. A crezut că a ratat locul la Cambridge şi s-a aruncat în faţa trenului. A murit pe loc, înainte să vadă notele primite la contestaţie, Stiri, Antena 1, 10-07-2015
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 3947
FRECVENȚE SUBTERANE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frecvente-Subterane/1497976180446342?ref=hl...
FRECVENȚE SUBTERANE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frecvente-Subterane/1497976180446342?ref=hl
wn.com/Cypher Bacău Tengu, Epoch, Menorah, Monsi, Abisu', K Spirit
FRECVENȚE SUBTERANE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frecvente-Subterane/1497976180446342?ref=hl
- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 600
Formaţia "TRIO SELECT" din Bacău - Să tragem o beţie & Să bem şi să chefuim
Video clip cu FRAŢII TĂNASE si BOBY. Formaţia "TRIO SELECT" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma......
Video clip cu FRAŢII TĂNASE si BOBY. Formaţia "TRIO SELECT" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma...
wn.com/Formaţia Trio Select Din Bacău Să Tragem O Beţie Să Bem Şi Să Chefuim
Video clip cu FRAŢII TĂNASE si BOBY. Formaţia "TRIO SELECT" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma...
Video clip cu FRATII - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău, Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0745890245,0742640773,.şi email dutzu_muzicantu@yahoo.com....
Video clip cu FRATII - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău, Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0745890245,0742640773,.şi email dutzu_muzicantu@yahoo.com.
wn.com/Formaţia Fraţii Tănase Din Bacău Nunta Stanisesti Colaj De Sarbe Moldovenesti
Video clip cu FRATII - Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău, Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0745890245,0742640773,.şi email dutzu_muzicantu@yahoo.com.
Formaţia ''FRAŢII TĂNASE'' din Bacău - Bine-i şade mesei mele... & Crâşmăriţă lasă-mă...
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia FRAŢII TĂNASE din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail......
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia FRAŢII TĂNASE din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail...
wn.com/Formaţia ''Fraţii Tănase'' Din Bacău Bine I Şade Mesei Mele... Crâşmăriţă Lasă Mă...
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia FRAŢII TĂNASE din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail...
Accident Bacau pod Margineni 12 august 2015
Imaginile surprinse de camera de supraveghere instalată chiar în sensul giratoriu de Poliția Locală Bacău și pe care vi le prezentăm în exclusivitate, sunt edif...
Imaginile surprinse de camera de supraveghere instalată chiar în sensul giratoriu de Poliția Locală Bacău și pe care vi le prezentăm în exclusivitate, sunt edificatoare. Astfel, se observă că accidentul s-a produs la ora 20.36, după ce o femeie la volanul unui Renault a oprit în giratoriu deși nu trecea nicio mașină și nu avea de cedat prioritate nimănui. În spatele ei, a oprit alt Renault, portocaliu, care a fost lovit violent de BMW-ul sosit în viteză și fără încercări vizibile de frânare.
wn.com/Accident Bacau Pod Margineni 12 August 2015
Imaginile surprinse de camera de supraveghere instalată chiar în sensul giratoriu de Poliția Locală Bacău și pe care vi le prezentăm în exclusivitate, sunt edificatoare. Astfel, se observă că accidentul s-a produs la ora 20.36, după ce o femeie la volanul unui Renault a oprit în giratoriu deși nu trecea nicio mașină și nu avea de cedat prioritate nimănui. În spatele ei, a oprit alt Renault, portocaliu, care a fost lovit violent de BMW-ul sosit în viteză și fără încercări vizibile de frânare.
- published: 14 Aug 2015
- views: 29413
VasluiTv România: Atletico Vaslui - CS Aerostar Bacău Repriza I 12.08.2015
Turul al treilea al Fazei Naţionale a Cupei României la Fotbal: Atletico Vaslui - CS Aerostar Bacău Repriza I 12.08.2015...
Turul al treilea al Fazei Naţionale a Cupei României la Fotbal: Atletico Vaslui - CS Aerostar Bacău Repriza I 12.08.2015
wn.com/Vasluitv România Atletico Vaslui Cs Aerostar Bacău Repriza I 12.08.2015
Turul al treilea al Fazei Naţionale a Cupei României la Fotbal: Atletico Vaslui - CS Aerostar Bacău Repriza I 12.08.2015
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 130
Două familii distruse într-un accident pe o şosea din Bacău
O femeie a murit şi încă cinci oameni, printre care şi un bebeluş de numai câteva luni, au fost răniţi ieri pe o şosea din Bacău. Un şofer grăbit a făcut o depă...
O femeie a murit şi încă cinci oameni, printre care şi un bebeluş de numai câteva luni, au fost răniţi ieri pe o şosea din Bacău. Un şofer grăbit a făcut o depăşire imprudentă şi a lovit în plin o maşină care venea din sens opus., Stiri, Antena 1, 21-08-2015
wn.com/Două Familii Distruse Într Un Accident Pe O Şosea Din Bacău
O femeie a murit şi încă cinci oameni, printre care şi un bebeluş de numai câteva luni, au fost răniţi ieri pe o şosea din Bacău. Un şofer grăbit a făcut o depăşire imprudentă şi a lovit în plin o maşină care venea din sens opus., Stiri, Antena 1, 21-08-2015
- published: 21 Aug 2015
- views: 109
Formaţia "CASABLANCA" - Corăgheasca din Bacău (instrumental)
Videoclip cu formatia CASABLANCA din Bacau. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail: studio_as@ymail.com....
Videoclip cu formatia CASABLANCA din Bacau. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail: studio_as@ymail.com.
wn.com/Formaţia Casablanca Corăgheasca Din Bacău (Instrumental)
Videoclip cu formatia CASABLANCA din Bacau. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-mail: studio_as@ymail.com.
VASLUI Champions League - Atletico Vaslui VS CS Aerostar Bacău
Mulțumesc de vizionare, aștept propuneri ! Sper că v-a plăcut conceptul de VASLUI Champions League. Nu uitați că este doar un pamflet ! Dați-ne un like pe faceb...
Mulțumesc de vizionare, aștept propuneri ! Sper că v-a plăcut conceptul de VASLUI Champions League. Nu uitați că este doar un pamflet ! Dați-ne un like pe facebook !
Our Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/satiraromaneasca
My Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/deleanu.matei?fref=nf
My Blog : http://mdurbanconstanta.blogspot.ro/
My Google Plus : https://plus.google.com/112384055699728282627/posts
wn.com/Vaslui Champions League Atletico Vaslui Vs Cs Aerostar Bacău
Mulțumesc de vizionare, aștept propuneri ! Sper că v-a plăcut conceptul de VASLUI Champions League. Nu uitați că este doar un pamflet ! Dați-ne un like pe facebook !
Our Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/satiraromaneasca
My Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/deleanu.matei?fref=nf
My Blog : http://mdurbanconstanta.blogspot.ro/
My Google Plus : https://plus.google.com/112384055699728282627/posts
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 1187
Istoria Oraşului Bacău
Istoria Oraşului Bacău- Muzică: Ion Drăgoi (prima si ultima melodie) A doua melodie:Trăim decenii de împlinire A treia melodie:Luigi Ionescu - Macarale Bacă......
Istoria Oraşului Bacău- Muzică: Ion Drăgoi (prima si ultima melodie) A doua melodie:Trăim decenii de împlinire A treia melodie:Luigi Ionescu - Macarale Bacă...
wn.com/Istoria Oraşului Bacău
Istoria Oraşului Bacău- Muzică: Ion Drăgoi (prima si ultima melodie) A doua melodie:Trăim decenii de împlinire A treia melodie:Luigi Ionescu - Macarale Bacă...
Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău - Dă-mi o singură noapte
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma......
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma...
wn.com/Formaţia Fraţii Tănase Din Bacău Dă Mi O Singură Noapte
Video clip cu DORU şi DUŢU TĂNASE. Formaţia "FRAŢII TĂNASE" din Bacău. © Februarie 2010 Studio AS Bacău. Coordonate de contact - mobil: 0753-10.99.96 şi e-ma...
Concert Trupa Feelings în Valhalla Pub Bacău
Al doilea concert din seria evenimentelor Big Bang Bands!
Detalii: https://www.facebook.com/valhallafoodandpub...
Al doilea concert din seria evenimentelor Big Bang Bands!
Detalii: https://www.facebook.com/valhallafoodandpub
wn.com/Concert Trupa Feelings În Valhalla Pub Bacău
Al doilea concert din seria evenimentelor Big Bang Bands!
Detalii: https://www.facebook.com/valhallafoodandpub
- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 809
Un “măcel” mai mititel / Aerostar Bacău - Sport Club Bacău 0-5 (0-3)
Un “măcel” mai mititel / Aerostar Bacău - Sport Club Bacău 0-5 (0-3)...
Un “măcel” mai mititel / Aerostar Bacău - Sport Club Bacău 0-5 (0-3)
wn.com/Un “Măcel” Mai Mititel Aerostar Bacău Sport Club Bacău 0 5 (0 3)
Un “măcel” mai mititel / Aerostar Bacău - Sport Club Bacău 0-5 (0-3)
- published: 10 Sep 2014
- views: 86
Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel ...
Catch A Smile - Bacau
Bacau's community proved that there are still plenty of smiles in the world...or at least in Romania.
Thank you Beard Brothers, Be Great Romania, TEDxBacau, ontheway.ro and all the others for making everything possible.
Enjoy the video!
Beard On & Continue Smiling!
Music: Bruno Mars - Count on me.
Bacau City
europa travel 28sec v2
Hotel Bacau, hotelbacau, hotel ieftin, hotel ieftin Bacau, cazare Bacau, cazare ieftin, cazare ieftina, motel, piscina, piscine in aer liber, Bacau, motel ieftin Bacau, restaurant Bacau, restaurant Bacau, restaurant ieftin, sala de sedinta, sala de conferinta, sala de conferinte, sala conferinta Bacau, loc de joaca copii, hotel cu loc
E85 - Bacau - Bucharest
I made 2 mistakes : I was in a hurry so I didn't fixed the camera to well to the tripod . I can't believe the shakiness in the camera . The road is good , it...
Oriflame Bacau - angajata nu respectă programul de lucru
Primul film din Bacau de pe Catedrala Ortodoxa InimaBacaului.ro
Bacau - City Center - 2011 August
Travel to Egipt Travel Plaza Romania sejururi vacante calatorii
Travel Plaza Bacau, strada N. Balcescu nr. 5, parterTelefon: 0334 405 485/6 Fax: 0334 405 486 Mobil: 0740.270.959 , licenta de turism nr. 5554 www.travelplaz...
Restaurant Shanghai Bacau
Globe Trekker - Barcelona City Guide featuring Megan McCormick
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. W...
Globe Trekker - Barcelona City Guide with Megan McCormick
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. With its sun kissed beaches, and Gothic palaces it's an Olympian city worthy of the gods and the modernist capital of the world where some of the greatest artists on earth found their fame.
First off, Megan travels back in time to the city's "
dj ben summer hazard 19 septembrie arena mall bacau
dj ben!!
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Romania Trip - part 45 - On the road from Vaslui to Brasov via Bacau 18122010
coming out of Onesti.
Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bala...
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Turin (Torino) Italy - Cheap Travel
Travel Turin on a low budget! Let us show you all of the awesome tips and cool sights that don't cost a lot of money. Enjoy Torino!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BACAE-JFLNo --Ricon Oliveira
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xjJLpGoFW8 --WalidHanibalCarthage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZmw-jNOKd8 --EricArchive (Kevin MacLeod)
Also, Incompetech by Kevin MacLeod of course! He is the best.
Bellaria **** - Hotel, restaurant - Iasi
Video presentation by Fondante Media.
Fondante.ro - best romanian travel guide
More info: http://www.fondante.ro/hoteluri/iasi/Hotel_Bellaria-h59
Name: Bellaria - hotel, restaurant
Location: Iasi, Romania
Video production by Fondante Media | http://fondantemedia.com
Riding A Bike Around Historic Brasov, Romania
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania! - This is where I've been living... and hiking... and paragliding... and cycling for the last 1.5 months. I've got less than three weeks left here in Brasov, Romania here before I begin my 3-month-long bicycle tour across Romania, Serbia,
Welcome to Romania: Touring Bucharest
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Explore Worldwide group met at the Minerva Hotel for introductions and explanations given by guide Cristian (Cristi) who...
Overland travel to Romania and Moldova / Potovanje v Romunijo in Moldovo
Overland travel to Romania and Moldova by a 4x4 / Potovanje s terencem iz Slovenije v Romunijo in Moldovo
Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel ......
Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel ...
wn.com/Bacau Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bacau Travel ...
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 4
author: beautycity
Catch A Smile - Bacau
Bacau's community proved that there are still plenty of smiles in the world...or at least in Romania.
Thank you Beard Brothers, Be Great Romania, TEDxBacau, ont...
Bacau's community proved that there are still plenty of smiles in the world...or at least in Romania.
Thank you Beard Brothers, Be Great Romania, TEDxBacau, ontheway.ro and all the others for making everything possible.
Enjoy the video!
Beard On & Continue Smiling!
Music: Bruno Mars - Count on me.
wn.com/Catch A Smile Bacau
Bacau's community proved that there are still plenty of smiles in the world...or at least in Romania.
Thank you Beard Brothers, Be Great Romania, TEDxBacau, ontheway.ro and all the others for making everything possible.
Enjoy the video!
Beard On & Continue Smiling!
Music: Bruno Mars - Count on me.
- published: 12 Aug 2014
- views: 1058
europa travel 28sec v2
Hotel Bacau, hotelbacau, hotel ieftin, hotel ieftin Bacau, cazare Bacau, cazare ieftin, cazare ie...
Hotel Bacau, hotelbacau, hotel ieftin, hotel ieftin Bacau, cazare Bacau, cazare ieftin, cazare ieftina, motel, piscina, piscine in aer liber, Bacau, motel ieftin Bacau, restaurant Bacau, restaurant Bacau, restaurant ieftin, sala de sedinta, sala de conferinta, sala de conferinte, sala conferinta Bacau, loc de joaca copii, hotel cu loc de joaca copii, meniul zilei, meniul zilei ieftin, meniul zilei Bacau, Bacau, mancare buna, cel mai bun meniu, hotel cu parcare, parcare pazita, hotel cu parcari pazite, mese organizate, mese organizate Bacau, nunti, nunta, nunta ieftina, nunta frumoasa, restaurant nunta reusita, nunti reusite, cele mai reusite nunti, botez, botezuri, organizare botez, organizare nunti, revelion Bacau, revelion hotel Bacau, craciun Bacau, cazare craciun Bacau, petreceri Bacau, team building, team building Bacau, team building ieftin, team building cel mai ieftin, catering Bacau, oferte catering Bacau, oferta parastase, banchete scolare, oferta tabere scolare.
Detalii contact
Adresa: E85 , Bacau -- Roman, la 10 km, 607047
TEL/FAX: +40 234.515 347
e-mail moteltraveleuropa@yahoo.com, moteltraveleuropa@gmail.com
Site web: www.moteltraveleuropa.ro,
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Motel-Travel-Europa/1505715362988501
wn.com/Europa Travel 28Sec V2
Hotel Bacau, hotelbacau, hotel ieftin, hotel ieftin Bacau, cazare Bacau, cazare ieftin, cazare ieftina, motel, piscina, piscine in aer liber, Bacau, motel ieftin Bacau, restaurant Bacau, restaurant Bacau, restaurant ieftin, sala de sedinta, sala de conferinta, sala de conferinte, sala conferinta Bacau, loc de joaca copii, hotel cu loc de joaca copii, meniul zilei, meniul zilei ieftin, meniul zilei Bacau, Bacau, mancare buna, cel mai bun meniu, hotel cu parcare, parcare pazita, hotel cu parcari pazite, mese organizate, mese organizate Bacau, nunti, nunta, nunta ieftina, nunta frumoasa, restaurant nunta reusita, nunti reusite, cele mai reusite nunti, botez, botezuri, organizare botez, organizare nunti, revelion Bacau, revelion hotel Bacau, craciun Bacau, cazare craciun Bacau, petreceri Bacau, team building, team building Bacau, team building ieftin, team building cel mai ieftin, catering Bacau, oferte catering Bacau, oferta parastase, banchete scolare, oferta tabere scolare.
Detalii contact
Adresa: E85 , Bacau -- Roman, la 10 km, 607047
TEL/FAX: +40 234.515 347
e-mail moteltraveleuropa@yahoo.com, moteltraveleuropa@gmail.com
Site web: www.moteltraveleuropa.ro,
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Motel-Travel-Europa/1505715362988501
- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 29
E85 - Bacau - Bucharest
I made 2 mistakes : I was in a hurry so I didn't fixed the camera to well to the tripod . I can't believe the shakiness in the camera . The road is good , it......
I made 2 mistakes : I was in a hurry so I didn't fixed the camera to well to the tripod . I can't believe the shakiness in the camera . The road is good , it...
wn.com/E85 Bacau Bucharest
I made 2 mistakes : I was in a hurry so I didn't fixed the camera to well to the tripod . I can't believe the shakiness in the camera . The road is good , it...
Travel to Egipt Travel Plaza Romania sejururi vacante calatorii
Travel Plaza Bacau, strada N. Balcescu nr. 5, parterTelefon: 0334 405 485/6 Fax: 0334 405 486 Mobil: 0740.270.959 , licenta de turism nr. 5554 www.travelplaz......
Travel Plaza Bacau, strada N. Balcescu nr. 5, parterTelefon: 0334 405 485/6 Fax: 0334 405 486 Mobil: 0740.270.959 , licenta de turism nr. 5554 www.travelplaz...
wn.com/Travel To Egipt Travel Plaza Romania Sejururi Vacante Calatorii
Travel Plaza Bacau, strada N. Balcescu nr. 5, parterTelefon: 0334 405 485/6 Fax: 0334 405 486 Mobil: 0740.270.959 , licenta de turism nr. 5554 www.travelplaz...
Restaurant Shanghai Bacau
wn.com/Restaurant Shanghai Bacau
- published: 26 Feb 2011
- views: 160
Globe Trekker - Barcelona City Guide featuring Megan McCormick
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. W......
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. W...
wn.com/Globe Trekker Barcelona City Guide Featuring Megan Mccormick
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. W...
Globe Trekker - Barcelona City Guide with Megan McCormick
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. With...
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. With its sun kissed beaches, and Gothic palaces it's an Olympian city worthy of the gods and the modernist capital of the world where some of the greatest artists on earth found their fame.
First off, Megan travels back in time to the city's "grey years" - between the end of the civil war and General Franco's death - when there was a huge zest for change, to move on to a new era. It stoked the desire to transform the city itself, while the Olympic Games bid and then the Games themselves provided extra incentive, not to mention cash. The finest architects and urban planners were persuaded to take part in this vision. The axis upon which the project spun was the idea to "turn Barcelona around"' to face the sea, creating whole swathes of beach from virtual wasteland.
Before the Civil War gripped Barcelona, one architect shaped it more than any other - and he was Antonio Gaudi. Although categorized with the Art Nouveau movement, Gaudi created an entirely original style and she takes in numerous examples of his work all over Barcelona, taking in Park Guell, and Casa Batlló and the spectacular Sagrada Familia, a large Roman Catholic basilica which is still under construction 120 years after the first brick was laid. In the Maritime Museum she learns all about Barcelona's fascinating seafaring history.
Meanwhile, at the Miró Foundation art gallery she marvels at one of the artist's "wild paintings" entitled "Man and Woman in front of a Pile of Excrement".Next off, she hits the Museu Picasso - the most visited art gallery in Barcelona which caters to approximately 1 million visitors annually and houses the largest collection of Picasso's work in the world.
Next off, Megan indulges in some retail therapy taking in the iconic Las Ramblas - "rambla" means "torrent" in Arabic and it seems this boulevard was once a dried watercourse, paved over for public use in the Middle Ages. Her shopping trip ends at they city harbor where she takes in the colorful atmosphere of street performers, artists, and street vendors. She explores the Barrí Gotic - or Gothic Area - which combines the best of both worlds: shopping and culture. This the original Roman center of Barcelona is home to bizarre antique shops, old bookshops, and thriving young fashion designers. She window-shops culinary delights like Casa del Bacau - The House of Cod - which sells only cod. Along the way she is intrigued by a shop window draped in black curtains - the Rey de La Magia was founded by famous magician Joachim Partagas 125 years ago and has been supplying great magicians ever since.
Next, she takes a road trip out of town to Cap De Creus - a haven for migratory birds and exotic fauna, it was pronounced a natural park in 1998. She journeys on to Port Lligat near where she visits the home of the surrealist painter: Salvador Dali. Along the way she takes in the picture postcard fishing town of Cadaques where Dali used to spend his summer holidays as a child and where he produced his first paintings. Opting for a sun sea and send session, she takes a train to Sitges which is a Mecca for the gay community. This whitewashed town clustered around a 16th century church on a promontory called La Punta. It became a resort thanks to the annual Modernista Festival organized here in the 1890s by Catalan artist Santiago Rusinyol.
She rounds off her trip and last day in Barcelona with a cable car trip up Mount Montjuic- a lush natural paradise filled with history and art - where and vistits Montjuic Castle at the very summit of the Olympic mountain. Last off, she returns to the metropolis and the El Raval barrio where she has a final fling with a spot of Rumba Catalana. ¡Olé!
wn.com/Globe Trekker Barcelona City Guide With Megan Mccormick
Globe Trekker Megan McCormick travels to Barcelona in the Spanish region of Catalunya where she discovers a culture which prides itself on being different. With its sun kissed beaches, and Gothic palaces it's an Olympian city worthy of the gods and the modernist capital of the world where some of the greatest artists on earth found their fame.
First off, Megan travels back in time to the city's "grey years" - between the end of the civil war and General Franco's death - when there was a huge zest for change, to move on to a new era. It stoked the desire to transform the city itself, while the Olympic Games bid and then the Games themselves provided extra incentive, not to mention cash. The finest architects and urban planners were persuaded to take part in this vision. The axis upon which the project spun was the idea to "turn Barcelona around"' to face the sea, creating whole swathes of beach from virtual wasteland.
Before the Civil War gripped Barcelona, one architect shaped it more than any other - and he was Antonio Gaudi. Although categorized with the Art Nouveau movement, Gaudi created an entirely original style and she takes in numerous examples of his work all over Barcelona, taking in Park Guell, and Casa Batlló and the spectacular Sagrada Familia, a large Roman Catholic basilica which is still under construction 120 years after the first brick was laid. In the Maritime Museum she learns all about Barcelona's fascinating seafaring history.
Meanwhile, at the Miró Foundation art gallery she marvels at one of the artist's "wild paintings" entitled "Man and Woman in front of a Pile of Excrement".Next off, she hits the Museu Picasso - the most visited art gallery in Barcelona which caters to approximately 1 million visitors annually and houses the largest collection of Picasso's work in the world.
Next off, Megan indulges in some retail therapy taking in the iconic Las Ramblas - "rambla" means "torrent" in Arabic and it seems this boulevard was once a dried watercourse, paved over for public use in the Middle Ages. Her shopping trip ends at they city harbor where she takes in the colorful atmosphere of street performers, artists, and street vendors. She explores the Barrí Gotic - or Gothic Area - which combines the best of both worlds: shopping and culture. This the original Roman center of Barcelona is home to bizarre antique shops, old bookshops, and thriving young fashion designers. She window-shops culinary delights like Casa del Bacau - The House of Cod - which sells only cod. Along the way she is intrigued by a shop window draped in black curtains - the Rey de La Magia was founded by famous magician Joachim Partagas 125 years ago and has been supplying great magicians ever since.
Next, she takes a road trip out of town to Cap De Creus - a haven for migratory birds and exotic fauna, it was pronounced a natural park in 1998. She journeys on to Port Lligat near where she visits the home of the surrealist painter: Salvador Dali. Along the way she takes in the picture postcard fishing town of Cadaques where Dali used to spend his summer holidays as a child and where he produced his first paintings. Opting for a sun sea and send session, she takes a train to Sitges which is a Mecca for the gay community. This whitewashed town clustered around a 16th century church on a promontory called La Punta. It became a resort thanks to the annual Modernista Festival organized here in the 1890s by Catalan artist Santiago Rusinyol.
She rounds off her trip and last day in Barcelona with a cable car trip up Mount Montjuic- a lush natural paradise filled with history and art - where and vistits Montjuic Castle at the very summit of the Olympic mountain. Last off, she returns to the metropolis and the El Raval barrio where she has a final fling with a spot of Rumba Catalana. ¡Olé!
- published: 01 Oct 2014
- views: 154
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
wn.com/Chernovtsy Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chernovtsy Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 3
Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bala......
Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bala...
wn.com/Balakovo Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Balakovo Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Bala...
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 4
author: beautycity
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
wn.com/Chemnitz Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Chemnitz Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 0
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
wn.com/Charleroi Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Charleroi Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 7
Turin (Torino) Italy - Cheap Travel
Travel Turin on a low budget! Let us show you all of the awesome tips and cool sights that don't cost a lot of money. Enjoy Torino!
Travel Turin on a low budget! Let us show you all of the awesome tips and cool sights that don't cost a lot of money. Enjoy Torino!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BACAE-JFLNo --Ricon Oliveira
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xjJLpGoFW8 --WalidHanibalCarthage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZmw-jNOKd8 --EricArchive (Kevin MacLeod)
Also, Incompetech by Kevin MacLeod of course! He is the best.
wn.com/Turin (Torino) Italy Cheap Travel
Travel Turin on a low budget! Let us show you all of the awesome tips and cool sights that don't cost a lot of money. Enjoy Torino!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BACAE-JFLNo --Ricon Oliveira
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xjJLpGoFW8 --WalidHanibalCarthage
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZmw-jNOKd8 --EricArchive (Kevin MacLeod)
Also, Incompetech by Kevin MacLeod of course! He is the best.
- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 2276
Bellaria **** - Hotel, restaurant - Iasi
Video presentation by Fondante Media.
Fondante.ro - best romanian travel guide
More info: http://www.fondante.ro/hoteluri/iasi/Hotel_Bellaria-h59
Name: Bellar...
Video presentation by Fondante Media.
Fondante.ro - best romanian travel guide
More info: http://www.fondante.ro/hoteluri/iasi/Hotel_Bellaria-h59
Name: Bellaria - hotel, restaurant
Location: Iasi, Romania
Video production by Fondante Media | http://fondantemedia.com
wn.com/Bellaria Hotel, Restaurant Iasi
Video presentation by Fondante Media.
Fondante.ro - best romanian travel guide
More info: http://www.fondante.ro/hoteluri/iasi/Hotel_Bellaria-h59
Name: Bellaria - hotel, restaurant
Location: Iasi, Romania
Video production by Fondante Media | http://fondantemedia.com
- published: 07 Aug 2015
- views: 1
Riding A Bike Around Historic Brasov, Romania
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania...
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania! - This is where I've been living... and hiking... and paragliding... and cycling for the last 1.5 months. I've got less than three weeks left here in Brasov, Romania here before I begin my 3-month-long bicycle tour across Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Be sure to follow the adventure on the official Bicycle Touring Pro website.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
wn.com/Riding A Bike Around Historic Brasov, Romania
Ride your bike. Travel the world Live the dream. Learn how here: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/course/?ap_id=youtube
Check out this amazing city in Romania! - This is where I've been living... and hiking... and paragliding... and cycling for the last 1.5 months. I've got less than three weeks left here in Brasov, Romania here before I begin my 3-month-long bicycle tour across Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Be sure to follow the adventure on the official Bicycle Touring Pro website.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bicycletouring
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bicycletouring
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bicycletouringpro
Google+: http://bicycletouringpro.com/blog/google-plus
Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):
The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):
The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:
Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:
GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):
Bicycle Touring Pro's Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 215
Welcome to Romania: Touring Bucharest
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Explore Worldwide group met at the Minerva Hotel for introductions and explanations given by guide Cristian (Cristi) who......
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Explore Worldwide group met at the Minerva Hotel for introductions and explanations given by guide Cristian (Cristi) who...
wn.com/Welcome To Romania Touring Bucharest
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Explore Worldwide group met at the Minerva Hotel for introductions and explanations given by guide Cristian (Cristi) who...
Overland travel to Romania and Moldova / Potovanje v Romunijo in Moldovo
Overland travel to Romania and Moldova by a 4x4 / Potovanje s terencem iz Slovenije v Romunijo in Moldovo...
Overland travel to Romania and Moldova by a 4x4 / Potovanje s terencem iz Slovenije v Romunijo in Moldovo
wn.com/Overland Travel To Romania And Moldova Potovanje V Romunijo In Moldovo
Overland travel to Romania and Moldova by a 4x4 / Potovanje s terencem iz Slovenije v Romunijo in Moldovo
- published: 10 Sep 2014
- views: 176