Address by President on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the outbreak of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (President of the Republic of Poland)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Apr 2016
And yet they stood up in arms, staging the first urban military uprising in the occupied Europe ... the first urban uprising, unprecedented by any other ... The Kosciuszko Insurrection, the November uprising, the January Uprising, Poland's regaining independence in 1918, the Legions, defending Poland against the Bolshevik invasion in 1920, defending it against the German invasion in 1939....

Address by President Andrzej Duda on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the outbreak of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (President of the Republic of Poland)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Apr 2016
And yet they stood up in arms, staging the first urban military uprising in the occupied Europe ... the first urban uprising, unprecedented by any other ... The Kosciuszko Insurrection, the November uprising, the January Uprising, Poland's regaining independence in 1918, the Legions, defending Poland against the Bolshevik invasion in 1920, defending it against the German invasion in 1939....

Minister Waszczykowski for Turkish Sahab Daily: Turkey is our longtime friend (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Apr 2016
(Source. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland). 'Enjoying diplomatic relations for over 600 years, Poland and Turkey share an exceptional friendship virtually unmatched in political history,' Minister Waszczykowski writes in the introduction. 'In the 19th century, it was Turkey that created a safe-haven in Adampol - or Polonezköy - for Polish soldiers after the November Uprising of 1831 ... Source. Sahab Daily ... (noodl....

Minister Waszczykowski for Turkish Sabah Daily: Turkey is our longtime friend (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Apr 2016
(Source. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland). 'Enjoying diplomatic relations for over 600 years, Poland and Turkey share an exceptional friendship virtually unmatched in political history,' Minister Waszczykowski writes in the introduction. 'In the 19th century, it was Turkey that created a safe-haven in Adampol - or Polonezköy - for Polish soldiers after the November Uprising of 1831 ... Source. Sabah Daily ... (noodl....

A toast by the President during the official dinner for the Belgian Royal Couple (President ...

Edit Public Technologies 14 Oct 2015
When young Poles are taught about the November Uprising during their history classes, an important episode in the freedom struggle of the Polish Nation in the 19th century, they learn that at the same time, on the territory of contemporary Belgium a similar fight for independence was taking place, which in that case turned out to be a success....

"Good prospects for development of Polish-Belgian relations" (President of the Republic of Poland)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Oct 2015
(Source. President of the Republic of Poland) ... President Duda thanked the Belgian royal couple, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, for deciding to choose Poland for their second official foreign visit after their coronation ... 'Our mutual relations, good relations are long-lasting, going back to 1830 when the Belgians fought for freedom, for independence, like Poles in the November Uprising,' said Duda ... My wife has Polish roots ... (PAP)....

‘Assassin’s Creed 5’ Location, Release Date Still Unconfirmed, Time Period Possibly Revealed

Edit The Inquisitr 12 Mar 2014
All in black, wielding a REVOLVER?? I’m intrigued ... The black-clad figure with the revolver could indicate that the AC 5 location and time period could definitely be set after the November Uprising between the Polish Army and Russia, which occurred between 1830 and 1831. With the setting of Freedom Cry being in Port au Prince, and the November Uprising having started in Paris, there is definitely a connection with France involved....

Portsmouth's Polish community marks 180th anniversary

Edit BBC News 23 Feb 2014
The soldiers came to the UK after taking part in the November uprising against the Russian Tzar ... "They were survivors of the Polish uprising in Poland ... ....