
About Underground Melbourne

A blog homage to the hidden corners and less-traversed beauties of Melbourne. Covering food, shopping, architecture, subcultures, events and whatever other small pockets of oddity seem endearing and exciting. This blog will be an evergrowing ode to all that is small scale, passionate, uncompromising and even challenging about Melbourne – and defines it as the city I love.


  1. Congrats on the site guys! Have been trying to launch something like this for a while, but you beat me to it and are doing a stellar job! Loving it!

    • Hi there,

      Great underground of melbourne fashion..lol.. i would like to add another hidden fashion market here http://danzo.com.au
      Hope everyone could find it useful..

  2. Hey there,

    I just thought I’d make a couple od suggestions for the site.
    Cabaret Nocturne (http://cabaretnocturne.net) is a monthly dark alternative club. It moves about a bit, but it’s currently at La Di Da on Little Bourke Street. It runs over two floors with level one playing goth, dark alternative, some indie and retro and the basement playing industrial, EBM and dark electro.

    I’m in the startup phase of a site http://gothcitymaps.com which aims to make maps showing sites of interest to dark alternative types (shops, clubs, bars, tourist attractions etc.) for everry city in the world. There is a Melbourne shopping map on there which might be useful as a reference for some of your articles. (I think I might add a few new places based on what you’ve reviewed here too)

    Also, Peril no longer does piercings and the map link in the review doesn’t work anymore.

    Great site, thanks!

  3. Hi! Wonderful information and site.
    Just curious if you are interested in underground music performances and a community which is going in Melbourne? Send us an email if you would like to discuss. In a nut shell we are looking for ways to expand awareness of underground and extreme music, and associated performances in this fantastic city.

  4. Hey awesome underground melbourne! You should have an email address that we can send stuff too. In the meantime, thought this might interest you http://radicalcrossstitch.com/2008/08/16/the-revolution-is-handmade/


  5. Greetings I run a little book store In Brunswick St called Polyester Books and I would be honored to be included in your list of undergound book stores.
    We’ve been raided twice, once for Drug literature and once for porn. Surely underground enough.
    Please email or ring on 94195223 if you’d like more info.
    We also have a web site at polyester.com.au
    Best regards
    Paul Elliott

  6. Hi, would you consider tagging your posts by suburb so you work could be include in local sites like http://indolentdandy.net/collingwood/ and http://indolentdandy.net/carlton/ – please have a look and let me know. Thanks!

  7. We share some of the same interests.

    May I add your blog to the “Underground Journalism & eZines” section of MELBOURNE BELOW?


    Cheers, Michael.

  8. Thanks – there are now 4 local sites syndicating content from 10 or more blogs each. See Collingwood, Carlton, Fitzroy and Brunswick.

  9. Hello Underground Melbourne! Keep up the fascinating information! lml

  10. Howdy! Great idea. I’ll be working through it in the next few days.

    Could I add my film night Shadows held at ABC Gallery in Collingwood? I screen titles that (mostly) aren’t available locally in an informal gallery/bar atmosphere. Frot he next two weeks on Sunday and Friday nights after that.

    Program up at http://pj-shadow.blogspot.com


  11. Just wondered if you’d be interested in mentioning SPANK! – a kinky dance party that I started in little old Perth 3 years ago, and which I’m launching in Melbourne on Sat 15th May.

    The theme of this party is ‘Doctors and Nurses’, details are on the ‘next party’ tab at http://www.spankproductions.com.au.

    Spank is fluffy fetish ie nothing gory, and attracts a wide mix of people eg fetishistas, swingers, goths, the gay crowd etc. And it’s run at a very personal level by just moi ie not a big commercial promoter!

    Cool site, kudos!

  12. sure! nictoupee@gmail.com


  13. Yo. Brilliant bloggage.

  14. Hi,
    Ive just taken over the running of Kent St bar over on Smith Street, we got artists studios upstairs and trying to revamp our exhibitions, communities and discussion around art, whatever it is. We’ve got a local painter’s exhibition coming up in a couple of weeks, would really appreciate a spot on your blog. If you want to help us out I’ve got an image of the flyer to forward to you. Let me know if your interested, thanks.

    Dan, Kent St

  15. Hey there – just stumbled onto your very cool site!! Looking around, I’m wondering if you might be interested to know about us? We are a small (micro) press from Brunswick and we publish extreme and/or unusual fiction. If you like, I’d be happy to send you some of our books.

  16. Hi, great blog! It’s about time the wonderful melbourne scene was covered in this much detail.
    I’d love for you to come and read my gothic fiction serial set in Melbourne (Cardigan street, Carlton to be exact!)
    Well, it’s a (gentle) pocket oddity anyway.

  17. hi there – top blog! Melbourne has so many great hidden away places – one of the awesome things about living in Melbourne.
    You might also be keen to check out the new cocktail bar that has recently (and quietly) opened its doors. It’s hidden upstairs at The Millswyn and is called Bar 132 (name came from the space left between the street address 131-133 Domain Road, South Yarra). Love to get your thoughts if you pop your head in.

  18. Hey greta blog! I’m working with a group of fellow Event Management students at Swinburne Prahran campus on an event that, after seeing the Melbourne Zombie Shuffle on your blog, we thought your subscribers and followers might by interested in.

    The Miss Voodoo Zombie Pageant 2011! Think Miss Universe meets the living dead.

    If you have an email address I can send you a copy of our press release, and additionally if you’re based close to Prahran Swinburne campus (High St) we’re having an info stall at the Student Market day October 10th that will be frightfully entertaining, we’d love for you to come check it out, Market starts at 11am but we’ll be at it much earlier than that from 9am in the student lounge we’ll be bringing the dead to life.

    If you need to pick our brains on anything (pardon the pun/s) just drop us an email missvoodoopageant.com.au

    You can find us on facebook too: http://www.facebook.com/missvoodoopageant

  19. Fantastic write up. Remember to keep up the very first rate work.

  20. Steampunk shop! Steampunk has been of interest to me for some time. Antiques dealers are always interested in trying to experience all of history all at once: greedy folk that we are! There were so few places supplying small Steampunk oriented things such as pocket watches, goggles, Steampunk and neo-Victorian/Edwardian jewellery in Melbourne that we thought we would contribute. So we have made one of our showrooms Steampunk, all faux rivetted copper, and full of goodies, including Errol Pukallus jewellery. Our website at Roy’s Antiques has a special Steampunk category on the product bar. We hope you like it.
    It brings us a lot of pleasure!

  21. I enjoy reading articles that are so quite well-written.This really is great content.

  22. My name is Gurcius Gewdner.

    I’m going straight to the point because I don’t know if you use this mail yet:

    I’m a brazilian exploitation filmaker, I made my own movies and I work with all the important directors from the genre here in Brasil, in november/december I’m going to MELBORNE and I’m looking for someone who can help me to make a festival of underground/horror/transgressor movies from Brasil….

    I want to use my trip to make australian people know a little more about brazilian exploitation cinema!

    You can help or send some contact that can help to do that? i’m looking EVERYONE who can help, from stores dedicated to this kind of movie to curators of festival and cultural events, and of course australian exploitation directors (you have movies that I love so much)

    My plan is to make a selection of brazilian directors as Coffin Joe, Ivan Cardoso, myself, Rodrigo Aragão, Petter Baiestorf, and other important directors from Brazil..

    send me a answer and I can send some links and more information….


    Some Sample, I’m the doctor at this trailer:

    and here’s another beauty from Brazil: http://vimeo.com/21396366

  23. Thought you might like this!


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