Posts Tagged ‘visual art’


Vali Myers exhibition, film screening, new book

November 10, 2010

From Outre’s website

I was privileged to meet Vali Myers not once but three times: Once at an exhibition of her work, once in her divine studio in the Nicholas Buiding, and once at Degraves Coffee, where she was a relatively frequent customer.  Vali represented, and represents a unique vision as an artist, and as a woman – and a human – she had charisma, charm, vision and drive and never seemed afraid of the perception of others.  She ran an animal sanctuary in Italy, romanced philosophers in Paris, and finally settled in Melbourne where she produced remarkable works of art for the remainder of her remarkable life.   I can’t stress enough how worthwhile it would be to see the exhibition, the films and of course this new book on the wonderful Ms Myers.  Info below.

November 2010 – Vali Myers “Lady of the Beasts”

Outré Gallery is extremely honoured to be working closely with the Vali Myers’ Trust on a new book on the life and art of Vali Myers slated for 2011

The book will feature paintings, drawings, photographs from Vali’s personal archive, diary excerpts and essays by experts and friends.

As a prelude to this release, we are holding an exhibition of new prints, rare prints and original artworks at our Melbourne Gallery.  We anticipate having interesting guests from all over the world coming to this gala event.  Original artworks will not be for sale.

Vali Myers “Lady of the Beasts”
Opening Friday 12 November 2010, 7pm
(Melbourne Gallery)
RSVP for the opening night here

exhibition runs until 24 November 2010



Vali Myers Films ACMI November 19th 2010, 7-9pm

Out of all the films The Tightrope Dancer’s the one that really got me”  Vali Myers

Acclaimed director Ruth Cullen will present her 2 films about the artist Vali Myers – The Tightrope Dancer and its sequel Painted Lady at a one off special screening at Melbourne’s  ACMI cinema.  This is a rare opportunity to see these cult favourites.


Full Paying $14 / Concession $11

To book, call the ACMI Box Office (03) 8663 2583

Please contact us if you would like to receive email notifications with further information about the book and event…

Media enquiries here.



Metropolis Books and Music – Swanston Street, Melbourne

January 5, 2008

Metropolis Books and Music (website here) is tucked away in Curtin House on Swanston Street in the city.  It’s just a couple of doors up from record store Collectors Corner, and is above beloved watering hole Cookie by a couple of floors.  Curtin House is becoming quite the culture-consumption nexus, what with food and drink (Cookie), burlesque and performance (The Toff in Town) and clothing, jewellery, books and music on level 3, including Metropolis. 
Some people might remember the days when Metropolis was in St Kilda, and for those who do the city store will need little introduction as the basic ideas behind the curation of materials on offer are the same.  For those who don’t:  Metropolis is divided into two parts: part one is a bookshop centred broadly around The Arts:  film, graphic design, music, photography, visual art, music and cult crafts.   From small colourful gifty-books about pretty nonsense  (most book shops have these, but Metropolis’ selection are prettier, odder and often locally produced) to impressive hardbacks on architecture, film directors eg Tim Burton, David Lynch, typography, photography and much more.   If you’re after a present or are a little light on the pocket, they also stock fantastic cards and postcards – eg ‘hard boiled’ crime covers on postcards, local artists work, indian kitsch and many more.  
In the other part of the store is Metropolis music, sourcing some truly obscure sounds.  A large experimental section includes an admirably large amount of vinyl LPs, featuring much Sun O))), industrial artists, breakcore, some field recordings and more.  New York No Wave rereleases, ambient, psychedelia and indie classics are also on offer – again many on cd – plus the occasional tshirt or other paraphernalia.  
Both sections sell gig tickets for numerous events, many at The Toff In Town one floor below.
The best thing about Metropolis:  many, many pretty things.  I particularly like the cult film section, but am impressed by the solid selection in visual art, photography, textiles… also the experimental music section which, since the closure of synaesthesia records, may be the most contemporary experimental available over the counter (new, particularly).
The downside: can there be a down side to great books and music?  It would be fantastic if it were open the same hours as Cookie and Toff – late night book and music browsing would be ideal.  
Metropolis Bookshop
Level 3 Curtin House
252 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000

ph: 03 9663 2015
fax: 03 9639 0024

Opening hours:
Mon – Thurs: 10 – 6
Fri: 10 – 7
Sat: 10 – 6
Sun: 12 – 5

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