Posts Tagged ‘website’


My inverse simulacrum: Melbourne Underground website

January 23, 2009


  I’ve been alerted to a site called Melbourne Underground.  Of course, I had to know more: it seemed like I may be about to stare into a mirror self.  Hmmm does this mean if I look into the their main page too long we both disappear, or become eachother? Or like Narcissus I fall in love with my mirror image? 

However, upon clicking into the site I saw the truth:  Melbourne Underground is quite a handy site about smaller scale music events in Melbourne.  It includes a gig guide, reviews, interviews, highlights bands, supports indie radio: yep – this seems to tick all the excellent boxes to qualify as promoting the underground in Melbourne’s music scene.  Also, they will publish your gig info and flyers if you send them your propaganda.  

The website is pretty basic, but in its favour it doesn’t tire or annoy with an overload of unnecessary flash. Instead the site gets straight on with the mission of promoting underground bands.  The emphasis is on indie and rock – not much experimental or electronic stuff here: but then again, if more electronic acts sent them promo I suppose there’d be more on their site.  That’s the beauty of a direct conduit. 

Check it out.

h1 – your guide to all things Goth and Melbourne

July 19, 2008

I had a request from the manager of a Melbourne goth club to advertise their event here – however, since by their very nature gigs/clubs are intermittent and changeable – I couldn’t hope to maintain a consistent resource on gothic nightclubbing or events in Melbourne.


However, there’s a forum/website which does this most ably:  There are forums for Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane. The Melbourne forum  contains a gig guide, music guide, arts and crafts postings and lots of general being gothiness/alternative.   

So if you’d like to know what kind of alternative/goth events and meetups are happening in Melbourne at any given time, or even just discuss alternative fashion, hairstyles, debate religion and politics or find out about a new band or ten, go to and see what’s on offer.


Lucrezia and De Sade – Brunswick Street, Fitzroy

January 8, 2008


One of Melbourne’s more hidden boutiques stocking locally artisan made wares is Lucrezia and De Sade.  Now there may be a very good reason why the good L and D people keep it a little more discreet: that is because the wares made, many on premises, are of a particular nature.  That is to say, to put it a little more plainly,  Lucrezia and De Sade is Melbourne’s most artistic and stylish fetish shop.   Named after Lucretia Borgia and the notedly kinky Marquis De Sade, it’s a perfect name for such a stylish yet unashamedly perverse emporium.  

The wonderful things about Lucrezia and De Sade are multiple. Number one is their sense of humour.  Their window displays never fail to amuse or at least intrigue: and their Christmas displays are more essential than the Myer Christmas window any day… they visualise what many of us have wished on Santa when the credit card bills come in! 

Number two is the quality of their merchandise.  Whether you’re there to buy something seriously imposing for your normal fetishy life or whether you just want a dress up for a fancy dress party or some goth-style couture, you could do a lot worse than investing in some of the hand made pieces here.  They do nurse and police outfits (in pvc, mostly), they have cuffs, collars and gauntlets worn as much by goths and death metal bands as fetish types, they have some sexy goth cross over clothes and then there are of course all manner of fetish pieces and props.   The clothing and accessories are well stitched and seems to be made of good quality materials.  I’m not as sure about the serious goods, but from a cursory shelf glance they do seem sturdy and shiny.  I’m sure that’s a plus. They also can modify or make custom items and can work in metal, leather, pvc and more – they’re really quite clever. 

Number three: their website.  I encourage anyone to take a look at their retail store, but if you’d rather shop online and stay shy, they’ve got a full ordering system there for you. How considerate!  

 The best things: beautiful metal gauntlets and leather gloves.  Being loud and proudly a fetish shop with an emphasis on using quality materials and making beautiful objects with care.  Surviving for years with a loyal clientele in a decidedly subcultural market.

  The downside:  I don’t think I’m qualified to comment about some of their goods – but they do look very well made anyway.

 Details:441 Brunswick Street Fitzroy 3065 Victoria Australia
Phone: + 61 3 9416 3826Fax: + 61 3 9416 0947


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