Posts Tagged ‘ufos’


Ufologists take note: Spiritual Cinema is here!

June 1, 2009

This is a notice I received for a cinema group with a difference… those into UFOs and conspiracy culture: this might be the cinema night for you!


Announcing a new Meetup for Truth Consciousness Cinema Group!


When: July 4, 2009 6:00 PM

Price: AUD15.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: CONTACT HAS BEGUN 3 FILMS 1 NIGHT 6 HOURS + 316 ALIEN UFO’s Saturday 4th July 2009 @ Glitchbar + Cinema $15.00 | 6:00pm – 12:00pm Contact Kelly: 0402 509 247 |

More Information:

Join Truth Consciousness Cinema Group in a night of Alien and UFO exploration.

Front Bar: 630pm  STAR DREAMS STAR DREAMS, the movie is a precocious attempt at making definitions in the crop circle debate by illuminating various perspectives and insights gained by the major researchers in the field. This feature documentary by Genesis Communications on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia seeks to present the latest circles, for all to see, by lifting them off the fields so to speak and putting them into public imagination through the medium of television and video release and public screenings. To date, there have been almost 11,000 recorded crop circles world-wide since 1980. There is a consensus among researchers that a higher intelligence is sending a communiqué to us. How are we to respond to this? By closing up, or opening up to these remarkable phenomena at this point in human history.

Robert Nichol’s take on it: “Crop Circles are the realization of a higher consciousness presented to humanity at this time to aid in a universal awakening to higher dimensions of being.”

Main Cinema: 730pm JZ KNIGHT IN UFO’S – Understanding our brains’ connection to alien life JZ Knight’s remarkable insights on UFOs and alien contact presented in this film bring the discussion of this subject to a whole new level: 1.What is the common ground that connects us to intelligent life scattered across space? 2.How does our brain work differently or similarly to theirs? 3.How come some people see UFOs and others do not? What is happening at a neurological level? 4.What UFO technology has quantum physics unraveled? What about time and timelines of possibility? 5.What can we do to advance forward as a civilization to meet our “future Now” and reach for the stars? JZ Knight’s multiple experiences of going through the tunnel or wormhole while channeling Ramtha, similar to near-death experiences, have given her a unique framework for understanding these questions. JZ Knight on UFOs is a candid and exciting DVD presentation of her knowledge, originally recorded live at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment for the Extraterrestrial Civilizations & World Peace Conference held in Hawaii in June 2006.

Main Cinema: 930pm CONTACT HAS BEGUN “Contact Has Begun” is a documentary that DCT Enterprises LLC has done on James Gilliland. James has had contact with ETs and “off worlders”. The film also covers near death experiences, orbs, and the topic of coming Earth changes. Changes that will effect each and everyone of us. This film delivers a message that will change your world. • Earth Changes – the ones the Mainstream knows about but won’t address (even though scientists present compelling evidence that BIG changes are coming in the next two years – and that’s what our benevolent ET friends are concerned about as well). • SEE GENUINE FOOTAGE OF UFOs over James’ Trout Lake Sanctuary in Washington state. • See them “power up” in response to people on the ground – and learn how you can experience this too. • Learn how to film UFOs yourself. “Anyone can do it,” says James. • See an awesome fleet of UFOs filmed over Mexico. • See experts and authors reveal secrets of ancient history…AND coming earth changes. • Learn about UFOs literally turning off Nuclear Weapons. • Get a hint from Astronaut Gordon Cooper – he chased UFOs himself. • Understand – through superb animations – the effects of ice melt at the north and south poles. • See what will happen to our planet when the sun erupts – possibly as soon as 2010. • Learn who the “good guys” are, and where they come from – PLUS see photographs of their inter-dimensional craft.

Learn more here:


The Haunted Bookshop – Mc Killop Street, Melbourne

January 3, 2008

 The Haunted Bookshop website  says “Dark and Brooding” “Occult books and Tarot since 1997”: meaning that this shop has only been around for about ten years.  Not that you’d know it when you walk inside.  The decor is every fantasy/occult/gothic lover’s dream – somewhere between a Victorian Cabinet of Curiousities,  a New Orleans Juju shop, Buffy’s ‘The Magic Box’ and Harry Potter’s ‘Flourish and Blotts’ – this place looks like your legit spooky haven of all things supernatural.  Which is spot on, really, as Drew Sinton’s bookshop definitely is a haven for all things supernatural – or at least books on them plus it’s the hub of his quite famous Melbourne Ghost Tour.  

Drew Sinton – you may have spotted him as a kookster-for-comment in Melbourne Weekly, The Age or have even seen his Ghostbusting TV series on Channel 31 ‘ Haunted Australia’. As far as odd and fascinating characters go – not to mention actual dabblers with the Forces of Darkness – he is the real deal.   He runs the Haunted Bookshop as well as all the other bits and pieces above, and has stocked it wall to musty wall with books on ghosts, witches, ufos, druids, devils and the vast parade of Creatures of the Night – vampires, werewolves, etc etc.  He also sells tarot decks and juju trinkets for those who feel like a little voodoo magic (or have read too many Anne Rice books).

  The Haunted Bookshop is pretty unique – set out in a way which plays into the romantic ideas and fancies (or, possibly, unacknowledged truths, whichever perspective you have) of a Victorian period Clairvoyant’s Den or Curioe Shoppe  you really do feel as though you’ve entered more than a retail shop but a forgotten era where mysticism and magic were the talk of the town and any moment you’d be invited to a seance or Spiritualist meet.   As for the books on display – well, if you’re after the lastest Stephen King perhaps don’t bother.  But if you’re interested in reading about the veiled world of hauntings, ufo’s, the supernatural or witches – this shop has everything including rare editions of new and antique tomes.  There are books for the casually curious which will assist you to take a quick dip into this world, plus specialist and detailed books for those who know what they’re looking for.  

The best thing about the Haunted Bookshop: atmosphere plus the Haunted Melbourne ghost tour.  Plus they have both a working website and even a Myspace!!! Wonders will never cease! 

The downside:  it has odd opening hours, especially the early closes and limited weekend openings. Details: 15 McKILLOP STREET  MELBOURNE  AUSTRALIA 03 9670 2585    


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