Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Moving on… Underground Melbourne looking for new editor/blogger

November 5, 2013

Due to a relocation the editor of this blog is no longer able to stay in touch with the best new nearly-secret gems to be found in Melbourne.


We are seeking a new editor/overlord/main blogger to run this site.  We will not, however, hand the site over to a company looking to promote their own shop or shops – this blog must remain independent.  We’re looking for someone who is interested in food, culture, ideas, film, books, art, fashion… a span that reflects Melbourne’s exciting culture.

If you are interested in becoming the new editor or main contributor to this much-visited blog, please comment as a reply to this post with your details (website etc) or link to your current blog.

Thanks and looking forward to bringing some new life to this blog which we’ve loved to curate and bring Melbourne’s secrets to you.


An important adminstrative note

August 21, 2011

Underground Melbourne has been taking a small break from posting.

But I’d like to remind readers of something important:

This blog IS NOT run by the shops featured.  We have no contact personally with shop owners.  If you wish to contact them or make enquiries, please use the contact details provided either within our post for their email or phone number, or visit their website.

Please do not leave enquires for a shop owner here on the blog, they will only be deleted:  send them to the shop owner themselves.

thank you.

Underground Melbourne.


Don’t forget Free Comic Book Day 2011

April 24, 2011

All around the world Comic Book shops give away comics and have extra specials on this day – and there’s no catch! Walk in to a local comic store and walk out with free comics from a wide range of publishers and writers!!! It seems like utter madness, and so it may be, but it’s madness in your favour!

Quite a few Melbourne stores participate every year, so use this handy locator to find the closest participating store to you

here’s a list of free comics! You really can’t go wrong, so get out there, grab some free schnizzle and get your comic on!


More cult cinema = the Westgarth takes up the baton with Cult Vault

April 24, 2011

Shadows Cinema, the Astor, ACMI and the Rooftop Cinema have all flown the flag of cult films, and continue to, for a while. Good news is that the Westgarth, that ever charming delight of old-school cinema, has joined the throng, being a perfect complement to Movie Reel for the home viewer.

Their Cult Vault series screens for $10 a ticket, and the upcoming May theme seems to be chock full of schlock for horror fans. Look at their upcoming films here:

May: Psychomania!

Return of the Living Dead [M] May 5th – 11.59pm

Purchase tickets

The Evil Dead [R18+] 13th May – 11.59pm

Purchase tickets

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre May 20th – 11.59pm

Purchase tickets

Re-Animator [R18+] 27 May – 11.59pm


Calling nerds, geeks and freaks! Be an extra for the ABC!!

November 10, 2010

Princess Pictures needs a volunteer crowd of fabulous people for the new ABC TV series Outland, to appear in crowd scenes of a Gay Pride event.

DATE: Friday 26 November 2010

PLACE: Catani Gardens between Beaconsfield Parade and Fitzroy Street, St Kilda tram 96 or 16

TIME: From 8 am (it’s an all day shoot and filming starts early) DRESS: Fabulous! But please NO recognisable science fiction costumes. You don’t need to dress up (or be gay) to come along, but you can be as awesome as you want.

BRING: Flags, banners and colourful stuff. As filming TV isn’t always as fun as watching TV, there will be some slow times when the fabulous crowd isn’t needed. So picnics, games and friends will make the non-filming times fun. You’ll also be able to do some star spotting and see how a TV show is made.

Outland is based on the only short film to play the Melbourne Queer Film Festival and the World Science Fiction Convention. It stars Christine Anu, Ben Gerrard , Paul Ireland, Adam Richard, Toby Truslove, is written by John Richards (Boxcutters), directed by Kevin Carlin (Newstopia, BoyTown, The Extra) and produced by Princess Pictures (Summer Heights High, We Can Be Heroes, John Safran’s Race Relations, I Love You Too). For further information or to register, email


CERES Sustainability workshops – convert your car to electricity! 29/08/2010

August 11, 2010

Not the cheapest of weekend events, but with the cost of oil set to increase exponentially over the next ten years, it is something we could all begin to consider.  There are definitely issues with the ‘dirty’ electricity generation in Australia which will also hopefully be addressed within this time.  But for anyone interested in giving electrics a go?  Try Ceres.  They have quite a few Workshops going, which are also listed below.

Find out how you can convert your car to electric!

The CERES Electric Vehicle Conference is a day for learning everything you need to know about starting your own EV conversion project.

Meet the people already involved in EV conversions, find out how you can get involved in existing projects, or get the facts on starting your own EV project.

Spend a day with Australia’s top EV conversion experts and learn how easy it is to convert cars to electric drive.

Tickets $150

CERES members $140

Group bookings of 5 or more $110

Students and Concession Card Holders $90

Tickets can be purchased from the CERES Visitor Centre


Tel: 9387 – 2609

Address: Cnr Roberts and Stewart St
East Brunswick, VIC 3057


Sustainable Home Workshop Series start 7 August 2010
A new series of Sustainable Home Workshops will be run at the CERES EcoHouse, from August to November – Saturday afternoons 1.30pm-3.30pm. Learn how to reduce our environmental impact at home – everything from  ‘Insulation and Glazing’ and ‘Green Cleaning’ to ‘Buying Green’, ‘Living your Choices’ and ‘Sustainable Design and Renovation’.

Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances is on Saturday 7 August 2010 from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
Check our website for full details
Bookings essential contact CERES Visitor Centre on 9387 2609

The sound we make together Melbourne –
Harrell Fletcher project kicks off Sat 14 august

Come along to a special program of events as a preamble to the exhibition Harrell Fletcher: The sound we make together (Melbourne), 11 Sep – 30 Jan. Hear from all groups participating including Robert Larocca talking about CERES.

When: Saturday 14 August, 10.15am–1pm
Where: Theatre, The Ian Potter Centre NGV Australia Federation Square
Cost: Free
Go to: for the latest.
Bookings: 03 8662 1555 and more information

CERES Global – India Travel Program 2011
Discover a different way to travel
CERES Global Trips to India, Indonesia and East Arnhem Land provide the opportunity to experience and share in the impressive environmental and community development work carried out by village communities.
Come along to the CERES Global information sessions for the 2011 India Travel Program and learn about community engagement in key areas
Schools (English)                 ;   Thurs 5 August 2010
Women’s Self Help Groups   Thurs 19 August 2010
Health Programs                     Thurs 26 August 2010
Environmental Education       Thurs 2 September 2010
Where: CERES Eco House (Lee St, East Brunswick) from 6 – 8pm.
All welcome – yummy, vegetarian, Indian inspired food and drink provided.
To RSVP contact: Vanessa at
for more information about CERES Global Travel Program visit

Weaving our way back
When: Saturday 28 August 6 – 9pm
Where: CERES Learning Centre
An evening of woven storytelling, fire-side chats and an exhibition of images and woven sculptures created during the recent CERES Global trip to the Yol?u homelands of Mäpuru.
Entry by gold coin donation. Proceeds go towards community projects in Mäpuru. Drinks at bar prices, finger food provided

Free Solar Power Workshops offered by Solar Shop Australia
Solar Shop Australia invites you to attend a FREE Solar Power Workshop to explain the rewards of going solar. Bring an electricity bill along and find out how you can eliminate your bill, become carbon neutral and even earn money in the end. Learn how solar power works, current government incentives and the different technologies available on the market.
Where: CERES Van Raay Centre Room 3
When: Wednesday 18 August
Afternoon Session -    1:30pm
Evening Session -        7:00pm
Please RSVP as seats are limited. For more information contact: Matthew Owen Ph. 0404 890 323 or email

Organic Vegetable Gardening with Justin Calverley
When: Saturday 4 September and 11 September 2010  10am – 3.30pm
Where: CERES Van Ray Centre
Want to learn how to get the most from your garden and have an abundance of vegetables, fruits and herbs? This extensive two day workshop is designed for the vegetable gardener who wants to know the whole story. The workshop is a mix of classroom presentations and practical exercises.
$190/$180 CERES Member/Concession


Melbourne Open Buildings – get involved! 24 – 25 July 2010

June 2, 2010

Every year, some of Melbourne’s most amazing buildings open their secret recesses for the public, but just for one day!  It’s easy to miss out on seeing some of the most intriguing architecture and subterranean design our city has to offer.  I, myself, often miss my coveted building due to being behind-the-times and johnny-come-too-lately.  Not this year!  and nor should you.

Bookmark Open House week and register on their website, or even literally get civic and volunteer some time. Follow the progress of this year’s announcements on their Twitter.

Definitely a unique and fascinating point in Melbourne’s annual calendar of way-too-much-cool-stuff.  So, this year, get into it. :)


Steampunk Extravaganza forewarning: Clockwork Butterfly @ Thornbury Theatre, 9th October 2010

May 13, 2010

Everyone loves a bit of Steampunk, right?  Or so it seems these days what with every bit of technology and clothing having, seemingly, a Steampunk equivalent or adjunct made of shiny brassy retro clockwork stuff.  Want to find out more about how all this Steampunkery looks and works?  There’s a good option coming up later this year, and it doesn’t require you to show up looking like some kind of Victoriana meets Metropolis character:  the Clockwork Butterfly show. Deets below and more to come on their website:


Vampire Con! Sat May 22nd, West Brunswick

May 10, 2010

Something to get your teeth into if you like a bit of Fangtastic entertainment…


Book now for: Melbourne Maths Lectures 2010. Featuring: Rubiks Cubes

May 10, 2010

1 + 1 = 2010 Maths Lecture Series!  They’re back from inner space to cubify your mind for another year.  Here’s the lowdown:

find out more and register  here!

Free Public Lecture Series at Melbourne Museum.
Presented by The Mathematical Association of Victoria
in association with Museum Victoria.

Melbourne Museum
Rubik’s Cube: Solved, once and for all!
Presented by Dr Burkard Polster
DATE: Sunday, 1 August 2010 Burkard Polster
VENUE: The Age Theatre, Melbourne Museum
Nicholson Street, Carlton
Melway reference: 2B J10
TIME: 11:30am to 12:30pm
COST: Lecture Free! Note: Subscribers to MVTeachers can enter the museum free of change. For further details and registration instructions please visit
Students, concessions and children free.
Can you solve the Cube? And no, reading and copying a recipe definitely does NOT count!

How can you actually find such a recipe? How can you solve the cube in 10 seconds? How can you solve it blindfolded? How would God solve it?

Sound interesting? Then don’t miss out on this talk, where all will be revealed. Burkard “CubeMeister” Polster will answer these questions, and will explain how mathematics is behind all the answers.

Mathematics education: Australia’s very own Titanic
Presented by Dr Marty Ross
DATE: Sunday, 15 August 2010 Titanic
VENUE: The Age Theatre, Melbourne Museum
Nicholson Street, Carlton
Melway reference: 2B J10
TIME: 11:30am to 12:30pm
COST: Lecture Free! Note: Subscribers to MVTeachers can enter the museum free of change. For further details and registration instructions please visit
Students, concessions and children free.
The Titanic is of course THE metaphor for disaster, in particular for disaster resulting from professional arrogance. So, we do not see why a critique of Australian mathematics education should, um, miss the boat.

Are things really that bad? Yes. In this talk we’ll explain how and why, and we’ll indicate who to blame (pretty much everyone, including ourselves). We’ll give some advice for students and parents interested in the learning of real mathematics.

Weapons of Maths Destruction
Presented by Dr Burkard Polster
DATE: Sunday, 12 September 2010 Burkard Polster
VENUE: The Age Theatre, Melbourne Museum
Nicholson Street, Carlton
Melway reference: 2B J10
TIME: 11:30am to 12:30pm
COST: Lecture Free! Note: Subscribers to MVTeachers can enter the museum free of change. For further details and registration instructions please visit
Students, concessions and children free.
How was the Second World War won? Many military experts have claimed that a lot of the credit has to go to Polish and British mathematicians, responsible for deciphering the German Enigma code. And we believe them. However, this is just one example where a handful of mathematicians were more effective than thousands in the opposing armies.

Come and find out about some of History’s most destructive mathematical weapons. The pen is mightier than the sword? You bet!

Mathematics and the Magic Box
Presented by Dr Marty Ross
DATE: Sunday, 17 October 2010 Magic Box
VENUE: The Age Theatre, Melbourne Museum
Nicholson Street, Carlton
Melway reference: 2B J10
TIME: 11:30am to 12:30pm
COST: Lecture Free! Note: Subscribers to MVTeachers can enter the museum free of change. For further details and registration instructions please visit
Students, concessions and children free.
Mathematics is commonly thought of as calculations, as explicit formulas which give us definite answers. However, modern mathematics is nothing like this. In reality, our appeals to the Mathematics Gods are seldom rewarded with precise solutions. Rather, the Gods respond: “We cannot tell you the answer, but the answer is definitely somewhere in this Magic Box”.

In this talk we’ll describe the Magic Box and whence it came. We’ll explain how mathematicians make do with the Gods’ strange blessing, and why in fact the Gods can provide nothing more.

About the Lecturers:

Burkard Polster and Marty Ross are Melbourne’s tag team of mathematics. They write the Maths Masters column for The Education Age, appear at schools, and do whatever they can to convince whoever they can that mathematics is beautiful and fun. All their activities can be checked out at

These really are world class public lectures. And to make them work for such a diverse audience is a splendid achievement.
Dr Max Stephens, MAV Life Member.

Burkard Polster is a maths lecturer, and Monash University’s resident Mathemagician, mathematical juggler, origami expert, bubble-master, shoelace charmer, and Count von Count impersonator. When he is not doing fun mathematics he has fun investigating perfect mathematical universes.

Marty Ross is a mathematical bum. At the age of 2, he ran away from America to join the circus. After some controversy involving an elephant, he returned to America to do his PhD on minimal surfaces at Stanford University. After a stint at Rice University, he came back to Australia. Since then, he has wandered from Maths Department to Maths Department, aimless but happy.


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