Posts Tagged ‘peril underground’


Peril Underground – now on Facebook for your convenience…

August 16, 2010

It is pretty evident that many of you who would like to contact Peril Underground aren’t sure how to do so.  Obviously their phone number is in my post.  But if you prefer the Power Of Teh Interwebs they have a facebook page here:

Please address any queries about stock, opening hours, consignments, clothes, music, tattoos…etc etc direct to Peril Underground via the Facebook page or phone number…



Peril Underground expands CD emporium

June 25, 2008

–break (core) ing news! 

Peril Underground, already featured in this blog, has started having a massive facelift… no mean feat when you’re in the basement with nowhere to go but sideways… The clothing line has definitely sharpened up even more (plus a gussy-up of the actual clothing shelves and layout)  but the big news right now is that Australian gothic/industrial/futurepop importers extraordinaire GUP (Ground Under Productions) have now made a new home for themselves downstairs at Peril, bringing the super-dedicated expertise of Jarod Collard and the outstanding backcatalogue available through GUP in to Peril!  It certainly more than adequately covers what was mentioned as Peril Underground’s weak point: the cd catalogue. 

Just in case you can’t bring yourselves to scroll down: here are the details for Peril again:


 Address: 17-19 Elizabeth St.City: Melbourne

Contact: 03-9614 2040 

Hours: approx 11am  - 6pm daily

Still no website or email address. Although with GUP in the building it can’t be long…



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