Posts Tagged ‘film’


Shadows cinema: new Spring season

October 26, 2011

One of Melbourne’s best-kept secrets… until now. Underground Melbourne are determined to make sure there’s not a spare seat in the house.  Check out the spring season!


More cult cinema = the Westgarth takes up the baton with Cult Vault

April 24, 2011

Shadows Cinema, the Astor, ACMI and the Rooftop Cinema have all flown the flag of cult films, and continue to, for a while. Good news is that the Westgarth, that ever charming delight of old-school cinema, has joined the throng, being a perfect complement to Movie Reel for the home viewer.

Their Cult Vault series screens for $10 a ticket, and the upcoming May theme seems to be chock full of schlock for horror fans. Look at their upcoming films here:

May: Psychomania!

Return of the Living Dead [M] May 5th – 11.59pm

Purchase tickets

The Evil Dead [R18+] 13th May – 11.59pm

Purchase tickets

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre May 20th – 11.59pm

Purchase tickets

Re-Animator [R18+] 27 May – 11.59pm


Vali Myers exhibition, film screening, new book

November 10, 2010

From Outre’s website

I was privileged to meet Vali Myers not once but three times: Once at an exhibition of her work, once in her divine studio in the Nicholas Buiding, and once at Degraves Coffee, where she was a relatively frequent customer.  Vali represented, and represents a unique vision as an artist, and as a woman – and a human – she had charisma, charm, vision and drive and never seemed afraid of the perception of others.  She ran an animal sanctuary in Italy, romanced philosophers in Paris, and finally settled in Melbourne where she produced remarkable works of art for the remainder of her remarkable life.   I can’t stress enough how worthwhile it would be to see the exhibition, the films and of course this new book on the wonderful Ms Myers.  Info below.

November 2010 – Vali Myers “Lady of the Beasts”

Outré Gallery is extremely honoured to be working closely with the Vali Myers’ Trust on a new book on the life and art of Vali Myers slated for 2011

The book will feature paintings, drawings, photographs from Vali’s personal archive, diary excerpts and essays by experts and friends.

As a prelude to this release, we are holding an exhibition of new prints, rare prints and original artworks at our Melbourne Gallery.  We anticipate having interesting guests from all over the world coming to this gala event.  Original artworks will not be for sale.

Vali Myers “Lady of the Beasts”
Opening Friday 12 November 2010, 7pm
(Melbourne Gallery)
RSVP for the opening night here

exhibition runs until 24 November 2010



Vali Myers Films ACMI November 19th 2010, 7-9pm

Out of all the films The Tightrope Dancer’s the one that really got me”  Vali Myers

Acclaimed director Ruth Cullen will present her 2 films about the artist Vali Myers – The Tightrope Dancer and its sequel Painted Lady at a one off special screening at Melbourne’s  ACMI cinema.  This is a rare opportunity to see these cult favourites.


Full Paying $14 / Concession $11

To book, call the ACMI Box Office (03) 8663 2583

Please contact us if you would like to receive email notifications with further information about the book and event…

Media enquiries here.



Banksy film showing @ ACMI for 2 weeks: 03 – 18 June 2010

June 3, 2010

A flying visit for the Banksy street-art film ‘Exit Through The Gift Shop’.  Especially in the light of MCC’s recent daft erasing of one of our last public Banksy pieces, this is as close as many fans will get to his work for a while. The film has shown across the world in a number of exotic locations, with the premiere in London being shown in an underground disused bunker.  ACMI, although far more normalised a venue, has screens and sound which should do the film justice.  See it if you can!

More information from ACMI below:

Street art goes celluloid

Feature Image Banksy keeps to the shadows

What exactly are we looking at here?

Exit Through the Gift Shop
is a Banksy film – Bansky being the elusive street artist who has tattooed walls from London to Hosier Lane, marking up public space with his satirical stencils and blurring the line between vandalism and invaluable cultural commentary. He has spray-painted British coppers embracing and rats under parachutes; he has written sky-high messages for downtrodden commuters; he has glued idyllic pictures to the West Bank barrier. No doubt about it, the man is a legend, and no less for his anonymity than his art. In almost twenty years of street art activism, Banksy’s true identity has remained a mystery (a much easier way to break the law). He has carefully guarded his personal particulars while encouraging speculation with bold, highly visible gestures, like hanging his own work in the Louvre and distributing counterfeit bank notes featuring Princess Diana instead of Queen Elizabeth (issued by the ‘Banksy of England’). As his stunts have gotten bigger, the evasive Banksy has become more and more fascinating, and Exit Through the Gift Shop could be his biggest stunt yet. It’s a film by Banksy, but it’s not really about Banksy. It’s about a crazy guy called Thierry Guetta, who became obsessed with Banksy. And it’s about the art world, which became obsessed with Thierry Guetta. The thing is, some people think Banksy IS Thierry Guetta. In which case, Exit Through the Gift Shop really is a film about Banksy. This is pure speculation, but he is one crafty mother duckster. I wouldn’t put it past him.

Exit Through the Gift Shop is screening exclusively at ACMI from Thursday 3 to Friday 18 June. Click here for session times.


Under Ground Cinema – coming to a surprise venue soon!

April 1, 2010

For those of you who have been yearning for unusual cinema spaces but don’t like to settle on just one, Under Ground Cinema may just be the new crew for you!

Staging cinema events in an everchanging undisclosed venue, this is a cinema idea all about adventure, excitement, mystery and the love of film.

Their website explains the following:

Taking cinema out of the cinema

Underground Cinema is a secret film screening event held in undisclosed locations throughout Melbourne. It could happen anywhere; a warehouse, a forgotten ballroom, a carpark. We believe that predictable is boring – so we’ve made our locations secret and we’re keeping the films’ identity a mystery too – just to keep you guessing.

We’re not about your average multiplex experience. Arriving at our locations is like walking onto a film set, with live performances recreating elements of the movie you’re about to see. The team here believe that sometimes you have to shake things up a bit and have a little fun doing it. Who we are isn’t all that important. What we are doing is taking cinema out of the cinema and inviting you along for the ride. You in?

Their next event is on the 18th of April so if you like your cinema with a side serve of adventure and entertainment, check out an event where what you don’t see is what you get….

Date: Sunday, 18th April 2010

Time: 4.00pm

Price: $30

Dress: Backpacker

Bring: Your passport and a toothbrush

Film Genre: Comedy/Arthouse

for more details go to their website.


Shadows Cinema – Catch it before the lights go up

August 18, 2009


Six cinematic dissertations on the proposal: people ain’t no good even when they’re god.
With a selection of short subjects.

Do you miss cinemas like the Lumiere, the Carlton Movie House and the Valhalla as much as I do? Well come along to Shadows, a screening of unusual and locally unavailable films every Friday over winter. Bursting with opinions? Stay afterward for good music and a drink at the bar.

The Place:

ABC Gallery is an ex warehouse/factory set deep in the heart of auld Collingwood, now serving as a Gallery for the painter Milos Manojlovic who also serves fine drinkables and worldly wisdom at the bar.

ABC Gallery 127 Campbell St Collingwood (See map at end of post or follow link to Google Maps with street view picture of the Gallery)
Melway Ref. 2C G8

Dvds projected on to a white wall. A selection of couches and tables. A bar with reasonable prices and a coffee machine.

All of these films will be accompanied by shorts. No shorts, no film.

“This ain’t multiplex, this is gold class art house!” — David Bowie, Diamond Dogs (paraphrase).

All that for a gold coin donation?
“Holy guacamole in a bowl of ravioli!” Pope Pius XV Celestine Decree


Ufologists take note: Spiritual Cinema is here!

June 1, 2009

This is a notice I received for a cinema group with a difference… those into UFOs and conspiracy culture: this might be the cinema night for you!


Announcing a new Meetup for Truth Consciousness Cinema Group!


When: July 4, 2009 6:00 PM

Price: AUD15.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: CONTACT HAS BEGUN 3 FILMS 1 NIGHT 6 HOURS + 316 ALIEN UFO’s Saturday 4th July 2009 @ Glitchbar + Cinema $15.00 | 6:00pm – 12:00pm Contact Kelly: 0402 509 247 |

More Information:

Join Truth Consciousness Cinema Group in a night of Alien and UFO exploration.

Front Bar: 630pm  STAR DREAMS STAR DREAMS, the movie is a precocious attempt at making definitions in the crop circle debate by illuminating various perspectives and insights gained by the major researchers in the field. This feature documentary by Genesis Communications on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia seeks to present the latest circles, for all to see, by lifting them off the fields so to speak and putting them into public imagination through the medium of television and video release and public screenings. To date, there have been almost 11,000 recorded crop circles world-wide since 1980. There is a consensus among researchers that a higher intelligence is sending a communiqué to us. How are we to respond to this? By closing up, or opening up to these remarkable phenomena at this point in human history.

Robert Nichol’s take on it: “Crop Circles are the realization of a higher consciousness presented to humanity at this time to aid in a universal awakening to higher dimensions of being.”

Main Cinema: 730pm JZ KNIGHT IN UFO’S – Understanding our brains’ connection to alien life JZ Knight’s remarkable insights on UFOs and alien contact presented in this film bring the discussion of this subject to a whole new level: 1.What is the common ground that connects us to intelligent life scattered across space? 2.How does our brain work differently or similarly to theirs? 3.How come some people see UFOs and others do not? What is happening at a neurological level? 4.What UFO technology has quantum physics unraveled? What about time and timelines of possibility? 5.What can we do to advance forward as a civilization to meet our “future Now” and reach for the stars? JZ Knight’s multiple experiences of going through the tunnel or wormhole while channeling Ramtha, similar to near-death experiences, have given her a unique framework for understanding these questions. JZ Knight on UFOs is a candid and exciting DVD presentation of her knowledge, originally recorded live at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment for the Extraterrestrial Civilizations & World Peace Conference held in Hawaii in June 2006.

Main Cinema: 930pm CONTACT HAS BEGUN “Contact Has Begun” is a documentary that DCT Enterprises LLC has done on James Gilliland. James has had contact with ETs and “off worlders”. The film also covers near death experiences, orbs, and the topic of coming Earth changes. Changes that will effect each and everyone of us. This film delivers a message that will change your world. • Earth Changes – the ones the Mainstream knows about but won’t address (even though scientists present compelling evidence that BIG changes are coming in the next two years – and that’s what our benevolent ET friends are concerned about as well). • SEE GENUINE FOOTAGE OF UFOs over James’ Trout Lake Sanctuary in Washington state. • See them “power up” in response to people on the ground – and learn how you can experience this too. • Learn how to film UFOs yourself. “Anyone can do it,” says James. • See an awesome fleet of UFOs filmed over Mexico. • See experts and authors reveal secrets of ancient history…AND coming earth changes. • Learn about UFOs literally turning off Nuclear Weapons. • Get a hint from Astronaut Gordon Cooper – he chased UFOs himself. • Understand – through superb animations – the effects of ice melt at the north and south poles. • See what will happen to our planet when the sun erupts – possibly as soon as 2010. • Learn who the “good guys” are, and where they come from – PLUS see photographs of their inter-dimensional craft.

Learn more here:


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