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Official: Former Secretary's Of State Rice, Powell Sent Classified Emails From Personal Account | 2016-02-04
UN troops 'abused at least eight women and girls' in Central African Republic
The Guardian | 2016-02-04
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Trump leaves drama options open vis-a-vis Fox News March debate
Trump leaves drama options open vis-a-vis Fox News March debate
This afternoon, Fox News announced details for a March 3 Republican presidential debate in Detroit....
Helpful and dying
Helpful and dying
Cable news rules! That would appear to be the lesson of the chart above, from a just-released Pew...
What One Muslim Woman Had to Say About the Future of Islam in America After ...
What One Muslim Woman Had to Say About the Future of Islam in America After ...
"Visiting a mosque is important. But it's just one part of addressing islamaphobia," said Khadija...
Man Who Tried to Create Misogyny Movement Cancels Events Out of Fear for Attendees' Safety
Man Who Tried to Create Misogyny Movement Cancels Events Out of Fear for Attendees' Safety
Daryush Valizadeh says he doesn't feel safe. Someone call a wahmbulance. Sometimes, irony is so...
Doing the Honorable Thing in New Hampshire
Doing the Honorable Thing in New Hampshire
New Hampshire may well be the end of the campaign trail for more GOP hopefuls, as Iowa was for Rand...
A discredited Bill O’Reilly lambastes CNN reporting on the Iowa caucuses
A discredited Bill O’Reilly lambastes CNN reporting on the Iowa caucuses
Just what did CNN do to draw such condemnation from the King of Cable News? On his program last...
Tech Emperor and Billionaire Elon Musk Personally Cancels Customer's Order Over 'Rude' Post
Tech Emperor and Billionaire Elon Musk Personally Cancels Customer's Order Over 'Rude' Post
Technology now allows for tech CEOs to express Napoleon complexes right down to the level of the...