Innichen - San Candido - Official video (Hochpustertal - Südtirol / Alta Pusteria - Alto Adige)
Innichen im Hochpustertal bietet Abwechslung, egal wonach man sucht: Tradition, Moderne und Vielfältigkeit vereint mit Gastfreundlichkeit und Wohlfühlatmosph...
Sommerrodelbahn Innichen Haunold Südtirol 2014 - Alpine Roller Coaster
Südtirol Innichen Haunold Sommerrodelbahn 2014 South Tyrol Innichen Haunold Fun Ride 2014 filmed with GoPro, cutted with iMovie.
Mitternachtseinlage der 5. Klasse WFO Innichen 2014
Mitternachtseinlage der 5. Klasse WFO Innichen, 4. Oktober 2014
Matthias von Wenzl, Daniel Dapoz, Hannes Tiefenthaler, Lukas Zwigl, Roland Tschurtschenthaler, Thomas Seiwald (© by FAR HD - Armin Rogger)
Innichen/San Candido (I-Südtirol) Stiftskirche St.Candidus: Festgeläut
"Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott"
Dieser Spruch beschreibt wohl am besten die romanische Stiftskirche St.Candidus zu Innichen im Pustertal.
Im mächtigen Glockenturm findet sich ein beeindruckendes sechstimmiges Geläut cis'-d'-f'-g'-c''-f''. Dieses Geläut passt dank des Halbtones und dem daraus resultierenden melancholischen Charakter sehr gut zu dem fast 1000 Jahre alten Kirchenbau. Dabei stammen
San Candido - Innichen - Südtirol - HD
San Candido - Innichen - Südtirol - HD Regione Trentino-Alto Adige Provincia Bolzano Trentino-Südtirol Bozen (Südtirol) Italien Produced by Weinhofer Elisabeth.
Acquafun Innichen/S.Candido-Dolomiti Mountain Sports
eBikeWM 2015 @San Candido-Innichen
eBike World Championships - June 2015
in San Candido - Innichen - Dolomiti
Thx to Surface 604 for the drone shots!
Cavallino Bianco Innichen
Il Cavallino Bianco a San Candido- un’ oasi per le famiglie
Nel Cuore dell’incantevole scenario dolomitico, l’Albergo Cavallino Bianco, che governa il centro di San Candido, è la residenza ideale per una vacanza in famiglia.
Fotografia e Montaggio Michele Colman
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy
Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. Innichen Abbey It is...
Funbob San Candido - Innichen
Funbob a San Candido in Alta Pusteria
Comodamente in seggiovia si raggiunge la stazione a monte Baranci a San Candido. Dopo, tuttavia, se volete giungere in valle lungo la pista estiva per slittini, la più lunga pista estiva per slittini in Italia, è finita la pace e inizia una vera e propria emozione. Alla velocità massima di 40 km / h oppure 10 m / sec si supera un percorso lungo ben 1.750 m. Qu
Drauradweg Innichen-Lienz: Grenzenloses Radvergnügen
Der Drauradweg Innichen-Lienz ist einer der populärsten grenzüberschreitenden Radfahrwege Europas. Jedes Jahr genießen ca. 120.000 Radsportbegeisterte grenzenloses Fahrvergnügen im Südtiroler und Osttiroler Pustertal. Vor allem bei Familien und Radneulingen ist der Drauradweg populär. Entlang der 44 km langen Radetappe zwischen Innichen und Lienz legt man idyllische 500 Höhenmeter bergab zurück, z
Radtour Innichen nach Lienz - Sony HX20V
Radtour Innichen nach Lienz Radtour: Innichen / S. Candido, Winnebach / Prato alla Drava, Tassenbach, Strassen, Strassen-Hof, Abfaltersbach, Mittewald, Assli...
Sommerrodelbahn Innichen (Funbob Haunold)
Die 1. Sommerrodelbahn Südtirols. Fahrt am 11. August 2012.
Adventure Outdoor Innichen | Parkour Exibition | Side Motion Crew
The Side Motion Crew travel in San Candido for 3 days of exibition for the Adventure Outdoor Fest for extreme sports. We had an exibition with a collaboration of David Fanelli from Bolzano!!!
See our video and subscrive!
San Candido / Innichen
Von/Da Innichen nach/a Sexten/Sesto 27.12.2013
Fahrt von Innichen nach Sexten, nachdem die Sperre aufgehoben worden ist.
Innichen Gate
AUDI FIS Skicross Worldcup Innichen San Candido
Welcome to San Candido/Innichen Skicross FIS World Cup.. We are very excited about organizing the FIS SKICROSS world cup races before Christmas.
Innichen Miniwhip reception
Reception test with a homemade Miniwhip (PA0RDT project) between 270 and 14 kHz converted on 28 MHz. The antenna is mounted on top of a 3 mrs fiberglass pole and it doesn't use ground rod. In front to the receiver I use a suitable homemade up-converter (with SO42P). The place where I tested this set-up was above San Candido (Innichen) in South-Tirol, 4 Km away from italian and austrian border line
Wirtschaftsgespräche 2014 - WFO Innichen
Am Freitag, den 28.11.2014, fanden im Josef-Resch-Haus in Innichen die WFO Wirtschaftsgespräche statt.
Unter dem Titel „Servus Südtirol-Willkommen Österreich, wenn Arbeitgeber abwandern-Zukunftsperspektiven für junge Schüler und Arbeitnehmer“, fand eine Podiumsdiskussion mit 5 namhaften Unternehmern statt:
Franz Senfter - Präsident Senfter Holding AG, Grandi Salumifici Italiani, Modena (ca. 195
29.08.2015 Sonnenaufgang in Innichen / Sorgere del sole a San Candido
AUDI FIS SKI CROSS World Cup Innichen/San Candido (official promo 2014)
Official promo for the Ski Cross World Cup in Innichen/San Candido 2014. This year's races take place on 20th and 21st Dec. 2014.
Get ready for some ski cross action!
Glinzhof Bauernhof Urlaub Innichen Dolomiten Südtirol Roter Hahn
Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof auf höchsten Niveau in Südtirol gegenüber den Dolomiten!
Innichen - San Candido - Official video (Hochpustertal - Südtirol / Alta Pusteria - Alto Adige)
Innichen im Hochpustertal bietet Abwechslung, egal wonach man sucht: Tradition, Moderne und Vielfältigkeit vereint mit Gastfreundlichkeit und Wohlfühlatmosph......
Innichen im Hochpustertal bietet Abwechslung, egal wonach man sucht: Tradition, Moderne und Vielfältigkeit vereint mit Gastfreundlichkeit und Wohlfühlatmosph...
wn.com/Innichen San Candido Official Video (Hochpustertal Südtirol Alta Pusteria Alto Adige)
Innichen im Hochpustertal bietet Abwechslung, egal wonach man sucht: Tradition, Moderne und Vielfältigkeit vereint mit Gastfreundlichkeit und Wohlfühlatmosph...
Sommerrodelbahn Innichen Haunold Südtirol 2014 - Alpine Roller Coaster
Südtirol Innichen Haunold Sommerrodelbahn 2014 South Tyrol Innichen Haunold Fun Ride 2014 filmed with GoPro, cutted with iMovie....
Südtirol Innichen Haunold Sommerrodelbahn 2014 South Tyrol Innichen Haunold Fun Ride 2014 filmed with GoPro, cutted with iMovie.
wn.com/Sommerrodelbahn Innichen Haunold Südtirol 2014 Alpine Roller Coaster
Südtirol Innichen Haunold Sommerrodelbahn 2014 South Tyrol Innichen Haunold Fun Ride 2014 filmed with GoPro, cutted with iMovie.
Mitternachtseinlage der 5. Klasse WFO Innichen 2014
Mitternachtseinlage der 5. Klasse WFO Innichen, 4. Oktober 2014
Matthias von Wenzl, Daniel Dapoz, Hannes Tiefenthaler, Lukas Zwigl, Roland Tschurtschenthaler, ...
Mitternachtseinlage der 5. Klasse WFO Innichen, 4. Oktober 2014
Matthias von Wenzl, Daniel Dapoz, Hannes Tiefenthaler, Lukas Zwigl, Roland Tschurtschenthaler, Thomas Seiwald (© by FAR HD - Armin Rogger)
wn.com/Mitternachtseinlage Der 5. Klasse Wfo Innichen 2014
Mitternachtseinlage der 5. Klasse WFO Innichen, 4. Oktober 2014
Matthias von Wenzl, Daniel Dapoz, Hannes Tiefenthaler, Lukas Zwigl, Roland Tschurtschenthaler, Thomas Seiwald (© by FAR HD - Armin Rogger)
- published: 08 Oct 2014
- views: 287
Innichen/San Candido (I-Südtirol) Stiftskirche St.Candidus: Festgeläut
"Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott"
Dieser Spruch beschreibt wohl am besten die romanische Stiftskirche St.Candidus zu Innichen im Pustertal.
Im mächtigen Glocken...
"Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott"
Dieser Spruch beschreibt wohl am besten die romanische Stiftskirche St.Candidus zu Innichen im Pustertal.
Im mächtigen Glockenturm findet sich ein beeindruckendes sechstimmiges Geläut cis'-d'-f'-g'-c''-f''. Dieses Geläut passt dank des Halbtones und dem daraus resultierenden melancholischen Charakter sehr gut zu dem fast 1000 Jahre alten Kirchenbau. Dabei stammen zwei Glocken noch aus dem Spätmittelalter, Im Jahre 1556 gossen die Tiroler Glockengießer Glocken für St. Candidus, von denen heute noch die Glocken [3+6] erhalten sind. Glocke [3] war lange Jahre wegen eines Risses abgestellt. Seit 2011 läutet sie wieder. Die 1950 beschaffte Ersatzglocke steht seitdem unter der Glockenstube (3:30). Im Jahre 1922 wurden die im ersten Weltkrieg zerstörten Glocken [2+4+5] von Luigi Colbacchini in Trient neu gegossen.
Das eigentliche Highlight des Geläuts ist allerdings die Große Glocke, gegossen im Jahre 1701 von Georg Grassmayr in Brixen. Diese Glocke muss als außerordentlich gelungen angesehen werden.
2:35 Glocke 6: Gregor Löffler 1556 -f''
2:50 Glocke 5: L. Colbacchini 1922 -c''
3:10 Glocke 4: L. Colbacchini 1922 -g'
3:30 Glocke 3: Gregor Löffler 1556 -f'
3:50 Glocke 2: L.Colbacchini 1922 -d'
4:10 Glocke 1: Grassmayr/Brixen 1701 -cis'
4:25 Vollgeläut
Im Rahmen des Einbaus der Glocke [3] wurde die gesamte Anlage umfassend saniert. Teile des alten Glockenstuhles und die Gegenpendelanlage wurden überarbeitet.
Die heutige Stiftskirche des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters zu Innichen wurde um 1143 begonnen und nach einem Brand gegen 1280 fertiggestellt. Der Glockenturm ist etwas jünger und wurde um das Jahr 1326 erbaut. Bis heute zeigt sich die Kirche noch in schlichter romanischer Schönheit. Besonders beeindruckend sind die Vierung und die Krypta.
Ich möchte mich bei allen Beteiligten für die Ermöglichung der Aufnahme herzlich bedanken !
This Video presents the peal of Innichen/S.Candido (South Tyrol).
wn.com/Innichen San Candido (I Südtirol) Stiftskirche St.Candidus Festgeläut
"Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott"
Dieser Spruch beschreibt wohl am besten die romanische Stiftskirche St.Candidus zu Innichen im Pustertal.
Im mächtigen Glockenturm findet sich ein beeindruckendes sechstimmiges Geläut cis'-d'-f'-g'-c''-f''. Dieses Geläut passt dank des Halbtones und dem daraus resultierenden melancholischen Charakter sehr gut zu dem fast 1000 Jahre alten Kirchenbau. Dabei stammen zwei Glocken noch aus dem Spätmittelalter, Im Jahre 1556 gossen die Tiroler Glockengießer Glocken für St. Candidus, von denen heute noch die Glocken [3+6] erhalten sind. Glocke [3] war lange Jahre wegen eines Risses abgestellt. Seit 2011 läutet sie wieder. Die 1950 beschaffte Ersatzglocke steht seitdem unter der Glockenstube (3:30). Im Jahre 1922 wurden die im ersten Weltkrieg zerstörten Glocken [2+4+5] von Luigi Colbacchini in Trient neu gegossen.
Das eigentliche Highlight des Geläuts ist allerdings die Große Glocke, gegossen im Jahre 1701 von Georg Grassmayr in Brixen. Diese Glocke muss als außerordentlich gelungen angesehen werden.
2:35 Glocke 6: Gregor Löffler 1556 -f''
2:50 Glocke 5: L. Colbacchini 1922 -c''
3:10 Glocke 4: L. Colbacchini 1922 -g'
3:30 Glocke 3: Gregor Löffler 1556 -f'
3:50 Glocke 2: L.Colbacchini 1922 -d'
4:10 Glocke 1: Grassmayr/Brixen 1701 -cis'
4:25 Vollgeläut
Im Rahmen des Einbaus der Glocke [3] wurde die gesamte Anlage umfassend saniert. Teile des alten Glockenstuhles und die Gegenpendelanlage wurden überarbeitet.
Die heutige Stiftskirche des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters zu Innichen wurde um 1143 begonnen und nach einem Brand gegen 1280 fertiggestellt. Der Glockenturm ist etwas jünger und wurde um das Jahr 1326 erbaut. Bis heute zeigt sich die Kirche noch in schlichter romanischer Schönheit. Besonders beeindruckend sind die Vierung und die Krypta.
Ich möchte mich bei allen Beteiligten für die Ermöglichung der Aufnahme herzlich bedanken !
This Video presents the peal of Innichen/S.Candido (South Tyrol).
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 51
San Candido - Innichen - Südtirol - HD
San Candido - Innichen - Südtirol - HD Regione Trentino-Alto Adige Provincia Bolzano Trentino-Südtirol Bozen (Südtirol) Italien Produced by Weinhofer Elisabeth....
San Candido - Innichen - Südtirol - HD Regione Trentino-Alto Adige Provincia Bolzano Trentino-Südtirol Bozen (Südtirol) Italien Produced by Weinhofer Elisabeth.
wn.com/San Candido Innichen Südtirol Hd
San Candido - Innichen - Südtirol - HD Regione Trentino-Alto Adige Provincia Bolzano Trentino-Südtirol Bozen (Südtirol) Italien Produced by Weinhofer Elisabeth.
eBikeWM 2015 @San Candido-Innichen
eBike World Championships - June 2015
in San Candido - Innichen - Dolomiti
Thx to Surface 604 for the drone shots!...
eBike World Championships - June 2015
in San Candido - Innichen - Dolomiti
Thx to Surface 604 for the drone shots!
wn.com/Ebikewm 2015 San Candido Innichen
eBike World Championships - June 2015
in San Candido - Innichen - Dolomiti
Thx to Surface 604 for the drone shots!
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 65
Cavallino Bianco Innichen
Il Cavallino Bianco a San Candido- un’ oasi per le famiglie
Nel Cuore dell’incantevole scenario dolomitico, l’Albergo Cavallino Bianco, che governa il centro di...
Il Cavallino Bianco a San Candido- un’ oasi per le famiglie
Nel Cuore dell’incantevole scenario dolomitico, l’Albergo Cavallino Bianco, che governa il centro di San Candido, è la residenza ideale per una vacanza in famiglia.
Fotografia e Montaggio Michele Colman
wn.com/Cavallino Bianco Innichen
Il Cavallino Bianco a San Candido- un’ oasi per le famiglie
Nel Cuore dell’incantevole scenario dolomitico, l’Albergo Cavallino Bianco, che governa il centro di San Candido, è la residenza ideale per una vacanza in famiglia.
Fotografia e Montaggio Michele Colman
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 4
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy
Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. Innichen Abbey It is......
Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. Innichen Abbey It is...
wn.com/Innichen San Candido Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol Italy
Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. Innichen Abbey It is...
Funbob San Candido - Innichen
Funbob a San Candido in Alta Pusteria
Comodamente in seggiovia si raggiunge la stazione a monte Baranci a San Candido. Dopo, tuttavia, se volete giungere in val...
Funbob a San Candido in Alta Pusteria
Comodamente in seggiovia si raggiunge la stazione a monte Baranci a San Candido. Dopo, tuttavia, se volete giungere in valle lungo la pista estiva per slittini, la più lunga pista estiva per slittini in Italia, è finita la pace e inizia una vera e propria emozione. Alla velocità massima di 40 km / h oppure 10 m / sec si supera un percorso lungo ben 1.750 m. Qui, nella parte orientale dell'Alto Adige, il divertimento e l’avventura sono garantiti non solo agli ospiti più piccoli.
Ulteriori informazioni sulla pista estiva per slittini - http://www.altapusteria.com/tempo-libero/famiglia/funbob-san-candido/
Funbob in Innichen im Hochpustertal
Gemütlich geht es mit dem Sessellift bergauf zur Bergstation Haunold in Innichen. Dann allerdings, wenn Sie mit der Sommerrodelbahn Funbob, der längsten Sommerrodelbahn Italiens, ins Tal hinab fahren, ist es mit der Ruhe vorbei und Nervenkitzel pur ist angesagt. 1.750 m lang ist der Parcour, den es mit einer Maximalgeschwindigkeit von 40 km/h oder 10 m/sec, zu bewältigen gilt. Spaß und Abenteuer pur eben, nicht nur für kleine Gäste, ist hier, im östlichen Südtirol, vorprogrammiert.
Weitere Informationen zur Sommerrodelbahn - http://www.hochpustertal.net/freizeit/familie/funbob-innichen/
wn.com/Funbob San Candido Innichen
Funbob a San Candido in Alta Pusteria
Comodamente in seggiovia si raggiunge la stazione a monte Baranci a San Candido. Dopo, tuttavia, se volete giungere in valle lungo la pista estiva per slittini, la più lunga pista estiva per slittini in Italia, è finita la pace e inizia una vera e propria emozione. Alla velocità massima di 40 km / h oppure 10 m / sec si supera un percorso lungo ben 1.750 m. Qui, nella parte orientale dell'Alto Adige, il divertimento e l’avventura sono garantiti non solo agli ospiti più piccoli.
Ulteriori informazioni sulla pista estiva per slittini - http://www.altapusteria.com/tempo-libero/famiglia/funbob-san-candido/
Funbob in Innichen im Hochpustertal
Gemütlich geht es mit dem Sessellift bergauf zur Bergstation Haunold in Innichen. Dann allerdings, wenn Sie mit der Sommerrodelbahn Funbob, der längsten Sommerrodelbahn Italiens, ins Tal hinab fahren, ist es mit der Ruhe vorbei und Nervenkitzel pur ist angesagt. 1.750 m lang ist der Parcour, den es mit einer Maximalgeschwindigkeit von 40 km/h oder 10 m/sec, zu bewältigen gilt. Spaß und Abenteuer pur eben, nicht nur für kleine Gäste, ist hier, im östlichen Südtirol, vorprogrammiert.
Weitere Informationen zur Sommerrodelbahn - http://www.hochpustertal.net/freizeit/familie/funbob-innichen/
- published: 13 Aug 2015
- views: 34
Drauradweg Innichen-Lienz: Grenzenloses Radvergnügen
Der Drauradweg Innichen-Lienz ist einer der populärsten grenzüberschreitenden Radfahrwege Europas. Jedes Jahr genießen ca. 120.000 Radsportbegeisterte grenzenlo...
Der Drauradweg Innichen-Lienz ist einer der populärsten grenzüberschreitenden Radfahrwege Europas. Jedes Jahr genießen ca. 120.000 Radsportbegeisterte grenzenloses Fahrvergnügen im Südtiroler und Osttiroler Pustertal. Vor allem bei Familien und Radneulingen ist der Drauradweg populär. Entlang der 44 km langen Radetappe zwischen Innichen und Lienz legt man idyllische 500 Höhenmeter bergab zurück, zwischen saftig grünen Wiesen und dem klaren frischen Wasser der Drau. Von der Sonnenstadt Lienz retour kommt man am besten mit dem Zug! Die umweltfreundlichen grenzüberschreitenden Bahnverbindungen machen's möglich.
wn.com/Drauradweg Innichen Lienz Grenzenloses Radvergnügen
Der Drauradweg Innichen-Lienz ist einer der populärsten grenzüberschreitenden Radfahrwege Europas. Jedes Jahr genießen ca. 120.000 Radsportbegeisterte grenzenloses Fahrvergnügen im Südtiroler und Osttiroler Pustertal. Vor allem bei Familien und Radneulingen ist der Drauradweg populär. Entlang der 44 km langen Radetappe zwischen Innichen und Lienz legt man idyllische 500 Höhenmeter bergab zurück, zwischen saftig grünen Wiesen und dem klaren frischen Wasser der Drau. Von der Sonnenstadt Lienz retour kommt man am besten mit dem Zug! Die umweltfreundlichen grenzüberschreitenden Bahnverbindungen machen's möglich.
- published: 19 Aug 2015
- views: 23
Radtour Innichen nach Lienz - Sony HX20V
Radtour Innichen nach Lienz Radtour: Innichen / S. Candido, Winnebach / Prato alla Drava, Tassenbach, Strassen, Strassen-Hof, Abfaltersbach, Mittewald, Assli......
Radtour Innichen nach Lienz Radtour: Innichen / S. Candido, Winnebach / Prato alla Drava, Tassenbach, Strassen, Strassen-Hof, Abfaltersbach, Mittewald, Assli...
wn.com/Radtour Innichen Nach Lienz Sony Hx20V
Radtour Innichen nach Lienz Radtour: Innichen / S. Candido, Winnebach / Prato alla Drava, Tassenbach, Strassen, Strassen-Hof, Abfaltersbach, Mittewald, Assli...
Sommerrodelbahn Innichen (Funbob Haunold)
Die 1. Sommerrodelbahn Südtirols. Fahrt am 11. August 2012....
Die 1. Sommerrodelbahn Südtirols. Fahrt am 11. August 2012.
wn.com/Sommerrodelbahn Innichen (Funbob Haunold)
Die 1. Sommerrodelbahn Südtirols. Fahrt am 11. August 2012.
Adventure Outdoor Innichen | Parkour Exibition | Side Motion Crew
The Side Motion Crew travel in San Candido for 3 days of exibition for the Adventure Outdoor Fest for extreme sports. We had an exibition with a collaboration o...
The Side Motion Crew travel in San Candido for 3 days of exibition for the Adventure Outdoor Fest for extreme sports. We had an exibition with a collaboration of David Fanelli from Bolzano!!!
See our video and subscrive!
wn.com/Adventure Outdoor Innichen | Parkour Exibition | Side Motion Crew
The Side Motion Crew travel in San Candido for 3 days of exibition for the Adventure Outdoor Fest for extreme sports. We had an exibition with a collaboration of David Fanelli from Bolzano!!!
See our video and subscrive!
- published: 29 Dec 2014
- views: 113
Von/Da Innichen nach/a Sexten/Sesto 27.12.2013
Fahrt von Innichen nach Sexten, nachdem die Sperre aufgehoben worden ist....
Fahrt von Innichen nach Sexten, nachdem die Sperre aufgehoben worden ist.
wn.com/Von Da Innichen Nach A Sexten Sesto 27.12.2013
Fahrt von Innichen nach Sexten, nachdem die Sperre aufgehoben worden ist.
- published: 27 Dec 2013
- views: 35
AUDI FIS Skicross Worldcup Innichen San Candido
Welcome to San Candido/Innichen Skicross FIS World Cup.. We are very excited about organizing the FIS SKICROSS world cup races before Christmas....
Welcome to San Candido/Innichen Skicross FIS World Cup.. We are very excited about organizing the FIS SKICROSS world cup races before Christmas.
wn.com/Audi Fis Skicross Worldcup Innichen San Candido
Welcome to San Candido/Innichen Skicross FIS World Cup.. We are very excited about organizing the FIS SKICROSS world cup races before Christmas.
Innichen Miniwhip reception
Reception test with a homemade Miniwhip (PA0RDT project) between 270 and 14 kHz converted on 28 MHz. The antenna is mounted on top of a 3 mrs fiberglass pole an...
Reception test with a homemade Miniwhip (PA0RDT project) between 270 and 14 kHz converted on 28 MHz. The antenna is mounted on top of a 3 mrs fiberglass pole and it doesn't use ground rod. In front to the receiver I use a suitable homemade up-converter (with SO42P). The place where I tested this set-up was above San Candido (Innichen) in South-Tirol, 4 Km away from italian and austrian border line.
wn.com/Innichen Miniwhip Reception
Reception test with a homemade Miniwhip (PA0RDT project) between 270 and 14 kHz converted on 28 MHz. The antenna is mounted on top of a 3 mrs fiberglass pole and it doesn't use ground rod. In front to the receiver I use a suitable homemade up-converter (with SO42P). The place where I tested this set-up was above San Candido (Innichen) in South-Tirol, 4 Km away from italian and austrian border line.
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 54
Wirtschaftsgespräche 2014 - WFO Innichen
Am Freitag, den 28.11.2014, fanden im Josef-Resch-Haus in Innichen die WFO Wirtschaftsgespräche statt.
Unter dem Titel „Servus Südtirol-Willkommen Österreich, ...
Am Freitag, den 28.11.2014, fanden im Josef-Resch-Haus in Innichen die WFO Wirtschaftsgespräche statt.
Unter dem Titel „Servus Südtirol-Willkommen Österreich, wenn Arbeitgeber abwandern-Zukunftsperspektiven für junge Schüler und Arbeitnehmer“, fand eine Podiumsdiskussion mit 5 namhaften Unternehmern statt:
Franz Senfter - Präsident Senfter Holding AG, Grandi Salumifici Italiani, Modena (ca. 1950 Mitarbeiter)
Andrea Benincasa - Geschäftsführer Monier AG, Kiens (ca. 350 Mitarbeiter)
Christoph Atzwanger - Geschäftsführer Atzwanger AG, Bozen (ca. 260 Mitarbeiter)
Robert Pohlin - Geschäftsführer Elpo GmbH, Bruneck (ca. 160 Mitarbeiter)
Markus Prugger - Geschäftsführer Nordpan AG, Olang (ca. 120 Mitarbeiter)
Die Moderation führte Eberhard Daum.
Referat der Maturanten der WFO Innichen - Der Arbeitsmarkt in Südtirol/Aktuelle Situation
Fragen der Absolventen der Mittelschulen des Bezirkes Pustertal
Diskussion mit fünf namhaften Unternehmern
Offene Fragerunde
Buffet und Umtrunk
wn.com/WirtschaftsgespräChe 2014 Wfo Innichen
Am Freitag, den 28.11.2014, fanden im Josef-Resch-Haus in Innichen die WFO Wirtschaftsgespräche statt.
Unter dem Titel „Servus Südtirol-Willkommen Österreich, wenn Arbeitgeber abwandern-Zukunftsperspektiven für junge Schüler und Arbeitnehmer“, fand eine Podiumsdiskussion mit 5 namhaften Unternehmern statt:
Franz Senfter - Präsident Senfter Holding AG, Grandi Salumifici Italiani, Modena (ca. 1950 Mitarbeiter)
Andrea Benincasa - Geschäftsführer Monier AG, Kiens (ca. 350 Mitarbeiter)
Christoph Atzwanger - Geschäftsführer Atzwanger AG, Bozen (ca. 260 Mitarbeiter)
Robert Pohlin - Geschäftsführer Elpo GmbH, Bruneck (ca. 160 Mitarbeiter)
Markus Prugger - Geschäftsführer Nordpan AG, Olang (ca. 120 Mitarbeiter)
Die Moderation führte Eberhard Daum.
Referat der Maturanten der WFO Innichen - Der Arbeitsmarkt in Südtirol/Aktuelle Situation
Fragen der Absolventen der Mittelschulen des Bezirkes Pustertal
Diskussion mit fünf namhaften Unternehmern
Offene Fragerunde
Buffet und Umtrunk
- published: 30 Nov 2014
- views: 108
AUDI FIS SKI CROSS World Cup Innichen/San Candido (official promo 2014)
Official promo for the Ski Cross World Cup in Innichen/San Candido 2014. This year's races take place on 20th and 21st Dec. 2014.
Get ready for some ski cross ...
Official promo for the Ski Cross World Cup in Innichen/San Candido 2014. This year's races take place on 20th and 21st Dec. 2014.
Get ready for some ski cross action!
wn.com/Audi Fis Ski Cross World Cup Innichen San Candido (Official Promo 2014)
Official promo for the Ski Cross World Cup in Innichen/San Candido 2014. This year's races take place on 20th and 21st Dec. 2014.
Get ready for some ski cross action!
- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 3
Glinzhof Bauernhof Urlaub Innichen Dolomiten Südtirol Roter Hahn
Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof auf höchsten Niveau in Südtirol gegenüber den Dolomiten!...
Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof auf höchsten Niveau in Südtirol gegenüber den Dolomiten!
wn.com/Glinzhof Bauernhof Urlaub Innichen Dolomiten Südtirol Roter Hahn
Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof auf höchsten Niveau in Südtirol gegenüber den Dolomiten!
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel - Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.
Innichen Abbey
It is located in the Puster Valley on the Drava river, about 120 km northeast of Trento and about 80 km northeast of Bolzano (Bozen), on Italys border with Austria.
As of 2006,
San Candido - Innichen - Sony HX20V
San Candido - Innichen San Candido is located in the Upper Val Pusteria/Pustertal Valley, very near to the Austrian border and has a long history. The abbey ...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was in the town of Innichen (San Candido)...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was in the town of Innichen (San Candido)...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Lienz, East Tyrol - Austria HD Travel Channel
Lienz -- Austria http://blog.myvideomedia.com http://blog.myvideomedia.de English see below Lienz, die wichtigste Stadt Osttirols liegt im breiten Mündungsta...
Travel Guide to the Trentino Province of Italy
Trentino Alto Adige Region consist of two independent provinces, the Trentino (Trento Province) in the southern portion of the region and the Bolzano Province in the north.
Travel Guide - Exploring Janakikadu ecotourism
Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYPdwomiSITynhXpEXPULG4mSPqMYh4QR This edition of Travel Guide features a journey inside Janakikadu ecotour...
Visit Venice, Italy and Trentino Wine Region Travel Tips
Wine Oh TV's Monique Soltani visits Venice, Italy and travels to the Trentino wine region. Watch the video for Venice, Italy travel tips and to learn about some of Northern Italy's finest sparkling wines.
Toblach Travel
Toblach Travel - Toblach (Italian: Dobbiaco) is a comune/Gemeinde (municipality) in the province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, located in the Val Pusteria/Pustertal about 110 km northeast of the city of Trento and about 70 km northeast of the city of Bolzano/Bozen, on the border with Austria.
As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 3,292 and an area
italian travel team Trentino - Italy Guide
The most evident natural monument is the range of the Dolomites, as they represent the scenery and the frame of the region itself. The Dolomites were inscrib...
African Tours and Travel
http://www.farawayvacationrentals.com/view-blog/African-Tours-and-Travel/81 African Tours and Travel - My guide informed me that safari meant 'to journey' in...
Tuscany (Italy) Travel - Agriturismo
A great way to experience the authentic Italy.
Hvar Island Croatia Travel
Hvar Island Croatia Travel - Hvar is an island off the coast of Croatia. The main square of Hvar Gently rolling hills painted a brilliant purple by the ferti...
【K】Italy Travel-Florence[이탈리아 여행-피렌체]르네상스의 중심, 예술의 도시/Duomo Cathedral/Arno River/Canzone/Firenze
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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Rickshaw Travels: Your African Travel Specialists
Rickshaw Travels offers excellence in leisure holidays, business and adventure travel. With nearly 25 years of experience in planning and organising exceptio...
USA and Canada East Coast Travel Book 3
converted from iphoto book video. 2012 10 US & Canada East Coast Book 3 Large.
Welcome to Bali and have a look at Bali Tours and Travel Attraction
Bali is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world and is an island in Indonesia. It has spectacular mountain scenery and beautiful beaches with...
Gorilla Trekking in Uganda – Bwindi Forest National Park
Gorilla Trekking within the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is a highlight of all visits done in Uganda and certainly mountain gorillas are the major reason as to...
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel - Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the...
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel - Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.
Innichen Abbey
It is located in the Puster Valley on the Drava river, about 120 km northeast of Trento and about 80 km northeast of Bolzano (Bozen), on Italys border with Austria.
As of 2006, it had a population of 3,136.[1] According to the 2001 census, 84.84% of the population spoke German, 14.78% Italian and 0.38% Ladin as first language.[2]
San Candido borders the municipalities of Toblach, Innervillgraten (Austria), Sexten, and Sillian (Austria).
It is home to the Innichen Abbey, founded here in the late 8th century and which belonged to the Archbishopric of Freising. The abbey itself was disestablished in 1785, while the surrounding estates were acquired by the County of Tyrol after the Mediatisation of 1803 (Reichsdeputationshauptschluss). According to the Treaty of Saint-Germain terms, Innichen became part of Kingdom of Italy in 1919. Innichen is still the site of a Franciscan monastery founded in 1691.
Enjoy Your Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel!
wn.com/Innichen San Candido Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol Italy Travel
Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel - Innichen is a market town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.
Innichen Abbey
It is located in the Puster Valley on the Drava river, about 120 km northeast of Trento and about 80 km northeast of Bolzano (Bozen), on Italys border with Austria.
As of 2006, it had a population of 3,136.[1] According to the 2001 census, 84.84% of the population spoke German, 14.78% Italian and 0.38% Ladin as first language.[2]
San Candido borders the municipalities of Toblach, Innervillgraten (Austria), Sexten, and Sillian (Austria).
It is home to the Innichen Abbey, founded here in the late 8th century and which belonged to the Archbishopric of Freising. The abbey itself was disestablished in 1785, while the surrounding estates were acquired by the County of Tyrol after the Mediatisation of 1803 (Reichsdeputationshauptschluss). According to the Treaty of Saint-Germain terms, Innichen became part of Kingdom of Italy in 1919. Innichen is still the site of a Franciscan monastery founded in 1691.
Enjoy Your Innichen/ San Candido- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol - Italy Travel!
- published: 10 Aug 2014
- views: 301
San Candido - Innichen - Sony HX20V
San Candido - Innichen San Candido is located in the Upper Val Pusteria/Pustertal Valley, very near to the Austrian border and has a long history. The abbey ......
San Candido - Innichen San Candido is located in the Upper Val Pusteria/Pustertal Valley, very near to the Austrian border and has a long history. The abbey ...
wn.com/San Candido Innichen Sony Hx20V
San Candido - Innichen San Candido is located in the Upper Val Pusteria/Pustertal Valley, very near to the Austrian border and has a long history. The abbey ...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was i...
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was in the town of Innichen (San Candido)...
wn.com/Italy Travel Exploring The Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was in the town of Innichen (San Candido)...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa......
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
wn.com/Italy Travel Exploring The Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was i...
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was in the town of Innichen (San Candido)...
wn.com/Italy Travel Exploring The Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop was in the town of Innichen (San Candido)...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa......
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
wn.com/Italy Travel Exploring The Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa......
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
wn.com/Italy Travel Exploring The Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Italy Travel: Exploring the Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa......
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
wn.com/Italy Travel Exploring The Dolomite Mountains
February 22, 2012 was another absolutely breathtaking day and my friend Andrea and I headed out on an excursion into the Italian Dolomites. Our first stop wa...
Lienz, East Tyrol - Austria HD Travel Channel
Lienz -- Austria http://blog.myvideomedia.com http://blog.myvideomedia.de English see below Lienz, die wichtigste Stadt Osttirols liegt im breiten Mündungsta......
Lienz -- Austria http://blog.myvideomedia.com http://blog.myvideomedia.de English see below Lienz, die wichtigste Stadt Osttirols liegt im breiten Mündungsta...
wn.com/Lienz, East Tyrol Austria Hd Travel Channel
Lienz -- Austria http://blog.myvideomedia.com http://blog.myvideomedia.de English see below Lienz, die wichtigste Stadt Osttirols liegt im breiten Mündungsta...
Travel Guide to the Trentino Province of Italy
Trentino Alto Adige Region consist of two independent provinces, the Trentino (Trento Province) in the southern portion of the region and the Bolzano Province i...
Trentino Alto Adige Region consist of two independent provinces, the Trentino (Trento Province) in the southern portion of the region and the Bolzano Province in the north.
wn.com/Travel Guide To The Trentino Province Of Italy
Trentino Alto Adige Region consist of two independent provinces, the Trentino (Trento Province) in the southern portion of the region and the Bolzano Province in the north.
- published: 03 Mar 2015
- views: 0
Travel Guide - Exploring Janakikadu ecotourism
Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYPdwomiSITynhXpEXPULG4mSPqMYh4QR This edition of Travel Guide features a journey inside Janakikadu ecotour......
Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYPdwomiSITynhXpEXPULG4mSPqMYh4QR This edition of Travel Guide features a journey inside Janakikadu ecotour...
wn.com/Travel Guide Exploring Janakikadu Ecotourism
Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYPdwomiSITynhXpEXPULG4mSPqMYh4QR This edition of Travel Guide features a journey inside Janakikadu ecotour...
Visit Venice, Italy and Trentino Wine Region Travel Tips
Wine Oh TV's Monique Soltani visits Venice, Italy and travels to the Trentino wine region. Watch the video for Venice, Italy travel tips and to learn about some...
Wine Oh TV's Monique Soltani visits Venice, Italy and travels to the Trentino wine region. Watch the video for Venice, Italy travel tips and to learn about some of Northern Italy's finest sparkling wines.
wn.com/Visit Venice, Italy And Trentino Wine Region Travel Tips
Wine Oh TV's Monique Soltani visits Venice, Italy and travels to the Trentino wine region. Watch the video for Venice, Italy travel tips and to learn about some of Northern Italy's finest sparkling wines.
- published: 10 Dec 2014
- views: 3
Toblach Travel
Toblach Travel - Toblach (Italian: Dobbiaco) is a comune/Gemeinde (municipality) in the province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Süd...
Toblach Travel - Toblach (Italian: Dobbiaco) is a comune/Gemeinde (municipality) in the province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, located in the Val Pusteria/Pustertal about 110 km northeast of the city of Trento and about 70 km northeast of the city of Bolzano/Bozen, on the border with Austria.
As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 3,292 and an area of 126.6 km².[1] According to the 2001 census, 86.28% of the population speak German, 13.65% Italian and 0.07% Ladin as first language.[2]
The municipality of Toblach contains the frazione (subdivisions, mainly villages and hamlets) Aufkirchen and Wahlen.
Toblach borders the following municipalities: Gsies, Innichen, Niederdorf, Prags, Auronzo di Cadore, Cortina dAmpezzo and Innervillgraten (Austria).
The prominent mountain peaks, Tre Cime di Lavaredo/Drei Zinnen are located nearby. The Drava/Drau also flows from the nearby mountains; other rivers in the comune include the Rienz-Rienza. SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA
Enjoy Your Toblach Travel!
wn.com/Toblach Travel
Toblach Travel - Toblach (Italian: Dobbiaco) is a comune/Gemeinde (municipality) in the province of Bolzano-Bozen in the Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, located in the Val Pusteria/Pustertal about 110 km northeast of the city of Trento and about 70 km northeast of the city of Bolzano/Bozen, on the border with Austria.
As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 3,292 and an area of 126.6 km².[1] According to the 2001 census, 86.28% of the population speak German, 13.65% Italian and 0.07% Ladin as first language.[2]
The municipality of Toblach contains the frazione (subdivisions, mainly villages and hamlets) Aufkirchen and Wahlen.
Toblach borders the following municipalities: Gsies, Innichen, Niederdorf, Prags, Auronzo di Cadore, Cortina dAmpezzo and Innervillgraten (Austria).
The prominent mountain peaks, Tre Cime di Lavaredo/Drei Zinnen are located nearby. The Drava/Drau also flows from the nearby mountains; other rivers in the comune include the Rienz-Rienza. SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA
Enjoy Your Toblach Travel!
- published: 10 Aug 2014
- views: 301
italian travel team Trentino - Italy Guide
The most evident natural monument is the range of the Dolomites, as they represent the scenery and the frame of the region itself. The Dolomites were inscrib......
The most evident natural monument is the range of the Dolomites, as they represent the scenery and the frame of the region itself. The Dolomites were inscrib...
wn.com/Italian Travel Team Trentino Italy Guide
The most evident natural monument is the range of the Dolomites, as they represent the scenery and the frame of the region itself. The Dolomites were inscrib...
African Tours and Travel
http://www.farawayvacationrentals.com/view-blog/African-Tours-and-Travel/81 African Tours and Travel - My guide informed me that safari meant 'to journey' in......
http://www.farawayvacationrentals.com/view-blog/African-Tours-and-Travel/81 African Tours and Travel - My guide informed me that safari meant 'to journey' in...
wn.com/African Tours And Travel
http://www.farawayvacationrentals.com/view-blog/African-Tours-and-Travel/81 African Tours and Travel - My guide informed me that safari meant 'to journey' in...
Tuscany (Italy) Travel - Agriturismo
A great way to experience the authentic Italy....
A great way to experience the authentic Italy.
wn.com/Tuscany (Italy) Travel Agriturismo
A great way to experience the authentic Italy.
- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 616
author: geobeats
Hvar Island Croatia Travel
Hvar Island Croatia Travel - Hvar is an island off the coast of Croatia. The main square of Hvar Gently rolling hills painted a brilliant purple by the ferti......
Hvar Island Croatia Travel - Hvar is an island off the coast of Croatia. The main square of Hvar Gently rolling hills painted a brilliant purple by the ferti...
wn.com/Hvar Island Croatia Travel
Hvar Island Croatia Travel - Hvar is an island off the coast of Croatia. The main square of Hvar Gently rolling hills painted a brilliant purple by the ferti...
【K】Italy Travel-Florence[이탈리아 여행-피렌체]르네상스의 중심, 예술의 도시/Duomo Cathedral/Arno River/Canzone/Firenze
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
토스카나 지방의 주도는 화려한 역사를 자랑하는 피렌체. 도시의 전경이 마치 과거로 돌아간 듯 고풍스럽다. 유명한 두오모 대성당이 피렌체를 상징하듯 우뚝 솟아 있고 아르노 강이 도시를 끼고 흐른다. 유명 건축물들이 위세를 드러내자 화려했던 르네상스의 중심지에와 있다는 실감이 난다. 관광 명소답게 거리는 사람들로 넘쳐난다. 거리의 화가들이 사람들의 발길을 잡는다. 르네상스 시절 대가의 그림을 베껴 그리고 있다. 미켈란젤로와 레오나르도 다빈치가 활동한 피렌체임을 증명이라도 하려는 것일까? 공화국 광장. 익숙한 노랫가락이 나의 발길을 붙들었다. 이탈리아의 전설적인 테너였던 엔리코 카루소를 노래한 칸초네다. 이쯤 되면 전용 무대가 따로 없다. 광장 자체가 더없이 멋진 무대다. 성악의 나라 이탈리아다웠다.
[English: Google Translator]
The capital of Tuscany is Florence which boasts a colorful history. This adorable old-fashioned views of the city as if returning to the past. As the famous Duomo cathedral and towering symbol of Florence along the Arno river flows through the city. Famous landmarks are the Renaissance and tastes realize that the center was gorgeous characters reveal prestige. Attractions like a street flooded with people. Painter of the street they take the people away. And I copied a picture of the Renaissance era consideration. Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci does want to prove that any activities in Florence? Republic Square. Noraetgarak is held away my familiar. The legendary tenor Enrico was the canzone song for Caruso of Italy. At this point there is no separate dedicated stage. The square itself is Absolutely wonderful stage. Country of vocal dawotda Italy.
[Italian: Google Translator]
La capitale della Toscana è Firenze che vanta una storia colorata. Questo adorabile vista antiquati della città come se un ritorno al passato. Come il famoso Duomo cattedrale e imponente simbolo di Firenze lungo il fiume Arno, attraversa la città. Punti di riferimento famosi sono il Rinascimento e sapori rendono conto che il centro era caratteri splendidi rivelano prestigio. Attrazioni come una strada allagata con le persone. Pittore della strada prendono il popolo. E ha copiato un quadro di epoca rinascimentale considerazione. Michelangelo e Leonardo da Vinci fa vogliono dimostrare che tutte le attività a Firenze? Piazza della Repubblica. Noraetgarak è tenuto via il mio familiare. Il leggendario tenore Enrico è stata la canzone canzone per Caruso d'Italia. A questo punto non vi è alcuna fase dedicato separato. La piazza stessa è assolutamente meraviglioso palcoscenico. Paese di dawotda vocale Italia.
■클립명: 유럽103-이탈리아14-02 르네상스의 중심, 예술의 도시/City of Art/Duomo Cathedral/Arno River/Sing/Canzone/Firenze/Toscana
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2014년 4월 April
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,강,river,stream, ferry, boat, cruise, water,종교시설,church,cathedral, temple, mosk, monastery, religion,건물,architecture,building,음악,music,instrument, concert,유럽,Europe,유럽,이탈리아,Italy,Italia,이태리,김성기,2014,4월 April,토스카나,Tuscany,Toscana,투스카니
wn.com/【K】Italy Travel Florence 이탈리아 여행 피렌체 르네상스의 중심, 예술의 도시 Duomo Cathedral Arno River Canzone Firenze
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[한국어 정보]
토스카나 지방의 주도는 화려한 역사를 자랑하는 피렌체. 도시의 전경이 마치 과거로 돌아간 듯 고풍스럽다. 유명한 두오모 대성당이 피렌체를 상징하듯 우뚝 솟아 있고 아르노 강이 도시를 끼고 흐른다. 유명 건축물들이 위세를 드러내자 화려했던 르네상스의 중심지에와 있다는 실감이 난다. 관광 명소답게 거리는 사람들로 넘쳐난다. 거리의 화가들이 사람들의 발길을 잡는다. 르네상스 시절 대가의 그림을 베껴 그리고 있다. 미켈란젤로와 레오나르도 다빈치가 활동한 피렌체임을 증명이라도 하려는 것일까? 공화국 광장. 익숙한 노랫가락이 나의 발길을 붙들었다. 이탈리아의 전설적인 테너였던 엔리코 카루소를 노래한 칸초네다. 이쯤 되면 전용 무대가 따로 없다. 광장 자체가 더없이 멋진 무대다. 성악의 나라 이탈리아다웠다.
[English: Google Translator]
The capital of Tuscany is Florence which boasts a colorful history. This adorable old-fashioned views of the city as if returning to the past. As the famous Duomo cathedral and towering symbol of Florence along the Arno river flows through the city. Famous landmarks are the Renaissance and tastes realize that the center was gorgeous characters reveal prestige. Attractions like a street flooded with people. Painter of the street they take the people away. And I copied a picture of the Renaissance era consideration. Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci does want to prove that any activities in Florence? Republic Square. Noraetgarak is held away my familiar. The legendary tenor Enrico was the canzone song for Caruso of Italy. At this point there is no separate dedicated stage. The square itself is Absolutely wonderful stage. Country of vocal dawotda Italy.
[Italian: Google Translator]
La capitale della Toscana è Firenze che vanta una storia colorata. Questo adorabile vista antiquati della città come se un ritorno al passato. Come il famoso Duomo cattedrale e imponente simbolo di Firenze lungo il fiume Arno, attraversa la città. Punti di riferimento famosi sono il Rinascimento e sapori rendono conto che il centro era caratteri splendidi rivelano prestigio. Attrazioni come una strada allagata con le persone. Pittore della strada prendono il popolo. E ha copiato un quadro di epoca rinascimentale considerazione. Michelangelo e Leonardo da Vinci fa vogliono dimostrare che tutte le attività a Firenze? Piazza della Repubblica. Noraetgarak è tenuto via il mio familiare. Il leggendario tenore Enrico è stata la canzone canzone per Caruso d'Italia. A questo punto non vi è alcuna fase dedicato separato. La piazza stessa è assolutamente meraviglioso palcoscenico. Paese di dawotda vocale Italia.
■클립명: 유럽103-이탈리아14-02 르네상스의 중심, 예술의 도시/City of Art/Duomo Cathedral/Arno River/Sing/Canzone/Firenze/Toscana
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2014년 4월 April
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,강,river,stream, ferry, boat, cruise, water,종교시설,church,cathedral, temple, mosk, monastery, religion,건물,architecture,building,음악,music,instrument, concert,유럽,Europe,유럽,이탈리아,Italy,Italia,이태리,김성기,2014,4월 April,토스카나,Tuscany,Toscana,투스카니
- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 8
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